Contoh Ujian Tes Komputer Dasar

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unflowers say “summer” like no

other plant. American natives,

sunflowers are grown for beauty and

harvested for seed. An

today that have been developed for small spaces

and containers.

Most sunflowers are remarkably tough and easy

to grow as long as the soil is

not water logged. Most are

sunflowers have big, heat- and drought-tolerant.

daisy-like flower faces They make excellent cut

of bright yellow petals flowers and many are

(and occasionally red) attractive to bees and birds.

and brown centers that Sunflowers grow best in

ripen into heavy heads locations with direct sunligh

filled with seeds. (6 to 8 hours per day); they prefer long, hot

all and coarse, the plants have summers to flower well. Sunflowers have long

creeping or tuberous roots and large, tap roots that need to stretch out, so the plants

bristly leaves. Some sunflowers prefer well-dug, loose, well-draining soil; in

grow to over 16 feet in height thoungh there are preparing a bed, dig down 2 feet in depth an

also varietiesas about 3 feet across to ensure the soil isn’t too

I. B. Ms. Word Tabel dan Grafik

Tahun Jumlah Penjualan

o Tro Gramed Salemb M
n pi ia a M 16000
Tahun 157 167
1 2084 1957 12000
2013 5 8
Tahun 354 398 8000
2 3648 2568
2014 5 5 6000
Tahun 256 211 4000
3 4179 3895
2015 9 6 2000
Tahun 367 399 0
4 3975 3679 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2016 8 5
Tahun 279 299 MM Salemba Gramedia Tropi
5 5023 3982
2017 8 3

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