Manual Practice Book P-5 History

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Primary Five

History Manual Practice Book

Department of History
Primary Five
History of Myanmar 2
Ancient China 8
History of Thailand 13
Ancient Greece 19
The Olympic Games 25
Alexander The Great 31
Christopher Columbus 37
Marco Polo 45
Trade And The Rise Of Kingdom 51
In Southeast Asia

History of Myanmar

The Second Myanmar Empire

I. Reading Comprehension.

(A)Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Tabinshwehti was born at Taungoo Palace to King Mingyi Nyo of Toungoo and his
concubine Khin Oo on 16 April 1516.The 56-year-old king, who had desperately wanted a son,
named the baby boy Tabinshwehti—meaning "Unitary Golden Umbrella", with the golden umbrella
being the symbol of Burmese kings—and made him the heir-apparent of his small kingdom. The
king also raised the boy's teenage mother to queen with the title of Yaza Dewi. From his father side,
Tabinshwehti was a great-great-great-grandson of King Minkhaung I of Ava, and great-great-
grandson of Crown Prince Minye Kyawswa. His mother Khin Oo (sometimes reported as Khin Mya)
was a commoner, daughter of the village chief of Le Way (today a township in the Naypyidaw Union

Tabinshwehti was the founder of the First Taungoo Empire. His military campaigns (1534–
1549) created the largest kingdom in Burma since the fall of the Pagan Empire in 1287. His
administratively fragile kingdom proved to be the impetus for the eventual reunification of the entire
country by his successor and brother-in-law Bayinnaung. He moved the capital to Pegu (Bago). The
king was assassinated on his 34th birthday on the orders of Smim Sawhtut, one of his close advisers.
The kingdom he had built up fell apart right after his death, which Bayinnaung had to restore in the
next two years.

His premature death has been called "one of the great turning points of mainland
[Southeast Asia's] history". He is one of the most celebrated kings in Burmese history.
The Tabinshwehti nat is one of the 37 nats (spirits) worshiped in Myanmar.

(1). Who were the parents of King Tabinshwehti?


(2). Who was the founder of First Taungoo Empire?


(3). When was King Tabinshwehti assassinated and who gave orders to assassinate?


(B) Write True or False.

(1). Tabinshwehti was born at Taungoo palace. 1.__________

(2). Tabinshwehti was the son of King Minye Kyawswa. 2.__________

(3). Tabinshwehti was fourteen when he became king. 3.__________

(4). The meaning of Tabinshwehti was "Unitary Golden Umbrella.” 4.___________

(5). The Second Taungoo Empire was founded by Tabinshwehti. 5.___________

(6). Tabinshwehti’s successor was Bayinnaung. 6.___________

(7). Tabinshwehti is one of the most celebrated kings in 7.__________

Burmese History.

(8). The king was assassinated by Smim Sawhtut. 8.___________

(9). After Tabinshwehti’s death, Bayinnaung had to restore the 9. ___________

kingdom in the next two years.

(10). After reunification of the entire country, Tabinshwehti moved 10. __________
the capital to Shan.

II. Complete the passage with the given words in the box.

Taungoo states Bagan Innwa Shans

1527 Minkyinyo’s forty-year powerful districts

The Rising of Taungoo Power

After the fall of _____1____, there were many small states such as Pinya, Sagaing,
_____2______and Hanthawaddy, each with their own king. These small _____3____often fought
one another. During the _____4_____ war between Innwa and Hanthawaddy, their people went to
_____5______to be safe. At that time, Taungoo was a state under the control of _____6____

Innwa became very weak after the _____7____ joined the war. When the Shans defeated
Innwa in ____8______, the people, nobles and lords of Pinya, Sagaing, Kyaukse and Meikhtila
_____9____ fled south for safety at ____10______ Taungoo. Therefore, Taungoo’s population grew
and it became stronger and more powerful while Innwa became weaker.

1._________________ 6. __________________

2._________________ 7. __________________

3._________________ 8. __________________

4. _________________ 9. ___________________

5. _________________ 10. ___________________

III. Study the lesson of The History of Myanmar and answer the following questions.
A. What were the small states after the fall of Bagan?


B. Where and why did the people, nobles and lords flee in 1527?


C. Why was Tabinshwehti in contact with Kyaukse?


D. How did Tabinshwehti and Bayintnaung make their movement?


E. Why did Bayintnaung destroy the rafts after crossing the river in “Naung-Yo Battle”?
Give your short answer.
If you were “Bayintnaung”, would you like to destroy the rafts like him or what would you
like to do in the battle? Why? or Why not? Write your answer.










IV. Write True or False.

1.There were only Hanthawaddy and Innwa after the fall of Bagan. 1. __________

2. The Mon king fled to his brother-in-law in Pyay when he heard 2. __________
the news that Tabinshwehti was coming.

3. Bayintnaung sailed up the Ayeyarwaddy to Pyay in his war boat. 3. __________

4. Bayintnaung returned to Bago and challenged the Bago king and 4. ___________
all Mons came out and attacked him.

5. The battle which was led by Bayintnaung in Naung Yo was called 5. ___________
the Naung Yo battle.

6. The people of Innwa and Hanthawaddy went to Taungoo 6. ___________

to be safe during the fort-year war.

7. Innwa and Hanthawaddy fought each other for fifty years. 7.___________

8. When the people of small states fled to Minkyinyo’s Taungoo, 8. ___________

it became very powerful.

9. Minkyinyo died at the age of seventy. 9.___________

10. Innwa became very weak after the Shans joined the war. 10. ___________

V. Choose the correct answer.

1. Minkyinyo became king of Taungoo in _________. 1. __________

(a) 1487 (b) 1527 (c) 1486

2. The Shan took Innwa in _________. 2. __________

(a) 1531 (b) 1572 (c) 1527

3. Minkyinyo received a daughter of the Innwa king in ________ 3. __________

(a) 1503 (b) 1531 (c) 1507

4. After the fall of Bagan, there were small states which often 4. ___________
________ one another.
(a) traded (b) fought (c) joined

5. Taungoo’s population grew and it became ________ while 5. ____________

Innwa became weaker.
(a) weaker (b) stronger (c) smaller

Ancient China
I. Reading Comprehension
Guarding China’s first emperor

In 1974, some Chinese farmers were digging a well when they hit something hard. They kept digging
and the head of a statue soon became visible. The famers realized they were digging an important
archaeological site.

