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Faculty of Engineering

Lab Report
Experiment # 02
Experiment Title: Study of Diode Rectifiers
Date of Perform: 24 September 2023 Date of Submission: 1 October 2023
Course Title: Electronic Devices Laboratory
Course Code: EEE2104 Section: I
Semester: Fall 2023-24 Degree Program: BSc in EEE
Course Teacher: Prof. Dr. Engr. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan
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Group # 02


1 MD. LABEEB ASHHAB 22-47879-2 BSc in CSE
2 MD. ABU JAR GIFARI 22-47917-2 BSc in CSE
3 ZINADIN ZIDAN 22-47918-2 BSc in CSE
5 ASIF HOSSAIN JOY 22-47850-2 BSc in CSE
6 Zobayer Islam Jony 22-48179-2 BSc in CSE

Faculty use only

Marks Obtained

Total Marks

Table of Contents

Experiment Title 3
Objectives 3
Equipment List 7
Circuit Diagram 7
Hardware Diagram/Image 6
Experimental Output Results 8-9
Experimental Data Tables 13
Simulation Output Results 10-12
Simulation Data Table 13
Answers to the Questions in the Lab Manual 15
Discussion 15
Conclusion and References 16

Title: Study of Diode Rectifiers

The objectives of this experiment are to
1. Study half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits using semiconductor diodes.
2. Find the different parameter values of half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits.
A diode is used to smooth and convert an ac voltage into a dc voltage, in short it rectifies the
ac voltage. A rectifier can either produce a constant DC voltage or a variable DC voltage.
While sources produce a variable DC voltage, a rectifier can produce constant voltage.

There are three types of diode rectifiers. They are:

1. Half-wave rectifier
2. Full-wave bridge rectifier
3. Center tapped full wave rectifier.
On its own, a rectifier cannot produce a smooth DC voltage. As a result, it is usually
accompanied by a filter circuit that makes the DC voltage smooth. Capacitor is usually used
as a filter for smoothing so that a nearly constant Dc voltage is achieved. Although capacitor
smooths the voltage, it is not perfect as it produces fluctuations called ripples.

Normally, the half wave voltage is established by a network of single diode in the circuit and
has an average DC equivalent voltage of 31.8% of the peak voltage whereas full-wave
rectifiers produce an average DC equivalent voltage of 63.6% of the peak voltage.

Working principle of Half-wave rectifier:

Half-wave rectifiers allow only the positive voltage cycle of the AC voltage while blocking
the negative voltage cycle. In this rectifier, only one diode is used so it conducts during the
positive cycle only. The circuit diagram of half wave rectifier without capacitor is shown in
the following figure.

Figure 1: Half wave Rectifier

Working principle of Full-wave rectifier:

A Full-wave rectifier is a circuit arrangement that makes use of both half cycles of input
alternating current (AC) and converts them to direct current (DC). Full wave rectifiers have
some fundamental advantages over their half wave rectifier counterparts. The average (DC)
output voltage is higher than for half wave, the output of the full wave rectifier has much less
ripple than that of the half wave rectifier producing a smoother output waveform.

The circuit has four diodes connected to form a bridge. The ac input voltage is applied to the
diagonally opposite ends of the bridge. The load resistance is connected between the other
two ends of the bridge. For the positive half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D 1 and D2
conduct, whereas diodes D3 and D4 remain in the OFF state. The conducting diodes will be in
series with the load resistance RL and hence the load current flows through RL. For the
negative half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D 3 and D4 conduct whereas, D1 and D2
remain OFF. The conducting diodes D3 and D4 will be in series with the load resistance RL and
hence the current flows through RL in the same direction as in the previous half cycle. Thus, a
bi-directional wave is converted into a unidirectional wave.

Figure 2: Full wave Rectifier

Figure: During positive half-cycle of the input, D 1 and D2 are forward-biased and conduct
current. D3 and D4 are reverse-biased.

