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Pastimallows Malunggay Flavor

Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School
E. Rodriguez Vocational High School
Manila City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the
Technical Vocational Department



Members: Shane P. Herbolario
Samantha Klarisse G. Lontoc
Elaine Juri B. De Guzman

12 C


“School for Technical Vocational Education”



This research paper entitled “PASTIMALLOWS MALUNGGAY FLAVOR”

prepared and submitted to Mr. Angelbert D. Morales

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Senior High School, Food and
Beverage Servicing has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and
approval for ORAL EXAMINATION.

Mrs. Angelita Valenzuela

Tech Voc Adviser

Approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Senior High School track
Food And Beverages by the Examination Committee with rating of

Mr. Angelbert D. Morales


Head Research, Knowledge Creation and Linkages


“School for Technical Vocational Education”



We would like to acknowledge and extend our wholehearted gratitude to the

following persons who have made the completion of this Research possible:

To Mr. Angelbert D. Morales, our Adviser, for helping us revised our current

research paper and finalizing this paper within the limited time frame.

We want to cherish our parents, who love and guide us with whatever we do.

They are ultimate role models. We are also very grateful to our teacher,

Mr. Ahmad Morales, for giving some details and helping us finished our research.

Most important, we would like to thank the god for giving us strength and positive

emotions so we can build it.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”



If you’re rooting for a unique and pleasant dessert, then most people

haven’t tried this new Pastimallows. It is a combination of pastillas and

marshmallows. Think of it as pastillas with a soft chewy flavored marshmallow

inside. It’s a real treat so try learning how to make them today! Your kids will

surely love this.

Taste this delicious sweet treat called Pastimallows. A combination of Pastillas

and marshmallows. Pastillas is a famous dessert in the Philippines composed of

condensed milk and powdered milk coated with sugar. With this recipe, adding

marshmallows balances it out and gives it a nice bite. It is actually fun to eat!

Traditionally coated with granulated sugar but for this one I coated the other half

with crushed grahams.

As a researcher, we tried different variance of ingredients to enhance its

taste and nutrients to the fullest. We did our best to make it very unique, tasty,

and most of all budget friendly.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”



TITLE PAGE ………………………………….…………………... ………………


APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………….……………………........... II

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………………. III

ABSTRACK……………………………………………………………………….. IV

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………….. V

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………. ……………...


LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………….. VII

Chapter 1

Introduction………………………………….………………………………8 - 9

Background of the Study...…………………….…………………………….10 - 11

Conceptual Framework ………………………….……………………………….11

Statement of the problem ………………………………………………………...12

Significance of the study …………………………….…………………………..13

Scope and limitations of the study ………………………………………………13-14

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………..15

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Chapter 2

List of Related Literature Reviewed ………….…………………………… 16- 25

Chapter 3

Research Methodology and design ………...….……………………………….26

Research design …………..………………….………………………………...26

Population Sample and Sampling……………………….…………………......26

Data Gathering Procedure …………………………….………………………27

Chapter 4

Data Analysis and Interpretation …………….…………………………..28- 34

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings ………………………….……………...............35- 36

Conclusions …………………….…………….……………………………37

Recommendations …………………………….…………………………...37

References ………………………..………….……………………….38- 41

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Product Description ………………………….…………………………..42

Objectives …………………………….……….………………… ………43

Finish Product …………………………….………………………………44

Costing ………………………………….……………………..........……45

Product Anatomy………………………………………………..........…47


Survey Questioners……………………………………………………….49-53

Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………54-61

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Chapter 1


Pastimallows may be a sort of dessert treat which is comprised of two

main components: Pastillas de leche and jet puffed marshmallow. it's done by

simply covering the marshmallow with flattened pastillas and rolling it over

granulated white sugar. Pastillas may be a well-known Filipino dessert that's

sweet and sugary. you'll find pastillas anywhere within the Philippines, but there

are certain provinces that are really known for having the simplest and authentic

pastillas. Since pastimallows features a marshmallow, i assume you already got

the thought. Yes, the marshmallow is roofed with pastillas, making it more

delightful for youngsters to eat.

