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Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative

Federation Ltd

Dairy Management System

Software Requirement Specifications Document

Document Review and Approval:

Revision History
Version Author Date Revision

1.0 Ravinder 18 Feb Procurement Department

2.0 Ravinder 7 May Society Bills

3.0 Ravinder 14 June Eng. Department added, Production

Department [Added instructions
and request to record the
machinery repair], Marketing and
sales [Added to crate ledger],
Procurement department [Added
reports], Added Grievance module
in all departments.

4.0 Ravinder 29 June Updated Engineering department

and Added accounts department

The document has been reviewed and approved by

Reviewer/Approver Date reviewed

Our advice in this document is limited to the conclusions specifically set
forth herein and is based on the completeness and accuracy of the above-
stated facts, assumptions and representations. If any of the foregoing
facts, assumptions or representations is not entirely complete or accurate,
it is imperative that we be informed immediately, as the inaccuracy or
incompleteness could have a material effect on our conclusions.

Table of Content:
Revision History ................................................................................ 2
The document has been reviewed and approved by ......................... 2
Table of Content: ............................................................................. 4
1 Glossary .................................................................................... 27
2 Introduction ................................................................................ 29
i. Managerial ............................................................................29
ii. Operational:.........................................................................29
3 Project Background.................................................................... 31
4 Organization Structure ............................................................... 32
I. Village Level .........................................................................32
II. District Level .........................................................................35
III. State Level ............................................................................41
5 Project Scope ............................................................................ 48
❏ As Is Assessment ...................................................................... 48
6 Milk Procurement-DCS .............................................................. 48
6.1 Milk Producer Registration ......................................................48
i. Member ................................................................................49
ii. Non-member .......................................................................49
6.2 Society Formation ............................................................... 51
i. Registered ............................................................................51
ii. Proposed .............................................................................52
iii. Society Time Schedule ........................................................ 52
6.3 Society Operations .............................................................. 52
i. Managerial ............................................................................52
ii. Operational..........................................................................55
iii. Reports/Records .................................................................59
iv. Key Observations Regarding Pain Areas (Procurement
6.4 BMC Milk Procurement ....................................................... 60

i. Milk Collection.......................................................................61
ii. Registers and Record Management: At BMC level, following
are the records that are currently maintained: ............................ 62
a) Society and tanker sheet Records ........................................62
c) BMC Operations Records ......................................................63
iii. Reports ...............................................................................63
iv. Key Observations Regarding Pain Areas (Procurement
6.5 MCC Milk Procurement ......................................................64
i. Milk Collection.......................................................................65
ii. Milk Record Management:...................................................67
a) Society and tanker sheet Records.....................................67
b) MCC Operations Records...................................................67
iii. Reports/Records .............................................................. 67
iv. Key Observations Regarding Pain Areas (Procurement
6.6 Plant Milk Procurement Department ....................................70
I. Time Schedule ......................................................................70
II. Truck sheet & Route register ...............................................70
III. Transporters .....................................................................71
IV. Reports ............................................................................72
7 Milk Plant Gate Entry ................................................................. 73
7.2 Vehicle Movement Register:................................................74
i. The process: ..........................................................................74
ii. Records Management ............................................................ 75
7.3 Inward Material Register......................................................78
i. Weighment and Gate Inward generation: ................................ 78
ii. Weighment and Gate Out ....................................................... 78
iii. Records Management ........................................................... 78
7.4 Outward Material Register ...................................................80

i. Vehicle Inspection: ..................................................................80
ii. Loading register:.....................................................................80
iii. Gate Out ................................................................................81
iv. Records Management ........................................................... 81
7.5 Visitor Gate Pass Record ....................................................83
i. Records Management ............................................................. 84
7.6 Replacement Register ......................................................... 85
i. Gate Pass generation: ............................................................ 86
ii. Gate Out.................................................................................86
iii. Records Management ........................................................... 86
7.7 Attendance Registers .......................................................... 88
i. Employees IN & OUT Register: ...............................................88
ii. Register of Employment and Remuneration of Employees: ....88
iii. Employee Summary Register ................................................88
iv. Labour Attendance Register: .................................................89
v. Security Attendance Register: ................................................89
vi. Keys Register: .......................................................................89
7.8 Milk Plant Weighing Bridge..................................................91
i. Milk Can Register ....................................................................91
ii. Material register......................................................................92
iii. Tanker receipt Register ......................................................... 92
iv. Records Management: .......................................................... 92
8 Quality Control ........................................................................... 93
8.1 Raw Milk Testing ....................................................................94
i. Collecting Samples .................................................................95
ii. Conducting Test .....................................................................95
iii. Records/Reports....................................................................95
8.2 Product Test Plan & Inspection ...............................................98
i. In Process Product Inspection .................................................98

ii. Finished Product Inspection ...................................................98
iii. Product Analysis Record ....................................................... 99
8.3 Packing Material Inspection .................................................. 100
i. Records of parameter Tested ................................................ 100
ii. Results and Remarks ........................................................... 101
8.4 Incoming Material Inspection ................................................ 102
i. Records of parameter Tested ................................................ 103
ii. Reject or approve ................................................................. 103
8.5 Production Equipment’s Inspection ....................................... 105
i. Cleaning records ................................................................... 105
ii. Internal Calibration Records ................................................. 105
8.6 Plant Quality Control ............................................................. 106
i. Pest Control Schedule .......................................................... 107
ii. Pest control Inspection Card ................................................ 107
8.7 Water testing & Other records ............................................. 108
i. Water testing records ............................................................ 109
b) Other Inspection records...................................................... 109
8.8 Records management: ......................................................... 110
9 Production ............................................................................... 111
9.1 Milk Receipt Account Register: ............................................. 111
9.2 Tank position Register .......................................................... 111
i. Reception section:................................................................. 112
ii. Butter and Ghee Section: ..................................................... 112
iii. Staff positions of the shift..................................................... 112
iv. Position of Tanks ................................................................. 113
9.3 Milk Pasteurization/Standardization & Management ............. 113
i. Milk & Cream Pasteurizer Log Book ...................................... 113
9.4 Preparing Production Schedule ............................................ 114
i. Demand Notes ...................................................................... 114

ii. Manufacturing Log books ..................................................... 115
iii. SFM Log Book ..................................................................... 115
iv. Ghee Manufacturing Log Book ............................................ 115
v. Paneer Manufacturing Log Book .......................................... 116
9.5 Packing Material Consumption and Log books ..................... 116
i. Packing Material for Butter and Ghee ................................... 116
ii. Packing Material for W.M.P and S.M.P................................. 117
iii. Packing Material Requisition ............................................... 117
9.6 Product Records ................................................................... 118
i. Milk and Milk Product Records .............................................. 118
ii. Butter and Ghee Records ..................................................... 119
iii. Weighing Balance Check Register: ..................................... 119
9.7 Records Management .......................................................... 120
10 Store ........................................................................................ 122
10.1 Store types: ....................................................................... 123
i. Main Store:............................................................................ 123
ii. Production Store:.................................................................. 124
iii. Cattle Feed Store: ............................................................... 124
iv. Cold Store: .......................................................................... 124
10.2 Store Operations:................................................................ 124
i. Stock Register ...................................................................... 124
ii. Daily Goods Store Receipt Register ..................................... 125
iii. Goods Receipt Cum Inspection notes.................................. 125
iv. Outward Material Records ................................................... 126
v. Outward Gate Pass Generation ........................................... 126
vi. Invoice Generation: ............................................................. 126
10.3 Scrap Material:.................................................................... 127
i. Auction: ................................................................................. 127
ii. Scrap material records: ........................................................ 127

10.4 Records Management........................................................ 127
11 Marketing and sales ................................................................. 129
11.1 Party register ...................................................................... 129
11.2 Demand and supply: ........................................................... 129
i. Preparation of goods demand notes ..................................... 129
ii. Invoice and gate pass .......................................................... 130
iii. Vehicle inspection................................................................ 131
iv. Finished goods stock ledger ................................................ 131
v. Demand and Supply register: ............................................... 131
11.3 Customer retention ............................................................. 132
i. Customer complaints record ................................................. 132
ii. Product recall format ............................................................ 132
iii. Customer satisfaction evaluation ......................................... 133
11.4 Records Management:........................................................ 133
12 Purchase Department .............................................................. 134
12.1 Sanction Note ..................................................................... 135
12.2 Suppliers............................................................................. 135
i. Supplier Detail Form/Register ............................................... 135
ii. Approved Suppliers .............................................................. 136
iii. Re-evaluation of suppliers ................................................... 136
iv. Rejected Suppliers .............................................................. 137
12.3 Quotation: ........................................................................... 137
12.4 Purchase Orders................................................................. 137
12.5 Records Management......................................................... 137
13 Account/Finance ...................................................................... 138
13.1 Milk Bills Generation ........................................................... 139
i. Truck Sheet Punching ........................................................... 139
ii. Routes .................................................................................. 139
iii. Societies: ............................................................................. 139

iv. Banks .................................................................................. 140
v. Processing milk Bills ............................................................ 140
13.2 Store Invoices: .................................................................... 140
13.3 Production Invoices/Challans: ............................................. 141
13.4 Transport Bills ..................................................................... 141
13.5 Sales and Marketing Invoices: ............................................ 141
13.6 Purchase Invoices: ............................................................. 141
13.7 Reports: .............................................................................. 141
14 Management Information System (MIS) ................................... 142
14.1 DSO Report: ....................................................................... 143
14.2 Milk Situation Report: .......................................................... 143
14.3 Performance Report: .......................................................... 143
14.4 Transportation Report: ........................................................ 143
14.5 Area Wise Report: .............................................................. 144
14.6 BRC Report: ....................................................................... 144
14.7 Plant Dock Report: .............................................................. 144
14.8 IDIS Report: ........................................................................ 144
14.9 Labour Cost Report: ........................................................... 144
14.10 Milk Received & Dispatched Report: ................................. 144
14.11 MIS Progress Report: ....................................................... 144
14.12 P & T Report: .................................................................... 145
14.13 Plant Data Report: ............................................................ 145
14.15 RKVY Report: ................................................................... 145
15 Head Office Operations ........................................................... 147
15.1 Current Operations: ............................................................ 147
i. Policies: ................................................................................ 147
ii. Funds/Budget: ...................................................................... 147
iii. Handle Legalities: ................................................................ 147
iv. Inspections: ......................................................................... 147

v. Meetings: ............................................................................. 147
❏ - Part B - To Be Processes ......................................................... 148
16. DCS-Milk Procurement ............................................................ 148
16.2 DCS Access ....................................................................... 148
16.3 Milk Producer Registration .................................................. 149
i. Add New Member: ............................................................... 149
a) Member Cattle Info ................................................................. 150
b) Personal Info ............................................................................ 150
c) Unique Member ID ................................................................... 151
v. Member Records:................................................................. 151
16.4 Milk Entry ............................................................................ 154
i. Add Milk Entry: ...................................................................... 154
ii. Milk Records: ....................................................................... 155
iii. Integration of VITA ERP with milk receiving machines: ........ 155
16.5 Local Sale of milk:.............................................................. 155
i. Add Local Sale: ..................................................................... 155
ii. Local Sale records:............................................................... 155
16.6 Indents: ............................................................................... 157
i. Raise indent: ......................................................................... 157
ii. Indent records: ..................................................................... 157
16.7 Reports: .............................................................................. 158
i. Farmer Bills: ......................................................................... 158
ii. Indent bills ............................................................................ 159
iii. Milk Report: BMC/MCC/MU ................................................. 159
16.8 Improvements Proposed: ................................................... 159
16.9 Business Rules: ................................................................. 160
17 BMC-Milk Procurement ............................................................ 162
17.1 Milk Entry ............................................................................ 163
i. Add Milk Entry: ...................................................................... 163
ii. Milk Records: ....................................................................... 163

iii. Integration of VITA ERP with milk receiving machines: ........ 164
17.2 Dispatch Note: .................................................................... 164
i. Create Dispatch Note ............................................................ 164
ii. Dispatch Note Records:........................................................ 164
17.3 Indent: ................................................................................ 165
i. Raise indent: ......................................................................... 165
ii. Indent records: ..................................................................... 165
17.4 Milk Records: ...................................................................... 166
i. Society Milk Records: ............................................................ 166
ii. MCC/MU Milk Records: ........................................................ 166
17.5 Improvements Proposed: .................................................... 167
18. MCC-Milk Procurement ........................................................... 169
18.1 Milk Entry ............................................................................ 169
i. Add Milk Entry: ...................................................................... 169
ii. Milk Records: ....................................................................... 170
iii. Integration of VITA ERP with milk receiving machines: ........ 170
18.2 Dispatch Note: .................................................................... 170
i. Create Dispatch Note ............................................................ 170
ii. Dispatch Note Records:........................................................ 171
18.3 Indent: ................................................................................ 171
i. Raise indent: ......................................................................... 171
ii. Indent records: ..................................................................... 171
18.4 Milk Records: DMS ............................................................. 172
i. Society Milk Records: ............................................................ 172
ii. MU Milk Records: ................................................................. 173
18.5 Improvements Proposed: .................................................... 173
19. Milk Procurement – Plant......................................................... 176
19.1 Procurement Dashboard: DMS ........................................... 176
i. Key Indicators will be: ........................................................... 176

ii. Main Dashboard: .................................................................. 176
19.2 Societies ............................................................................. 177
i. Add Society ........................................................................... 177
ii. Edit Society .......................................................................... 177
iii. Society records: ................................................................... 178
19.3 BMC ................................................................................... 178
i. Add BMC............................................................................... 178
ii. Edit BMC .............................................................................. 178
iii. BMC records: ...................................................................... 179
19.4 Transporters ...................................................................... 179
i. Add Transporter .................................................................... 179
ii. Edit Transporter.................................................................... 180
iii. Transporter records: ............................................................ 180
iv. Transporter Time Schedule ................................................. 180
a) Process: .................................................................................... 180
v. Transporter bills ................................................................... 181
a) Transporter bills Schedule ........................................................ 181
b) Transporter bills deduction ...................................................... 181
vi. Transporter Penalties .......................................................... 181
a) Jute Bag Missing: ...................................................................... 181
b) Can Lid Missing: ....................................................................... 181
c) Can Missing: ............................................................................. 181
d) Sour Milk: ................................................................................. 182
e) Late Arrival: .............................................................................. 182
19.5 Route Master: ..................................................................... 182
i. Add Route ............................................................................. 182
a) Assign Society ........................................................................... 182
b) Assign BMC .............................................................................. 182
c) Assign MCC ............................................................................... 183
d) Assign Transporter ................................................................... 183

ii. Routes Management ............................................................ 183
a) Edit/Delete Route ..................................................................... 183
b) Routes listing............................................................................ 184
19.6 Rate Master: ....................................................................... 184
i. View Rate Master: ................................................................. 184
19.7. Indents:.............................................................................. 184
a) Raise indent: ............................................................................ 184
b) Indent records: ......................................................................... 184
19.8 Reports: .............................................................................. 185
i. Sales reports ......................................................................... 185
ii. Farmer/Owner details report ................................................. 186
iii. Cattle detail reports ............................................................. 186
iv. FAT/SNF report ................................................................... 186
v. DCS Balance details ............................................................ 186
vi. Animal health information .................................................... 186
vii. Transporters report ............................................................. 186
19.9 Improvements Proposed: .................................................... 187
19.9 Business Rules: .................................................................. 187
20. Gate Department Operations ................................................... 187
20.1 Inward: DMS ....................................................................... 188
i. Milk Tanker Inward: ............................................................... 188
a) Record Inward: ......................................................................... 188
b) Milk Tanker Records:................................................................ 189
ii. Milk Truck Inward: ................................................................ 190
a) Record Inward: ......................................................................... 190
b) Milk Truck Records: .................................................................. 190
iii. Material Inward: ................................................................... 191
a) Record Inward: ......................................................................... 191
b) Material Inward Records: ......................................................... 191
iv. Products Inward: ................................................................. 192

