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1. Why is it important to have a good estimation process in place?

A) To make the project look more expensive

B) To ensure continuous work progress and avoid material shortages
C) To deliberately misuse money for personal gain
D) To intentionally delay project completion Correct Answer:
B) To ensure continuous work progress and avoid material shortages
2. What is a key quality of a good estimator? A) Lack of practical experience
B) Ignorance about market prices
C) Regular inspection of ongoing projects
D) Lack of imagination power Correct
Answer: C) Regular inspection of ongoing projects
3. What is an essential element of estimating and costing?
A) Knowledge of outdated prices
B) Lack of understanding of purchase systems
C) Specification of material
D) Neglecting labour costs
Answer: C) Specification of material
4. Why is knowledge of the latest market cost of material important in estimation?
A) To deceive shopkeepers
B) To overcharge the cost of material
C) To avoid delays in project completion
D) To ensure accurate pricing and avoid being deceived by overcharging
Answer: D) To ensure accurate pricing and avoid being deceived by overcharging
5. What is the purpose of having an up-to-date price list in estimation and costing?
A) To manipulate market prices
B) To ignore market rates
C) To provide inaccurate estimates
D) To consider current market rates for accurate pricing
Answer: D) To consider current market rates for accurate pricing

6. What is the definition of net price?

A) The price of an item after all taxes are included
B) The price of an item before taxes are added
C) The price of an item after a discount is applied
D) The price of an item excluding taxes
A) The price of an item after all taxes are included

7. How is the net price of an item calculated when a 5% sale tax is applied to a discounted price of 9 rupees?
A) Rupees 9.00
B) Rupees 9.45
C) Rupees 9.50
D) Rupees 8.55
B) Rupees 9.45
8. What are the two steps involved in determining the total cost of a project?
A) Material quantity estimation and labor cost determination
B) Material cost calculation and labor wage negotiation
C) Material procurement and labor skill assessment
D) Material quality check and labor productivity evaluation
A) Material quantity estimation and labor cost determination
9. How are labor charges determined in cities and rural areas according to the text?
A) Based on the type of building being wired
B) Based on the number of electrical points in the building
C) Based on the distance from the nearest city
D) Based on the availability of skilled electricians
B) Based on the number of electrical points in the building
10. Which system of determining labor charges involves paying a fixed percentage of the total material cost?
A) Work duration and work amount
B) Unit work basis
C) Percentage of material cost
D) Skilled labor payment
C) Percentage of material cost
11. What is the prime responsibility of the head of the PWD Elect department?
A) Conduct market surveys
B) Maintain stock register
C) Ensure knowledge of the purchase system
D) Verify quality and quantity of materials
Correct Answer: C) Ensure knowledge of the purchase system
12. Which department is responsible for making purchases at the lowest market rate?
A) Finance department
B) HR department
C) Purchase department
D) Marketing department
Correct Answer: C) Purchase department
13. What is the first step in the procedure of purchasing materials for a project? A) Call of quotations
B) Comparative statement
C) Requisition
D) Inspection of material
Correct Answer: C) Requisition
14. What is the purpose of the requisition form?
A) Verify quality of materials
B) Conduct market surveys
C) Obtain demand for materials
D) Release payment to suppliers
Correct Answer: C) Obtain demand for materials
15. Who should verify the quality and quantity of materials before passing orders for payment to the
A) Purchase officer
B) Senior officer
C) Project incharge
D) Team of experts
Correct Answer: D) Team of experts
16. What should the purchase officer seek before initiating the purchase system? A) Approval of the supplier
B) Approval of the finance department
C) Approval of the senior officer
D) Approval of the project incharge
Correct Answer: C) Approval of the senior officer
17. How many copies of the requisition form are prepared?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
Correct Answer: C) Three
18. Which document is considered the basic document of the purchase department?
A) Purchase order
B) Requisition form
C) Stock register
D) Comparative statement
Correct Answer: B) Requisition form
19. What is the last step in the procedure of purchasing materials for a project? A) Call of quotations
B) Inspection of material
C) Release of payment
D) Requisition
Correct Answer: C) Release of payment
20. Who is responsible for maintaining the stock register?
A) Purchase officer
B) Senior officer
C) Store incharge
D) Requisition officer
Correct Answer: C) Store incharge
21.What is the purpose of the earnest money deposited along with a tender?
A) To secure the contract
B) To cover the cost of tender form
C) To pay for the material upfront
D) To guarantee the lowest rates
Correct Answer: A) To secure the contract
22.Where is the tender notice typically published?
A) Online forums
B) Social media platforms
C) Major newspapers
D) Television commercials
Correct Answer: C) Major newspapers
23.How are changes or amendments to the tender notice communicated to suppliers?
A) Through email
B) Through phone calls
C) Through newspapers
D) Through official letters
Correct Answer: C) Through newspapers
24.How much time should be given to contractors or suppliers for heavy purchases to file their tenders?
A) One week
B) Two weeks
C) One month
D) Three months
Correct Answer: C) One month
25. What happens to the earnest money of unsuccessful contractors or suppliers?
A) It is kept by the department
B) It is used to cover administrative costs
C) It is returned promptly
D) It is forfeited
Correct Answer: C) It is returned promptly

