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© Professor Samuel Oye Bandele

First Edition 2024

Published in 2024

ISBN: 978-978-60290-5-4

All rights reserved

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retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
A BOOK OF TRIBUTES any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the copyright owner.

Printed by:
Edited by: Petoa Educational Publishers
Professor (Mrs) Graceful O. Ofodu Ekuta Quarters, Ado-Ekiti.
FOREWORD godly men and women from different Faculties in the university. With
joy, I consented and constituted a prayer team. We were meeting
every week to intercede for the Vice-Chancellor.

I am honoured to be asked to write the foreword to this book:

Professor Sam OyeBandele: The Man, the Mentor, and the
Mantles: Tributes from the Hearts @ 70 andHearty Retirement
from Public Service. Professor Samuel Oye Bandele is a man of
many parts to different categories of people from all walks of life.
When the tenure of the Deputy Vice-Chancellors he inherited was
about to come to an end, the race to appoint new Deputy Vice-
Chancellors began. A lot of people showed interest in the position. I
Everyone who could create the time to write freely about him to was not among them. One evening in June 2016, he called me that he
express what they think of him had done so. The write-ups have would present me along with another Professor to the Senate to
been edited and compiled by an erudite scholar in person of Prof. decide through the electoral process who was to be appointed as
G.O. Ofodu, Faculty of Education, Ekiti State University, Ado- Deputy Vice-Chancellor. I told him that I was contented with the
Ekiti. prayer work I was doing along with my team for him and that I
wouldstep down on the floor of the Senate for the other professor. He
I have known Prof Bandele since the early 90s as a brother, pastor, pleaded that I should allow the Senate to decide. I deliberately did not
senior colleague in academia, and close neighbour. I worked briefly inform anyone nor campaign to anyone for a vote. Senate voted and I
with him as DLCF Coordinator of the then-University of Ado-Ekiti in won the election. I worked with him closely as his Deputy Vice-
the 90s before I traveled out as a research fellow at the University of Chancellor for two terms from 2016 to Jan 2019 before the
Aalborg, Denmark. On coming back, I was made the Dallimore government of the day in 2019 terminated his tenure as Vice-
District Coordinator and later a Group Coordinator at Deeper Life Chancellor abruptly.
Bible Church, Ado Ekiti. In 2004, I was led to start a ministry and that
brought me out of Deeper Life Bible Church. My relationship with The authors of this book of tributes were classified into nine(9)
Prof Bandele did not diminish. I can still recall the day he was different units: Children, Family, Ekiti State University Staff, Deeper
counseling me not to abandon my Ph.D. for ministerial work. It was Life Campus Fellowship (Ekiti State and South West Zone), Deeper
as if he read my mind because I was undergoing heavy stress at that Life Bible Church Members, Ijesamodu, Anchor University. Friends
time. With the help of God, Prof Bandele, and other people God used and Treasured Allies. Everyone that Prof Bandele had touched in one
for me, I concluded my PhD and became a Professor of Mechanical way or another had freely expressed their different perspectives of
Engineering in 2013. him in black and white, and beautifully compiled as a volume for
generations to read and comprehendwhat God can do in the life of a
In December 2015, I heard that Prof. S.O. Bandele had been man saved by grace and who volunteered to be a mentor to many
th using his God-given mantles. Before you read what very many
appointed as the 7 Vice-Chancellor of Ekiti State University. Since
people have to say about Prof Bandele, let me briefly summarise my
my house is a stone-throw to his house, I dashed to his house to
assessment of Prof Bandele under three sub-headings:
congratulate him and to wish him well. As I was going, he called me
and requested that I help him constitute a prayer team consisting of

iii iv
1. A man of faith: Prof Bandele has a living faith in God. His the vulnerable ones. During his tenure,in the University Senate, he
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ has given him a new life (2 Corinthians always reiterated that the law is always on the side of the weak ones
5:17) that enables him to live righteously, follow peace with all and the voiceless when making decisions for our students. The ex-
men,and maintain the purity of heart and life in readiness for the SUG president of EKSU during his tenure was the first person to
rapture of saints and heaven at last. He loves prayer and delights donate generously and freely toward his retirement ceremony. He
greatly in the word of God. He prefers to commit his matter to God in created time to listen to students and “jaw-jaw” with them to find
prayer than to lobby highly placed personalities or go to the law court solutions to their problems. The management meeting with JAC 3 (or
to seek redress. His appointment as the 7 Vice-Chancellor of Ekiti JAC 4 and ASUU) was with an openness that made him present the
State University was an act of God because he did not run around to university account so that they would know that there was nothing to
seek the help man. He, being a highly intelligent intellectual, and an hide. He did not align with corrupt people who were out to defraud
experienced administrator, came first in the interview for the position and ruin the finances of the university. This did not go down well with
of Vice-Chancellor, and by divine intervention through the force of them.
prayer, he was appointed the 7th Vice-Chancellor. Throughout his
tenure, prayer, and faith in God were the strength of his 3. Fidelity: The honesty and openness of Prof. Bandele
administration and they helped him to succeed and overcome the areexceptionally outstanding. He has zero tolerance for fraud,
expectations of evil men who were frustrated. corruption, and misappropriation of funds. Throughout his tenure as
the Vice-Chancellor of EKSU, he had no private deal with all
Prof Bandele is a frank person who speaks his mind as it is, people contractors. He did not give them room to inflate contracts for illicit
who do not appreciate frankness can easily be offended. He has the gain nor did he take any gift from any contractor. He stood for quality
humility to apologize and make peace with people that are offended. projects and judicious utilization of public funds. He blocked all
Prof Bandele is a faithful and loyal personality to any course he forms of leakagesand many who were used to cutting corners to make
believes in. He was loyal to the government of Ayodele Fayose who illicit gains were disappointed. So many lies were told against him
appointed him as the Vice-Chancellor. The wind of circumstances did and his management while in office just to get rid of him. Some
not change his loyalty. Unfortunately, people who did not know this disgruntled staff wrote a lot of petitions against him and that made the
man very well misunderstood his loyalty to political partisanship. government of Dr Kayode Fayemi send a Visitation Panel to the
While in office as VC, he was not a member of any political party. University in 2018. The Panel sat for many weeks, books were
Even though pressures were mounted upon him to belong to a opened, and petitions were read, to the glory of God, Prof Sam Oye
political grouphe resisted such vehemently. Bandele was not indicted for any fraud or any immoral dealings in the
government white paper released after the visit. He was removed
2. Friendliness: Prof Bandele has a very humble and friendly because of hisleadership style which has zero tolerance for fraud and
personality. He did not relate to me as a boss but as a friend, brother, plans for the future expansion of the university in truth and
and pastor. He is very compassionate and lovingly fights always for righteousness. Thank God for all that happened. God, the defender of
the less privileged. He does not like others to cheat or be too hard on the defenseless has vindicated him and consoled him with an

v vi
appointment as the Vice-Chancellor of Anchor University, Lagos. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
God is presently using him with the experiences of being a Vice-
Chancellor in three prior universities to transform and reposition
Anchor University to the glory of God.
The tributes of the Man, a Mentor, and Mantles of Professor
Bandele,a First-Class material from the University of Benin, an
intelligent and erudite scholar of high repute, a
F irst off, we celebrate and reverence the Almighty God who
made this book of tributes in honour of Professor Sam Oye
Bandele a reality and a huge success. This compendium was
made possible by individuals and institutions who are too numerous
to list here. Nevertheless, credit must be given to all who birthed this
renownedTest,Measurement and Evaluation Expert, an epitome of project of celebrating an illustrious Son, Husband, Father, Uncle,
humility, a Defender of the defenseless, an inspired Teacher of the Grandfather, Pastor, Leader, Teacher, Lecturer, Professor and Vice
Word of God, a sincere and open-hearted man of God who is void of Chancellor of no mean repute. Truly, Prof Bandele qualifies to be
an iota of hypocrisy, a compassionate father, and a caring husband of celebrated and this book of tributes speaks volume of the man, the
the highly favoured Comfort Titilayo Bandele is hereby presented to mentor and the mantles of his life.
all and sundry to read.
Of profound note is the contribution of Professor Bandele's family
Engr. Professor Iyiola Olusola Oluwaleye especially his excellent wife, comfort, confidant and friend, Mrs
Former Deputy-Chancellor (July 2016-Jan 2019) Comfort Titilayo Bandele who provided the comfort and comforting
Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti environment that enabled Prof Bandele to attain this glorious height
of retirement from active public service. The contributions of the
Deeper Life Campus Fellowship and Deeper Life Bible Church
locally, nationally and globally are well acknowledged.

We are grateful to Professor I.O. Oluwaleye, the Chairman, Central

Planning Committee and all members of the Tributes and Programme
Committee especially Dr (Mrs) Ogunlade and the Secretary, Dr
Amos Onipede who worked tirelessly to edit this book. You are
simply destiny helpers and you will be celebrated specially.

We are indebted to all students (past and present), members of staff of

Ekiti State University especially the Faculty of Education, Ekiti State
University, the Dean, Prof M.A. Ayeni and all students, members of
staff of Anchor University, Lagos who contributed in no small
measure towards the successful celebration of Prof. Bandele. You
are all blessed.

vii viii
Further, we appreciate all contributors for allowing us to publish their
tributes in this book. By the special grace of God, we will all be
celebrated glamorously in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. 1. Children……………………………………. 1

Finally, the pathway to honour in life is often littered with so many 2. Family…………………………………. 13
trials but triumph is sure when such a life is fully surrendered to God
coupled with diligence, determination and discipline. Such is the 3. Ekiti State University Staff………………… 25
pathway of the man, the mentor and the mantles of Professor Sam
Oye Bandele. Friends, get connected to the Lord Jesus Christ today 4. Deeper Life Campus Fellowship
for a transformative lifestyle worthy of being celebrated. (State & South West Zone……….. 57

5. Deeper Life Bible Church Members…………… 84

Professor Graceful O. Ofodu (FRAN, FLiPAN)
Chairperson, Tributes and Progamme Committee 6. Ijesamodu ……………………………………. 97

7. Anchor University……………………………. 102

8. Friends……………………………………. 132

9. Treasured Allies………………………….. 144

ix x
UNIT 1: CHILDREN Spiritual Guidance: Without an iota of doubt, Professor S. O.
Bandele has served as a beacon of spiritual wisdom and guidance,
1.1 CELEBRATING A LEGACY OF INSPIRATION: A illuminating the path for others through his unwavering faith and
TRIBUTE TO PROFESSOR S. O. BANDELE ON HIS profound spirituality. His commitment to living out his beliefs with
BIRTHDAY AT 70 AND RETIREMENT FROM EKITI authenticity and compassion has inspired admiration and reverence
STATE UNIVERSITY among those fortunate enough to know him. One of the attributes I
dearly admire about Dad, and which has had the greatest impact on
Dr Deborah Oluwaseun Dada (Nee Bandele) my spiritual life, is his “balanced spirituality.” He has over the years
proved that true Christianity is not about practicing religion
Australia dogmatically; rather, it is a lifestyle that seeks to always glorify God.

P rof. S.O. Bandele, whom I am proud to call my father is a

remarkable individual whose journey of resilience, wisdom
and unwavering inspiration has left an indelible mark on the
lives of those around him. Dad, as you embark on the next chapter of
your life, this tribute celebrates your profound impact as a spiritual
Moreover, Dad has exemplified the transformative power of faith,
offering solace, strength and hope to all who seek his counsel. I recall
that as a young believer in my teen years, I struggled with having an
assurance of salvation. I raised the issue with Dad, and I will never
forget that day he sat down with me, opened the Bible, and read the
guide, academic mentor and physical role model. Through your lived book of Romans 8:1 explaining that there is no more condemnation
example of integrity, perseverance and boundless optimism, you for those in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the
epitomize the transformative power of resilience and the enduring Spirit. I felt so much peace after our conversation about my stand in
legacy of a life well-lived. Personally, your journey brings to life the God, and it has left an indelible mark on me.
Bible verse that states, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but
the Lord delivers Him from them all” (Psalm 34:19). Dad was not merely a pastor outside the home but indeed a spiritual
guide within the walls of his family, providing a safe space for us his
Indeed, the milestone of retirement marks not only the conclusion of children to discuss deep spiritual issues and express their
a distinguished career but also an opportunity to reflect on the legacy vulnerabilities with him. Despite providing authentic spiritual
one leaves behind. In the case of Prof. S. O. Bandele, his retirement guidance for his home, what always amazed me while growing up,
from EKSU and birthday at the age of 70 invites us to celebrate a even to this day, is how humble and open my dad is to receiving
lifetime of resilience, wisdom and inspiration that has touched the feedback from his children. I recall that while growing up, Dad
hearts and minds of his children as well as countless individuals who devoted an evening every week to having family discussions or
have crossed his path. Therefore, I would like to focus briefly on three reviews where children were free to verbalize their opinions about
aspects of Prof. S. O. Bandele's impact on my life: as a spiritual guide, their parents during the week and vice versa. Those moments
academic mentor and physical role model. encouraged open and honest conversations which were truly
treasured. Dad, you are a great listener, a man full of wisdom and

1 2
great discipline when it comes to interacting with others, even with academic mentor, Dad's approach was always adopting a strength-
your children! It's no flattery to say that your life is one of the few I based and person-centered approach. He doesn't impose what he feels
have over the years seen as being Christlike indeed, in many is best for you on you; rather, he gently encourages and cheers you on
ramifications. Thank you for allowing yourself to be a vessel unto as one of your biggest supporters. I have always admired your
honour in the hands of your Saviour and Redeemer. hardworking spirit but in recent years, having the privilege to work
on some academic projects with you, my admiration for you has
Physical Resilience: Beyond the realm of spirituality, Prof. S. O. skyrocketed. Your hard work, discipline and can-do attitude are
Bandele has embodied resilience and vitality in the face of unparalleled. These attributes explain the excellence that
challenges. Dad's ability to bounce back from setbacks with grace accompanies all your endeavours. You have and will continue to
and determination serves as a source of inspiration and a testament to showcase excellence in all you do Dad. I am so proud to be called
the power of resilience in overcoming adversity. Dad's life showcases your daughter. As a Vice Chancellor of Anchor University, you have
that the road to success is not usually linear and that indeed, tough demonstrated exemplary leadership, fostering an environment of
time do not last but tough people do! Words will fail me to give innovation, collaboration and academic excellence. Under your
examples that showcase your resilience. I have seen you become a guidance, the university has flourished, becoming a hub of
taxi driver to support the family despite being a lecturer at a time. On intellectual inquiry and academic achievement.
the career front, I have experienced you bouncing back strongly from
numerous setbacks with grace and integrity. Your life's journey from Prof. S. O Bandele, my dear father, as you embark on the journey of
what appeared as falling several times and then rising to the peak of retirement from EKSU while celebrating the age milestone of 70, I
your career indeed is a testament to your unwavering dedication, join all your countless children all over the world to celebrate not only
scholarly prowess and visionary leadership. As you embark on the the culmination of a distinguished career but also the enduring legacy
milestone of retirement at the age of 70, we commemorate your of inspiration, resilience, and wisdom that you have left behind.
invaluable contributions to academia and celebrate the remarkable Through your lived example of spiritual fortitude, physical
legacy you have left behind. resilience, and academic mentorship, you have touched the lives of
countless individuals and imparted invaluable lessons that will
Academic Mentor: In the pursuit of knowledge and academic resonate for generations to come. May your retirement be a time of
excellence, Prof. S. O. Bandele has served as a mentor and role well-deserved rest, reflection, and continued inspiration as you
model, nurturing a love for learning and intellectual curiosity in his embark on the next chapter of your remarkable journey.
children and beyond. His passion for education, coupled with his
unwavering support and encouragement, has empowered his **********
children and others to pursue their academic aspirations with
confidence and determination. My academic journey to this day has
been greatly inspired by you and for this, I say, thank you! As an

3 4
1.2 CELEBRATING THE ACADEMIC JOURNEY OF MY excellence. Guided by his unyielding faith and moral compass, he
DAD, PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE BANDELE: A navigated the challenges of leadership with grace and resilience,
TESTAMENT TO INTEGRITY AND FAITH leaving an indelible mark on the institution and its community.

Engr. (Dr.) Jeremiah Oluwatosin Bandele As Vice-Chancellor at Anchor University for the past two years,
Professor Samuel Oye Bandele has exemplified visionary leadership

I n celebrating the remarkable academic journey of Professor and unwavering dedication. His unyielding faith and commitment to
Samuel Oye Bandele, I am privileged to reflect upon the righteousness has steered the institution towards greater heights of
profound impact of his unwavering commitment to excellence, success and impact. His tenure has been characterized by
integrity and faith. Guided by the timeless wisdom of Proverbs 22:6, transformative initiatives, academic innovation and a steadfast
he instilled in his children the fear of the Lord and the principles of adherence to ethical principles.
righteousness. This constantly resonates in my heart as his child and
witness to his remarkable journey. I am humbled by the depth of his Throughout his career, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele has remained
a beacon of integrity and moral fortitude, unwavering in the face of
character and the enduring legacy he has cultivated throughout his
adversity and political interference. His steadfast commitment to
distinguished career.
upholding the values of honesty, diligence and fairness has earned
him the respect and admiration of colleagues, students and peers
Professor Samuel Oye Bandele embarked on his academic odyssey alike.
with a passion for knowledge and a dedication to service, already
possessing a steadfast dedication to integrity and resilience. Having As he embarks on the next chapter of his journey, retiring from Ekiti
served in various esteemed higher institutions before joining Ekiti State University with honour and distinction, I am filled with
State University as a lecturer, he brought with him a wealth of profound gratitude and admiration for his unwavering dedication to
experience and a steadfast commitment to academic excellence. the pursuit of knowledge and truth. His legacy will endure as a
Professor Samuel Oye Bandele ascended to the esteemed position of testament to the transformative power of integrity and faith in
Vice-Chancellor at two other universities within Ekiti State, further academia and beyond.
solidifying his reputation as a visionary leader and champion of
integrity. His tenure at these institutions was characterized by May God's blessings continue to abound in his life and endeavours as
transformative initiatives and unwavering dedication to advancing he continues to inspire and uplift all those fortunate enough to walk in
the cause of education. his footsteps.

Upon assuming the mantle of Vice-Chancellor at Ekiti State With deepest respect and admiration, Congratulations Dad!
University, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele brought with him a
wealth of experience and a steadfast commitment to academic **************

5 6
1.3 CONGRATULATIONS TO AN UNCOMPROMISING As I wish you many fruitful and wonderful blessings on your special
LEADER! day. May God always keep you protected and safe always. Amen

Oluwabunmi Racheal Bandele (Daughter-in-law) ************

A leader will always be a leader, even in retirement. You are 1.4 A FATHER'S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
simply uncompromising leader who refuses to bend your Barrister Toyin Ajala Nee Bandele
core beliefs for the sake of profits or gain. Your work ethics
and outstanding personality will be missed! May this next chapter of Your Daughter and Jewel of Inestimable Value
your story be all you want it to be, a time for bigger adventure and
achievements! When you believe you've come to the end of
something, you're often just beginning something even much better. T he opportunity to give my amazing father his accolades and
flowers will always be one of my favorite things to do.
Professor Samuel Oye Bandele is different to so many people,
but to me, he is a well-rounded dad! And as we celebrate his academic
excellence today, I want to use this opportunity to introduce you to
For the past 2 years Daddy has made drastic progress in the
institution such as the supply of power, the introduction of new my father.
courses and accreditations of these courses and many unsung deeds.
These can only come from a good leader who possesses effective My earliest memory of him is of our family road trips, sitting in the
communication skills to convey vision and goals, fosters a culture of car with him while he drove, and with Mummy, it was always a
trust and collaboration, leads by example through integrity and guaranteed enjoyment for me. From roadside shopping for us and the
accountability by driving the team towards success. full-on entertainment from him. One unique thing about my father is
his sense of humour, always making us laugh or teasing the love of his
The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith life (my mother). It was never the case of dreading his presence. On
the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, says the Lord of the contrary; his presence was something I looked forward to.
hosts. ( Haggai 2v9)
Today I feel secure and confident because he established a secure
Celebrating a birthday at any age is a special event for everyone, but environment for me. I never doubted my worth. I always knew I was
celebrating the 70th birthday is extra special. It is an important loved, even during my teenage days and until today.
milestone in life. Happy 70th Birthday Daddy May your days on
Earth be filled with lots of happiness, love, peace, and joy I distinctly recall failing academic examinations when I was young.
unspeakable, good health, sound mind. May you live very long for us Although I would return home with 'fake malaria' and a failing grade,
all. I never received reprimand or punishment; rather, he would ask us to
go and play. I remember how he and mummy changed my school in

7 8
an effort to improve me, and that was successful. I know so many mostly over the telephone now, and good luck to anyone that decides
people assume that a 'professor' dad will be an academic tyrant of to interrupt or join us. Marrying a man like my dad was one of my
some sort, but he is the opposite. Calm, reassuring, instilling dreams as a kid—someone patient, considerate, and loving. It's hard
confidenc and never ever condemning bad academic results. Let's to talk about my dad and not mention my mom; they are a package
just say he believed in me and my capabilities. deal. The love, respect and affection I saw growing up is one of the
best gifts you both gave me because it gave me the best insight into
As a teenager, I didn't understand the 'obsession' he had with Jesus. how amazing marriage can be. And I thank God that God has blessed
There were moments I wished to run away from home. His love for me with one of his sons, who is also a son to my dad.
Jesus and the church was something that didn't come naturally to me,
and I think he assumed that because I loved him so much, I would also It will be incomplete to speak about my dad and not mention how he is
just naturally love Jesus and the church. Interestingly, it doesn't work an academic genius to the world, but indeed he is a favoured child of
that way, and our relationship was strained for some time. One thing God! His story of how he got to where he is, inspires me daily, and I
is certain. He never ever stopped loving me, caring for me and even am an avid believer that God is a qualifier because I see it daily in my
making sacrifices for me like sending me to the United Kingdom for dad's life.
my Master's degree.
So, Dad, thank you for 'forcing' me to study law and for joining the
However, there was a strong desire for me to give my life to Christ most elite profession in the world. Now I can say I am learned and you
and I see it now because Jesus has changed my life. The desperation are only educated (hahaha). Thank you for supporting my business
for me to have Jesus was the single most important thing my life
ideas, for helping me process my emotions, for praying for me and for
needed not to be lost. I dare say I am only alive today because of the
being a present father every day. I adore you.
mercies of God. I will always thank my daddy for showing me this
way. Your focus and obsession about Jesus remain a big challenge. I
intend to do the same for my children as you have done for me. Welcome to a new dispensation! I love you Ba' Mi
I remember when I was pregnant, and I called you like I always do to *************
ask you for advice. I asked you. Daddy, what is the most important
thing I can give my child? Your answer was simple: 'Unconditional 1.5 AN OPEN LETTER TO MY DAD: CELEBRATING 70
Love'. You expressed precisely what I had been experiencing my YEARS OF LOVE AND LEGACY
entire life. You are a leader and a teacher.
Dearest Daddy,
Our favourite thing to do together is to just talk, have solid
conversations or should I call them arguments? I love and cherish
every moment I spend analysing issues with you even till today

O n this momentous occasion, I want to take a moment to
celebrate the extraordinary person you are and express my

profound gratitude for the impact you've had on my life. As your everyone around you.
daughter, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of love and
admiration for you, not just today, but every day. Daddy, thank you for all the jokes. Thank you, Daddy, for being the
best father a daughter could ever ask for. I am so grateful for every
From the day I was born, you've been my steadfast rock, my guiding moment we've shared and I look forward to making many more
light and my greatest source of strength. Your unconditional love and memories together in the years to come.
unwavering support have been the foundation upon which I've built I love you daddy.
my life and for that, I am eternally grateful.
Your Gift
You've always referred to me as your gift from God and I can't help Esther Oluwaseyi Bandele
but feel incredibly blessed to be your daughter. Your boundless love
and affection have shaped me into the person I am today, instilling in
me values of kindness, compassion and resilience that I carry with me

Throughout the years, you've worn many hats in my life. You're not
just my father; you're also my mentor, my "pastor," you've imparted
upon me the wisdom of faith and spirituality, guiding me along the
path of righteousness with unwavering devotion. As my "professor,"
you've nurtured my thirst for knowledge and encouraged me to reach
for the stars, teaching me valuable life lessons that have shaped my
character and molded my aspirations. Your tireless dedication to your
family, your unwavering commitment to excellence and your
boundless love and generosity are a constant source of inspiration to
me and to all who know you.