It wasn’t long before archaeologists came to work on the site. Their work resulted in one of the
most unusual and impressive archaeological finds being uncovered. They removed more than a
thousand life-sized statues of soldiers from the ground. The soldiers were ready for war and even
held weapons. Some had horses with them.

The place where the famers were digging was actually where Qin Shi Huangdi, China’s first emperor
to protect him on his journey after death. That was over 2,000 years ago.

When he was alive, emperor Qin Shi Huangdi was a powerful leader. His armies succeeded in
bringing many regions together to make China one country. He was a very harsh leader, but always
tried to do great things. In fact, Qin Shi Huangdi started the Great Wall of China.

During later excavations of the site, archaeologists discovered that Qin Shi Huangdi didn’t only have
statues of soldiers to guard him. There were also statues of servants, musicians and animals to
serve and entertain him after his death. Archaeologists haven’t uncovered the whole site yet but
they think there may be as many as 7,000 statues still under the ground.

Almost four decades after the discovery of the site, some of the soldiers are on the move. In
November 2009, they appeared in an exhibition in the National Geographic Museum in the US. Who
knows, you may come face to face with them in a museum near you one day!

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What were the Chinese farmers doing when they found a statue?
2. What were the statues of soldiers carrying?
3. When did the first emperor of China die?

4.Why were the soldiers made and buried with the emperor?
5. What did Qin Shi Huangdi and his armies manage to do?
B. Fill in the blanks. the blanks.

1. ___________________________was the first emperor of China.

2.Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi was a __________________and __________________

leader when he was alive.

3.He started _____________________________________.

4.Archaeologists think there may be as many as ____________________ still under the ground.

5. Some statues appeared in an_______________________ in the National Geographic Museum

in the US.

II. Study the lesson of Ancient China from Primary Five History Text Book and answer
the following questions.

1.What is one important reason why Chinese civilization has lasted?


2. How would you differentiate between the Huang River and the River Nile?


3.How would you prevent the hunger problem when your crops were poor?


4.How would you explain Mandate of Heaven of the Zhou Dynasty?


5.What would happen if there weren’t the Years of the Warring States in Zhou Dynasty?


6.Look at the pictures below. Write in your own words how were the oracle bones
used during Zhou Dynasty.


III. Complete the passage with the given words in the box.

Chinese calendar pottery ceremonies harvest

Artisans calligraphy ivory achievements Shang

In ancient China, only person who were highly trained and skilled in 1. __________ were able to
write. As a result, few 2. _____________ people could hope to learn to read and write. The
Chinese people made other important 3. _________________ during the Shang dynasty. They
invented a 4. ________________ during these early years to help them know when to plant and

10 | P a g e
5. ______________ their crops. With some changes, this calendar was used in China for nearly
3,000 years. 6. _________ and skilled crafts workers produced lovely jewellery and figures of
animals carved in 7. ___________ and jade stone. Delicated silk cloth and fine clay 8.
______________ were produced. Bronze vases, often in the form of animals, were the greatest
achievement of 9. ___________ art. Many of these wonderful bronze works were used in religious
10. _____________.

1. _____________________________ 6. _______________________________
2. _____________________________ 7. _______________________________
3. _____________________________ 8. _______________________________
4. _____________________________ 9. _______________________________
5. _____________________________ 10. _______________________________

IV. Write True or False.

1. Early invaders couldn’t reach China because of it’s natural
barriers against invasion. 1. _________
2. Chinese farmers were growing grain in the valley’s rich soil
of Yellow River. 2. ________
3. There were many members in ancient Chinese farm
family. 3. ________
4. The Shang king was droved from throne by powerful nobles
with invaders from the northwest. 4. ________
5. The Zhou were invaders from southwest China. 5. ________
6. When the ruler had lost the Mandate of Heaven, the Chinese
were able to overthrow him. 6. ________
7. In the Zhou Dynasty, Chinese family was the backbone of
Chinese society. 7. ________
8. Living descendants honored their ancestors to help them find
favor with the gods. 8. ________
9. In Shang dynasty, there were about 35,000 symbols in
Chinese writing. 9. ________
10. Trading became important during the Zhou Dynasty. 10. ________

11 | P a g e
V. Choose the correct answer.
1. China is in ______________.

( a ) Southeast Asia ( b ) Europe ( c ) Asia

2. There are __________ great rivers in China.

( a ) two ( b ) three ( c ) four

3. The early Chinese first settled along the ___________ about 5000 BC.

( a ) Huang River ( b ) Yangtze River ( c ) Xi River

4. Chinese farm family were _________ families.

( a ) big ( b ) small ( c ) extended

5.The Chinese farmers grew __________ in the valley’s rich soil.

( a ) potatoes ( b ) grapes ( c ) grain

6. The people in Huang River learned __________.

( a ) how to build dams ( b ) how to build dikes ( c ) how to swim

7. _________ wrote messages on bones and shells.

( a ) Priests ( b ) Teachers ( c ) Farmers

8. Chinese invented a calendar to help them for _______.

( a ) trading ( b ) travelling ( c ) growing

9. There is ________ Ocean in the east of China.

( a ) Atlantic ( b ) Pacific ( c ) Indian

10. During the Zhou Dynasty, traders began to use _________ as a way to grade for goods.

( a ) money ( b ) coins ( c ) jade stone

12 | P a g e
History of Thailand
I. Reading Comprehension.

(A)Read the passage and answer the following questions.


The Thais can be broken down into various regional groups with their own regional varieties of Thai.
These groups include the Central Thai (also the standard variety of the language and Culture),
the Southern Thai, the Isan (more closely related to the standard Lao of Laos than to standard
Thai), the Lanna Thai, Northeast India,and Yawi/Malay-speaking Thai Malays. Within each regions
exist multiple ethnic groups. Modern Central Thai culture has become more dominant due to official
government policy, which was designed to assimilate and unify the disparate Thai in spite of
ethnolinguistic and cultural ties between the non-Standard-Thai-speaking people and their
communities. Thais speak the Central Thai language, which is classified as part of the Kra–Dai family
of languages.

