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International Emergency Medicine: A Review

of the Literature From 2010
Miriam Aschkenasy, MD, MPH, Kris Arnold, MD, MPH, Mark Foran, MD, MPH, Suzanne Lippert, MD,
MS, Erika D. Schroeder, MD, MPH, Karina Bertsch, MSW, and Adam C. Levine, MD, MPH,
on behalf of the International Emergency Medicine Literature Review Group

The International Emergency Medicine (IEM) Literature Review aims to highlight and disseminate
high-quality global EM research in the fields of EM development, disaster and humanitarian response,
and emergency care in resource-limited settings. For this review, we conducted a Medline search for
articles published between January 1 and December 31, 2010, using a set of international and EM search
terms and a manual search of journals that have produced large numbers of IEM articles for past
reviews. This search produced 6,936 articles, which were divided among 20 reviewers who screened
them using established inclusion and exclusion criteria to select articles relevant to the field of IEM.
Two-hundred articles were selected by at least one reviewer and approved by an editor for scoring.
Two independent reviewers using a standardized and predetermined set of criteria then scored each of
the 200 articles. The 27 top-scoring articles were chosen for full review. The articles this year trended
toward evidence-based research for treatment and care options in resource-limited settings, with an
emphasis on childhood illness and obstetric care. These articles represent examples of high-quality inter-
national emergency research that is currently ongoing in high-, middle-, and low-income countries alike.
This article is not intended to serve as a systematic review or clinical guideline but is instead meant to
be a selection of current high-quality IEM literature, with the hope that it will foster further growth in
the field, highlight evidence-based practice, and encourage discourse.
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2011; 18:872–879 ª 2011 by the Society for Academic Emergency

he International Emergency Medicine (IEM) resource-limited settings. The goals of the review are to
Literature Review, now in its sixth year, began as illustrate best practices, stimulate additional research,
an effort to summarize and categorize the grow- and promote further professionalization of the field of
ing field of IEM. The current mission of the review is to IEM. This task becomes more challenging every year, as
highlight and disseminate high-quality global EM the field of IEM continues to grow exponentially, and the
research in the fields of EM development, disaster and body of IEM literature being produced has evolved from
humanitarian response, and emergency care in a pond to a sea.
As we wade through this body of work, we find that
From the Department of Emergency Medicine, Cambridge
the boundaries of IEM itself have expanded. In the past
Hospital (MA), Cambridge, MA; Harvard Humanitarian Initia-
several years, new issues such as pandemic influenza,1
tive (MA, MF, ACL), Cambridge, MA; ArLac Health Services
the growth of EM as a specialty throughout the world,
(KA), Boston, MA; the Department of Emergency Medicine,
and increasing access to digital resources have pro-
Brigham and Women’s Hospital (MF), Boston, MA; the Divi-
vided new and fertile ground for a discussion on what
sion of Emergency Medicine, Stanford University (SL), Palo
constitutes ‘‘international emergency medicine.’’2 Using
Alto, CA; the Department of Emergency Medicine, George
our overall mission and goals as a guide, this year we
Washington University (EDS), Washington, DC; and the
refined the screening criteria and limited the search to
Department of Emergency Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital
original research and review articles. In addition, we
(KB, ACL), Providence, RI.
created a standardized point system to grade each arti-
Received April 26, 2011; accepted April 28, 2011.
cle that passed the initial screening process. Thousands
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest with
of articles presented themselves in the initial searches,
regards to the publication of this work. No external funding was
and through our screening and scoring processes, we
provided for this literature review.
chose 27 individual articles for full review.
Supervising Editor: Mark Hauswald, MD.
For the first time this year, we also undertook
Address for correspondence and reprints: Miriam Aschkenasy,
a search of the gray literature. Gray literature
MD, MPH; e-mail:
has been defined as any material not produced by an