As we come together to honour you on this special occasion, marking

your retirement from EKSU and 70th birthday, I find myself
celebrating not just the milestones, but the incredible person you are.
You've been an exceptional father to countless, a wonderful
husband(mummy is so lucky to have you) You are not just a father;
you are a beacon of love, a pillar of strength and a shining example to

11 12
UNIT 2: FAMILY of our Lord Jesus Christ (Akanda a Jesu).

2.1 A MAN OF EXCEPTIONAL ACADEMIC AND I pray for you as you celebrate your 70th birthday today, you will live
SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP GIFTS: MY ANOINTED long to celebrate eighty, ninety, hundred and we will all do it together
BROTHER, PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE BANDELE. on the land of the living in Jesus name. Amen.
Bamidele Johnson Funso
This 70th birthday is evidence of your faithfulness to the Lord and

M y beloved brother, the OloriEbi of Bamidele/Bandele

family of Ule-Orê. Ijesamodu-Ekiti.

From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely thank God for your life.

Congratulations my beloved brother!

Thanks for the sincere love you have for me and for all our family
members since we were little children till date. 2.2 TRIBUTE TO PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE
Your exceptional leadership style did not just began when you started
working, but since we were growing up together as teenagers in our
family. You humbly took me and always call and relate with me as
your twin brother.
I call him Daddy not just because he is the head of our family or
Oloriebi as we all humbly call him. He is my Daddy because he
took me from our village at the tender age of 9 years old after my
one-year sojourn with my big aunty Mrs Omojola in Ijare. The
movement to Efon Alaaye where my brother was teaching at CAC
I thank God for your perseverance and endurance on your travails as Teachers' College then marked the beginning of my greatness. The
Vice-Chancellor and how you we were able to weather the storm. As journey from Efon-Alaaye to Federal Government College, Idoani,
the Bible says, many are the affliction of the righteous, but God and then to UNILAG was orchestrated by him.
delivered him from them all. You have in all your ways of life
demonstrated and lived a creative life under the operation of the Holy Whatever I am today, both temporal and spiritual, I owed it to God
Spirit. and to my big brother Professor Samuel Oye Bandele who laid the
foundation for my success though with the support of my other
You are an exceedingly brilliant man of God. A man of vision, good siblings, aunties, uncles, cousins and nephews.
character, honest, straightforward, righteous, always dedicated to the
work of God and the progress for others. If there is anyone I fear or hold in high esteem in this world and never
want to disappoint, it's my brother. My wife knows this, so anytime I
He is the eyeball of Christ and the special creation of God by the grace offend her, she will say, I will report you to Daddy L'ado and that ends

13 14
the discussion because I'll quickly settle the matter. What more can I our stay in diaspora. The ceremony and celebration are very well
say. Let me just stop here. Congratulations Dad for your successful deserved, and we pray for many more glorious years for him as he
retirement today! I wish you happy birthday and many happy returns. continues in the grace and service of the Lord.
God be with you Sir.
“To every successful man, there is a woman”. The impact of Mummy
Your Son in his life, career and ministry cannot be underestimated and we
Dr. Taiwo Bamidele really appreciate her for looking after him so well. May the Lord
continue to make them a great encouragement to the body of Christ in
**************** Jesus name.

2.3 TRIBUTE TO PROF BANDELE: OUR SPIRITUAL Akinbowale& Oluwaseun Akinkunle, Edinburgh, UK
Akinbowale & Oluwaseun Akinkunle, Edinburgh, UK **************

P rof. Bandele has touched our lives in so many beautiful ways.

Calling him Daddy means a lot. He's a spiritual father who
shares the same birth date with my biological father (my Dad

also clocks 70 today (4th April). I was baptized in water by him in 1999
when I gave my life to Christ at the Deeper Life Campus Fellowship,
UNAD. Listening to his messages helped me in my walk with God as
a new believer, especially the one titled: Courage to obey God. He
painstakingly takes the spiritual and all-round welfare of every
I grew up to know Prof Samuel Oye Bandele as my dad. His role in
my life can never be over emphasized. Right from my childhood
he has always been there. Prof Bandele is not only my father, he is
equally my pastor, mentor, counselor and friend. He is a father to my
husband, my children and my entire family.
member of the fellowship seriously and God has graciously rewarded
him as his spiritual sons and daughters had become pastors and Prof, Bandele is a lover of education who wants everybody he comes
leaders in the faith across the world. across to have a taste of education. Little wonder, he served as the
ladder of academic attainment right from my primary education to the
While on campus, he took my husband as a son and he was often university level. He contributed to my success in multifarious ways.
referred to as “RC's son” due to the closeness. They travelled together He doesn't see any difficult task that anybody cannot achieve. He
on many occasions in Nigeria and gladly released his vehicle for would encourage, motivate and persuade people to become better
church publicity. version themselves.

He contributed immensely during our marital journey by I stayed with him for some years before I gained admission to
encouraging us to do the will of God and also attended our College of Education Oro, Kwara State. His desire is to contribute
engagement ceremony in Ogun State. He is in touch with us in spite of
15 16
effectively to the success of anyone's life. I had problem with Education University of Ado-Ekiti now Ekiti State University, Ado-
Mathematics sometimes ago. Out of his busy schedule as the Vice Ekiti. He later interviewed me for the position of a choir master,
chancellor, Ekiti State University then, he offered to teach and Deeper Life Campus Fellowship, College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti.
practice Mathematics with me until I came out with brilliant success. The reception was so fantabulous to the point that I was thinking who
All what he preaches is the spirit of love and forgiveness. I studied could this person be? This was because of the height of epitomic
him very well and I discovered that the humility of Jesus Christ is humility and the fear of God. The gift of God in his life is
replicated in him. His Christian life was such a big challenge to me extraordinary and the love of with which he interacted goes beyond
that I surrender my life to Christ. Hallelujah! explanation.

After my wedding ceremony, he consistently paid my family visits. If Still thinking of how to know him better lo and behold, God led me to
he did not receive our calls within weeks he would have to call to his daughter in marriage 'Feyisayo' as he usually calls her. Professor
know our welfare. Prof. Bandele is a brilliant man and an erudite Samuel Oye Bandele was instrumental to my academic achievement
scholar. No wonder, he served as Vice Chancellor of three public to become a master holder in Language Education, even when it
universities and currently he is the Vice chancellor of Anchor seems I cannot achieve the feat.
University Lagos.
He is a pastor, counselor, instructor, adviser, encourager, teacher and
Becoming a Vice Chancellor of four Universities in a lifetime has prayer warrior. His positive role in my family cannot be glossed over.
never been on record in the history of anybody except this man, Prof From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you Daddy for the
Samuel Oye Bandele. His usual testimony is that I am became who I academic achievement and I say happy 70th birthday! My prayer is
am today all by God's grace. Hallelujah, grace speaks! that God will give you long life and good health to enjoy the fruits of
your labour.
You are at the zenith. No downward road for you in Jesus' name. I
love you Daddy Once again congratulation Daddy!

************** **************
2.6 Today, surrounded by loved ones, we honour a man whose
2.5 A LIFE OF EXTRAORDINARY LOVE: life has been defined by dedication, resilience and an unwavering
PROF S. O. BANDELE commitment to his craft. As we celebrate your retirement and
ANJORIN M. OLAIYA birthday, we reflect on the chapters of your journey, each marked by

P eople say God creates man in twos. But I have not seen the
second of Professor Samuel OyeBandele. I came across him
precisely 1998 when he was the Director, Institute of

hard work, wisdom, and boundless love.

Big Daddy, your devotion to your work and family has left an

enduring impact, inspiring us with your passion and strength. Beyond His mentorship has empowered countless individuals to realize their
professional achievements, you've been the heart of our family, full potential and pursue their academic dreams with confidence.
guiding us with kindness and laughter. As you embark on this new
phase, may it be filled with joy, adventure, and the peace you've In addition to his academic and administrative responsibilities,
earned. Cheers to you, big Daddy, on this milestone of yours. Your Professor Bandele has shown remarkable pastoral care and
legacy of love and determination will continue to inspire us always. leadership as an influential figure within the Deeper Life Campus
Fellowship. His dedication to nurturing the spiritual growth and well-
Anjorin Samuel being of students and faculty alike has been evident through his
compassionate guidance and unwavering support. Professor
************ Bandele's presence within the fellowship has provided a source of
strength, encouragement, and mentorship, fostering a community of
2.7 TRIBUTE ON PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE faith and fellowship that extends beyond the academic realm. His
BANDELE, MY FATHER-IN-LAW commitment to upholding values of integrity, compassion, and

A s we gather to honor Professor Samuel Oye Bandele, current

Vice Chancellor of Anchor University and former Vice
Chancellor of UNAD, we celebrate not only his esteemed
position but also his profound impact as a mathematician, mentor,
spiritual leader, and dedicated family man. Professor Bandele stands
service has left an enduring impact on the lives of those within the
fellowship, reflecting his profound dedication to capacity
development and spiritual uprightness.

Underlying all of his achievements is Professor Bandele's

as a beacon of excellence, inspiring countless academicians with his unwavering dedication to his family. Throughout his career, he has
dedication and wisdom. been a devoted family man, providing support not only to me as a son-
in-law but also to my wife, his daughter Oluwaseun, and our entire
In the realm of mathematics, Professor Bandele has carved a legacy family. His commitment to his family has been evident in the care and
of brilliance. His contributions to the field are not merely academic attention he has shown towards each member, fostering a strong
achievements but milestones of intellectual pursuit. Through his sense of unity and love within our family circle. Professor Bandele's
research and scholarly endeavors, he has enriched our understanding ability to balance his professional responsibilities with his role as a
of complex mathematical concepts, leaving an indelible mark on the loving husband, father, and grandfather exemplifies his character and
discipline. underscores the depth of his compassion and devotion beyond the
academic realm.
Yet, beyond his scholarly achievements, Professor Bandele's greatest
legacy lies in his role as a mentor. With humility and generosity, he Today, we salute Professor Samuel Oye Bandele for his outstanding
has guided and shaped us and the next generation of academicians, contributions to the world of academia, his unwavering commitment
instilling in us a passion for learning and a commitment to excellence. to the pursuit of knowledge, his profound influence as a mentor and

19 20
spiritual leader, and his exemplary dedication to his family. May his As a family man, my personal experience with him is that no matter
legacy continue to inspire and uplift generations to come. how busy he is, he will always make time for family against all odds.
I can remember when we were expecting our baby and my wife had
Dr Ayokunle C. Dada to be hospitalised, he left the University senate meeting just to check
(Son-in-Law) up on us. He is indeed a loving father. For every of our
achievements, he will always be the first to cheer us on no matter
**************** how little the achievement is. The diplomacy he deploys to resolve
2.8 CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE: A FATHER AND issues leaving all parties happy does not cease to amaze me too.

M y first encounter with this great man was on a beautiful

Saturday morning of February 20, 2021. I had traveled
from Lagos to meet him in a bid to declare my intention to
marry Oluwatoyin, his Jewel of inestimable value. I did not know
what to expect as I have heard tales of how Deeper Life Church
Daddy, I thank God for your life and I am blessed to be associated
with a great man like you. I pray the Lord will continue to sustain
and strengthen you. Happy birthday and happy retirement.

Your son(in-law) and future SAN,

members will only approve a suitor that is a Deeper Life Church Timi Ajala
member. But as I entered and greeted him, he met me with a warm
embrace and made me feel at home. It was from that moment I knew **************
God has blessed me with another father. The first thing he did on my
visit was to share the word of God with me, the anchor scripture was 2.9 TRIBUTE TO PROFESSOR SAMUEL
Acts 10 and the words he spoke to me that day still resonates with me OYÈ BANDELE
till today.

I am indeed proud to be able to celebrate him today because his

lifestyle is inspiring. Within the short time I have known him, he has
proven to be nothing less of a staunch man of God, exemplary
T o the glory of the Almighty and with thanksgiving I celebrate
you today being your very special day Ogá mi Saamu

It has been God's doing transforming a man of humble and peasant

background from Ile- Ore and Odo-Oko at Ijesamodu-Ekiti in
leader, astute academician and a devote family man who loves to a Ilejemeje Local Government, Ekiti State to the hall of fame where
fault. One of the things I have learnt from his life is that a man with you dine with kings and noble men.
God is a majority and nothing is unachievable.
B?da mi or Oga mi Saamu as I fondly call you.You are an Icon of our
Your exceptional professional track record inspires me daily and community, my role model both Spiritually and circularly
sometimes I wonder how he has attained every possible height of his
career and yet very humble. He is indeed a special being. In our family, we all love you. How I wish that Aba mi, late Pa James

21 22
Oye Bándélé, and your hardworking mother, late Madam Julianna It had been a great growth as ordained by God. In conclusion, people
Abisoye Bandele who worked hard and put a lot of love in making can call you any of the titles that you have acquired with hard
you educated, and also my mother, late Madam Alice Fehintola working. But as for me Oluwatoyin B?latito ? m?j?la?m? Akerele,
Akerele are all alive today to witness how great you have become. I you will forever be my one and only '? ga Saamu' and I love you.
can only imagine how proud they would have been. Double congratulations! Aseyisam?dún loruk? nlá Jésù Kirisiti
Oluwa wa. Amin.
The Bandele family members are very proud of you our hardworking
Olori-?bi. I also thank God for your wife Mrs. Comfort Titilayo Oluwatoyin B?latito? m?j?la
Bandele for being a very supportive wife, standing by you through
thick and thin, at good times and bad times. I am thanking her for
taking good care of you and helping you to attain success. God bless
you Mama Oluwaseun.

? gá mi, I can't forget to appreciate you for the gift of a thousand

dollars that you gave me when you came to me during the time of my
valley experience. May God continue to saturate you and your family
with His presence always.

I have heard you called yourself "Lamingo", while your classmates

and friends imposed on you the appellation "Randu" because you
have the head of a genius, Randu eventually gained popularity, then
you're nicknamed "IlekokoniTagbe". Those were the common words
you used when you used to drink beer. But Thank God that the Lord
Jesus translated you to the kingdom of light. Then you graduated
from Ilekokontagbe to a time of telling me and I quote "Education
plus beauty minus Jesus Christ is equal to hell fire" that I heard first
from you. Surprisingly you got new sets of names 'Christian',
'Pastor', 'Doctor'(Ph.D), lastly 'Professor'. Yet with all the titles you
have acquired, I will never forget growing up with you and three of us
eating together in the same bowl, three bowls of dishes from our
mother, yourself, myself, and our brother Mr. Johnson 'Fun??

23 24
UNIT 3: EKITI STATE UNIVERSITY STAFF some personal end. He does not believe in unnecessary deals, no rub
my back, I rub yours, no kick-backs. He is never tired of doing good
3.1 PROFESSOR S.O. BANDELE: and never expects a reward. He lives his life as purely as he can and
AN ICON OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT doesn't succumb to temptations of improbity. He develops thick skin
to criticisms and has sensitive ears to the wishes of his detractors. He
Prof. J. B. Ayodele is always sure and bold of himself. He does not have room for
DVC(A) frustration however excruciating the circumstances. He always
EKSU, Ado-Ekiti. marches on, leaving behind his footprints for posterity to commend
or condemn.

M y first encounter with Prof. S. O. Bandele was in 1994. He

was a member of the panel that interviewed me for the
position of Graduate Assistant. My response to his first
"arsenal" prompted him to confront me with a question that requires a
"Yes" or "No " response. The apparent correct response ignited a
Professor Oye Bandele has a very strong desire for achievement and a
positive view of the function of authority. He is blessed with the
ability to organize people. He is a dynamic selfless leader and a goal
getter. He is somebody who delivers the goods in concrete terms and
probing question. He eventually confirmed his satisfaction by a nod. I not in romantic phraseology. He is a result-oriented administrator.
thereafter thought within myself: "Who is this man?" My close
encounter and work relationship with him as Assistant Director, Summarily put, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele possesses the
Affiliate Programmes revealed him as diligent, God-fearing, humane following qualities as a university administrator:
and committed to excellence. Prof S. O. Bandele, an academic
juggernaut, will not use his position to oppress anyone. No wonder I Leadership by example;
consider him qualified as an "Icon of Career Development". Creativity and originality;
Honesty, ability and commitment;
************** Courage, sacrifice and confidence;
Mental, strength, stability and dedication;
3.2 PROFESSOR OYE BANDELE AS A GOOD Integrity, transparency and accountability;
UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATOR Teamwork and group solidarity.
All I wish him is a good life after retirement.
Professor M.A. Ayeni,
Dean, Faculty of Education, **************
Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti

P rofessor Oye Bandele as a good university administrator sees

himself as a servant to his followers and not a boss. He sees
service to the public as an end in itself and never as a means to
25 26
3.3 TRIBUTE TO PROF S. O. BANDELE ON THE member of any political party. Pressures were mounted upon him to
OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE belong to a political group but he resisted it.
EKITI, NIGERIA 2. Friendliness: Prof Bandele has a very humble and friendly
personality. He did not relate to me as a Boss but as a Friend, Brother,
By and Pastor. He is very compassionate and in love, he fights always for
the less privileged. He does not like others to cheat or be too hard on
Engr. Prof. I.O. Oluwaleye (former DVC D) the vulnerable ones. In the University Senate in his days as the VC, he
always reiterated that the law is always on the side of the weak ones

I have known Prof Bandele since the early 90s as a brother, pastor,
senior colleague, and close neighbour. He was led to present me
to the University Senate as one of the candidates for the Deputy
Vice-Chancellor slot in 2016. Senate voted and I won without
campaigning to anyone for a vote. I worked with him closely as his
and the voiceless when making decisions (for our students). The ex-
SUG president of EKSU during his tenure was the first person to
donate generously and freely toward his retirement ceremony. He
created time to listen to the students and jaw-jaw with them to find
solutions to their problems. The management meeting with JAC 3 (or
Deputy VC back to back. Let me summarize my tribute to him under JAC 4 when ASUU) was with an openness that made him present the
three sub-headings university account so that they would know that there was nothing to
hide. He did not align with corrupt people who were out to defraud
1. Faith: Prof Bandele has a living faith in God. His faith in the Lord and ruin the finances of the university.
Jesus Christ has produced for him a new life that pursues peace with
all men and purity of heart and life. He loves prayer and he relied on 3. Fidelity: Prof Bandele is an honest personality who has zero
God in prayer and on the goodwill of people whose hearts God tolerance for fraud, corruption, and misappropriation of funds.
touched, and he became the 7th Vice-Chancellor of Ekiti State Throughout his tenure as the Vice-Chancellor of EKSU, he has not
University. He asked me to carefully select people of high integrity privately dealt with contractors. He did not give them face to inflate
who could support his administration with prayer. Being a frank contracts for illicit gain nor did he take any gift from any contractor.
person who speaks his mind as it is, people who do not appreciate He stood for quality projects and judicious utilization of public funds.
frankness can easily be offended. He has the humility to apologize He blocked all forms of leakage which did not go down well with
and make peace with people that are offended. Prof Bandele is a some people. This was one of the hidden reasons he was unjustly
faithful and loyal personality to any course he believes in. He was removed as VC by Dr Kayode Fayemi's administration with the
loyal to the government of Ayodele Fayose who appointed him as the collaboration of some disgruntled staff. A Visitation Panel was
Vice-Chancellor. The wind of circumstances does not change his brought to EKSU in 2018 to expose the VC. The panel met but he was
loyalty. Unfortunately, people who did not know this man very well not found guilty of any fraud or any immoral dealings in the
misunderstood his loyalty to political partisanship. He was not a government white paper issued after the visit. He was removed

27 28
because of his style of leadership. Thank God for all that happened. You believe in us and allowed the prophetic
God, the defender of the defenseless has vindicated him and consoled declaration of Pastor Olu Afere to click
him with an appointment as the Vice-Chancellor of Anchor
University, Lagos. The is presently using him to transform and In Exodus, the blood availed for you
reposition Anchor University to the glory of God. The plagues and death were conquered for you
All by the blood of the Lamb
Truly the blood was for Sam
The enemies were drown for you
Cos Pharaoh could not stop you
Through Him, we have our exodus
PERSONAGE Through Him, you had your exodus
Pastor Alex Ofodu From UNAD to TUNEDIK
Group Pastor, DLBC &Proprietor From TUNEDIK to USTI
Fulfilled Children Group of Schools From USTI to EKSU
& Some thought you would be relegated
Professor Graceful Onovughe Ofodu (FRAN, FliPAN) Nay, we were dazed. You were elevated
Department of Arts and Language Education,
Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti As a Leviticus priest of the Lord
The laws and commandment you daily load
The Genesis is clear and no fear in your memory as you glow
could stop you from the daring glare That's why whenever you preach
Poverty attempted its ploys No one is left outside your reach
Your uncle saw the star in you as a boy The Numbers increased for you
Education was his desire and goal As you persistently declare:
Step in and let the paradigmatic shift roll We are well able to overcome
Yes, we will overcome
Along the lines, you believed No situation intimidates you
And since it pays to believe Nothing can separate you
Your 'oyes' none can dislodge From the love of God
Your mien and aura are top-notch For you are a lover of God
You are a complete detribalized being
A truly determined being You glow in Deuteronomy 28: 1-14
Our genesis with you began in February 2000 These beatitudes are your anthem
That milestone millennium 2000 In the midst of the floods and fire
29 30
You won't smite the Rock Your supportive roles are worth celebrating
You will speak to the Rock You are a gem, a pillar and a quintessential being
Cos the Eternal God is your Refuge 'For I know my Redeemer lives' you'll always say
Underneath are the Everlasting Arms 'And no job can Job me' that's your stay
Nothing will hold you arms All your partners in the Psalms and till Malachi
can testify that you are a priest, a king and a prophet
In Joshua the Captain spoke to you As a father, you shepherd you sheep
As I was with Moses so I will be with you You are celebrated because you did not sleep
Therefore, you possessed your coasts when you were supposed to train the sheep in the Lord's way
With great courage and strength at His cost Little wonder, like Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel
You occupy the pinnacle wherever you go
Every man is a judge Cos you have proposed not to defile yourself
We are all good judges of other people's lives Your anthem to our youth: don't defile yourself
We forget our beams and judge others' motes
Like the judges in Judges you may not have judged As we write your synopsis like
all opinions, abilities and lives Matthew, Mark, Luke and John did
accurately because you are human The Acts of your apostleship show that you like Paul
You are not God, the All Knowing One You are a fisherman for the Lord God.
Through Ijesamodu to the campuses
Like the minor and major prophets You are an academic icon
In the Samuels, the Kings and the Chronicles Your academic epistles are global
In Ezra and Nehemiah, you are a born leader Praise God, you are not local
The narratives are vivid, we are all being chronicled No wonder, you were a VC in three universities
All our deeds are being chronicled A feat history can't erase in a jiffy
I hope we truly realize the chronicles Your anchor now holds in plurality
That dash between the dates is the chronicles Doing wonders in Anchor University

The canons in the Epistles to the Romans,

You are an example to emulate like Boaz Corinthians, Galatians till Jude stand
Our king's man and merciful redeemer None can stop or outwit your stand
Thank God you married a Ruth and an Esther You are taller than the voices of wits
Mama TT, your comfort in joys and toils Your glory and grace are for the zenith
Mama TT, I'm so sure you captivated our Oga with your smiles Cos you believe in mercy
You can't live in messy
31 32
Grace speaks sufficiency conclusion regardless of the challenges.
The grace and glory of the Excellency
During your days as the Vice Chancellor of EKSU, you were
The Revelation is clear passionate about the welfare of students and staff. You did your best
We can gladly see and hear to move the university forward. You are an administrator par
You believe, keep believing excellence. Your leadership traits speak volumes about your
You are blessed, remain a blessing
personality. You are articulate, brave, diligent, dynamic, efficient,
Continue to connect to the Lord Jesus
effective, firm, fearless, and friendly. The uniqueness of your
Continue to conquer for the Lord Jesus
leadership traits makes you a rare gem among your peers. No wonder
Thanks for believing in the Lord Jesus
Thanks for giving to the Lord Jesus you have been a Vice Chancellor in three public and one private
We are what we are today universities. What an exceptional feat! I wish you a happy retirement.
because you gave without delay God bless you, Sir.