a) Record Inward .......................................................................... 192
b) Products Inward Records: ........................................................ 192
v. Replacements: ..................................................................... 193
a) Record Replacement ................................................................ 193
b) Replacement Records: ............................................................. 193
20.2 Outward: DMS .................................................................... 196
i. Milk Tanker Outward: ............................................................ 196
a) Record Outward: ...................................................................... 196
b) Scenario 2 for Tanker Outward: ............................................... 197
ii. Material Outward: ................................................................. 197
a) Record Outward: ...................................................................... 197
b) Material Outward Records: ...................................................... 198
iii. Products Outward: ............................................................... 198
a) Record Outward ....................................................................... 198
b) Inspection Process: .................................................................. 199
iv. Replacements Outward: ...................................................... 199
a) Record Outward ....................................................................... 199
b) Replacement Outward Records:............................................... 200
20.3 Visitors Management .......................................................... 201
i. Add Visitors ........................................................................... 202
ii. Visitor Records: .................................................................... 202
20.4 Security Penalties: .............................................................. 203
i. Record Security Penalty: ....................................................... 204
ii. Security Penalties Records: ................................................. 204
20.5 Employee Indiscipline: ........................................................ 205
i. Record Indiscipline: ............................................................... 205
a) Choose Nature of Complaint: ................................................... 206
b) Choose Recipient: .................................................................... 206
iv. Employee Indiscipline Records:........................................... 207
20.6 Attendance: DMS................................................................ 207

i. In and Out Employee entries: ................................................ 208
ii. Manual Attendance entries: .................................................. 208
a) Choose Employee ID................................................................. 208
b) Record In time: ......................................................................... 208
c) Record Out time: ...................................................................... 209
d) Attendance Records: ................................................................ 209
20.7. Indents:.............................................................................. 210
a) Raise indent: ............................................................................ 210
b) Indent records: ......................................................................... 211
20.8 Improvements Proposed: .................................................... 212
20.9 Business Rules: .................................................................. 212
21. Weighment Operations ............................................................ 212
21.1 Weighment: Empty Vehicle ................................................. 213
i. Create Weighment: ............................................................... 213
ii. Standing Weighment Records .............................................. 213
21.2 Weighment Inward: ............................................................. 213
i. Qualify Weighment: ............................................................... 213
ii. Confirm Weighment: ............................................................. 214
21.3 Weighment Outward: DMS ................................................. 214
21.4 Weighment Others: DMS .................................................... 214
21.5. Indents:.............................................................................. 215
a) Raise indent: ............................................................................ 215
b) Indent records: ......................................................................... 215
21.6 Improvement Proposed:...................................................... 216
21.7 Business Rules: .................................................................. 217
22. Quality Operations ................................................................... 218
22.1 Milk & Milk Products Testing: .............................................. 219
i. Dashboard Controls .............................................................. 219
a) Key Indicators: .......................................................................... 219
b) On Dock: .................................................................................. 220

ii. Truck/Tanker Samples: ........................................................ 220
a). Assign Sample number ............................................................ 220
b). Samples Ready for Test: .......................................................... 220
c). Milk Receipt Report: ................................................................ 221
v. Milk Tank Samples: .............................................................. 223
a). Assign Sample number: ........................................................... 223
b). Samples Ready for Test: .......................................................... 223
c). Milk Tank Report: ................................................................... 223
vi. In Process products testing: ................................................ 224
a). Assign Sample number: ........................................................... 224
b). Samples Ready for Test: .......................................................... 224
c). In-Process Products Testing Report: ....................................... 225
22.2 Test Plans & Inspections: DMS........................................... 225
i. Products In-Process: ............................................................. 226
a) In- Process Products listing: ...................................................... 226
b) Assign Sample number: ............................................................ 226
c) Record Test: ............................................................................. 226
d) Alerts:....................................................................................... 227
ii. Incoming Material: ................................................................ 227
a) Request listing format: ............................................................. 227
b) Approve Material: .................................................................... 227
c) Rejected Material: .................................................................... 227
d) Inspected Material Records...................................................... 228
iii. Finished Products: ............................................................... 228
a) Finished Products Listing; ......................................................... 228
b) Approve Products: ................................................................... 228
c) Rejected Material: .................................................................... 228
d) Inspected Finished Product Records........................................ 229
iv. Other Planned Tests/Inspections: ........................................ 229
a). Planned SFM analysis .............................................................. 229
b). Planned Temperature analysis ................................................ 230

c). Planned Internal Calibration: ................................................... 230
d). Planned Pest Control Schedule: .............................................. 231
e). Planned Cleaning records: ....................................................... 231
22.3 Quality Main: DMS .............................................................. 233
i. Tracking Milk & Milk Products Tests: ..................................... 233
a) Tracking Raw Milk Tests: .......................................................... 233
b) Tracking Milk Tanks Tests: ........................................................ 234
c) Tracking IN-Process Products Tests: ......................................... 235
ii. Tracking Test Plans & Inspections Tests: ............................. 235
a) Tracking Incoming Material Tests: ............................................ 235
b) Tracking Finished Products Tests:............................................. 236
c) Tracking Internal Calibration Tests: .......................................... 237
d) Tracking Pest Control Tests: ..................................................... 238
e) Tracking Cleaning Records Tests:.............................................. 238
iii. Plan/Schedule: .................................................................... 239
a) Plan In-Processing Products Testing: ........................................ 239
b) Plan Finished Products Testing: ................................................ 240
c) Plan Pest Control Testing: ......................................................... 240
iv. Manage: .............................................................................. 241
v. Indents: ................................................................................ 241
a). Raise indent:............................................................................ 241
b) Indent records: ......................................................................... 241
22.4 Improvements Proposed ..................................................... 243
22.5 Business Rules ................................................................... 244
23. Production Department Operations: ........................................ 244
23.1 Production Head Operations: .............................................. 244
i. Dashboard Controls: ............................................................. 245
a) Key Indicators: .......................................................................... 245
b) Milk Available for Production: .................................................. 246
c) In- Process Production: ............................................................. 247
ii. Raw Milk Requests.............................................................. 247

a) Raise Milk Request: .................................................................. 247
b) Accepted Request: ................................................................... 248
c) Raw Milk Requests: ................................................................. 248
iii. Indents: ............................................................................... 249
a) Raise indent: ............................................................................ 249
b) Indent records: ......................................................................... 249
iv. Assign Packing: ................................................................... 250
a) Assign Milk for Processing ........................................................ 250
b) Assign Ghee for Packing ........................................................... 250
c) Assign Butter for Packing .......................................................... 251
23.2 Production Incharge Operations ......................................... 252
i. Dashboard Controls: ............................................................. 252
a) Key Indicators ........................................................................... 252
b). Manufacturing Logs ................................................................ 253
c) Milk Under Pasteurization/Standardization: ............................ 253
d) Prepack Machine Logs:............................................................. 254
e) Finished Products .................................................................... 254
e) Cleaning records of Equipment: .............................................. 254
ii. Assign Milk/Cream For Processing: ...................................... 255
a) Milk Under Pasteurization/Standardization ............................. 255
iii. Assign Manufacturing & packing: ........................................ 255
a) Request format: ....................................................................... 255
b) Flow to confirm the manufacturing request: ............................ 256
c) Flow to confirm the Packing request: ....................................... 256
iv. Assigned Requests for Milk transfer: ................................... 257
a) Create Dispatch Note: .............................................................. 257
b) Raw Milk Transfer requests records: ........................................ 258
23.3 Production Store Operations: DMS ..................................... 259
i. Dashboard Controls: ............................................................. 259
a) Key Indicators: .......................................................................... 259
b) Material on Dock: ..................................................................... 261

c) Products/Packing Material Running low: .................................. 262
ii. Milk Products: ....................................................................... 262
a) Finished Products: .................................................................... 263
b) Receipt Products: ..................................................................... 264
c) Issued Products: ....................................................................... 264
d) Wastage: .................................................................................. 264
iii. Packing Material: ................................................................. 264
a) Receipt Packing Material: ......................................................... 264
b) Consumed Packing Material: .................................................... 265
c) Wastage: .................................................................................. 265
23.4 Improvements Proposed: .................................................... 266
24.4 Business Rules: .................................................................. 266
24. Marketing and Sales Department: ........................................... 266
i. Dashboard Controls: ............................................................. 266
a) Key Indicators ........................................................................... 266
b) Sales through route Graph ....................................................... 267
c) Issued Demand note records .................................................... 267
d) Returns received ...................................................................... 268
24.1 Customer registration:......................................................... 268
a) Customer Registration Request: ............................................... 268
b) Approve Customer: .................................................................. 268
c) Reject Customer: ...................................................................... 269
24.2 Product Masters:................................................................. 270
a) Add Product: ............................................................................ 270
b) Product Records: ...................................................................... 270
24.3 Demand notes: ................................................................... 270
a) Manual Provision...................................................................... 271
b) Standing Demand Notes: ......................................................... 271
c) Reset Demand notes: ............................................................... 271
d) Issued Demand notes: .............................................................. 272
24.4 Demand Notes: Automatic .................................................. 272

a) Forward Demand Note: ............................................................ 272
b) Issued Demand notes: .............................................................. 273
24.5 Record Return: ................................................................... 273
a) Manual Record Return: ............................................................ 273
b) Automatic: ............................................................................... 274
24.6 Processing bills: .................................................................. 274
a) Tax Invoices: ............................................................................. 274
b) Challans:................................................................................... 275
c) Credit bills: ............................................................................... 275
d) Cash Route Bills: ....................................................................... 275
24.7 Indents:............................................................................... 276
a) Raise indent: ............................................................................ 276
b) Indent records: ......................................................................... 276
24.7 Improvements Proposed: .................................................... 277
24.8 Business Rules: .................................................................. 278
25. Store Department .................................................................... 279
25.1 Main store Operations: DMS ............................................... 280
i. Dashboard controls: .............................................................. 280
a) Key Indicators ........................................................................... 280
b) On Dock Material: .................................................................... 281
c) Under Inspection: ..................................................................... 281
ii. Plant Indents ........................................................................ 282
a) Issue Indent: ............................................................................. 282
b) Reject Indent: ........................................................................... 282
iii. Stock Transfer requests....................................................... 282
a) Request format: ....................................................................... 282
b) Accept request: ........................................................................ 283
c) Reject Stock Request: ............................................................... 283
iv. Indents ................................................................................ 283
a) Raise indent: ............................................................................ 283
b) Indent records: ......................................................................... 284

v. Replacements ...................................................................... 284
a) Assign for inspection: ............................................................... 285
b) Re-Issue.................................................................................... 285
c) Record Replacement request: ................................................. 285
vi. Inventory ............................................................................. 285
a) Receipt Items: .......................................................................... 286
b) Issued Items: ............................................................................ 286
c) Dead items: .............................................................................. 286
vi. Invoicing .............................................................................. 286
a) Tax Invoices: ............................................................................. 286
b) Challans:................................................................................... 287
c) Credit bills: ............................................................................... 287
d) Cash Route Bills: ....................................................................... 287
25.2 Cattle Feed Store Operations: DMS ................................... 288
i. Dashboard controls: .............................................................. 288
a) Key Indicators: .......................................................................... 288
b) On Dock Material: .................................................................... 289
c) Under Inspection: ..................................................................... 289
ii. Society/BMC Indents ............................................................ 290
a) Issue Indent: ............................................................................. 290
b) Reject Indent: ........................................................................... 290
iii. Stock Transfer requests....................................................... 290
a) Request format: ....................................................................... 291
b) Accept request: ........................................................................ 291
c) Reject Stock Request: ............................................................... 291
iv. Indents ................................................................................ 291
a) Raise indent: ............................................................................ 292
b) Indent records: ......................................................................... 292
v. Replacements ...................................................................... 293
a) Assign for inspection: ............................................................... 293
b) Re-Issue.................................................................................... 293

c) Record Replacement request: ................................................. 293
vi. Inventory ............................................................................. 294
a) Receipt Items: .......................................................................... 294
b) Issued Items: ............................................................................ 294
c) Dead items: .............................................................................. 294
vi. Invoicing .............................................................................. 294
a) Tax Invoices: ............................................................................. 294
b) Challans:................................................................................... 295
c) Credit bills: ............................................................................... 295
d) Cash Route Bills: ....................................................................... 295
25.3 Production Store Operations: DMS ..................................... 296
i. Dashboard Controls: ............................................................. 296
a) Key Indicators: .......................................................................... 296
b) Material on Dock: ..................................................................... 299
c) Products/Packing Material Running low: .................................. 299
ii. Milk Products: ....................................................................... 300
a) Finished Products: .................................................................... 300
b) Receipt Products: ..................................................................... 301
c) Issued Products: ....................................................................... 301
d) Wastage: .................................................................................. 301
iii. Packing Material: ................................................................. 301
a) Receipt Packing Material: ......................................................... 302
b) Consumed Packing Material: .................................................... 302
c) Wastage: .................................................................................. 302
25.4 Scrap Material: DMS ........................................................... 303
i. Mark Material as Scrap: ........................................................ 303
ii. Add Scrap Material ............................................................... 303
iii. Available Scrap Material Listing: .......................................... 303
iv. Sold Scrap Material: ............................................................ 304
v. Add Purchaser: .................................................................... 304
vi. Purchaser List: .................................................................... 304

25.6 Improvements proposed ..................................................... 305
25.7 Business Rule ..................................................................... 305
26. Purchase Department .............................................................. 305
i. Dashboard Controls: ............................................................. 305
a) Key Indicators: .......................................................................... 306
b) Status of Purchase orders ........................................................ 307
c) Supplier’s request for approval................................................. 307
d) Material Receipt records .......................................................... 307
26.1 Suppliers Registration: ..................................................... 307
a) Manual Registration: ................................................................ 308
b) Self-registration: ...................................................................... 308
26.2 Quotations: ..................................................................... 308
a) Request for quotation: ............................................................. 309
26.3 E-tendering: ..................................................................... 309
26.4 Supplier Dashboard: ........................................................ 309
a) Direct Quotation requests: ....................................................... 310
b) Tenders available: .................................................................... 310
c) Flow to submit the quotation: .................................................. 310
d) Requests received for negotiation: .......................................... 311
e) Received Purchase Orders: ....................................................... 311
26.5 Payments: ........................................................................ 311
26.6 Improvements Proposed: ................................................. 313
26.7 Business Rules: .................................................................. 314
27. Distributor Portal Operations ................................................... 314
27.1 Distributor Registration:.................................................... 314
27.2 Distributor Orders: ............................................................ 315
a) Create order: ............................................................................ 315
b) Past Orders: ............................................................................. 315
c) View Order Details.................................................................... 315
d) Repeat Order ........................................................................... 315

e) File Return ................................................................................ 316
27.3 Distributor Payments: ....................................................... 316
27.4 Distributor Reports: .......................................................... 316
27.5 Improvements Proposed: ................................................. 316
27.6 Business Rules: ............................................................... 316
28. Accounts Department .............................................................. 318
28.1 Accounts Dashboard: ....................................................... 318
28.2 Accounts Sales: ............................................................... 322
28.3 Accounts Purchase: ......................................................... 324
28.4 Accounts Store:................................................................ 325
28.5 Accounts Bank: ................................................................ 327
28.6 Accounts Bills:.................................................................. 327
28.7 Account Indents: .............................................................. 331
a) Raise indent: ............................................................................ 331
b) Indent records: ......................................................................... 331
28.8 Improvements Proposed: ................................................. 333
29. Management Information System (MIS) .................................. 333
29.1 Improvements Proposed: ................................................. 336
29.2 Business Rules: ............................................................... 336
30. Head Office Operations ........................................................... 346
30.1Improvements Proposed: .................................................. 347
30.2 Business Rules: ............................................................... 347
31 User Roles ............................................................................. 347
31. References ........................................................................... 347
32. Audio Trail ............................................................................ 347
33. Data Masters and Annexures ............................................... 348
This is identical to the above table or there will be different data? . 371
Annexures .................................................................................... 375
BMC ANNEXURES ....................................................................... 381
Gate: ............................................................................................. 385

