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KẾT QUẢ BÀI LÀM Unit: Biên dịch 1 - Bài KT1

Câu 1:
1. Như chúng ta biết rừng có vị trí vai trò hết sức to lớn đối với đời sống của con người. Rừng đã
và đang có ảnh hưởng lớn đến sự phát triển kinh tế-xã hội. (2 marks)
2. Nằm ở Đông Nam Á, Việt Nam là đất nước nổi tiếng có nhiều di sản văn hoá và giàu tiềm năng
du lịch. (2 marks)
3. Một số nứơc trên thế giới luôn phải chịu nạn đói không chỉ vì thiếu lương thực hay nước uống
mà còn vì chiến tranh và thiên tai như động đất, núi lửa, hạn hán, lụt lội. (3 marks)
4. Thẻ tín dụng là một loại tiền đặc biệt, được sử dụng rộng rãi trên thế giới khoảng 40 năm nay.
Thẻ dùng để thay thế các hình thức thanh toán bằng tiền mặt, có tác dụng trả tiền cho các loại
dịch vụ, vé máy bay, mua sắm hàng hóa. (3 marks)
Trả lời: 1. It's said that forest has a vital role in people's lives. The forest has affectedimportantly
to the development of the economy and society.
2. Vietnam, which is in South East Asia, is a famous country for a number of heritageand has
potential for traveling.
3. Many countries around the world always have famine due to not only a lack of foodand drink
but also war and catastrophes like earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts, and floods.
4. Credit card is a special type of currency, it has been commonly used all over theworld for about
40 years. This card is used to pay other cash payments and has an effecton services, airplane
tickets, and shopping goods.
KẾT QUẢ BÀI LÀM Unit: Kỹ năng tổng hợp 3 - Bài KT1
Câu 1: I (1) was walking / walked home from school yesterday when I suddenly (2) was hearing /
heard this really loud noise. It (3) was sounding / sounded like an aeroplane! I (4) was passing /
passed a wall at the time so I (5) was looking / looked over. In the middle of the field I (6) saw /
was seeing a huge, round object – just like a UFO! It (7) was making / made the strange sound
and lights (8) were shining / shone all round it. Then I (9) was realising / realised that the lights
were cameras! Some people (10) were making / made a film!
Trả lời: 1. was walking 2. heard 3. sounded 4. was passing 5. looked 6. saw 7. made 8. shone 9.
realised 10. were making
Câu 2: I’VE BEEN HERE BEFORE! It’s a strange sensation. A new place that seems familiar or an
event that you’re sure has happened before. How many of us have had this experience?
Apparently over 70%. It’s called déjà vu and according to the experts it’s not something new but
has been happening to people for hundreds of years! So, what explanations are there for this
strange feeling that is both confusing and uncomfortable? Some scientists think it is related to
dreams and memory. It appears that although the majority of us cannot recall our dreams, we
actually store the memory of dreams in our long term memory. This deep memory can come back
sometimes when we are in a similar situation and makes us think that we have done this before.
However, as usual, not all experts agree. Those who believe in reincarnation – the idea that we
have all lived before – say that these feelings are fragments of memories from previous lives. But,
whatever the reason for déjà vu, one thing it does show is how complicated and amazing our
brains are and that we are a long way from understanding completely how the brain, and in
particular, how our memories work. Are the sentences true or false?