The nice thing about pastimallows apart from its simple preparation is that

you simply can always design it your way. you'll do an equivalent and even add

extra components too. One of the tricky steps when making pasmallows is that

the rolling of the pastillas. If your hands are dry, the mixture will easily stick on our

palm. a method to stop this from happening is to grease your palms with a touch

of cooking oil the health benefits of milk include improved bone strength,

smoother skin, and a stronger system. It aids within the prevention of illness like

hypertension, dental decay, dehydration, respiratory problems, obesity,

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osteoporosis and even some sorts of cancer. Eat few within the sunshine,

because the vitamin D from the sun, will help Calcium absorption. Marshmallows

are a sweet treat that a lot of folks enjoy with cocoa, on top of sweet potatoes, or

maybe shaped into peeps at Easter time. But these fluffy white puffs aren't very

nutritious. Marshmallow ingredients usually include just sugar, syrup, and gelatin.

Even so, marshmallow calories can add up quickly if you eat quite one serving.

Malunggay leaves are rich in many important nutrients, including protein, vitamin

B6, vitamin C, riboflavin and iron.

Pastimallow malunggay flavor has the foremost ingredients of pastillas and

mallows these two are everyone's favorite when it involves sweets. So just

imagine combining it into one bite, right? This one is extremely easy to form,

you'll finish making it just quarter-hour. So we decided to form a replacement

flavor of pastimallow and thus the foremost ingredient is malunggay, that's very

nutritious to our health. the aim of our research is to form a budget friendly yet

delicious sweet dessert that has own unique ingredients that suits to everyone’s


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Background of study

Pastimallows is a dairy product that is very popular in any seasons.

Various ingredients are available in market for Pastimallows have important

effects on Pastimallows quality. Pastimallows are very demanding dessert, during

any season. However, some of the consumers cannot eat Pastimallows due to

health-related problem like diabetes. Filipinos love to eat. One of the

manifestations is during special occasions like Fiesta, Christmas, New Year and

Birthday Party. No matter how hard life is, we, Filipinos, will find a way to make a

certain event memorable to us. However, aside from the dishes, we, Filipinos

also love sweets. Our breakfast, lunch and dinner wouldn't be completed if there

has no sweet course. But if you don't have any more budget for an expensive

dessert like leche flan, gelatin and the like, no worries because there has a

Pastillas Malunggay Flavor that is specially made for you. It is cheap and to easy

prepare. A perfect activity for you and your family of friends that you will enjoy.

Pastillas Malunggay Flavor directly translated from Spanish means "milk tea

tablets" or "milk pills" which basically describes this Filipino sweet delicacy. This

made from evaporated milk with some mixtures to make it like a dough. The

dough will form into small shape and be coated with sugar.

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This can't be usually found in other countries. Easy to prepare and

affordable but very delicious. Let this candy melt in your mouth. The sweet

delicacy that can only be found in the Philippines. It’s more fun in the Philippines

especially while eating Pastillas Malunggay Flavor. Will use vegetables

(like malunggay) as the ingredients in preparing Pastimallows Malunggay Flavor,

they will notice that vegetables are pleasant to taste. In spite of the fact that it is

an ice cream, the real taste of malunggay

Conceptual Framework

The research investigation focuses on making Pastillas made out of

vegetables which will help make the Pastimallows healthy. Based on the study of

The importance of this study is to develop the Pastimallows Malunggay

flavor is the real taste of pastillas with marshmallow it won't change and the

nutrients it contains won't be lessened. The said desserts tasty, delicious and

healthy at the same time that must satisfy your cravings.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Statement of the problem

The main concern of this study was to give a delicious kind of dessert

More specifically to those who always have an appetite at school, office

and etc. What are the features of Pastimallows malunggay flavor?

1. What are the features of the Pastimallows Malunggay flavor?

2. What is the assessment of the teachers and experts on the terms?

3.Is there a significant difference of between the assessments of the respondent

according to the aforementioned terms?

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Significant of the Study

The significance of the "Pastimallows Malunggay flavor" can give you a

sweets satisfaction when you eat the new invented dessert, Also the result and

findings of this study also be a basis for further research in the same topic, as

such will be a source of additional information on the food preference of the


Scope and delimitation

The study involves the Pastimallows Malunggay Flavor. The focus of this
study is to provide health and sweets benefits to many people.