Weighment Annexures................................................................ 403
Production ................................................................................... 429
Chhach Manufacturing Log Book ................................................ 430
Shift Performa of Sweetened Flavoured Skimmed Milk Powder . 430
Milk and Milk Products Manufacturing and Issuing Performa ...... 432
Milk Receipt Account Register .................................................... 433
Milk Reception ............................................................................ 435
Staff Positions:............................................................................ 436
Shift Performa............................................................................. 437
Shift Performa – Packing Material (Butter and Ghee) ................. 438
Prepack Machine Logbook: ........................................................ 439
Products Log book: ..................................................................... 440
Electronic Weighing Register: ..................................................... 440
Store .......................................................................................... 442
Indent: ....................................................................................... 442
Store Invoice............................................................................... 443
Quality Inspection Note............................................................... 444
Store Invoice............................................................................... 445
Store tools .................................................................................. 447
Cattle Feed Store Indent ............................................................. 447
Cattle feed store invoices ........................................................... 449
Records of cattle feed store indents:........................................... 450
Marketing: ................................................................................... 452
Purchase .................................................................................... 460
Accounts..................................................................................... 463
Milk Bills: .................................................................................... 463
Deductions Statement: ............................................................... 464
10 Days Milk summary: .............................................................. 465
Accounts Number: ...................................................................... 466

Purchase: .................................................................................. 468
MIS ............................................................................................. 472
Comparative Statement: ............................................................. 473
Target Report: ............................................................................ 473
Members passbook reports: ....................................................... 474
Departments Reports:................................................................. 475
Transporter ................................................................................. 476
Accounts: .................................................................................... 478
Milk Bills ..................................................................................... 478

1 Glossary

GoH Government of Haryana
HDDCF Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation
HQ Head Quarters
IT Information Technology
INR Indian National Rupees
IPR Intellectual Property Right
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
MIS Management Information System
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PBG Performance Bank Guarantee
RFP Request for proposal(referring to this document)
SLA Service Level Agreement
TPA Third Party Agency
SP System Partner
SRS Software Requirement Specifications
DA Dairy Accountant
EWB Electronic Weighing Balance
PP Poly pack
ET Empty Tin
MP Mono Pack
MC Managing Committee
NDDB National Dairy Development Board
MMPT Milk and Milk Products Testing Module
TPI Test plans & Inspections
MCC Milk Chilling Centre

2 Introduction

The HDDCF was formed in 1970 which continued active functioning till 31.03.1977.
There after its business was taken over by Federation to set up THREE TIER SYSTEM.
Since 1.04.1992 the Federation has leased out the Plants to the Milk Unions.

HARYANA is one of the most progressive states of the Republic of India. In the
domain of dairy development, It’s well known for its productive milch particularly
the 'Murrah' Buffaloes and Haryana Cows. The economy of the state is
predominantly based on agriculture. People rear and breed cattle as a subsidiary
occupation. The essence of various programs launched in the State has been to
adopt the pattern of Milk Co-operatives.

Under this system, all the functions of dairying like milk procurement, processing
and marketing are controlled by the Milk Producers themselves. It has three tier
system comprising milk Producers Societies at the village level, Milk Producers Co-
operative Union at the district level and the state Milk Federation as an apex body
at the State level.

The basic unit is the village milk producers’ cooperative society. The functions of a
dairy cooperative society are classified into the following two categories:
A. Managerial
B. Operational

i. Managerial
The milk producers of the village with the support of the Dairy form a
cooperative society (become members). All these members form the
general body of the society. The society has an elected Managing
Committee (MC) including the Chairman from amongst the member
producers as per the provisions of the bye-laws. The committee employs
paid staff to run the day-to-day affairs of the society. The number of such
staff depends upon the size of the business of the society.

ii. Operational:
The society’s major operations can be classified in two groups:
a) Milk Reception
b) Providing services.

Milk Reception involves reception, testing, dispatch of milk to milk plant,
payment and account keeping. Services include animal health coverage,
breeding, supply of cattle feed, fodder development, clean milk
production and extension services to producer members

a) Reception of milk:
Each society has milk collection centre either in an owned or hired
premise. Each morning and evening, the milk producers bring milk in their
own containers (stainless steel) to the society. A representative sample of
milk is drawn for testing the quality milk. Milk is collected in milk cans or
directly to the cooler as the case may be. The collection accessories are
made up of stainless steel (AISI 304). The measurement of milk is done
carefully so as to avoid foam, shortage etc. Quantity of milk supplied by
each individual along with the sample bottle of milk is recorded against
her/his name in the purchase register and the card/pass book of the
pourer. In many of the societies the process is semi-automatic with the
help of computer and Electronic Milk Tester placed on line. A printed slip
is generated for each member giving details about the date, shift, type of
milk, producer identification number, weight and fat% of milk, rate, price

b) Testing of milk:
Where the Centrifuge/Electronic Milk tester is used to FAT test of milk
samples, once the sufficient number of samples are being collected, they
are being tested as per laid down procedure. The test results are recorded
against each sample number in the Fat Test Register. This ensures the
confidentiality of the owners of the samples. After the testing is over, the
records are compiled; the leftover sample milk is disposed off in a manner
decided by the management committee. At pourers’ request retesting is
also carried out before the samples are disposed off and the changes if
any, are recorded.

c) Dispatch of milk:
Milk cans are meant to be covered with lid before being loaded in the milk
vehicle/truck. Milk Vehicle collects the milk cans as per the time schedule
of a particular society. The staff of the truck delivers the fat slip of previous
shift, letters from milk union, other materials as indented by the society.
This is done quickly to avoid any stoppage of the vehicle more than the

schedule. The vehicle also unloads the cleaned empty cans received from
the dairy plant for the use of the society for the next shift milk collection.
The staff of the truck delivers the fat slip of previous shift, letters from
milk union, other materials as indented by the society. This is done quickly
to avoid any stoppage of the vehicle more than the schedule. The vehicle
also unloads the cleaned empty cans received from the dairy plant for the
use of the society for the next shift milk collection.

This is current modus-operandi at milk collection centre at most of the

locations and HDDCF wants to introduce new Dairy Management System
with the aim to automate the dairy functions. The Dairy Management
System will allow the respective personas and devices to submit the data
in system(cloud) at authorized units.

d) Providing Services

Supply of cattle feed to Milk Producers

Milk Unions have defined processes to procure the milk but to procure
a healthy milk is also responsibility of Milk Union which is strictly
monitored by procurement department. Milk union supply cattle feed
and other products to societies which further allocated to milk
producers to retain healthy milk for procurement. Societies have their
limit to order to cattle feed and products based on the Milk dispatch
limit of that particular society on daily basis.

Animal health Coverage

This is the service provided to society members to get benefit of
animal health coverage. The milk union conducts the timely
campaigns in which veterans inspect the animal health.

The registered societies gets the benefit of awareness on proper
breeding procedures. Milk union conducts awareness programs at
registered society villages with the help of society secretory and all
members are intimated/informed about proper ways for breading.

3 Project Background

HDDCF is currently managing its operations with its approx. 3500 Dairy
Cooperative Societies and milk plant in over 6 locations across Haryana. This
new Dairy Management System (DMS) will be implemented at requested
locations along with the integration of the system with the existing IT
applications but in pilot launch of the DMS, it will be integrated at two plants.

DMS will be linked to all operations of Dairy Administration and

management process and will help in keeping the data managed and
available of Collection centres, Chilling Centres, Processing Centre, Agents,
Farmers, Societies, Transport etc. at web based as well as mobile app based

DMS will have all the standard features for generation & online submission
of various statutory compliances/reports and it will support required
statutory & regulatory compliances.

4 Organization Structure

Organization Structure of HDDCF is based on 3-tier. These 3 tiers are working

in following order:
 State Level (State Milk Federation as an apex body)
 District Level (Milk Producers Cooperative Union)
 Village Level (Milk Producer’s Cooperative Societies)


I. Village Level
Village Level is the primary unit of the HDDCF’s organization’s structure.
This unit is well known as Dairy Cooperative Society which is formed by milk
producers. Milk producers who are eligible to participate and vote, elects
Managing committee of the society. Managing committee compromises 9
members which further elects 1 chairman and the Secretory of the society.

Managing Committee adhere the responsibilities such as:

a) To deal with application of membership, resignation, demand for
shares, transfer of shares and refund of shares.

b) To raise necessary funds for the working of the society and to decide
the conditions to receive deposits and to invest surplus funds for the
society according to Haryana State Cooperative Societies Act, 1984.
c) To open necessary accounts in a bank in the name of society
d) To verify the register of members, book of accounts and other register
and to take necessary actions to have these written systematically and
e) To prepare annual report and accounts statement in time and to
authorize the chairman or any other member to publish them in Annual
general body meeting
f) To file claims, protect and compromise legal suits and hear other
complaints and dispose them off
g) To hire building for office use and godown for storing or selling goods
or build or purchase same by getting prior approval of the General body
and registrar.
h) To frame administrative or business rules and resolutions
i) To provide necessary facilities, information and statements to auditors
j) To take package insurance policy at reasonable rate against the loss of
cash and other commodities
k) To arrange purchase/sale of milk, ghee, cattle feed as per the
instructions of District milk union.
l) To take necessary steps to recover any outstanding debt of the society
m) Handling the disputes not settled by chairman and much more

Chairman adhere the responsibilities such as:

a) To execute the resolutions through the Secretory passed by MC and
General Body meeting.
b) To supervise the daily routine work of the Secretory.
c) To see the surplus amount exceeding the limit specified by Managing
d) To verify or get verified the stock of goods, equipment and dead stock
at least once in 3 months.
e) To see the work of the society is conducted according to the
cooperative societies Act/rules.
f) To take necessary action to rectify the objections mentioned in audit
g) To arrange or furnish all details and information asked by Cooperative
department, the central cooperative bank and District Milk union.
h) To dispose off the complaints or place the complaints before the MC.

Secretary adhere the responsibilities such as:
a) To call Meetings of General body, managing committee, according to
the instructions of chairman and to remain present at these meetings.
b) To spend, withdraw and recover money according to the instructions
of the managing committee.
c) To receive all communications addressed to Societies and to draw
attention of committee on important matters.
d) To prepare all receipt vouchers, annual reports, trading, profit and loss
account balance sheets and other necessary statements of society to
furnish in time to Cooperative department, the central bank and the
district cooperative Milk Producer Union.
e) To place before the managing committee, without delay, the audit
report and to rectify immediately the discrepancies shown in report
and submit the same to auditor once in month.
f) To guide supervise and to control the work of the other employee of
the society and their duties fixed from managing committee.
g) To write or get written cash book and books of accounts of the society
h) To withdraw money for the purchase of milk, to collect every day the
sale proceeds of local sale of milk and other sales from the concerned
persons of the society.
i) To deposit the surplus cash in bank.
j) To take necessary steps for increasing the business of the society.
k) To see the dues of society regularly and take actions for recovery.

Flow Diagram of Village Operations:

II. District Level
The management of the union compromise of:
 General Body
 Board of Directors
 Personal Committee
 Chairman

 Chief Executive officer

a) General Body
The General body is consisting of Chairman of each society affiliated to the
union or it can be Government nominee if any Bye- law. General body is
subject to power and function assigned in Act, Rules or Bye-law.

The following among other matters are dealt by General Body:

 Confirmation of the proceeding of the last general body meeting.
 Consideration and adoption of annual report, statements of accounts
of last year, review activities and approval of programme of activities
for ensuring year presented by the board.
 Consideration of audit report
 Distribution of profits
 Approval of budget estimates for ensuring year.
 Expulsion of members
 Amendment and repeal of any existing by-law or enactment of new
bye-laws provided that all such amendments shall require the
registration by the registrar cooperative Societies.
 Approval of expenditure incurred over and above the sanction budget
of the federation.
 Allowances to be paid to the members of board for attending board or
other meetings within ceiling fixed by the federation
 Fixation of maximum borrowing limit of the union
 Any matter laid before it by the board.

b) Board of Directors:
Board of Directors of the union consist of:
 Nine Elected chairman of the affiliated Societies.
 One nominee of the NDDB so long as loan or interest of the above
 One nominee of the Federation.
 Chief Executive Officers of the Milk Union
 Other members to be nominated as per the provision of Act.

The election of members of Board of Directors are conducted as per the

election rules and elected members shall hold office for period of 3 years.
The elected directors have provision to resign their seat bye-law and union
re-elect the nominee on vacated seats.

Responsibilities of Board of Directors:
 The board shall decide the policies of the union. It shall have and
exercise all such powers and enter into all such agreement, make all
such agreements, take all such proceedings, and do all acts and things,
as may be necessary or proper for the management of union.
 To confirm the proceedings of previous meetings.
 To purchase or take on lease or otherwise acquired land/building or
construct building with prior approval of registrar.
 To borrow funds required from the time to time to carry on the
business of the Union.
 To apply to government for exemption from holding the license
required for undertaking processing of dairy product to generate
electricity for plants etc.
 To apply for the license required under the rule of the state.
 To approve the administrative set up which also includes staff
requirements, pay scales etc.
 To create funds for ex-employees of Federation.
 To institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal
proceeding by or against the Union or its officer or concerning the
affairs of Union and also allow time for payment or satisfaction of any
debts due and settle any claims against the Union.
 To recommend the General Body, expulsion of any member, as per the
provision of Bye-law No.9.
 To admin members and allot shares.
 To consider audit memo and approve its rectification report for placing
before next General Meeting.
 To approve the annual accounts, Annual report and to recommend
distribution of profits earned by union.
 To arrange for adequate Security against embezzlement, stealing,
misappropriation for damage by employee handing cash, goods and
 To arrange for insurance against loss of property and take up agency
for insurance work.
 To authorize the managing Director to sell commodities on credit.
 To decide the taking over of management of member society whenever
asked by Registrar with or without financial liabilities.
 To consider monthly income and expenditure of the Union.

 To endorse, sell, transfer and otherwise deal with securities and to
delegate power in this respect to any two or more members of the

c) Personnel Committee:
A Personnel Committee compromised under as:
 Chairman of Board.
 One non-official elected Director nominated by Board of Directors.
 One Director representing Federation.
 One Director representing NDDB.
 Chief Executive officer of the Union.

Responsibilities of Personnel Committee:

 To exercise and perform functions as per staff service rules framed for
the employees of the union.
 To suggest arrangement of In-service training with view to further
improving the effectiveness and capabilities of employees of the Union.
 To suggest administrative set up which include the staff requirements,
pay scales etc.
 To perform such other functions as are entrusted to it by the broad.

d) Chairman:
Chairman is elected from amongst the elected members in the board
meeting every year in the month of September. The retiring chairman shall
eligible for re-election as per provision of the act rules.