Indigenous arts include muay Thai (kick boxing), Thai dance, makruk (Thai Chess), and nang
yai (shadow play).


Thai form the second largest ethno-linguistic group among Buddhists in the world. The modern Thai
are predominantly Theravada Buddhist and strongly identify their ethnic identity with their religious
practices that include aspects of ancestor worship, among other beliefs of the ancient folklore of

Culture and society

The Thais can be broken down into various regional groups with their own regional varieties of Thai.
These groups include the Central Thai (also the standard variety of the language and Culture),
the Southern Thai, the Isan (more closely related to the standard Lao of Laos than to standard
Thai), the Lanna Thai, and Yawi/Malay-speaking Thai Malays. Within each regions exist
multiple ethnic groups. Modern Central Thai culture has become more dominant due to official
government policy, which was designed to assimilate and unify the disparate Thai in spite of
ethnolinguistic and cultural ties between the non-Standard-Thai-speaking people and their

13 | P a g e
Indigenous arts include muay Thai (kick boxing), Thai dance, makruk (Thai Chess), and nang
yai (shadow play).

Geography and demographics

The vast majority of the Thai people live in Thailand, although some Thais can also be found in
other parts of Southeast Asia. About 51–57 million live in Thailand alone, while large communities
can also be found in the United
States, China, Laos, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Burma, South Korea, Germany,
the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Libya, and the United Arab Emirates.

1.Write down the various regional groups of Thais.


2.What language does Thais speak?


3.Write the Indigenous arts of Thailand.

4.What is the religion of Thai?
5.How many people live in Thailand alone?

14 | P a g e
(B) Write True or False.

1.The Thais can be broken down into only one regional group. 1._______

2. The Central Thai language, which is classified as part 2.________

of the Kra–Dai family of languages.
3. Thailand's national sport is muay Thai . 3._________
4.Some Thais can also be found in North Korea. 4._________
5. Central Thai language, which is classified as 5._________

II. Complete the passage with the given words in the box.

basis distinct golden era Thai independent

1238 valleys Sukhothai modern concentration

The greatest 1._______ of these early Thais first appeared in the north of 2.________ Thailand,
around Chiang Saen and 3._________ to the south. They formed themselves into kingdoms ruled
by princes. Some of them became 4._________ kingdoms.

The 5.___________ kingdom declared independence in 6.________. Sukhothai is

considered to be the first true 7.______ kingdom. The Sukhothai period can be called the
8.____________ of Thai history. It was an ideal state which was governed by just and paternal
kings. The Sukhothai kingdom developed a 9.________style of its own. The first Thai writing system
was evolved during this period. It became the 10. _______for modern Thai.

1.________________________ 2.__________________________

3.________________________ 4.__________________________

5.________________________ 6.__________________________

7.________________________ 8.__________________________

9.________________________ 10.__________________________

15 | P a g e
III. Study the lesson of History of Thailand from Primary Five History Text Book and
answer the following questions.
A. Where did early Thai immigrants settle?

B. What are the neighboring countries of Thailand?



C. Write the answers.

(i) The First Kingdom in Thailand
(ii) The king who credited the First Thai writing system
(iii) Which were built in the Sukhothai period?
(iv) King Ramkamhaeng expanded the kingdom as far as

(v) the name of The southern kingdom which became powerful after the Sukhothai declined

D. Write three things about Sukhothai kingdom.


16 | P a g e
E. If you were King Ramkahmhaeng, what would you create in order to develop your kingdom?




IV. Write True or False.

1.Thailand is in Europe. 1._________

2.The Sukhothai kingdom declared independence in 1238. 2._________

3.The first kingdom can be called the golden era of Thai History. 3._________

4.The Ayutthaya kingdom was governed by just and paternal kings. 4._________

5. The first Thai writing system was evolved in Thonburi period. 5._________

6. Thailand has been colonized by European countries. 6._________

7. Ramkamhaeng formed an alliance with two northern Thai princes. 7._________

8. When the Sukhothai declined, the Ayutthaya kingdom 8._________

became powerful.

9.The Ayutthaya kingdom moved the seat of power to Phitsanulok. 9._________

10. Sukhothai was a deserted city in 1438. 10._________

17 | P a g e
V. Choose the correct answer.
1.Early Thai immigrants settled in river valleys from the______ 1.__________
River (Hong River) in South China.
a. Yellow b. Red c. Black
2. The Sukhothai kingdom declared independence in________. 2.___________
a. 1238 b. 1328 c. 1823
3. The Ayutthaya kingdom moved their seat of power to 3.___________
Phitsanulok in_______.
a. 1278 b. 1287 c.1378
4. Sukhothai was a deserted city in_________. 4.____________
a.1348 b. 1428 c. 1438
5. Sukhothai is considered to be the________ true Thai 5.____________
a. first b. second c. third

18 | P a g e
Ancient Greece

I. Reading Comprehension

Geography of Ancient Greece

In Greece, there was no great river carrying layers of fertile silt to create rich farmland.
Instead of finding themselves in an environment provided by a river valley, ancient Greeks found
themselves on a peninsula, a piece of land almost entirely surrounded by the sea, with a rocky
landscape that offered few natural resources.

Ancient Greece was located on the southern European mainland. The modern-day country
of Greece includes not only the mainland portion, but also includes hundreds of islands. The
biggest of these islands is Crete, south of the mainland. Northeast of Crete is another large island
called Rhodes.

The climate of Greece also presented a challenge for early farmers. Summers were hot and
dry, and winters were wet and windy. Ancient Greeks raised crops and animals well suited to the
environment. Wheat and barley were grown, and olives and grapes were harvested. The many
hills and mountains provided shrubs to feed the herds of sheep, goats, and cattle.

Because farming didn’t produce huge surpluses, and travel across the terrain was difficult,
the Greeks came to depend on the sea. People living near the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Ionian
Seas became fishers, sailors, and merchants. Because of Greece’s location in the eastern
Mediterranean, it was a perfect location for trade. Greek sailors were highly skilled and traveled as
far as ancient Egypt to trade their products. Greek merchants competed with traders from other
Mediterranean cultures. One of these cultures was the Phoenicians. Traders from all over were
eager to exchange their goods for Greece’s olive oil, wool, and wine. Those who traded with the
Greeks especially prized Greece's olive oil.

