Data Santoso Pets 2024.Xlsx - Penjualan April

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105 reyta cawas 105/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 creemy milet yellow popay 5 Rp205.000 Rp1.025.

excel donut 500gr 9 Rp395.000 Rp3.555.000
excel fish 500gr 5 Rp395.000 Rp1.975.000
excel kitten 500gr 2 Rp450.000 Rp900.000
cat choize adult tuna 20kg 3 Rp385.000 Rp1.155.000
cat choize kitten tuna with milk20kg 10 Rp433.000 Rp4.330.000
bolt cat tuna 20kg 50 Rp398.000 Rp19.900.000
bolt cat salmon 20kg 5 Rp398.000 Rp1.990.000
bolt mother kitten tuna fp 500gr 5 Rp465.000 Rp2.325.000
bolt cat tuna donat 20kg 5 Rp398.000 Rp1.990.000
canary seed 5 Rp442.500 Rp2.212.500
lifecat kaleng tuna adult 4 Rp278.000 Rp1.112.000
lifecat kaleng kitten tuna with milk 4 Rp278.000 Rp1.112.000
oricat kible adult ikan 20kg 2 Rp385.000 Rp770.000
felibite adult tuna otoro 500gr 2 Rp426.000 Rp852.000
felibite fish 500gr 10 Rp426.000 Rp4.260.000
meo kitten ocean fish 7kg 3 Rp263.000 Rp789.000
lifecat dry 20kg 2 Rp463.000 Rp926.000
106 restu cawas 106/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 cat choize kitten tuna with milk 20kg 3 Rp436.000 Rp1.308.000
felibite fish 500gr 5 Rp428.000 Rp2.140.000
excel fish 500gr 5 Rp396.000 Rp1.980.000
markotop salmon tuna kitten 1 Rp470.000 Rp470.000
oricat kible adult ikan 1 Rp385.000 Rp385.000
bolt cat tuna donat 20kg 2 Rp398.000 Rp796.000
bolt cat salmon 20kg 3 Rp398.000 Rp1.194.000
keiko 25lt 2 Rp65.000 Rp130.000
cat choize adult tuna 20kg 2 Rp388.000 Rp776.000
107 merapi sangkar 107/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 meo pouch tuna adult 1 Rp65.000 Rp65.000
lifecat pouch chiken tuna 1 Rp103.000 Rp103.000
lifecat pouch tuna kitten 1 Rp103.000 Rp103.000
excel chiken 1 Rp397.000 Rp397.000
mr puss tuna 1 Rp385.000 Rp385.000
felibite fish 500gr 1 Rp430.000 Rp430.000
bolt cat salmon 20kg 1 Rp400.000 Rp400.000
bolt cat tuna 20kg 1 Rp400.000 Rp400.000
cat choize kitten tuna with milk 20kg 1 Rp437.000 Rp437.000
oricat kible adult ikan 1 Rp385.000 Rp385.000
108 mas najib 108/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 bolt cat tuna 20kg 40 Rp396.000 Rp15.840.000
bolt cat salmon 20kg 5 Rp396.000 Rp1.980.000
lifecat pouch tuna chiken 10 Rp102.000 Rp1.020.000
lifecat pouch chiken kitten 15 Rp102.000 Rp1.530.000
lifecat pouch tuna kitten 10 Rp102.000 Rp1.020.000
lifecat pouch salmon adult 5 Rp102.000 Rp510.000
109 ershad 109/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 bolt cat tuna 20kg 3 Rp398.000 Rp1.194.000
bolt cat salmon 20kg 1 Rp398.000 Rp398.000
cat choize adult tuna 20kg 2 Rp385.000 Rp770.000
cat choize kitten tuna with milk 20kg 1 Rp433.000 Rp433.000
white milet popay 1 Rp205.000 Rp205.000
110 gemolong 110/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 felibite fish 500gr (promo) 30 Rp426.000 Rp12.780.000
felibite donut 500gr 10 Rp426.000 Rp4.260.000
felibite adult tuna otoro 500gr 4 Rp426.000 Rp1.704.000
excel chiken 20kg 10 Rp395.000 Rp3.950.000
whiskas tuna junior isi 28 5 Rp154.000 Rp770.000
beuaty premium cat food 20kg 3 Rp488.000 Rp1.464.000
maxi cat chiken tuna 20kg 3 Rp497.000 Rp1.491.000
excel salmon 20kg 3 Rp395.000 Rp1.185.000
111 mas ivan 111/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 beuaty premium cat food 20kg 10 Rp488.000 Rp4.880.000
