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Vocabulary Bank

A life time ago= A lot of time ago

Abolish a law= A law is not more used
Absolutely stunning= Very beautiful
Actual origins= Real origins
Aim= Purpose
All the same= However, despite of that
Appeal= Atraer
Appealing= Interesting
Apprehensive= Feel anxious or nervous about the future
Ask someone to do/ not to do sth= Pedirle a alguien que haga algo, eg: Could
you stop talking please
Assesment= Evaluación
Assist= Help
Attend= Asistir a (una clase)
Ban= the law prohibits sth
Bow= Moño
Brought up (by)= Raised by (Criado por)
Call off= Cancel
Can´t face= No poder enfrentar
Can´t help= Can´t resist
Carry on: Go on (Synonym)
Certainty= Certeza
Childish= Immature
Childlike= It doesn’t have a negative connotation, eg: She has a childlike smile
Claim= Declaration

Claim= Say something is true or a fact (Afirmar sin tener evidencia)

Clamsy= Torpe
Compulsory= Obligatorio
Countless= Infinita
Cultural Heritage= Herencia creada por las personas
Current situation= Present situation
Deny (Past: Denied) to do sth= Negar haber hecho algo (Decir que no lo
Deny= Say that you haven´t done it
Depressed= Depresivo
Despite= A pesar de (In spite of sth/ in spite fo doing sth/ in spite of the fact that
+ sentence)
Do without= You manage without sth
Don´t feel like= I´m not in the mood for doing it
Don´t have manners= No tener modales
Dozen= Docena
Drop off= Quedarse dormido (Cabecear)
Earn your living= Ganarse la vida
Endurance= Resistance
Fancy= (Adjective) Elegant
Feed up= Estar harto
Feel overwhelmed = Sobrepasado
Feeling blue = Not feeling well
Finish the carree= Jubilarte (Retire)
Forbidden/ Banned= Not allowed
Forgive= Perdonar
Get a degree= Finish their studies
Get down to doing sth= Start doing sth seriously
Get on well: Have a good relationship
Get round to doing sth= Give yourself the time to do it, eg: I never get round to
Give a try/ Give a go= I would like to try it
Give over= Stop complaining
Give up doing sth ≠ Cut out sth
Give up doing sth= Stop doing it
Give up doing sth= Stop doing sth
Give up doing sth= Stop doing sth
Give up= Rendirse
Go on to do sth= Stop sth to do sth else (synonym- move on)
Go on= Continue/ Carry on/ Keep on
Great deal of= Gran cantidad de
Guarantee= Garantía
Harm= Daño
Harmless= No es dañino
Have a go= Dar una chance
He´s in he´s early, mid or late: Teens, Twenties, Thirties, etc.
Heritage= Herencia
Homesick= When you missed your family and friends
I intend to pass= Have the intention of doing it
I like doing sth= Enjoy it
I like to do sth= It is convenient
In your slip= Bajo la manga
Inherit= Heredar
It bust your strength= It builds you up (Aumenta tu fuerza)
It looks as if= Se ve que
It´s pouring in buckets= Está lloviendo a cantaros
Keep on= Continue/ carry on
Keep up with= Mantenerse actualizado
Launch= Lanzamiento
Lavish= Luxurious life
Leisure= Ocio
Lonely= Solitario
Main aim= Propósito
Make ends meet: “Llegar a fin de mes”
Make up our mind= Make a decision
Make up your mind= Make a decision
Miserable= Miserable
Natural Heritage= Herencia creada por la naturaleza
Ornament= Adorno/ objeto de decoración
Outstanding= Very good
Overnight= De un día para el otro
Paid off= Vale la pena
Play group= Group of children that go outside of their houses to play
Play truant= Stay away from the school without permission (Hacerse la rabona)
Postpone= Put off
Practise (Verb) VS practice (Noun)
Pretend= Demostrar algo que no es
Pretend= Fingir
Pretend= Fingir
Prevailed= Preexistentes
Profesor= Higher than a lecturer
Punishment= Castigo
Put by some money= To put some money aside/ to save
Ran into someone= To come across someone= Meet someone by chance
Refuse to do sth= Negarse a hacer algo
Refuse= Don´t do sth
Regard = Consider
Rejected= Rechazado
Release stress/ Rid stress
Relies on = Depender de algo (Depend on)
Reluctant to= Reacio a
Resit= Representarse a uno
Ribbon= Cinta
Risk= Arriesgar
Run out sth= Quedarse sin algo
Scarred stiff= Muerto de miedo
Scientific (Adjective) – Scientist (Noun)
Scientific VS scientist
Seagull= Gaviota
Set off at the crack of dawn= Irse al amanecer
Set out= To start a journey (synonym = Set off)
Set up = Start
Shelf life= Vida útil
Show off = Alardear / hacerse ver
Sit for an exam= Presentarse a un examen
Soaked= Over wet
Sorts= Synonyms: Kinds/ Types
Stale= Rancio
Stop doing sth= Parar de hacer algo
Stop to do sth= Parar de hacer algo para hacer otra cosa
Strike a balance= Mantener el equilibrio
Stuck to their believes= Siguieron con sus creencias
Succeed in doing sth
Suggest doing sth
Swear= Maldecir
Swear= Promise (Jurar)
Take up doing sth= Start doing sth specially a hobby
Talk into= Convince (Convencer)
Tell someone to do/ not to do sth= Ordenarle a alguien que haga algo, eg: The
teacher told me not to talk
Tend= Be followed by “to”
Therefore= So
Threaten= Amenazar
Time off= Free time
To be reluctant to do sth= to unwilling to do sth (You don´t want to do it)
To ensure= Make sure sth
To have a gift for sth= you´re naturally good at it, eg: My sister´s a gifted
To run a company= Dirigir una compañía
Took up= Comenzo un Nuevo hobby
Try to do sth= Intentar hacer algo
Uncountable= Incontable por naturaleza
Underlying philosophy= Las filosofías que tenían detrás
Unwind= Relax
Wealthy= Rich/ Affluent / Well off
Wears me out= Me agota
Well off= Wealthy/ Rich
Whereas= Mientras que
Wise= Sabio
You don´t have to= It´s not necessary
You live pourly/ you live in poverty