Responsibilities of Chairman:
 To preside over the meeting of General Body, Board of Directors and
Personnel Committee.
 To ensure implementation of Policy decisions of Board.
 To undertake such other functions as are specially entrusted to him by
the Personnel Committee.

e) Chief Executive Officer:

The Chief Executive Officer by whatever designation called shall be principal
executive officer of the Union and all employees of the union shall perform
their duties under his superintendence and control. He shall exercise such
powers as are assigned to him under the bye-laws, Staff service rules, or
delegated to him by Board.

Responsibilities of Chief Executive officer:
 Shall have general control over the Administration, Management,
Finance and business of the Union.
 Will have the responsibility to sue or be sued on the behalf of Union
and all bonds and agreements made in Favour of the Union shall be in
his name.
 Shall have power to endorse, sign, negotiate, cheques and other
negotiable instruments. Shall also sign all deposit receipts and operate
on the account of Union.
 Shall sign all the orders and letters including appointment and
promotion of employees as per the decision of Personal committee.
 Shall allow credit to buyers within limit fixed by Board.
 Shall undertake import and export business of Union.
 Shall carry negotiations with the Government and other Organisations.
 Shall make necessary arrangement of transportation, freight,
forwarding and storage of milk and other commodities.
 Shall arrange to insure all properties of the Union against the risk of all
 Shall arrange to import training to the employees of Union.
 Shall arrange to maintain proper accounts of the Union.
 Shall arrange to Prepare the annual report, the balance sheet of
preceding financial year and the budget of the Union.
 Shall Convene the meeting of Board of Directors as required under
these bye-laws and General Meeting as and when directed by their
 Shall arrange to supervise the affiliated societies
 Shall Disburse pay, bonus, allowances, including medical and travelling
allowances claims as are admissible to employee.
 Shall Sanction clearness allowances and other allowances by the
Government to its employee.
 Shall arrange to keep in custody all documents, promissory notes, loan,
bonds etc.
 Shall determine power, duties, of the employee of the Union.
 Shall Determine the Jurisdiction function and territorial and
headquarter of the Union.
 The CEO authorised to delegate any of his powers, authorities and
discretions vested in him by these bye-law to any employee subject to
ultimate control and authority retained by him.

Flow chart of District Level Operations:

III. State Level
The management of Federation compromise of:
 General Body
 Board of Directors.
 Personnel Committee
 Chairman
 Managing director

a) General Body
The General body is consisting of Chairman of each Milk Union or it can be
Government nominee if any. General body is subject to power and function
assigned in Act, Rules or Bye-law. The following among other matters are
dealt by General Body:
 Consideration and adoption of Annual Report, Statement of Accounts
of last year, Review of activities of current year and approval of
programme of activities for ensuing year presented by the Board.
 Consideration of audit report
 Distribution of profits
 Approval of budget estimates for ensuring year.
 Expulsion of members
 Amendment and repeal of any existing by-law or enactment of new
bye-laws provided that all such amendments shall require the
registration by the registrar cooperative Societies.
 Approval of expenditure incurred over and above the sanction budget
of the federation.
 Allowances to be paid to the members of board for attending board or
other meetings within ceiling fixed by the federation
 Fixation of maximum borrowing limit of the union
 Any matter laid before it by the board.

b) Board of Directors:
Board of Directors of the Federation consist of:
 Chairman of the Milk union provided it has procured on an average
minimum of 10 thousand kilograms of Milk per day during the last 3
cooperative years.
 Government nominee as per the provisions of the Act.
 One Nominee of the NDDB.
 Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Haryana or his nominee.

 Managing Director as per the provisions of the Act.
 One nominee of the financing Institution notified as such by
 Co-opted members belonging to weaker sections as per provisions of
the act

There shall not be any election for the membership of the board of Directors
of the Federation. Where a person becomes a member of the Board of the
Federation by reason of the office of Chairman, he holds in a Milk Union, he
shall continue to be a member of the Board till he is the Chairman of the
Milk Union, but his membership of the Board of the Board of Federation
Shall terminate when he ceases to hold that office in his Union and his
successor shall automatically replace him on the Board. In case the
representative of the Milk Union is placed under suspension pending action
for his elimination from the membership of the board of Directors of the
Milk Union, he shall not be competent to represent the union in the Board
of the Federation till the orders placing him under suspension are withdrawn
or modified.

Responsibilities of Board of Directors:

 The board shall decide the policies of the Federation. It shall have and
exercise all such powers and enter into all such agreement, make all
such agreements, take all such proceedings, and do all acts and things,
as may be necessary or proper for the management of Federation.
 To confirm the proceedings of previous meetings.
 To purchase or take on lease or otherwise acquired land/building or
construct building exceeding value Rs 1.00 Lakh with prior approval of
 To borrow funds required from the time to time to carry on the
business of the Federation.
 To apply to government for exemption from holding the license
required for undertaking processing of dairy product to generate
electricity for plants etc.
 To apply for the license required under the rule of the state.
 To approve the administrative set up which also includes staff
requirements, Qualifications, experience, pay scales etc.
 To create funds and trusts for the welfare of the employees or ex-
employees of the Federation or dependants of such persons.
 To institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal
proceeding by or against the Federation or its officer or concerning

the affairs of Federation and also allow time for payment or
satisfaction of any debts due and settle any claims against the
 To recommend the General Body, expulsion of any member, as per
the provision of Bye-law No.9.
 To admin members and allot shares.
 To consider audit memo and approve its rectification report for
placing before next General Meeting.
 To approve the annual accounts, Annual report and to recommend
distribution of profits earned by Federation.
 To fix the rate of service charges for procuring, manufacturing
processing and marketing of raw material and allied products through
the Federation.
 To decide pricing policy for the dairy and allied produce supplied by
the members.
 To fix the charges for use of its trade mark/brand name.
 To approve the purchase and erection of plant ,machinery and other
fixed assets required for the business of the Federation.
 To approve sale of any land, immoveable property or fixed assets if
not required for the business of the Federation.

c) Personnel Committee:
Personnel Committee compromised under as:
 Chairman of Board.
 One non-official elected Director nominated by Board of Directors.
 One Director to be nominated by Government out of Government
nominees and Registrar, Cooperative Societies.
 One Director representing NDDB.
 Managing Director of the Federation.

Responsibilities of Personnel Committee:

 To exercise and perform functions as per staff service rules framed for
the employees of the Federation.
 To suggest arrangement of In-service training with view to further
improving the effectiveness and capabilities of employees of the
 To suggest administrative set up which include the staff requirements,
pay scales etc.
 To perform such other functions as are entrusted to it by the broad.

d) Chairman:
The Government may appoint a Chairman of the Board of Directors as per
provisions of the Act but where no such Chairman is appointed by the
Government, a Chairman shall be elected from amongst the Chairman of the
Unions, who are on the Board of Directors of the Federation in the meeting
of the Board every year in the month of July. The retiring Chairman shall be
eligible for re-election as per provision of the Act and Rules.

Responsibilities of Chairman:
 To preside over the meeting of General Body, Board of Directors and
Personnel Committee.
 To ensure implementation of Policy decisions of Board.
 To ensure proper development of the Federation.
 To undertake such other functions as are specially entrusted to him by
the Personnel Committee or Board.

e) Managing Director:
The Government may appoint a Managing Director as per provisions of the
Act. When no such Managing Director is appointed by the Government, the
Federation may appoint a Managing Director in the manner laid down in the
Staff Service Rules. The Managing Director shall be the Principal Executive
Officer of the Federation and all the employees of the Federation shall
function and perform their duties under his superintendence and control.
He shall exercise such powers are assigned to him under the bye-laws, Staff
Service Rules, or delegated to him by the Board of Director. He shall work
under the superintendence and control of the Board of Directors.

Responsibilities of Managing Director:

 Shall have general control over the Administration, Management,
Finance and business of the Federation.
 He shall purchase or take on lease or acquire any land, building or
properties not exceeding the value of rupees one lakh with the prior
approval of the Registrar.
 He shall be the officer to sue or to be sued on behalf of the Federation
and all bonds and agreements made in favour of the Federation shall
be in his name.
 He shall have powers for and on behalf of the Federation to endorse,
sign, negotiate cheques and other negotiable instruments. He shall also

sign all deposit receipts and operate on the accounts of the Federation
with any bank.
 he shall appoint, suspend, award punishment including dismissal from
service to employees of the Federation as per provisions of the Staff
Service Rules applicable to the employees of the Federation.
 He shall allow credit to buyers within limits fixed by the Board from time
to time.
 He shall undertake import and export business for and on behalf of the
 He shall carry out negotiations with the Government and other
 He shall make necessary arrangements for transport and shortage of
dairy and allied products.
 He shall arrange to insure all properties of the Federation against risks
of all kinds.
 He shall arrange to import training to the employees of Federation, Milk
Unions and Milk societies.
 He shall enter into agreements or contracts for purchase, sale, lease of
land, buildings required for the working of the Federation and to
execute documents on behalf of the Federation and to represent it in
all legal actions initiated by or on behalf of the Federation.
 He shall arrange to maintain proper accounts of the Federation.
 He shall arrange to prepare the Annual Report Balance Sheet of the
preceding financial year and the Budget of the Federation for the
ensuing year for placing before the Board of Directors.
 He shall convene the meeting of the Board of Directors as required
under these bye-laws and General Meeting as and when directed by
the Board or found necessary on receipt of requisition from the
requisite number of members or upon requisition from Registrar.
 He shall arrange to supervise the Milk Unions.
 He shall conduct correspondence for and on behalf of the federation.
 He shall disburse pay, allowances, including medical and traveling
allowance claims as are admissible to employees.
 He shall sanction dearness allowance and other allowances as are
allowed by the Government to its employees.
 He shall disburse all expenses approved by the competent authority.

 He shall fix procurement price of milk from time to time.
 He shall disburse all expenses approved by the competent authority.
 He shall disburse al expenses approved by the competent authority.
 He shall determine jurisdiction functional and territorial and
Headquarters of the employees of the Federation.
 He may hire building on rent upto Rs.2000/-per month.
 He shall be competent to fix sale price of milk and milk products and to
permit sale of milk products.

Flow Chart of Federation operations:

5 Project Scope

❏ As Is Assessment
This Section of the document intends to describe about the current
functioning of different verticals/branches/operations work under Haryana
Dairy Development Cooperative Federation (HDDCF). This section is
prepared on the basis of our interaction with different stakeholders at
various levels under HDDCF.

This structure consists of a dairy cooperative society at the village level

affiliated to a milk union at the district level which in turn is federated into a
milk federation at the state level.

The major operation of HDDCF comprises of Milk Procurement and its

storage at Chilling Centres for further consumption at Milk Plants as well as
distribution/sales of milk in liquid form. To better understand we have
decomposed the entire operations of HDDCF into various modules:

6 Milk Procurement-DCS
Milk Procurement at Village level is done by the village dairy cooperative
society (DCS). The DCS in villages collect the surplus milk from milk producers
in Shifts. Aside from milk procurement, various Input, other support and
extension Services are routed through the DCS to the farmers.

6.1 Milk Producer Registration

To supply milk at DCS, DCS’s employee collects details such as Name, age
and address to register the member. These details are collected at DCS
during the procurement process and DCS’s employee intake farmer’s milk

under that member ID. The registration of the member is maintained at
Member Registration and Registration status can be categorized as:

i. Member
 Registered Members are those who belongs to Haryana state and
submitted valid proof of their residence.
 These candidates are eligible for various Society services such as
input as well as extension services.
 These members are eligible to get incentives /bonuses etc. based
on Govt schemes ruled out by HDDFC.
 To become a member of the society, user must provide the
following details:
- Member’s name
- Member’s Age
- Member’s Father Name
- Member Address

 Providing these details, member is eligible to pour the milk and

passbook is being provided to him/her for his daily record of this
 The passbook provided to member records Milk quantity, FAT,
SNF and balance.

ii. Non-member
 These are the candidates who are from other states but eligible to
pour milk at society.
 The registration process is similar and unique member ID is
assigned to them.
 Being in Non-member category these milk producers do not get
any extra benefits rather are provided only extension services by
 These members are not eligible to get incentives/ bonuses etc.

Flow Diagram of Milk Producer registration:

6.2 Society Formation
These Co-op societies are being formed based on the milk potential of the
village. The interested candidate can directly reach plant with the request
to form society or candidate can submit the request to field staff or
procurement officer during the field Visit. The request application of
candidate is being discussed with CEO after verifying the milk potential. If
CEO shows approval, procurement officer conducts meeting with
candidate to convey required information on how he/she can form the
society. It’s been clearly addressed that managing committee will be
formed of 9 members and by this committee 1 Chairman and 1 secretary
will be elected. Once all the aspects are verified, society registration
process is being initiated at plant level and unique Society code and
registration Code is being allocated. Generally, It takes 1-2 visits to get the
society registration at plant level done collecting all the documents. As
soon as all the formalities are completed, all the records are maintained
in documents at procurement level and for billing purpose. Further Union
provide necessary assistance to milk producers to organize co-operative
societies at the village level. Training and education of member producers
and society secretaries is also imparted.

i. Registered
 Having the application approved, the `milk union gives
authorization to society to start procuring the milk.
 Required stationary is being assigned on the name of society holder
so that he/she can start running the operation.
 First 90 days are probation in which procurement department
studies the total milk received from this society and if this society
meets the norms of milk union in the terms of Milk quantity and
quality, Milk union authorize this society for permanent
 Now this society is known as registered society at plant level and
procurement departments conveys the instruction to accounts
department to allocate all the benefits/incentives which are
applicable as per the HDDFC schemes.

ii. Proposed
 The society in its probation period(90days) remains proposed
 In this period society does not receive full benefits from Milk

iii. Society Time Schedule

 Milk is procured in shifts (Evening and Morning) and the
schedules/Shifts for procuring the milk are decided by Milk
procurement department. The time assigned to society is conveyed
through time schedule note which is sent to society through field
staff officer or the Transporter.

6.3 Society Operations

Once the Society is formed, Operations are divided into Managerial and
Operations phases. To Run the Society wisely/properly, members of the
society elects Managing committee which further elect 1 Chairman and 1
Secretory amongst the members to supervise the managerial phase
whereas Society’s Secretory supervise the operation Phase.

Flow of Society Operations

i. Managerial

a) Managing Committee adhere the responsibilities such as:

 To deal with application of membership, resignation, demand for
shares, transfer of shares and refund of shares.
 To raise necessary funds for the working of the society and to decide
the conditions to receive deposits and to invest surplus funds for the
society according to Haryana State Cooperative Societies Act, 1984.
 To open necessary accounts in a bank in the name of society.
 To verify the register of members, book of accounts and other
register and to take necessary actions to have these written
systematically and completely.
 To prepare annual report and accounts statement in time and to
authorize the chairman or any other member to publish them in
Annual general body meeting.
 To file claims, protect and compromise legal suits and hear other
complaints and dispose them off.
 To hire building for office use and godown for storing or selling goods
or build or purchase same by getting prior approval of the General
body and registrar.
 To frame administrative or business rules and resolutions.
 To provide necessary facilities, information and statements to
 To take package insurance policy at reasonable rate against the loss
of cash and other commodities.
 To arrange purchase/sale of milk, ghee, cattle feed as per the
instructions of District milk union.
 To take necessary steps to recover any outstanding debt of the
 Handling the disputes not settled by chairman and much more

b) Chairman adhere the responsibilities such as:

 To execute the resolutions through the Secretory passed by MC and
General Body meeting.
 To supervise the daily routine work of the Secretory.
 To see the surplus amount exceeding the limit specified by
Managing committee.
 To verify or get verified the stock of goods, equipment, Dead stock
atleast once in 3 months.
 To see the work of the society is conducted according to the
cooperative societies Act/rules.
 To take necessary action to rectify the objections mentioned in
audit reports.