oricat kitten 10 Rp435.000 Rp4.350.000
white milet popay 80 Rp200.000 Rp16.000.000
susu provat 5 Rp330.000 Rp1.650.000
oricat kible adult ikan 3 Rp385.000 Rp1.155.000
oricat kible adult kotak 3 Rp385.000 Rp1.155.000
whiskas tuna junior 10 Rp153.000 Rp1.530.000
112 sahabat midi 112/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 cat choize kitten salmon with milk 20kg 15 Rp431.000 Rp6.465.000
cat choize adult salmon 20kg 20 Rp382.000 Rp7.640.000
cat choize adult tuna 20kg 30 Rp382.000 Rp11.460.000
cat choize kitten tuna with milk 20kg 20 Rp431.000 Rp8.620.000
oricat kible adult ikan 20kg 8 Rp385.000 Rp3.080.000
lifecat kaleng kitten tuna 20 Rp276.000 Rp5.520.000
beauty premium cat food 20kg 7 Rp385.000 Rp2.695.000
whiskas tuna adult isi 28 50 Rp153.000 Rp7.650.000
whiskas tuna junior isi 28 70 Rp153.000 Rp10.710.000
lifecat dry 2 Rp463.000 Rp926.000
lifecat kaleng kitten salmon 10 Rp276.000 Rp2.760.000
113 leo kartasura 113/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 bolt cat tuna 20kg 5 Rp400.000 Rp2.000.000
bolt cat salmon 20kg 2 Rp400.000 Rp800.000
lifecat pouch chiken kitten 5 Rp103.000 Rp515.000
lifecat pouch chiken tuna 5 Rp103.000 Rp515.000
114 bapak bapak 114/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 bolt cat tuna 20kg 2 Rp400.000 Rp800.000
excel salmon 20kg 1 Rp396.000 Rp396.000
115 petzone 115/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 bolt cat tuna 20kg 3 Rp399.500 Rp1.198.500
felibite fish 500gr 2 Rp428.000 Rp856.000
meo persian fp 1,1kg 1 Rp295.000 Rp295.000
116 bu sarti 116/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 vitamix canary 5 Rp530.000 Rp2.650.000
whiskas tuna junior isi 28 30 Rp153.000 Rp4.590.000
whiskas tuna adult isi 28 20 Rp153.000 Rp3.060.000
117 sinta 117/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 pasir granull 100 Rp15.000 Rp1.500.000
milet merah 20 Rp275.000 Rp5.500.000
cat choize kitten salmon with milk 20kg 15 Rp430.000 Rp6.450.000
cat choize kitten tuna with milk 20kg 15 Rp430.000 Rp6.450.000
whiskas tuna junior isi 28 25 Rp153.000 Rp3.825.000
whiskas tuna adult isi 28 25 Rp153.000 Rp3.825.000
zeloit no 02 20 Rp13.500 Rp270.000
118 mas bejo 118/SP/IV/24 18 Apr 2024 bolt cat tuna 20kg 2 Rp400.000 Rp800.000
cat choize kitten tuna with milk 20kg 1 Rp437.000 Rp437.000
maxi cat chiken tuna 20kg 1 Rp498.000 Rp498.000
universal kitten 1 Rp545.000 Rp545.000
creemy milet yellow popay 1 Rp207.500 Rp207.500
meo pouch tuna adult 85gr 2 Rp65.000 Rp130.000
whiskas mackarel junior isi 28 1 Rp155.000 Rp155.000
whiskas mackarel adult isi 28 1 Rp155.000 Rp155.000
bolt cat salmon 20kg 1 Rp400.000 Rp400.000
bolt cat tuna 20kg 3 Rp400.000 Rp1.200.000
cat choize kitten salmon with milk 20kg 1 Rp437.000 Rp437.000
cat choize adult salmon 20kg 1 Rp388.000 Rp388.000
cat choize adult tuna 20kg 1 Rp388.000 Rp388.000
felibite fish 500gr 1 Rp428.000 Rp428.000
excel fish 1 Rp395.000 Rp395.000
canary seed 1 Rp445.000 Rp445.000
white milet popay 1 Rp205.000 Rp205.000
whiskas tuna adult isi 28 2 Rp155.000 Rp310.000
whiskas tuna junior isi 28 2 Rp155.000 Rp310.000
meo persian 6,8kg 1 Rp263.000 Rp263.000
lezato 1 Rp375.000 Rp375.000
pasir granull 10 Rp16.000 Rp160.000
zeloit no 01 5 Rp14.000 Rp70.000

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