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Document Development Exposition: Workplace Correspondence

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

During the planning stages of the Workplace Correspondence, I originally had difficulties as to what I
should write about. I guess my issue here was not looking at the prompt correctly, because
somewhere it said I should write about my usability response. But before that I got confused and had
no idea. I decided that in this project I would write about a topic in relation to the environment, as
my reaktion book topic was Storms. Even though this was a wrong choice, I learned that it is always
important to thoroughly read the prompt and ensure that you have an understanding of it, and know
what to do.

First Draft (for peer editing)

Even though I decided to write my document about the environment, I still had trouble as to what
specific part of the environment I should write about. After looking at my peers and their document,
and looking through current environment issues, I decided to write about the Smog Crisis in Los
Angeles. Even though the crisis isn’t as much of an issue now as it was back then, I still decided to
write about it, as I thought it was an interesting topic. The only difficulty for me here was finding the
right topic. I can say here that it is always good to get inspiration so that you can get your own ideas
and then write about those ideas, as I did something similar here.

Second Draft (for your packet)

The major difference here was that I included an Email in the document. If I remember correctly, in
the original draft, I had forgotten to include an Email alongside the Memo. In the second draft, I
decided to address that issue. I also implemented any necessary changes that were recommended to
me by my peers. I would say my issue here was finding what to include in my document in terms of
finishing statements, and overall, how to address the person I was writing to. I only alleviated this
issue by looking at online examples of Emails and Memos, and from there I was able to triumph
ahead with the packet.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

The final draft required extensive changes with the document because I had written about the wrong
prompt, I had to change a majority of the document along with the formatting of said document. The
work I had to do was the challenge I had to deal with. Out of the 3 packets I would be editing, the
workplace correspondence required the most changes, and would require the most time, as I was
essentially writing a document from scratch. Like my white paper, I was only able to get through this
through perseverance.

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