1. Déjà vu is the feeling that something familiar is unfamiliar. _______ 2. People have been
experiencing déjà vu for the last hundred years. _______ 3. Some people think that déjà vu is
related to dreams we can’t remember. _______ 4. Some people think that this is not our first or
only life. _______ 5. Soon we shall understand how our brains work. _______
Trả lời: 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False
Câu 3: Imagine you have seen an advertisement for your dream job. Write a formal letter applying
for the job. Include the following information: • the job you are applying for and where you saw
the advert • why you are right for the job • your qualifications and/or relevant experience • your
personal qualities • your availability for an interview
Trả lời: Dear Sir or Madam
I have seen your advertisement for a photographer in yesterday's magazine. In this letter I want to
show you why I think I am right for this job. I've finished Photography School in Da Nang when I
was 24. Then war started, so I became a war photographer. After 8 years the war has ended, so I
came back to Ho Chi Minh City and now I am looking for a job with photography. I must say that
I've won some photography awards, wich I enclose in the letter. I am looking forward for your
Yours faithfully,
Nguyen Tan Canh
KẾT QUẢ BÀI LÀM Unit: Kỹ năng tổng hợp 3 - Bài KT2
Câu 1:
1 . ‘I’ve never had such a good meal,’ said Kate. ___________________________________
2. ‘It was a really interesting journey,’ she said. ___________________________________
3 . ‘We’re looking for some new employees,’ he told me. ___________________________________
4. ‘A trip to London will be good for your English,’ Jack told me. ___________________________________
5. ‘My brother doesn’t think it’s a very good idea,’ she said. ___________________________________
Trả lời:
1 Kate said that she had never had such a good meal.
2 She said that it had been a really interesting journey.
3 He told me that they were looking for some new employees.
4 Jack told me that a trip to London would be good for my English.
5 She said that her brother didn’t think it was a very good idea.
Câu 2: USE YOUR MIND How many tablets do you take? We all take tablets for headaches and
other illnesses. But are they really necessary The big drug companies make the drugs and tablets
that we buy to fight our health problems. But could it be possible that many of these drugs and
tablets are only good for the bank balances of the drug companies and that there are better ways
for us to get over our health problems? According to some experts we should use the power of
our minds. Since the 1950s there have been experiments using placebos. Placebos are tablets
which do not have an effect on the body, so they shouldn’t be able to make us better. In the
experiments some patients in the group receive real drugs for a health problem, while others
receive the placebo. No one knows who has the real drug or who has the placebo. In a significant
number of these experiments the patients who haven’t received the real drug get better! People
think this is perhaps because they are thinking positively and believe they will get better – so they
do! So, can we ‘think’ ourselves better? Perhaps the big drugs companies should start worrying!
Choose the best answers.
1. The text suggests that drug companies A. sell drugs that are bad for us. B. sell drugs that are
too expensive. C. make a lot of money.
2. It’s possible that A. we could manage without drugs. B. we could live longer without drugs. C.
we need different sorts of drugs.
3. Placebos A. are tablets for headaches. B. are experiments done since the 1950s. C. should not
be able to cure health problems.
4. In the experiments, A. patients know if they don’t receive the real drug. B. patients know it’s a
possibility they haven’t received the real drug. C. patients know they have been lied to.
5. According to the article A. some people can get better if they believe they will.
B. some people get better if their doctor believes they will. C. some people get better because
they stop taking drugs.
Trả lời: 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A
Câu 3: Imagine you have decided to spend a week at a hotel in a big city. Write a formal letter to
the hotel to make a reservation for you and your family. Include the following information: •the
dates of your stay •the number of guests, and the number and types of rooms you need •ask for
information about the hotel’s facilities •ask for information about where the hotel is and how to
get there • ask for confirmation of your reservation Trả lời: I am writing this email with regard to
room booking in your hotel because I am planning for a short family vacation next weekend. First
of all, I would like to let you know that we will arrive in your hotel at noon Saturday 4[th] Feb and
will depart on 6[th] Feb after lunch time. Therefore we will stay for 2 nights in your hotel. We have
two adults and one 4 year old child. I would request you to offer us a large deluxe room which
has a great view to the seaside. Please could you inform us the room charges during weekend. I
am also interested to know if there are any underwater activities provided by your hotel as my
husband is really into diving under sea. In addition, are there any tourist attractions near the hotel
which we can explore on Sunday? We look forward to hearing from you soon
Yours sincerely,
KẾT QUẢ BÀI LÀM Unit: Kỹ năng tổng hợp 4 - Bài KT1
Câu 1: 1. ‘Where have you been?’ Tom wanted to know ______________. 2. ‘I’ve just handed in my
homework.’ I told him ______________. 3. ‘Is Miss Barker still in the classroom?’ He asked me
______________. 4. ‘She’ll be there for another half an hour.’ I told him ______________. 5. ‘I’m always
late with my homework.’ He said ______________. 6. ‘I’m exactly the same!’ I told him ______________.