May your anchor hold in all diversity **************

Not only in Anchor University
Congratulations as you bow out in honour! 3.6 TRIBUTE TO A MAN OF HONOUR AND SUBSTANCE
Congratulations as you remain in honour! Dr SennyOluwatumbi Oso.
Don't remove your gaze from the heavenly vision Department of Vocational and Technical Education, EKSU
Heaven, the abode of all who truly keep the heavenly vision



P rof Bandele S.O. as I know him is a diligent child of God, a
disciple of Christ, a disciplinarian to the core and a God-
fearing man. He doesn't take anything for granted. He is
indefatigable, charming, amiable and a fearless man of God.
He loves and works for others to succeed. He rejoices in the progress
Prof. Isaac Abiodun Ajayi and achievement of others. He is passionate about people around him

P rof. Bandele is a distinguished scholar of international repute. making it in life and very compassionate too. He is part of my success
As a minister of God and a destiny helper, you have story today from my master's degree to Ph.D.
transformed the lives of many people who will forever be
grateful to you. You are humility personified, a human relationship He is an encourager, very energetic, empathetic, an embodiment of
builder and a dogged fighter against any form of oppression. As a love and a caring pastor. He doesn't rejoice in the misfortune of
visionary leader, you usually pursue your mission to a logical others but looks for a way out to restore and uplift them.

33 34
What else can I say? He has a large heart and easily forgives his Professor Samuel Bandele does not believe in the failure of his
offenders. He has no time to harbour grudges. He lives what he students. He ensures he does his best and makes sure that the students
preaches and when he counsels? Oh! Burdens are lifted. He is a very do the needful – attend classes (70%), class assignment, group work,
jovial, peaceful and a hardworking man. He doesn't give up easily. test and exam. With all these, no students will have any course to fail,
His faith in God and the word of God is unshakeable. except the student didn't want to pass.

Thank you, Professor, Pastor Bandele S.O for being part of my Professor Samuel Oye Bandele's experiences in teaching statistics
success story. God will continue to enlarge your coasts in Jesus' are second to none. His class is usually fantastic, fantabulous and
name. Amen. encouraging for students, most especially students from the
Congratulations on your fruitful years in the services of Ekiti State
3.7 TRIBUTE TO AN ICON OF STATISTIC University, Ado-Ekiti and Happy retirement Sir! I pray you will not
Ajayi Opeyemi be tired of doing good always Sir. Finally, we wish to inform you that
Department of Vocational and Technical Education you are our Icon of Statistics and we will miss you greatly.
Faculty of Education
Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. *************

P rofessor Samuel Oye Bandele is a well-known person to me

since my undergraduate days when he taught me CUS 301
(Research Method and Data Processing). Fortunately for
me, I also had the great privilege to be one of his students during my
course work in the 2019/2020 academic session as a Ph.D student.
3.8 I came in contact with Prof. Oye Bandele (eminent Prof of
Test & Measurement) when I registered for the degree of M.Ed(
Educational Management) some years back. He proved himself a
committed lecturer who had the interest of his students at heart. He
showed punctuality and thoroughness in teaching and assessment. He
Permit me to say thatI was also privileged to be among the last set of was committed to standard and quality education. Prof. Bandele
students where he taught me EDU901 and EDU902 (Advance showed genuine concern and interest in the progress and welfare of
Research and Advanced Statistics) respectively. his students, not only in relation to their academic programs but also
in relation to their works in their different places of work.
My encounter with Professor Oye Bandele on these occasions made
me learn a lot about him. I could boldly say that he is a father inside I got to know Prof. more when I joined the services of the university
out. He is a man with listening ears and his doors are wide open (EKSU) in 2012. I enjoyed his mentorship and he was always giving
always to all for help especially his students. me advice in respect of my academic progress as a lecturer. I can say
with conviction that he is a good mentor and a lover of progress. I

35 36
wish him the best as he retires in good health and long life. keeper and prayer conscious man who never joked with his God.
Dr. (Mrs.) E.O Abiodun
As you are bowing out of the university service today I wish you well
in life, long life and prosperity in good health and peace of mind

P rof. Samuel Oye Bandele is a God sent to humanity He is social

and sociable, loving and lovable, discipline and dependable,
peaceful and pleasant, honest and humble, firm and focused,
fearless and friendly. He is a great teacher, a dynamic personality, a
compassionate leader and astute administrator, a workaholic
Prof. Femi OMOTOSO
Former Dean, Faculty of the Social Sciences

university administrator, a devout Christian and Pastor per
excellence. Also, he is unassuming, down to earth, accessible, and 3.10 TRIBUTE TO A TEACHER OF TEACHERS
God fearing. He relates well with both old and young and wishes Dr O.B. Amoran
everybody well.

Professor Bandele is a committed man of God who demonstrates love

to all. His love for me is undiluted, deep and genuine. I commend him
for allowing God to use him to announce my elevation to the rank of a
Professor few days after his assumption of duty as EKSU Vice
I got to know Prof Samuel Oye Bandele as a teenager in the year
1977/1978 in Christ Apostolic Church Teachers' Training
College, EfonAlààyè. He was a young and heavily bearded NCE
teacher with a Volkswagen Beetle car with registration number OD
9600 P. He was a cool, calm, brilliant and fast writing Mathematics
Chancellor. I will forever cherish this gesture. Shortly after this he teacher.
appointed me Director, Consultancy Service. This appointment and
my election as the Dean, Faculty of the Social Science during his
tenure as Vice Chancellor provided me the opportunity to work He applied his entire being to the teaching of the abstract subject so
closely with him and to know him more much so that he would fill the entire chalk board with figures in a
double period Mathematics class. He was fashionable with his
Prof. Bandele is a leader per excellence who leads by example. He is a "baggy trousers, slim-fitted shirts and stiletto shoes that he earned
passionate leader, a goal -getter and a motivator. He is a fair minded himself the nickname, "Bandele Stiletto’
man, courageous, a bold personality and a university administrator
with a difference I graduated from CACTTC EfonAlààyè in 1979 and proceeded to
practice as a Grade II teacher. I lost contact with him but providence
As a genuine man of God, Prof. Bandele trust in God is uncommon. brought us together again in the University of Benin in 1981. l came
He anchors his faith and belief in the living God. This is what keeps
him going in all his ways. He forgives and forgets wrongdoing easily. in as a JAMBITE in 100 level for a four year program and he came in
He is a visionary leader of distinction who is accountable and as an outstanding NCE for a two year program. He graduated with a
transparent in all his dealings. This quintessential leader is a promise First Class.

37 38
I did not see him again until year 2008 in Faculty of Education, interview panel was complete and finally held. Little did I know that
UNAD, when he was introduced to the newly employed academic this encounter will change the trajectory of my life.
staff as a Professor. Understandably, he did not recognize me just as
his look was in contrast with the 'Bandele Stiletto' that I knew way Thanks to God's grace and Professor Bandele's intervention, I was
back in Efon Alaaye. He was clean shaven and soft spoken. offered a position as a Graduate Assistant. It was not until twelve
Immediately I mentioned my surname, he added my first name. years later, when I was already a Senior Lecturer that another
opportunity for Graduate Assistant interview was held. Professor
As a coworker with him in UNAD and later EKSU, I got convinced Bandele's impact on my journey has been profound, a guiding light
more than ever before that he is an epitome of brilliance, humility, through the halls of academia.
frankness,a beloved of God and a misunderstood personality. First in
so many spheres of life in spite of so many double crossings! To the He embodies the qualities of a true father figure: compassionate,
glory of God, he was appointed four times as Vice Chancellor. It is down-to-earth, reliable, responsible and deeply resonant. His
unparalleled in the history of Nigeria. Like the ancient Roman brilliance shines through his work, leaving an indelible mark on the
warlord said, "Vini vedi Vici". I came, I saw, I conquered. Without university, its students and the society at large.
any fear of contradiction, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele came, saw
and conquered. Hearty congratulations "Oga mi" Beyond academia, Professor Bandele's faith as a devoted Christian
and his dedication to his family life are evident. As he embarks on this
With deep love and respect from new chapter of retirement, my prayer for him is that his strength will
Dr O.B. Amoran remain unwavering. May he not retire unto sickness or death but
instead, find peace and fulfillment in this next phase of life. May the
************** Lord continue to shield and guide him with peace on every side.
Professor (Mrs.) Alade, F. A.
Dr (Mrs.) Dada, E. M.

I n February, 2001, I had the privilege of meeting Prof. Bandele

who was the Ag. Dean, Faculty of Education for the first time
during my interview at the University of Ado Ekiti. It was a day
filled with unexpected delays, as my late sister, Professor (Mrs.) Odu
who was to assist me was not around. I found myself waiting for
I cannot remember knowing Prof. Bandele, S. O. during my
undergraduate days in the Faculty. My vivid encounter was the
day I came for interview as a Graduate Assistant when he was the
Ag. Dean, Faculty of Education. The warmth and enthusiasm with
which he welcomed me, his efforts to make sure the interview held
nearly three hours until Professor Bandele tirelessly ensured that the and the discussion he had with me after the interview remain indelible
39 40
in my memory. As a reluctant applicant who was not fully persuaded luminaries, Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele emerges as a towering
of joining the academic family, his discussion triggered an irresistible figure, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of education.
interest that made me to reconsider my state of indecision. Thank you As we celebrate his remarkable career, I wish to pay tribute to a
Sir for all the roles you later played to make sure we were employed mentor, a leader, and a true architect of academic progress.Prof.
despite all the obstacles and oppositions to our employment. Bandele's impact on my educational journey right from my
secondary school days at Ayede Grammar School, Ayede Ekiti, was
This unwavering support has left an indelible mark on both my profound. His commitment to fostering an environment conducive to
professional and personal life and I have had to tell you this on a few learning was evident in his every action. With a passion for education
occasions sir. Though late Dr. Akinlua brought me but you assisted that radiated from him, he became a senior colleague who went above
and allowed me to join the academic world. Despite being an highly and beyond to contribute to the academic progress of those fortunate
esteemed senior colleague, you have displayed some level of enough to cross his path.
camaraderie that made me to marvel and feel humbled. You are
always asking after my welfare and progress. His journey in the realm of academia continued to ascend, and he
eventually assumed the role of Dean of the Faculty of Education, a
All I can wish you now is a life of joy and fulfillment after retirement. position where his visionary leadership and commitment to
May you not lose your relevance and still make remarkable excellence flourished. His tenure as a Dean left an enduring legacy,
contribution to humanity even after retirement. Congratulations to fostering an atmosphere of innovation and intellectual curiosity that
you and the entire family Sir. inspired generations of students.
The pinnacle of Prof. Bandele's illustrious career saw him donning
Dr (Mrs.) Dada, E. M. the mantle of Vice Chancellor at three esteemed universities,
including the distinguished Ekiti State University. His leadership was
****************** marked by a harmonious blend of vision, integrity, and an
unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. Under his
stewardship, these institutions flourished, becoming bastions of
3.13 PROF. SAMUEL OYE BANDELE: A GUIDING LIGHT learning and progress.
Dr. Francis O. Ibimiluyi Currently serving as the Vice Chancellor of Anchor University,
Department of Guidance and Counselling Lagos, Nigeria, Prof. Bandele continues to shape the educational
Faculty of Education landscape with his unparalleled dedication. His tenure at Anchor
Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti University has been characterized by transformative initiatives,
fostering an environment that nurtures holistic development and

I n the tapestry of our academic journey, there are individuals who

stand as beacons, guiding us through the corridors of knowledge
with unwavering dedication and wisdom. Among these
academic excellence.
As Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele prepares to transition into a well-

41 42
deserved retirement, I wish to extend my heartfelt appreciation for human being. Thanks be to God for his divine and amiable wife who
the countless lives he has touched. His legacy is not merely reflected is always by his side. In all, gratitude to God for Prof. Sam Oye
in the institutions he has led but, more importantly, in the countless Bandele's lifestyle and the way he is living it so graciously and
individuals whose lives have been positively transformed by his purposefully. The celebrant is a strong man of faith. We rejoice with
guidance.In the tapestry of our academic journey, Prof. Samuel Oye him on today's laudable ceremony. Congratulations Prof!
Bandele's thread is woven with brilliance, and his impact will Prof and Mrs Remi. O.Famiwole
resonate for generations to come.
May this tribute serve as a heartfelt expression of gratitude for the **************
selfless dedication, wisdom, and leadership Prof. Bandele has shared
throughout the years. As he embarks on this new chapter of life, may 3.16 Professor Samuel Oye Bandele, an astute researcher, lecturer,
God grant him good health in body and mind, allowing him to relish teacher, administrator and motivator will be greatly missed in the
the fruits of his labour and continue to inspire others even in educational /academic environments as he retires from the active
retirement. services of our great university, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti. I
have personally drawn from his wealth of experience at different
**************** times as my motivator, lecturer, Dean and Vice-Chancellor in my
academic journey. He has been a good teacher, lecturer and
3.14 According to John 3:27 ...a man can receive nothing unless it encourager who loves the upliftment of individuals.
has been given to him from heaven' Prof. S.O. Bandele is
undoubtedly designed for the position of Vice-Chancellor in four Prof is a passionate lover of God and His work. I wish him continued
different universities. This is amazingly fulfilling and impactful. I good and perfect health to be able to enjoy the fruits of his labour in
therefore say congratulations on your retirement Sir. the world of academics and spiritual matters
Adeyanju Cornelius (Avoga) Prof (Mrs) Joyce Olufunke Ogunsanmi
Faculty of Education, EKSU
3.15 This is a tribute to an amazing personality, a visionary leader
with an unwavering love and passion for service to God and 3.17 TRIBUTE TO A VISIONARY LEADER AND A
humanity. The dream of Prof. S.O Bandele, the celebrant of the DEDICATED PASTOR
moment is to always bring joy to people around him. He is being
celebrated today because he is a selfless giver and kindhearted man
who spent the greater part of his life building worthwhile and
resourceful personalities. He is a pure man of God though a fallible
I n the history of universities, there seems to be no single man who
has had the opportunity of being a Vice Chancellor of four
universities. Prof Bandele is a beacon of inspiration, honesty,
integrity and unwavering dedication. Our former Vice-Chancellor,

43 44
Professor Samuel Oye Bandele has been a Vice Chancellor of no Sir, on behalf of my family, I celebrate the goodness of God in your
equal till date. life. You have been a great and supportive pillar to many, a confidant
to old and young, a shoulder on which many people rested during
Professor Bandele was not just an administrator but a visionary their travails. You always treat everyone with fairness and sincere
leader, a mentor, and a catalyst for positive change. He was a love which has made you to touch so many lives in an unforgettable
transparent leader at work and in the church. His visionary initiatives ways. Prof. is a kind-hearted man, a lover of progress who is always
have propelled our institution to new heights, transforming ready to assist at critical periods to offer comfort with words of
challenges into opportunities and dreams into realities. encouragement.

Beyond his administrative duties, Professor Bandele embodies the Prof. Oye Bandele is indeed a true man of God and he is also faithful
values of integrity, compassion, and empathy. He put smiles on the to God's words. I could recall one of his statements during his
faces of so many people during his tenure in EKSU. He was not only a inauguration as the 7th substantive Vice Chancellor of EKSU, he said
leader but also a friend. He is approachable and deeply interested in that as a man of God, he will never allow his Bible to fall off from his
the well-being of others. As Professor Samuel Oye Bandele retires hands during his tenure. That was exactly what happened! He held on
from the services of EKSU, his transformative leadership, enduring to his Bible tightly to his chest in his entire decision making till the
legacy and indelible mark on the lives of many people will never be last day! No wonder, he has continued to enjoy God's favour till date.
forgotten. My dear Oga! May God grant you long life in good health and
happiness to continue to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Prof. & Dr. (Mrs). Borode Congratulations Sir! Happy Birthday and blessed retirement
Faculty of Education experience. God bless you more abundantly.
EKSU, Ado Ekiti.
Prof (Mrs) F. M. Osalusi (FRAN; FIPMD) Professor Wole Adebayo &Mrs M.O. Adebayo,

M y own Oga! As I fondly called you! I heartily rejoice with

you and your beautiful family on this occasion of attaining
the Biblical age of 70 and official retirement from EKSU.
We all know that you are not yet tired as God will still continue to use
you for the upliftment of humanity. C
Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti

locking the age of 70 years and retiring is a special divine

grace. My entire family and Iheartily rejoice with you, sir.

Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele is to many people, a Scholar and a

45 46
Professor of Professors because they have benefitted from his lucidly me and the opportunities you provided for professional growth. Your
pedagogical intelligentsia. To some people, he is a God fearing pastor mentorship has propelled me from obscurity into the forefront of
because he is a good shepherd. To some people, he is a Seasoned university administration, culminating in my appointment as the
Administrator because he has successfully headed several Acting Vice-Chancellor of Ekiti State University (EKSU). Your
universities as a Vice Chancellor. To some, he is a kind hearted unwavering support and belief in my capabilities have been
individual who has assisted them in securing a means of livelihood. instrumental in my journey, and for that, I am forever indebted to you.
To some people, he is a Philanthropist because he gives out
From my standpoint as a member of the University community, I
generously at all times. To some people, he is a Prayer Warrior
because he has prayed for them, and testimonies had followed the have a firsthand witness of your integrity, humility, and
prayers. To some people, he is a family man because he loves his transformative leadership. Your visionary initiatives and genuine
entire family passionately. The spectacle you wear will dictate how concern for the welfare of others have left an indelible mark on our
you have seen or viewed Prof Sam Oye Bandele. To me, you are an institution, inspiring us to strive for excellence in all endeavours.
accomplished, iconic scholar and an erudite scholar.
We also give God thanks for Mummy for being a strong pillar of
As you celebrate your new age and retirement Sir, your anointing will support, we pray the Lord satisfy both of you with long life in good
soar continuously. You will live long in good health, sound mind and health.
prosperity to reap the fruits of your labours of love, Sir. Huge
congratulations Prof! As we honour you on this special occasion, we wish you a retirement
filled with joy, good health, and the satisfaction of a legacy well-
********** lived. May God continue to bless you abundantly in this new chapter
of your life.
Dr David and Prof (Mrs.) Olubunmi AJAYI ************


W e celebrate with all our hearts the retirement and 70th

birthday ceremony of our esteemed mentor, a paragon of
dedication, hard work, and leadership. As we bid farewell
to both a distinguished, renowned Professor and former Vice
Chancellor of our University, we reflect on the profound impact he
Professor and Dr (Mrs) M. A. Abdu-Raheem
Department of Religious Studies
has made on our institution. Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti

From my perspective as your Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)

for consecutive terms, I am deeply grateful for the trust you placed in

I got to know Prof Samuel Oye Bandele some decades ago as a
senior colleague in this great university. He was in the Faculty of
Education while I was in the Faculty of Arts. The fact that we are

leaders in our respective religious callings never caused any showed the extent of his religious tolerance and acceptance.
misgivings but mutual understanding and cooperation. Both of us
struggled to live up to the ethical ideals of our religions respectively. As the Vice-Chancellor of this great university, he appointed me as
Along the line, we came in close contact and worked together. the Director, Directorate of Pre-Degree Programmes. The
appointment came as a pleasant surprise. There was no justification,
As a Vice-Chancellor of this famous university, he gave due as far as I was concerned, for this privilege. I went with my wife who
recognition to my post as the Imam. There were some cases happened to be a student of his to show appreciation. We had humble
concerning members of the Muslim Community of the University, gifts to present. He warmly received us but flatly rejected the gifts
staff and students, which could have constituted challenges. He without even finding out what they were. The security men had been
kindly resolved the issues. That shows humility and large- instructed not to receive any gift from any person. He used the
heartedness on his part. opportunity to reiterate his decision not to use his post as Vice-
Chancellor to amass wealth or take anything from any person
During the period of travelling to the Colleges of Education in including contractors working on the campus. I have no reason to
affiliation with this university for official assignments, discussions believe otherwise to date.
would crop up on politics, economy, religion and other issues. Such
discussions at times generated hot arguments and disagreements. Prof Oye Bandele is a diligent, seasoned and dynamic scholar, a
Prof Bandele would always make dispassionate contributions free of visionary and inspirational leader and an administrator par
emotions. As usual, some would agree or disagree with him. In all excellence. He had the rare privilege of being the pioneer Vice-
cases, he would exercise self-restraint. Chancellor of the University of Education, Ikere-Ekiti, (TUNEDIK)
and University of Science and Technology, Ifaki-Ekiti, (USTI). He
I happened to work with him as a member of a University committee later became Vice-Chancellor, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. At
to investigate the volatile cases of irregularities in admissions and present, he is the Vice-Chancellor, Anchor University, Lagos. He has
computation of results in a Department. Prof Bandele was the been using the opportunities to impact positively on the lives of staff,
Chairman and I was a member. I was amazed at his ability to sift facts students and humanity at large.
from figments of his imagination and guided the Committee to make
a success of the assignment. It is our fervent prayer that the Almighty God should continue to grant
him the opportunity to serve Him and mankind. May the blessings
I accompanied my wife on an occasion to seek clarifications on an and grace of the Almighty God continue to abide with the entire
academic issue. A prayer session was on when we got to the house. members of his esteemed family. Congratulations Prof!
We had to stay outside until the prayer was concluded. On welcoming
us in, he observed that we had come much earlier and had stayed ****************
outside. He asked us to enter and sit in case of another time. This

49 50
Dr. Oniya Toluwa Dr (Mrs) A.R. Ayeni-Agbaje, Professor G.T. Akinleye, Dr. Clement
Olaoye, Dr. F.O. Olaoye, Dr. A. A.Ogunmakin ,Dr. I. A.Adebayo, Dr.
I.B.Taiwo, Dr. R.A. Dada, Dr (Mrs) O.O.Agboola, Dr. M.J. Akinleye,

I congratulate Prof. S. O. Bandele on his retirement. A scholar,

pastor, mentor and administrator par excellence which is evident
in all the universities he had served as Vice Chancellor especially
in EKSU during 2016 recruitment of staff for accreditation which
Dr. D.O. Anifowose, Dr. Mrs. O.O. Onileowo, Dr. W.O. Alabi, Mr.
Babatunde Obelewaji and Mr. O.A.Olajire

was truly done without nepotism and academic fraud. The visitation
of the revered Pastor (Dr) W.F. Kumuyi, the General Superintendent
of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry was another legacy for the
spiritual development of the university community.
I t is our joy in the Department of Accounting, Faculty of
Management Sciences, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti to be
given the privilege to write this tribute in honour of an erudite
scholar and an administrator par excellence, Professor S. O.
Bandele. If not for his foresight and untiring efforts when he was the
Vice- Chancellor of our university, our postgraduate programmes
Prof. Bandele's contagious craving for knowledge on educational would not have seen the light of the day. Despite the fact that the
research and test, measurement and evaluation has been programmes began in less than 10years ago, they have turned out to
inspirational. His advice and words of encouragement as a member of be remarkable and exceptional products with overwhelming
my M. Edpostfield panel of examiners in February 2012 was not only patronage.
indispensable for the completion of the programme despite my
termination of studentship by the then Dean, School of Postgraduate Thank you so much Sir.
Studies which was later resolved after his tenure. Dr (Mrs) A.R. Ayeni-Agbaje, Professor G.T. Akinleye, Dr. Clement
Olaoye, Dr. F.O. Olaoye, Dr. A. A.Ogunmakin ,Dr. I. A.Adebayo,
I will forever be grateful for his moral support for all academic staff Dr. I.B.Taiwo, Dr. R.A. Dada, Dr (Mrs) O.O.Agboola, Dr. M.J.
who were unjustly disengaged in the year 2019 from EKSU. He Akinleye, Dr. D.O. Anifowose, Dr. Mrs. O.O. Onileowo, Dr. W.O.
served as a source of inspiration, encouragement and joy to us. His Alabi, Mr. Babatunde Obelewaji and Mr. O.A.Olajire.
advice, cheery environment, loving and witty comments dissolved
the tension of the difficult time. I would like to congratulate him on a ****************
job well done on his academic career and happy retirement. Someone
said that retirement is like a never-ending weekend party, so l pray he
enjoys the next phase of his life.


