BSP Investiture Script

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Madapdap Resettlment , Mabalacat City



Emcee: Great and wonderful afternoon to all gathered here. “Leaders are the role models who
inspire the followers and motivate them to reach the target of success. has been always
inspired by the vision of its founder that every child that comes to this temple of learning must be
person filled with knowledge, fear of God, respect to the elders, respecting the rules and regulations
of this education portal, love and reverence to parents and love for the nation. The students are the
torch – bearers of tomorrow. Therefore, nurturing them and fostering in them a sense of self-
respect, self-discipline, the capacity to enjoy life as independent, self – motivated adults and the
willingness to care for others are extremely pertinent. My dear, teachers, guest, ladies and
gentlemen, the Madapdap Resettlement High School Senior Scouts!

Emcee: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Entrance of Colors


Emcee: A Pleasant day to one and all gathered here. It is our honor and privilege to our beloved
institutional head, Mr. Lemuel S. Dizon, with us on this memorable day to the investiture
ceremony, unbounded joy is in the Lord’s presence. At his right hand is our life’s delightful essence.
We would like to offer this moment to the God Most Almighty through a prayer to be led by Scouter
Christine Simbulan. Everybody, Please remain standing.

Dear God, Almighty creator of all things on earth. We thank you for this day and for this hour.
We thank you for your love, care, and guidance. This day is being made a special one for all of us, as
we take great responsibility of leadership. We thank you for the leadership qualities in us, which
make us leaders to our life first and being chosen to lead the rest. We promise that we are willing to
be good leaders, please feed us God with your wisdom and you’re understanding for our good and
the good of all of us server. Lead us to be people of commitment to our duties, faithful to our
responsibilities. Give us wisdom to understand and co-operate with our teachers, friends and do all
our duties in a responsible way. At this hour dear God, we are willing to be blessed by you and be a
blessing to others. Thank you, God, for guiding every step we take. Amen

Emcee: In this solemn ceremony the new perfect body of leaders swearing in will be a gracious
moment for the gathering to witness the emerging leader. This is one of the most significant events
for our school and a defining moment in student leader lives too. This is inaugurated by a promise
of a brighter future as the new prefects get ready to be invested. Dear teachers, students, we
welcome you to witness this great event of investiture ceremony of our school.


Emcee: It is our pride to honor our national flag, which stands as a symbol of unifying force of all
Filipinos, irrespective of cast, color, and creed. It is the pride of every Filipinos. As the flag fly high,
let us lift our hearts with love for our mother nation, promising her that we love her, and we are the
children of one mother called Philippines. Let us sing our National Anthem – Lupang Hinirang via



Emcee: As Scouts, we have special feelings about the flag. We know what it means. We learned to
take care of it. We love and honor the nation it represents. I ask you to face and pledge your
allegiance to it. For the recitation of Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas may I call
on (Scouter Faithlyn Pacia who will lead the Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng

Scout: Sabay –sabay nating bigkasin ang panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas,
(Execute scout sign while reciting the pledge of allegiance)

Ako ay Pilipino buong katapatan nanunumpa sa watawat ng Pilipinas at sa bansang kanyang

sinasagisag na may dangal, katarungan, at kalayaan. na pinakikilos ng sambayanang maka-Diyos,
Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa.


Emcee: A loving word of hearty welcome from the heart is the sweetest of all things in life. A smile
that radiates love to all the people around makes everyone happy, when hearts are free from gloom,
no wonder smiles are in full bloom. With hearts full of love and happiness we would like to garland
you with sweet loving words of welcome.
May I now call Sir Lemuel S. Dizon our School Head to welcome everybody in this ceremony.

Institutional Head deliver his speech.



Emcee: We are gathered here to welcome to the scouting movement the new members of the outfit.
To start with, the principal candle will be lighted….To do the honor, let us request Sir Lemuel S.

Institutional Head: (Light the principal candle) Having fulfilled the requirements, you are now
ready to be invested into this outfit and into the worldwide brotherhood of Scouting as a Scout.
Before you stand a single lighted candle, it represents the spirit of Scouting. As a Scout you will
learn and experience more of the Scouting spirit day by day.


Emcee: Scouts all over the world live by a code – the scout oath. This scout oath describes the
three duties that every scout embraces the moment he/she becomes a scout. We will now light the
three candles that represent these three duties. To do the honor, may we request Scouter Tracy
John A. Credo, ALT, the Institutional Scouting Coordinator.