Trả lời:
1. Tom wanted to know where i had been
2. I told him i had just handed in my homework.
3. He asked me if Miss Barker still was in the classroom.
4. I told him she would be here for another half an hour.
5. He said he was always late with his homework.
6. I told him is correct.
Câu 2: A GOOD JOB In the past when married couples had problems they usually split up or
continued to live together in an unhappy relationship. These days couples, married or not, can get
advice on their problems from many sources. A lot of them come to me. I’m a counsellor and I’m
trained to listen to couples with problems. Then I try to advise them on the best way forward. One
of my main tasks is to get people to talk – to each other and to me. Often a relationship has
problems because people keep all their feelings inside. If we talk about things, we can often find
an answer. It’s also important to realise that we’re not all perfect. We all make mistakes. But we
need to say sorry and talk about how we can prevent these mistakes from happening again. This
can make a relationship stronger. I don’t always succeed in helping people to stay together.
Sometimes it’s better for the couple to split up and start new lives apart. But it helps everyone if
the break-up can be friendly, especially for any children involved. I love my job. I meet all sorts of
people and it’s generally very rewarding. ARE THE SENTENCES TRUE OR FALSE?
1. The writer advises single people as well as couples. _______ 2. To become a counsellor you don’t
need any training. _______ 3. A counsellor needs to be a good listener. _______ 4. Problems usually
destroy a marriage. _______ 5. Parents who split up should stay friends for their children. _______
Trả lời: 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
Câu 3: Write an informal letter to a penfriend in England. Include the following information: •an
appropriate greeting •an apology for not writing sooner •news about yourself •news about
friends and/or family •Ask questions about your friend •an appropriate closing Trả lời: Hi Helga,
I've been meaning to write to you for ages now so don't worry! How did your exams go? When
will you know your results? I'm sure you did brilliantly as always!
As for me, I'll have been in the new job three months by the end of next week so I'm feeling more
settled in. At first I felt like I had no idea what I was doing but now I realise it's normal to feel like
that. There was a lot to learn – there still is actually – and I soon had to get used to the idea that I
can't know everything. I used to work late a lot and at weekends but I'm slowly getting into a
normal routine. Which means I'd love to come and visit! We really need a good catch up! I can't
believe we haven't seen each other since Carl's wedding. How does next month sound? Anyway,
I'd better get back to work. Congratulations on the new flat! Can't wait to see you!
Love, Linda
KẾT QUẢ BÀI LÀM Unit: Kỹ năng tổng hợp 4 - Bài KT2
Câu 1: 1. I want lots of sun on my holiday. ___________________________________ 2. I’m looking forward
to meeting my sister’s boyfriend. ___________________________________ 3. I need some time to finish
this work. ___________________________________ 4. I’d like to go shopping tomorrow.
___________________________________ 5. Sam enjoys playing in football matches.
___________________________________ 6. She wants a dog. ___________________________________
Trả lời: 1. What i want is lots of sun on my holiday.