51 52
3.24 A MAN OF STRONG CHARACTER: PROF S.O. colours of success.
Dr Comfort Yemisi Afolabi Prof., I admire and respect how hard you have worked over your long
Head, Department of Gender working career. You not only made a huge difference but also touched
Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies, EKSU a lot of lives. May your future be filled with more of what you
appreciate and less of what you do not. Retirement is a time of self-

I t is an honour for me to write this tribute to my former teacher,

lecturer and instructor, Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele. Our journey
started from my O'level education class where he taught me and
my friend - his wife, Mrs. Comfort Titilayo Bandele, Mathematics.
He also taught me Statistics during my M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in
reflection. As you enter this stage in your life, I hope that you realize
how big an impact you have made in people's lives. Sir, your wise
words of support and experience will forever stay with all the
students who went through you.

Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti.. Prof. is a great leader and mentor to Congratulations Sir, on your stellar career and best wishes for your
every student that he taught at O'level and tertiary institutions where retirement. I wish you the very best and I hope that you will enjoy
he worked. every moment of this next phase of your life. I am incredibly happy
for you, Sir. I hope that you will enjoy well-deserved rest and that you
Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele is a man of strong character. He was will have a chance to do things that you earlier did not have time for. I
straight forward, honest, reliable, firm, strict (but not with his amiable wish you happy days ahead, Sir.
wife). I called him and his wife, Romeo and Juliet. They love each
other very much. I admire them a lot and they know it. Above all, he is ****************
a loyal family man who loved his family and served as a mentor to
younger ones. He is always ready to help people in need. He is also a 3.25 A LEADER @70!

man of faith, a dedicated Pastor of repute in the Deeper Life Bible y journey to the academia came to reality in 2017 when
Church, who gives his time and resources in the service of the church Prof. Bandele approved my conversion from a non
and humanity. As a parent, he gave all his children sound education in teaching staff to an academic staff. It was a dream comes
and outside the country. true for me. Many doubted my ability because I was a security
personnel in EKSU but Prof. Bandele gave me a platform to
Prof. S. O. Bandele is a guru of Mathematics and Statistics. He is an showcase the potentials in me. "How can a common security man
erudite scholar and a very intelligent teacher. Several male and become a lecturer". These were the words from the doubting
female scholars in high places passed through him. He is patient with Thomases. Prof Bandele believes in hardwork and meritocracy.
every student. He is however, impatient with liars and people of Today, I am a PhD holder and a member of the Security Committee of
unquestionable character. No wonder, he became a Vice Chancellor the University Governing Council. Prof Bandele memories will
during his service to the state government. His life is a multiple remain ever green in my heart. Sir, ss you bow out of service today,

53 54
may the Almighty God give you long life to reap the fruits of your post graduate research work will attest to his novel contribution and
labour. God bless my leader brilliance,my greatest joy is that he is being celebrated during his life
Fakunle Adewumi Francis (PhD) time,my prayer is that he will continue to enjoy the favour of the
almighty God and your children will be better than you in Jesus name.
**************** Thank you very much sir, we appreciate you a lot sir .


Professor Samuel Oye Bandele: A significant Apollos of my
Prof & Dr (Mrs) Benard Falana Destiny
Faculty of Education, EKSU
The great Apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit asked an

P rofessor Samuel Oye Bandele is a special breed and specie. important question in the holy Scripture which says "Who then is
This account for why he is always second to none. His tribute Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as
will be endless but I will manage to say something. He is more the Lord gave to every man? ( 1Corinthians 3: 5)
than fantabulous he is a detribalized human being. I have been very
To personally answer the above question of the great Apostle,
endeared to him because of his passion to assist not minding one's
I submit that Paul is the biological father & mother who planted by
status. Some of us call him an academic or destiny panel beater. This
way of giving birth to children while Apollos is the God-sent person
is owing to his ability to solve challenges or problems. This unique
who watereth even "as the Lord gave to every man".
characteristic is often exhibited during Faculty viva voce where he
will lecture other academics. Spiritually, he is superb. I still In the journey of life , every individual needs both Paul and Apollos to
remember vividly when he organized prayer with his church really succeed and achieve the divine mandate and purposes. Many
members for me when I was facing certain challenges. He will always even query their birth and existence as I write because of absence of
take novel and exceedingly brilliant positions in every situation. He divine helpers.
always display novel and brilliant position in academic gymnastics,
we shall continue to drink from ocean of your experience,he is a Many are stagnated, unfruitful and hopeless while going through life
leader per excellence, he is a goal getter ,this speaks for him in every not because they are lazy or foolish but their lives lack Apollos.
life endeavor, he is a fantabulous scholar and a great mentor, those of
us that are his post graduate scholars knows how much we benefited My people, let's consider the case of the two thieves at the cross. The
from his wealth of experience, he is so endowed that whoever has one engraced with divine Apollos- Jesus Christ, gained eternal life
passed through him could attest to the endowment bequeathed to him while the other one was condemned to eternal damnation because of
by the almighty God, most of us that passed through him during our the graceless use of his tongue.

55 56
Gratefully speaking, Professor Bandele is a major Apollos whom Happy birthday and a peaceful retirement.
God has graciously used to water my life in various dimensions. Ailoni kuya. O Seun Aba.
Sunday Moses Ajibade ( former PA-VC)
Apart from being the pastor who led me back to Christ when I strayed Coordinator- UK
away, he is my genuine and God-sent benefactor, mentor, loving
uncle, In-law, boss, employer, confidant, helper and friend. ****************

Oga mi, you're such a genuine Christian who easily forgive and forget
anytime you are offended. Congratulations Prof Sam Oye Bandele on your 70th birthday and
retirement from EKSU on April 4th, 2024. Good to associate with one
You prayed for me and gave me good job at USTI. another closely on birth - dates as my birthday is April 5th.

Sir, you appointed me as your Personal Assistant (PA-VC) when you Thanking God for this grace for the attainment of the Septuagenarian
were appointed as the seventh substantive Vice Chancellor, Ekiti age, having passed through several stages and positions in life,
State University ,Ado Ekiti with a new official car and a driver- the particularly as a former VC of EKSU, we continue to bless the name
first of its kind in the history of EKSU. of the Lord for your life, while wishing you many more of God's grace
and mercy for many more purposeful and fulfilled years ahead.
Your name is like ATM card for those of us who are your addicted
disciples. Congratulations Prof. Happy birthday and happy retirement.
Your goodwill and career success notably opened many doors of
Prof Engr Tunde Adeyemo, (rtd) FNSE, JP
opportunities for me and many of your people from Ijesamodu Ekiti,
your home town. You're such a great lover of your base!

As I conclude my doctrine of Apollosm, I pray for everyone that your

life will never lack Apollos. (Amen)

My VC, as we celebrate your career success and your service to

humanity, the Almighty God will continue to make your ways
prosperous. God created you to become an Apollos of your people,
God will continue to bless your ministry as a true and addicted
Apollos of Christ that waters the lives of people.

57 58
UNIT 4: DEEPER LIFE CAMPUS FELLOWSHIP, nurturing spirit coupled with an insatiable thirst for knowledge
SOUTH WEST ZONE propelled him towards the academia.

4.1 A TRIBUTE TO PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE BANDELE: His academic voyage commenced at the Ondo State College of
A LEGACY OF FAITH, HUMILITY AND EXCELLENCE Education, Ikere Ekiti, followed by a tenure as lecturer at the
Dr A. A. Onipede esteemed Ondo State University, Ado-Ekiti. Throughout this journey,
Social Science Education Professor Bandele meticulously cultivated his expertise in Test,
Ekiti State University Measurement and Evaluation, establishing himself as a perceptive
scholar and esteemed faculty member. His pursuit of excellence
extended beyond the classroom, earning him recognition at both
& national and international fronts, within academic and spiritual
spheres alike.
A. R. Onipede
BOUESTI, Ikere-Ekiti A Man of Faith and a Man of the People
Professor Bandele's influence surpasses mere academic

A s Professor Samuel Oye Bandele concludes his academic

journey at Ekiti State University on April 4th, 2024, a
profound sense of respect and gratitude envelops those
fortunate enough to have crossed paths with him. Emerging from the
nurturing grounds of Ijesamodu Ekiti, his life story has unfurled into
achievements. He embodies the essence of a "man of God." His faith
transcends mere labels, serving as a guiding light that illuminates
paths of humility, compassion and unwavering integrity. A mentor to
countless students, colleagues and family members alike, he has
provided sage counsel, steadfast support and a comforting presence
a tapestry of unwavering faith, unpretentious humility and steadfast during times of adversity. His genuine affection for humanity,
dedication. Though words may fall short in capturing the breadth of regardless of background or stature, radiates through every
his impact, this tribute seeks to sketch the portrait of a man whose interaction.
influence has left an indelible mark on countless lives, leaving behind
a legacy that will perpetually inspire. Leadership with Purpose
Professor Bandele's leadership credentials are truly exemplary.
Having held the position of Vice-Chancellor in three esteemed
From Modest Beginnings to Exemplary Leadership
universities in Ekiti State—a testament to the trust and esteem he
The narrative of Professor Bandele's journey commences in Ayede commands—he currently presides over Anchor University, Lagos. At
Ekiti, where the seeds of his future accomplishments were sown each institution, his tenure has left an enduring imprint, fostering a
through early education. My first encounter with him dates back to culture of academic excellence, ethical conduct and inclusivity. His
1983 in Eyemojo, where he served as Vice Principal. His leadership leadership style eschews authoritarianism in favor of collaboration,
style did not shine not through dominance but through gentle empowerment and shared vision. Leading by example, he sets lofty
guidance and genuine concern for those under his care. This standards while providing the requisite support and guidance for
others to flourish.
59 60
As Professor Bandele transitions from his official duties at Ekiti State Dr I. B. Oluwafemi
University, it is crucial to recognize that this moment marks not an Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
end, but rather the commencement of a new chapter. His wealth of Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti
experience, wisdom and unwavering spirit will continue to inspire
and guide generations to come. His legacy will endure through the And
lives he has touched, the institutions he has shaped, and the values he
has instilled. Professor Samuel Oye Bandele stands as a true scion of Dr. (Mrs) A. G. Oluwafemi
Ekiti, a national treasure and a beacon of inspiration to us all. We Department of Biochemistry
extend our deepest gratitude for his service and convey our heartfelt Landmark University, Omu-Aran
wishes for success in his future endeavors. Prof Bandele is

Brilliant: signifies his brilliance, intelligence, creativity and

innovation among individuals.
Ambitious: represents the drive, determination and aspiration to
I n the annals of the rich history of Ekiti State University, there
emerged a figure whose name has become synonymous with
academic excellence, spiritual guidance and selfless service. This
exemplary figure is Professor Samuel Oye Bandele. As Professor
Samuel Oye Bandele reaches the milestone of retirement at the age of
succeed and make a positive impact. 70, we embark on a journey through the multifaceted tapestry of his
Noble: emphasizes integrity, honor, and moral uprightness in actions life—a life woven with threads of educational leadership, spiritual
and decisions. mentorship and an unwavering commitment to humanity. In this
Dynamic: portrays adaptability, energy, and enthusiasm in tackling tribute, we illuminate the various facets of Professor Bandele's
challenges and seizing opportunities. remarkable journey, exploring the indelible mark he has left on
Exceptional: celebrates uniqueness, distinction, and excellence in institutions, individuals and the broader community.
skills, talents, and character.
Leadership: encourages taking initiative, inspiring others, and Early Days and Pioneering Leadership
making meaningful contributions to people's lives Professor Bandele's trajectory in academia is marked by a series of
Excellence: exhibits highest standards, continuous improvement, pioneering endeavours that had redefined the educational landscape
and achieving greatness in all endeavors. of Ekiti State. Serving as the pioneer Vice-Chancellor of the
Congratulations Daddy! University of Science and Technology, Ifaki Ekiti, the University of
Education, Ikere Ekiti and the 7 Substantive Vice -Chancellor of
*************** Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, and presently Anchor University,
Ayobo, Lagos. Professor Bandele stands as a visionary leader who
has consistently pushed the boundaries of educational excellence.

61 62
His tenure at these institutions was characterized not only by His life's journey has been a testament to the belief that genuine
administrative finesse but by an unyielding commitment to fostering service requires a willingness to risk one's own comfort and safety for
an environment where intellectual curiosity thrives. The foundations the benefit of others. His actions spoke volumes, demonstrating a
laid under his leadership have become the pillars supporting commitment to service that extended beyond duty into the realm of
academic excellence, creating a lasting legacy that extends far genuine care and concern for the well-being of those around him.
beyond his retirement.
Loving and Caring Pastor
Spiritual Ministry and Leadership Within the spiritual community, Professor Bandele's role as a pastor
Beyond the realms of academia, Professor Bandele's impact reaches was characterized by love and care. His pastoral care extended far
into the spiritual dimension. For over two decades, he served as the beyond the formalities of church services, reaching into the lives of
State Coordinator of the Deeper Life Campus Fellowship, Ekiti State individuals and families. His adoption of individuals, including us, as
while assuming a role that went beyond traditional pastoral duties. As his own blood brother created familial bonds within the church
one of his church leaders during this extended period, we had the community.
privilege of witnessing the transformative power of his spiritual
ministry. As a pastor, Professor Bandele became a source of comfort in times of
distress, a guide in moments of uncertainty and a beacon of hope for
The Deeper Life Campus Fellowship under Professor Bandele's those seeking spiritual nourishment. His ability to combine love with
stewardship became not merely a congregation but a community spiritual guidance created a church environment where individuals
bound by love, unity and a shared commitment to spiritual growth. felt not only valued but also accepted and supported on their unique
His leadership transcended the pulpit, permeating into the homes of spiritual journeys.
believers, fostering an environment where love and unity flourished.
The impact of his spiritual teachings went beyond the confines of the Humility, Honesty, and Godliness
church, influencing the broader community and leaving an indelible Professor Bandele's life is a profound reflection of humility, honesty
mark on countless lives. and godliness. In a world often characterized by pretence and ego, he
has remained a humble servant, approachable and down-to-earth. His
Selfless Service and Sacrifice humility is not a veneer but a genuine quality that has shaped the
One of the defining characteristics of Professor Bandele's character is culture of the institutions he led and the spiritual communities he
his willingness to go above and beyond for the welfare of others. His nurtured.
commitment to selfless service and sacrifice was evident not only in
his role as a spiritual leader but also in every aspect of his life. Always Honesty, a hallmark of his character, is a guiding light that
ready to extend a helping hand, Professor Bandele exemplified the demonstrates that integrity is not merely a virtue but a way of life. The
notion that true leadership is measured not by the accolades received godliness that permeates his character serves as an inspiration to all
but by the lives touched and transformed. who aspire to walk the path of righteousness. In an age where ethical

63 64
considerations are often compromised, Professor Bandele's of his influence extends into various spheres of society. We are so
unwavering commitment to honesty and godliness stands as a beacon certain his former students are carrying the torch of knowledge and
of hope and guidance. the values instilled by our mentor.

Academic Father and Mentor As Professor Samuel Oye Bandele steps into a well-deserved
As an academic father and mentor, Professor Bandele's influence has retirement, the collective sentiment is not merely one of bidding
been immeasurable. His guidance has not only shaped academic farewell to a revered figure but of celebrating a life well-lived. His
pursuits but has also molded character and instilled values that legacy is a mosaic of educational leadership, spiritual guidance, and
transcend the confines of the classroom. The wisdom imparted and selfless service—a legacy that will continue to inspire and shape
the lessons learned under his tutelage are treasures that will generations to come.
accompany individuals throughout their life's journey.
May the next phase of Professor Bandele's journey be adorned with
In his role as a mentor, Professor Bandele went beyond the joy, fulfillment, and the same blessings he has bestowed upon others.
conventional expectations of an academic guide. He provided As we bid farewell to a mentor, academic father and spiritual guide,
intellectual nourishment as well as instilled a sense of responsibility, let us carry forward the lessons learned and continue the legacy of
discipline and a commitment to excellence. His ability to identify and service, love and unity that Professor Bandele has so beautifully
nurture potential in others, coupled with a genuine desire to see them exemplified. In doing so, we ensure that the echoes of his impact
succeed, has created a legacy of empowered individuals making resonate through the corridors of academia, the halls of worship and
positive impacts in various fields. the hearts of all those who have had the privilege of knowing him.

The Impact on Lives and Academic Excellence ***************

The impact of Professor Samuel Oye Bandele extends far beyond the
academic institutions he led and the spiritual communities he served. 4.3 CELEBRATING THE ILLUSTRIOUS JOURNEY OF
It resonates in the lives he has touched, the minds he has molded and PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE BANDELE
the spirits he has lifted. His commitment to academic excellence has
created a legacy that will continue to inspire future generations, Dr and Mrs. Clement Olaoye FCA FCTI,
ensuring that the torch of knowledge is passed on with unwavering Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences,
dedication. University of Ilorin, Kwara State.

As a mentor, he has not only imparted knowledge but has also

instilled values, fostering a sense of responsibility and service among
his students. Many owe their academic achievements and personal
growth to the guidance received under his tutelage. The ripple effect
I n this heartfelt tribute, I pay homage to an extraordinary
academic figure, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele who is on the
cusp of retiring on 4th of April, 2024 from EKSU, after
dedicating countless years to education and molding young minds.

65 66
This is a rare opportunity to honour the immense impact that he has While academic brilliance is essential, it is the human aspect of
had on my life and undoubtedly the lives of numerous students, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele that has left an indelible mark on my
DLCF members and leaders who have been fortunate enough to cross life: compassion, empathy and genuine care for each student's well-
paths with this remarkable Professor, Pastor, Preacher, Parent, being are qualities that he embodies effortlessly. Whether offering
Partner in Progress, Prolific writer, humility personified and one of guidance during difficult times or lending a patient ear for personal
the Principals of Deeper Life Campus Fellowship at both the State matters, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele has consistently shown an
and the Zone. Of a truth, rare is the individual who possesses both unwavering dedication to the holistic growth of his students,
intellectual brilliance and the extraordinary ability to ignite a passion fostering a nurturing environment alongside academic achievement.
for learning within others. Professor Samuel Oye Bandele epitomizes Professor Samuel Oye Bandele is not only an educator but also an
this exceptional combination. Throughout his distinguished career agent of positive change within our academic institutions. Through
Professor Samuel Oye Bandele has consistently exemplified tireless dedication, he initiated numerous transformative initiatives
academic excellence, tirelessly pursuing knowledge and instilling in that have redefined the landscape of education. As a visionary leader,
us a voracious appetite for learning. His exceptional proficiency in Professor Samuel Oye Bandele consistently challenged the status
the subject matter not only inspired respect but also challenged quo, seeking innovative ways to inspire educational reform and guide
students of various spheres to continuously push the boundaries of students toward becoming engaged, creative and thoughtful citizens
their intellectual capabilities. of the society.

Beyond his immense academic prowess, Professor Samuel Oye As Professor Samuel Oye Bandele enters a well-deserved retirement,
Bandele played a pivotal role as a mentor, guiding students through his legacy of influence will continue to resonate for generations to
the complex academic terrain and taking a genuine interest in their come. Countless students including have been fortunate enough to
personal and professional growth. His unwavering commitment to have received the gift of his guidance, wisdom and immense
fostering individual talents through personalized mentorship has knowledge. The impact he has left on our lives will forever shape our
profoundly impacted my life, allowing me to navigate through educational pursuits, professional endeavours and personal growth
educational challenges with unwavering determination and and these are a testament to the profound effect a teacher can have on
equipping me with invaluable skills to tackle life's adversities. so many lives.

Professor Samuel Oye Bandele possesses a teaching style that In celebrating the illustrious journey of Professor Samuel Oye
marries pedagogy with inspiration seamlessly. His ability to Bandele on behalf of my family, we pay homage to an extraordinary
eloquently articulate complex concepts with simplicity and clarity is individual who has left an indelible imprint on the lives of countless
a testament to his passion for teaching and depth of understanding. people. From his unwavering pursuit of academic excellence to
Professor Samuel Oye Bandele incorporates varied teaching personalized mentorship, inspiration in the classroom, compassion
methods from thought-provoking discussions to hands-on activities and dedication to transformative education, Professor Samuel Oye
that cater for diverse learning styles, thereby ensuring an inclusive Bandele exemplifies the embodiment of an exceptional educator. As
and engaging classroom environment.
67 68
we bid farewell, we extend our deepest gratitude and acknowledge that your legacy continue to sharpen the future long after your
the profound impact he has had on our lives. We thank Professor departure from public service. Thank you, daddy for being part of our
Samuel Oye Bandele for touching all aspects of our existence and journey to success from 1998 till date. We love you.
forever shaping our academic and personal paths. May your Your Son & Daughter,
retirement bring rest and fulfillment to you, Sir. We are confident that Engr.(Dr) &Mrs Olaoye James Akinyoola
his legacy will continue to shine brightly in the hearts and minds of
those fortunate enough to have been touched by this remarkable life. ***************

*************** 4.5 A TRIBUTE TO PROF. S. O. BANDELE: A PILLAR OF

4.4 TO OUR DADDY, MENTOR, TRAILBLAZER & Prof. David O. M and Mrs. David F. A.

A s the curtains draw to a close on a remarkable career

spanning decades of dedication and service, we gather to
honour and pay tribute to you Sir, Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele,
a beacon of inspiration and mentorship to our family and countless
others. Your retirement from public service marks the end of an era
I n honour of Prof. S. O. Bandele's impending retirement from
Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, I am compelled to express my
deepest gratitude and admiration for a man whose influence has
touched not only my life but also the lives of countless others.

characterized by unwavering commitment to education, excellence As my pastor for years, Prof. Bandele has exemplified the true
and the betterment of the society. essence of leadership, mentorship and compassion. His unwavering
support and guidance have been instrumental in shaping my family's
Throughout your illustrious journey, you have left an indelible mark journey, from providing spiritual nourishment to offering invaluable
as both a former and current Vice Chancellor of multiple esteemed counsel during challenging times. I owe a debt of gratitude to him for
universities. Your visionary leadership has transformed institutions his pivotal role in facilitating my first job opportunity, a gesture that
within and outside the soil of Africa, shaping the minds of speaks volumes of his selflessness and commitment to the welfare of
generations and fostering an environment conducive for academic those under his care.
growth and innovation. Under your stewardship, these universities
have flourished, becoming centers of learning renowned for their Beyond his professional accomplishments as the only Nigerian to
academic vigor and progressive outlook. have headed four universities, Prof. Bandele's legacy transcends
accolades and titles. He embodies the virtues of kindness, empathy,
Your retirement marks the end of an era, but your legacy will endure and a profound dedication to uplifting the downtrodden. His fiery
as a source of inspiration for generations to come. We are deeply passion for teaching righteousness has ignited a flame of inspiration
indebted to you for your guidance, wisdom and unwavering support. in the hearts of his students and congregants alike, leaving an
May your retirement be filled with joy, fulfillment and the knowledge indelible mark on their collective consciousness.