26. What is a security deposit?

A) A deposit made by the supplier to guarantee timely payment
B) A deposit made by the buyer to guarantee satisfactory completion of work or supplies
C) A deposit made by the government for large-scale purchases
D) A deposit made by the manufacturer for small purchases
Correct Answer: B
27. What is a quotation in the context of procurement?
A) A formal agreement between two parties for long-term supply
B) A document requesting suppliers to submit offers for material supply or work
C) A document detailing the terms and conditions of a sale
D) A document outlining the payment schedule for a project
Correct Answer: B
28. What are contingencies in estimating and costing?
A) Unforeseen emergency expenses during project completion
B) Fixed costs for material and labor
C) Profit margins included in the estimate
D) Charges for supervision and administration
Correct Answer: A
29. What are overhead charges in a project?
A) Additional expenses on labor only
B) Expenses incurred on material costs only
C) Expenses for maintaining and running the project
D) Expenses for purchasing new equipment Correct
Answer: C

1. How can the absence of a material list impact the purchasing process for a project?
2. What are the potential consequences of misusing money by purchasing excess material?
3. How does a lack of proper estimation affect the timeline for project completion?
4. What qualities are essential for a good estimator to possess?
5. Why is it important for an estimator to have practical experience in addition to theoretical
6. How does regular inspection of a project by an estimator contribute to accurate estimation?
7. In what ways can imagination and experimental power benefit an estimator in their role?
8. Why is it crucial for an estimator to keep provision for future extensions in their estimates?
9. How does staying updated on material prices contribute to accurate estimation?
10. What are the essential elements that should be included in the process of estimating and costing
a project?
11. Why is knowledge of the latest market cost of material crucial for accurate estimation?
12. How does the specification of material impact the purchasing process for a project?
13. What role does the price list play in the estimation and costing process?
14. How does conducting a market survey contribute to accurate estimation and costing?
15. Why is it important to consider both retail and wholesale prices when estimating material costs?
16. How does the knowledge of the purchase system influence the accuracy of project estimation?
17. What factors should be considered when calculating material and labor costs for a project?
18. How can a lack of knowledge about material specifications lead to challenges in purchasing the
correct materials?
19. In what ways can a lack of market surveying impact the overall cost and timeline of a project?
20. How can keeping up-to-date price lists help in ensuring accurate estimation and costing for a
21. How are net prices of items determined, and what factors are included in the calculation?
22. Can you explain the process of determining the quantity of material for a building project?
23. What are the key steps involved in determining labour charges for wiring a building?
24. How do labour charges vary between cities and rural areas, and what factors influence these
25. What are the different methods used to calculate labour charges for wiring projects?
26. Can you elaborate on the concept of labour charges based on work duration and work amount?
27. How do skilled workers calculate the number of days needed to complete wiring work based on
the number of points to be wired?
28. What factors determine the labour rates for different categories of labourers in the wiring
29. How are labour rates revised and updated by the department over time?
30. In the unit work basis system, how is the total labour cost calculated for different tasks in a
building project?
31. What is the significance of the unit work basis system in determining labour charges for
government and private building projects?
32. How does the percentage of material cost system work in calculating labour payments for wiring
33. What are the typical percentage ranges used to determine labour charges based on the total
material cost?
34. Can you explain the process of calculating labour charges using a fixed percentage of the total
material cost?
35. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method used to determine labour charges in
the wiring industry?
36. How do contractors and individual wiremen differ in terms of receiving labour payments for
wiring projects?
37. What role does the PWD (Elect.) work schedule play in determining labour rates and total
payments for wiring projects?
38. How do labour payments impact the overall cost estimation for a building project?
What considerations should be taken into account when deciding on the most suitable method
for calculating labour charges in a wiring project?
39. What is the prime responsibility of the head of the PWD Elect department regarding the
purchase system?
40. How does the purchase officer ensure purchasing materials at the lowest market rate?
41. Why is it important for the department officer to have complete knowledge of the purchase