• Barangay 458

• 15 and above

• Stratified random sampling

• Sample size

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In this study the researcher s has invented a new a dessert "Pastimallows

Malunggay flavor that is new taste to the people. Many people know about

pastillas and mallows but they don’t know that pastillas and marshmallows can be

one so that we made a new recipe for it. The focus of the study is to create a next

recipe that the Marshmallow is inside in pastillas . Aesthetic factor is also

considered, so the new dessert is very affordable. The purpose of the

Pastimallows Malunggay flavor is to give a new taste to everyone.

The main respondents of the product are the Teens because of their have

a good taste at sweets it can be more benefits on their daily works. Pastimallows

can give you a satisfaction. The Pastimallows Malunggay flavor this is very

affordable But we don’t recommend this to Diabetic patience.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Definition of Terms

The followings are the definition of tools used in making this product:

Condensed milk – canned milk that has been thickened by evaporation and


Puff Mallows-Marshmallow is a type of confectionery that is

typically made from sugar, water and gelatin whipped to a solid but

soft consistency. It is used as a filling in baking, or normally

molded into shapes and coated with corn starch.

Moringa- A tree with flavorful and nutritious leaves, the moringa or

horseradish tree, Moringa oleifera.

Powdered Milk- is a manufactured dairy product made by

evaporating milk to dryness. Powdered milk and dairy products include such

items as dry whole milk, nonfat (skimmed) dry milk, dry buttermilk, dry whey

products and dry dairy blends.

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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies on the PASTIMALLOWS

MALUNGGAY FLAVOR Benefits to our taste. The local studies provide

information to the researchers that their proposed study has similarities with other

dessert. As stated dessert brought a new option to help us improve the current

product which has a new taste for everyone.

Farooq A, Sajid Latif, M,A , Anwarul Hassan G (2007) Moringa oleifera Lam

(Moringaceae) is a highly valued plant, distributed in many countries of the tropics

and subtropics. It has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional

value. Different parts of this plant contain a profile of important minerals, and are

a good source of protein, vitamins, beta-carotene, amino acids and various

phenolics. The Moringa plant provides a rich and rare combination of zeatin,

quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol. In addition to its

compelling water purifying powers and high nutritional value, M. oleifera is very

important for its medicinal value. Various parts of this plant such as the leaves,

roots, seed, bark, fruit, flowers and immature pods act as cardiac and circulatory

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stimulants, possess antitumor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, antiinflammatory,

antiulcer, antispasmodic, diuretic, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering,

antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial and antifungal activities,

and are being employed for the treatment of different ailments in the indigenous

system of medicine, particularly in South Asia. This review focuses on the

detailed phytochemical composition, medicinal uses, along with pharmacological

properties of different parts of this multipurpose tree

Lena Canet, FELICIDAD ELEOGO, Paolo De Guzman(2021) The researchers

used “turmeric” as their main flavoring in the utilization of pastillas. The

ingredients of Turmeric-Flavored Pastillas are: Powdered milk, Concentrated

Sugar, Condensed milk, Powdered Turmeric, Native Lime. In making Turmeric-

Flavored Pastillas, prepare all the tools and ingredients to be used in making the

product. Secondary ingredient is “dayap” and the usual ingredients in pastillas

making came after. The procedure in making the Turmeric-Flavored Pastillas

were: first, mix all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, then make a well and pour

the evaporated milk and mix well. Add the native lime extract to add flavor and

aroma. Make any shape preferred. Lastly, roll it into the concentrated sugar and

pack.The product was tested in terms of Aerobic plate count, Coliform count,

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Escherichia coli count, Yeast and Molds count and salmonella determination at

BulSU (Bulacan State University) Analytical Testing Laboratory.The product

sample has undergone the microbiological analysis specifically, Aerobic plate

Count, Coliform Count, Yeast and Molds Count, Escherichia coli count and

Salmonella determination that was conducted at the BulSU-DOST (Department of

Science and Technology) Food Testing Laboratory, Bulacan State University,

City of Malolos, Bulacan,Philippines.

