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Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon State University

Sorsogon City
A.Y. 2023-2024

Members: Mark Anthony D. Bernal
John Mark L. Bitancor
Jonnel Lustestica
Year: 1st YEAR


 Educate 5 children in your barangay or locality about the different Types of Pollution,
explain to them the causes, effects, and What can they do to lessen and mitigate the
impact of Pollution on our environment. Attach documentation of your journey. Lastly,
there should be a reflection of your experience in the activity.

Direction: Explain each question in a minimum of 3-5 sentences based on what you have
learned and understand about the topic of Pollution including its different types,
causes, and effects. Each question contains 5 points.
1. For instance in your community there is a factory that burns Recyclable materials like
plastics, bottles, etc. to make another usable product. Your father is a worker there, and it's the
only source of income for your family to use on everyday necessities. However, one time you
observe that the factory is producing too much smoke and gases. There is also reports that
cases of lung cancer and asthma increase at neighboring households. If you file a report and
complaint there might be a possibility that the factory will be shut down, however, your father will
lose his job. If you ignore it, more diseases will affect you and in the worst-case scenario would
lead to the deaths of the people in the community. What would you do? And why?

2. The night before the next day your neighbor celebrates the 18" birthday of their daughter. Of
course, there are a lot of visitors including their family members, and it's common to rent a
videoke, It's already 10:00 PM and you notice that the volume of the videoke is still high and it's
disturbing your sleep. Tomorrow at 7:30 AM you have a class and it's your final examination for
the for the second semester. You know that enough sleep is necessary to maintain your
focus and remember all that you have studied. What are you going to do?
3. For the past years, Industrial activities such as mining, factories, disposal of wastes and chemicals,
and more have become very common in your community It cause a lot of pollution especially soil
pollutions which lead to an unhealthy environment. You notice that no programs and movements in
your community aim to stop and reduce pollution, waste, and industrial activities. Given a chance to
be a leader and create a program and movement to stop pollution, what would it be? What are the
activities and plans that your movement does? How can you say that those plans and activities you'll
do, will prevent and reduce pollution?

4. Water is one of the most essential things that we have and we have been using/consuming it until
now. With this fact, we know that we need to take care of every body of water. As someone who
consumes water, how do you take care of the bodies of water around your area/vicinity?

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