A. Questions and answers

1. How did the limited amount of fertile land cause the Greeks to become sea traders?


19 | P a g e
2. Why was Greece a perfect location for trade?


3. Describe the climate of Greece?


B. Fill in the blank.

1. A _____________is a piece of land almost entirely surrounded by the sea.

2. Greek __________ were highly skilled and traveled as far as ancient Egypt to trade their

3. Traders from all over were eager to exchange their goods for Greece’s ________, wool, and

4. Ancient Greeks raised crops and animals well suited to the ___________.

5. There was no great river carrying layers of _______ silt to create rich farmland in Greece.

II. Complete the passage with the given words in the box.

Constantinople Macedonia remained political Roman

distant discoveries admired artistic north

In 338 BC, Greece was conquered by (1) _________, a kingdom to the (2) _______. City-states
lost their (3) ________power, but Greek civilization continued and spread to many (4) _______
lands. Under Macedonian rule, Greek philosophers, mathematicians, and scientists made (5)
________ that are still useful today.

In 146 BC, (6) ________armies invaded Greece. Roman leaders (7) _________ Greek
achievements, and so Greek ideas and (8) _______ styles spread still further, through the lands of
the Roman Empire. In AD 395, Greece became part of the Byzantine Empire. It was ruled from

20 | P a g e
the city of (9) _______ (now Istanbul, Turkey). Greek language, knowledge, and technology (10)
_______ important until the Byzantine Empire fell to Ottoman Turks in 1453.

III. Studt the lesson of Ancient Greece from Primary Five History Text book and
answer the following questions.

1. Where did the people of ancient Greece settle?


2. Why were Athens and Sparta rivals?


3. Explain why warfare was a normal part of Greek life?


21 | P a g e
4. Why did the Greeks believe that their gods and goddesses intervened in human affairs? Give an


5. Watch each scene. In which society would you like to live? Support your choice with well-
thought-out reasons. Write 60 – 80 words.


22 | P a g e

IV. True (OR) False

1. Ancient Greece was a peaceful place where people simply spent their days talking in the agora,
going to parties and the theatre, inventing things or trading with others.

1. _____________

2. Many of our buildings – especially those with tall, round columns – are modeled after Roman

2. _____________

3. All adult male citizens had the right to elect leaders in Athens.

3. _____________

4. The Greeks were especially known for their excellent metalwork and painted pottery.

4. _____________

5. Athens was famous for its fearsome fighting men.

5. _____________

V. Choose the correct answer.

1. Greece is a mountainous peninsula that juts into the ___________ Sea.

(a) Mediterranean

(b) Ionian

(c) Aegean

23 | P a g e
2. Who admired Greek achievements?

(a) Persian leaders

(b) Roman leaders

(c) Macedonian leaders

3. What did Athens collect from smaller, weaker Greek cities?

(a) olive oil

(b) craft products

(c) tribute

4. What did the Greeks do to please their gods?

(a) They served in military service

(b) They held religious festivals

(c) They grew the crops

5. What did the Greeks raise for hides and wool?

(a) sheep and donkeys

(b) sheep and cow

(c) sheep and goats

24 | P a g e
The Olympic Games

I. Read the following passage to answer the questions below:

Ancient Olympic Games

The Ancient Olympic Games were held in Greece. It is believed that Heracles was the initiator
of the games in honor of the Gods, especially Zeus. The legend says that it was Heracles who first
called the Games "Olympic" and established the custom of holding them every four years. The
games were a series of competitions held between representatives of several city-states and
kingdoms in Ancient Greece. These games featured mainly athletic but also combat and chariot
racing events. During the games, all conflicts among the participating city-states were postponed
until the games were finished.
The Olympic Games reached their zenith in the 6th and 5th centuries BC, but then gradually
declined in importance as the Romans gained power and influence in Greece. While there is no
scholarly consensus as to when the Games officially ended, the most commonly held date is 393 AD,
when the emperor Theodosius I decreed that all pagan cults and practices be eliminated. Another
date commonly cited is 426 AD, when his successor, Theodosius II, ordered the destruction of all
Greek temples. After the demise of the Olympics, they were not held again until the late 19th
(A) Write True or False.
1. Olympic Games were first held in Rome. 1. __________
2. The Olympic Games were first held for religious purpose. 2. __________
25 | P a g e
3. The Games continued to be held until the 19th century. 3. __________
4. It was Theodosius II who decided that the Olympic Games 4. __________
should be banned.
5. The Olympic Games were held every four years. 5. __________

(B) Answer the questions.

1. Where did the ancient Olympic Games take place?
2. Why did the ancient Olympic Games are started?
3. What kind of event were the Olympic Games?
4. Why did the ancient Olympic Games gradually decline?
5. When did the ancient Olympic Games end?

26 | P a g e
II. Choose the answer below to complete the passage.

Athletes competed in the first Olympic Games in Greece almost three thousand years ago in 776
BC. Every four years, people from Greek city-states (and later the Roman empire) (1)____ to a
place called Olympia to (2)_____ the games, which continued until 393 AD. They lasted from
(3)_____ one and five days, and only men were allowed to compete in the games. Many of the
sports events were similar to those found in (4)_____ modern games where athletes run, jump and
throw. The modern Olympic Games began with the creation of the International Olympic Committee
(the IOC) in 1894 and Greece (5)_____ the first country to hold the games, in the city of Athens,
in 1896. Fourteen countries with 241 athletes competed in fortythree events. (6)_____ some people
wanted to have the games in Athens every four years, the IOC decided to have (7)_____ in different
countries and cities. In 1900, they were held (8)_____ Paris and women were allowed to compete
in the games for the first time. The first Winter Olympic Games were held in 1924 and athletes
competed in events such as skating and ice hockey. Over 200 countries now (9)_____ in the
Summer Olympic Games. The number of events has increased to 300 events and instead of five
days of competition, the games now (10)_____ for seventeen days.

