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Project Summary (Overview of the entire project)

- Briefly mention the specific community need your project addresses (refer to
section V of your proposal).
- Summarize the main SMART objectives you aim to achieve
- Highlight the key activities you will conduct to achieve the objectives
- Briefly state the positive impact your project will have on the community
I. Project Background:
- Overview of the SICC’s Community Extension Agenda.
- Summary of the Community Needs Assessment (CNA) findings.
- Explanation of how the proposed project aligns with the identified community needs
and the SICC’s extension agenda.
- Purpose of the project proposal (i.e., to address identified community needs).
II. Objectives:
- Clear and measurable objectives that outline what the project aims to achieve.
- Objectives should be specific, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
III. Project Description:
- Detailed explanation of the proposed project.
- Activities planned to achieve the project objectives.
- Timeline for each activity or phase of the project.
- Resources required (e.g., personnel, materials, funding).
IV. Target Beneficiaries:
- Identification of the primary beneficiaries of the project.
- Explanation of how the project will benefit the target community or individuals.
V. Implementation Plan:
- Practical steps and actions needed to execute the project
VI. Sustainability Plan:
- Strategies for ensuring the long-term impact and sustainability of the project beyond
its initial implementation.
- Identification of potential partnerships or collaborations to support ongoing efforts.
VII. Budget:
- Itemized breakdown of estimated costs for implementing the project.
- Justification for each expense.
- Explanation of how the budget aligns with the available resources and funding
VIII. Conclusion:
- Recap of the significance of the proposed project in addressing community needs.
- Call to action or next steps for gaining approval and support for the project.
IX. Appendices (if necessary):
Additional supporting documents such as survey results, community maps, photo

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