Institutional Scouting Coordinator: His DUTY TO GOD and COUNTRY (lights the white candle)
Our nation was founded in the belief and reverence to God, and a scout stands by this by also
showing his reverence to God, as well as respecting the beliefs of others. He remembers that his
creator is the one that has allowed him to have the things he has, and he gives thanks for the
things in life he is given. He is loyal to his country. He respects the intentionally laid footsteps of his
nation's forefathers and is diligent to honor the freedoms that were given to him. Thusly a scout will
do his part to help his country when and where he can.

Sctr. Jenovah Rain Ramirez: His DUTY TO OTHER PEOPLE (lights the blue candle) A scout is not
selfish. He knows to help make the world a better place, he must show kindness and compassion
even when no one else will. He will put the needs of others above his own and will suffer sacrifice for
the betterment of his peers and for all mankind. It warms our hearts to see people helping one
another, and it's good to know that Scouts are still promoting this morality in its youth.

Sctr: Yamamoto Fuji: His DUTY TO HIMSELF (lights the red candle) A scout must be active. He
must be physically able to face any obstacle they are challenged with. He should be always alert of
his surroundings and should not allow himself to be influenced by anything that will compromise
his wit. He needs to learn respect, manners, and fairness. He needs to differentiate between right
and wrong and hold his ground when the bad outweighs the good. He needs to show self-discipline
even in the face of adversity he should know how to properly handle himself and his problems in
each situation and not let things get to him when he feels he is at the end of his rope.


Emcee: The scout uniform identifies you as a member of the scouting movement, a worldwide
brotherhood of scouts existing in more than 136 countries. It also identifies you as persons of
character, ready to serve others. It symbolizes the ultimate unity of purpose and preparedness as
well for outdoor life, strongly reminding you to live in accordance with the scout ideals. At this
juncture, we may call the outfit advisers to help us initiate our scouters to this noble cause through
the ceremonial clothing of neckerchief to the scouts.

The outfit advisers will don the neckerchief to the scout candidates in the stage one by one or by

Emcee: With those neckerchiefs we welcome you to the scouting movement. May you always
remain true to the ideals of scouting.


Emcee: May we call Scouter Tracy John A. Credo, ALT, the Institutional Scouting Coordinator of
the Senior Scouts for the presentation of the candidates for investiture.

Institutional Scouting Coordinator: Fellow scouts and scouters, here are the (Number of
Candidates) candidates for investiture. (To the senior scouts) you have presented yourself before
this outfit and asked to be made scouts. Is this your wish now?

Candidates: Sir, Yes, Sir!

Institutional Scouting Coordinator: Scouts live by a promise, it is the Scout Oath. The Scout
Oath describes the three duties that every scout must accept. His duty to God and Country, his
duty to other people, and his duty to himself. I want you to make this promise publicly. For the
recitation of the Scout Oath may I call on (Scout Ashely Nicole J Canlas).

Assigned Candidates: Let us all recite the Scout Oath in unison. (Execute Scout Sign)

The Scout Oath

On My Honor I will do my best; To do my duty to love God and my country, the Republic of the
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight

Outfit Advisor: You have heard the words of the Scout Oath. Do you accept the three duties it
deserves and do you pledge yourself to learn or follow the Scout Oath?

Candidates: Sir, Yes, Sir!

Outfit Advisor: Very well, I ask you then, as a sign of your commitment recite the Scout Law in
Unison and listen closely for, I will soon ask you whether you accept this law as your own. For the
recitation of the Scout Law may I call on the Scout Representative for each Law.

Assigned Candidates: One by one per point of the Scout Law (Execute Scout Sign)


TRUSTWORTHY - A scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is a part of his code of
conduct. People can always depend on him.

LOYAL - A scout is true to his family, friends, scout leaders, school, nation and world community.

HELPFUL - A scout is concerned about other people. He willingly volunteers to help others without
expecting payment or rewards.

FRIENDLY - A scout is a friend to all. He is brother to all scouts. He seeks to understand others. He
respects ideas and customs different from his own.

COURTEOUS - A scout is polite to everyone regardless of age and position. He knows that good
manners make it easier for people to get along well together

KIND - A scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others the way he wishes to
be treated. He does not harm nor kill creatures needlessly and strives to save and protect life at all

OBEDIENT - A scout follows the rules of his family, school and outfit. He obeys the laws of his
community and country. If he thinks these laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an
orderly manner rather than disobey them.

CHEERFUL - A scout looks at the brighter side of life. He cheerfully accomplishes tasks that come
his way. He tries to make others happy.

THRIFTY - A scout works his way to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves
natural resources. He carefully uses his time and property.

BRAVE - A scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he
believes is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him.

CLEAN - A scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He helps keep his home and community in

REVERENT - A scout is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.
Outfit Advisor: You have heard the twelve points of the scout law. Do you accept this law as a
scout and do you promise to do your best and live by this law?

