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I E Southern Water Tribe Raids

e following is a list of important events, which occur leading Forty years into the war, Fire Lord Sozin’s successor, Azulon,
up to and during this era. Each event has a list of the current targeted the Waterbenders of the Southern Water Tribe. His
consequences for stories in this era. soldiers took many Waterbenders to high security prisons or
murdered them, and the population of the Southern Water Tribe
The Disappearance of Avatar Aang dropped drastically. Rather than helping their fellow tribespeo-
Nearly a century ago just before the Fire Nation a acked, Avatar ple, the citizens of the Northern Water Tribe further isolated
Aang disappeared a er running away with his sky bison, Appa. themselves, shoring up their own defenses in case the ire of the
Struggling with his identity as the Avatar and upset over the Fire Nation turned on them next. is served to isolate the two
news that he had to leave the Southern Air Temple to begin his tribes from one another, where they once presented a united
o cial training, Aang ran o only to be caught in a storm. To front on many occasions.
survive, he involuntarily entered the Avatar state and froze him- e Southern Water Tribe raids only ended when Azulon was
self and Appa in an iceberg, where he still remains. No one in the satis ed that he rid the world of the last Southern Waterbender,
world (except for rare individuals, such as King Bumi) knows a woman named Kya. In truth, she was not the bender they were
what happened to the Avatar, what his name was, or what he seeking, but lied and said she was to protect her daughter Katara,
looked like, only that the Avatar disappeared. Some, like Prince the real Waterbender (page 72).
Zuko, believe he is an old man, but others believe the Avatar’s
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reincarnation cycle simply came to an end.
• The Southern Water Tribe numbers are dwindling.
C : • Most Southern Waterbenders are imprisoned.
• There is no Avatar. • The remaining Southern Water Tribe warriors have left their
• Most people don’t believe the Avatar will come back. homes to launch guerilla attacks on the Fire Nation.
• The world has lost more of its connection with the Spirit World.
The Siege of Ba Sing Se
The Air Nomad Genocide e failed Siege of Ba Sing Se ended only a few years ago a er
Not long a er the Avatar’s disappearance, the Fire Nation a acked lasting a grueling six hundred days. General Iroh, heir to the Fire
the other three nations with overwhelming force. When Sozin’s Nation throne at the time, led the siege. e Fire Army got as far as
Comet passed overhead, all Firebenders experienced a monumen- breaching the Outer Wall and made their way through the Agrarian
tal increase in their abilities. With this temporary ampli cation of Zone. Around this time, Iroh’s son, Lu Ten, was badly injured in the
power, the Fire Nation killed all of the Air Nomads and severely assault and soon succumbed to his wounds. Su ering his son’s death
damaged their temples. made Iroh realize that the siege cost too many lives and destroyed
e speed and e ciency the Fire Nation used to exterminate the morale of the soldiers. Iroh ended the siege and eventually Ba
the Air Nomads stunned the world. While the Air Nomads’ Sing Se retook their lost ground and repaired the Outer Wall.
allies intended to come to their aid, they were busy contending
with the Fire Nation on other fronts, creating the perfect envi- C :
ronment for the Fire Lord’s nefarious plans. Fire Lord Sozin’s • Ba Sing Se is one of the last strongholds of the Earth Kingdom.
actions in the Roku Era built up the Fire Nation’s military to a • The Ba Sing Se government grows increasingly xenophobic.
force that the Air Nomads were unable to contend with. ough • The Fire Nation is working on new technologies
Avatar Aang was the prime target of the a ack, he ended up to breach the Outer Wall.
being the only survivor of the Air Nomads—though that truth is
unknown to the world. The Death of Fire Lord Azulon
e Air Nomads are now relegated to footnotes in history A er Iroh withdrew from Ba Sing Se, his brother Ozai demand-
books for the new generation of this era. Even then, there is ed that their father remove Iroh as heir to the Fire Nation throne.
li le history the Fire Nation hasn’t warped to t its narrative and Fire Lord Azulon, infuriated by this demand, ordered Ozai to
many records on Air Nomads are incomplete. A few people may kill his rstborn, Zuko, so that he would understand the pain of
visit their temples and wonder at the lost civilization but a scant losing a rstborn son as Iroh had. Ozai planned to follow these
few truly remember the Nomads. orders, but his wife Ursa made a deal with him instead. She cre-
ated a poison Ozai could use on his father in exchange for him
C : sparing Zuko’s life. Ozai banished Ursa and secretly assassinated
• There are no Air Nomads. Azulon so he could claim the throne.
• The Air Nomad temples are for the most part
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empty (see the Mechanist on page 63).
• There is no one to tend to the spiritual sites • Ozai, not Iroh, is the current Fire Lord.
the Air Nomads once cared for. • Prince Zuko is exiled from the Fire Nation until he finds the Avatar.
• Ursa is missing, presumed dead.

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