Verbs followed by an ING form:

 Can´t help= I couldn´t stop doing sth (No poder parar de hacerlo)
 Can´t resist= I couldn´t resist the temptation (No resistir la tentación de
hacer algo)
 Feel like= You are on mood to do sth
 Give up doing sth= Rendirse (synonym: Surrender)
 Put off= Posponer
 Resent= Resentimiento (You feel angry or upset about sth you consider
unfair )
 Resumed= Re take (Stop doing sth and then take it again)
 Suggested= Sugerir
 Take up doing sth= Start doing sth specially a hobby
Verbs followed by a TO – Infinitive:
 Achieve= Lograr
 Agree to= Promise to do the action
 Aim to= You plan or hope too achieve it
 Appear to= Seems to be
 Arrange to do sth= Prepare/ Plan sth that is sure
 Ask someone to do sth= Pedirle a alguien que haga algo
 Ask to= Permission to do sth/ to perform an action
 Attempt to= Try to do sth
 Can´t afford to= No nos podemos permitir
 Claim to= Reclamar
 Deserve to sth= Merecer
 Expect to= Esperar que suceda
 Fail to do sth= Don´t succeed in what you were trying
 Guarantee to =Grantizar
 Hope to= Deseo que pase
 Make someone do sth/ Tell someone to do sth= Ordenarle a alguien que
haga algo
 Opportunity to= Oportunidad de
 Swear to= Jurar
 Tend to= To be likely in a particular way
 Threaten to= Say you´ll make someone bad if they don´t give you what
you want (Amenazar)
 Turn out to= To produce an unexpected result
 Wish to= Deseo (Quiero hacerlo) Formal form of “I want to”
Verbs with a change in meaning:
 Forget TO do sth= Forget rthat you need to do sth
 Forget+ ING form= Forget that you did sth in the past (Olvidarse de
haberlo hecho)
 Go on +ING= Synonym of “went on”
 Go on TO do sth= Change the activity
 Mean +ING= Sth has to be done to get a result
 Mean TO do sth= Intend to do sth, you have the intention of doing sth
 Regret + ING= You did sth at the past and you aren´t happy about it
 Regret TO do sth= To tell bad news and you aren´t happy of them ( It´s
only used with say/ inform)
 Remember +ING form= Remember de action of doing it
 Remember TO do sth= Remember that you need to do sth
 Stop +ING= To stop with an activity
 Stop TO do sth= To stop in order to do sth else
 Try + ING= Experiment what happen
 Try TO do sth= Do sth that it isn’t easy ( Synonym make an efford/ attend
to do sth)
Verbs followed by a bare infinitive:
After modal verbs:
 Can
 Could
 May
 Might
Eg: She can help you if you want
Exception: OUGH + TO
Makes= Obligation, eg: Our habitat makes us feel
Let= someone do sth
Passive voice= Be made + to
Verbs perception: 5, those that you can feel with senses, eg: See, smell, fly, etc.
Question: Did notice that?

