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HOMEWORK: Prepare for next week topic on APEC

List of essential words


1. News round-ups: Talk about the latest breaking news in the world/ region/
2. Chat: In pairs/groups, share with partners your knowledge and ideas about
regional organizations and their contributions to the development and
prosperity of the region.
3. Question for discussion:
a. When was Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, or APEC, established?
b. What are APEC's main goals?
c. Who are the members of APEC?
d. How does APEC differ from the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
e. What are the benefits of being an APEC member?
f. How has Vietnam been in APEC?
4. Explanation: What does these terms mean?

 Trade deficit
 Quota
 Dumping
 Integration
 (Trade and investment) liberalization
 Globalization
 Financial crisis vs. monetary crisis
1. Collocation: Write down all the collocations associating with the following
 Announcement
 Negotiation
 Condemnation
 Desire
 Disarmament


1. Gap fill : Listen and fill in the gaps
Piece 1:
The meeting of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders ended without
announcement of (1)………………………………among APEC members. However,
the leaders did say they were ready to make changes in their (2)
………………………….. to help restart world trade talks. They also said North
Korea is a major concern, but stopped short of strong condemnation.
This was the (3)……………… official meeting of government leaders from
economies in East Asia and nations around the Pacific Ocean. The two-day meeting
was held in Vietnam, a nation recently (4)…………………. the W.T.O. The meeting
ended on November nineteenth.
In a final statement, the leaders expressed a (5) …………………………… to
continue the Doha series of W.T.O. talks on trade reform. The leaders said they would
propose (6)……………………. in government aid to farmers. Poor nations say such
aid (7) …………………the price of agricultural goods.
The leaders stated they would (8)……………………… on industrial goods. They
offered to open their markets to more trade in (9)………………………….., like
banking. APEC urged other countries to join it in offering more trade reforms. APEC
agreements do not have the(10)………………………..
Piece 2:
President Bush pressed the other leaders on the issue of North Korea's (1)
………………... Six-nation talks on the program have not (2)
……………………..since last year. The North Korean nuclear test last month has not
helped the situation.
Mister Bush urged APEC members (3) ……………….. United Nations Security
Council Resolution Seventeen-Eighteen. That resolution calls for action against North
Korea, and urges it to return to the (4)……………………………... All the nations (5)
……………………those talks are APEC members, except for North Korea.
The president also (6) ……………… a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific as a long-
term goal for the group. Mister Bush won a (7)…………………..with Central
American and Caribbean nations last year.
The APEC leaders' meeting was one of several meetings held in Hanoi. Earlier,
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice led the American team to the eighteenth APEC
Joint Ministerial Meeting. Ministers agreed to (8)………………… with trade reforms
known as the Bogor Goals to be completed in five to ten years. They also agreed to
cooperate in areas such as (10)…………………………..


1. Further discussion: Do more research on the following topics: the influence of
big countries in APEC, APEC reform, APEC and regional security issues.
 Share your findings with your partners.
 Make questions using the words you found.
 Ask your partner/group your questions.
2. Article questions: Look back at the article and write down some questions you
would like to ask the class about the text.
 Share your questions with other classmates/groups.
 Ask your partner/ group your question
3. Reproduce: In pairs/ groups, summary the first or second piece you have listened

4. Vocabulary: Circle any word you do not understand. In groups, pool unknown
words and use dictionaries to find their meanings
5. Find headings: In pairs/ groups, think of a suitable heading for each piece of
news. Check your answer with different partners.

V. WRITING: Write about APEC for 10 minutes. Correct your partner’s paper.

VI. HOMEWORK: Prepare for next week topic on Globalization and related

List of essential words

Negotiation Prosperity

Inter-governmental forum Non-legally binding

Free trade Foreign Direct Investment

Investment liberalisation Market access

Economic Growth To impose taxes, tariffs, duties

Technical Cooperation Quota

Sustainable development Trade barriers

Investment Tariff/Non-tarrif barrier

Corruption fight Custom Union

Economic growth

Economic interdependence

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