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Name of the Student Teacher: Mira Ourephia L.

Estilloro Date: September 23, 2023

Name of the Cooperating Teacher: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT CPL: ______
School: Bato Institute of Science and Technology Rating: _____
Subject/ Grade: Science IV

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

I. Objective: Identifies the beneficial and harmful interactions among living things in the environment.
KBI: Be empathetic person
II. Subject matter
A. Topic: Beneficial And Harmful Interactions Among Living Things
B. References: Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades Volume 1: Chemistry and Biology, P. 176-
C. IM’s Used: Activity cards, Visual Aids, Pictures
D. Processes Involved: Observing, Hypothesizing
E. Science Concept:
The beneficial interactions among living organisms are:
 Mutualism-an interaction in which both organisms benefit.
 Commensalism- one party benefits from the relationship, while the other is not harm.
The harmful interactions among living organisms are:
 Parasitism- the parasite benefits, the host is harm
 Predation- the predator benefits, the prey is harm
 Competition- interaction in which two or more organisms compete for a resources
 Intraspecific Competition- competition between the same species
 Interspecific Competition - competition between different species

III. Procedure
Teachers’ Activity Pupils’ Activity
*Preparatory Activities*
- Attendance
A. Drill
- Good Morning Class - Good Morning Teacher
Before we start our lesson this morning, we will
have first a game, this game is called “ Bring me”. Do
you know how to play this game? - Yes Teacher
(The teacher will place the pictures on the floor and
will pick two pupils to represent as a plant and an (Pupils response will vary)
- If I say “plant” you will pick a picture that
corresponds to the basic needs of a plant and if I say
“animal”you will pick a picture that corresponds to the
basic needs of an animal, If you are the first to bring
the correct picture, you will get the points. Did you
understand? - Yes teacher
(the pupils will start playing)
Plant Animal
Water water
Carbon Dioxide food
Sunlight shelter

- Very Good. Let’s give everyone an excellent

applause. (Pupils will do the excellent applause)
B. Review

Intellectual Property of: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT

1. Recall of the previous lesson
- Class, what was our past lesson in Science? (Pupils will raise their hands)
- Yes, Alex - Our past lesson in Science was all about the basic
needs of living things.
- Very good
- What are the basic needs of animals?

(Teacher will chose student to answer) - The basic needs of animals are: water, food,
oxygen and shelter.
- Very good, how about the basic needs of
plants? - The basic needs of plants are: sunlight, water,
- Very good carbon dioxide and habitat.
2. Checking of Assignment
- Do we have an assignment? - Yes Teacher
- Take it out and we will check it? (Pupils will take their assignments)
(Together with the pupils, the teacher will check the
Directions: Identify the basic needs of living
organisms. Write (/) check if it is good for the
organisms and (X) otherwise.
____1. Foul smelling air for human body. 1. X
____2. Dark water in the river for shrimps. 2. X
____3. Green grass for goats. 3. /
____4. Plastic wrappers for earthworms. 4. X
____5. Humus to grow vegetable. 5. /

- Who got 5? (Pupils will raise their hands)

- Who got 4?
- Very good
3. 3-item Check-up Test
- Class get a piece of paper and answer this.
Directions: Identify the basic needs of living (Pupils will get a piece of paper and will answer the 3-
organisms. Write T if the statement is true and F item Check-up Test)
____1. Shelter is one of the basic needs of animals to 1. T
____2. Water, food, and oxygen are the basic needs of 2. F
____3.Plants needs food to survive. 3. T

- Who got 3? (Pupils will raise their hands)

- Very good, let’s give everyone tiktok applause. (Pupils will do the tiktok applause)

C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
- Class, I have here some pictures. I want you to
observe them so you can answer my questions later,
understood? - Yes Teacher

Picture Picture Picture

Picture Picture

- What have you observed in the first picture?

(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer) (Pupils will raise their hands)
- Very good - The dove eats the lice of the Carabao teacher.
- What have you observed in the second picture? - The orchid grows in the trunk of the tree teacher
- Very good
- What have you observed in the third picture? - There are ticks who are feeding from the blood of
Intellectual Property of: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT
- Very good observation Nathan. the dog teacher.
- What have you observed in the fourth picture? - There are two plants teacher
- That’s correct
- How about in the last picture? - The lion is hunting the deer teacher.
- Great observation Alex!