 Look forward to +ING= Can´t wait
 Prevent someone doing sth= Not letting them (Impedir)
 Possibility to + ING
Speaking Vocabulary Bank
Ways to agree
 I couldn´t agree more
 I´m on the same page
 Absolutely
 We can see eye to eye
Ways to disagree
 You are probably right, but…
 I agree to a certain
 I partly agree
Ways to express opinion:
 To my mind

Ways to ask:
 Why don´t we…?
 Shall we…
 How about/ What about + ING
 Would you like to…?
 What would you say about?

I´ve never bungee jumped, I´d like to give it try/ give it a go

It sounds/ it looks exciting/ thrilling
Thrilling= Exciting
I´ve never done it. Actually, I wouldn´t like to try it.
I guess it´s too dangerous
Extreme sports don´t appeal to me. I´m not into extreme sports.
I´m not a big fan of/ I´m a big fan of
I´m really into
Vocabulary for Writing
Overnight= “De un día para el otro”
Stuck to their believes= Siguieron con sus creencias
It´s pouring in buckets= Está lloviendo a cantaros
I would rather you didn´t stay at home= Preferiría que no te quedaras
I would rather you went out
I´d rather watch a rom-com
I´d rather not to watch a horror film
I had better watch an action film
On my way home, I found…
Apprehensive= Feel anxious or nervous about the future
He was struggling to walk under the torrential downpour
He struggled to walk under the torrential downpour
Get on well: Have a good relationship
Adding information
 Another positive influence…
 What´s more,
 Furthermore,
 In addition to this,
 Not only…but also…
 Last but not least
Expressing result
 For this reason,
 Consequently,
 Therefore, (synonym for so)
 As a result,
 As a consequence,
Giving opinions
 I firmly believe that…
 In my opinion…
 As far as I am concerned…
 I fully agree that…
 I personally feel that…
 It seems to me that…
 It is quite clear that…
 I would say that…
To emphasise what you say
 Clearly,
 Of course,
 Obviously,
 Needless to say,
 Nobody can, (Innecesario decir que)
 Nobody can (“Could” is more formal) deny that…
To express reality
 It is a fact that,
 Actually,
 As a matter of fact,
 Indeed, (En efecto/ en realidad)
 While there is some truth to this, it is also a fact that…
Giving an impersonal view
 It is true that…
 Some people believe/ find/ argue/ claim that…
 It is thought that…
 …is considered to…
 It has not been proven that…
 While some people think that… Others argue that…
 It is popularly belief…
 Recent research shows that…
Expressing consequence
 As a consequence
 As a result
 Consequently
 So
 Therefore
Expressing purpose
 So as to
 So that
 In order to
Expressing reason
 As
 Because
 Since
 Because of
Introducing a summary
 To summarise
 To conclude
 In conclusion
 To sum up
Giving examples
 Like
 For example
 For instance
 Such as
 So that
 This means that
Introducing contrast/ concession
 Although
 But
 Despite
 Even though
 However
 In contrast
 In spite of
 Nevertheless
 On the contrary
 On the other hand
 While
 Whereas
 Though
 Yet
Introducing a supporting point
 Like wise
 Also
 Another reason
 Finally
 In addition
 In the same way
 Moreover
 In other words
 Secondly
 Similarly
 What is more
 And
 Furthermore
Introducing a point
 First of all, …
 To begin with, …
 In conclusion…
 Another interesting thing is…
 We mustn´t forget that…
 In addition to this…
 As well as this, …
 On the other hand, …
 However, …
Referring to other people´s opinion
 Not everyone thinks that…
 Some people think that…
 Experts say that…
Extreme adjectives are only used with absolutely
 Prefixes: Before the word, eg: remake, International, etc.
 Suffixes: After the word, eg: Beautiful, Friendship
Suggest doing sth
ING- Sometimes suggest a general statement (and acts like a noun)
To – Infinitive suggest a specification in the future
Succeed in doing sth

 Had better
 Would rather
 Rather
I would rather go
I would rather you went…
I + would rather + you + past [To someone]
I + would rather + I + present [For me]
Verbs of the sense
Some of these verbs may have different meaning, it depends the sense of the
Subject + Verb of sense + object + Verb infinitive/ Verb + ING
Verb INF= You saw the whole action
Verb + ING= You saw a part of the action
We can only use regret to
 Say
 Tell
 Inform

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