Assignment Module 7

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Name: Maria Azam

Roll No : D18927
Assignment Module: 7
Question 1: Explain Different groups of Montessori Math exercises and how
the directress should efficiently present exercises through sequential and
parallel work in various groups.
The exercises in arithmetic are grouped. There is some sequential work and some
parallel work. The first group is 'Numbers Through Ten'. The experiences in this
group are sequential. When the child has a full understanding of Numbers Through
Ten, the second group, 'The Decimal System' can be introduced. The focus here is
on the hierarchy of the decimal system and how the system functions. It also starts
off the child on the exercises of simple computations, which are the operations
of arithmetic. The third group is started when the Decimal System is well
underway. Here onwards, these exercises are carried out parallel to the
continuation of the Decimal System. This third group,i.e. ‘Counting Beyond Ten’,
includes the teens, tens as well as linear and skip counting.The fourth group
involves the ‘Memorization of the Arithmetic Tables’. This stage can be
commenced alongside the later stages of the Decimal System and the Counting
Beyond Ten exercises. The fifth group is the ‘Passage to Abstraction’. The
exercises in this group involve helping the child understand the process of each
form of arithmetic and the tables of each operation. There is an overlap here again.
The child who knows the process and tables for the other operations and these will
not be taken up until he shows readiness. The exercises in this group allow the
child to drop the use of the material as he is now ready to handle these exercises
without assisting items. He can then progress to work increasingly with the
symbols on paper without the need to use materials to attempt to find the answers.
The sixth and final group of materials, ‘Fractions’, can be worked on parallel to the
group of Making Abstractions, whereas the early work with the Fractions can begin
with Sensorial Work.

Question 2: Explain the exercises which enable the child to count till1000?
Linear Exercises helps children learn to count till 1000 and getting familiar with
the Decimal System relationships, including the concepts of squares and cubes
of numbers. Linear counting is presented in two stages; in the first one, children
learn to count till 100, and in the second one, they master counting till 1000.This
helps consolidate children’s knowledge of counting. Up until now, they
have worked with tens and hundreds in the Decimal System. With these exercises
however, they now become familiar with the sequence of numbers from 1 through
to 1000. Counting is a monotonous activity and tends to become mechanical over
time. Through repetition, children instinctively adopt this mechanism of counting.
When the two chains are placed parallel to each other, they show in a striking and
sensorial way the difference between the square and the cube of ten. In this way,
the Decimal System relations are further emphasized to the child.
Presentation 1:
- The hundred chain consisting of 10 bars of 10.- The hundred square- Containers
having arrow labels:1. Green labels marked 1 – 92. Blue labels marked 10 – 903. A red
label marked 100- A large sized mat or runner the 100 Chain
Exercise: The children are invited to the chain cabinet and shown the bars on the
shelves to discuss if they have seen bars like these before. The directress starts by
counting with them starting from the unit to the 10 bar and unrolling the runner just
a little. She shows them how to hold the 100 chain by both ends and lay it
out vertically at the bottom of the mat. The kids are made to place the tray below
the 100 chain and slowly fold the chain together to create the hundred square,
emphasizing that it looks like the hundred square. The hundred square is placed on
top of the folded 100 chain to show that they are the same. The hundred square is
removed and the chain gently re-straightened. The teacher takes out the green unit
tickets and tells the kids what they are called. They are lined in a vertical line to the
left of the 10 chain. The children are then shown the blue ten tickets which are
placed in a vertical line above the unit tickets. The first ten are labeled using the
unit tickets and placed to the left of the chain. Together, they count from 11 to 20.
At the 20 mark, the ticket that says 20 is placed to its right, counting by units; as
they continue placing the ten tickets until they reach 100. The children are made to
place the red 100 ticket to the 100. They are told, “You have just counted
to 100.”She asks, “How many beads are in this chain?”, as they respond with
“100”. She then points tothe hundred square and asks, “And how many are in

this?”, as they respond again with “100”.All the tickets are then counted alongside
the kids: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40,50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100.They are
then counted backwards: 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,
2, 1.Children are instructed to replace the tickets into their correct envelope and
then the rest of the material of the 20 bead.
Presentation 2
- A Thousand Chain consisting of 100 bars of 10- Ten squares of hundred- The
Thousand Cube Containers having arrow labels:1 . G r e e n l a b e l s m a r k e d

1 – 9 2.Blue labels arrowed 10 – 9903 . R e d l a b e l s f r o m 1 0 0 –

9 0 0 4 . L a r g e g r e e n l a b e l m a r k e d 1 , 0 0 0 - A large sized mat or runner
The directress tells children that they are going to be looking at an even longer
chain than the 100 chain now. She then has them unroll the runner all the way and
hold the 1000chain. She then carries the chain to the runner, with all of the strands
laid out straight and has the kids bring over the cube and the large box on a tray
over to the runner along with the hundred squares. She tells them that they are
going to try to fold the chain similar to how they did with the 100 chain. She
makes a hundred and asks the child what she just made and places hundred square
next to it, repeating until the whole chain has been folded into a hundred squares.
The children can begin to make them independently after a while. The teacher then
places each of the hundred squares next to the hundred squares she has made with
the kids, before placing the hundred squares on top of the hundred squares made
with them. She then counts with the children to see how many hundred squares
there are in total. She continues to have the children place each hundred squares on
top of each other now similar to how she did herself earlier, and iterates how this
now looks just like the cube, and that when we have 10 hundred squares, we know

that we have 1000 beads.