69 70
As Prof. Bandele embarks on this new chapter of his life, I offer my people who are in no position to reciprocate. I remember he would
sincerest prayers for his after-service years. May he be blessed with always urge junior pastors and lecturers under him to be
abundant health, happiness, and fulfillment as he continues to impart magnanimous to students and I have heard of several stories of his
wisdom and grace to all whose paths he crosses. Your legacy will generosity in cash and kind to people.
endure, Prof. Bandele, as a beacon of hope and a testament to the
transformative power of love and compassion. He is a true man of God who is not just bearing the name 'Pastor', but
one who clearly demonstrates what it takes to be a servant of God. I
************* was a teenager when I first met him and decades after, he has not
changed. After I genuinely gave my heart to Christ in 2002 under his
senior pastorate, his life has greatly motivated and encouraged me to
believe that a holy life is attainable by God's grace.

D ear Daddy, it isamazing that you are leaving the services of

Ekiti State University. Your leadership and guidance have
shaped our society in so many ways and I am sure that the
university as a whole will miss you. Daddy, you came, and in spite of
all odds, you triumphed over all the challenges. Memoirs of your
Finally, with utmost delight, I have watched God move him from one
position of honour and compensation to another. My prayer for him is
that God will keep him to the very end and he will not miss his reward
in heaven, where his exemplary life of service to God and mankind
empathy with the challenged and the euphoria with the conquerors can only be commensurately rewarded in Jesus name.
will linger for a long time. It is amazing how you were able to merge Modupe Oni (née Areola)
the spiritual exercise with services to mankind and leadership with a
perfect blend. Thank you for your years of dedicated service and for ****************
setting a high bar for us all. As you retire from Ekiti State University
today, I wish you good health and happiness all the days of your life.
4.8 Professor (Pastor) Samuel Oye Bandele is a rare breed of a
Congratulations Sir!
human being that combines the sagacious talents of a genius together
Dr J. O. Olanlokun and Family
with the effervescent skills of an administrator coupled with cherubic
compassion and holiness of an angel. He is willing to sacrifice all his
**************** efforts to dissipate helps and humane assistance to all and sundry,
irrespective of their ethnic background, religious affiliation or social
4.7 TRIBUTES TO AN ICON OF HUMILITY, INTEGRITY standing. By these and other un-trumpeted virtues, he has carved an
AND SELFLESS KINDNESS indisputable and enviable niche for himself among his peers and

I have known Prof. S.O. Bandele for more than two decades and
among other things, what have never ceased to amaze me about
him are the amazing qualities of integrity, humility and genuine
love for people. Many people have a lot of reasons for being kind and
philantropic, but only very few demonstrate genuine kindness to
indeed among living mortals. More divine grace to soldier on in life
as a destiny-helper and a spiritual mentor to younger generations Sir.
The Oluwakayodes

71 72
4.9 A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the To my family members and I, he is a Pastor, father and my benefactor.
way. This is the summary of your leadership quality Sir. My family and I wouldn't be where we are today without him. Thank
Congratulations Sir! you, Prof Bandele for everything.

Olusola J.A (PhD) I cannot imagine the past twenty years of my life without your input,
Department of Geography and Planning Science, counsel and rebuke where necessary. In the many years you have
Ekiti State University Ado Ekiti, Nigeria been with us in Ekiti State University, you have made an undeniable
difference and lasting impacts in the live of those who came across
************** your way.

4.10 CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE TO OUR PASTOR, Your hard work, dedication and achievements can never be matched.
PROF. S. O. BANDELE Thank you for setting the standard for everyone to see at Ekiti State

H earty congratulations on your well-deserved success, Sir.

You are a true inspiration to us in DLCF, Ekiti State.

I pray for divine protection and preservation for you and your family.
Olajumoke Olajide
Your retirement is well deserved, but you will be greatly missed.
Thanks for all the great memories. Your contributions to Ekiti State
University and other universities you have led as substantive Vice
Chancellor will never be forgotten. I wish you happiness beyond
retirement Sir.
Principal Technical Officer, Prof. and Dr (Mrs.) Omoniyi-Folasade Isinkaye
Works Department,
Ekiti State University.

P rofessor Samuel Oye Bandele means a lot to different people

who have come across his path in life, be it in the spiritual
where he serves as a pastor and servant of the most high God,
A s the pages turn on your professional journey and another
year graces your life, we come to honour the incredible life of
a man who wears two remarkable hats with grace and
devotion (that of a cherished father and a valued pastor). Your journey
on earth is not a mere numerical addition but a proof of the love, joy
or in the family circle where he has touched many lives and in the and peace you have brought into the lives of everyone around you.
academics as a distinguished Professor. He has continued to be a
builder of men, shaping lives and destinies in no small measure. As a father, you have been a source of strength, inspiration and a rock

73 74
of support through every twist and turn. As a pastor, you embody the thus far. May your days be filled with the same blessings you have
virtues that define a servant of God, captivating humility, compassion selflessly bestowed upon others.
that knows no bounds, constantfaith that motivates, and a clean heart
that beats in consonance with the teachings of faithfulness, Happy birthday and congratulations on your well-deserved
forgiveness and forbearance. Your positive attitude, cooperative retirement dear father and pastor! May your life continue to be a
spirit, and resilience in the face of adversity are greatly radiant testament of the goodness of God.
commendable. You always strive to make the world a better place.
Through your firm dedication to living up to the values and ideas you Warmest wishes and heartfelt appreciation
support, you have provided a solid example that everyone can follow,
take inspiration from, and apply to their own life. We are truly ***************
grateful for all that you do and for being such a fantastic role model.

Your constant dedication to upholding high academic standards, 4.13 A TRIBUTE TO AN EFFECTIVE LEADER:
combined with your unique mentoring style set you apart as an PROF. S.O. BANDELE
exceptional professor. You have motivated, directed, and imparted
knowledge to many students, which have left an enduring impacton
their academic careers. For years to come, the academic community
will continue to feel the effects of your legacy.
F or us, Professor Bandele will always be remembered as
someone who serves his community with excellence. A
dynamic, strong and effective leader who stood with those he
served in time of need and rendered help that brought them to their
feet after a fall. I worked closely with him from 1995 – 1997 and both
This tribute extends to the incredible woman who stands by your side my wife and I knew him closer around 2000 -2002. We saw the heart
always, a devoted wife, partner, and a pillar of strength. Her devotion of a leader who cared. Professor Bandele would pick up students on
has been a powerful spark that has fortified you to fulfill your roles campus to the town. Even when he was the Vice Chancellor of
smoothly, as a loving father, a compassionate pastor, and an Ekiti–State University, he continued the same act, helping both staff
accomplished professor. Your cooperation with him in the pursuit of and students. Through the grace of God, Prof. Bandele has brought
shared goals, coupled with strong mutual support and a common strength to the weary and hope to the hopeless. What a wonderful
sense of purpose, make your union an expression of the beauty example of a leader of excellence! May the grace of our Lord and
inherent within the institution of marriage which is always uplifting Saviour Jesus Christ keep you.
everyone around you. May you continue to reflect His beauty in Dr. & Mrs. Iluyomade.
every dimension of life in Jesus name (Amen).
We celebrate you Daddy, not just by calculating years, but we rejoice
in the numerous lives you have touched by your ministry, career, and 4.14 TRIBUTE TO PROF. SAMUEL OYE BANDELE

life. May this special day reflect the love and respect we hold for you, ir, I learnt great humility despite great achievement through
a vessel of God's grace on this earthly journey. May the years ahead you. I equally observed your practical Bible living lifestyle,
bring you even closer to the divine purpose that has guided your steps part of which is your quest to live at peace with everyone,

75 76
without compromising your Christian standards. You are a father,
Pastor, academic mentor who always wish to lift others up. “Excellence, they say, needs no polish”. As you clock the retirement
age of 70 and exit from the services of Ekiti State University, your
I celebrate you on this great feat as bow out from the services of legacies will continue to speak for you and your path will continue to
EKSU. We wish you happy retirement, happy birthday and blessed shine brighter and brighter. May you continue to live in peace and
future with long life in good health. soundness of mind and health as you continue to serve God and
Professor &Mrs Bada Festus O. humanity in Jesus' name.

**************** Congratulations Sir!



Prof. & Dr. (Mrs.) J.T. Ogunlade astor and Prof. Bandele is an epitome of humility. Despite his
position and status he does not look down on anyone. His life

W e rejoice with you Daddy, on the occasion of your

retirement from the services of Ekiti State University. Like
Paul, the biblical Apostle, you have fought a good fight,
you have finished your course and you have kept the faith. Faith and
fate brought me in contact with you in 2005 as a fresh lecturer in
of humility is enviable. Daddy is a Pastor par excellence. He is
a revivalist with a zero tolerance for sin. He cherishes and rollicks the
gathering of brethren.

He is a caring, loving Pastor and ever ready to render any support

University of Ado- Ekiti (Now Ekiti State University). Thereafter, within his disposal.
faith bonded my family together with you as Children and Father.
Obviously, you are a mentor par excellence, a molder of lives He is a heaven-bond minister of the word who does not care whose ox
unparalleled and a model incontrovertible secularly and spiritually. is gored.It is our prayers that the Lord will sustain you and all of us to
hold on to the confession of our faith to the end in Jesus name. Amen.
The close contact you and your wife (Mummy) maintained with my Pastor Victor Olamide & Sister Florence Olamide
family has impacted our lives and ministries positively. Your godly
counsels, useful pieces of advice and support for my wife and I in
respect of our career paths in 2008, 2013 and 2016 are ever green in ***************
our memory. We are happy and blessed that our paths crossed with
yours in life. Your humility, godliness, compassion, forgiving spirit, 4.17 HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS TO DADDY ON HIS
hospitality, commitment to the promotion of others, determination to 70TH BIRTHDAY AND RETIREMENT!
succeed, obedience to God and leaders, simplicity of life, leadership
style and passion for excellence are exemplary and infectious. Thank
you Sir for being part of the shoulders that we climbed to reach the
heights we attained today.
T hank you for being a worthy example of a father and pastor, for
being so caring and your ever presence nature of help and
intervention. Thank you, Daddy, for loving us and relating

77 78
with us as your children. Our prayer is that God will increase your and mentorship for students and staff in the fellowship.
strength daily, and your relevance be eternally preserved. Amen. You role as the campus fellowship state coordinator showcased a
Dr. & Dr. Olorunfunmi profound dedication to the spiritual well-being of our members
through your compassionate leadership. You cultivated an inclusive
**************** and supportive environment where individuals could explore and
deepen their faith.
BANDELE As you embark on this well-deserved journey of retirement, we
express our heartfelt gratitude for the years of service, wisdom and

I wish to submit my tribute on the above man of God. He is a man

of a large heart that wants to please and place people in a very
comfortable place not minding the consequences. He is man of
God to the core. This attitude led him to the office where he is today.
inspiration you have shared with us. May this new chapter be filled
with joy, fulfillment and the knowledge that your legacy will endure
in our hearts and minds. We love you Daddy and we wish you a
blissful retirement experience.
I welcome him to the platinum age group and wish him many more DLCF Unity Brethren
years on earth in good health, sound mind and peace in Jesus name.
Sister Akinyemi, Sarah Oluwafunke ****************


PROF. SAMUEL OYE BANDELE T o God be the glory for the great things He hath done. Our
esteemed Pastor and Professor, Sir, you are truly an epitome
of grace. Through the grace you have received, many have
benefited and testified to the goodness therein. You are a

A s we bid farewell to our remarkable former Campus

Fellowship State Coordinator and esteemed Ex-Vice
Chancellor, we reflect on the profound impact you had on
both our academia and spiritual lives. Your tireless commitment to
fostering and nurturing young minds is indelible and has left an
manifestation of care, love, and constant compassion. No one
encounters you without being blessed. Your presence is a radiant light
and a beacon of hope, consistently beaming through every situation.
You are like an ember blowing peace and gladness to refresh even the
enduring legacy. most weary souls.

Throughout your time with us you exemplified true leadership, Your impact, both spiritually and academically, is immeasurable. You
steering our hearts with vision and grace. Your guidance extended are always there to succor the downtrodden, a voice for the voiceless,
beyond academic duties, as you actively participated in our campus and eyes for the blind. You lead people out of the dungeons of
fellowship. As our coordinator, you became a source of inspiration darkness, never relenting in the divinely assigned tasks. Your

79 80
ascension to the present stage is not by might nor power but by the have brought into the academia. This dedication and hard work were
grace divinely bestowed upon you. Who would not desire to be where outstanding qualities the Executive Governor saw and made him to
you are? Many aspire, but it is the sustaining grace that sets you apart. appoint you as the Vice Chancellor of the Ekiti State University. A
Today, the host of heaven rejoices with you, and people – both position you held with dignity, honour and respect to serve the people
families and friends – desire to join in praising with you. We cannot while bringing development to the institution.
fathom all that the Almighty has designed and perfected today; words
cannot recount the exploits in His vineyard. Be assured that the divine As a believer and follower of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, your
reward for your efforts is forthcoming. sacrifices and commitment have been topnotch. Your ability to
combine Christian service with secular duties without failing in
As you ascend higher, God, who has brought you thus far, will keep anyone has been an inspiration to those of us behind you. You have
and sustain you and your blessed family until the end. been a worthy leader and ambassador that we are not afraid to follow
Congratulations, congratulations. in your footsteps.
From DLCF Oye Region.
While this phase marks the end of an era, we are convinced that for
**************** you, it is surely the beginning of a deeper and more thoughtful life to
do more for your maker and humanity whom you have been serving
4.21 TRIBUTE TO AN ACADEMIC ICON for many years now.
Dear Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele,

Y our retirement marks the end of an era, an era that led you
into a journey of more than three decades in the academia.
You journeyed through the rank and file till you got to the
enviable position of a Professor. Through this journey, you left
indelible marks on the sand of time with imprints in the hearts of your
Hearty congratulations on your well-deserved retirement after
following meritorious years of service.
For and on Behalf of Southwest DLCF Family

trainees and colleagues. 4.22 TRIBUTE TO A LEGEND

You were outstanding in your performances as a professor. The

legacies you have built as a teacher and mentor will live on. Your
philosophy of 'doing good to all men, especially they of the
household of faith' helped you touch many lives and there are living
D addy Samuel Oye Bandele wasn't just a man I looked up to,
he was a towering figure whose life cast a long shadow that
continues to guide me. He wore many hats – a loving father
and pastor, a dedicated professor in the classroom, and a visionary
leader as Vice Chancellor. Each role he played left an indelible mark
proofs scattered all over the globe.
on the world, and most importantly, on me.
We are grateful for all the hard work, dedication, and inspiration you As a father and pastor, his love was boundless. I remembered how I
always look forward to him coming to my campus fellowship.
However, long or short his ministration was, it always made its mark
81 82
on my ultimate build up. I never will forget. He nurtured my curiosity, 4.23 A SYMPHONY OF GRATITUDE: CELEBRATING
and encouraged my dreams. I can't forget the times you had to sit THE LEGACY OF PROF. SAMUEL OYE BANDELE
down with me to guide and mentor me at home and even in your Pastor and Dr (Mrs) Ogundele and Family
office at USTI.
Daddy, your dedication to academia spilled over into your
engagements as a renowned lecturer and speaker. You showed me the
power of knowledge, not just as an abstract concept, but as a tool to
make a difference. Witnessing your passion for teaching ignited a
T oday we stand on the precipice of a remarkable moment – the
retirement of a brilliant mathematician, education
administrator, esteemed Vice Chancellor, and cherished
mentor, Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele. His journey, marked by
leadership at Ekiti State University, the University of Education,
similar fire within me. Your lectures were filled with such enthusiasm
that they became masterclasses in the art of intellectual exploration. I Ikere, Ekiti, and Anchor University, Lagos, has not only elevated the
never will forget when Daddy came to engage the staff of Peace and academic landscape but has woven a rich tapestry of relationships,
Joy Schools, Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State, for more than 7 years yet it making him a pastor, Christian father, brother, friend and spiritual
remained a strong voice in our sustained engagement and success mentor.
Beyond the corridors of academia, Prof. Bandele has been a Christian
Then there was his leadership as Vice Chancellor at various father, offering his wisdom and guidance with an open heart. He
universities. He transformed these universities from a place of provided a comforting spiritual pillow for our family, fostering an
learning to a launchpad for the future. His vision and tireless efforts environment of love and Christian values.
created an environment that fostered innovation, nurtured talent, and
empowered generations of students to reach their full potential. His Prof. Bandele's generosity has extended far beyond the realm of
legacy extends far beyond the university walls, impacting countless equations and spiritual guidance. As a friend and mentor, he has
lives across the nation. assisted our family in numerous capacities, standing with us through
Today, as I stand on my own path, the lessons he imparted resonate several challenges and is part of our success stories. In his role as a
deeply. His dedication to knowledge guides my pursuits, and his spiritual guide and pastor, Prof. Bandele has shepherded our family
leadership inspires me to strive for excellence in everything I do. and the larger Deeper Life Campus Fellowship (DLCF) community
with grace and unwavering faith. His leadership in the South West
DLCF family as the Zonal Coordinator has not only shaped our
Daddy, you are a living legend with a cloak of humility never to be spiritual lives but has also become a beacon of light for those
taken for granted. navigating the complexities of faith and academia.
I Love You Daddy.
Olaoluwa Adebiyi David As you honourably retire today as a long-standing Professor of
Educational Evaluation, we celebrate the culmination of an
**************** illustrious career and the resonance of a life well-lived. In the
symphony of gratitude, the words we use are notes that compose a
83 84
melody of appreciation for the Christian father, brother, friend, UNIT 5: DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH
spiritual mentor, and pastor that you have been and will continue to be MINISTERS & MEMBERS
by the grace of God.
We therefore wish you more years in good health and dedicated to PROFESSOR, PASTOR.
positively impacting and uplifting others.



O n the historic and memorable occasion of your
disengagement from public university, I convey to you the
very warm felicitation of myself as well as that of my family.

P rof Samuel Oye Bandele is a balance Christian, he is humble,

loving father, caring leader and holy. A man that hates nothing
but sin and double standard life. I have known him since 1996,
when we had a crusade/ retreat at Ado Grammar School Ado-Ekiti,
where bro AdakoDaivd introduced me to him. There, he declared that
I am particularly grateful to God on your behalf for many reasons; we
live in a society that hardly celebrates the living, but for the fact that
you are alive to witness this celebration is in itself a reason for
thanksgiving. Also reflecting on all the stormy waters on which you
I will be an usher in DLCF and since then I have joined DLCF in Ado- have sailed and still end gloriously bears implicit testimony. to God's
Ekiti. By the grace of God, he took me as his own biological son and I faithfulness. You deserve no less but even more.
want to tell you today that this is a man that has characteristic
balanced view of Christianity. Through his love, caring, humility, This aptly exemplified the promise of the scripture 'If any man serve
vision and dedication, I decided to make him my mentor. Yes, he is me, him will my father honour ' John 12:26
my mentor.
A thorough gentleman and an extremely humble human being that
Permit me to state that Prof Samuel Oye Bandele, by the grace of God you are, despite your achievements. Your humility and dedication to
was the State Coordinator for DLCF Ekiti State, and currently, he is work are exemplary. You represent an affectionate and committed
the Zonal Coordinator for DLCF Southwest Deeper Life Ministry. In
the history of this world, no man has ever achieve what Prof Bandele teacher as you gave your best to your students. As an administrator
has achieved: (1) he was the Vice Chancellor University of Education you served with highest integrity, honesty and sincerity. As a matter
Ikere- Ekiti (2) he was the Vice Chancellor, University of Science and of fact you did us proud who are associated with you. You are
Technology, Ifaki-Ekiti, (3) he was the Vice Chancellor, Ekiti State unapologetic in your faith and convictions. As you achieve this
University (4) Currently, he is the Vice Chancellor, Anchor milestone platinum jubilee and as such bow out of public service, I
University, Lagos (Deeper Life University). With all these, you will pray that the Almighty God grants you many more years in great
agree with me that he is a man that is loved by God. No wonder God health, happiness, and increased grace to continue in your spirited
says“I will help thee. service to God and mankind.
Bro & Sis Olajide.O. David Prof & Dr (Mrs) Olu Jegede

85 86
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
and had his Masters and Ph.D degrees from the Nigerian premier
University-University of Ibadan. I remember the day he delivered his
inaugural lecture as a Professor, the Vice Chancellor remarked that if
inaugural lectures were to be graded, the one of Prof. Samuel Oye
Bandele would have been awarded an“A”. He studied Mathematics
B A N D E L E : A G O O D H U M A N C A P I TA L
and specializes in Tests and Measurement. He is an author of many
books and a researcher of great attainment. Furthermore, he is a
Pastor Dr & Dr (Mrs) Alebiosu Jacob Kolawole
member of many academic bodies and has attended and presented

I t is an uncommon privilege for us to give a tribute to:

A man of unusual make, Samuel Oye Bandele,
An academia of unpatrolled excellence, Prof. Samuel
papers in many academic and professional conferences. He has also
supervised many Master and Ph.D theses.

Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele has been a lecturer in the University for
the best part of his life. This gave him the opportunity of holding
Oye Bandele, many administrative posts such as Head of Department, Dean of
· An administrator of no mean achievement, Prof. Faculty and finally, the position of a Vice Chancellor. He is a
Samuel Oye Bandele, seasoned administrator that cannot be ostracized. He has been the
· A pastor of impeccable Christianity, Pastor Samuel Vice Chancellor of four (4) different Universities with the fourth one
Oye Bandele, running and dotted with many astronomical achievements. He
· A family and community man of lovable attributes, initiated many laudable and profitable projects. He is a good human
Daddy Samuel Oye Bandele. capital developer. He believes in fair play. He is an honest and humble
In his natural setting, the man, Samuel Oye Bandele is strong, administrator. Though he is the overall boss, he answers everybody
healthy, agile, active, brilliant and assiduous. “Yes Sir or Yes Ma”. He wants all his workers to attain steady
progress and also prosper. He is an articulate administrator.
He is a cheerful man, accommodating, welcoming, always available
to render services to humanity. He does not believe in failure nor Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele remembers his God in the days of his
ready to occupy the back-seat. He always prepares and presents Youth. He is a born-again Christian and a pastor per excellence in
himself for the best in all things. He is very resourceful, a think-tank Deeper Life Bible Church. He has touched many lives and he has
and a man full of fruitful ideas. organized many programmes in the church. Also, he has planted
many campus churches.
Expectedly, when a man of this avalanche of qualities dabbled into
academics, he comes out as a bright shining star. He made first class This tribute will be incomplete if I do not tell you that Prof. SAMUEL
in his First Degree from a prestigious University, University of Benin OYE BANDELE is a family and also community man. The worst

87 88
thing you can do to Mummy Comfort Bamdele is to transfer her you with unprecedented prosperity, unbroken protection, undiluted
husband from her. Thank God the working place of her husband has peace and overall wellness. May the rest number of years you still
have on the surface of earth be better than the ones you ever spent in
Jesus' name. Keep on inspiring us Sir. You will not be tired.