 To arrange or furnish all details and information asked by
Cooperative department, the central cooperative bank and District
Milk union.
 To dispose off the complaints or place the complaints before the

c) Secretary adhere the responsibilities such as:

 To call Meetings of General body, managing committee, according
to the instructions of chairman and to remain present at these
 To spend, withdraw and recover money according to the
instructions of the managing committee.
 To receive all communications addressed to Societies and to draw
attention of committee on important matters.
 To prepare all receipt vouchers, annual reports, trading, profit and
loss account balance sheets and other necessary statements of
society to furnish in time to Cooperative department, the central
bank and the district cooperative Milk Producer Union.
 To place before the managing committee, without delay, the audit
report and to rectify immediately the discrepancies shown in report
and submit the same to auditor once in month.
 To guide supervise and to control the work of the other employee
of the society and their duties fixed from managing committee.
 To write or get written cash book and books of accounts of the
society regularly.
 To withdraw money for the purchase of milk, to collect every day
the sale proceeds of local sale of milk and other sales from the
concerned persons of the society.
 To deposit the surplus cash in bank.
 To take necessary steps for increasing the business of the society.
 To see the dues of society regularly and take actions for recovery.

Flow of Managerial Operations:

ii. Operational
The Operational phase is totally Monitored by the Secretory whose
responsibility to procure the milk at time and as per quality standards.
The operation phase of society work in two groups: Hygienic Milk
Collection and Providing Services.

a) Milk Collection
Milk collection is not just collecting the milk but generally involves the
sequence of operations such Milk Reception, Milk testing, dispatch of
milk. Society collects milk in Shifts (Evening and morning) and in-depth
insights on involved operations is as following:

1.1 Milk Reception

 Milk reception is room in which a stainless steel cans are hosted
on weighing electric meter to collect Buffalo and Cow milk.
 Milk producers supply milk at milk reception in their own
containers (stainless steel) from which society employee collects
the sample to test the milk. The collected Milk sample is
transferred to Quality machine wherein the quality is ensured.
 Society employee reset the weighment and punch the member id
to measure the milk. The milk is being poured to specific can based
on the type of milk carried by Milk producer.
 The DCS Secretary ensures that the measurement of milk is done
carefully so as to avoid foam, shortage etc.
 Quantity of milk supplied by each individual along is recorded
against her/his name in the purchase register and the card/pass
book of the pourer.

1.2 Testing of milk

 Milk samples are tested at authorized machine which is hosted at
Milk reception. Quality of milk can be assessed based on the
following parameters:
- Fat
- SNF of milk
 If it is required, the adulterant test can also be conducted at
society level to make sure the milk is pure and not being formed
with the help of skimmed milk powder.
 The milk producers after weighing the quantity and quality tested
of their milk are given a printed receipt which includes the
provisional shift summary. This receipt includes the following
- Date of procurement
- Shift (Morning and Evening)
- Type of milk (Cow and Buffalo)
- Producer identification number

- Weight
- Fat%
- SNF% of milk
- Rate charged for milk
- Total price

1.3 Dispatch of milk

 The procured tested milk is filled in Cans and transported to
nearest Bulk Milk Coolers(BMC) or Milk chilling centre (MCC)
 All the milk filled cans are tightly covered with lids and are loaded
in the milk vehicle/truck as per the time schedule of a particular
 The staff of the truck delivers the following records to society:
 Quantity, FAT and SNF slip from BMC/MCC of previous shift
 Letters from milk union
 Other material as indented by society

b) Local Sale of milk

Each DCS have the provision to sale the milk at local Level as they are
CO-OP societies and have right to expand the business. Society
committee can charge the applicable rate (suggested by society) to
buyer. Society pays 3rs per litter on the total quantity of milk that is
sold locally to VITA milk union as the fees of utilizing the stationary,
branding of VITA.

c) Payment and Account Keeping

Society pays its members on the interval of 10 days. These payments
are being done based on the milk procured in that time considering
the quality of milk. To keep all this process, society maintains records
at their end as following:

d) Registers and Records

1.1 Members Records

Society maintains records regarding status of registration of members
and non-members in Member register. Member register details are
limited to : Date of Admission, Name, Age, Address, Signature of
Member, Father’s name and Date of termination. (See figure)

1.2 Payment Records

The society staff maintains record regarding payments to each
member such as total amount paid or due against his/her name in pay
off register. As the payment is being made, member’s signatures are
taken as affirmation.
(See figure)

1.3 Indent Records Management

All societies are entitled to submit a stock request for cattle feed or
other products such as ghee to full fill the demand of its member. The
society staff maintains records of stock requested by member by
keeping a track of indent submitted. Only Limited stock is authorized
to each society based on the quantity of milk procured from that
particular society.
(See figure)

1.4 Indent records as per member:

The society staff maintains records for society members regarding
quantity of items (for ex: cattle feed allocated/payment) allocated to
each of them.
(See figure)

b) Providing Services

1.1 Supply of cattle feed to Milk Producers

Milk Unions have defined processes to procure the milk but to procure
a healthy milk is also responsibility of Milk Union which is strictly
monitored by procurement department. Milk union supply cattle feed
and other products to societies which further allocated to milk
producers to retain healthy milk for procurement. Societies have their
limit to order to cattle feed and products based on the Milk dispatch
limit of that particular society on daily basis.

1.2 Animal health Coverage

This is the service provided to society members to get benefit of
animal health coverage. The milk union conducts the timely
campaigns in which veterans inspect the animal health.

1.3 Breeding
The registered societies gets the benefit of awareness on proper
breeding procedures. Milk union conducts awareness programs at

registered society villages with the help of society secretory and all
members are intimated/informed about proper ways for breading.

iii. Reports/Records
 Record of all registered milk producers.
 Record of total milk transported to nearest BMC.
 Payment records regarding each member of society.
 Indent submission records regarding stock requests.
 Indent Bills

iv. Key Observations Regarding Pain Areas (Procurement Module)

 All the reports are maintained manually.
 Duplication of data entry
 Lack of Authenticity and Transparency

Flow Chart of Society Operations:

6.4 BMC Milk Procurement
BMC are the bulk milk coolers where milk is stored at very low
temperature before transporting it to milk plant. The installation of BMC
is done by District Milk Union on rented or Own premises. The District
Milk Union deputes its officer at each BMC who is responsible for
managing overall operations at that particular BMC. As BMC stores the
milk received from Societies so operations involved in collecting the milk
are almost identical to societies.

i. Milk Collection
A truck allocated to collect Milk from Societies came to BMC to collect
empty cleaned cans and starts the collection journey at designated time.
The truck driver and helper collect milk from every society and in this
process they load the filled cans and provide them empty cleaned cans
for the collection of next shift. The truck sheet/record indicating the milk
quantity and quality of previous shift is being handed over to Society
employee and if Society has particular request such as Indent, it is being
collected and conveyed at BMC. BMC also works in Morning and evening
shifts and the timings for these shifts are decided by Milk union. At BMC
these cans are transferred to Milk reception area for testing and
weighment. The current flow of collecting/receiving the milk is further
bifurcated as following:

a) Reception of Milk
 To test the quantity, BMC employee transfer the cans to the electronic
weighment meter.
 Once the quantity of all cans is confirmed, BMC employee drew a
sample from milk cans to test the quality of milk. The milk is weighed
separately for each individual society and entries are being marked in
Milk receipt register against the society’s name and code.
 Once the quality and quantity is confirmed, the milk from cans is
being shifted to large container for chilling and further it is being
transferred to storage tank until tanker came to collect from Milk
 The empty cans are being sent to Cleaning palace for washing. Each
BMC have this facility to wash the cans properly.

b) Testing of Milk
As explained, there are machines to monitor Quality of milk hosted at
BMC. BMC employee is instructed to test the quality again before
shifting the milk from cans to cooler. Following is the glimpse of overall
 Organoleptic test is performed on samples carried from procured milk
to calculate grading for sourness.
 The milk which does not qualify the quality parameters, is kept aside
for drainage or being sent back to society with reason. Union decides
the rates of such separated milk according to union pricing policy.

 Also the individual composite sample is drawn to test quality of milk
by assessing following parameters:
 Fat
 After the testing is over, the records are compiled; the leftover sample
milk is disposed of in a manner decided by the management

c) Dispatch of Milk
 The procured and tested milk is meant to be transferred from Storage
tanker to Milk tanker came from Milk Union.
 The BMC official prepares the dispatch note indicating the quantity
and temperature of milk in rear and front chamber.
 The staff of the truck also delivers the Acknowledgement of previous
shift, letters from milk union, other materials as indented by the
society and BMC. This is done quickly to avoid any stoppage of the
vehicle more than the schedule.
 The dispatch note indicates the following information:
- Date and shift
- Route Code
- Arrival time and Arrived at
- Tanker Number and Seal number
- Milk quantity and quality in Front chamber and rear chamber.
- Temperature of milk
- Signatures of Prepared by, checked by and In charge

ii. Registers and Record Management:

At BMC level, following are the records that are currently

a) Society and tanker sheet Records

The BMC employee maintains the records regarding milk received,
dispatched, stored and accepted/rejected from each Society during
whole month and also total milk received. This task is performed on
daily basis to prevent any mistake. Along with this the record of
tanker’s dispatch note duplicate copies is also maintained at BMC side.
(See figure)
(See figure)

b) Indent records:
The BMC maintains the records of submitted indents to Milk Union.
All BMC are entitled to submit a Material request for Stationary or
equipment required. The BMC staff maintains records of requested stock
by keeping a track of indent submitted.
(See figure)

c) BMC Operations Records

BMCs are equipped with certain devices such as generator to supply
electricity and water motor for the cleaning milk coolers and cans. All
these are monitored by BMC employee and specifically records are
maintained of the occurrence of specific device/equipment. Meter
readings, Generator fuel etc. are maintained as record too which is
supervised by authorized field staff.

iii. Reports
 Record of all registered Societies
 Report for organoleptic test
 Record of total milk transported to Milk Plant.
 Truck dispatch note Register.
 Submitted indent records

iv. Key Observations Regarding Pain Areas (Procurement Module)

 All the reports are maintained manually.
 Duplication of data entry
 Lack of Authenticity and Transparency

Flow of BMC Milk Procurement:

6.5 MCC Milk Procurement
MCC are larger milk storing units where milk is stored at very low
temperature before transporting it to milk plant. MCC units are
established on own premises only and Milk union officials are deputed to
supervise the procurement and storage operations. MCC stores the milk
received from societies and BMC so operations involved in collecting the
milk are as following:

i. Milk Collection
A truck allocated to collect Milk from Societies and BMC is being
dispatched to collect the milk. The truck going to collect the Milk from
societies carries empty clean Cans. The truck driver and helper collect
milk from every society and in this process they load the filled cans and
provide them empty cleaned cans for the collection of next shift. The
truck sheet/record indicating the milk quantity and quality of previous
shift is being handed over to Society employee and if Society has
particular request such as Indent, it is being collected and conveyed at
MCC. MCC also works in Morning and evening shifts and the timings for
these shifts are decided by Milk union. At MCC these cans are transferred
to Milk reception area for testing and weighment. The current flow of
collecting/receiving the milk is further bifurcated as following:

a) Gate Pass Generation

MCC’s are equipped with security. Security officials keep
maintaining the inward and outward records of Milk. Each entry
of In and dispatch is being maintained at particular Gate pass
number and security official records:
- Route Number
- Vehicle Number
- In time
- Full Cans
- Out time
- Empty cans
- Gate pass number
- Signature of driver

b) Reception of Milk
- The milk is sent for weighment first after it entered
through the Gate, MCC employee have the cans
transferred to the electronic weighment meter.
- Once the quantity of all cans is confirmed, MCC employee
drew a sample from milk cans to test the quality of milk.
The milk is weighed separately for each individual
society/BMC and entries are being marked in Milk receipt
register against the society/BMC name and code.
- Once the quality and quantity is confirmed, the milk from
cans is being shifted to large container for chilling and

further it is being transferred to storage tank until tanker
came to collect from Milk Union.
- The empty cans are being sent to Cleaning palace for
washing. Each MCC have this facility to wash the cans

c) Testing of Milk
- As explained, there are machines to monitor Quality of
milk hosted at MCC. MCC employee is instructed to test
the quality again before shifting the milk from cans to

Following is the glimpse of overall process:

- Organoleptic test is performed on samples carried from
procured milk to calculate grading for sourness.
- The milk which does not qualify the quality parameters,
is kept aside for drainage or being sent back to society
with reason. Union decides the rates of such separated
milk according to union pricing policy.
- Also the individual composite sample is drawn to test
quality of milk by assessing following parameters:
 Fat
- After the testing is over, the records are compiled; the
leftover sample milk is disposed of in a manner decided
by the management committee.

d) Dispatch of Milk
- The procured and tested milk is meant to be transferred
from Storage tanker to Milk tanker when tanker came
from Milk Union.
- The MCC official prepares the dispatch note indicating
the quantity and temperature of milk in rear and front
- The staff of the tanker also delivers the
Acknowledgement of previous shift, letters from milk
union, other materials as indented by the society and
MCC. This is done quickly to avoid any stoppage of the
vehicle more than the schedule.

- The dispatch note indicates the following information:
- Date and shift
- Route Code
- Arrival time and Arrived at
- Tanker Number and Seal number
- Milk quantity and quality in Front chamber and rear
- Temperature of milk
- Signatures of Prepared by, checked by and In charge

ii. Milk Record Management:

At MCC level, following are the records that are currently maintained:

a) Society and tanker sheet Records

The MCC employee maintains the records regarding milk received,
dispatched, stored and accepted/rejected from each Society/BMC
during whole month and also total milk received. This task is
performed on daily basis to prevent any mistake. Along with this the
record of tanker’s dispatch note duplicate copies is also maintained at
BMC side.

b) MCC Operations Records

MCCs are equipped with certain devices such as generator to supply
electricity and water motor for the cleaning milk coolers and cans. All
these are monitored by MCC employee and specifically records are
maintained of the occurrence of specific device/equipment. Meter
readings, Generator fuel etc. are maintained as record too which is
supervised by authorized field staff.

iii. Reports/Records
- Record of all registered Societies and BMC
- Report for organoleptic test
- Record of total milk transported to Milk Plant.
- Truck dispatch note Register.

iv. Key Observations Regarding Pain Areas (Procurement Module)

i. All the reports are maintained manually.
ii. Duplication of data entry
iii. Lack of Authenticity and Transparency

Flow of MCC Milk Procurement:

6.6 Plant Milk Procurement Department
Milk Procurement department at plant level closely monitor day to day
operations of milk collection from Societies and BMC/MCC with the help of
its field staff/Route Incharge whereas Incharge of department monitors the
process in being followed or not along with the profit/loss matric. Coming to
the roles of Procurement department, it focus on performance of societies,
identifying milk potential within territory, managing time Schedule and
managing the transportation of Milk.

I. Time Schedule
Transportation of milk is very crucial part and being on time is first and
top most priority. Procurement Department at plant level handles it well
by declaring a time schedule to each route. This Schedule is official
confirmation declared by Procurement department to all societies and
allocated transporter about the timings for milk collection and this
scheduled is sent to all concerned societies, Transporters, Area officer
and AGM of accounts through applicable channels. The timings are
meant to be changed based on the season such as summer and winters
and this is current process to acknowledge the concerned parties.