27 | P a g e
1. (A) travel (B) travels (C) travelled
2. (A) watched (B) watching (C) watch
3. (A) between (B) after (C) to
4. (A) today’s (B) today (C) todays
5. (A) were (B) was (C) is
6. (A) However (B) Although (C) Therefore
7. (A) they (B) their (C) them
8. (A) to (B) for (C) in
9. (A) compete (B) competing (C) competed
10. (A) lasts (B) lasted (C) last

III. Answer the questions.

1. What was the first race in the ancient Olympic Games?
2. What did the athletes get as a prize?
3. Why did the rich men only could afford a chariot race?
4. Why did the chariot drivers wear clothes?

28 | P a g e
5. Imagine you are writing to the International Olympic Committee. Write a letter and explain why
your city should host the next Summer Olympic Games.


29 | P a g e
IV. Write True or False.
1. The Olympic games were first recorded in 766 B.C. (1) _________
2. People from all over the world came to participate in the (2) _________
ancient Olympic games.
3. In the earliest Olympic games athletes competed without (3) _________
wearing clothing.
4. The ancient Olympic games were held every year. (4) _________
5. Women had a separate festival after the men had left for games. (5) _________
6. In the ancient Olympic games, there were prizes for 1st, 2nd, (6) _________
and 3rd place.
7. The Olympic winners might be given free meals for the rest (7) _________
of their lives in their home city-states.
8. The Greeks had summer and winter games just like we have (8) _________
in the modern Olympics.
9. Women were able to compete in the Olympics in Ancient Greece. (9) ________
10. Wars were stopped for the duration of the games. (10) ________

V. Choose the correct answer.

1. __________ was the first event to be included in the Olympic Games.
(a) Wrestling (b) Running (c) Jumping
2. One event that took place in Ancient Greece that does not exist today is....
(a) Wrestling (b) Chariot Races (c) Boxing
3. The ancient Olympic games were to honor which god or gods?
(a) Hera (b) Hades (c) Zeus
4. Where were the ancient Olympic games held?
(a) Olympia (b) Sparta (c) Athens
5. What were ancient Olympic athletes given for winning an event?
(a) Olive wreath (b) Medals (c) Money
5. How long did the ancient games last?
(a) One week (b) Five days (c) One Day

30 | P a g e
Alexander the Great

I. Read the passage.

Occupation: Military Commander and King of Ancient Greece

Born: July 20, 356 BC Pella, Macedon
Died: June 10, 323 BC Babylon
Best known for: Conquering much of Asia and Europe
Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia or Ancient Greece. He is considered one
of the greatest military commanders in history. Alexander the Great was born on July 20, 356 BC.
He died at the young age of 32 in 323 BC having accomplished much in his short life. He reigned
as king from 336-323 BC.
Alexander's father was King Philip the II. Philip II had built up a strong and united empire
in Ancient Greece, which Alexander inherited. Like most children of nobles at the time, Alexander
was tutored as a child. He learned mathematics, reading, writing, and how to play the lyre. He also
would have been instructed on how to fight, ride a horse, and hunt. When Alexander turned thirteen,
his father Philip II wanted the best teacher possible for him. He hired the great philosopher Aristotle.
At school Alexander met many of his future generals and friends such as Ptolemy and Cassander.
He also enjoyed reading the works of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Alexander's Conquests
After securing the throne and getting all of Greece under his control, Alexander turned east to
conquer more of the civilized world. He moved swiftly using his military genius to win battle after
battle conquering many peoples and rapidly expanding the Greek empire.
At this point Alexander had accumulated one of the largest empires in history. However, his soldiers

31 | P a g e
were ready to revolt. They wanted to return home to see their wives and children. Alexander agreed
and his army turned back. Alexander only made it back to Babylon where he became suddenly sick
and died. No one is sure what he died from, but many suspect poison. Upon his death the great
empire he had built was divided up amongst his generals, called the Diadochi. The Diadochi ended
up fighting each other for many years as the empire fell apart.
A. Answer the questions.

1. Who was Alexander the Great?


2. Why did King Philip II hire the great philosopher Aristotle to tutor Alexander among the other
tutors? Write your opinion.


3. Would you like to conquer Asia like Alexander the Great? Why or why not?


B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia or _________. 1. _________________

2. Alexander died in _________. 2. _________________

3. After the death of Alexander, his empire was divided up among 3. _________________

his ________.

4. Alexander’s soldiers revolt against him because they wanted to see 4. _________________

their _________.

32 | P a g e
5. The young Alexander was tutored by _________. 5. _________________

II. Complete the passage with the words given in the box.

fought Malaria influence powerful died

323 B.C important India East and West thought

Alexander the Great died in June (1). ________. at age 32. Some historians say Alexander
died of (2). ________ or other natural causes; others believe he was poisoned. His death and the
bloody infighting for control that happened afterwards unraveled the empire he’d (3). ________ so
hard to create.

Many conquered lands retained the Greek (4). ________ Alexander introduced, and
several cities he founded remain (5). _________ cultural centers even today. The period of history
from his death to 31 B.C., when his empire folded, would come to be known as the Hellenistic
period, from “Hellazein,” which means, “to speak Greek or identify with the Greeks.” Alexander the
Great is revered as one of the most (6). _________ and influential leaders the ancient world ever
produced. He led his army from Greece to (7). ________ and built the biggest empire had ever
seen. By his conquest, he brought (8). ________ together for the very first time.

When Alexander the Great (9). ________ in Babylon in 323 B.C., his body didn’t begin to
show signs of decomposition for a full six days, according to historical accounts. To the ancient
Greeks, this confirmed what they all (10). ________ about the young Macedonian king, and what
Alexander believed about himself that he was not an ordinary man, but a god.

1. ____________________ 6. ____________________

2. ____________________ 7. ____________________

3. ____________________ 8. ____________________

4. ____________________ 9. ____________________

5. ____________________ 10. ___________________

33 | P a g e
III. Study the lesson of Alexander the Great from Primary Five History Text book and
answer all the questions.

1. Who were the parents of Alexander the Great?


2. How old was Alexander the Great when he became a king?


3. Who was Bucephalus to Alexander the Great?


4. Why did nobody know how big Asia was? Express your opinion.


34 | P a g e
5. If you were Alexander the Great, would you start your conquest from Asia or somewhere else in
the world? Why?