Eva Ungure, Evita Straumite, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Lija

Dukalska(2013) Marshmallow is sugar-candy with foam-like structure. Many

studies have revealed the high nutritional value of bee pollen. Due to the

nutritional composition of pollen, and according to nonscientific studies, dried bee

pollen has been used as an additive in human diets, which provides a well-being

sensation and contributes to functional and harmonious balance of the body.

Sensory evaluation and market research are an important part of developing a

new product. The research was aimed to clarify the situation in the Latvian

market, to summarise Latvian consumer attitude on marshmallow, and to

determine the sensory properties and quality of marshmallows with bee pollen. A

questionnaire was developed - 900 respondents answered questions about their

consumption patterns, opinions on quality indices, and possible types of


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packaging. Marshmallow was enriched with three different pollen concentrations:

1.0; 1.5 and 2.5%. Sensory evaluation was carried out to estimate the optimal

concentration of bee pollen that which should be added to marshmallow. Sensory

evaluation of experimental marshmallow was characterised by using a 9-point

hedonic scale (determination degree of liking). The obtained results showed that

consumers liked the marshmallow with 1.5% bee pollen best of all.

GONZALEZ, PATRICIA(2017) This article describes the Philippine foodway and

craft form of pabalat-wrapped pastillas by examining the different communities

involved in its practice and preservation. It analyzes how the participatory

framework reshapes the authorized heritage discourse and argues for a more

pragmatic conceptualization of community participation that recognizes the

different kinds of communities involved in heritage work, shows sensitivity to the

politics at play, and aims at parity among actors--not exclusion. Tracing the

history of borlas de pastillas and assessing its uses in tourism demonstrations,

festivals, training programs and museum exhibits reveals the problematic issues

of disinheritance, dissonance, memory, and ownership that emerge when dealing

with intangible heritage.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


N G Ivanova1, I A Nikitin1, M V Klokonos1, N A Berezina2, T A Bulavina1

and D A Guseva1(2021) Dietary fiber is an essential component for the

intestinal microflora. The state of the intestinal microflora is important for the

human body, and is also necessary for reducing allergenicity and improving

general well-being. Insufficient consumption of prebiotic components leads to

a number of pathological conditions, ranging from intestinal disorders to

intoxication of the entire body. Today, the market offers a wide range of

confectionery products, the consumption of which is an integral part of the

human diet, but they are characterized by low nutritional and high energy

value. Improving the technology of confectionery products by introducing

functional ingredients into the recipe, which improves the state of the intestinal

microbiota, will allow a scientifically sound approach to solving the problem of the

lack of bifidogenic confectionery products, improving their range and ensuring

wide consumption in everyday life.

The paper presents the results of research on the development of

marshmallow technology of increased nutritional value. It is justified to

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replace part of the recipe amount of sugar with Jerusalem artichoke syrup as a

source of inulin and milk whey used instead of organic acids and sodium

lactate. To expand the prebiotic components, part of the Apple puree is replaced

with a puree of black currant, blueberry and strawberry berries. The presented

range of marshmallows is characterized by a reduced energy value, low sugar

content, enriched with dietary fibers, B and C vitamins, potassium, calcium and

iron. The storage capacity of the developed marshmallow was investigated, which

showed a longer preservation of freshness due to the presence of whey in the

formulation, which serves as a moisture-retaining component.

Robert D Morray (2007) During the first years of life, the sweetness of

sugars has a capacity to hinder or to help in laying a strong nutritional foundation

for food preferences that often extend over a lifetime. Aside from supplying 4

g/kcal of energy, sugars are non-nutritive. However, sugars have a powerful

attribute, sweetness, which strongly influences human food preference. A child's

first relationship with sweet taste begins even before birth and continues to

evolve throughout complementary feeding.

Thong-Ngern, Phattarapong(2015)There are too many people who are suffering

from various diseases. Although medical science has made great progress, one
“School for Technical Vocational Education”

needs to understand and tap the kind of scope which herbal plants have.

Moringa, also known as the miracle tree, is one such plant which seems to have

too many diverse uses and can cure plenty of different ailments.