Candidates: Sir, Yes Sir!

Outfit Advisor: Candidates, the Senior Scout Medallion and the Outfit Flag combined is symbolic of
the noble traditions and honor of this outfit as expressed in the Senior Scout Code. Are you
prepared at all times uphold these traditions and stand to keep the outfit honor shining bright?

Candidates: Yes, we are!

Outfit Advisor: I ask you now to recite your Senior Scout Code. For the recitation of the Senior
Scout Code may I call on (Scout Ahna Meirelle Nimo)

Candidates: In unison let us recite our Senior Scout Code (Execute Scout Sign)

Senior Scout Code

As a Senior Scout, I will live by the Scout Oath and Law and the Senior Scout motto and slogan.
I will be familiar with the Constitution of the Philippines especially my rights and obligations as a
Filipino citizen.
I will share in my responsibilities to my home, school, church, neighborhood, community and
I will deal fairly and kindly with my fellowmen in the spirit of the Scout Law.
I will work to preserve our Filipino heritage aware that the privileges I enjoy were won by hard work,
sacrifice, clear thinking and faith of our forefathers.
I will do everything in my power to pass a better Philippines to the next generation.

Outfit Advisor: Now that the candles are lighted you will be expected to live by the Scout Oath and
Law and the Senior Scout Code as in the promise you have given in earning this rank. We expect
you to uphold the ideals and program of our outfit. You will be expected to keep good attendance at
all Scout meetings, campouts, and events. And most of all you will continue its light by being a
living example of scouting ideals in your daily life.

Emcee: “And now for the official acceptance, let us all welcome our hardworking and very
supportive Principal, Mr. Lemuel S. Dizon.

The Principal: “By the authority vested in me by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and as the
Institutional Head of the Madapdap Resettlement High School, I now officially declare you as full
pledge member of Senior Scouts of Madapdap Resettlement High School, Boy Scouts of the
Philippines. Welcome to the Outfit! Best Scouting Wishes and Thank You very much!

(Play the song “On My Honor”)


Emcee: First, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and congratulations to everyone,
especially to our parents and guardians, Scout Officials and my beloved Scouts. As I carefully
observe the ceremony, it was really an eye-opener and enlightenment at the same. A very timely call
to renew our desirable customs and traditions, morale values and character through Scouting.
Having your commitment to the Scout Ideals shall help strengthen the moral fiber of our society,
with the Scouts as future servant leaders.
Emcee: I would just like to summarize my remarks in two challenging rules – rule #1 is to try live
up with the ideals of the Scout Oath & Law, with much courage and perseverance – rule #2, during
tough times and challenging years try not to compromise rule #1. And God, our great Scoutmaster
will help you to do it. Again, congratulations and happy Scouting.
Emcee: For the closing prayer may I call on (Scout Kassandra Yuri who will lead the prayer)
Assigned Scout:
Let’s bow down our heads, join us and be with our God’s loving presence. Dear Lord, we
thank thee, for gracing our Outfit Investiture Programmed. As this ceremony comes to an
end, we humbly beg for your guidance.
Lord, make us TRUSTWORTHY; so we can lead if we can be trusted.
Lord, make us LOYAL; always true and faithful to our God, to our country and to our
Lord, make us HELPFUL; teach us to follow what You said: “I did not come to be served but to
Lord, make us FRIENDLY; a friend can only be a true friend when he does not look after his
self-interest but the welfare of his friends.
Lord, make us COURTEOUS; You always taught us to be gentle as doves and to be meek as
Lord, make us KIND; mercy can only be obtained if we also show mercy to others.
Lord, make us OBEDIENT; our love is better expressed in our obedience to Your laws, to the
laws of our country and the Scout Oath and Law.
Lord, make us CHEERFUL; we can only understand the meaning of happiness when we have
learned to share with others.
Lord, make us THRIFTY; not a miser but one who understands that there is always a
tomorrow to prepare for.
Lord, make us BRAVE; not brave to inflict pain on others but brave to uphold truth and to
abhor lies; brave to do good and brave to avoid wrongs.
Lord, make me CLEAN; for You once said: “Only the clean of heart shall see God.” Make me
clean in thought, in words and in deeds.
Lord, make us REVERENT; Teach me to love You with all my heart, with all my mind and
with all my strength.
Lord, my Scouting started with You, let my Scouting end with You, the Great Scoutmaster of
all. All these we pray in your most holy name. AMEN.


Emcee: May I call on Sctr. Mark Angelo Cawigan for the Scout Benediction
May the great scout master,
of all scouts,
Be with us until we meet again

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