G5GN3 (Adjectives&adjectivalclauses) Sem12023 2024

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Masa Depan Cerah Christian Elementary School

Grade Five, Semester One (2023-2024)


Name : _____________________________
Class /No : _____________________________
Date : _____________________________


A. Adjectives describe people, places, animals and things. Different kinds of
adjectives provide different information about noun.
• We use pointing words or demonstrative adjectives to point out which
person/thing/place we are referring to.
Example: That picture shows a wonderful scenery.
These containers usually are used for catering.
• We use possessive adjectives to show whom or what something belongs to.
Example: Each kind of forest has its own climate.
Forests help keep the earth’s air and water clean.
• We use adjectives of quantity to say how much or how many of something
there is /are.
Example: The tropical rainforest has many kinds of insects.
The tundra receives little rainfall.
Fifteen areas have been identified as endangered.
• We use adjectives of quality to describe the features of something (or
someone) such as its size, shape, color or texture.
Example: Squirrel, beavers and chipmunks are small herbivores.
A broadleaf tree is a tree with wide leaves.
• We use comparing adjectives to compare two or more things.
Example: Uncle John is more handsome than uncle Phil.
In my opinion, rose is the prettiest flower.
• Classifying adjectives help us to place something within a particular group.
They answer the question “What type?”. They help us provide more precise
information to the reader.
Most of the trees of the deciduous (gugur daunnya) forest are broadleaf trees.
The adjective deciduous tell us what type of forest it is.
The adjective broadleaf tells us what types of trees they are.
• Some classifying adjectives are actually nouns that are being used to classify.
Ex: Many insects live on the forest floor.
Grammar Notes 3 – English Department – Masa Depan Cerah Christian Elementary School
Masa Depan Cerah Christian Elementary School
Grade Five, Semester One (2023-2024)
• Other examples of nouns working as adjectives to describe other nouns are:
picture book computer table book club fountain pen
• We have learnt how to provide more information about a noun by adding
different types of adjectives in front of the noun.
• We can also add more details about a noun by adding further information after
the noun.

B. Adjectival Phrases, like adjectives, tells us more about a noun.

It comes after the noun and usually begins with a preposition.
We can provide more precise information by using an adjectival phrase.
Coniferous trees are found in many areas with cols climates and little rainfall.
(Which areas?)
The insects in the tropical rainforests feed on rotting plants and animals.
(Which insects?)
The trees of a deciduous forest are mostly broadleaf trees. (Which trees?)


A. Underline the adjectival phrase. Circle the noun it describes.

1. The dog on the leash tries to escape.

2. The girl with the blond hair goes to my school.

3. The cook in the kitchen makes the best meals.

4. Did you see the teacher with the purple dress?

5. The ant under the log is the one I saw earlier.

6. The cloud above the airplane looks like a marshmallow.

7. The couch in the living room is the most comfortable place to sleep.

8. We are visiting the city near the river.

9. The park behind the school is open today.

10. Many students noticed the clown in the big shoes.

Grammar Notes 3 – English Department – Masa Depan Cerah Christian Elementary School
Masa Depan Cerah Christian Elementary School
Grade Five, Semester One (2023-2024)

B.Look at the pictures below. Then, fill in each blank with a suitable adjectival
phrase from the boxes.

of the giraffe on the left on the right

like the giraffe on the giraffe’s body from the top of trees

1. Animals _____________________________ look for tall trees to feed on.

2. The long neck ___________________________ allows it to feed on the leaves
3. The patterns _______________________________ allow it to blend in with the
4. The giraffe _________________________________ is the leader of the herd.
5. The giraffes _________________________________ are calves.

C. Use the nouns and adjectival phrases provided to write sentences. Follow the
example given.

Noun Adjectival phrase Sentence

girl in the corner The girl in the corner is Susan, my best friend.

boy with a blue sweater

tree like an umbrella

books on the table

facts about the rainforest

pupils of this school

money for a burger

1 Chronicles 16:11
Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.
Grammar Notes 3 – English Department – Masa Depan Cerah Christian Elementary School

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