Abby Thompson, Mike Boland, Harjinder Singh (2008)At the same time it

provides generalists with a complete overview and offers insights into topics for

more in-depth reading. Covering areas that are receiving attention from people of

many fields -- genomics, functional foods -- and including the latest research and

developments in milk-protein phenomenon and interactions, this book will be an

ideal resource for professionals and students alike

Adi Endevelt (2017)Originally, however, marshmallows were made from the root

sap of the marsh mallow Althaea officinalis plant. It is a genus of herb that is

native to parts of Europe, north Africa, and Asia. Marsh mallows grow in marshes

and other damp areas. The plant has a fleshy stem, leaves, and pale, five-petaled

flowers. The first marshmallows were made by boiling pieces of the marsh mallow

root pulp with sugar until it thickened. After it had thickened, the mixture was

strained and cooled. As far back as 2000 b.c., Egyptians combined the marsh

mallow root with honey. The candy was reserved for gods and royalty.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Yaowei Liu, Wenji Zhang(2020)Sweetened condensed milk is made by

removing most of the water from cow's milk. It's sweeter and higher in calories

than evaporated milk, as sugar is added as a preservative.

J A Gorringe(1983)Butter is rich in nutrients and beneficial compounds like

butyrate and conjugated linoleic acid. High-fat dairy products like butter have

been linked to a reduced risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart problems.

Asher Rosinger, Kristen Herrick(2017)Sugar not only provides sweetness in

baked goods and beverages, but it assists in important chemical reactions that

occur during cooking and baking. ... Sugar is hydroscopic, meaning that it attracts


Mohaddes Mahboubi(2019)Marshmallow is a light, spongy, very sweet

confection. It is typically made from sugar, water and gelatin whipped to a squishy

consistency, molded into small cylindrical pieces, and coated with corn starch.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


E peres (1954)Sweetened condensed milk is made by removing most of the

water from cow's milk. It's sweeter and higher in calories than evaporated milk, as

sugar is added as a preservative.

Melvin S. Pasaporte, Friche Jay R. Rabaya(2014)Moringa oleifera is a fast-

growing, drought-resistant tree of the family Moringaceae, native to the Indian

subcontinent. Common names include moringa, drumstick tree, horseradish tree,

and ben oil tree or benzolive tree.

Mark A. Pereira(2018)Milk is a nutrient-rich liquid food produced by the

mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young

mammals, including breastfed human infants before they are able to digest solid


“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Camila R.Cordero, Fransica Prado S.(2018)Milk is a nutrient-rich liquid food

produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of

nutrition for young mammals, including breastfed human infants before they are

able to digest solid food.

V Palop Larrea, JM Lopez Martin(2020)Pastillas, also known as Pastillas de

Leche or Pastiyema is a milk-based confectionery with origins in the town of San

Miguel in Bulacan, Philippines. From San Miguel, pastillas-making spread to

other Philippine regions such as the provinces of Cagayan and Masbate.

Davif Levitsky, Nicole Agaronnik(2020)Dessert is a course that concludes a

meal. The course consists of sweet foods, such as confections, and possibly a

beverage such as dessert wine and liqueur.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Chapter 3

Research Methodology and Design

This section discuss The research design Employed in the study of

“PASTIMALLOWS MALUNGGAY FLAVOR "Along with this, the description of

The respondence and corresponding locale Was also being Described The

instrument and procedure Was also being Discussed here.

Research Design

Development theory takes place when you Discover a new theory to

underline your study at time of data collection and analysis. Thought your

observation on your subjects, you will happen to find a theory that applies to your

current Studies. Interview, observation and data gathering techniques for this

Qualitative Research.

Population Sample and Sampling

The researcher will include Neigbhors and cousins the researcher used

random sampling techniques because the number of the respondent is limited to

10 respondents.

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Data collection procedure

The researchers conducted the study by following the steps below:

The researchers asked the permission from the Faculty of research and

Food Technology of Eulogio Rodriguez Vocational High School Senior High. Prior

to interview the researchers made sure that the formulated questions were

validated. The questions that were used were formulated by the researchers. It

was both in English and Filipino language, thus enabled the understanding of the


The respondents were presented with the letter of approval, a letter of

participating and interview guide. The contents would be explaining with

emphasis on their privacy rights. The respondents were taken from Eulogio

Rodriguez Vocational High School. The respondents were selected purposely

because they were taken set of criteria.