- Class, do you know” what are the beneficial and

harmful interactions among living things in the
environment”? - Not yet Teacher
- Then, what do you think is our lesson for today?
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer) (Pupils will raise their hands)
- Our lesson for today is all about the beneficial and
harmful interactions among living things in the
- Excellent Jay! environment.

*Developmental Activities*
2. Presentation of the Skill
Skill: Identifies the beneficial and harmful interactions
among living things in the environment.
(The teacher will read the Skill) (Pupils will listen)
- Everybody, read the Skill. (Pupils will read the Skill)
- Very good

3. Unlocking of difficulties
- Based on our Skill, do you found some word/s that - What is the meaning of beneficial and harmful
is/ are difficult to understand? teacher?

- Beneficial means favourable, harmonious or

good, therefore the word beneficial on our Skill
means favourable, harmonious or good
interactions of animals while the word harmful
means destructive or bias, therefore the word
harmful on our Skill destructive or bias
interactions of animals. Do you understand - Yes teacher.
- Very good
4. Formulation of the problem
- Based on our Skill, who can formulate the problem? (Pupils will raise their hands)
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer)
Problem: What are the beneficial and harmful
- Great Job interactions among living things in the environment?
(The teacher will publish the Problem)
(The teacher will read the Problem)
- Everybody, read the problem (Pupils will read the problem)
- Very good

5. Formulation of hypothesis
- Class, what do you think are the beneficial and
harmful interactions among living things in the
environment? (Pupils will raise their hands)
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer)
(Pupils will give their guess)
- Thank you for giving your guess, for the 1. Mutualism
meantime, we will that there and we will check 2. Complicated
it after our discussion. 3. Parasitism
4. Competition

6. Groupwork
- Now, we will have a group activity. There will
be 4 groups, leaders/secretary/reporter/time
Intellectual Property of: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT
keeper will be (teacher will choose in every

a. Standards in Groupwork
- What do you think are the standards in
Groupwork? (Pupils will raise their hands)
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer)
(Pupils will give their answers)

Standards in Groupwork
1. Work silently
2. Help your group mates
- Very good 3. Don’t roam around
- Everybody read the standards
- Did you understand the standards? ( Pupils will read)

- Yes teacher
(Leaders will read)
b. Distribution of Activity Cards
- Leader in each group, come in front and read
the directions on your activity cards

Group 1&3
Skill: Identifies the beneficial and harmful interactions
among living things in the environment.
Problem: What are the beneficial and harmful
interactions among living things in the environment?
Materials: Activity sheets ,pictures, marker
A. Directions: Identify the beneficial and harmful
interactions among living things in the
environment. Tell what kind of interactions is
shown by organisms. Choose your answer inside
the box.
Mutualism Parasitism Predation
Commensalism Competition
1. 1. Competition

2. 2. Predation

3. 3. Mutualism

4. 4. Parasitism

5. 5. Commensalism

B. Answer the problem. B.The beneficial and harmful interactions among

_______________________________________ living things in the environment are: Mutualism,
______________________________________ Parasitism, Predation, Commensalism and

- I will give you 3 minutes to answer your

(the teacher will roam around) (Pupils will start doing their activity)
c. Gathering of Data/ Publishing
- Remember to follow the standards in doing the
activity class.
(after 3 minutes)
Intellectual Property of: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT
- Are you done answering your activity? - Yes teacher
- For those who are done answering, you may
now publish your answers on the board. (pupils will paste their answers on the board)

d. Reporting
- What are the standards in reporting? (Pupils will raise their hands)
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer) (Pupils will give their guess)

Standards in Reporting
1. Stand straight
2. Make your voice loud
3. Listen to the reporter
- Very good!
- Everybody read the standards (Pupils will read)
- Very good

- The first to report will be group 1 to be (Reporters in each group will stand and will report
followed by group 2. their answers)
(The teacher will give merit for those group who
followed the standards and demerit for those who did