35 | P a g e
IV. True of False.

1. Alexander the Great led his army from Greece to India. 1. ___________

2. Hephaestion was the teacher of alexander the Great. 2. ___________

3. Darius was the Great King of Persia. 3. ___________

4. Alexander married Roxana, an Indian princess as his second wife. 4. ___________

5. Alexander wanted all the people in his huge empire to live together in peace. 5. ___________

V. Choose the correct answer.

1. Alexander was born in _________.

A. India B. Greece C. Macedonia D. Persia

2. Philip was a battle-scarred old _________.

A. soldier B. teacher C. philosopher D. god

3. When did Alexander have first experience of war?

A. age of 18 B. age of 16 C. age of 13 D. age of 20

4. Alexander built a new ________ in Egypt.

A. school B. palace C. city D. castle

5. The capital city of Persia was ________.

A. Persepolis B. Macedonia C. Thebes D. Delphi

36 | P a g e
Christopher Columbus

I. Read the following passage to answer the questions below:


Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. His career in exploration started
when he was very young. As a teenager, he traveled the seas and eventually made Portugal his
base. He appealed to the kings of Portugal, France, and England to finance a westward trip to the
Indies, but all denied his request. After ten years of monumental efforts but fruitless results, King
Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to finance Columbus in the hopes of acquiring great
wealth. On August 3, 1492, Columbus and three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria,
left Palos, Spain, and headed westward.
After stopping in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, Columbus's ships hit the open
seas. Covering about 150 miles a day, the trip was long and arduous. The crew was afraid of sea
monsters and grew more restless every day land was not sighted. Columbus offered a reward for
the first person to sight land. On October 12, a crew member aboard the Pinta sighted one of the
Bahama Islands. Columbus set foot on what he believed was one of the Spice Islands, a group of
islands in Asia (now known as Indonesia), where valuable spices and riches came from. He named
the land San Salvador. Columbus failed to find the riches he expected and continued to search for

37 | P a g e
China. He next visited Cuba and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). He encountered native peoples
who he named "Indians" because he believed they were inhabitants of the Indies.
Columbus returned to Spain a hero. He was named viceroy of the Indies. He soon returned
to the New World but never found the riches he expected. Some began to believe that Columbus
had found "a new world" rather that a shortcut to the Indies.
Christopher Columbus made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of the world - North
America. Though he probably wasn't the first explorer to see the continent, and he believed until
his death that the islands he encountered were in the Asian continent, his discoveries were
instrumental in the establishment of Spanish colonies in North America. Today, we celebrate
Columbus Day in October to commemorate his discoveries.

(A) Answer the following questions.

1. In what year was Christopher Columbus born?
2. About how many miles did the ships travel every day?
3. What country eventually agreed to finance Christopher Columbus's trip?
4. What happened first?

5. What happened last?


38 | P a g e
(B) Choose the correct answer.
1. On October 12, 1492, where did Columbus think he was?
a.) Asia
b.) Africa
c.) North America
d.) Dominican Republic
2. Which of the following is NOT a ship that went on the voyage?
a.) Santa Monica
b.) Santa Maria
c.) Pinta
d.) Nina
3. Select all of the following places that Columbus visited on his voyage.
a.) Dominican Republic
b.) Cuba
c.) Florida
d.) Canary Islands
4. Which of the following is closest in meaning to "fruitless"?
a.) without any cost
b.) without success
c.) broken promise
d.) without fruit
5. Christopher Columbus thought he could find a shortcut to the Indies by sailing…
a.) east.
b.) north.
c.) south.
d.) west.

39 | P a g e
II. Complete the passage with the given words in the box.

Portuguese voyage Ferdinand expedition Pinta

Genoa Weaver Asia Round Atlantic Ocean

Early life of Christopher Columbus

Cristoforo Colombo was born in _____(1)_____, Italy, in 1451. He is known as Christopher
Columbus to English-speaking people. He was the son of a _____(2)_____ and had little
schooling. In about 1476 Columbus settled in Portugal. In the 1480s he started planning a voyage
to discover a sea route to _____(3)______. Europeans were eager for Asian goods. However, these
goods were costly because they had to be brought to Europe over a dangerous land route.
Columbus knew that Earth was ______(4)______. He thought that Asia must lie to the west,
across the ______(5)______. The ______(6)______ king refused to pay for
Columbus’s _____(7)_____. Columbus then turned to King ______(8)______ and Queen Isabella of
the Spanish kingdoms of Aragon and Castile. In January 1492 they agreed to support
the ______(9)______. They provided three ships: the Niña, the ______(10)______, and the Santa

1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
5. _______________
6. _______________

40 | P a g e
7. _______________
8. _______________
9. _______________
10. _______________
III. Answer the questions.
1. Where was Christopher Columbus born?
2. Who gave him money to buy ships?
3. How many voyages to America did he complete and across which ocean?

41 | P a g e
4. How do you think he felt when he discovered the ‘New World’?
5. Why did Columbus decide to travel to Asia by crossing west Atlantic Ocean and what did he want
to search in Asia? If you were Columbus, what would you do to find new sea route to Asia?


42 | P a g e
IV. Write True or False.
1. Columbus first landed in the islands of Cuba. (1) _________
2. Amerigo Vespucci was certain that the lands were not part of (2) _________
Asia but part of a continent unknown to European.
3. For centuries Europeans believed that the world consisted of (3) _________
just three continents.
4. Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to give him money to make the (4) _________
voyage on behalf of Spain.
5. He set out with four ships on his first voyage. (5) __________
6. Columbus made four voyages west across the Indian ocean. (6) __________
7. Native American lived-in shelters. (7) __________
8. Christopher Columbus believed that he had discovered a new (8) __________
route to Asia.
9. Christopher Columbus was from France. (9) __________
10. Columbus took back tobacco to the King and Queen of Spain. (10) _________
V. Choose the correct answer.
1. Who was Christopher Columbus?
a.) An Italian explorer
b.) An Italian Teacher
c.) An Italian merchant

2. What did Columbus name the native people he saw?

a.) Americans
b.) Indians
c.) Italians

43 | P a g e
3. Columbus and his crew first landed on a group of islands called ______.
a.) The Bahamas
b.) Cuba
c.) Hawaii
4. Smoking soon became a popular past time throughout ______.
a.) America
b.) Europe
c.) Africa
5. What was the Silk Road?
a.) The traditional overland route to Asia.
b.) The new sea route to Africa.
c.) The new sea route to Asia.