P rofessor Samuel Oye Bandele, a distinguished academician,

and devoted Christian, has left an indelible mark on the
institutions he had served. He is a man of uncommon grace,
known for his unwavering integrity and relentless pursuit of
excellence. As the former Vice Chancellor of Ekiti State University
and the current Vice Chancellor of Anchor University, he has proven
himself to be an academic juggernaut, a spiritual and ministerial

With immense gratitude to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords,
Prof Samuel Oye Bandele gracefully bows out of Ekiti State
University at the age of 70. His retirement will be celebrated not only
as a testament to his remarkable career but also as an occasion to
express our appreciation for his unwavering dedication.

Throughout his tenure, Prof Samuel Oye Bandele has been blessed
with the unwavering support of his incredible wife, who has been a
pillar of strength by his side. Together, they embody qualities such as
simplicity, tolerance, accessibility and prayerfulness. Their love and
dedication to God have been a source of inspiration for all who have
had the privilege of knowing them.

It is with great joy and admiration that we celebrate both Prof Samuel

89 90
Oye Bandele's birthday and retirement by giving thanks to God. His innovation, and ability to make complex concepts accessible to
remarkable achievements, coupled with his gentle and approachable learners of all levels.
nature, have endeared him to all who have crossed his path. He is a
true example of a leader who is both proactive and resourceful, One of the key aspects that sets Professor Bandele apart is his
always striving to make a positive impact. groundbreaking research in the field of test and measurements. His
work has significantly expanded our understanding of the theoretical
As we bid farewell to Prof Samuel Oye Bandele at Ekiti State foundations and practical applications of various measurement
University, let us reflect upon his profound legacy and the countless techniques. His research contributions have been widely published in
lives he has touched. We express our deepest gratitude for his prestigious scientific journals and have been instrumental in shaping
invaluable contributions to education and his unwavering the field.
commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. May his retirement be filled
with joy, peace, and the fulfillment of all his dreams and aspirations. Professor Bandele has also been actively involved in collaborative
research projects with industry partners, bridging the gap between
To Prof Samuel Oye Bandele and his wonderful wife, we send our academia and practical applications. His expertise and insights have
heartfelt congratulations, appreciation, and best wishes for the future. been sought after by numerous organizations and government
May God continue to bless and guide them on their journey, and may agencies, who recognize the value of his research in improving
their lives be filled with love, happiness and continued success. measurement techniques and standards.

Professor Samuel Oye Bandele is a highly respected and In addition to his academic pursuits, Professor Bandele is known for
accomplished academic in the field of Tests and Measurements. With his dedication to community service. He has been involved in
a wealth of knowledge and expertise, he has made significant organizing workshops, conferences, and symposiums, where
contributions to the advancement of this specialized area of study. researchers, practitioners and students come together to share
Throughout his illustrious career, Professor Bandele has knowledge and foster collaboration. Through these initiatives, he has
demonstrated a deep commitment to research, teaching and facilitated the exchange of ideas and promoted the growth of the tests
mentorship, making him a highly influential figure in the field. and measurements community.

As a Professor, Professor Bandele has dedicated himself to inspiring Professor Samuel Oye Bandele's impact extends beyond his research
and educating the next generation of scholars. He has played a pivotal and teaching. As a mentor, he has guided and supported numerous
role in shaping the minds of countless students, imparting his passion students and early-career researchers, empowering them to pursue
for test and measurements and guiding them towards meaningful their own path in the field. Many of his former students have gone on
research projects. His teaching methods are known for their clarity, to make significant contributions of their own, a testament to his
exceptional mentorship.

91 92
In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Professor Samuel 3. Educational Reforms: Prof Samuel Oye Bandele is known for
Oye Bandele has received several prestigious awards and honors his visionary approach to education. He has been instrumental in
throughout his career. These accolades not only exemplify his spearheading educational reforms aimed at enhancing the quality of
expertise and dedication but also serve as a source of inspiration for teaching and learning. His efforts have included curriculum
others in the field. improvements, faculty development programs, and the introduction
of modern teaching methodologies. These initiatives have had a
Overall, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele's profound knowledge, profound impact on students' intellectual growth and preparedness
dedication to research, and commitment to education have made him for the challenges of the modern world.
a highly respected professor in the field of tests and measurements.
His contributions have advanced the field and inspired countless 4. Students' Empowerment: Prof Samuel Oye Bandele has always
individuals to pursue excellence in their own research and been deeply committed to the empowerment of his students. He has
professional endeavors. championed initiatives that promote student engagement, leadership
development, and career readiness. Through mentorship programs,
Summarily, here are some additional details about Prof Samuel Oye internships, and community outreach projects, he has inspired
Bandele's accomplishments and contributions to education: countless students to reach their full potential and make meaningful
contributions to society.
1. Academic Excellence: Throughout his illustrious career, Prof
Samuel Oye Bandele has consistently displayed a commitment to 5. Community Engagement: Prof Samuel Oye Bandele recognizes the
academic excellence. He has made significant contributions to his importance of community engagement in the educational process. He
field of study, conducting groundbreaking research and publishing has actively encouraged collaboration between the university and the
numerous scholarly articles in reputable journals. His expertise and local community, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships.
knowledge have garnered him respect and admiration from Through outreach programs, social initiatives, and sustainable
colleagues and students alike. development projects, he has worked to address societal challenges
and make a positive impact on the lives of community members.
2. Leadership in Higher Education: As the Vice Chancellor of 6. Awards and Recognition: Prof Samuel Oye Bandele's
both Ekiti State University and Anchor University, Prof Samuel Oye contributions to education have been widely acknowledged and
Bandele has exhibited exceptional leadership skills. Under his honored. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his
guidance, these institutions have experienced remarkable growth and outstanding achievements, including recognition for his research
development. He has implemented innovative educational strategies, contributions, leadership excellence, and dedication to the
fostered a conducive learning environment, and promoted a culture advancement of education.
of academic excellence. These accomplishments and contributions highlight Prof Samuel

93 94
Oye Bandele's exceptional career and his unwavering commitment to care as a shepherd for the past three decades, I wish to say that I've
the betterment of education. His legacy will continue to inspire future always admired and coveted your exemplary leadership lifestyle as a
generations of students and educators, leaving a lasting impact on the God-fearing man, an indefatigable soldier of Christ, a devoted and
academic community. true child of God who could stop at nothing to expand the kingdom of
Pastor Seyi Olushola God with his life and belongings.

*************** Sir, you are such a selfless and compassionate leader who used his
leadership privilege as the then Vice-Chancellor to bring amazing
5.5 I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the esteemed initiatives and development to the academic, extra-curriculum
Professor Samuel Oye Bandele on his well-deserved retirement as a activities, the welfare of staff, as well as social life of this institution.
Father, Pastor and Professor. Daddy, I am overjoyed to celebrate this Your selflessness and unselfish act had passionately put smile and
milestone with you. Your remarkable abilities, dedication, and happiness on people's faces and I'm very sure that your kindness and
admirable character have left a lasting impact that will endure for good-will gesture to many people you've given hope and livelihood
years to come. I pray that as you embark on this new chapter of your will linger after your departure from EKSU. You'll be forever
life, God's abundant blessings will continue to follow you wherever remembered for your dedication and devotion with great energy and
you go. You have truly made a difference in the lives of many and commitment to ardently supporting and advocating for truth, justice
your legacy will always be remembered with great respect and and equity among people under your leadership in every office you
admiration. Enjoy this well-earned time of rest and relaxation, had served.
knowing that your hard work and contributions have not gone
unnoticed. Congratulations once again, and may your retirement be Daddy, I wish to earnestly thank God for endowing you with wisdom,
filled with joy, peace, and fulfillment! knowledge, understanding and ability to serve humanity with great
Bro & Sis Owuze Clement dedication and charisma that brought positive changes, successes and
various developments to Ekiti State University.
On behalf of my humble self and my family, I wish you the best in
5.6 TRIBUTE TO AN EXEMPLARY LEADER your future endeavors, sir.

y daddy and my Pastor, I'm very delighted and grateful to
God to be part of the well-wishers who are celebrating
your retirement from the active service of Ekiti State
Mrs. Omotoye Oluwatoyin

Dr. Sam Oye Agbeleoba
Daddy, since I've been fortunate to be one of the sheep under your Credence of mentorship trailed your path

95 96
Heart that pushes others is what you have
Glad that you imprint this on my mind
When you stood to cheer me from grief of fall.

Things we share are of grace divine

Sam Oye has continued to shine
Blood of Christ has crown it all
Made me your child, your child for real.

I'm grateful for guidance and prayer

Now, to mark a milestone you have covered
I sing grace, grace and grace to graceful God.
Your contagious success we'll share
Your impactful grace of love
Remains the greatest breed of grains
That you showered on us your seeds.

You brought computer and printer

with his vehicle to prepare a reference letter
for me knowing full well that I almost failed
a deadline on my application.
That's the breed we are celebrating today!
I wish you well Daddy. I love you so much!
Dr. Sam Oye Agbeleoba

97 98
UNIT 6: IJESAMODU Also, his love for the growth and development of our community is
incomparable. He is indeed an epitome of a quintessential educator
6.1 A GOOD SON AND A ROLE MODEL OF and manager.

I , Elder Olusola Aina from Egena Compound Ijesamodu Ekiti, on Our prayer is that as he steps out, he will not lack greatness, progress,
behalf of my family, congratulate our Daddy, Prof. Samuel Oye sound health and favour in Jesus name.
Bandele on his retirement from active service of Ekiti State
University, Ado Ekiti. You are indeed a man of God, a good son of We love you dearly, our own Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele.
Ijesamodu Ekiti and a role model. Elder Olusola Aina CNA.
General Secretary
Although, I did not know you from my youthful age until 2008, but Ijesamodu Development Union (Worldwide)
from the day I knew you and related with you till now, you have &
proven to me, my family and our town, Ijesamodu Ekiti that you are a Comrade Joseph Olatunji
loving, trusted and reliable person. As a matter of fact, the love you National President
extended to me and my family can never be over emphasized and it Ijesamodu Development Union.
remains etched in our hearts. For:
Sons and Daughters of Ijesamodu Worldwide.
I wish you a happy retirement. May Almighty God continue to lead
and guard you and your family. God will take you to higher level in ***************
life in Jesus name.
Elder &Mrs Olusola Aina
Ijesamodu Development Union (Worldwide) Hon. Gabriel Ajayi



O n behalf of my family, I felicitate with Prof. Samuel Oye
Bandele on his retirement after many years of meritorious
services. Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele is a brother, a mentor
and my teacher at the then Christ Apostolic Church, Teachers'
College, Efon- Alaaye from 1980- 1983. He is a born teacher, a
MANAGER mathematical“guru”. He is part of my success story. He contributed

I t was a roller coaster of emotions as our amazing and handsome immensely to my progress right from my admission into CAC,
daddy Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele, after a meritorious service Teachers College in 1980. May God continue to bless him. Prof.
takes a bow. Prof. Sam Oye Bandele served diligently as a Bandele is a lover of progress and is ever willing to assist any time the
lecturer and Vice-Chancellor of EKSU. need arises. Without hesitation, he offered my son admission into the
Department of Law when he was the Vice Chancellor of the Ekiti
99 100
State University. The love of his home town cannot be overestimated Which invariably became his pastoral and secular constituency
as he built a befitting mansion in the community. He loves education So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom
and contributed to the development of our only Ijesamodu The Bandele that I know is a quintessential administrator and teacher par
Comprehensive High school by providing necessary equipment for excellence
the school. May God replenish you in million folds. Rest is sweet A forthright helmsman in the affairs of his institutions
after hard labour. Now that you are bowing out of the chalk and talk Ready to step on toes for the overall interest of the system
profession, I congratulate you my brother, mentor and teacher. I wish Like a Colossus, Bandele bestrides the university system in the Nigerian
you a happy retirementyears. May God be with you in all your future space
As Head of Department, Dean and Director in the Ivory Towers
endeavours. Happy cheers to the man of God.
Crowning it all as Vice-Chancellor in four universities at different times
With uncommon record of integrity, sincerity and humility
So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom
6.4 THE BANDELE THAT I KNOW: TRIBUTE TO A The Bandele that I know is an academic super-star with unusual records
DYNAMIC ACAEMIC AT 70 of excellence
Dele Adeyanju A First Class alumnus of Uniben and a Doctoral alumnus of Unibadan
Whose contributions to knowledge remain outstanding in the annals of
The sweet psalmist of Israel once cried out in supplication: his field
So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom A man whose intellectual prowess and dexterity have impacted many
This scripture finds expression in the life of a profound pastor-scholar lives
A prudent manager of financial, human and material resources A self-effacing thoroughbred scholar with a unique leadership style
And a bright star in Africa's university administration, Samuel Oye Bandele That distinguishes him clearly from his peers in the Ivory Towers
The erudite scholar of Mathematics Education and Computer Science And ranks him with the topmost few in the black race
The Bandele that I know is a package of divine investment of grace and
wisdom So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom
Freely given for the service of God and humanity The Bandele that I know is an uncommon workaholic and untiring team
So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom Who works round the clock in season and out of season to achieve set
The Bandele that I know emerged from Ijesamodu-Ekiti, Nigeria goals
To begin the journey of life seven decades ago With the philosophy of enrollment, engagement and enrichment
With a humble background from an agrarian community He turned around the fortunes of each of his universities
He began to show signs of greatness from childhood Ensuring a significant increase in the annual intake
Toeing the path of destiny, he navigated through various schools Engaging the workforce for optimum performance and productivity
To become a force to reckon with in the Ivory Towers And enhancing the capacity of the system for wealth creation

101 102
So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom UNIT 7: ANCHOR UNIVERSITY
The Bandele that I know has zero tolerance for lawlessness
Courageously he applies the big stick wherever ungodliness is found in
A strict disciplinarian yet highly compassionate and considerate in SEVENTY
human relations Pastor Moses Olanrewaju Salami,
Bandele combines the virtues of diligence with openness, sagacity and Registrar,
meticulosity Anchor University, Ayobo, Ipaja,Lagos.
A rare gem in the Nigerian university system now reputed for social

maladies ew years ago, I heard about a man who was a lover of God and
With courage he came to the stage to right the wrongs within the limit of people. He was always willing to positively impact the lives of
human capacity others. I was also told of his charisma and leadership qualities
As light in the tunnel, to give a ray of hope for the survival of those lost
as a result of which outstanding achievements had been recorded
in thick darkness
during his administration in three Universities where he had been
So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom'' opportune to serve as a Vice-Chancellor. At that time, I never had
The Bandele that know controls an enviable domestic front opportunity to have any contact, work under or with him. However,
With the staunch support of Comfort, his better half as time went by, I was able to confirm beyond what I have heard. I
His chariot keeps moving on the fast lane of profitable efforts now saw things for myself. Like the Biblical Queen of Sheba who
A celebration of Bandele is a celebration of excellence; nay, of God's said: " was a true report that I heard... behold, the half was not
faithfulness told me: what I am seeing exceeds the fame which I heard" (I
Certainly the best is yet to be seen of this profound and prolific Kings 10:7).
This caring shepherd whose footprints remain indelible on the sand of Indeed, what I have witnessed within the space of two years of being
Registrar and Chief Administrator under the Vice-Chancellorship of
More grace, more strength, and length of days for him as he continues in
Professor Bandele Oye Bandele far exceeds the stories I was told. Let
God's service me summarize my experience in this tribute to mark the Platinum
Jubilee of this rare academic guru and seasoned University

It might be quite ideal to state at this juncture that as a former two term
Registrar in a tertiary institution, with a student and staff population
of over 35,000 and 1,000 respectively, and having worked with and
served under five Chief Executives before (Professor Bandele being
the sixth), I certainly have a lot that can be said about his personality,

103 104
spirituality, leadership, and administration. I want to share in this experiences garnered from those universities were invaluable assets
Tribute some of my knowledge of him in the past two years. to him in Anchor University when he assumed duty. Indeed, since he
stepped into the saddle of administration in the Anchor University,
Previous Contributions to the Anchor University Dream the campus has never remained the same again. (He took over from
As a dedicated and committed member of the Deeper Christian Life Professor Joseph Olasehinde Afolayan, the pioneer Vice-Chancellor,
Ministry for over 40 years, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele, the who served for five years from 1st February 2017 to 31st January,
second Vice-Chancellor of Anchor University, Lagos, has featured in 2022.
various leadership positions especially in the Deeper Life Campus
Fellowship (DLCF). At the time of his appointment as Vice- Initial Challenges and Strategies adopted to surmount them
Chancellor of Anchor University, he was and still is the Zonal The pioneer Vice-Chancellor and his management did a lot to put the
Coordinator of the South West, Deeper Life Campus Fellowship. university on a sound footing. Nevertheless, there were still many
Moreover, when the Planning Implementation Committee (PIC) was grounds to cover as a young university. Among others, I will highlight
constituted in 2009, Professor Bandele was one of the members until few of the challenges that Professor Bandele confronted at the early
the University was given Provisional License to operate as a Private period of his assumption of duty in Anchor University.
University by the National Universities Commission (NUC), in
2016. Firstly, there was the big challenge of low enrollment as the students'
population before he assumed duty was slightly over 600. This was
Furthermore, when the University commenced operation in 2017, despite the frantic efforts the past administration had made to
Professor Bandele was also appointed as one of the members of the publicize the university and its available programmes.
Board of Trustees. These appointments, no doubt, were eloquent
testimonies to his outstanding spiritual qualities, leadership prowess Secondly, there was the teething problem of incessant power outage.
and academic distinctions. To worsen the situation, the existing generators have become
obsolete hence were performing below optimal level and breaking
Assumption of Duty in Anchor University, Lagos down more frequently. Consequently, millions were expended to fix,
Professor Samuel Oye Bandele was appointed as the second Vice- maintain and purchase diesel to keep them working. They were
Chancellor of the University on 1st February, 2022 among other 12 therefore gulping a colossal amount of money. On three occasions,
candidates who participated in the interview. The appointment was students made attempts to go on rampage due to power outage. On
graciously approved by the Chancellor, Pastor (Dr) W.F. Kumuyi, each occasion God gave the Vice-Chancellor and his management
following the favourable recommendations of the Governing team the wisdom to handle the situation. Apart from constant power
Council through the Board of Trustees. Before this appointment, he outage, there was also the problem of pumping water to the different
had at different times, been Vice-Chancellor in three different parts of the campus. The patience of students was getting exhausted
universities in Ekiti State. (I will leave out the details of the thus requiring urgent attention.
Universities and tenures here). Suffice to say however, that the

105 106
Thirdly, the academic performances of students were also not Ph.D in Business Administration, Computer Science and
satisfactory. He observed that the percentage of those with Third Microbiology were also approved by the National Universities
Class was not acceptable to him. According to him, a lot can be done Commission. With the increased enrollment came higher revenue
to improve the academic performance of students without generation for the University thus leading to its enrichment.
compromising academic excellence and standard. Similarly, all staff were challenged and encouraged to belong to at
least one Committee in order to contribute their quota towards the
Fourthly, due to none availability of sufficient fund, promotions were development of the University.
approved notionally without financial benefits. Likewise, pension
arrears were piled up without fund to pay them. Members of staff Moreover, to solve the problem of constant power outage, a brand
were not happy about this but there was nothing the Management new transformer and electric panel were purchased. The transformer
could do since there was no sufficient fund. was then connected directly to the National Grid by the Ikeja Electric
Distribution Company. Consequently, power supply to the campus
Finally, some academic staff were feeling cheated because of the became very steady and stable while the generators were only used
ranks they were placed. This may not be the fault of the past seldomly.
administration. Nevertheless, there was the need to address the
situation in order to forestall further grumbling. Furthermore, the Deans, Heads of Department and Senate members
were encouraged by the Vice-Chancellor to be more personally
Prof Bandele's Leadership Dynamism and Administrative Sagacity involved in the academic activities of students. What constitute
in Tackling the identified Challenges Continuous Assessment was also reviewed so that students can be
To tackle the foregoing challenges, Professor Bandele introduced better assessed in a balanced manner. As far as the Vice-Chancellor is
what he called the Three “Es” i.e. “Enrolment”, “Enrichment” and concerned, Third Class grade should be the last option after lecturers
“Engagement”. With the “3Es”, the students' population drastically have exhausted their efforts on a particular student. Summer School
increased. For example, from the 163 students that were matriculated programme was also introduced during the long vacation to forestall
in 2022, the number increased to 547, just after one year of the incidences of students carrying over many courses or not
assumption of office. We will be matriculating not less than 670 in graduating at the required time.
March, 2024 by God's grace. The slightly over 600 students'
population has also increased to over 1,500 in two years. The secret Through strategic financial management and determination, the
was the approval of some professional programmes by the National promotion arrears were settled. The piled-up pension arrears are also
Universities Commission (NUC). They are B. NSc Nursing Science, being cleared gradually. This action of the Management under the
B. Sc Medical Laboratory Science, B.Sc Architecture, B.Sc Public leadership of Professor Bandele was highly applauded by the entire
Health, B.Sc Human Anatomy and LLB Law. In addition, three Post staff.
Graduate programmes, M.Sc, MBA, Post Graduate Diploma and

107 108
To tackle the problem of improper placement of academic staff, Medicine and Computer Engineering respectively, after spending
Professor Bandele sought the approval of Council to do internal two years in Anchor University.
advertisement so that qualified staff can apply and if successful in the The number of Professors who are on full time appointment also
interview, their appointments were regularized appropriately. Quite a increased. We have additional two full Professors and one Associate
number of academic staff benefitted from this arrangement. Professor. More are still being processed.