During the interview the researchers made use of a voice recorder to

ensure that the responses to the question were documented properly.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Chapter IV

Data Analysis and Interpretation data

This chapter present all the gathered data in tabular form from the

Neighborhood. The entire table have its interpretation and analysis for the

understanding in this study.

Table 1
The Distribution of Data According to Age

Age frequency %

31 – Above

26 – 30

21 – 25 5 50%

15 – 20 5 50%

Total 10 100%

The table 1 shows the age group of respondents where the majority are 15-20

and 21-25 years old. This means that the earning respondents are teens.

Table 2

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The distribution of Data According to Gender


Gender Neighbor Cousins %

Male 5 2 70%

Female 3 0 30%

Total 8 2 100%

Table 2. show the gender distribution of the respondents where the majority in

gender is Male and in Occupation are Neighbor. This means 30% of the

respondents are Females.

Table 3

The Distribution of Data According to Identification

Occupation f %

Neighbors 8 80%

Cousins 2 20%

Total 10 100%

Table 3. show the Occupation distribution of the respondents where the majority

in Occupation are Neighbor. This means the 80% of respondents Occupation are


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Table 4

Extent of interest in “Pastimallows Malunggay Flavor”

A. Presentation/Appearance Interpretation

1. The style or design 4.00 Very Good

2. The color combination 4.10 Very Good

3. Attraction in the food

presentation? 4.4 Very Good

4. The presentation looks

yummy 4.03 Very Good

5. The complete package of

the food presentation really
exceptional 3.8 Good

Overall Mean 4.12 Very Good

Table 4 : The majority of Appearance is Very Good which is the overall weighted

mean is 4.12 . This means that our product is Nice Appearance

Table 5
Extent of interest in “Pastimallows Malunggay Flavor”
B. Taste Interpretation

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1. The taste outstanding?

5.0 Excellent

2. Is the taste melt to your

mouth? 4.5 Very Good

3. Recognize the special

ingredient/s from the product? 4.04 Very Good

4. Is the taste likable to your

taste bud? 4.04 Very Good

5. The taste give signature to its

self? 4.06 Very Good

Overall Mean 4.46 Very Good

Table 5. The Interpretation in Taste is Outstanding which has the Weighted mean

of 4.46 in Overall This means that the product is Delicious.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Table 6
Extent of interest in “Pastimallows Malunggay Flavor”

A. Odor Interpretation

1. The smell attractive to your

mouth 4.01 Very Good

2. Recognize the aromatic

scent of the product 3.06 Good

3. The odor suit to your test

bud 3.09 Good

4. The odor uniqueness to the

other product 4.02 Very Good

5. The odor has convincing

smell to ask for more 4.02 Very Good

Overall Mean 4.00 Very Good

Table 6. The Interpretation in Odor is Very Good which has the weighted mean of

4.00 in Overall. This means that the product is Smells Good. This mean the 3.06

and 3.09 are indicators that the respondents have very sensitive sense of smell.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Table 7
Extent of interest in “Pastimallows Malunggay Flavor”

B. Quality Interpretation

1. The ingredients and

materials used in the product
have high quality or first
class Very Good

2. The authenticity of the

product Very Good

3. The product classic and can

be competing to five star
menus Very Good

4. The plating or packaging

well presented Very Good

5. The product highly

recommended for market
consumptions Very Good
Very Good
Overall Mean 4.03

Table 7: The majority of Quality is Very Good which is the overall weighted mean

is 4.03. This means that our product is Nice Quality. This means that the product

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our pastimallows malunggay flavor is accepted by the market.because of the

general response of 4.02 as categorize as very good

Chapter V

Summary, Findings, Conclusion and recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of the findings gathered from the

study, the conclusion formulated based on the findings and recommendations

that may be used to address the problem.

Summary of Finding

1. Majority of the respondents of the study are 18 years old above which

comprised the 100% of the total population. Also study, where in 8 out of

10 respondents (80% of the total population) are males. While the 2 (20%)

of them are females.

2. The computed weighted mean of the appearance yield score of 4.12 with

interpretation of "Very good". This means the selected Neighborhood that

the product have a nice appearance

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3. It shows that the weighted mean in Taste yield a score of 4.46 with

interpretation of "Very Good ". This means that the selected neighbors

believed this survey that the product is delicious.