ISSN 1069-6563 ª 2011 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

872 PII ISSN 1069-6563583 doi: 10.1111/j.1553-2712.2011.01129.x
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • August 2011, Vol. 18, No. 8 • 873

organization whose primary function is publication and significant number of IEM articles that were included in
includes theses, technical reports, white papers, news- our prior reviews was also performed. This year, the
letters, slide presentations, government documents, and following journals were included in the manual search:
private and nonprofit organization reports.3 Content in Academic Emergency Medicine, Annals of Emergency
the gray literature domain has grown much more rap- Medicine, Bulletin of the World Health Organization,
idly than the body of material available through formal Emergency Medicine Journal, and Prehospital and
publishing services. The concept of gray literature was Disaster Medicine.
developed around finding information of value to This year, we limited our search to articles published
researchers in items such as unpublished research in English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese (Manda-
reports and similar, more structured publications. In rin), German, and Dutch based on the linguistic capac-
addition, what constitutes gray literature has been ity of our reviewers and editors. All studies were
expanding rapidly with the growth of internet use and limited to human subjects only, and news articles and
on-line information sources, such as conference pro- letters were excluded.
ceedings, blogs, video postings, and social networking The total number of articles produced by our Pub-
sites. These expanding sources of potentially useful Med search for 2010 was 4,615, including 4,476 English,
information place an increasing burden on the user to 40 German, 32 Japanese, 31 French, 28 Spanish, 5 Chi-
perform due diligence regarding the source and validity nese, and 3 Dutch. The total number of articles pro-
of posted information he or she may wish to use. With duced by our manual search for 2010 was 2,321. The
the widening scope of gray literature has come increas- 6,936 articles produced by these two searches were
ing discussion regarding assessment of validity of the divided up amongst 20 reviewers for initial screening
information presented. While we did not feel that any based on their relevance to the field on IEM. Two-hun-
articles from the gray literature search met our criteria dred articles were deemed appropriate by at least one
for inclusion in the 2010 review, we anticipate that this reviewer and approved by his or her editor for formal
may change in the coming years. scoring of their overall quality and importance.
While this year’s review spans the field of IEM, it is Once selected for scoring, the full-text article was
by no means a comprehensive review of the existing obtained and categorized as either an original research
IEM literature, nor is it meant to be used as a clinical or a review article. Each article was then scored by two
guideline. Rather, it is meant to provide the IEM practi- separate reviewers using a grading scale that ranged
tioner and researcher with insight into the current field from 0 to 25 (Table 1). All articles with a score differ-
of work and generate opportunities for new learning ence between reviewers that was greater than one stan-
and research. dard deviation above the median score difference were
rescored by an editor. The new score was then used as
METHODS the official score for the article. Overall, 27 articles had
a score of 21 or greater and were chosen for formal
Each year, the editorial board for the IEM Literature review. These articles were then distributed to review-
Review Group produces a procedure manual that out- ers who produced summaries and critiques of the
lines in detail the methodology for its search, screening, articles, which were edited by their individual editors.
scoring, and reviewing processes.4 As a review article, This year, we also introduced a new ‘‘gray literature
no prior ethical or institutional review board approval search,’’ the goal of which was to identify new IEM
was sought for this article. None of the authors or research conducted by government agencies, local or
reviewers reported any conflict of interest. Although international nongovernment organizations, or other
reviewers and editors were not blinded to the authors entities that may not have been published in an indexed
of the articles included in the review or their affilia- journal. A search of the Internet for documents related
tions, in all cases both reviewers and editors recused to the underlying mission of the review was undertaken
themselves from scoring or reviewing any articles in using phrases constructed from our mission statement.
which they may have been directly or indirectly Trial searches were performed using ‘‘advanced
involved. search’’ mode in different search engines: Google,
The initial search was conducted in two periods, the Lycos, Dogpiles, AltaVista, and MetaCrawler. Struc-
first from January 1 to August 31, 2010, and the second tured collections of gray literature were also reviewed
from September 1 to December 31, 2010. We used Pub- for relevant publications (Table 2). Google advanced
Med to search Medline for original research or review search was chosen as seeming to have the most adapt-
articles that contained at least one ‘‘international’’ able input interface and results management. Search
search term and one ‘‘emergency medicine’’ search string combinations were then constructed combining
term. The EM search terms included emergency medi- elements of the mission statement as they might appear
cine, refugees, emergency treatment, relief work, rescue within either titles or bodies of documents. The search
work, acute disease, humanitarian, critical illness, war, structure was limited to Adobe Portable Document File
pre-hospital, conflict, triage, disasters, multiple trauma, (.pdf) file types to capture more formalized documents.
injuries, internally displaced persons, and emergency A set of exclusion terms was constructed to eliminate
medical services. The international search terms formal publishing and cataloging services, including the
included world health, developing countries, interna- National Library of Medicine, PubMed, and commercial
tional, global, tropical medicine, third world, middle publishers. Searches of items from the title and short
income countries, and low income countries. A manual excerpts presented in the results led to further related
search of journals that previously have published a documents. The gray literature search did not uncover
874 Aschkenasy et al. • IEM: REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 2010

