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How solar system/planets made?

The Sun and the planets formed together, 4.6 billion years ago, from a cloud of gas and dust called the solar
nebula. A shock wave from a nearby supernova explosion probably initiated the collapse of the solar nebula.
The Sun formed in the center, and the planets formed in a thin disk orbiting around THE SOLAR SYSTEM

♡ SUN -The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a massive, hot ball of plasma, inflated and
heated by energy produced by nuclear fusion reactions at its core. Part of this energy is emitted from its
surface as visible light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation, providing most of the energy for life on Earth. The
Sun has been an object of veneration in many cultures. It has been a central subject for astronomical research
since antiquity.

THE TERRESTRIAL PLANET OR INNER PLANET (Planets with Rocky surface and Metal Cores)

♡ MERCURY (smallest planet) • Is the nearest planet to the sun.

• It's surface has many craters because it has no atmosphere.

• Mercury have a extreme temperature.
• Mercury minimal gravity is only about 38% of earth.

☆ MOON- 0 ☆ ROTATION - 58 days,15 hours,30 min. ☆ REVOLUTION - 88 days (The fastest planet)

♡ VENUS (the morning and evening star) • Venus is the second closets planet on the earth.

• It is considered as twin planet of the earth,because they have almost same size.
• it is the hottest planet because of its very thick atmosphere made of carbon dioxide, The layer of carbon
dioxide traps the heat and result green house sending temperature of 482°C
•Its clouds are mostly sulfuric acid that gives acid rain.
•The surface of Venus has faults and volcano
•Venus is the closets was the first planet to be studied with space in 1962.
• its gravity is same as the earth.
•its rotates opposite from most planet.

☆ MOON - 0 ☆ ROTATION - 116 days and 18 hours ☆ REVOLUTION - 225 days

♡ EARTH (The living planet) • Earth is the third planet from the sun.

• It is the only planet that life exists.

• Earth is 4.543 billion years old.
• Earth's surface is mainly water.
• Earth rotates at around 1000 miles an hour.
• Earth's atmosphere is made of gases.
• Earth atmosphere burn most of the meteor they reach the earth surface.

☆ MOON - 1 (named luna) ☆ ROTATION - 23 hours and 56 minutes ☆ REVOLUTION - 365 and ¼ days
♡ MARS ( The red planet ) • its surface appears red-yellow because of iron oxide in the soil and dust that
covers most of the planet.
• it has thin atmosphere composed mostly of carbon dioxide,and small amount of carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
• Mars has water in its atmosphere but not enough to condense and form clouds to rain.
• the largest volcano in our solar system named "Mount olympus mons" is in the mars

☆ MOON - 2 ☆ ROTATION - 24 hours and 37 minutes ☆ REVOLUTION - 687 days

ASTEROID BELT - The asteroid belt is a region of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where most
of the asteroids in our Solar System are found orbiting the Sun. The asteroid belt probably contains millions of

THE JOVIAN PLANET OR OUTER PLANET. ( Gas giant and Ice Giant )

♡ JUPITER ( The king of the solar system) • Jupiter is the largest gaseous planet in the Solar System.

• It is more than 11 times the size of the earth.

• The great mass of Jupiter enables it to generate very strong gravitational force.
• Its atmosphere is made up of Hydrogen, Helium Methane, Ammonia and Water Vapor.
• Jupiter has also ring around it.

• Jupiter has at least 63 moons. 《 4 Example of Jupiter's moon 》 ( The galilean moons was discover with
Galileo Galilei).
• Ganymade - Is the largest moon in the solar system. It is bigger than planet mercury.
• Callisto - Has water made mostly of ice and rocks.
• Europa - Has rocks and and thick smooth crust of ice.
• IO - Has an active Volcano. "Jupiter great red spot" It is a counter clockwise rotating storm. The Great Red
Spot is a giant, spinning storm in Jupiter's atmosphere. It is like a hurricane on Earth, but it is much larger.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot is more than twice the size of Earth! Winds inside this storm reach speeds of about
270 miles per hour.The Great Red Spot may have existed before 1665, but it could be that the present spot
was first seen only in 1830, and was well studied only after a prominent appearance in 1879.

☆ MOON - at least 63 moons ☆ ROTATION - 9 hours and 56 minutes ☆ REVOLUTION - 12 years

♡ SATURN ( Most beautiful rings) • Is the second largest planet but has the lowest density.

• It is 9.5 times larger than earth

• It is the gaseous planet with thick atmosphere of Hydrogen, Helium, Methane, and Water Vapor.
• "Titan" is the biggest moon of Saturn.

☆ MOON - at least 31 moons ☆ ROTATION - 10 hours and 39 minutes ☆ REVOLUTION - 29 years

♡ URANUS ( The side ways planet ) • It is 3rd largest planet with 11 thin, dark rings

• Its atmosphere made up Hydrogen, Helium and some Methane which gives the planet bluish-green color.
• Uranus radiates same amount of solar enegy it receives.
• Its axis of rotation is tilted at 84 degrees on its side ways.
• Uranus gravity is little stronger than earth
• "Titania" is the largest moon of Uranus

☆ MOON - at least 21 moons ☆ ROTATION - 17 hours and 14 minutes ☆ REVOLUTION - 84 years

♡ NEPTUNE ( Windy or storm planet) • it is the 4th largest planet in the solar system

• Neptune as a elliptical orbit

• its atmosphere is made up of Methane,which gives planet the bluish-green color
• Neptune has the fastest wind in the solar system.
• "Triton" is the biggest moon of Neptune

☆ MOON - at least 11 moons ☆ ROTATION - 16 hours and 16 minutes ☆ REVOLUTION - 165 years

~KUIPER BELT ~ The Kuiper Belt is a doughnut-shaped region of icy bodies extending far beyond the orbit of
Neptune. It is home to Pluto and Arrokoth. Both worlds were visited by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft.
There may be millions of other icy worlds in the Kuiper Belt that were left over from the formation of our solar

< DWARF PLANET > ♤ Pluto was once our solar system's ninth planet, but has been reclassified as a dwarf
planet. It's located in the Kuiper Belt.Pluto is a dwarf planet located in a distant region of our solar system
beyond Neptune known as the Kuiper Belt. Pluto was long considered our ninth planet, but the International
Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet in 2006.

♤ Eris is one of largest the dwarf planets in our solar system. It's about the same size as Pluto, but is three
times farther from the Sun. The discovery of Eris help trigger a debate in the scientific community that led to
the International Astronomical Union's decision in 2006 to clarify the definition of a planet. Pluto, Eris, and
other similar objects are now classified as dwarf planets.

♤ Dwarf planet Haumea was originally designated 2003 EL61 (and nicknamed Santa by one discovery team).
Haumea is located in the Kuiper Belt, a doughnut-shaped region of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune.Two
teams claim credit for discovering Haumea citing evidence from observations made in 2003 and 2004. The
International Astronomical Union’s Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature lists the discovery location as Sierra
Nevada Observatory in Spain on March 7, 2003, but no official discoverer is listed.Haumea is named after the
Hawaiian goddess of fertility.

♤ Dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It was explored by
NASA's Dawn spacecraft.Dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and
Jupiter, and it's the only dwarf planet located in the inner solar system. It was the first member of the asteroid
belt to be discovered when Giuseppe Piazzi spotted it in 1801. When NASA's Dawn arrived in 2015, Ceres
became the first dwarf planet to be explored by a spacecraft. Called an asteroid for many years, Ceres is so
much bigger and so different from its rocky neighbors that scientists classified it as a dwarf planet in 2006.

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