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Social studies


The Effect of Electronic devices on the children's in

steer town academic performance

Candidate name: Brianna Johnson

Center number:
Teacher's name Mr Hamilton
Candidate School: ocho Rios high school
Table of contents
● Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………1
● Introduction………………………………………………
● Statement of problem…………………………………..
● Reason for selected topic………………………………
● Method of investigation…………………………………
● Design of instruments….…..……………………………
● Procedures……………………………………………..
● Presentation of data……………………………………
● Explanation and interpretation of collected data……
● Statement of Three findings………………………….
● Recommendation and suggestions …………………


First and foremost I would like to thank God who gave me the strength , knowledge and understanding to
complete this school base assignment (S.B.A) and my gratitude family and friends who helped through
every process and step of this (S.B.A)
This S.B.A consists of issues we as individuals face and how that can be solved.
My SBA is based on how devices affect children's academic performances. The
researcher uses strategies/procedures, questionnaires, graphs, appendix etc. Which
made this task possible, having solutions to solve the problems which are affecting
today’s society.
Statement of the problem

How does electronic device cause the children in steer town to act, how does this
affect them and what are the solutions that can be implemented to reduce the
effects on them?.

Rationale or reason for selected topic

The researcher have selected this topic because of the excessive use of gadgets used by children in my
community.The researcher wants to discover ways of improving or changing this habit taken up by
children. Studies have shown that children who overuse these gadgets are less focused academically. The
researcher had noticed that children who have gadgets such as: smart phones, tablets and laptops are
distracted by the various apps present on these gadgets instead of studying. The researcher also noticed
that most of the children in the community have these gadgets. The researcher observed that children in
her community use the internet improperly, watching and downloading adult materials instead of
educational materials. The researcher’s motive is to make suggestions to limit the amount of time spent
on these gadgets by children.

Method of investigation
The researcher plan to use online questionnaire via Google form in order to obtain information for the
This questions as tool for collecting information has numerous advantage and these include:
● Findings would be easier to gather at the end of the investigation
● Takes little to no time
● Doesn't require personal information (ID)
● It reaches large numbers of person


This questionnaire is based on the ways how gadgets affect children’s academic performance. You are
required to read each question carefully and pick a response of your choice.
1 ) what age group do you belong to
[_]7-13 [_] 14-16

2)What is your gender?

[_] male. [_] female

3)How long have you been in the community of steer town

[_]since birth. [_]since recently [_] years ago

[_]don't remember

4)What devices do you own?

[_]smart phone [_] computer/laptop [_] tablet [_] all of the above

5)How often do you use these devices?

[_]once a week [_] everyday [_] 1 hour a day [_] 24 hour a day

6)What do you use these devices for?

[_] educational purposes [_] listening to music [_] playing video games

[_] talking to friends

7)What device is mainly used?

[_]smart phone [_] computer/laptop [_] tablet. [_] all of the above

8) What are the negative impacts of using these devices?

[_] addiction [_] eye damage [_] low academic performance [_]other

How often do you replace these devices?

9)[_] monthly [_] yearly [_] Never [_] other

10) How many electrons devices/gadgets do you own?

[_]1 [_] 2 [_]3. [_]4

11,) how does having these electronic devices such as smartphones/laptops/computers causes the children
to act ?
[_] They are distracted by them. [_] They become antisocial

[_]They have communication problems. [_] Others

12)State the apps mainly used by children on gadgets

[_] Whatsapp [_] Instagram [_] Tik tok [_] Facebook

13)How does having gadgets affect student/children performance in school?

[_] They start to get low grades [_] They improve

[_] They fail many subjects [_]Others

14)Do you believe that parents should take gadgets away from children if they start to fail in
[_] Agree [_] Strongly Agree [_] Disagree [_]Strongly Disagree

15) Do you think parents should play a greater role in monitoring how children use their
[_] Yes [_] No

16) What do you think is the Result of no gadgets among children?

[_]It would improve communication problems
[_] It would result negatively

17) What devices are most popular among children?

[_] smart phone [_] tablet. [_] computer/ laptop

18) if school allowed children to use these devices during school hours what are the effects/
impact of these devices on them

[_]they focus less. [_] they would focus more

[_]cause confusion and results in conflict

19) what section of the day are these devices used?

[_] morning. [_] evening. [_] night

20) What are some possible solutions to help reduce the effects /actions of these children when using
these devices?.

[_] parents should take them away . [_] parents should monitor how their child uses these

[_] parents should lessen their hours of screen time.

[_] parents should teach the children the benefits and effects of using these devices .

These questions will be made by online forms and will be sent out via online to the accepted age person
so that the participants can easily accept it and complete it in little to no time without any problem.

Presentation of data
1)how does having these electronic devices such as smartphones/laptops/computers cause
the children to act ?
60% of the participants said the children are distracted by these devices and 13% Said that
they might become antisocial while the other 26% have selected that they may have
communications problem

2)How does having gadgets affect student/children performance in school

In this question the 73%of the respondents have said that children having these gadgets can
affect them in the way that they may get low grades in school and 20% of the participants have
said that they may fail many subjects while 6% choose other.
What are some possible solutions to help reduce the effects /actions of these children when
using these devices?.

In this question, 40% of the participants have agreed that parents should teach the benefits
and effects of using these devices and the other 40% has chosen parents should monitor how
their children use these devices while on the other hand 30% have agreed that parents should
lessen the their hour of screen time and no participants have selected parents should take them
Statement of three findings
The researcher has conclude based on the research that having these devices caused the children to
distracted and can affect their performance in especially in school in terms of them get low grades .The
researcher has also concluded that from the response of the participants that parents play a role in in
reducing or implementing strategies and or solution to correct the behavior of the children by monitoring
the devices and teaching the child benefits and negative effects of using gadgets.

Recommend and suggestions

These recommendations are base on the results,many of these recommendations are taken from the
internet .These recommendations are done to provide a more effect way helping to reduce children action
and desires to use their devices too much.

1) Parents should create a screen time schedule. Once you've established a screen time
limit, sit down with your children every week and let them figure out how they plan to
use it. A good rule of thumb for everyone is to avoid using screens during meals or within
an hour of bedtime. Otherwise, honor the agreement.
2) Outside of sight, out of mind.Put devices in a place where you or your children cannot
see them. By not having them constantly in front of us, it is easier to forget they exist,
thereby limiting screen time.

3) Outside time , parents should implement recreational activities . By doing this after
keeping the children devices away for a while will get them bored they will have no
choice but to go outside and play lowering the chance of being addicted this will also
keep them busy parents can even let the do chores and they will eventually find pleasure
in doing so


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