Table 1
Review Scoring Criteria

Original Articles Points Review Articles Points

Clarity Clearly stated study 2 Clearly stated purpose for review 2
hypothesis or purpose
Sufficient background provided 1 Sufficient background provided 1
Understandable to nonprofessional 1 Understandable to nonprofessional 1
Clear language used 1 Clear language, appropriate 1
throughout article use of tables and figures
Design Controlled trial or RCT 2 Formal systematic review or meta-analysis 1–2
Little or no bias in 1 Study selection clear 1
selection of subjects and reproducible
Adequate blinding 1 Articles selected by at 1
of study subjects least 2 blinded authors
Correct statistical 1 Data aggregated and ⁄ or 1
tests used for analysis analyzed appropriately
Ethics Approved by international IRB 2 Authors provide an unbiased assessment of the data 4
Approved by local 1
IRB ⁄ local ethical review
Written ⁄ verbal consent 1 Authors state whether they 1
obtained from subjects have conflicts of interest
Procedures comply with 1
local standard of care
Importance Results are generalizable 2 Results are generalizable 2
to a variety of settings to a variety of settings
Results are clinically significant 1 Results are clinically significant 1
Addresses an important 1 Addresses an important 1
global health topic global health topic
Topic is clearly relevant to IEM 1 Topic is clearly relevant to IEM 1
Impact Recommendations 2 Recommendations can 2
can be applied in LMICs be applied in LMICs
The proposed intervention 1 The proposed recommendations 1
is cost-effective are cost-effective
Study results are likely 1 Study results are likely 1
to change practice to change practice
Study results likely to 1 Study results likely to 1
stimulate further research stimulate further research

IEM = international emergency medicine; IRB = institutional review board; LMIC = low- and middle-income country; RCT =
randomized controlled trial.

any IEM original research studies or formal literature found in Data Supplement S1 (available as supporting
reviews; therefore, no findings from the gray literature information in the online version of this paper).
search were included in this year’s review.
The articles selected for the 2010 review show a clear
The articles chosen for final review are listed in Table 3 5–31 emphasis on the development of new evidence-based,
and categorized as EM development, humanitarian and low-cost interventions for low- and middle-income
disaster response, or emergency care in resource-lim- countries (LMICs), as well as the effects of humanitar-
ited settings. An annotated bibliography, including final ian disasters on health. They cover many diverse
summary and critical analysis of each article, can be fields within development, disaster and humanitarian
response, and health care in resource-limited settings,
with a focus on prevention, treatment, and training and
Table 2 education. There is also a predominance of articles
Grey Literature Database Resources related to children’s health and to the health of
pregnant women and newborns.
New York
Academy of library/online-resources/ Emergency Care in Resource-limited Settings
Medicine Library grey-literature-report/ By far the largest number of articles could be catego-
GreySource greysourceindex.html
rized as evidence-based EM practice in resource-limited
OpenDOAR from settings, in particular, practices relating to pediatric
U. of Nottingham, EM. Geduld et al.5 validated the Broselow tape as the
England best estimate for children’s weight in Western Cape,
South Africa. Kabra et al.6 looked at evidence-based
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • August 2011, Vol. 18, No. 8 • 875