Figure 3: Full wave Rectifier

Working principle of Center Tapped Full-wave rectifier:

The center tapped full wave rectifier uses a center tapped transformer to convert the input AC
voltage into output DC voltage. There are two diodes. The two diode D 1, and D2 are
connected in the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram below.

Figure: 4 Center Tapped Full-wave rectifiers

Each diode uses a one-half cycle of the input AC voltage. The diode D 1 utilizes the AC
voltage appearing across the upper half (AC) of the secondary winding for rectification. The
diode D2 uses the lower half (CB) of the secondary winding.

A center tapped rectifier is a type of full wave rectifier that uses two diodes connected to the
secondary of a center tapped transformer, as shown in the diagram below. The input voltage
is coupled through the transformer to the center-tapped secondary. Half of the total secondary
voltage appears between the center tap and each end of the secondary winding as shown.

Hardware Diagram/Image

Bread Board Multimeter Diode

Resistor Transformer and



No. Apparatus Quantity

1 Diode 4
2 10k Resistor 1
3 Project Board 1
4 Oscilloscope 1
5 Multimeter 1
6 Transformer 1
7 47µF Capacitor 1
8 100µF Capacitor 1
9 Chord 2

Circuit Diagram:


220V AC 24V RL C Vo

Figure 4: Half wave rectifier.

Figure 5: Full wave rectifier.

220V AC RL

Figure 6: Full wave Center Tapped
Experimental Data:

Circuit and oscilloscope image of Figure 1 with no capacitor

Circuit and oscilloscope image of Figure 1 with 47µF capacitor

Circuit and oscilloscope image of Figure 1 with 100µF capacitor

Circuit and oscilloscope image of Figure 4 with no capacitor

Circuit and oscilloscope image of Figure 3 with 47µF capacitor

Circuit and oscilloscope image of Figure 3 with 100µF capacitor

Experimental Procedure:

1. The circuit which was shown in figure-1 was implemented without the
2. To observe the wave shapes of the input and output voltages the
oscilloscope was connected. The peak DC voltage from the oscilloscope was
3. The output voltage was measured by Multimeter, and it was compared with
that obtained voltage from the oscilloscope.
4. The power supply was turned off and a 47μF capacitor was connected across
the load. The output voltage was observed and measured with the
5. The output voltage was again measured with a Multimeter, and it was again
compared with that obtained voltage from the oscilloscope.
6. Again, the power supply was turned off and it was changed with the 100μF
7. To obtain necessary measurements the above procedures 4 & 5 were
8. All the procedures 1 through 7 were repeated after circuits in figure-4
were implemented.


Simulation of Figure 1 with no capacitor

Simulation of Figure 1 with 47µF capacitor

Simulation of Figure 1 with 100µF capacitor

Simulation of Figure 4 with no capacitor

Simulation of Figure 4 with 47µF capacitor

Simulation of Figure 4 with 100µF capacitor

Data Table:
Experimental Data:
Table 1: Data Table for circuit of Figure – 1
Capacitance(µF) V0 (Oscilloscope) V0 (Multimeter)
No Capacitance 5.26 V 5V
47µF 16.7 V 15.87 V
100µF 16.73 V 16 V

Table 2: Data Table for circuit of Figure – 4

Capacitance(µF) V0 (Oscilloscope) V0 (Multimeter)
No Capacitance 9.54 V 10.2 V
47µF 15 V 16.34 V
100µF 15 V 16.38 V

Simulated Data:
Table 3: Data Table for circuit of Figure – 1
Capacitance(µF) V0 (Oscilloscope) V0 (Multimeter)
No Capacitance 5.465V 1.682V
47µF 16.45V 5.208 V
100µF 16.53V 5.221 V

Table 4: Data Table for circuit of Figure – 4

Capacitance(µF) V0 (Oscilloscope) V0 (Multimeter)
No Capacitance 5.569 V 1.686 V
47µF 16.73 5.278
100µF 16.69V 5.292 V

Calculation for Measured values:

