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Pitseolak T C

An old warrior on a mission to restore his

tribe and bring an end to piracy Economic Troubles in the Southern Water Tribe
Pitseolak is an older warrior from the Southern Water Tribe Linked theme: Loss and Abandonment
determined to hunt down pirates from his tribe and make them e Southern Water Tribe is far from thriving. While the worst
return home. He blames the recent history of young people is yet to come in the Hundred Year War (page 56), members
going o to become pirates for the Southern Water Tribe’s of the tribe feel the strain of the failing economy. Some locals
decline. Combat is a challenge for the elderly warrior, but he still must leave home to nd more lucrative work, while others may
has some ght in him and what he lacks in physical prowess he take on riskier jobs nearby, such as hunting dangerous creatures,
makes up for in ba le wisdom. in order to make ends meet. If heroes need something from
Unlike the Northern Water Tribe which has robust and members of the Southern Water Tribe, they may need to lend
organized defenses, the Southern Water Tribe relies on a militia. help rst before anyone can a ord to take the time to assist.
Many Capital City militia members respect Pitseolak for his e Earth Kingdom Sage Jianzhu recently tried to persuade
dedication and almost supernatural skill with a bladed boomer- Lu Beifong to lend the Southern Water Tribe money in order for
ang, despite his o en outspoken and wacky nature. Warriors them to be er thrive, but his a empt failed due to the political
looking to train in weapons could hardly nd a be er teacher, maneuvering of Beifong’s chamberlain, Hui, before all three of
but Pitseolak will want help with pirates in return. them died. ough Hui claimed to oppose the proposed loan
because the tribe could become a threat to the Earth Kingdom if
Aupilaarjuk it grew too much…in reality, he wanted to thwart the initiative
A stealthy courier who brings important simply because it was Jianzhu who proposed it.
messages from one tribe to the other
Aupilaarjuk is an adventurous courier from the Southern Water Entrance to the Spirit World
Tribe responsible for delivering special correspondences between Linked theme: Harmony Without, Turmoil Within
the two tribes. Her job is risky because sometimes she carries ough the Spirit Oasis is beautiful and serene, it has unfortunate-
messages that others don’t want to arrive at their destination, and ly been struck by tragedy in the past. Koh the Face Stealer, a fright-
there’s a great distance between the two tribes where things can go ening spirit who lives up to his name, emerged from the Oasis to
wrong. Her current job is of the utmost importance as she ferries abduct Avatar Kuruk’s ancée, Ummi. He then, of course, stole her
messages between the lesser politicians of the two tribes working face as well. ough these types of incidents are rare, it does seem
to support the south and defend against pirates. that there may be a passage to the Spirit World at the bo om of
She can o er introductions to important people in either tribe, the pond. ose who visit the Spirit Oasis may be at risk should
as well as to the White Lotus with whom she’s had a few clandes- another spirit with malicious intentions rise out of the waters.
tine interactions. Aupilaarjuk only speaks of her relationship with If a spirit were to arise, the Water Tribes’ people are perhaps
the White Lotus to a trusted few since she occasionally works as a the best equipped to deal with it, as they’ve lived near the Spirit
courier for them as well. When the White Lotus hires her to make Oasis and both Spirit Portals (page 21) for their entire exis-
a delivery, it’s because that delivery is of extreme importance and tence. However, the world is changing and as the Air Nomads
would result in disaster if it fell into the wrong hands. struggle to maintain other spiritual sites in the world, the Water
Tribes may face unexpected opposition from the spiritual sites
Chukagnak they’ve lived in harmony with for so many years.
A healer-turned-pirate who wants to climb to the top
Chukagnak is a young Northern Water Tribe healer who has em- Piracy
braced a life of piracy. She was a poor healer and hated the man Linked theme: Law and Order
she was arranged to marry, so she le home before the trappings e Fi h Nation is now a handful of dangerous splinter eets
of tradition could swallow her. Now she lives life by her own and there are still una liated pirates on the sea. Many of them
rules and respects others who do the same as long as they don’t come from the Southern Water Tribe, turning to piracy in order
get in her way. Chukagnak loves the li le luxuries in life, whether to avoid poverty. Now that there is a hole le behind by the Fi h
they come in the form of silky pillows, extravagant feasts, or Nation, perhaps another pirate eet can rise to power and ll it.
exotic birds. She doesn’t care what others think of her, but does Members of the Southern Water Tribe may need to leave their
tire of disrespect quickly and has no qualms with throwing families and homes behind to pursue such a life, but they may
repeat o enders overboard. also be be er able to support those families with the money they
Chukagnak is a bit of an oddity within the pirate world since earn as pirates.
not many from the Northern Water Tribe turn to this kind of Anyone traveling by sea risks encountering these pirates.
life. She is now in command of a Fi h Nation splinter eet at Someone chasing a ship to a coastal village might encounter
odds with some of the other splinter eets. Recently, she sank hostile villagers willing to hide the pirates, because they provide
several ships lled with valuable cargo but had to escape before food for their community. Anyone on land looking to hold these
they could retrieve it. Heroes who need items in that cargo must sailors accountable for their actions must wade into the murky
consult with Chukagnak to locate it, but she always asks for a waters of deciding who is truly guilty—those who steal to sur-
favor or boon in return. vive or those who have so much and refuse to share.

C 2: T W A 43

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