The information Indicated in this sheet:

 Route No
 Date (w.e.f)
 Society Name- Timing for Morning
 Timing for Evening
 Grace time for Morning and Evening
 Timings for MP/CC/BMC
 Signature of Procurement manager

II. Truck sheet & Route register

Truck and Route Register is the process currently followed to keep the
track of currently collected milk from particular society/BMC/CC. With
the help of this sheet, procurement department evaluates the milk
received from particular route which also address the number of
societies and quantity of milk collected from these societies.
Procurement department can verify the followings with the help of

Truck sheet:

 Date and Shift of Milk Collection
 Route No
 Vehicle Number
 Arrival time and Arrived at time
 Weighment time
 Society names and codes
 Buffalo Milk Qty/FAT/SNF
 Cow Milk Qty/FAT/SNF
 Curd Qty/Fat
 Cans received
 Remarks
 Total Milk received from total number of societies

III. Transporters
Milk is Transported to milk plant through authorized transportation for
milk processing. These authorized transporters are registered
transporters and they are highly responsible for transportation of milk
and products on time. These transporters can be plant’s owned or hired
and each transporter is assigned to specific route. Based on the need of
transporters/vehicles MU releases tenders explaining on which route
they are looking for the vehicles. Based on the applications received and
evaluating the payment model, MU establish contract with that
transport for one year. The payments are mostly released on 15 days
interval and Transporter’s Payments can be categorized as following on
basis of contract they are enrolled in:
a) Fixed (fix amount of payment based on the fixed kilometres they
have to run)
b) Variable/per Km (Some transporters are hired based on the KM as
they did not assign with permanent KM limit)

To make the contract, following information is required from

transporters at the time of contract:
 Personal details (Address, Contact, Identity Proofs)
 Vehicles: (vehicle type and number of vehicles)
 Drivers:(Name of driver, ID, License)
 Routes:(Assigned route, Assigned arrival time)

IV. Reports
Here are the reports that are maintained at Procurement Department.
 Record of all registered Societies
 Quality assessment report of procured milk.
 Record of total milk transported to Milk Plant (Monthly/quarterly)
 Truck Sheet Register.
 Bulk Milk Receipt Register
 Time schedule
 Agreement Form
 Route register
 Tanker despatch note
 Approved list of transporters

7 Milk Plant Gate Entry
Milk Plant Gate Entrance team ensure the safety of all Inwards and
Outwards. Not just safety of inwards/outwards but security of Milk plant
properly manages the attendance of employees/Labourer as well as the
visitor’s book. Gate Entrance team, makes the records of every Inward
and Outward to make sure that incoming or outgoing
material/product/item/visitor is subjected to plant’s process and security.
It is mandatory that without Gate pass creation, no inward or outward
entry will be made and day to day operations of Gate Entrance team are
as following:

7.2 Vehicle Movement Register:

This is the first register maintained at entrance of gate to maintain the

entries of Vehicles carrying the milk to Milk plant. In this register, allocated
security official marks the entries of each vehicle which is Incoming or going
out from Milk Plant.

i. The process:
Once Vehicle reached at Gate, it is mandatory that helper assigned to
vehicle will come to security desk and will confirm the details about
number of cans, route no etc. During this entry, the other security official
conducts the general inspection of the vehicle.
Once this entry is being made, vehicles is waved to move toward the
weighment bridge and following are the records maintained at Vehicle
Movement Register:
 Sr. NO and Date of Entry
 Shift
 Vehicle No.
 Driver Name
 Route No.
 Time In
 Incoming Cans
 Signature
 Timeout
 Gate Pass No.
 Out coming cans
 Signature

b) Weighment Bridge: Filled

On weighment bridge, the weight of vehicle is monitored including filled
cans. In this process, driver comes out during the weighment and weighment
officer records the entry against the route number from which vehicle came.
This entry is stored in the equipment currently used at the Weighment
bridge and vehicles is being waved to move towards the milk reception dock
of milk plant. Would like to add that, one Security official is assigned at
weighment bridge too to pen down the entries of weighment in tanker
receipt register.

c) Gate pass generation at milk reception:
At milk reception, the vehicle driver sets the vehicle to unload the cans at
milk reception dock and Security official assigned at milk dock monitors this
process. He records the number of cans unloaded from the vehicle against
the vehicle’s Gate pass number and driver gets the copy of the same. Before
loading the empty and clean cans into vehicle, driver makes sure that he
submitted the quantity of Milk cans at Milk receipt register hosted at Milk
reception dock against the route number. After collecting the empty cans,
vehicle makes the movement towards the Weighment Bridge. Here is the
brief on the information that Vehicle driver must have to submit for gate
pass and Milk receipt register:
 Route Number
 Vehicle Number
 Name of driver
 Quantity of cans
 Time in
 Gate Pass number

d) Weighment: Empty
After collecting the empty Cans and Gate Pass receipt at Milk reception,
Vehicle moves towards the weighment bridge to confirm the weighment of
empty vehicle/cans so that gross weight can be recorded in system as well
as tanker receipt register.

e) Gate out:
After the weighment, vehicle moves to Gate for Gate out. At Gate, helper
with the vehicle submits the Gate pass to security official in which empty
cans are mentioned. The other security official, do the counting of Can again
and if there is any miss match they hold the vehicle inside the milk plant until
clarification is done.

ii. Records Management

Following are the records that are maintained at Gate:
 Vehicle Movement Register (See figure)
 Gate Pass receipts (See figure)
 Tanker Receipt register (See figure)

Flow of Vehicle Movement register records:

7.3 Inward Material Register

This is the register maintained to record the material which is incoming to

plant from parties or other plant. The material recorded in this register
can be Store material, Production material or any form of raw material
that is required at plant. When Material reaches at Gate, Gate official
make the record in Inward material register indicating:
 Date,
 Shift
 Type of material
 Quantity
 Party its received from
 Time In
 Invoice number and Date

i. Weighment and Gate Inward generation:

From Gate, vehicle is referred to weighment Bridge to record the weight
of material. In case the material is packed and quantity needs to verify,
security official personal reckon the items and makes the entries to
Loading register. Loading register is the format to make the records such
as quantity of material during the counting and driver’s signatures are
being taken. After the weighment verification, vehicle is referred to Store
head along with the Gate Inward. Vehicle driver submits the Gate Inward
to Store head to unload the material.

ii. Weighment and Gate Out

After unloading the vehicle at store, vehicle is referred again to
weighment bridge to record the weight of empty vehicle. This measure is
being recorded against the previous entry to measure the gross weight of
item and it is being recorded at weighment’s system and security’s Inward
material register. After the weighment, Gate Pass is generated addressing
the received material and vehicle is referred to gate from there. At gate,
the gate pass is submitted to security officer and out time of the vehicle
is being recorded at Inward material register. In this process, one security
official inspects the vehicle at gate as protocol.

iii. Records Management

Following are the records that are maintained at Gate:
 Inward Material Register (See figure)

 Gate Pass receipts
Flow of Inward Material register records:

7.4 Outward Material Register
This is the register maintained to record the material which is outgoing
from plant to parties or other plant. The material recorded in this register
can be Store material or Production material that is required as per plan.
The entry of this register maintained from the time of vehicle arrived to
collect the material. The driver of vehicle conveys the party name and
vehicle is allowed to gate in after punching the following details in
Outward Material register:
 Vehicle number,
 Driver name,
 Party name
 Time in
 Shift

After this entry, vehicle is instructed to reach at Store reception where

One security official is appointed to conduct the vehicle inspection which
is mandatory by-law.

i. Vehicle Inspection:
Appointed Security official inspects the vehicle and makes the records in
Inspection register. In inspection, appointed official takes care of various
parameters such as:
 Cleanliness of vehicle (Inside and outside)
 Vehicle Insulation (Yes/No)
 Temperature (Applicable as per the vehicle type or material)
 Any protruding nails etc.?
 Any objection?

Verifying the above details, Security official punch these entries in register
against the Vehicle No, Party name, Route number, Driver and helpers
name. After this, signatures of driver and Supervisor are collected on this
entry and vehicle is ready for the loading of the requested material.

ii. Loading register:

This is the other register maintained by security official during the loading
of material. In this register, Security official pen down all the items that

are being loaded to vehicle highlighting the quantity, unit and weight.
Inputting this data, signature of driver is being collected as the approval
to quantity of items he is going to carry. After this, Gate pass and Invoice
is being handed over to Driver for Gate out.

iii. Gate Out

At gate, the gate pass including the copy of invoice is submitted to security
officer and out time of the vehicle and item details are being recorded at
Outward material register. In this process, one security official inspects
the vehicle at gate as protocol if he is carrying the exact quantity as
invoiced from sales store.

iv. Records Management

Following are the records that are maintained at Gate:
 Outward Material Register (see figure)
 Gate Pass receipts
 Invoice copy of the material

Flow of Outward material:

7.5 Visitor Gate Pass Record
This is the record maintained for all Visitor Entries. The security official
assigned at Gate creates Visitor Gate pass inquiring the purpose of visit from

visitor. If visitors are more than one and have the same purpose to visit the
plant, single Gate pass is being generated on the behalf of them. The
information recorded in Gate Pass is as following:
 Date
 Visitors Number
 Address of Visitor
 No. of Person
 Vehicle No.
 Contact Person
 Purpose of Visit
 Time In and Time Out
 Signature of Visitor
 Signature of SO/ASO

Filling this information in Gate Pass, the copy is being handed over to visitor
whereas duplicate copy is being maintained at Security office. On the Gate
out, same visitor hand over the Gate pass to security and time out is being
recorded in the register.

i. Records Management
Duplicate Copy of created Gate pass is maintained at security office. (See

Flow Diagram of Visitor Gate Pass:

7.6 Replacement Register
This is the register maintained to record the material which came for
replacement in plant. The entry of this register maintained from the time of
vehicle arrived at plant Gate. The driver of vehicle conveys the purpose and
security official generally inspect the material received for the replace.
Confirming the reason for replacement from Driver, Security official inspect
the material and vehicle is allowed to gate in after punching the following
details in Replacement register:

 Date
 Time IN
 Items
 Reason for replacement
 Vehicle No.

 Items replaced
 Signature of DVR
 Signature of Sales
 Signature of Production
 Signature of lab
 Signature of Security officer

After gathering these details, Vehicle is referred to weighment or directly to

store based on the material type it is carrying. If the material is in KG then it
is mandatory to get the weighment done but if the material is in packets
then after security inspection it is directly referred to store head.

i. Gate Pass generation:

As stated above, from Gate, vehicle is referred to weighment Bridge to
record the weight of material. In case the material is packed and quantity
needs to verify, security official personal reckons the items. Store head
assign the Quality inspection of returned items and if the reason is
certain, store head issue the replacement of exact items. Security officer
update the replaced items in Loading register and driver’s signatures are
being taken. After this, invoice for replaced items and gate pass is being
handed over to Driver which he further submits Gate to Gate out.

ii. Gate Out

At gate, the gate pass is submitted to security officer and out time of
the vehicle is being recorded at Inward material register. In this
process, one security official inspects the vehicle at gate as protocol.

iii. Records Management

Following are the records that are maintained at Gate:
a) Replacement Register (See figure)
b) Gate Pass receipts

Flow Diagram of replacement:

7.7 Attendance Registers
These registers are maintained to record the attendance of employees at
plant. As name specifies there are more than one registers allocated at
security office to record the attendance of employees. Each register has
purposes and having discussing the same with Security team, following is the

i. Employees IN & OUT Register:

In this register, Time keeper assigned at security office records the
entries of Milk Plant employee about their IN & Out time. In this register,
the attendance is marked of all Govt. employees. The required fields of
this register are:
- Date and Shift
- Name of employee
- Designation
- In time
- Out time
(See figure)

ii. Register of Employment and Remuneration of Employees:

In this register, Time keeper marks attendance of all Govt. employee’s
day wise and department Wise. All the entries are marked as actual
status of employee such as present, Rest, Absent, Tour, Half day etc. The
required fields of this register are:

- Sr. No
- Name of employee
- Nature of work (Designation)
- Days of Month
- Remarks
(See figure)

iii. Employee Summary Register

In this register, the summary of all employees working on plant is
maintained. The summary meant to be counting of employees in each
department. This register is also maintained on daily basis and Time
keeper, make these entries verifying the Employee IN/OUT register,
Register of Employment and most important Labour attendance register.
In this register total number of employee available in any department
whether it is Production labour, Production Admin, Production office or

any other department. It is responsibility of time keeper to maintain this
register on daily basis.
(See figure)

iv. Labour Attendance Register:

In this register, attendance of labour is maintained. Currently, the
security team keep the identity card of labourer as attendance record
and time keeper keep these cards department wise to ensure who is
present and who is absent. These records are maintained in Employee
Summary register too.

v. Security Attendance Register:

In this register, attendance of Security employees is being maintained.
Time officer mark the entry of each security official as he is designated
to monitor the time. Aside from Attendance, duties are also mentioned
in this register. When Security person signs the time entry, he checks
his duty area and make himself appointed there.
(See Figure)

vi. Keys Register:

This register is maintained to keep the record of Govt. vehicles. Security
team has the charge of all Govt vehicle keys so that when vehicle is
required so, valid key entry can be done in the register and proper track
can be maintained of each vehicle. Following are the entries that are
maintained in the register:
 Sr. No
 Date and Shift
 Name of Person
 Time In ( Taking the key)
 Time out (Returning the key)
 Signatures

vi. Other Records Security team manages:

There are relevant records to the above registers that are required to make
that request official and these records are:

a) Tour Slip:
If any employee is officially assigned on tour for the day, he must submit
this slip to Security team. It is mandatory that slip must be signed by Section

head and CEO so that security person can make the relevant entry in
attendance register
(See figure)

b) Outgoing Duty Slip:

If any employee is officially approved for short leave, he must submit this
slip to Security team. It is mandatory that slip must be signed by Section
head so that security person can make the relevant entry in attendance
(See figure)

c) Application form for CL and CH:

This slip is being submitted to Security team in case employee is on
approved leave. This slip includes the details such as:
- Name of employee
- Designation
- Section
- Kind of leave
- No. of days
- Reason for leave
- Signatures of sanctioning authority
(See figure)

vii. Records management:

Discussing the current operations of security team, we have collected the
following current records that are maintained:
- Vehicle Movement Register
- Inward Material Register
- Outward Material Register
- Visitor Gate pass register
- Replacement Register
- Attendance Registers

Flow of Attendance Registers

7.8 Milk Plant Weighing Bridge

Weighing Bridge is almost explained during the inward and outward material
entries above but here we will explain the exact records maintained at
Weighing Bridge office. At Weighing Bridge, One Security officer and one
Weighing officer is assigned. Weighing officer measures the weight of each
tanker/truck/mini truck carrying milk or any sort of material. The weighing
Bridge is equipped with electronic weighment machine which records the
weighment and weighing officer maintains these records in 2 types of
register as following:

i. Milk Can Register

In Can register, Weighing Officer keeps the records of those vehicles who
carries milk in Cans to milk plant. In this register entries are recorded as:
 Date
 Time
 Route No.
 Vehicle Number
 Total weight

 Gross weight
 Net weight

ii. Material register

In Can register, Weighing Officer keeps the records of those vehicles who
carries material such as paneer, butter or any raw material. In this register
entries are recorded as:
 Date
 Time
 Route No.
 Vehicle Number
 Total weight
 Gross weight
 Net weight

iii. Tanker receipt Register

In this register, all the entries are maintained by Security officer assigned
at Weighing bridge. This register contains the records of Tankers only
that are carrying milk to plant. When the tanker reached at weighment,
driver comes out and security official monitors the seal applied at
outlets. He records the status of seal in Tanker receipt register as ok or

The records are maintained as following:

 Sr. No.
 Tanker No.
 In time
 Driver Name
 From
 Position of seal
 Position of Milk (Gross weight, tare weight, net weight)
 Signatures (Lab, Production, Security)

iv. Records Management:

At Weighing Bridge following are the records that are currently maintained:
 Cans Register (See figure)
 Material Register (See figure)
 Tanker receipt register. (See figure)

Flow Diagram of Milk Plant Weighing Bridge`:

8 Quality Control
Quality Control department at milk plant have various responsibilities. In
short the inputs and involvement of Quality Control department is
necessary at most of the operations at Milk Plant. Starting their
operations from receipt milk testing, quality control department is

equally involved in testing/inspection of Pasteurized milk, SFM, Product
analysis, In process Product testing, Finished good testing, Return goods
testing, Store inward material testing, water testing, packing material
testing etc. Not just this, Quality control department maintains the
records of Internal Calibration and schedule the PEST control on defined
interval of time to keep the plant diseases free or health risk free.