42. How does the department ensure proper storage and issuance of materials required for projects?
43. What steps should the purchase department take to conduct a market survey effectively?
44. Why is it crucial for the purchase officer to keep a record of the latest rates of various items?
45. How does the purchase officer seek approval before initiating the purchase system?
46. Why is it necessary to verify the quality and quantity of materials before making payments to
47. What is the sequence of procedures followed in purchasing materials for project completion?
48. Why the requisition form is considered the basic document of the purchase department?
49. How does the requisition form help in maintaining coordination between departments?
50. What information should be included in the requisition form for purchasing materials?
51. Why is it important to specify the complete specifications and quantity of materials in the
requisition form?
52. How does the purchase department handle the requisition forms received from project in charge?
53. What role does the stock register serial number play in the requisition process?
54. How does the purchase officer ensure that the desired quantity of materials is purchased at the
lowest market rates?
55. What measures should be taken to ensure that important materials are stored for emergency
56. How does the purchase department release payment to suppliers as per terms and conditions?
57. Why is it crucial for the purchase officer to keep a record of rejected material and deduct the
cost from the supplier's bill?
58. How does the purchase officer maintain a balance between the maximum and minimum demand
quantity of materials?
59. What is the purpose of tender in the context of procurement processes?
60. How is earnest money related to the submission of a tender?
61. What information is typically included in a tender notice?
62. Why is it important for suppliers to adhere to the guidelines for inviting tenders?
63. How are changes or amendments to tender notices communicated to suppliers?
64. What details should be clearly mentioned in a tender notice according to the guidelines?
65. Why is it necessary for tenders to be opened in the presence of contractors or their
66. How much time should contractors or suppliers be given to submit their tenders for heavy
67. What is the significance of the earnest money in the tender process?
68. How is the officer authorized to accept, reject, or open tenders determined?
69. What happens to the earnest money of unsuccessful contractors or suppliers?
70. What factors might lead to the rejection of a contractor's tender offering the lowest rates?
71. How are tenders typically invited publicly according to the guidelines?
72. Why is it important for suppliers to use the prescribed tender form provided by the department?
73. How the specifications of the material to be purchased usually are communicated to suppliers?
74. What role does the tender notice play in the procurement of costly equipment?
75. How the approximate cost of the material to be purchased is determined and shared with
76. What measures are in place to ensure transparency in the tender opening process?
77. How the offices where tender forms and relevant information are available typically are
identified in the tender notice?
78. Why is it necessary for suppliers to deposit earnest money when submitting a tender?
79. How are security deposits utilized in ensuring the completion of work or supply of material?
80. What is the significance of including earnest money in security deposits?
81. How can security deposits be returned to the party depositing them?
82. In what circumstances are security deposits forfeited?
83. What are the key components that should be included in a quotation letter for material supply or
work undertaking?
84. How does the process of releasing a quotation letter to selected parties work?
85. What distinguishes quotations from tenders in terms of the scale of purchases or work?
86. Why is it important to give due consideration to factors such as contingencies, overhead charges,
and profit in estimating and costing projects?
87. How are contingencies accounted for in project estimates?
88. What types of expenses are typically included in overhead charges?
89. Why is it necessary to allocate a percentage of total estimated material and labour expenses to
overhead charges?
90. What are the main categories under which overhead expenses are divided for administrative
91. How do maintenance overhead charges contribute to the proper functioning of a project?
92. What expenses fall under administrative overhead charges in project estimation and costing?
93. Why is it essential to factor in supervision charges when estimating project costs?
94. How do tools and plant charges impact the overall cost of a project?
95. What role do storage charges play in project estimation and costing?
96. Why is it important to calculate total cost accurately in project estimation?
97. How do production costs influence the overall budget of a project?
98. What are the implications of including profit in project estimates and costing?

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