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Republic of the Philippines


Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila

Name : Diane R.Flores

Course : BTLED HE - II
Time : 07:00-02:00 / Tuesday
Professor : Lara May G. Cornell
Subject : PEDTCSPT
Topics : Traditions the Professional
Teacher and Information Update,
PTA & Learning from the Experiences of Schools and
Community Partners

I. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. To identify the Traditions the Professional Teacher and

Information Update, PTA.
2. To Identify the Learning from the Experiences of Schools and
Community Partners.
3. Student must be famillar of ethics for professional teachers

II. Introduction:

The Importance of Teacher Ethics. The code of ethics for

teachers is designed to protect the rights of the students, all
the students. It is important that teachers understand that when
they get a teaching position they are agreeing to follow the code
of ethics.
III. Content:

 Professional Teacher with Honor and Dignity

Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which

purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and
refrain for such activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness,
and other excesses, much less illicit relations.

Attitude Towards Local Customs and Traditions the Professional

Teacher and Information Update

Every teacher shall live for and with the community and shall,
therefore, study and understand local customs and traditions in
order to have sympathetic attitude, therefore, refrain from
disparaging the community.


Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the
community informed about the school’s work and accomplishments as
well as its needs and problems.

 School Governing Council

Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community, especially

in the barangay. and shall welcome the opportunity to provide
such leadership when needed, to extend counseling services, as
appropriate, and to actively be involved in matters affecting the
welfare of the people.

 Government Officials and Other Professionals

Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and

official relations with other professionals, with government
officials, and with the people, individually or collectively.

Learning from the Experiences of Schools and Community


The learning experiences of schools and community partners can be

mutually beneficial, helping to build stronger relationships,
develop new skills and knowledge, and promote positive change in
local communities.
 What Are School-Community Partnerships?

Partners can provide academic enrichment activities, tutoring and

behavior support, health and social services, and family and
community engagement.

 The Benefits of School-Community Partnerships

When schools and community organizations work together to support

learning, everyone benefits. Partnerships can serve to
strengthen, support, and even transform individual partners,
resulting in improved program quality, more efficient use of
resources, and better alignment of goals and curriculum

 Facilitate access to a range of learning opportunities and

developmental supports, providing opportunities for students
and teachers alike to experiment with new approaches to
teaching and learning ▪️ Facilitate information sharing about
specific students to best support individual learning

 help gain access to and recruit groups of students most in

need of support services; improve program quality and staff
engagement, particularly when there is crossover between
school and community organization staf

IV. Synthesis

 Currently being aware by rights, rules, and regulations, we

may help to us about teaching because education is a crucial
component of a person.Schools and community partners can
benefit from each other's learning experiences in a way that
fosters the growth of new abilities and knowledge as well as
constructive community transformation.
V. Evaluation
True or False

_________1. help gain access to and recruit groups of students

most in need of support services; improve program quality and
staff engagement, particularly when there is crossover between
school and community organization staf

_________2.Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant

personal and official relations with other professionals, with
government officials, and with the people, individually or

_________3. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people
in the community informed about the school’s work and
accomplishments as well as its needs and problems.

_________4. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social

recognition for which purpose he shall behave with honor and
dignity at all times and refrain for such activities as gambling,
smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses, much less illicit

_________5.When schools and community organizations work together

to support learning, everyone benefits. Partnerships can serve to
strengthen, support, and even transform individual partners,
resulting in improved program quality, more efficient use of
resources, and better alignment of goals and curriculum
Answer Key

1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. T

VI. Summary

The learning experiences of schools and community partners can be mutually

beneficial, helping to build stronger relationships, develop new skills and
knowledge, and promote positive change in local communities.

VII. References


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