Table 3
Top 27 International EM Articles of 2010

Category First Author, Reference Title Journal

Emergency care Geduld5 Validation of weight estimation Emergency Medicine
in resource-limited by age and length based methods in the Journal
settings Western Cape, South Africa population.
Kabra6 Antibiotics for community-acquired Cochrane Database
pneumonia in children.
Bouyou-Akotet Efficacy and safety of a new Wien Klin Wochenschr
pediatric artesumate-mefloquine drug
formulation for the treatment of
uncomplicated falciparum malaria
in Gabon.
Pilger8 Household-wide ivermectin Bulletin of the World
treatment for head lice in an Health Organization
impoverished community: randomized
observer-blinded controlled trial.
Munos9 The effect of oral rehydration solution International Journal
and recommended home fluids on of Epidemiology
diarrhea mortality.
Allen10 Probiotics for treating acute Cochrane Database
infectious diarrhoea.
Rabbani11 Green banana-supplemented Tropical Medicine &
diet in the home management International Health
of acute and prolonged diarrhea in
children: a community-based
trial in rural Bangladesh.
Levine12 Ultrasound assessment of Academic Emergency
severe dehydration in children Medicine
with diarrhea and vomiting.
Ghimire13 Community-based interventions Bulletin of the World
for diarrhoeal diseases and Health Organization
acute respiratory infections in Nepal.
Brooks14 Influenza is a major contributor Pediatric Infectious
to childhood pneumonia in Disease Journal
a tropical developing country.
Winikoff15 Treatment of post-partum haemorrhage Lancet Infectious
with sublingual misoprostol Diseases
versus oxytocin in women not
exposed to oxytocin during labour: a
double-blind, randomized, non-inferiority trial.
Blum16 Treatment of post-partum haemorrhage Lancet Infectious Diseases
with sublingual misoprostol versus
oxytocin in women receiving prophylactic
oxytocin: a double-blind, randomized,
non-inferiority trial.
Barros17 Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth. BMC Pregnancy
and Childbirth
Mwansa-Kambafwile18 Antenatal steroids in preterm International Journal of
labour for the prevention of neonatal Epidemiology
deaths due to complications of preterm birth.
Disaster and Feikin19 Mortality and health among Bulletin of the World
humanitarian internally displaced persons. Health Organization
response Donaldson Injury burden during an insurgency: The Journal of Trauma
the untold trauma of infrastructure
breakdown in Baghdad, Iraq.
Berger21 An intervention for reducing secondary International Journal
traumatization and improving professional of Nursing Studies
self-efficacy in well baby clinic
nurses following war and terror: a
random control group trial.
Zraly22 Don’t let the suffering make you Social Science & Medicine
fade away: an ethnographic study of
resilience among survivors of genocide-rape
in southern Rwanda.
Walker23 British military experience Journal of the Royal Army
of pre-hospital paediatric Medical Corps
trauma in Afghanistan.
Sadewasser24 Defining a standard medication Emergency Medicine
kit for prehospital and retrieval physicians: Journal
a comprehensive review.
876 Aschkenasy et al. • IEM: REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 2010

Table 3

Category First Author, Reference Title Journal

Emergency Schmucker25 Road traffic crashes in developing countries. Unfallchirurg
medicine Ranney26 A novel ED-based sexual assault centre Emergency Medicine
development in western Kenya: description of patients Journal
and analysis of treatment patterns.
Alam27 Partner notification for sexually BMC Public Health
transmitted infections in developing
countries: a systematic review.
Corbett28 Provider-initiated symptom screening Bulletin of the World
for tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: diagnostic value Health Organization
and the effect of HIV status.
Nakahara29 Exploring referral systems for injured Health Policy and Planning
patients in low-income countries:
a case study from Cambodia.
van Lonkhuijzen30 A systematic review of the effectiveness British Journal of Obstetrics
of training in emergency obstetric care in and Gynecology
low-resource environments.
Carlo31 High mortality rates for very low Pediatrics
birth weight infants in developing countries
despite training.