4. Indeed the product is reliable because the computed weighted value in

Odor yields a score of 4.00 with the interpretation of "Very Good". This

means that the product is have a nice odor

5. The computed weighted mean of the Quality yield score of 4.03 with

interpretation of "Very good". This means the selected Neighborhood that

the product have a good quality.

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1. There still need to improve to the Appearance of pastimallows malunggay


2. Based in the taste to product that is delicious

3. Odor it is good enough to make all customers satisfied the combination

and taste of the pastimallows malunggay Flavor

4. Quality that presentable that can attract customers


Based on the findings, the following recommendations are provided:

1. Improve the packaging for production

2. Less the amount of malunggay and mallows

3. Put some Aromatic Flavor to add up the taste of the product

4. Future Researchers can replicate the study by adding some ingredients

like squash,ginger,alugbati,saluyot and etc.

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Product Description

The process is actually very simple. Just combine the condensed milk and

powdered milk. Just add more of the powdered milk if needed. There will be no

exact measurement due to brand of condensed milk and powdered milk being

used. Consistency must be thick and hard to stir. In order to fully set and easy to

manage, mixture will need to be refrigerated for at least an hour or freeze for at

least this product is unique from other pastimallows because it has extra

ingredient that will be liked in the market That’s why Pastimallows is exceptional

and delicious. The mallows, which is soft and sweety one, are being added on the

Pastillas wherein the name comes from Pastillas and Mallows.Based on my

research In the Philippines, this sweet food delicacy’s origins come from the

humble city of San Miguel Bulacan. This homemade milk candy was first

produced in the houses of cow milk farmers. Pastillas means its main ingredient

is cow or carabao milk. And then, they roll it with sugar wherein Pastimallows is

just one of its food variations.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


We want to bring inspiration to the skill full Food Technology students that

it can be done easily and budget friendly. We also want to share a new type of

Pastillas for those people who wants to learn that is related to Vegtable and


We researchers, we want this product to be in the market because we

believe that our product is a unique kind of a Pastillas.

And most of all, we want to spread some innovative ideas around the world.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Finish Product

“School for Technical Vocational Education”



Cost 1 Cost 2 Total

Ingredients Quality Price Quality Price

(₱) (₱)

Condensed 1 28.00 1 28.00 56.00


Moringa 1 10.00 1 10.00 20.00

Powdered 1 44.00 1 44.00 88.00


Puffed 1
Mallows 22.00 1 22.00 44.00

Total 104.00 104.00 208.00

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Significance of Study

Results of this study will greatly benefit the following:

Teachers – It will serve as a foundation of learning to have an experience

about creating new product.

Neighbors – This data can help office workers to give an experience hows

the new taste of our product.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Product Anatomy
The essential ingredient in
pastimallows is
malunggay. Cheaper
ingredient such may be
substitute to create lower Veggie pastimallows is
cost. delicious, healthy and

The quality of pastimallows is

related to sensory attributes
hardness, creaminess, chewiness
and flavour to physical attributes,
such as the size of pastimallows.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”




10 pieces puffed marshmallows

2 1/4 cups powdered milk

1 14 oz can condensed milk

3/4 cup granulated white sugar

1/4 cup of extract of malunggay


1. Combine powdered milk, condensed milk, and extract of malunggay. Mix


Separate the mixture into half.

2. Chopped the steamed malunggay into a small leaves then add to the


3. Mold it into a sphere. Flatten the sphere and then wrap it on a piece of

marshmallow. Roll over the bowl with sugar and then arrange in a tupperware.

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Pastimallows Malunggay Flavor

A survey Questioner

Name : ____________________________ Age: _______

Direction: Please put a (√) on each corresponding questions. Feel free to ask
question if the items are not clear to you. Don’t leave any blank on each item.
Thank you so much.
5 Excellent

4 Very Good

3 Good

2 Fair

1 Poor / Needs Improvement

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


A. Presentation/Appearance 5 4 3 2 1

1. Is the style or design gives you

positive vibes?

2. Is the color combination catches your


3. Do you feel some attraction in the food


4. Is the presentation looks yummy?

5. Is the complete package of the food

presentation really exceptional?