- Very good, let’s give ourselves an excellent (Pupils will do the excellent applause)

7. Discussion/ Teachers’ Input

- Based on your group activity, what are the
beneficial and harmful interactions among
living things in the environment?
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer) (Pupils will raise their hands)
- The beneficial and harmful interactions among
living things in the environment are: Mutualism,
Parasitism, Predation, Commensalism and
- Very good! Competition
- Now, look at this pictures

Picture Picture Picture

Picture Picture
- In the first picture, are the interaction of
Carabao and the dove beneficial or harmful - They have a beneficial interaction teacher
- Why do you think so? - Because the interaction is favourable to the two
- Correct, does the two benefits in their organisms teacher
interaction? - Yes teacher
- If both organisms benefit then what kind of
interaction is it? Mutualism or Commensalism? - Mutualism teacher
- Very good! Again, what is mutualism? - Mutualism is a kind of interaction in which both
organisms’ benefits in the interaction teacher.
- Good job! Now who can give another example
of mutualism?
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer) (pupils will raise their hands)
-Amazing! (pupils will give their answers)

- In the second picture, are the interaction of

orchid and the tree beneficial or harmful
Intellectual Property of: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT
interaction? - They have a beneficial interaction teacher
- Why do you think so? - Because the interaction is favourable to the
orchids but the tree is not harm teacher
- Correct, if one organism benefit while the other
is neither harm nor benefits, then what kind of
interaction is it? Mutualism or Commensalism?
- Very good! Again, what is Commensalism? - Commensalism teacher
- Good job! Now who can give another example
of Commensalism? - Commensalism is a kind of interaction in which
one organism benefit while the other is neither
harm nor benefits in the interaction teacher.
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer) (pupils will raise their hands)
-Amazing! (pupils will give their answers)

- In the third picture, are the interaction of ticks

and the dog beneficial or harmful interaction? - They have a harmful interaction teacher
- Why do you think so?
- Because the interaction is unfavourable to the
dog teacher
- Who harmed the dog?
- The tick teacher
- Correct, between the two, who is the parasite
- The parasite is the tick because it benefits in
and the host?
their harmful interaction while the host is the
dog because it is harmed in the interaction
- Correct, if the interaction benefits the other
organism while the other is harmed, then what
kind of interaction is it? Commensalism or
- Parasitism teacher
- Very good! Again, what is Parasitismis ?
- Parasitism is a kind of interaction in which the
parasite benefits while the host is harmed
- Good job! Now who can give another example
of Parasitism?
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer)
-Amazing! (pupils will raise their hands)
(pupils will give their answers)
- In the fourth picture, is the interaction of the
two plants beneficial or harmful interaction? - They have a harmful interaction teacher
- Why do you think so? - Because the interaction can be unfavourable to
the other plant or for both teacher
- Correct, if the interaction harms both
organisms, then what kind of interaction is it?
Parasitism or competition? - Competition teacher
- Very good! Again, what is Competition? - Competition a harmful interaction that harms
both organisms teacher.
- Good job! Competition can be intraspecific and
interspecific, when do you think is the
competition called intraspecific and
interspecific? - It is intraspecific when the competition is
between the same species while interspecific
when it is of different species.
- Brilliant! Now who can give another example
of competition?
(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer) (pupils will raise their hands)
-Amazing! (pupils will give their answers)
- In the fifth picture, is the interaction of the lion
and deer beneficial or harmful interaction? - They have a harmful interaction teacher
- Why do you think so?
- Because the interaction only benefits one
organisms and harms the other teacher
- Correct, if the interaction only benefits one
Intellectual Property of: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT
organisms and harms the other, then what kind
of interaction is it? Competition or predation? - Predation teacher
- Very good! Again, what is predation? - Predation is a harmful interaction that benefits
one organism and harms the other teacher.
- Good job! In this kind of interaction which do
you think is the predator and the prey? - Predator is the one that benefits while prey is
the one being harmed in the interaction teacher
- Brilliant! Now who can give another example
of competition?