antibiotic use in community-acquired pneumonia in oxytocin during the third stage of labor. Barros
children, while Bouyou-Akotet et al.7 demonstrated that et al.17 reviewed the effectiveness of current interven-
a pediatric artesunate-mefloquine formulation was effi- tions related to preterm birth and stillbirth and
cacious, safe, and well-tolerated for treatment of Mwansa-Kambafwile et al.18 reviewed the effective-
malaria in African children. Finally, Pilger et al.8 were ness of antenatal steroids for reducing mortality in
able to show that treating the entire household with preterm labor neonates.
ivermectin lengthened the amount of time free from
head lice infestation in children. Humanitarian and Disaster Response
Acute diarrhea was also well researched in the past Several strong studies emerged in the area of humani-
year. Several studies looked at treatment options tarian and disaster response, which looked at the
including Munos et al.,9 who conducted a systematic effects of population displacement, war, and trauma on
review of the effects of oral rehydration solution and health. Feikin et al.19 researched internally displaced
recommended home fluids on diarrhea-associated persons as a result of the 2009 Kenyan postelection vio-
mortality; Allen et al.,10 who looked at probiotics as lence and found that they were at greater risk for death
having a safe and beneficial role in the treatment of due to HIV and for hospital admission for childhood ill-
acute infectious diarrhea; and Rabbani et al.,11 who ness. Donaldson et al.20 conducted a cross-sectional
demonstrated that green banana is effective in household survey assessing the increased injury burden
decreasing the duration of illness in both acute and within the war-affected Baghdad Governorate of
prolonged diarrhea for children being treated at home. central Iraq. The postconflict setting was evaluated by
Levine et al.12 used ultrasound measurement of the Berger and Gelkopf,21 showing that improved clinical
aorta-to-inferior vena cava ratio as an adjunct in the and psychosocial training among well-baby clinic
diagnosis of severe dehydration in children with diar- nurses working in regions exposed to war and
rhea in a resource-limited setting. Respiratory illness terror decreased secondary traumatization. Zraly and
in children was also well represented in our review. Nyirazinyoye22 evaluated the expression of resilience in
Ghimire et al.13 reviewed a successful community- two different postgenocide support groups in Rwanda.
based intervention in Nepal that employed community The final two papers in this category both looked at air
health worker volunteers to diagnose, treat, and medical services in the emergency setting. Walker
appropriately refer patients to health care facilities to et al.23 reported on a prehospital helicopter-borne
combat acute diarrheal and respiratory illnesses and response team deployed in Afghanistan, while Sade-
the effect of those interventions on child mortality. wasser et al.24 reviewed an Australian air medical ser-
Brooks et al.14 looked at the influence of influenza as a vice to provide a standardized, evidence-based list of
significant contributor to childhood pneumonia in a essential prehospital medications needed for response.
tropical setting.
Another clear area of IEM research in 2010 was EM Development
related to pregnancy. Winikoff et al.15 demonstrated As shown by the articles included in this year’s review,
that misoprostol is a reasonable alternative for post- development of the specialty is becoming more focused
partum hemorrhage when oxytocin is not available. on diseases with high burdens of morbidity and mortal-
Blum et al.16 conducted a double-blinded, randomized ity, such as road traffic accidents, HIV, tuberculosis,
trial showing that sublingual misoprostol is equivalent and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Road traffic
to oxytocin in the setting of postpartum bleeding in accidents in resource-limited settings cause a large
women who have been prophylactically exposed to burden of disability and require multidisciplinary efforts
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • August 2011, Vol. 18, No. 8 • 877