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


A. Taste 5 4
3 2 1

1. Is the taste outstanding?

2. Is the taste melt to your mouth?

3. Can you recognize the special

ingredient/s from the product?

4. Is the taste likable to your taste?

5. Is the taste give signature to its self?

B. Odor 5 4 3 2 1

1. Is the smell attractive to your


2. Do you recognize the aromatic scent

of the product?

3. Is the odor suit to your test bud?

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


4. Can you distinguish the odor

differences of this product to others?

5. Is the odor has convincing smell to

ask for more

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


B. Quality 5 4 3 2 1

1. Do you think the ingredients and materials

used in the product have high quality or first

2. Do you see the authenticity of the product?

3. Is the product classic and can be competing

to five star menus?

4. Is the plating or packaging well presented?

5. Is the product highly recommended for

market consumptions?

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Diane R. Flores
2987 int 5. Ramon Magsaysay Sta.Mesa Manila
Mobile #: 09271290786
Email ad:

 To be part of this company for a new experience
 To provide good service for this company

 Reliable
 Customer service
 Diplomacy

Personal Background

Birthdate : December 07, 2002

Birthplace : Sampaloc,Manila
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language Spoken : Filipino, English

Educational Background:
Eulogio Rodriguez Vocational High School (Senior High School)
Specialization: Foodtechnology
October 2020 - June 2021
Nagtahan, Manila

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Eulogio Rodriguez Vocational High School (Junior High School)

Specialization: Food Technology
June 2016 - April 2020
Nagtahan, Manila

Pio Del Pilar Elementary School

June 2010-2016
Sta. Mesa, Manila

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Shane P. Herbolario
86 A. Anonas Extension West, Sta.Mesa Manila
Mobile #: 09677709416
Email ad:

 Looking for employment for new and challenging job and also to enhance
my personality and skilss.


 Hard Working
 Leadership
 Time Management

Personal Background

Birthdate : September 29, 2003

Birthplace : Sampaloc,Manila
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language Spoken : Filipino, English

Educational Background:
Eulogio Rodriguez Vocational High School (Senior High School)
Specialization: Foodtechnology
June 2020 - April 2021
Nagtahan, Manila

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Eulogio Rodriguez Vocational High School (Junior High School)

Specialization: Food Technology
June 2016 - April 2020
Nagtahan, Manila

Pio Del Pilar Elementary School

June 2009-2015
Sta. Mesa, Manila

“School for Technical Vocational Education”



# 701 earnshaw st.Sampaloc, Manila
Mobile #:09486910709


 To be part of a company that can utilize the knowledge which can impart to
its growth and success
 To perform the ability to a certain situation that can help solve problem

Special Skills:
 Ability to learned quickly
 Fast worker
 Serving

Birthdate : September 27, 2002
Birthplace : PGH
Age : 18
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’2
Weight : 50 klg
Religion : Roman Catholic
Spoken : Tagalog, English
Father’s Name : Rodolfo Lontoc
Occupation : Police
Mother’s Name : Sonia Getino
Occupation : Housewife

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


Educational Backround & Attaintment

Secondary : Eulogio Amang Vocational High School

Sampaloc, Manila
S.Y 2018 - 2019

Primary : Celedonio A. Salvador Elemantary School

S.Y 2014 – 2015
Paco, Manila

“School for Technical Vocational Education”


De Guzman, Elaine Juri B.

3551-A Buenos Aires St. Sta.Mesa, Manila


To find a job that will help me enhance and practice my skills and abilities while I
pursue my bachelor's degree and to continuously grow as a career person by
working with other people towards a common goal.


 Good oral and written communication skills

 Computer literated and Microsoft oriented
 Ambitious, Flexible and Driven
 Ability to work alone and to work with other people

Age: 18 years old
Date of Birth: July 2, 2002
Place of Birth: Manila City
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5’2

“School for Technical Vocational Education”



Tertiary E. Rodriguez Vocational High School

Senior High School
Nagtahan, Manila
2019-2021 Present

Secondary E. Rodriguez Vocational High School

Nagtahan, Manila City

Primary P. Burgos Elementary School

Altura St. cor. Buenos Aires St. Sta.Mesa, Manila

“School for Technical Vocational Education”

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