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Name: __________________________ ( ) Class: ________

Topic 5:
 Transport in Plants

1. The photomicrograph below, Fig. 1, shows a cross-section of a plant stem.

outside stem

Cell A
Pore X

Cell B

inside stem

Fig. 1

a) Identify the following structures: [2]

A: ………………………………. B: ……………………………….

b) Pore X is usually found on the underside of leaves but can also be found on the
stems of some plants. Suggest what Pore X could be.
(Hint: Use the correct singular/plural form)

c) Referring to Fig. 1, describe two differences between the structures of cell A and
cell B. [2]

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………….


2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..


2. State the processes described in the following statements. [4]

Description Process
a) Water molecules move from the soil solution
outside the roots, into the vacuole of the root hair
b) Water molecules move from the root hair cell, then
cell to cell, until they reach the xylem of the roots
c) Dissolved minerals salts move from a region of
higher salt concentration (in the soil solution) to a
region of lower salt concentration (in the root hair
d) Sucrose is transported through the phloem vessels,
from the leaf to all parts of the plant

3. The figure below shows the movement of water through the cells in the leaf.

Explain fully the processes that help in the movement of water through the cells in
the leaf. [6]













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