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1. There will 3 rounds of different difficulties- Easy, Medium, Hard
2. Each round shall consist of 5 questions.
3. Each round shall have the following point allocations for each question;
Easy-1point each
Medium-3 points each
Hard-5 points each
4. A question’s time limit shall depend on its difficulty level.
Easy-10 seconds
Medium-20 seconds
Hard-30-60 seconds
5. In case all of the participating teams weren’t able to answer the question due to
lack of time a 10 seconds extension will be given.
*For all other reasons except for the lack of time for hard questions, NO
6. If two or more teams have the same number of points after the game, a tie
breaking questions shall be given. The questions shall have a 60 second time
limit WITH NO TIME EXTENSIONS. If, after the tie-breaking questions, there still
be teams with the same number of points then the winner shall be decided based
on their accumulated points on the HARD LEVEL. A tie shall only be declared if
the teams are still equal after such measures were taken.
1. There shall 5 members per team.
2. Each team shall write their answers on the appropriate medium given.
3. Any member can answer the question.
4. The teams should interact with themselves quietly.
5. No gadgets are allowed to be used. No bags shall be with the competitors.
Only the given cards shall be permitted on the table. No other paraphernalia
shall accompany the competitors.
6. Coaching from the audience is not allowed. Teams shall be disqualified for
violating this even from the first offense.
7. There shall be one supervisor from the faculty per table to ensure honesty
and obedience from the competitors.
8. Teams can only start answering the question after the second repetition.
Violation of this shall be penalized with point reduction regardless of the
answer given.
9. Any other violation of proper conduct shall be penalized duly by the proctor.
Judges/ proctor
1. There shall be one proctor or quiz bee facilitator.
2. The proctor shall read the question loudly for 2 times.
3. The proctor shall decide on any matter or contest alongside with the judges if
there are any.
4. The proctor shall have the final say.

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