44 | P a g e
Marco Polo

I.Read the paragraph

Family business

Born into a noble family of Venetian merchants, Marco Polo began his long
experience with Cathay through the adventures of his father, Niccolo, and his uncle,
Maffeo Polo, partners in a trading operation at a time when Venice was the world
leader in foreign commerce. The Polos had left Venice to travel all the way to
Peking, China, and back when Marco was only six years old. During their nine-year
absence, Marco was raised by his mother and other members of his extended
family. He became a tough, loyal, observant young man, eager to please and
interested in adventure.

Marco Polo's father and uncle were well received in China by the Mongol prince
Kublai Khan in 1266. The Polos impressed Kublai Khan with their intelligence and
their knowledge of the world. For these reasons he kept them around for several
years. In 1269 he sent them to Rome as his messengers with a request that the
pope send one hundred Europeans to share their knowledge with him. Although the
pope did not grant the request, the Polo brothers, in search of further profit and
adventure, set out to return to China in 1271. Since his mother had died recently,
Marco Polo was taken along on the trip, marking his debut, or first appearance, as a
world traveler at age seventeen. The return to China, over land and sea, desert and
mountain, took slightly more than three years.

Despite their failure to bring back the one hundred Europeans from Rome, Kublai
Khan welcomed the Polos back and again took them into his service. He became
increasingly impressed with Marco Polo, who, like his father and uncle,
demonstrated not only his ability to travel but also his knowledge of the Mongol
language and his remarkable powers of observation.

45 | P a g e
A. Answer the questions.

1. What did Marco’s father and uncle do?


2. Who raise Marco when his father traveled to China?

3. How old was Marco when he traveled to China?


B. Write True or False.

1. He was six years old when his father and uncle 1.__________
traveled to China.

2. His father and uncle were well received in China 2.___________

by Confucius.

3. Kubai Khan requested to send Pope who could 3.___________

Explain the religion to him.

4. It took more than five years when Marco traveled 4.___________

to China.

5. Marco’s father impressed Kulai Khan with their 5.___________

Intelligence and their knowledge of the world.

46 | P a g e
II. Complete the following passage by using the given world.

1) famous lucky beautiful true interesting

3) dangerous successful easy amazing exciting



Marco Polo, the (1)________ explorer, was born in Italy in the thirteenth century.

When he was only 18 he travelled to China with his father and uncle. lt was a very

(2) __________ journey and they were (3)_________ to arrive in Beijing alive.

Marco stayed in China for 17 years and saw lots of (4)_________things. He was
very (5)______ and returned to Italy with lots of (6)________ jewels. He wrote a
book about his (7)________ adventures. The stories he told were so (8)_______
that many people thought they were not (9) ______. Now travelling is so
(10)______ we forget how difficult and dangerous it was long ago.

1._________________ 2.___________________
47 | P a g e
3._________________ 4.___________________

5._________________ 6.___________________

7._________________ 8.___________________

9._________________ 10.__________________

III. Answer the question.

A. What was the trader route between China and Eastern Europe called?


B. What is Marco Polo most know for?


C. How do we know about the adventures and travels of Marco Polo from?


D. What are some of the problems of travelling?




48 | P a g e
E. Marco Polo traveled to China with his father and uncle. He spent there for 17

years. If you were Marco Polo , would you like to travel to China or other

kingdom? Why or Why not? ( limited words 80 to 100 words)












49 | P a g e
IV. Write True or False.

1. Marco Polo traveled from Europe to Asia. 1.___________

2. Marco Polo stayed in China for 35 years. 2.___________

3. Marco Polo was born in Venice , Italy. 3.___________

4. He was age 15 or 16 when his father and uncle 4.___________

returned to meet him.

5. Marco governed the city of Yangzhou for 10 years. 5.___________

6. Marco met the Emperor of China and even worked 6.___________

for him as a messenger and spy.

7. He saw many places and things that no one from 7.___________

Europe had ever seen before.

8. The Kham persuaded to learn more Buddhism. 8.___________

9. Marco Polo died at the age of forty. 9.___________

10. Marco’s father was merchant. 10.____________

V. Choose the correct answer.

1. Marco Polo’s uncle was _______________. 1.___________

(a) Niccolo (b) Maffeo (c) Kublai

2. When was Marco Polo born? 2.___________

(a) 1254 (b) 1324 (c) 1345

3. Who was the leader of China during Marco Polo’s 3.___________

50 | P a g e
(a) Empress Wu (b) Kublai Kham (c) Emperor Zhoazong

4. Who did Marco Polo travel with to China. 4.___________

(a) His father and uncle (b) his two brothers (c) no one

5. Around how long did it take for Marco Polo to travel 5.___________

to China.

(a) 3 years (b) 6 months (c) 1 year

Trade and the Rise of Kingdoms in Southeast Asia

I. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Buddhism in the Srivijaya Empire and beyond

Palembang, a major city of the Srivijaya Empire, became a well-known stop for Chinese Buddhist
pilgrims on their way to India. It was also the birthplace of Buddhism. More than one thousand
Buddhist monks lived in the city, and Buddhist travelers were welcomed there to study Buddhist
A particularly popular form of Buddhism in the Srivijaya Empire was Vajrayana Buddhism, a
mystical form of the religion that involved the cultivation of magical or supernatural powers through
yantras, or special symbols. The Srivijaya Empire became a center for this form of Buddhism. One
reason the version of Vajrayana Buddhism was so successful was that Srivijayan leaders combined
Buddhist thought with indigenous beliefs about magic. Vajrayana Buddhism originated in India but
became popular in the Srivijaya empire during the same time period, indicating that trade
connections between the two regions in the seventh century may have influenced each other’s
The influence of Buddhism also affected political structures in the Srivijaya Empire. Srivijayan rulers
incorporated Buddhist philosophy into their public image. For example, an inscription detailing a
speech from a park dedication in 684 CE depicts a Srivijayan king, Sri Jayanasa, as a bodhisattva,
or someone who has already achieved buddhahood. By praying aloud during his speech that the
park would provide a benefit to all living things, Sri Jayanasa showed that he was attempting to

51 | P a g e
position himself as a religious authority as well as a political one. This dedication is the first time on
record that a Srivijayan ruler also claimed the role of a religious figure. The fact that the king felt
associating himself with Buddhism would help his image indicated the importance of Buddhism in
the Srivijaya Empire during the seventh century.

