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in today's society. topic has become an integral part of rising the debate in the present world.

including Viet Nam. in the following essay, i will discuss some of the biggest cause associated
with topic. it widely debated the whether the problem reasonable. personally i agree strongly that
it reasonable. this essay to provide some reasons and relevant example to support my arguments.
before suggesting possiple solutions.
there are both advantages and disadvantages in the . first and foremost. it should be recognized
the problem is very popular. i thing would like to say that is we can find good job anf make a lot
of money. environment pollution and air pollution. this evidence suggests that our arguments
to conclude, topic has a crucial part of our life, this essay argumented that this problem need
care more. it has now been shown that topic. but the best solution to overcome that we need
learn, analyze, prevent bad effect. it expected that this trend will to increa in the future.
everything had two sides and this situation is not exception. therefore, efficient use of topic
should be promoted. however its misuse should be condemned

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