to effectively address the problem. This was reviewed nearly every part of the world. It is by no means an
in detail by Schmucker et al.25 Ranney et al.26 looked at exhaustive list of articles, nor is it meant to be.
an ED-based sexual assault assessment and treatment Rather, it is a sampling of the current literature,
center in Kenya that was able to provide high rates of which we hope will foster further growth in the field,
HIV prophylaxis, STI treatment, and emergency contra- highlight evidence-based practice and encourage
ception without the addition of significant external global discourse.
resources, while Alam et al.27 reviewed STI partner
notification and discussion of barriers to notification in References
developing countries. Corbett et al.28 showed that pro-
vider screening for tuberculosis, based on symptoms 1. Sullivan SJ, Jacobson RM, Dowdle WR, Poland GA.
alone, could safely identify patients at very low risk for 2009 H1N1 influenza. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010; 85:64–
tuberculosis infection—limiting the need for testing, 76.
even among individuals who are HIV positive. 2. Foran M, Levine A, Lippert S, et al. International
The effect of both EM training and referral systems emergency medicine: a review of the literature from
were represented in this year’s article selections as 2009. Acad Emerg Med. 2011; 18:86–92.
well. Nakahara et al.29 evaluated referral systems for 3. GreyNet International Conference on Grey Litera-
traumatically injured patients in Cambodia. Two stud- ture 1997, expanded 2004. Available at: http://
ies investigated obstetric training programs and
demonstrated the importance of focused research that Accessed March 20, 2011.
looks at all aspects of care in resource-limited settings. 4. Levine A. International Emergency Medicine Litera-
Van Lonkhuijzen et al.,30 looking at graduate-trained ture Review: Reviewer Procedures Manual. Revised
health professionals and excluding traditional birth 2010.
attendants, showed training programs in emergency Emergency Care in Resource-Limited Settings
obstetric care may improve quality of care and overall 5. Geduld H, Hodkinson PW, Wallis LA. Validation of
outcomes. Further research on this issue by Carlo weight estimation by age and length based methods
et al.,31 however, seemed to show that training courses in the Western Cape, South Africa population.
in neonatal care for birth attendants did not decrease Emerg Med J. 2010; [Epub ahead of print].
the mortality of very-low-birth-weight infants in the 6. Kabra SK, Lodha R, Pandey RM. Antibiotics for
developing world. community-acquired pneumonia in children. Coch-
rane Database Syst Rev. 2010; (3):CD004874.
Gray Literature 7. Bouyou-Akotet MK, Ramharter M, Ngoungou EB,
Finally, while we did not include any articles obtained Mamfoumbi MM, Mihindou MP, Missinou MA.
from the gray literature search, the growing digital Efficacy and safety of a new pediatric artesunate-
field of informal publication is worth discussing. The mefloquine drug formulation for the treatment of
vast amount of information available on the Internet uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Gabon. Wien
includes much that may be useful to persons inter- Klin Wochenschr. 2010; 122:173–8.
ested in the various aspects of IEM. Many reports of 8. Pilger D, Heukelbach J, Khakban A, Araujo Oliveira
projects currently in process or recently completed F, Fengler G, Feldmeier H. Household-wide iver-
offer insights for which there currently is no good mectin treatment for head lice in an impoverished
forum for exchange among colleagues. Searching for community: randomized observer-blinded con-
such information is currently a tedious process trolled trial. Bull World Health Org. 2010; 88:
requiring multiple searches with variations on search 90–6.
strings in an attempt to capture the varied ways in 9. Munos MK, Walker CL, Black RE. The effect of oral
which a concept may be expressed, in either the title rehydration solution and recommended home fluids
or the text of available documents. Searching through on diarrhea mortality. Int J Epidemiol. 2010; 39(Sup-
and reading documents from the gray literature offers pl 1):i75–87.
an opportunity to develop a good sense of the spec- 10. Allen SJ, Martinez EG, Gregorio GV, Dans LF. Pro-
trum of international emergency medical care from biotics for treating acute infectious diarrhoea.
local conditions to global policy, as well as opportuni- Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010; (11):CD003048.
ties for involvement in the process of improving 11. Rabbani GH, Larson CP, Islam R, Saha UR, Kabir
global emergency medical care. A. Green banana-supplemented diet in the home
management of acute and prolonged diarrhoea in
children: a community-based trial in rural Bangla-
CONCLUSIONS desh. Trop Med Int Health. 2010; 15:1132–9.
12. Levine A, Shah SP, Umulisa I, Mark Munyaneza RB,
International emergency medicine is an ever-changing Dushimiyimana JM, Stegmann K. Ultrasound
and fast-growing field. As the specialty expands, the assessment of severe dehydration in children with
relevant body of work has increased exponentially in diarrhea and vomiting. Acad Emerg Med. 2010;
the past few years. Choosing 27 articles from the 17:1035–41.
existing pool of qualified articles was a daunting task. 13. Ghimire M, Pradhan YV, Maskey MK. Community-
These articles were chosen to represent examples of based interventions for diarrhoeal diseases and
both high-quality and high-impact international emer- acute respiratory infections in Nepal. Bull World
gency medicine research currently being conducted in Health Organ. 2010; 88:216–21.
878 Aschkenasy et al. • IEM: REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 2010

