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Chapter 8
Quasi (supposedly)
 An obligation imposed by law in absence of any agreement between the parties
Features: -
 It is not an actual contract, but is a legal substitute formed to impose equity between two parties
Forms of quasi contracts
 A person supplying basic necessities to minor / dependents, can recover the amount
from hisproperty
 A person providing goods / services lawfully to another person without having any intention
to dothis gratuitously (unjustifiably), can recover the compensation in case of other person
having enjoyed the benefit of this act
 A person receiving money / any other thing under mistake / coercion, must return it
 An interested person paying the legal obligation of another person is allowed to recover that
amount from that person when other person was bound by the law to pay that amount,
payment isvoluntary and payment was Bonafede (actual) for protection of interests of
person paying the amount
 Finder of lost goods should find the true owner of lost goods (if he does not, he will be
guilty of wrongful conversion of the property) / will have responsibility like bailee and
should take care ofthese goods like his own goods
o He has right to retain (hold) the good till true owner, if found
o He has rights to sell the goods when goods have perishable nature / when law charges for
findingthe true owner 2/3rd of value of goods

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