A. Write “True” or “False.”

1. Palembang is a minor city of the Srivijaya Empire. 1. ___________
2. More than two thousand Buddhist monks lived in Palembang. 2. ___________
3. A mystical form of the religion in the Srivijaya Empire refers to 3. ___________
Vajrayana Buddhism.
4. The Srivijaya Empire became a center for Vajrayana Buddhism. 4. ___________
5. Vajrayana Buddhism originated in China. 5. ___________
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. A particularly popular form of Buddhism in the Srivijaya Empire 1. __________
was ___________ Buddhism.
2. Palembang was the __________ of Buddhism. 2. __________
3. Vajrayana Buddhism involved the cultivation of magical or 3. __________
__________ powers through yantras.
4. Although the Srivijaya empire is not the origin of Vajrayana 4. ___________
Buddhism, it became __________ in there.
5. Trade __________ between India and Srivijaya Empire in the 5. __________
seventh century may have influenced each other’s religions.

C. Answer the questions.

1. Who were welcomed to Palembang to study Buddhist texts?
2. Why was Vajrayana Buddhism so successful in the Srivijaya Empire?
3. Where is the origin of Vajrayana Buddhism?

52 | P a g e
4. What was affected by the influence of Buddhism in the Srivijaya Empire?

5. What did Srivijayan rulers incorporate into their public image?


II. Read the passage and fill in the blanks in below from the given box.

Funan goods natural Straits trading

airport Archipelago trade fishing China

Another great 1. __________ empire which grew from a small 2. ___________village was Melaka.
Melaka was situated along the 3. ___________ of Melaka, along the trade route between India to
the west and 4. ___________ to the east. It had a safe harbour and was near the main trading
area of the Malay 5. ____________. It soon grew into a prosperous trading centre, extending its
influence through the conquest of new territories. Like 6. ___________, Majapahit and Melaka,
trade is very important to Singapore too. Everyday, hundreds of ships call at Singapore port and
hundreds of planes take off from its 7. __________ . Goods that are produced in Singapore or its
neighbouring countries are sold to other parts of the world. 8. ___________ from other parts of the
world are also brought in to be sold. 9. ___________ is important for a country like Singapore
because it enables the people of the country to build up wealth although they have no 10.

1.______________ 6. ______________

2.______________ 7. ______________

3.______________ 8. ______________

4.______________ 9. ______________

5.______________ 10. ______________

53 | P a g e
III. Answer the questions.

1. What was depended on the ships sailing in the Southeast Asia region?



2. What are Maritime time kingdoms? Describe them.



3. Can you explain why some trading settlements were known as maritime kingdoms?




4. Can you discuss why the ships from India had stopped at ports in Southeast Asia?



5. Do you believe the reason why Funan had such success in trade was because of its strategic
location? Please assess it.



54 | P a g e
6. Can you design a new trade route with different transportation from India to Southeast Asian
countries? Write your plan on the blanks. (limited words -60 to 80 words)







7. It must be noted that while the people of Southeast Asia borrowed many ideas, they also
changed some of them to suit them to their own culture and beliefs. Based on this point, you
also need to adapt the new ideas to fit in the new environment. (Now you are a new student
in ILBC moved from the other school. What factors would you need to change according to
the situation. Show your ideas below.)




55 | P a g e


IV. Fill in the blanks.

1.In the late ____________ days, the people of Southeast Asia traded 1. ________

with India.

2. The Southeast Asia was at the ___________ of the sea traffic 2. ________

between India and China.

3. The ___________road was disrupted around AD200 by Nomadic 3. _________

tribes in Central Asia.

4. The ports in Southeast Asia became convenient _________ by 4. _________

the trade.

5. Oc-eo situated near the ___________ of Kra. 5. __________

6.The local products of Palembang are spices and 6. __________

scented __________.

7.The meaning of Majapahit is ___________. 7. ___________

8. ___________ culture has an important influence on mainland 8. ___________

Southeast Asia.

9. The _________ in Southeast Asia invited the Brahmins to their 9. ___________


10. Educated people of Southeast Asia learnt __________. 10. ___________

V. Choose the correct answers.

1. Silk, spices and incense could be found in _____________.

A. Korea and Southeast Asia

B. India and Southeast Asia

C. China and Southeast Asia

56 | P a g e
2.___________ monsoon drove ships sailing from India to Southeast Asia.

A. Northwest
B. Southwest
C. Southeast

3. The ships had to stop at ports in Southeast Asia for _____________.

A. food and water

B. shelter and food
C. shelter and supplies

4. Funan was located in present-day ___________.

A. Southern Cambodia and southern Vietnam

B. Northen Cambodia and southern Vietnam

C. Eastern Cambodia and southern Vietnam

5. Palembang was located midway between the straits of ____________.

A. Magellan and Sundra straits

B. Melaka and Sundra straits

C. Maekhong and Sundra straits

6. The last king of Singhasari was ____________.

A. King Vijaya

B. King Ramkamhaeng

C. King Kertanagara

7. The Brahmins served as _____________ in the courts of the Southeast Asia kingdoms.

A. engineers, astrologers and advisers

B. priests, astrologers and advisers

C. soldiers, astrologers and advisers

8. By AD500, many people in Southeast Asia worshipped of Hindu dieties.

A. Hindu spirits

B. Hindu gods

C. Hindu dieties

57 | P a g e
9. Educated people of Southeast Asia learnt Sanskrit and read _________ on various topics.

A. Indian books

B. Chinese books

C. Myanmar books

10. Southeast Asian kingdoms along the main sea route that adopted so many Indian ideas are
called __________ .

A. Chinesenized kingdom

B. Indianised kingdoms

C. Westernized kingdom

58 | P a g e

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