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Ivan Exekiel M.

Cabrillas Purposive
BSN 1A Communication

Purposive Communication

1. What is communication in your own word?

Communication is the process of sharing information, thoughts, ideas, or feelings
between individuals or groups through various means such as speaking, writing, or
non-verbal cues. It involves both transmitting and receiving messages to establish
understanding between parties.
2. Choose one example of academic writing then explain it using
your own thoughts.
Let's take the example of a research paper on climate change. In this academic
writing piece, the author would present a detailed analysis of the impact of climate
change, supported by data and evidence from credible sources. They would likely
include an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and
conclusion sections to present a comprehensive and structured argument.
1. What are the importance of effective communication in
academic writing?
Effective communication is crucial in academic writing for several reasons: -
Clarity: Clear communication helps convey ideas and arguments in a way that is
easy to understand for the reader. - Credibility: Proper communication techniques,
such as citing sources and using appropriate language, help establish the writer's
credibility and expertise. - Engagement: Engaging writing style and effective
communication techniques can keep the reader interested and focused on the
content. - Precision: Effective communication ensures that the intended message is
accurately conveyed without ambiguity or confusion. - Collaboration: In academic
writing, effective communication fosters collaboration among researchers and
scholars, leading to a more robust exchange of ideas and knowledge

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