14. Brooks WA, Goswami D, Rahman M, et al. Influ- 28. Corbett EL, Zezai A, Cheung YB, Bandason T, Dau-
enza is a major contributor to childhood pneumonia ya E, Munyati SS. Provider-initiated symptom
in a tropical developing country. Pediatr Infect Dis screening for tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: diagnostic
J. 2010; 29:216–21. value and the effect of HIV status. Bull World
15. Winikoff B, Dabash R, Durocher J, et al. Treatment Health Org. 2010; 88:13–21.
of post-partum haemorrhage with sublingual 29. Nakahara S, Saint S, Sann S, et al. Exploring
misoprostol versus oxytocin in women not exposed referral systems for injured patients in low-income
to oxytocin during labour: a double-blind, rando- countries: a case study from Cambodia. Health
mised, non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 2010; 375:210–6. Policy Plan. 2010; 25:319–27.
16. Blum J, Winnikoff B, Raghavan S, et al. Treatment 30. van Lonkhuijzen L, Dijkman A, van Roosmalen J,
of post-partum haemorrhage with sublingual Zeeman G, Scherpbier A. A systematic review of
misoprostol versus oxytocin in women receiving the effectiveness of training in emergency obstetric
prophylactic oxytocin: a double-blind, randomised, care in low-resource environments. BJOG. 2010;
non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 2010; 375:217–23. 117:777–87.
17. Barros FC, Bhutta ZA, Batra M, et al., GAPPS 31. Carlo WA, Goudar SS, Jehan I, et al. High mortality
Review Group Global report on preterm birth and rates for very low birth weight infants in develop-
stillbirth. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2010; 10(Sup- ing countries despite training. Pediatrics. 2010; 126:
pl 1):S1. e1072–80.
18. Mwansa-Kambafwile J, Cousens S, Hansen T,
Lawn J.E. Antenatal steroids in preterm labour APPENDIX A
for the prevention of neonatal deaths due to com-
plications of preterm birth. Int J Epidemiol. 2010; The International Emergency Medicine Literature
39(Suppl 1):i122–i133. Review Group consisted of David Anthony, MD, MPH
(NY Presbyterian ⁄ Columbia ⁄ Cornell, New York, New
Humanitarian and Disaster Response York, NY); Kris Arnold, MD, MPH (ArLac Health
19. Feikin DR, Adazu K, Obor D, et al. Mortality and Services, Boston, MA); Miriam Aschkenasy, MD, MPH
health among internally displaced persons. Bull (Department of Emergency Medicine, Cambridge
World Health Org. 2010; 88:601–8. Hospital, Cambridge, MA; and Harvard Humanitarian
20. Donaldson RI, Hung YW, Shanovich P, Hasoon T, Initiative, Cambridge, MA); Joseph Becker, MD
Evans G. Injury burden during an insurgency: the (Division of Emergency Medicine, Stanford University,
untold trauma of infrastructure breakdown in Palo Alto, CA); Torben Kim Becker, MD (University of
Baghdad, Iraq. J Trauma. 2010; 69:1379–85. Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany); Jennifer Chan, MD,
21. Berger R, Gelkopf M. An intervention for reducing MPH (Department of Emergency Medicine, Northwest-
secondary traumatization and improving profes- ern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL); Herbert C. Duber,
sional self-efficacy in well baby clinic nurses follow- MD, MPH (Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston,
ing war and terror: a random control group trial. MA; and Department of Emergency Medicine, Baystate
Int J Nurs Stud. 2011; 48:601–10. Medical Center, Springfield, MA); Mark Foran, MD,
22. Zraly M, Nyirazinyoye L. Don’t let the suffering MPH (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Cambridge,
make you fade away: an ethnographic study of MA; Department of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and
resilience among survivors of genocide-rape in Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA); Elizabeth Goldberg,
southern Rwanda. Soc Sci Med. 2010; 70:1656–64. MD (Department of Emergency Medicine, Rhode Island
23. Walker N, Russell RJ, Hodgetts TJ. British military Hospital, Providence RI); Cheryl Lynn Horton, MD
experience of pre-hospital paediatric trauma in (Department of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and
Afghanistan. J R Army Med Corps. 2010; 156:150–3. Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA); Gabrielle Jacquet, MD
24. Sadewasser J, Potter A, Ellis D. Defining a standard (Denver Health Med Center, Denver, CO); Joshua Jau-
medication kit for prehospital and retrieval physi- regui, MD (Department of Emergency Medicine, Rhode
cians: a comprehensive review. Emerg Med J. 2010; Island Hospital, Providence RI); Sandeep Johar, DO,
27:62–71. MS (Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT); Aditi Joshi, MD,
MSc (Department of Emergency Medicine, Jersey City
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25. Schmucker U, Seifert J, Stengel D, Matthes G, FACEM (S. Carelia Central Hospital, Lappeenranta,
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373–7. gency Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence RI);
26. Ranney M, Rennert-May E, Spitzer R, Chitai MA, Xiaoguang Li, MD (Shanghai United Family Hospital,
Mamlin SE, Mabeya H. A novel ED-based sexual China); Suzanne Lippert, MD, MS (Division of Emer-
assault centre in western Kenya: description of gency Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA);
patients and analysis of treatment patterns. Emerg Kevin Lunney, MD, PhD (Department of Emergency
Med J. 2010; epub ahead of print. Medicine, UCSF Fresno, Fresno, CA); Dan Millikan,
27. Alam N, Chamot E, Vermund SH, Streatfield K, MD (Providence Regional Medical Center, Everett,
Kristensen S. Partner notification for sexually trans- WA); Terrence Mulligan, DO, MPH (Department
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atic review. BMC Public Health. 2010; 10:19. School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD); Takashi Nagata,
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • August 2011, Vol. 18, No. 8 • 879