2. What i'm looking forward to is meeting my sister's boyfriend.
3. What i need is some time to finish this work.
4. What i'd like is to go shopping tomorrow.
5. What Sam enjoys is playing in football matches.
6. What she wants is a dog.
Câu 2: NOT HERE! Where would you expect to find graffiti? On walls and bridges? Perhaps in
special exhibitions? But probably not all over the front of a historic Scottish castle! But soon that’s
exactly where you will be able to see it! And this is not vandalism on a grand scale. Four graffiti
artists, who are well-respected in their home country of Brazil, have been commissioned by the
owner to completely cover one side of the castle with bright, colourful graffiti. The reason is that
the outer covering of the walls of the castle is in very bad condition and in a couple of years it will
need to be replaced. The family thought it would be interesting to have the graffiti painted on
until then. The artists will be staying at the castle and working on it for a month. After that it will
no doubt become a tourist attraction for visitors to the area. Most local people support the idea
but there have been some negative reactions from people across the country who think it is
completely inappropriate. But the family are convinced that when it is completed people will love
it. They hope they are helping graffiti to be accepted as a valuable and respected art form. ARE
THE SENTENCES TRUE OR FALSE? 1. The graffiti will not be permanent. _______ 2. Artists from
different countries will be doing the graffiti. _______ 3. People living near the castle don’t like the
idea. _______ 4. The graffiti will include scenes from history. _______ 5. It will probably be popular
with visitors. _______
Trả lời: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. True
Câu 3: Write an essay on the topic ‘What is the purpose of art?’ Include the following information:
•an introduction to the topic •2-3 arguments with supporting examples •an appropriate
Trả lời: Art has had a great number of different functions throughout its history, making its
purpose difficult to quantify to any single concept. This does not imply that the purpose
of art is “vague” but that it has had many unique, different reasons for being created. Some of the
functions of art are provided in the outline below. 1. Expression of the imagination. Art provides a
means to express the imagination (things, places, ideas that are unreal or unknowable) in
nongrammatic ways. Unlike words, which come in sequences,each of which has a definite
meaning, art provides a range of forms, symbols and ideas with meanings that can be determined
by the artist. An artist can create visual imagery of mythical animals, religious concepts such as
heaven or hell, fictional places, or other things from their creative mind. 2. Ritualistic and symbolic
functions. In many cultures, art is used in religion, spiritual or magical rituals, performances and
dances as a decoration or symbol of a god or other divine quality. While these often have no
specific utilitarian purpose, anthropologists know that they often serve a purpose at the level of
meaning within a particular culture. This meaning is not furnished by any one individual, but is
often the result of many generations of change and understanding, and of a cosmological
relationship within the culture. 3. Communication. Art, at its simplest, is a form of communication.
Most forms of communication have an intent or goal directed toward other people. Illustrative
arts, such as scientific illustration, are a form of art as communication. Maps are another example.
However, the content need not be scientific. Stories, emotions, and feelings are also
communicated through art. 4. Entertainment. Art may seek to bring about a particular emotion or
mood, for the purpose of relaxing or entertaining the viewer. This is often the function of the art
industries such as Motion Pictures and Video Games. And of course, more traditional art, such as
some paintings and sculptures are simply meant to be enjoyable. 5. Political change. One of the
defining functions of early twentieth-century art has been to use visual images to bring about
political change. Art movements that had this goal—Dadaism, Surrealism, and Futurism, among
others—are collectively referred to as the avant-garde arts. This purpose of art continues today in
many objects aimed at exposing corruption of the ruling class, including government, the wealthy,
and corporations. 6. Social causes. Art can be used to raise awareness for a large variety of causes.
A number of art activities are aimed at raising awareness of AIDS, autism, cancer, human
trafficking, and a variety of other topics, such as ocean conservation, human rights in Darfur,
murdered and missing Aboriginal women, elder abuse, marriage equality, and pollution. Trashion,
using trash to make fashion, is one example of using art to raise awareness about pollution. 7.
Psychological and healing purposes. Art is also used by art therapists, psychotherapists and
clinical psychologists as art therapy. The Diagnostic Drawing
Series, for example, is used to determine the personality and emotional functioning of a patient.