Highlighting More Unique Achievements It is noteworthy to mention that students are also performing
The spiritual atmosphere of the campus has also improved. The initial excellently in competitions involving other universities. Within the
single students' fellowship was divided to five making it easy to have two years of Professor Bandele's administration, our students were
closer contact between the students and ministers. Staff also have rated best among other universities in Lagos State in a Science
their own separate fellowship. “Operation Keep Anchor University Research and Innovation Council Competition. This took place in
Campus Holy (OKAUCH)” was also launched thus making holiness 2023. Consequently, they won a cash prize of Eight Hundred
on campus very paramount. Thousand Naira only. Similarly, two of our students from the
Department of History and International Studies were granted
The internally generated revenue of the University has also improved international sponsorship to attend an academic workshop in
drastically. This started when Professor Bandele's led management Germany after their scholarly research presentation which was
team boldly took a decision to recover the second university cafeteria adjudged best among other Nigeria universities students.
from the private vendor managing it. The Guest House was also
rehabilitated and renovated with all the rooms made available for Two new institutes were established namely, Institute of Education
rentage. The number of rooms with kitchette was also increased. This (yet to fully take off) and the Institute of Digital Humanities. The
is not to mention the eight single room self-contained apartment just second institute is to award Certificate, Advanced Certificate and
finished and made available to staff at the second campus of the Diploma to qualify students after their training.
university.Unlike the faded paintings of the buildings that Professor
Bandele met on ground, the entire structures were repainted thus The number of NUC accredited programmes and Departments have
giving the entire University campus a beautiful, befitting and also increased drastically. Prior to February 2022, the number of
attractive outlook. programmes was 28. It has increased to 34 in 2024. The number of
Departments has also increased in 2022 from 13 to 20. The staff
Recently, Anchor University's management signed a Memoranda of population also increased in 2022 from 248 to 329 in 2024.
Understanding in collaboration with some Universities for the
purpose of staff and students' exchange and other benefits. Of great Finally, the number of purchased vehicles also increased by three:
interest among them were the collaborations with the University of two in the Faculties and one in the Vice-Chancellor's office. This was
Medicine in Dominican Republic and another University in Poland after the first sets of vehicles were purchased in 2017. This was made
where our students will have the opportunity to transfer to study possible through the prudent management of the available scarce

109 110
financial resources of the university under the administration of allowed us to flourish and grow.
Professor Bandele. But it's not just your kindness that sets you apart. It's your gift for
To wrap up this tribute, let me inform that Professor Samuel Oye motivational speaking. Your words have the power to ignite a fire
Bandele's tenure of office is five years which means, he has three within us, push us beyond our limits and to believe in ourselves when
more years to serve in AUL, by God's grace. I have no doubt in my doubt creeps in. Your speeches have been a source of inspiration and
mind that with the prayers and support of the Chancellor, Board of motivation, reminding us of our potential and the greatness that lies
Trustees, Council, Management and the entire staff and students of within.
Anchor University, greater and faster progress will be made. It is on
this note that my wife, children and I wish to celebrate our As you embark on this new chapter of your life, know that your
indefatigable Vice-Chancellor and his beloved wife on this unique legacy will live on in the hearts of all whose lives you've touched.
occasion of the Platinum Jubilee Anniversary. We wish him more Your kindness, wisdom, and motivational spirit will continue to
years of sound and stable spiritual, mental and physical health in inspire generations to come. You've made a lasting impact, not only
Jesus' name. Amen. Please, accept our 70 hearty cheers and very as a professor but as a mentor and friend.
warm congratulations!
Thank you, dear Professor for everything you've done. May this
************* next phase of your life be filled with joy, fulfillment and glory on a
daily basis.
PROFESSOR ***************
Agboola Ifeoluwa,
Mass Communication Student. ICON – PROFESSOR SAM OYE BANDELE

A s I sit down to write this epistle, my heart is filled with

gratitude and admiration for the incredible impact you've
had on my life. You haven't just been a professor to me, but
also a father figure who has guided and inspired me in ways I could
T his great icon happens to be a godly and goodly man.He is
business-oriented, straight forward, out-spoken, selfless,
generous and perpetually responsive. Prof. Samuel Oye
Bandele was involved in the enormous task of bringing together both
members of staff and students in Anchor University, Lagos, to share
never fully express. the vision of working as one as well as rebranding that name Anchor
University, Lagos that existed today.
Your kindness has touched the lives of countless students including
myself. Whether it was a warm smile, a listening ear, or a word of He was involved in the epoch making approval of the new courses
encouragement, you always made us feel valuable. Your genuine care like Law, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, Public Health,
for each of us has created a safe and nurturing environment that Anatomy, Architecture, Postgraduate courses among others as some

111 112
are in the pipeline awaiting delivery in Anchor University, Lagos. and spiritual) will continue to reverberate through generations,
Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele is an advocate of diversity and he guiding countless souls towards the light.
recognizes the importance of team spirit among his Management
staff and other members of Staff, no wonder, his accomplishment of Your words are always like seeds planted in the fertile soil of our
just two (2) years in AUL looks that ten (10) years already, kudos to a hearts, nurturing the growth of compassion, wisdom, and love.
great leader. Daddy, your dedication, guidance and unwavering support have
shaped the entire AUL community (students and staff) into better
I want to celebrate him for a life well spent for God and humanity people. Thank you for your tireless efforts in enhancing our
within the short time I have known him. Thank you sir for your potentials.
commitment, hard work and vision in leading AUL for the past two
years to the thriving and vibrant campus it is today. Daddy, you are an exceptional leader. Your vision and commitment
have propelled AUL into new and greater heights. We are profoundly
Congratulations on your amazing professional journey. Nothing but grateful for your guidance and mentorship.
the best, that's what you've always gave. Congratulations on your
retirement from EKSU! Daddy, your passion, resilience, unwavering dedication to excellence
We love you and wish you a blissful retirement to Plenty wealth, and humility have set a remarkable example for us in the AUL
health, peace of mind and fulfillment. community. Thank you for always leading with compassion. Your
Abioye Grace Oluwatoyin selflessness, empathyand encouragement have fostered a great
Anchor University, Lagos. remarkable growth and a major driving force behind a lot of
achievements in AUL. We are deeply grateful for your guidance and
********************* leadership.

7.4 A TRIBUTE TO MY BELOVED DADDY, PASTOR, AND Your ability to lead with empathy, fairness, transparency, integrity
BOSS and humility has earned you the respect and admiration of the entire
This is a tribute to my beloved daddy, pastor, and boss. You are more AUL community. Your love for the Lord, his work and the brethren is
than just a guide. You are a source of inspiration to me and the entire worth emulating.
AUL community. Your unwavering faith and boundless compassion
leave an indelible mark on our souls, shaping us into better versions I will conclude my tributes with this song: The Lord bless you and
of ourselves. keep you, make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
The Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace.
You have been a caring father to me since my campus days at the Amen Amen and Amen.
University of Ado-Ekiti (now Ekiti State University), Ekiti State. Your Daughter,
Your legacy of love and kindness towards your children(biological Ajibola Oluwafunmilayo

113 114
Co-ordinator Accounting Department 7.6 A TRIBUTE TO PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE BANDELE
Anchor University Lagos(AUL) ON HIS RETIREMENT

************************* Prof. Olasupo John Ilori

Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Natural, Applied
7.5 TRIBUTE TO PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE BANDELE: A and Health Sciences, Anchor University, Lagos.
The saying that "Champions are never hidden in any crowd", finds Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele was born in Ijesamodu – Ekiti, a small
relevance in you as the Vice Chancellor of Anchor University Lagos town in Ilejemeje, Ekiti State. He had a B.Sc. with First Class honours
since you assumed duty on February 1, 2022 with your unique Niger in Mathematics Education from the University of Beninin 1983. He
Delta hat.You began making impact immediately you stepped into went on to the University of Ibadan in 1985 and in 1989 he completed
your new role as Vice Chancellor of Anchor University Lagos by both a master's degree and a Ph.D in Education Measurement and
painting the Guest House coupled with deliberate reorganization of Evaluation. Prof. Bandele is interested in Mathematics Education,
the various committees within the University to achieve your triple Computer Science Education, Testsand Measurement, Educational
'E' mantra of Engagement, Enrollment and Enrichment. Today, Evaluation and Statistics.
Anchor University, Lagos is sparkling as virtually all the buildings
are repainted, students' enrollment has increased, more staff Prof. Bandele is an erudite scholar and served as the Director of the
members have been recruited and the University finances have Institute of Education, Dean, Faculty of Education, and Director,
improved. Kudos Sir! Staff and students of Anchor University Lagos Directorate of Part-Time Programmes of the University of Ado-Ekiti.
cannot forget you. A champion has emerged! He was the founding Director of the Computer center and Head of the
Department of Computer Science, College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti,
As you bow out of public service of Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, He was the first Vice-Chancellor of the University of Education,
having attained the Biblical age of "three scores and ten", I join your Ikere-Ekiti and later the University of Science and Technology Ifaki
family, friends, brethren and well-wishers to celebrate your life of (USTI). He also served as the Vice chancellor of Ekiti State
excellence as a University academic and administrator. Enjoy the University, Ado Ekiti. Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele is presently the
remaining years of your stay on earth in holiness and the fear of God Vice Chancellor of Anchor University, Lagos.
as you prepare for the greatest honour of entering into heaven on the
last day. Lots of regard, distinguished Professor Samuel Oye
He has contributed a lot to science and education, particularly his
contributions in Mathematics education, Computer Science
Dr Julius BeneoluchiOdili,
Education, and Test and Measurement and educational evaluation
Acting Director,
and Statistics. His interest in Tests and Measurement has been
Institute of Digital Humanities, Anchor University Lagos
enormous. As a scholar, Professor Bandele has made outstanding
contributions to teaching, research and community service at all the
115 116
universities where he served as Vice Chancellor. Prof. Bandele has celebrate Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele today and thank him for his
written many journal articles and has presented many papers at outstanding leadership. We wish him a long, healthy life and
international conferences. continuous commitment and consecration to the service of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Sir, we thank you for everything you have done for us. Congratulations
I recognize Prof. Bandele's outstanding contributions to the rapid
on your retirement!
development of Anchor University in his (3Es) mantra: improved
enrollment, financial enrichment of the University, and engagement
of AUL stakeholders. He is the most outstanding leader I have **********************
everworked with. He is an educator who always shows academic
excellence. Prof. Bandele is a critical thinker, valuable assetand 7.7 A GAME CHANGER, LEADER AND VISIONARY
mentor. He is an amazing and open-minded leader. He is honest, Department of Computing
loving and a leader with high integrity. The first time I saw Prof. Faculty of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences
Bandele was when he was Vice Chancellor of Ekiti State Anchor University
University. Prof. Bandele has been a mentor for the time I have
worked under him. He is a humble, compassionate person with a In the annals of University leadership, there stands a figure whose
passion for helping people excel in their chosen career. He enjoys impact transcends time and space, leaving an indelible mark on the
tremendous love, affection and respect among all of us at Anchor institutions he leads and all who have had the privilege to know him.
University. I work under his leadership and learn a lot from him. It is Today, as we gather to celebrate the 70th birthday and retirement
very pleasant working with him, as he demonstrates a wealth of from active service of Professor Samuel Oye Bandele, we reflect not
knowledge and is willing to give others the opportunity to learn. He is only on the passage of time but on the legacy of an extraordinary
readily available, consistent, thorough, and generous. He has an individual. His name has become synonymous with diligence,
amiable personality and he's very considerate. Prof. Bandele is a innovation and transformation. He works with commitment without
well-respected academic and an outstanding teacher. He has great compromise, courage without complacency and creativity without
support and love for students, and the students have shown great love corruption.
for him. He demands great academic pursuits from students as well as
compliance with the university's core values. He is very generous Professor Bandele's journey in academia began not merely as an
and works towards uplifting the lives of people. academic appointment but as a calling to lead, inspire and chart a new
course for higher education in Nigeria. From the outset, he
approached his role with a steadfast determination to effect change,
Prof. Bandele has many years of faithful service and commitment to challenge conventions and elevate the standards of excellence to
God, having been saved for many years and working in the vineyard unprecedented heights. He finds gold amidst dust and washes them to
of God. He is married and the marriage is blessed with children. exhibit their real potential. This he has been proven as a Vice-
Chancellor in public and private universities.
I am extremely grateful for the mentorship I received from him. We

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As Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bandele is more than a mere gratitude, admiration, and profound respect for a man who has left an
administrator. He is a visionary, a strategist, and a catalyst for indelible imprint on many hearts and minds. Though he may be
progress. With his keen intellect, tireless work ethic, and boundless retiring from active service, his influence will continue to resonate
creativity, he spearheaded a revolution that redefined the very within these hallowed halls, guiding us forward as we strive to uphold
essence of our university. Through his leadership, Anchor University the legacy he has so magnificently built.
transcended the confines of mediocrity and emerged as a beacon of
academic distinction, innovation, and social impact. He keeps his In honouring Professor Bandele, we honour not only the man but the
gaze on the mark and stays committed until he gets there. ideals which he stands for – excellence, innovation, and unwavering
dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. May his retirement be filled
Professor Bandele's legacy is one of transformation and with joy, fulfilment, and well-deserved rest, knowing that his impact
empowerment. He understood that true progress lies not in will endure for generations to come.
maintaining the status quo but in daring to challenge it. With courage
and conviction, he embarked on a transformational journey, Thank you, Professor Bandele, for your service, vision, and
introducing bold initiatives, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, unwavering commitment in every place you have served and you are
and nurturing a culture of excellence that permeated every facet of still serving. Your legacy will forever inspire us to reach new heights
university life. and make a difference in the world.
We celebrate you, Sir.
Beyond his professional accomplishments, Professor Bandele's most
enduring legacy lies in the lives he has touched, the minds he has *****************
shaped, and the hearts he has inspired. As a mentor, he was generous
with his time and wisdom, guiding countless students and faculty 7.8 IN HONOUR OF A VISIONARY LEADER: A TRIBUTE
members on their academic and personal journeys. As a leader, he TO OUR VICE CHANCELLOR---PROFESSOR SAMUEL
leads by example, embodying the values of integrity, humility, and OYE BANDELE
compassion in all his interactions. This occasion provides rare opportunity to pay homage to a
remarkable individual whose tenure since assuming the Vice
He has a gift of finding the right men for the job, inspiring them to Chancellor of Anchor University has left an indelible mark on our
work and recognizing their efforts. He brought a transformation that institution and the lives of countless students, faculty members and
is evident and undeniable even to naysayers. He aligns his philosophy staff. Professor Bandele unwavering commitment to excellence,
with the Word of God and stays faithful to it regardless of transformative vision, and tireless dedication has shaped the
circumstances. He has become a father to many in the religious and trajectory of our university in ways that will resonate for generations
professional sphere. He has built systems and people who are to come.
testaments of his impact.
Professor Bandele's tenure as Vice Chancellor has been a beacon of
Today, as we celebrate Professor Samuel Oye Bandele, we do so with
119 120
inspiration. His leadership style, characterized by a rare blend of Sir, as you transit from formal retirement to re-fire, we express our
wisdom, fearlessness, approachability and a deep understanding of deepest gratitude for the transformative impact you have had on me,
the needs of our diverse community, has created an environment that even from a distance and our institution. Your legacy will endure as a
fosters both intellectual growth and personal development. Our VC testament to the power of visionary leadership, leaving an
exudes wealth of experience and clever choice of words. indomitable imprint on our university. May the next chapter of your
journey be as enriching and fulfilling as the legacy built so far. Thank
As the leader and king of our academic community, he has not only you, Sir, our Vice Chancellor, for your exceptional leadership,
navigated the complexities of higher education but has also inspired unwavering dedication, and enduring impact globally.
us with his ability to see beyond the present and envision a future
where learning knows no bounds. Sir, your leadership style, The pastoral dimension of our Vice chancellor is a blessing. Pastor
characterized by transparency, inclusivity and a genuine concern for Bandele is a source of profound inspiration for us all whenever he
the well-being of all has fostered a culture of collaboration and ministers. I know this right from my undergraduate days. His
innovation. sermons, especially on Friday official prayer meeting, have not just
been words spoken from the pulpit, but messages that have resonated
Under your guidance Sir, our university has witnessed unprecedented deeply within one's heart, guiding one through life's challenges,
growth and development. Your strategic initiatives have propelled us celebrating our joys and providing solace in times of sorrow.
into new realms of academic achievement, research excellence,
progress as well as community engagement. Prof. has championed We celebrate the grace, wisdom, and the energy, the oil of anointing
interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering an environment where upon our amiable and celebrated Vice-chancellor. We are happy for
ideas converge and flourish, leading to groundbreaking discoveries this treasured milestone. More win Sir! Happy and hearty platinum
and advancements. jubilee of elegance, grace and rarity, 70 cheers Sir!
GP. Sanusi
Beyond the tangible successes, his legacy is woven into the fabric of Dept. of Economics
our institution through the lives he has touched. The Vice Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria.
Chancellor's commitment to success and excellence with the can-do
attitude and agility has promoted the values of integrity, empathy and ********************
In times of challenge, Professor Bandele has a steady hand at the LUMINARY IN THE ACADEMIA
helm, guiding through storms with grace and fortitude. Sir, your I am sincerely grateful to God for giving me the unique opportunity of
resilience and ability to navigate complex issues with wisdom and meeting Professor OyeBandele, who we gather to celebrate today.
equanimity have earned the respect and admiration of all who have Since meeting him, I have always observed his courage, faith in God
had the privilege of working at a close range. the Solid-Rock, focus on goals, and many more attributes, which

121 122
have served as motivation and encouragement for me in making The first Vice-Chancellor of The University of Education, Ikere-
progress in life. He loves to take on challenges where many will Ekiti (TUNEDIK) and later University of Science and Technology
shrink and shiver, and when victory is won, he would attribute Ifaki (USTI) and
success to all, rather than himself alone. Therefore, as we gather to The Vice-Chancellor, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti.
celebrate this living legend, an icon, an erudite scholar, a committed
leader and a luminary in the academia, it is my prayers that each of us I have never worked as a full-time faculty in Ekiti State University
will learn to emulate his sterling qualities to enable us impact our but from the information I gathered about him, Professor Samuel
immediate environment positively. OyeBandele exhibited exemplary leadership in Ekiti State
University, steering the institution to greater heights. Under his able
I met Professor Samuel OyeBandele for the first time on Tuesday, leadership, the university witnessed unprecedented growth and
February 1, 2022 when he assumed duty as the second Vice- development. His commitment to academic excellence, research and
Chancellor of Anchor University. Having interacted with him, I have community engagement set a standard that continued to inspire both
known Professor Samuel OyeBandele to be focused, achievement- faculty and students. In addition to his accomplishments at Ekiti
oriented, transparent, and holding on to strong Christian virtues that State University, Professor Bandele has continued to demonstrate his
make holiness of life very important in his personal and passion for education at Anchor University, Lagos. Since assuming
official/public life. His leadership performance has been nothing the role of Vice-Chancellor, he has initiated and executed
short of extraordinary. Therefore, as we reflect on the contributions of transformative changes that have significantly impacted the
this accomplished academician to his home university in Ekiti State, institution.
we cannot but sandwich this with his accomplishments in Anchor
University. On his arrival at Anchor University, Prof. Samuel Oye Bandele
went to work. He rolled up his sleeves with his usual Niger-Delta
Before he took on the mantle of leadership as the Vice-Chancellor of hat and started work in earnest. His approach to transformative
Anchor University, Professor Samuel OyeBandele had served the leadership in Anchor University took the following strides:
University of Ado-Ekiti in many capacities and some of them are as 1. Triple E Transformation Mantra; which are: Engagement,
listed below: Enrolment, and Enrichment
2. Formation of Adhoc Committees for Collaborative
Director of Education of the then Institute of Education of the Problem-Solving
University, 3. . Direct Confrontation of Financial and Power Shortages
Dean, Faculty of Education,
Director, Directorate of Part-Time Progammes, 1. Triple E Transformation Mantra: Engagement, Enrolment, and
The founding Director of the Computer Center, Enrichment Professor Bandele's leadership at Anchor University has
Head of Department of the Computer Science of the College of been characterized by a dynamic and comprehensive approach
Education, Ikere-Ekiti. encapsulated in his Triple E transformational mantra which he

123 124
termed as: Engagement, Enrolment, and Enrichment. Engagement 3. Confrontation of Financial and Power Shortages
has to do with getting everyone in the services of Anchor University Undaunted by financial constraints and power shortages, Professor
to get involved in bringing up suggestions for improvement and Bandele confronted these issues head-on. His managerial acumen
working in a team of manageable size to work out such suggestions and strategic decision-making have not only stabilized the
that have been found implementable per time. The purpose of the all- university's financial situation but have also addressed power
encompassing engagement is to influence students' enrolment and shortages, creating an environment conducive for uninterrupted
hence the enrichment of the University. learning and research. His resolute approach in overcoming obstacles
has fortified the university's foundation, laying the groundwork for
Through targeted efforts to attract a diverse student body, the
sustained growth and development.
University management led by him has successfully established new
programmes which are: Anatomy, Architecture, Law, Medical
Professor Samuel OyeBandele is a remarkable leader whose tenure at
Laboratory Sciences, Nursing, and Public Health. These additions
Anchor University has been nothing short of being transformative. In
have not only expanded the academic offerings but have also
just two years, he has demonstrated exceptional dedication and skill
significantly increased enrolment, showcasing his dedication to
in advancing the university's growth and academic standing. Under
making education accessible to a broader audience. Enrichment, as a
his visionary leadership, the university has experienced
cornerstone of his leadership philosophy, extends beyond the
unprecedented growth in student population, with a remarkable
classroom. Professor Bandele has championed initiatives that enrich
increase of 150 percent between February 2022 and January 31,
the university experience, fostering an environment that nurtures
2024. This achievement is a testament to Professor Bandele's ability
holistic development and lifelong learning.
to attract students using newly created professional disciplines in the
university. This showcases his commitment to providing access to
2. Formation of Adhoc Committees for Collaborative Problem-
quality and highly demanded disciplines.
Facing challenges head-on, Professor Bandele displayed exemplary
leadership by initiating the formation of adhoc committees involving In addition, Professor Bandele has significantly expanded the
teaching and non-teaching staff of the university. This inclusive university's academic offerings. From the data presented by the
approach harnessed the collective wisdom and expertise of the entire University Registrar to the January 31 edition of Senate meeting, it is
university community, ensuring that diverse perspectives were clear that the number of accredited academic programs has increased
considered in proffering solutions to the multifaceted challenges by an impressive 21 percent. This expansion not only enriches the
faced by the institution. Through collaborative problem-solving, he university's academic profile but also provides students with a wider
fostered a sense of ownership and unity, reinforcing the university's array of options to pursue their academic interests and career goals.
resilience in the face of adversity. One of the most notable accomplishments of Professor Bandele's

125 126
tenure is the substantial growth of the JUPEB program, which saw a 7.10 TRIBUTE TO PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE BANDELE,
remarkable increase of 94 percent in student enrolment. This A MAN OF HONOR
programme plays a crucial role in preparing students for university From
education, and its expansion under Professor Bandele's leadership (Faculty of Humanity, Social and Management Sciences, Anchor
reflects his commitment to enhancing access to higher education. University Lagos)
Furthermore, Professor Bandele's impact is evident in the significant In the realm of academia, the emergence of a transformative leader is
increase of 235 percent in the total number of matriculated students in a rare and cherished occurrence. Such was the case twenty-four
his first year at Anchor University. This remarkable achievement not months ago at Anchor University when the call to lead our esteemed
only reflects his ability to attract students but also highlights his institution to greater heights resonated. With hopes soaring and
efforts in ensuring their successful transition into university life. In expectations mounting, the appointment of Professor Samuel Oye
summary, Professor Samuel OyeBandele's tenure at Anchor Bandele as Vice Chancellor proved to be a divine intervention. His
University has been characterized by remarkable achievements and seamless assumption of leadership heralded a new era, prompting a
transformative leadership. His dedication to his ideals of flurry of activity within the Faculty of Humanities, Social and
Engagement, Enrolment and Enrichment has promoted the growth of Management Sciences (FHSMS).
the University and made positive impacts on welfare of students and
staff of Anchor University.
Under Professor Bandele's stewardship, the FHSMS witnessed a
merger between the former Faculties of Humanities and Social and
As we celebrate the achievements of this transformative leader who is Management Sciences, a strategic move aimed at optimizing
retiring from the services of EKSU and refiring in Anchor University, resources and enhancing administrative efficiency. Acknowledging
we, as teaching and non-teaching staff in the two institutions are the Vice Chancellor's exceptional leadership acumen, the Faculty
confident that Professor Samuel Oye Bandele's leadership will lauds his unwavering dedication and resolute spirit. The core
continue to usher in even greater accomplishments. His unwavering principles of enrolment, engagement, and enrichment, initially
dedication to the ideals of engagement, enrolment, and enrichment espoused by the VC, have materialized into tangible outcomes within
has left an indelible mark on Anchor University Lagos, shaping its the FHSMS.
future as a beacon of academic excellence. We wish him sound
health, long and prosperous life in his endeavours in life and service.
It is our prayer that the rest of his life will be the best of his Enrolment figures within the faculty have surged, with active
life.Congratulations! participation from faculty members in various committees,
Professor Isaiah Oluranti Olurinola, underscoring a culture of engagement and collaboration. Noteworthy
Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies, Anchor University Lagos is the emphasis on enrichment, exemplified by regular emoluments
and a commendable pay raise—a testament to the VC's commitment
********************** to fostering a conducive academic environment.

