Alisha Sahar - Flowers of The World Project

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Flowers of The World Project

You will be choose a country to research that is known for its impact on the floriculture
industry. Your task is to create an extensive research presentation covering many
different aspects of your chosen country. Your presentation may be a PowerPoint or a
Prezi. The length of time you must speak is 4-5 minutes. Don’t fret! You will have plenty
of stuff to talk about if you’re doing this project correctly. You will also need this time to
make sure you get all materials gathered for Part 5 of your presentation.

My chosen country is: _________________________________

My presentation date is: ________________________________

This project will consist of 5 parts.

Part 1: Flower Production

● ·You will need to determine 7-10 flowers that are grown and/or originated in your
● country.
● ·Include 2-3 pictures of each flower species you’ve selected.
● ·Select 1 flower species from your country and describe, in detail, how they are
● Include all the equipment used in the production process as well. For example:
Lavender is grown in fields like corn is. List how the farmer prepares the field,
how they plant lavender (is it done by planting seeds like we do corn or is it done
by setting plants like tobacco is done?), etc.
● ·How does the floriculture industry impact your country’s economy? For example,
the equine industry accounts for $4,000,000,000 in Kentucky’s economy. The
equine industry ranks as the largest cash crop in Kentucky.

Part 2: Wedding Ceremonies and Religion

● ·Select 1 popular religion in your country.

● ·Give a brief description of the beliefs of that religion.
● ·Describe, in detail, how they conduct a traditional wedding ceremony within that
● ·Include 1-2 videos (via, etc) of a wedding ceremony being
conducted for
● that religion.
Part 3: Cultural Music

● ·Discuss the traditional style of music for the culture of your country. Include the
types of instruments they use as well.
● ·Include 1 song (via, etc) that is popular in that country that
symbolizes their style of music. It may not be their national anthem.

Part 4: Meal Etiquette

● ·Discuss how the people of your country eat a meal? (For example: Do they use
special utensils such as chopsticks? Do they sit on pillows?)
● ·What is considered appropriate meal etiquette? (For example: burping after a
meal in some countries is a sign of appreciation to the chef)
● How are flowers incorporated into meals for your chosen country?

Part 5: Let’s Eat! This is the fun part!

● ·List a recipe for a traditional meal that is native to your country.

● ·Create a dish from that meal to share with the entire class. (24 servings)
● ·Teach the class how to eat the meal in the proper etiquette setting for your

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