After weighment, the procured milk is tested for quality in the quality
control lab. Quality Control Department controls major operations such
as Collecting and testing milk samples. It also handles operations such as
planning product test and inspection, Incoming material and packing

material inspection, Equipment’s inspection used for production


8.1 Raw Milk Testing

QC team is appointed at Milk reception dock to inspect the Raw milk
received from different societies/BMC’s and MCC. As the milk cans are
unloaded at the milk dock, the employee from quality team performs a
general inspection to identify the quality of milk. This inspection is quick
as it could be done so that the good milk can be further shifted for
sampling. This employee plunging the raw milk to sense the milk

thickness and its Smell. If the milk pass this inspection it is being further
passed for sampling or if does not pass, it is being kept aside for drainage.
i. Collecting Samples

The milk which passed the plunging test is being further referred to draw
the sample. The team appointed at milk sampling, drew a sample from
each can and send these samples to lab for test. At this stage, the
received milk at dock is being recorded in software and the quantity of
milk (which is verified at Milk plant) is being recorded against the sample
number and society’s name.

To collect the sample from tanker, Manhole of tanker is opened and

visual inspection for extraneous matters is done. The milk is stirred with
clean plunger and sampled in clean sampling bottle which is further sent
to lab for test.

NOTE: The samples drawn from cans and the samples drawn from tanker
are being kept separate and reports/registers are being maintained

ii. Conducting Test

The withdrawn sample is tested for quality (Fat and SNF) by quality
control lab team and real time punching of FAT and SNF is being done
with the help of software they are using. This is report of software is
being shared with Production team and accounts team.

Aside from Fat and SNF, other tests such as Acidity, RO, Adulterant, COD,
Neutralization are being conducted at lab and reports are maintained.

iii. Records/Reports

Reports are maintained for quality of milk and following are the
reports/registered which are maintained:
 Daily Raw Milk Analysis: In this report, sample number and its FAT
and SNF are being recorded.
 Tanker Milk Testing records: In this report, Vehicle number, Route
Number, time, temperature, Acidity (BB,BA,diff), AL/COB, Rosalic
Acid test, Urea, Salt, Sugar, Formal dehyde, starch, taste flavour, FAT,
CLR, SNF, remarks and signatures

Flow Diagram of Raw Milk Testing:

8.2 Product Test Plan & Inspection
This is the second segment of Quality team assigned with production
department of Plant. The team members of this segment are well
instructed to perform the inspections on In-process products and
finished products.

i. In Process Product Inspection

Firstly, format is being prepared by QC Incharge for In-Process Product
inspection. In this format, name of product is being mentioned and
along with that characteristics are mentioned which shows that what
parameters are needed to be tested and along with that, sampling and
requirements are mentioned. Sampling will be the record of sampling
frequency and requirements are meant to be report of test. This
format is being prepared in the morning and executed to appointed
team members in different production departments such as Ghee
manufacturing, Paneer, Butter, Milk Powder, SFM etc. Followings are
the usual inspections that are being conducted for In-Process
 Temperature inspection
 Acidity inspection
 Scorch particle test

ii. Finished Product Inspection

As the case above, format for Finished Product inspection is also being
prepared by QC Incharge. In this format, name of product is being
mentioned and along with that characteristics are mentioned which
shows what parameters are needed to be tested and along with that,
sampling and requirements are mentioned. Sampling will be the
record of sampling frequency and requirements are meant to be
report of test. This format is being prepared in the morning and
executed to appointed team members in different production
departments such as Ghee, Paneer, Butter, Milk Powder, SFM, Pinni,
etc. Following are the usual inspections that are being conducted for
Finished products:
 Bacteriological Analysis
 Ghee Grading Test

iii. Product Analysis Record
Product Analysis record is the record of Product which is prepared by
quality department highlighting the value of particulars involved in
this product. This record is maintained for each product and record
against the date is being prepared on. Product analysis record
contains the following information regarding a product:
 Initial weight of product
 Final weight of product and dish
 % Moisture
 % Fat
 %TS
 Acidity%
 Baudvin test
 Colour/Flavour
 Remarks

Flow Diagram of Product Test Plan and Inspection:

8.3 Packing Material Inspection
Quality Control Department is responsible for the inspection of all
packing material allocated from Main store. There are defined set of
parameters to test the material and quality team ensures if the
received material qualifies those parameters.

i. Records of parameter Tested

 Team inspects the material before use to avoid using damaged,
defective or contaminated packaging, which may lead to
contamination of the product.
 Team inspects to ensure that material is non-toxic and shall not pose
threat to the safety and suitability of food.
 Inspects the hygienic condition.

 Inspects the storage where the material will be kept is free from
vermin and dust which could constitute risk of contamination of the
 Inspects if the material is temper proof so that it does not damage
easily during handling.
 Quality control team maintains record of all parameter tested.

ii. Results and Remarks

Having inspected the material, Quality team maintains the records by
inputting the result and remarks in the report. If the material quality, all
the parameters it is being used for packing and if it does not qualify any
parameter then it is being sent back or kept aside in scrap.

Flow Diagram of packing Material Inspection:

8.4 Incoming Material Inspection

Any material such as packing, stationary, engineering etc.
requested/purchased by plant is meant to be inspected by quality
team before placing it to store. Based on the material type, there are
defined set of parameters to test the material such as weight,
quantity, unit and quality team ensures if the received material
qualifies those parameters.

i. Records of parameter Tested
 Team inspects the material qualify the weight and quantity
mentioned in the inspection note.
 Team qualify that the received material is not damaged,
defective or contaminated packaging, which may lead to
contamination of the product.
 Team inspects to ensure that material is non-toxic and shall not
pose threat to the safety and suitability of food.
 Inspects the hygienic condition.
 Inspects the storage where the material will be kept is free from
vermin and dust which could constitute risk of contamination of
the product.
 Inspects if the material is temper proof so that it does not
damage easily during handling.
 Quality control team maintains record of all parameter tested.

ii. Reject or approve

Having inspected the material, Quality team declare if the material is
acceptable as per the quality norms. If the material does not possess
quality parameters, quality team rejects the material submitting the
reason of rejection. Quality team prepares rejection Memo on the
behalf of supplier and address the number of items along with Sr. No
received and checked. In rejection memo, following is the data being
recorded which further sent to supplier along with the material:
 Sr. No.
 Item name
 Quantity (Received, Checked, Rejected)
 Reason of Rejection

Flow Diagram of Material Inspection:

8.5 Production Equipment’s Inspection
Production equipment’s are the actual food processing equipment’s
and to maintain them in hygienic condition is the responsibility of
quality team. Following are the inspections that conducted on the
Production equipment’s on daily basis.

i. Cleaning records
Cleaning and sanitizing of equipment’s are highly recommended. Quality
team ensures that the volume of cleaning agents such as detergents,
chelating agents, wetting agents should be in correct grade as per the
standard to remove the product residue and dirt. As there are different
type of equipment’s hosted in production units so the frequency of
cleaning and usage of cleaning agents is respective assigned based as
 Raw milk unloading systems, silos, pipelines : Daily
 Process milk tankers: Every time before filling
 Pasteurizer, clarifier & Separators, standardiser, homogeniser: Every
5 to 7 hours of operation

Quality team maintains the cleaning record after inspection and records
the following parameters:
 Cleaning Equipment
 Type and strength of detergent used
 Clean/unclean-
 Phenolphthalein test

ii. Internal Calibration Records

Calibration of all measuring, testing, laboratory and process control
equipment is being done by Quality team. Quality team maintains a
record for internal calibration on all equipment. Internal Calibration
record contains the following information:
 Sr. No.
 Name of Equipment
 Date of calibration
 Identification mark
 Principle/Measurement
 Remarks

Flow of Production Equipment Inspection:

8.6 Plant Quality Control

Quality team is overall responsible to maintain the plant in hygienic
and good condition. To maintain the hygiene and cleanliness of plant
Quality team takes initiative of PEST control. They schedule pest
control and they maintain record about pesticides being used for pest

i. Pest Control Schedule
Quality team maintains a schedule for the pest control in the pant and
keeps a record for the pest control schedule which contains the
following information:
 Sr. No.
 Pests
 Section
 Pesticides
 Dosage
 Application Method
 Frequency

ii. Pest control Inspection Card

Quality Control Department is responsible for checking/inspection of
all the pest control activities. Pest control inspection record is
maintained in card which contains following information:
 Contract Number
 Period
 Pests
 Date
 Area
 Date
 Squad/done by
 Time

Flow Diagram of Plant Quality Control:

8.7 Water testing & Other records

As the plant is equipped with Water treatment systems so operations
and maintenance of these systems is defined. Water treatment
system is designed to treat raw water to make it fit for its desired end
use. It includes chlorination, enhanced filtration, activated carbon
filter, polishing filtration and having defined standards, quality team
ensures the quality of water is not causing any chemical or

microbiological contaminants because this water is being used in
cleaning and other operations in production.

i. Water testing records

Water testing is done periodically as per defined limit. In each
report is maintained which contains the following information:
 Date
 Time
 pH
 Total Hardness(ppm)
 Chlorine
 Total Dissolved Solids
 Total Bacterial Count
 Total Coliform
 Remarks/Sign

b) Other Inspection records

 These inspections are basically cumulative of other tests being
performed by Quality team. In these inspections they prepare
the following reports:
 Keeping Quality Record: In this record, temperature, acidity,
acidity time is being recorded of Storage tanks, filling tanks, filling
from cold store, SFM, Tanker. The inputs are recorded at defined
interval of time.
 Daily temperature record: In this record, temperature of cold
store, chilled water and chilled milk is being inspected at the
interval of every hour.
 General analysis Report: It is cumulative of products assigned for
processing/production and in this report, temperature, acidity,
COB, Scorch particles, FAT, SNF, CLR are being recorded

Flow Diagram of water testing:

8.8 Records management:
Following are the records maintained by quality team:
- Cleaning Records (See Figure)
- Adulterant checking records (See Figure)
- Pest Control inspection card and schedule record (See Figure) (See
- Incoming milk testing record (See Figure)
- Pasteurized Pouch packed milk record (See Figure)
- General analysis record (See Figure)
- Ghee, Paneer, butter testing records (See Figure)
- SFM analysis record (See Figure)
- Daily temperature report (See Figure)

- Product Analysis Report (See Figure)
- MBRT report (See Figure)
- Keeping quality record (See Figure)
- Water testing record (See Figure)
- Packing material testing record (See Figure)
- Incoming material testing record (See Figure)
- Internal calibration record (See Figure)
- Test plant formats (In-process, Finished) (See figure), (See figure)

9 Production
Production Department is responsible for converting raw material and
other inputs into finished products based on the demand raised by
marketing team. The production Unit, works in 3 shifts to meet the
demand and in these shifts volume of products, Milk (Pasteurized,
standardized, Raw), In-Process products, finished products, are being
monitored with the help of registers and log books. The current modus
operandi of Production department is as following:

9.1 Milk Receipt Account Register:

Received milk at doc is being recorded in Milk receipt account register.
This register is maintained when the milk cans are unloaded at Milk
reception dock. Truck driver or helper fills out the number of cans that
he is carrying as per the society name and the actual weight recorded
at plant is being record further in this register including FAT and SNF.
Bulk milk receipt register contains the following information:
 Sr. No.
 Society Name
 Society Code
 Type of Milk
 No. of Cans
 Quantity
 Fat%
 SNF%
 Remarks

9.2 Tank position Register

Tank position register is maintained by production staff to record the
status of entire shift. As the shift starts, this is the first register that is

maintained by the Incharge of production. Tank register is filled
properly and updated as per activities such as reception section
showing the milk (G,S,C) received and tanker despatched details
whereas butter and ghee section is filled with current volume of ghee
in tanks, boilers, butter in trolleys, ready to pack. This register has the
inputs on overall production shift overview such as status on cream
separators, staff position of the shift and actual tank positions with
the exact volume of milk. It helps production staff in planning new
tasks and activities for next shift.

Tank position register maintains the record of the following


i. Reception section:
 Date and Shift time
 SM and AM assigned
 Quantity of Milk received in the shift
 Quantity of Good Milk, Sour Milk and Curd received
 Details on tanker arrived including tanker no, from, At, Quantity
and acceptable/not acceptable.
 Details on tanker despatched including tanker no, Despatch to,
at, quantity and type of milk.
 Instructions such as what needs to be addressed on priority.

ii. Butter and Ghee Section:

 Volume in Setting Tank1, Tank2 and Tank3
 Position of Ghee Boiler 1, Ghee Boiler 2 and Ghee Boiler 3
 Details on Melting Vat.1 and Melting Vat.2
 P.S.T
 Status on Butter Trolleys
 C.B.M
 Status of Butter churn
 Status of Ghee packing (Tin)
 Status of Ghee packing Pouches
 Status of Cream Separator No. 1, No.2 and No.3

iii. Staff positions of the shift

 Names of current employee which are assigned on production

iv. Position of Tanks
 Quantity of Milk along with FAT/SNF/Temp/Acidity/COB is
being mentioned in this section as respective to tank no.
 Quantity of Milk along with FAT/SNF/Temp/Acidity/COB is
being mentioned in this section as respective to silo Number
 Quantity of Milk along with FAT/SNF/Temp/Acidity/COB is
being mentioned in this section as respective to Tank Cream no.
 Quantity of Milk along with FAT/SNF/Temp/Acidity/COB is
being mentioned in this section as respective to Pre-pack
 Aside from this tanker loaded at doc is being recorded here
along with number and quantity of milk available.

9.3 Milk Pasteurization/Standardization & Management

It is a manual process through which production department ensures
the planning of received quantity of Raw milk. Production department
staff analyses through milk management process whether the
received milk is enough to meet the demands of sale section and is
adequate to complete all order requirements.
Pasteurization/Standardization of milk is carried out according to the
demand that needs to be fulfilled. Production head executes the
required instructions to the team to process the raw milk stored in
Milk tank. Main instructions involved in this process:

a) Amount of milk that needs to be Standardize.

b) Pasteurization temperature and holding time are being logged that
maintained during the process.
c) Post pasteurization, temperature of chilled milk is maintained.
d) All these above records are maintained in
manufacturing/processing log books

Meanwhile, during our System study with milk plant Ambala, Milk
& Cream Pasteurizer log book is prepared to keep the track of
Process Milk and Cream quantity.

i. Milk & Cream Pasteurizer Log Book

Milk & Cream Pasteurizer log book shows the records of pasteurized
milk and cream. The employee assigned in Pasteurization process
records Milk the data about temperature used in process and also
about separator used.