127 128
The students of the FHSMS have been inspired to embrace self- passion, purposeful drive and your equitable judgement on matters.
expression, nurture their talents, and actively contribute to the Even when it looks so unpopular, you won't mind to take the path that
university community. Their heightened engagement and is soothing and pain-relieving. I have come to realise that mercy
involvement signal a positive shift towards a more supportive and follows the merciful. Just as the Lord put it: "blessed are the merciful,
inclusive educational ecosystem. for they shall obtain mercy". Sir, the Almighty God will also show
Professor Bandele's leadership style epitomizes dignity, a quest for mercy unto you and all yours in the name of Jesus, Amen. Again,
justice, and a grounded humility that resonates with all. His emphasis congrats Sir.
on inclusivity and forgiveness underscores a commitment to
nurturing a harmonious academic community, devoid of hierarchy or Dr. Adeniyo Akanni,
privilege. Computer Science Department,
Caleb University, Lagos.
In closing, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele stands as a beacon of (Immediate Past Chairman, Parent Consultative Forum,
academic and leadership excellence, inspiring all within Anchor Anchor University, Lagos)
University to aspire towards greatness. His legacy of achievement
serves as a guiding light, propelling the institution towards its rightful
place among Africa's premier centers of learning. Today, we raise
seven cheers in honor of this distinguished man: Professor Samuel
Oye Bandele.
Professor G.K Jenyo
Dean, Faculty of Humanities,
Social and Management Sciences
Anchor University, Lagos.


I rejoice with you Sir on the attainment of this great milestone. May
the good Lord continue to be your guide Sir. Thanks for the many
lives you have already touched, repaired and still in the ongoing
process of moulding. Within this little time, I have seen in you, that

129 130
UNIT 8: FRIENDS This erudite scholar, Prof. Bandele, who has been a Vice-Chancellor
in four different universities is verybrilliant with vast knowledge of
8.1 SALUTE TO A FRIEND AND QUINTESSENTIAL the scriptures. It was through his diligence, straight forwardness,
ACADEMIC AT 70 faithfulness that our relationship became cordial. Once he knows the
fact about anything, he always stands by it.
Pastor (Dr) P. O. & Mrs. E. F. Ajayi
Proprietor/Proprietress, Hence, it is not a gainsaying to say, Prof. Bandele and I have been
PETOA Schools, sharing ideas and ideals together for decades. Today, by God's grace,
Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. we are both Group Pastors in Deeper Life Bible Church, where he
coordinates Deeper Life Campus Fellowship, Ekiti State and the
“In the VC's Lodge, there is a generator there. I deliberately did not put it entire South West before he was appointed as Vice Chancellor.
on because I said I will only do that if there is power in the students'
hostels. To start with, I am here because of the students. So why will they As an academic guru, he always advises me on academic affairs. In
be in darkness while there is light in the VC's lodge. That was my way of 1994 to be precise, Prof. S. O. Bandele and Prof. Kunle Adegun were
life even before I came here. I do not see myself as being above others.” the two brethren that joined me in prayer when I wanted to start my
school. They both prayed that PETOA should be a household name in

T he above excerpt was Professor Samuel Oye Bandele's

selfless reaction to a recent challenge of power outage at
Anchor University, Lagos, where he currently serves as the
Vice Chancellor. By deciding not to put on the power generating sets
at the VC's Lodge, Professor Bandele not only jettisoned his own
Ekiti and Nigeria at large. The prayers worked! Today, to the glory of
God and service to humanity, PETOA is a brand to be reckoned with
in the business world (in publishing educational materials and
educational establishments). By the grace of God Almighty, the
school that started with just eight pupils has grown to become a
comfort but also shared in the distress the students experienced fountain of oasis in the desert. We now have PETOA
during the power outage. This act of sacrifice, selflessness and Nursery/Primary School, Awedele; PETOA Model Nursery /Primary
servant leader attitude is an uncommon leadership quality and should School, Ajebandele; PETOA Nursery/Primary School, Olorunsogo;
be emulated by every leader. PETOA City College, Ekute Quarters; PETOA City Academy,
Olorunsogo; and PETOA Educational Publishers, Ekute Quarters; all
By God's grace, Prof. Bandele and I have been together as friends for in the city of Ado-Ekiti. As a matter of fact, the contributions of Prof.
decades. It was Christ, through the church, Deeper Life Bible Church Bandele to the growth and development of PETOA Schools and
that brought us together when he was a lecturer in the then, Ondo PETOA Educational Publishers cannot be overemphasized.
State College of Education, Ikere Ekiti, now Bamidele Olumilua
University of Education, Science and Technology (BOUESTI). Up till now, even at 70, my friendship with Prof. Bandele and his
family keeps waxing stronger. Over the years, we have grown to

131 132
become intimate family friends. In fact, my wife and I do eat freely L - Leader par excellence
with his family whenever we are with them. We are also well known E - Encouraging and inspiring hope in his people at all times.
in the church by the leaders and members as two jolly friends.
Whenever I was not around for any church programme, people would Once more, I wish my friend and close confidant, Professor Samuel
be asking him my whereabouts and vice versa. Oye Bandele, a successful retirement. May God Almighty continue
to bless, keep, protect you and your family to witness more years of
By his pedigree, dignity, track records and standing in Christ, Prof. fruitful services to God your Creator and to humanity. May God also
Bandele is not a corrupt person as many were made to believe. This is grant you more wisdom and good health to break more records with
the reason mischief makers could not prevail over him on issues of developmental feats in your current assignment at the Anchor
corruption. University, Lagos, and all your future endeavours.
Pastor (Dr) P. O. & Mrs. E. F. Ajayi
On this note, on behalf of my loving wife, family, friends and the Proprietor/Proprietress,
entire PETOA household, I join all well-wishers to sincerely PETOA Schools,
felicitate and commemorate with Professor Samuel Oye Bandele on Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.
his successful retirement from active public service, having served
meritoriously for over Thirty-Five (35) Years. There is no doubt, his ****************
fruitful years of service has significantly brought great changes,
unprecedented impacts and innovations not only to all academic 8.2 TRIBUTE FROM BANDELE'S DISTANT DISCIPLE
institutions where he has served in Ekiti State, but to the nation at (BDD)

With the various records of developmental strides which Professor

Bandele has broken, his surname can be coined into an acronym with
P a Olaniboji Anthony, at a Rite of Passagein Ikaro via Ifon in
Ose Local Government area of Ondo State, in 2003 testified
that, “Samuel Oye Bandele demonstrated an unshakeable,
incontestable and unquenchable illumination among his mates when
we were studying at the University of Benin. He was my very good,
full meanings as being highlighted below:
intelligent and responsible friend”. For me, Prof Bandele now a pater
B - Brave and bold in handling challenges and difficulties patrie whose writing is akin to thunder on paper in Education Test &
A - Amiable in interpersonal relationships and treating everyone as Management and University Management, undoubtedly possesses a
family traditional version of the C. Wright Mills' sociological binocular that
N - Noble and gentle in manners and approach made him operate at the zenith in both the terrestrial and celestial
D - Dependable ally to families, friends and colleagues terrain.
E - Easy to approach and ready to help people across religion and
social boundaries; The comment above is evident on record as he remains the only

133 134
Professor opportune to have piloted the affairs of all thethree one can be great and highly placed in life, in society yet remain
Universities ever established by the Ekiti State Government, in humble and special in God's heart. Daddy as a professor will always
addition to Anchor University established by a SpiritualGiant,Pastor be rushing never to miss Monday Bible Study. That did something to
William Folorunso Kumuyi. Though I am not physically close to my heart since then. Thanks for loving God and for loving people the
Professor S.O. Bandele, I considered, sought conscience approval way you do, Sir. On behalf of my family and I, we want to say, Happy
and chose him as my role model when he unveiled some versions of Birthday Sir. I sincerely love you and Mummy.
his life story in a church service at the then Deeper Life Campus Adebayo Akinduyite
Fellowship, Ondo State University, Ado Ekiti Chapter in 1992. Since RCCG Youth Evangelist
then, I started following the trajectory of his life style and modus
operandi. ***************
8.4 Prof Samuel Oye Bandele is not just an academic but a father,
My utmost interest in him emanated from his unrelenting and a mentor, a role model and more importantly a born again child of
unrepentant strive for excellence in whatever he does, despite all God. He is equally a minister of the gospel with over three decades of
negative and frightening roars from human, spiritual principalities pastoral commitment to the campus ministry under the Deeper
and powers. His humility and dedication to what he believes in is Christian Life Ministry. I have known Professor Bandele for his
unparalleled.I am happy to announce that his appointment with me as consistency in character, courage in doing what is right, humility and
Tinu's Role Model (TRM)subsists while I remain in his School of concern for the growth of young people and colleagues within his
Advanced Thoughts as Bandele's Distant Disciple (BDD). network. My journey to the academia can be attributed to God, the
mentorship and foundational support provided by Prof Bandele.
Congratulations, my Oga, mentor and Pastor for all the exploits. I Away from academics, I have been greatly impacted by the pastoral
wish you longer life in good health and continuous service in the ministry of Prof Bandele. As he steps aside from public service in
vineyard of the Lord. Ekiti State University, I pray the Lord will keep him growing, going
Professor Femi Tinuola and glowing in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Dr. Salami, Olajumoke Olayemi
Federal University, Oye Ekiti.
S. O BANDELE @ 70 8.5 L E T ' S C E L E B R AT E T H E O U T S TA N D I N G

M y admission and that of my brother then was made ACADEMIC LEGACY OF PROFESSOR SAMUEL
possible by God through Daddy Bandele. One major thing OYE BANDELE RETIREMENT
I learnt from daddy quietly that helped me till today is that Dr Yinusa Akintoye FAREMI

135 136
Department of Educational Foundations and Management belief in the power of education to transform lives inspired me to
University of Eswatini, Kwaluseni Campus, Eswatini persevere in the face of adversity and to strive for excellence in all my
(Formal Swaziland) endeavours. (+26878557889/+2347038117702)
Professor Bandele has held various leadership positions at the

P rofessor Samuel Oye Bandele, a scholar and exemplar of

integrity, significantly influenced my life when I was admitted
to pursue my Ph.D in Tests and Measurement at the Ekiti State
University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria in 2007. Under his guidance and
mentorship, I successfully graduated in April 2012. I sincerely
University of Ado-Ekiti, now Ekiti State University (EKSU) Ado
Ekiti, Nigeria. He has been the head of different academic units, to
mention few, he has served as the director of the Directorate of Part-
Time Programs, the director of Computer Center, and the Dean of the
Faculty of Education in the same University. Recognizing his
appreciate his remarkable contributions to my academic journey. He dedication and hard work, Professor Bandele was appointed Vice-
is a man of his word and a God fearing person from whom I learned Chancellor of The University of Education, Ikere-Ekiti (TUNEDIK),
much about academics. God used him not only as the architect of my and the University of Science and Technology Ifaki (USTI) which
Ph.D in Tests and Measurement but also his support and later closed down and merged with EKSU. Despite facing numerous
encouragement empowered me to strive for excellence everywhere I challenges in his career, he has never relented in doing what he knows
found myself. His mentorship extends beyond the academic confines best. Professor Bandele's commitment to excellence led him to be
of the research thesis; he fosters a culture of collaboration, advancing chosen as the seventh Vice Chancellor of Ekiti State University after
a community where ideas flourish and relate with others. Through his a rigorous selection process, where he emerged as the top candidate.
passion for teaching, research, and unwavering dedication to growth, Many doors of success opened for him to show his talent and
he awakened a thirst for knowledge and discovery in me. His academic commitment in his appointment as the second Vice
commitment to excellence and tireless efforts to engage and motivate Chancellor of Anchor University, Lagos (AUL), in 2022. These
have left an indelible mark on my academic journey. His mentorship appointments continue to surprise many people, showcased his
shaped me into a lifelong learner and a compassionate citizen of the exemplary leadership potential track record.
research world.
Professor Bandele's influence extends beyond administrative roles.
Prof. Bandele is a pillar of strength upon which I leaned in times of He has served as an external examiner for many universities in
uncertainty. He was an unwavering champion who believed in my Nigeria. He has mentored numerous Master's and Ph.D students in
potential and championed my aspirations. He demonstrates a Test, Measurement, Educational Evaluation and Research who have
profound commitment to nurturing talent and fostering intellectual excelled globally and spread his legacy of excellence. Through his
curiosity through generous philanthropy and advocacy for roles as a scholar, administrator, teacher, and mentor, he has
educational access and equity. His unwavering encouragement and consistently demonstrated outstanding qualities and made significant
moral support have contributed significantly to my life. Hissteadfast contributions to the academic community.

137 138
Professor Bandele, who will retire from Ekiti State University, Ado
Ekiti, in April 2024 after a lifetime of dedicated service, deserves to
be celebrated. The remarkable legacy he leaves behind in academics
and his meritorious achievements should be upheld and carried
I n the annals of leadership, Professor Samuel Oye Bandele stands
tall as a beacon of godly virtue and unwavering integrity. As the
former Vice Chancellor of Ekiti State University, his tenure was
marked by a rare blend of wisdom, compassion, and grace.

forward to ensure that the work he initiated continues to grow higher As his Chief Security from 2015 to 2018, I was privileged to witness
and higher. As we celebrate him on this particular day, marking his firsthand, his exceptional qualities. Prof. Bandele transcended the
retirement, may we reflect on his contributions with deep gratitude traditional roles of authority, embracing me as both a father figure and
and reverence to the Almighty God who gave him to us as a precious a friend. Despite the storms of falsehood and slander, he remained a
steadfast ally, trusting me amidst the falsehood.
I am joining his family, friends, scholars, and other well-wishers to
His influence extended far beyond the corridors of academia,
mark his contribution to knowledge and exit from Ekiti State
enriching my spiritual journey in profound ways. I recall with
University while celebrating his birthday. I therefore express my
fondness our shared moments of reflection and prayer, transforming
deepest gratitude and appreciation to this extraordinary individual
our journeys into mini crusades of faith. His teachings on embodying
who has dedicated his life to shaping minds, enriching lives, and
advancing the frontiers of knowledge. His legacy will endure not the gentleness of a dove and the wisdom of a serpent resonated
only in the academic achievements of his numerous students but also deeply, shaping my spiritual understanding and fortifying my
in the countless lives he has touched and the numerous hearts he has resolve.
inspired. I stand on the shoulders of this academic giant, and I am
forever indebted to his wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support. In the crucible of adversity, where loyalty often comes at a steep
price, my allegiance to Professor Samuel Oye Bandele was no
Thank you again, Sir, for being the beacon of light illuminating my exception. As adversaries of his administration sought to sow seeds
academic journey and imparting the invaluable gifts of knowledge, of discord, their enmity extended towards me, a faithful member of
wisdom, and inspiration. Your influence will continue to resonate his security detail. Yet, in the face of such trials, I never once regretted
throughout generations, shaping the future of academia. Big the day our paths crossed.
congratulations Sir and have a long and healthy life!
For in Professor Bandele, I found not only a leader worth defending,
**************** but a rare and worthy personality whose integrity shone brightly
8.6 PROFESSOR SAMUEL OYE BANDELE: A RARE amidst the shadows of opposition. His unwavering support and

139 140
unwavering trust remained steadfast even in the midst of adversity. Over the years, I have deployed your model in solving life's problems
Though the journey was fraught with challenges, the lessons learnt and touching others fruitfully. I thank you Sir. You built in me the
and the bonds forged under his guidance were invaluable. Professor foundation of Christian leadership and spiritual resilience. You
Bandele's leadership transcended mere titles, leaving an indelible taught me courage and boldness in ministry.
mark on all who had the privilege of serving alongside with him.
You opened the door of your home to my family and I. You always
As he embarks on a new chapter at Anchor University, I am confident look for us wherever we are. No place is too far for you to visit us. You
that his legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. Farewell, have been a motivator and a paragon.
dear mentor and friend, your impact will be forever etched in the
annals of history. To his wife, a steadfast pillar of support, I offer Throughout your tenure, you guided and mentored with grace, love,
prayers for strength and blessings on the journey ahead in Jesus' wisdom and integrity to achieve the best in the secular and ministry.
name, Amen. Your leadership style, characterized by integrity and a genuine
Akinwumi Akin concern for humanity has created positive and enduring impacts.
Your contributions to EKSU, the DLCF in Ekiti State, South-West
************* and nationally are immeasurable and your legacies will undoubtedly
endure. As you step into retirement, may God give you joy, peace and
8.7 TRIBUTE TO PROF. SAMUEL OYE BANDELE: AN good health that you richly deserve – Amen. Thank you for your
EXEMPLARY LEADER guidance, support, and the positive impacts in my life and family.
Raphael Oladele Adeoluwa, Ph.D Congratulations dear Prof and our father!

D addy Bandele (as fondly called by my family and I) is truly

appreciated greatly for your life and service to God and
humanity. I join others to extend my heartfelt
congratulations to you on your retirement. As you step out of public
service to a new chapter, I want to express my gratitude for your
exemplary leadership and dedication to helping humanity. Meeting
you is one of the best things that have happened to me in life. Your
humility, simplicity, love for people, audacity, sincerity and above
all, the fear of God to mention but a few have shaped up my life and
faith. I appreciate all you have done for me and my family since I met
you. You are a true father, pastor, counselor and pillar. You taught me
so many things in life and in Christian ministry.

141 142
UNIT 9: TREASURED ALLIES His unyielding determination resulted in significant improvements at
the AUL Cafeteria, reflecting his intolerance for failure and
9.1 A MAN OF HONOUR AND TRUTH - mediocrity. He values hard work and despises laziness to the core.
I observed a man of pure honesty, propelled by a sincere sense of
Dr. (Mrs.) Caroline Ireti Ayo-Olalusi (Aquaculture purpose. Professor Bandele does not compromise and abhors
Nutritionist) anything shady. Affectionately referred to as the 'Daddy VC', he
Department of Fish Nutrition and Physiology, insists on straightforward dealings and detests deception and lies. He
Nigeria Institute for Oceanography and Marine rejects undue gains and steadfastly prevents any attempts to exploit
Research, Victoria Island, Lagos the University for personal gain. His knowledge of the Bible is not
just theoretical, he practices its teachings.

M y venture into Anchor University Lagos (AUL)

commenced with my appointment as a Sabbatical
Associate Professor in the Department of Biology. This
preceded the tenure of Professor Samuel Bamidele as the Vice-
Chancellor of AUL, and thus, I had not known him before his arrival
Our VC is a compassionate man, exuding Christ like love and
empathy. He is one you can talk to without fear. He has consistently
demonstrated this towards both staff and students. He treats matters
at the university. involving them with a view to encouraging parents and fostering a
conducive welfare environment. He is very much interested in staff
Upon assuming his role at AUL, I attentively listened as Professor career and professional development, of which I have been a
Bandele outlined his vision for the university. I was genuinely beneficiary.
inspired by his passion and unwavering commitment to making a
substantial impact in AUL. Particularly noteworthy was his During my tenure at AUL, I encountered a VC who is not just a
aspiration to transform the university positively and propel it to new professional but also a family man – a Christian couple embodying a
heights. Although unknown to him at that time, I secretly shared in his practical Christian home. I had the privilege of meeting his
passion and dream, viewing my work at the university as an extension supportive wife, a woman of prayer standing behind a successful VC.
of a divine calling. In a time when our nation is in dire need of honest, incorrupt and
faithful leaders across various sectors, Professor Samuel Bandele
Professor Bandele epitomizes determination; a driving force with an stands out as a beacon of hope within the educational sector. As he
unwavering resolves to bring about positive change. By a stroke of embarks on the journey of retirement, may it be a fulfilling chapter
coincidence, I was entrusted with leading one of his visionary without weariness.
mandates – the transformation of the University Cafeteria into a
thriving and resourceful venture. This brought me into close Wishing you a Happy Retirement, my daddy VC!
collaboration with him, revealing many other facets of his character. Dr. (Mrs.) Caroline Ireti Ayo-Olalusi (Aquaculture
Department of Fish Nutrition and Physiology,
143 144
Nigeria Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Congratulations! Congratulations Daddy!
Victoria Island, Lagos

o God be the glory for the great things He hath done. Our
esteemed Pastor and Professor, you are truly an epitome of
grace. Through the grace you have received, many have
benefited and testified to the goodness therein. You are a
W ith this tribute, I want to highlight Professor Oye
Bandele's immense contribution to my Christian faith.
His arduous and practical teaching of the Word of God has
endeared me to this Truth of the Son of God firmly than could be
imagined. God used him to make me understand the scriptures and
manifestation of care, love and constant compassion. No one the Christian life practically. Prof and his wife, Mummy Bandele are
encounters you without being blessed. Your presence is a radiant light an example to my family and I. I often refer to their type of
and a beacon of hope, consistently beaming through every situation. exemplary family love to my family.
You are like an ember blowing peace and gladness to refresh even the
weariest souls. Prof Oye Bandele is a thorough Bible-bred man and an extremely
humble human being. Despite his monumental achievements, his
Your impact, both spiritually and academically is immeasurable. You humility and dedication to work were exemplary. This has
are always there to succour the downtrodden, a voice for the voiceless immensely affected my personality positively.
and eyes for the blind. You lead people out of the dungeons of I have known him as a compassionate, empathetic, amiable and
darkness, never relenting in the divinely assigned tasks. Your considerate mentor. He not only shows concern for the spiritual, but
ascension to the present stage is neither by might nor power but by the also for other aspects that make life worth the living. Where I am
grace divinely bestowed upon you. Who would not desire to be where secularly today was made possible through him. Words will fail me to
you are? Many aspire, but it is the sustaining grace that sets you apart. describe this wonderful man of God and an erudite scholar and helper
Today, the host of heaven rejoices with you and people – both of many destinies.
families and friends join you in praising God. We cannot fathom all Thank you, Daddy.
that the Almighty has designed and perfected today; words cannot Salami, Oyebandele Priscilla
recount the exploits in His vineyard. Be assured that the divine
reward for your efforts is now and forthcoming. ****************
As you ascend higher, God, who has brought you thus far, will keep 9.4 I am overwhelmed with joy for the opportunity to make this
and sustain you and your blessed family until the end. little remark on daddy, a revered Professor and Pastor S. O. Bandele,

145 146
the former Vice-Chancellor, Ekiti State University, Ado - Ekiti and stronger and greater heights. At the end of life's journey, you and your
presently, the Vice-Chancellor, Anchor University, Ayobo, Lagos on family will attain the heavenly goal awaiting the saints of God.
the occasion of his retirement from the services of the Ekiti State Congratulations Sir.
University, Ado – Ekiti. Bello David Olasehinde

I have known him when I was worshipping at the Deeper Life Bible ****************
Church, though not intimately then because the district where I 9.5 Dear Prof., I can't thank you enough for being such an
worshipped was different from the one he was pastoring, but on the influential figure in my academic journey. Not only did you guide me
occasion of joint programs of the church, I used to have contact with through the complex process of writing my thesis, but you also
him. provided me with wisdom and insight that I will carry with me for the
Having studied his Christian life and leadership style, these are few rest of my life. I am grateful beyond words for your support and
among his qualities that I cherish most: encouragement and I will never forget your kindness and generosity.
You are not just my Ph.D supervisor but a father to me. From the
Passion: Passion for spiritual welfare and physical development of bottom of my heart, you are truly appreciated
individuals especially the brethren in the faith. Dr (Mrs) Oyemomi Mope ESAN,
Federal University Oye Ekiti.
Humility: His humility in spite of his high status, both physically and
spiritually, I am always thrilled seeing his display of humility. When
he greets or responds to greeting, it is with warm reception and
affinity which makes one looks worthy. I studied him to a point that if
there was an issue of conflict between him and someone, or he was
wrongly misunderstood, no matter how young in age the person may
be to him, he ensures that the matter is talked over for a peaceful
resolution. This is nothing short of Christ-like act of humility. This
reminds me of the biblical injunction in Psalm 34:14 “Depart from
evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it” (KJV Bible)

Sacrifice: His sacrificial life for the benefit of others. He is always

ready to offer himself, sacrificing his time and busy engagements to
ensure that the need of the person is addressed conclusively.
It is my prayer that this joyful retirement age will usher you into a

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