6Now she places the cube next to the ten hundred squares (placed on top of one
another) to show this to children. She then has them gently pull the 1,000 chain
straight and lay out all of the tickets. Each bead is counted and the correct ticket
placed as and when needed similar to Presentation 1. When the number 100 is
reached, the ticket as well as a hundred square is placed next to the 100th bead,
repeating for every hundred reached, including the 1000th bead. At the end of the
exercise, she looks at the world of the children, going back to the beginning and
counting; 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900. She then asks them how many theyhad
at the end: 1000.They finally go back to the beginning and count the tens; 10, 20,
30, 40, 50, . . . 100, 110, 120, . .. 400, 410, 420, . . . 980, 990, 1000. The children
are then told to count backwards by tens. As the labels have to be placed at the end
of each bar, children easily recognize they have made a mistake in counting. The
material can now be put away.

Question 3: Print *Dot Game paper (from the link given below) and send
three solved problems, each carrying four addends?
Question 4: Explain the presentations of Multiplication Board and Division
Board in your own words. Also make illustrations.
The purpose of multiplication bead board is to provide training in multiplication
leading to memorization of the important multiplication table 1x1 through 10x10.
The box contains holed multiplication working; 100 holes in rows of ten arranged
in a square, 100 red beads, a box of small plastic cards numbering 1-10 which
represent the multiplicand and a red disc. The board has a slot on the left side for
cards’ insertion.
- A perforated board with 100 holes in rows of 10 arranged in a square. At the left
side of the board is a window with a slot for the insertion of the cards.- A red

wooden disc- Tables of multiplication- A set of cards from 1 to 10

The directress shows children the materials and the numbers along the top of the
board and tells them that these numbers tell us how many times to take a number.
She also demonstrates how to slide the ‘4’ card into the slot on the side of the
board, as she tells them, “This tells us how we will be doing the Table of 4.” She
then places the little red disc above the1 at the top of the board and says, “This tells
us we need to take 4 one time.” Using the red beads, she places 4 one time in a
vertical line and asks the children to count the total number of beads that are on the
board and tells them, “4 x 1 is 4”.The children are then instructed to write the
answer on the paper next to the equation. She then moves the disc over above the
‘2’ and tells the children, “We now need 4 two times, but we already have 4 one
time.” The children are told to place the red beads in a vertical line next tothe first
four and then count the total number of beads on the board. She then says “4 x 2 is
8”.The directress repeats it till the children reach 4 x 4 and then they are told to say
the equation along with the directress.
9If the children are making the table easily, they are shown that 4 x 7 is 28, and
once they reach 4x 8, count from 28 up four more. This exercise should be
repeated until they have finished the board. The directress makes the children read
all of the equations and answers are written on a piece of paper. They can check
their work on Multiplication Chart 1.

Question 5: How is Stamp Game introduced to the child? Also

explain how subtraction problems can be solved with stamp game.
Stamp Game:
-Large quantities of wooden squares of equal size about 1 inch square like
stamps:1.Each stamp of 1 is green marked with ‘1’.2.Each stamp of 10 is blue
marked with ‘10’.3.Each stamp of 100 is red marked with ‘100’.4.Each stamp of
1000 is green marked with ‘1000’.-A pencil and ruler-Special grid paper
Introduction: The directress starts by inviting the children to come work with her
and bring along the paper, the box of wooden tiles and the tray from ‘Introduction
to Quantity’. She introduces the materials to the child; she shows children the
Green Tile with the unit 1 written on it and tells them that this is the same as the
unit bead. Similarly, she shows them the Blue Tile with the unit 10 written on it
and informs them that this is similar to the ten-bar. She continues to repeat this for
the tiles of 100 and 1000.The Three Period Lesson is also carried out with the 1,
10, 100 and 1000 tiles by showing children that when we take out the unit 1 tiles,
we place them directly in front of the compartment where the other 1’s are. They
are told that they are going to take out 5. As they take out 5 of the unit 1 tiles, they
are all placed in front of the unit 1 compartment. They are then placed back and the
children are given a few different numbers to be taken out, for example, 3 tens, 5
hundreds, or 2 thousands. They are then given a larger number and told, “Now we
are going to make a larger number. This number will have 3 units, 5 tens, 2
hundreds,1 thousand.” As they are given each number, have them take out the
appropriate tiles. The directress then counts to check the final product and then has
the children put the tiles back into their compartments.

Exercise 1:
The children are invited to come and work with the directress who writes down on
a paper two different numbers and introduces the new subtraction sign. The
children are instructed to construct the first number and then told that we are going

to take3 units from the four units constructed. Have them move 3 units off to
the left side of the table, count how many units are left and write the answer. Next,
have them take 2 tens away from the5 and move them off to the side of the table.
Count and then write how many tens are left. Repeat for the hundreds and
thousands. Finally, read the answer out loud with the children.
Exercise 2:
The directress writes a first large number and a second number under it, making
sure that the numbers lead to dynamic subtraction. She has the children create the
first number, as she asks them how many units are we going to take away, i.e.
3. But as the child becomes stuck, she says that we are going to have to change one
of the tens for units, as she | D14263
12takes out ten units and replaces it with one of the ten tiles. She then has them
take 3 units away from the now 12 units and places the unneeded tiles off to the
side of the table.
13The teacher has the child write how many units he has left. She then repeats for the tens,
hundreds, and thousands, changing as and when needed, reading the final answer with the
children as well as discussing the entire question problem in its entirety. All this is repeated until

children feel comfortable to work alone. Children should be encouraged to pose their own
problem examples and guided in the process.

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