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From: Steven Taylor (Lead Yo-yo Instruction Designer)

To: Yo-Corp Research and Development Department

Date: 2/14/2024
Subject: Usability Testing Results for Beginner Yo-yo Instructions
Dear Yo-Corp R&D,

Attached is the results of our usability tests regarding our new beginner yo-yo
instructions. Impressions are mostly positive, but some testers had suggestions based on what
confused them. Provided here is a brief summary of the issues:

- Loop Formation: Users were unsure in the first step whether they had formed the yo-yo
loop correctly when working based on the text alone. The provided diagram helped, but a
better description of the loop forming process would help.
- String Winding Placement: Users found the formatting of the winding instructions
awkward. While it is in the correct place step wise, it would be better to place them at the
beginning of the document, possibly under its own header.
- String Winding Confusion: Users didn’t quite understand how to position their thumb
when winding the yo-yo as detailed in step 3b. A graphic would be useful here.
Alternatively, another method of starting the winding could be taught instead.
- Loop Placement: The instructions do not say where on your finger to tighten the string
around, so some users would end up placing the string on the middle of their finger. We
need to specify the string is tightened around the base of your finger. It does not help that
one of the diagrams used shows the string tied around the end of the finger.
- Warning Before Throwing: The warning used to make sure users check their
surroundings before throwing is too long winded and drawn out. This should be made
more brief and moved to right below the header for throwing the yo-yo.

For more details, please see the attached memo.

Steven Taylor
Lead Yo-yo Instruction Designer
(555) 315-5555 | staylor@yocorp.com
Date: 2/14/2024

To: Yo-Corp Research and Development Department

From: Steven Taylor (Lead Yo-yo Instruction Designer)
Date: 2/14/2024
Subject: Usability Testing Results for Beginner Yo-yo Instructions
Dear Yo-Corp R&D,

These are the results of our usability testing for the beginner yo-yo instructions, or “How
to Throw a Yo-yo”, which we plan to package with every entry level yo-yo sold under the Yo-
Corp brand. The following includes a summary of our findings, a detailed list of all the points
that need to be corrected, and a conclusion detailing what needs to be done.

The instructions had a positive reception from our testers, who noted that the document
was very readable and pleasant to look at. Users were able to follow the instructions, but came
across a few points where they had questions. Most needed clarification of small details, while
others were confused by the wording.

Points for Correction:

These findings were gathered after tests with our 10 participants. We identified 5 main Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or

problems: Formatted: Font: Not Bold

1. Forming the Loop Correctly

Most users were able to form the loop when given the diagram, but 2 noted the written
description did not describe the process to them effectively enough. Some rewriting may
be necessary here to adequately convey what you need to do.

2. Placement of Winding Instructions

3 of our Uusers found the placement of the winding instructions a little jarring, especially
if they did not need the instructions for winding the yo-yo completely. These instructions
could be broken up into separate steps and put under their own header.

3. Confusion with How to Wind the String

When it came to winding the yo-yo, 4 Uusers were uncertain on how to position their
thumb, with some getting their thumb stuck, tied to the yo-yo. When describing their
reasoning, one tester said: “[The instructions] told me to wind the string around my
thumb, and that’s what I did! Now it’s stuck to the yo-yo”. Another diagram showing how
to position your thumb would help alleviate this, or alternatively the instructions could
teach you the method where you roll the yo-yo down its own string to start the
winding.an alternative method to wind the string to avoid the issue completely.

4. Clarification on Loop Placement

U4 of the users were unsure where to place the loop along their middle finger, resulting in
some putting the loop around the middle of the finger. One of the diagrams used also
supports this placement, but it is best to tie the string at the base of the finger. This
diagram should be changed to minimize confusion.

5. Warning Before Throwing is too Long

The placement of the warning is too long winded and jarring in the middle of the
instructions for one user. They remarked that it was “pretty out of place. I get it, don’t hit
people with the yo-yo! I don’t need a whole paragraph for me to understand that!” We
need to shorten the length of the warning and place it under the header where the user
throws the yo-yo.

The instructions we have created will successfully teach someone with no prior
experience how to yo-yo. However, there are a few areas that could do with improvement to
further enhance the usability of our instructions.

Recommendations Formatted: Font: 16 pt, Font color: Text 1

Please consider making the following changes: Formatted: Heading 1, Line spacing: single

- Rewrite the step for creating the yo-yo loop.

- Break up the steps for winding the yo-yo and put them under a header at the start of the
- Create a diagram or photo showing how to position your thumb when winging the string,
or write a step on how to do the alternative method for winging the string.
- Clarify where the loop goes on your finger.
- Modify or create a new diagram for the string positioning, using the proper placement of
the string on the finger.
- Shorten the warning before throwing the yo-yo
- Place the warning near the header for throwing the yo-yo

Provided are a couple mock-ups of our proposed changes:

Moving the throwing warning (Point 5)

Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"

Changing the loop placement in the diagram (Point 4)

Before: After: Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"

Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body (Calibri), 11 pt, Do

not check spelling or grammar

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