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Steven O’Neil


M7.4 - Performance Assessment and Rubric

Goal - Students will be able to discuss whether or not the United States should have gone to war

with Great Britain

Role - Writer/Advisor

Audience - Classroom

Situation - After learning about the Revolutionary War and the establishment of the United

States as a new nation, students must weigh the pros and cons of going to war with Great Britain,

again potentially.

Product/Performance - Students can defend their point about why/why not the United States

should go to war with Great Britain.

Standard (criteria for success) - Students are able to argue how and why it is or is not

acceptable for a country to go to war with another country for their own benefit. Students should

be able to bring up examples and evidence to support their claims.

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent

Evidence to support Student provides little Student is able to Student is able to

their claim to no evidence to provide some provide sufficient
support their evidence to support evidence that
argument, and/or their argument and/or correlates to their
evidence has little evidence has some argument.
correlation. correlation to their

Argument Student provided Student provided Student can

little to no argument some accuracy in accurately and
that showed their their argument thoroughly identify
belief of whether the their beliefs that lend
US should have gone to their argument.
to war with Great

Participation Student verbally Student verbally Student participated

participated 0-1 participated 2-4 5+ times.
times. times.

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