MD (Department of Emergency Medicine, Kyushu Uni- Ambrose H. Wong, MD (Department of Emergency

versity Hospital, Japan); Theresa Nguyen, MD (Christi- Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center ⁄ Bellevue
ana Care Health System, Newark, DE); Usha Hospital Center, New York, NY); and Meghan Wood,
Periyanayagam, MD, MPH, MS (Department of MD (Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA).
Emergency Medicine, Northwestern Memorial Hospital,
Chicago, IL); Kimberly Pringle, MD (Department of Supporting Information
Emergency Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, Provi- The following supporting information is available in
dence RI); Stephanie Rosborough, MD, MPH (Harvard the online version of this paper:
Humanitarian Initiative, Cambridge, MA; and Depart- Data Supplement S1. Emergency Care in Resource-
ment of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Limited Settings.
Hospital, Boston, MA); Erika D. Schroeder, MD, MPH The document is in PDF format.
(Department of Emergency Medicine, George Washing- Please note: Wiley Periodicals Inc. is not responsible
ton University, Washington DC); Timothy Tan, MD for the content or functionality of any supporting infor-
(Department of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and mation supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than
Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA); Charles Washington, missing material) should be directed to the correspond-
MD, MPH (Department of Emergency Medicine, ing author for the article.
University of New Mexico Hospital, Albuquerque, NM);

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