(The teacher will choose a pupil to answer) (pupils will raise their hands)
(pupils will give their answers)
- Amazing! Do you now know, what are the
beneficial and harmful interactions among living
things in the environment? - Yes teacher
- Again, what are the beneficial and harmful
interactions among living things in the environment? - The beneficial and harmful interactions among
living things in the environment are: Mutualism,
- Very good! Parasitism, Predation, Commensalism and
*Culmination Activity*

8. Formal Generalization
a. Answer the Problem
- Let’s go back to our problem, everybody read (pupils will read)
the problem.
- Can we now answer the problem?
- What are the beneficial and harmful - Yes teacher
interactions among living things in the - The beneficial and harmful interactions among
environment? living things in the environment are: Mutualism,
Parasitism, Predation, Commensalism and
- Very good Competition.

b. Publish the concept

The beneficial interactions among living organisms

 Mutualism-an interaction in which
both organisms benefit.
 Commensalism- one party benefits
from the relationship, while the other
is not harm.
The harmful interactions among living organisms are:
- Everybody read the concept  Parasitism- the parasite benefits, the
host is harm
 Predation- the predator benefits, the
prey is harm
 Competition- interaction in which
two or more organisms compete for a
 Intraspecific Competition-
competition between the same
 Interspecific Competition -
competition between different
(Pupils will read)
9. Testing of hypothesis
- Let’s us now check if your guesses are correct
or not
Intellectual Property of: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT
(the teacher together with the pupils will check the
- Well done everyone!

10. Application
- Get a piece of paper and try to answer this in 2
minutes. Write your name and grade at the top
of your paper.
Directions: Identify the beneficial and harmful
interactions among living things in the environment.
Tell what kind of interactions is shown by organisms.

1. Mutualism
2. 2. Commensalism
3. Predation
4. Parasitism
3. 5. Competition



(The teacher will read the directions)

- Everybody, read the directions (Pupils will read)
(After 2 minutes)
- Are you done answering?
- Yes teacher
- Exchange your paper with your seatmate. (Pupils will exchange their answers)

- Who wants to answer number 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?

(Pupils will raise their hands)
(Teacher will choose)

- Who got 4 and 5?

(Pupils will raise their hands)

- Very good

11. Value Infusion

- Class, I have here a paper. We will use this to
our little social experiment. Let’s as assume
that this paper is your classmate.
- Now I want you to say bad words into this
paper. - You’re ugly
(the teacher will crumpled the small part of the
paper) - You’re fat
(the teacher will crumpled the small part of the
(the teacher will crumpled the small part of the - You’re not good enough
(the teacher will crumpled the small part of the
paper) - You’re not worth it

- Now, I want you to say ‘sorry’ to the paper. - I’m Sorry

( the teacher will fix the paper from being crumpled)

Intellectual Property of: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT

- Is it fixed? - No teacher
- What happen to the paper? - The paper has folds as a result from being
crumpled teacher
- That’s right, the same will happen when you
say bad words to your classmate or to your
friends, it will never be fixed even if you’re
sorry because the damage has already been
- What should we do to avoid this?
- Very good! - We must be emphatic or sensitive to the
IV. Evaluation feelings of others teacher.
- At the back of your paper, answer this in 2
Directions: Identify the beneficial and harmful
interactions among living things in the environment.
Tell what kind of interactions is shown by organisms.

1. Mutualism
2. 2. Commensalism
3. Predation
3. 4. Parasitism
5. Competition


(The teacher will read the directions)

- Everybody, read the directions
(After 2 minutes) (Pupils will read)
- Are you done answering? - Yes teacher
- Exchange your paper with your seatmate. (Pupils will exchange their answers)

- Who wants to answer number 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?

(Pupils will raise their hands)
(Teacher will choose)

- Who got 4 and 5? (Pupils will raise their hands)

- Who got 3 below?
- Great Job, let’s give ourselves a Good Job clap
(the pupils will do the Good Job clap)
V. Assignment
- Get your Assignment Notebook and copy this.
Assignment (pupils will copy their Assignment)
Research on the interactions in estuaries and
intertidal zones. Write your answer on your
Assignment Notebook.

Intellectual Property of: Marife S. Lagurin-Estilloro, LPT

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