Knee voltage of 1N4007 diode, Vk = 0.7V

For Half-wave rectifier:

With no capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 × (10.01 − 0.7) =

1.45 𝑉 with 47µF capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 × (16.7 −

0.7) = 5.1 𝑉 with 100µF capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 ×

(16.73 − 0.7) = 5.097𝑉

For Center tapped Full-wave rectifier:

With no capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 × (9.54− 0.7) =

2.81 𝑉 with 47µF capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 × (15 −

0.7) = 4.55 𝑉 with 100µF capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 ×

(15 − 0.7) = 4.55 𝑉

Calculation for Simulated values:

For Half-wave rectifier:

With no capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 × (5.465 − 0.7) =

1.51𝑉 with 47µF capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 × (16.45 −

0.7) = 5.01 𝑉 with 100µF capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 ×

(16.53− 0.7) = 5.03 𝑉

For Center tapped full-wave rectifier:
With no capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 × (5.569− 0.7) = 1.55𝑉 with

47µF capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 × (16.73− 0.7) = 5.1With 100µF

capacitor, DC voltage = 0.318 × (𝑉𝑚 − 𝑉𝑘) = 0.318 × (16.69− 0.7) = 5.1𝑉

Result and Discussion:

The value of the output voltages that are obtained through oscilloscope and through the multimeter
with different values of capacitance from the experiment are for half wave rectifier V DC= 3.89V, for
center tapped full-wave rectifier VDC= 3.97V.

And the values of the multimeter and oscilloscope from the simulation results are for half wave
rectifier VDC=3.85, for center trapped full-wave rectifier VDC=3.91

Which is very close to the experimented values. Considering the small variations of the values of
different measurement as inevitable error. Neglecting this small difference, the resulting values can be
considered fairly accurate.
Answer of the Questions:

1. Answer: The difference was shown.

2. Answer: All the images of the oscilloscope during the experiment are attached in the lab report.

3. Answer: In the electronic circuits that convert AC to DC power supply, the filter capacitor not
only makes the DC output of the power supply smooth and stable, reduces the impact of
alternating pulsating current on the electronic circuit, but also absorbs the current fluctuations and
passages generated during the operation of the electronic circuit. The interference of the AC
power supply makes the working performance of the electronic circuit more stable.

4. Answer: The PIV voltage of the diodes D3 and D4 of figure 3 will be the source voltage.
Because they are in reversed condition. And D1 and D2 will have the knee voltage of 0.7 V as
they are silicon diodes. For figure 4 the value of PIV will be the addition of two diodes as they
are connected in parallel with the source.

5. Answer: The center tapped full wave rectifier is a rectifier which uses a center tapped
transformer to convert the complete AC signal into DC signal. The main advantage of a center
tapped full wave rectifier is that it allows electric current during both positive and negative half
cycles of the input AC signal.

6. Answer: The measured values and simulated values are almost identical. Thus we can say that
our experiment was a successful experiment.

To study the characteristics of diode rectifier of the three types of rectifiers, Half-wave rectifier, Full-
wave rectifier and Center tapped full-wave rectifier we had to have placed them correctly in the
breadboard. The measurement of the voltage across the resistor firstly with no capacitor, then with
47µF capacitor and lastly with 100µF capacitor in parallel to the resistor were taken for both
experiment and simulation. After all the necessary calculations and comparing all the values from all
types of the rectifiers from the experiment and the simulation a negligible variation can be seen. So, it
can be said that the experiment has been done as accurately as possible.

[1] Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9th Edition, 2007-
[2] Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Saunders College Publishing,
3rd ed., ISBN: 0-03- 051648-X, 1991.
[3] American International University–Bangladesh (AIUB) Electronic Devices Lab Manual.
[4] David J. Comer, Donald T. Comer, Fundamentals of Electronic Circuit Design, John Wiley &
Sons Canada, Ltd., ISBN: 0471410160, 2002.
[5] Resistor values:, accessed on 20
September 2023.


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