The end product (the art object) is not the principal goal in this case, but rather a process of
healing, through creative acts, is sought. The resultant piece of artwork may also offer insight into
the troubles experienced by the subject and may suggest suitable approaches to be used in more
conventional forms of psychiatric therapy. 8. Propaganda or commercialism. Art is often utilized
as a form of propaganda, and thus can be used to subtly influence popular conceptions or mood
(especially regarding political issues). In a similar way, art that tries to sell a product also
influences mood and emotion. In both cases, the purpose of art here is to subtly manipulate the
viewer into a particular emotional or psychological response toward a particular idea or object.
These are just one writer’s categorization of purposes for art; there are many other ways to try to
organize the diverse and complex ideas of art into artificial categories. In addition, the functions
of art described above are not mutually exclusive, as many of them may overlap. For example, art
for the purpose of entertainment may also be commercial or seek to sell a product (i.e. a movie or
video game).
KẾT QUẢ BÀI LÀM Unit: Lý thuyết dịch - Bài
Tổng câu: 5 Số đúng: 3 Điểm: 6
Câu Trả lời Ghi chú 1 B Đúng 2 D Sai 3 A Đúng 4 E Sai 5 C Đúng
Câu 6: Fill in the spaces with suitable words or expressions. A doctor who worked in a village was
very (a)............. because many people used to stop him in the street and ask his advice. In this way,
he was never paid for his (b)............. and he never managed to earn much money. He (c)............. his
mind to put an end to this. One day, he was stopped by a young man who said to him "Oh,
doctor, I'm so glad to see you. I've got a severe pain in my left side." The doctor (d)............. to be
interested and said, "Shut your eyes and (e).............your tongue out of your mouth." Then he went
away, leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue handing out and a large (f)............. of
people laughing at him. Trả lời: a. surprise. b. advice. c. made. d. had. f. number.
Câu 7: Read the English translations below and decide which methods are used in the transfer of
the Vietnamese sentence. "Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long nghèo vì dân số tăng nhanh" a. The
Mekong Delta is poor because its population has increased rapidly. b. The Mekong Delta
becomes poor due to its fast-growing population. c. The Mekong Delta's poverty is caused by its
overpopulation. d. Overpopulation causes the Mekong Delta's poverty. e. Overpopulation makes
the Mekong Delta poor. f. Overpopulation results in the poverty of the Mekong Delta. Trả lời: a.
The Mekong Delta is poor because its population has increased rapidly. b. The Mekong Delta
becomes poor due to its fast-growing population.
KẾT QUẢ BÀI LÀM Unit: Biên dịch 1 - Bài KT1
Câu 1: 1. Như chúng ta biết rừng có vị trí vai trò hết sức to lớn đối với đời sống của con người.
Rừng đã và đang có ảnh hưởng lớn đến sự phát triển kinh tế-xã hội. (2 marks)
2. Nằm ở Đông Nam Á, Việt Nam là đất nước nổi tiếng có nhiều di sản văn hoá và giàu tiềm năng
du lịch. (2 marks)
3. Một số nứơc trên thế giới luôn phải chịu nạn đói không chỉ vì thiếu lương thực hay nước uống
mà còn vì chiến tranh và thiên tai như động đất, núi lửa, hạn hán, lụt lội. (3 marks)
4. Thẻ tín dụng là một loại tiền đặc biệt, được sử dụng rộng rãi trên thế giới khoảng 40 năm nay.
Thẻ dùng để thay thế các hình thức thanh toán bằng tiền mặt, có tác dụng trả tiền cho các loại
dịch vụ, vé máy bay, mua sắm hàng hóa. (3 marks) Trả lời: 1. It's said that forest has a vital role in
people's lives. The forest has affectedimportantly to the development of the economy and
society. 2. Vietnam, which is in South East Asia, is a famous country for a number of heritageand
has potential for traveling. 3. Many countries around the world always have famine due to not
only a lack of foodand drink but also war and catastrophes like earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts,
and floods. 4. Credit card is a special type of currency, it has been commonly used all over
theworld for about 40 years. This card is used to pay other cash payments and has an effecton
services, airplane tickets, and shopping goods.

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