Details about temperature information includes:
 Temperature of milk in heating section
 Temperature of chilled milk
 Temperature of cream in heating section
 Temperature of chilled cream

Detail about separator used, includes the information about milk

separation from and to. It also includes details about
Breakdown/Shutdown details which primarily includes information as

 Steam
 Power
 Chilled Water
 Compressed Air
 Mechanical

These log books are meant to be monitored by Production Incharge

and Quality team.

9.4 Preparing Production Schedule

Preparing Production schedule means preparing the production
batch and to do that, production Incharge considers available
demand notes on priority. Based on the demand note and available
material, production lot is being assigned to available equipment for
which production department prepares manufacturing log book and
instructions are being sent to employee assigned to that machine.
These instructions are currently sent through phone or paper
explaining what next lot that they have to assign.

i. Demand Notes
Demand notes are notes sent by Marketing and sales team to convey
the demand of parties to production. It’s responsibility of production
team to consider/attend the demand note on priority and there is no
provision to delay the demand note. It is responsibility of production
Incharge to act quickly and proactively to arrange the material if he
finds any shortage.

ii. Manufacturing Log books
As per the norms, maintaining the manufacturing log book is
mandatory because this it shows the record of ingredients,
temperature, quantity of produced product, shift etc. Log books
depends on plant to plant’s capability of production so following are
the log books studies this far:

iii. SFM Log Book

SFM log book is maintained as record on what quantity of Milk is used
to produce SFM, what quantity of sugar is being used and what type
and quantity of flavour is being used. Along with this the person
assigned to SFM production maintains the records of Filter used and
records information about the persons assigned on Empty, cleaned
bottles and also bottle filling. SFM log book information includes:

 Milk Quantity
 Sugar Quantity
 Flavour(Type/Quantity)
 Filter Used
 Persons on
- Empty & Cleaned bottles
- Bottle Filling
- Capping of bottles
- Sticker Pasting

 Persons from quality lab on checking of bottles

It also captures information about a particular Lot of bottles
which includes information about:
 Time When
- Filling Started
- Filling Completed
- Loading of Sterilizer done
- Steam Opened
 Required pressure and temperature achieved
 Holding
 Unloading of Sterilizer

iv. Ghee Manufacturing Log Book

Ghee Manufacturing log book captures information which includes:

 Shift
 Lot No.

Ghee ready Time

 Filtration Time(From/To)
 Filter Change
 Ghee got transferred to

v. Paneer Manufacturing Log Book

It maintains different Batch Numbers for various line items such as:
 Cleanliness of Vat
 Starting Time
 Quantity of Milk
 Fat %
 SNF %
 Acidity
 Temperature after heating
 Quantity of Coagulant
 Temperature of Coagulant
 Pressure in press
 Time of press(started/completed)
 Dipping time in pasteurised chilled water
 Total Quantity after pack

9.5 Packing Material Consumption and Log books

Once the product is ready, it is the responsibility of production Incharge
to allocate the packing team immediately. Packing of the ready products
are being done with the help of Prepack machines and some of products
such as paneer is being manually packed by team. The material used in
packing is being recorded in Packing material consumption on day to day
basis under the shift.

i. Packing Material for Butter and Ghee

As the packing material is allocated from store, production team
maintains the record of Opening balance, Receipt as per the date, Total
material they do have, total material they do issued in the shift and
whats the closing balance.

Aside from this, they do record the damaged packing material too and
following are the exact records maintained:
 Dated
 Shift
 Particulars (OB, Receipt, Total, Issue, CB)
 Ghee
 Card Board Boxes
 Remarks
 Signatures of DS on Duty, Shift Manager and Dairy Clerk
 Damaged packing material for Ghee is being recorded Separately in
the same record. Entries are being made ahead of the pack type.

ii. Packing Material for W.M.P and S.M.P

This record is maintained for packing material consumed in packing
W.M.P and S.M.P. Opening balance, Receipt as per the date, Total
material they do have, total material they do issued in the shift and
the closing balance is being recorded.

Aside from this, they do record the damaged packing material too and
following are the exact records maintained:
 Dated
 Shift
 Particulars (OB, Receipt, Total, Issue, CB)
 K.P. Bags (25Kgs)
 LINER (25kg, 1kg)
 10 kg. Tins (W.M.P)
 Remarks
 Signatures of EA/AM, Shift Manager and Dairy Clerk
Damaged packing material for W.M.P and S.M.P is being recorded
Separately in the same record. Entries are being made ahead of the
pack type.

iii. Packing Material Requisition

To request packing material from store, Milk union have defined
process known as Indents. Indent stating the required quantity is
being submitted to store from production team and it is being

proactively inspected that the night team have proper packing
material available for packing in order to prevent any unwanted
stoppage. The issued Indent to store from production is meant to be
recorded in Store’s Stock register to maintain the record. Store
manager further issues the material to production against the indent
number mentioning the quantity per item is being issued.

Production team, maintains these records in their respective packing

material consumption registers in receipt section as per the date.

Indent details:
 Indent No: Auto printed
 Dated
 Department
 Sr. No.
 Description (To mention items required)
 Quantity
 Value
 Issued (This is filled by store manager)
 Purpose
 Signatures (Authorised by, Store Keeper signature, Material
Issued by)
- Signatures (Received by, Name, Designation)

9.6 Product Records

i. Milk and Milk Product Records

Once the production of milk and milk products get kicked off, the
designated team, starts preparing the Milk and Milk Product Records.
These records contain the data of current balance, in production, total,
issued quantity, issued for packing quantity, and closing balance for
different products with different packing sizes.

The records in this sheet/perform are maintained as following:

 Date and Shift
 Particulars (OB, Receipt, Total, Issue, CB)
 Milk (F.C.M,STD.M,T.M,DTM,SM)
 Milk Products(Paneer, Jaljeera, Curd, Lassi, Pini, Chhach)

Under the milk and milk products entries are maintained in each particular
against the each pack type.

ii. Butter and Ghee Records

As Milk and milk products are recorded, Butter and Ghee is being recorded
in separate report. In this report the data of current balance, in production,
total, issued quantity, issued for packing quantity, and closing balance for
different products with different packing sizes.

The records in this sheet/perform are maintained as following:

 Date and Shift
 Particulars (OB, Receipt, Total, Issue, CB)
 White Butter (Loose, Packed)
 Ghee
 Remarks
 Operator/Dairyman on Duty
 Ghee Tin Filling
 Ghee Tin Weighment
 Ghee Tin Seaming
 Ghee Tin cleaning
 Signatures (DA, A.M, Manager)

iii. Weighing Balance Check Register:

Weighing Balance check register maintains the weighment record of
products conducted during the packing and after packing. The records in this
register are maintained as per the date and electronic weighing balance is

Details that are recorded in this register:

 Date
 Particulars (RMRD Weighing Bowl, EWB for Paneer, EWB for Lassi, EWB
for Ghee, EWB for Milk Pouch, EW bridge)
 Status
 Remarks
 Signature

9.7 Records Management
All the records are maintained in registers and registers are maintained as
per the year in record room. Currently maintained registers are:
 Bulk Milk receipt register (See figure)
 Tank positions register (See figure)
 Milk Processing log books (See figure)
 Product manufacturing log books (See figure) (See figure)
 Indents
 Packing material consumption log books (See figure)
 Prepack machine log books (See figure)
 Product records log books (See figure)
 Electronic weighing records of product (See figure)

Flow Diagram of Production Operations:

10 Store
Store keeping is a specialized and important function of material control that
is especially concerned with the materials and material related goods. The
Store Head/Manager is the in charge of the store and is responsible for

safeguarding and keeping the materials and supplies in proper places until it
is utilized by respective departments. Operations of Store we studied which
are involved in handling and recording of materials are:
 Inward (Receipt)
 Outward (Issue)
 Closing balance

10.1 Store types:

Currently there are 4 stores maintained by the plant:

i. Main Store:
It is responsible to cater the requirements of whole plant. As Main store
caters the requirements of whole plant so there are more than 8 heads
involved in the management of Main store. These store heads are:
 Building Material
 Chemical & Detergents
 Cold Chain
 Computer Parts
 Electrical Part
 Fuel
 General Consumable
 Liveries
 Oil & Lubricants
 Packing Material
 Testing
 Vehicle Spare parts
 Work Shop tools
 Labour charges

Adding to this, here is the short overview of material’s management by

respective store heads. Each material has its minimum quantity and
maximum quantity limit and it is store head’s responsibility that he keeps
the figure maintained between above the minimum limit and below the
max limit. If the available quantity is near to minimum limit, store head has
the provision to send indent to Purchase department to fulfil the order and
Once the material received at store, Store head further report it in the stock
register, daily receipt register and this circle carries on.

ii. Production Store:
It is responsible to cater the requirements of marketing and sales team.

iii. Cattle Feed Store:

It is responsible to cater the requirements of societies.

iv. Cold Store:

It caters the requirements of product storage for products that needs to be
stored at low temperature.

10.2 Store Operations:

i. Stock Register
Stock register is the record of full inventory of every item. In short in stock
register you can check the current available balance of any stock item or
article, you can check recent receipt quantity of that particular item against
the supplier who sent it and also bill no. can be checked through which the
items were sent. Not Just receipt details, in stock register we can check the
issued quantity of that particular item against the receipt amount. So, Stock
register is full-fledged inventory system currently followed at most of the
stores under Vita Milk union where as some of the Milk unions such as JIND
is using Tally software to keep the store books managed.

Stock register records following information:

 Name & type of Article
 Accounting Units
 Equipment’s
 Location
 Date
 Name of Supplier
 Opening balance
 Receipt (Bill no, value, quantity)
 Issue (Indent No., quantity, value)
 Balance (quantity, value, unit price)
 Remarks

ii. Daily Goods Store Receipt Register
Daily goods Store receipt register is maintained by store staff to keep a
track record of receipt of goods by date. This register maintains the entries
of all material that is received at store and through this register store
manager keeps himself updated if he has to check the receipt records only.
This register does not carry any out material record.

Daily Goods Store receipt register records following information:

 Date of receipt
 Name of supplier
 Inward gate pass (No., Date)
 Bill/Invoice (No., Date, amount)
 Incidental charges (Freight, Insurance, Other)
 Total amount (In RS)
 Name of stored item
 Paid by

iii. Goods Receipt Cum Inspection notes

Quality inspection is quite mandatory of arrived material at store. As MU
have defined process like if the quantity of arrived material is greater than
5000 than inspection from quality team is mandatory before placing the
material into store. The goods Receipt cum inspection note is being prepared
by Store manager explaining the items received, from particular supplier,
following purchase order number X,X in certain quantity where order
quantity was this and Quality team has to inspect if the received material is
qualified as per the quality characteristic parameters.

Goods receipt cum inspection note records the following information:

 Name of party
 Purchase order no. including date
 Inward Gate pass no. including date
 Challan/Bill No. including date
 Item code of each item enclosed in
 Description of items
 No. of package received
 Unit of Item
 Quantity (Ordered, Received)

Further in this inspection note, quality team marks the figure of approved
and rejected items after the inspection. Inspecting officer signs the good

inspection note along with comments and material is shifted to store safely
by labour. The items which are rejected are being sent back to Supplier
through the same vehicle.

iv. Outward Material Records

The Material sent to other parties such as distributors, other plants, societies
is being recorded into Outward material records. As store receives the
request for material through Indent, Store staff issues the applicable
quantity of the same through decided transport channel. To outward the
material, store staff verifies signature of authorising person. In case any
material request does not carry signatures of authorized person, store staff
rejects that Indent/material request.
If all the formalities are properly followed and party is eligible, store staff
allows the labourer to load the items into the vehicle under the supervision
of security. Meantime, store keeper, creates the Outward Gate pass and
creates the invoice of item going outside.

v. Outward Gate Pass Generation

Store keeper creates the Outward gate pass which will be acknowledgement
for security team that these items which are going to XYZ party are allowed
to pass out.

Details recorded in Outward gate pass are:

 Sr. No and Date
 Party name
 Purpose
 Vehicle number
 Expected return date
 Item name, Item code
 Quantity of Item
 Condition of Item
 Signature of person taking material
 Signature of Authorised Section head

vi. Invoice Generation:

The items which are going out, are considered to be sold so Invoice of those
items are being created by Store keeper and handed over to Vehicle driver

so that it can be reached to party. The copy of this invoice is being kept by
section head, security and one is being sent with driver for party record.

10.3 Scrap Material:

Aside from recording the Material/Equipment/products INWARDS and
OUTWARDS, the Store department maintains the records of Scrap material
too. The material which is no longer in use at Plant, comes under scrap
material and Store department is responsible for the sale of this Scrap

i. Auction:
Scrap material is being Sold to Purchasers through Auction process. Auction
timings and date are being announced by Store department through
newspaper and other social channels. The nearby purchasers participate in
the auction and bid their best amount to win the deal.

Based on the bids, the highest bidder is being selected and contract for one
year is being established. The delivery of scrap material is decided once a
year or twice a year and it is scheduled based on the contracts.

ii. Scrap material records:

Currently the records of scrap material is being maintained in registers and
the details of Purchasers are also being maintained in registers.

10.4 Records Management

Following are the records that are maintained at store side:
 Daily Goods Store Receipt Register (See figure)
 Stock Register record (See figure)
 Goods receipt cum inspection notes (See figure)
 Invoices (See figure)
 Material Requisition/Indents (See figure)

Flow Diagram of Store Operations:

11 Marketing and sales

Marketing and sales department is responsible for managing all activities

related to advertisements, promotions and sales. Marketing team is
responsible to meet the demands of vendors/parties registered under vita
and they manage the demand and supply chain of the products.

11.1 Party register

To keep the details of Parties such as address, contact details, PAN details,
GST etc., Marketing team maintains party register. Along with party register
current Marketing team is also using a Software to capture the records like
party address, rate category, tax category, Group as it currently helps in
invoicing to team.

Parties are divided into groups and these groups are divided on the basis of
location. Each has different rates based on the location.

11.2 Demand and supply:

Analysing economic concepts such as supply and demand helps marketing
team better assess market conditions. The amount of something that is
available – the supply – and the amount of something that people want –
the demand – make up a working market.

i. Preparation of goods demand notes

Demand notes are prepared by marketing team to convey the demand of

party to production department. Party/distributors convey their demand via
phone currently and to convey this to production, Marketing prepare and
submit goods demand note. As goods demand note received in production
department, they produce the required quantity to be issued to marketing
and sales department by the end of day

Goods demand note captures the following information:

 Date and shift
 Product (Liquid Milk, Liquid bulk milk, Ghee, Milk Cake, Paneer, SFM,
Dahi, Lassi, Kheer)
 Pack (Defines the packing quantity)
 Unit (Defines size)
 Bundle of

 Quantity
 Signatures

ii. Invoice and gate pass

When marketing team gets acknowledgement by production department

to demand note, they create the invoice. Invoice records information lined:
 Party’s name and address,
 Invoice No, Date and shift
 Vehicle no.
 A/C balance
 Description of goods
 Batch number
 Unit of goods
 Quantity
 Rate
 Tax
 Amount

Marketing department issues an invoice to driver and along with this

Outward gate pass that will be acknowledgement for security team that
these items which are going to XYZ party are allowed to pass out.

Details recorded in Outward gate pass are:

 Sr. No and Date
 Party name
 Purpose
 Vehicle number
 Expected return date
 Item name, Item code
 Quantity of Item
 Condition of Item
 Signature of person taking material
 Signature of Authorised Section head

iii. Vehicle inspection

Appointed Security official inspects the vehicle and makes the records in
Inspection register. In inspection, appointed official takes cars of various
parameters such as:
 Cleanliness of vehicle (Inside and outside)
 Vehicle Insulation (Yes/No)
 Temperature (Applicable as per the vehicle type or material)
 Any protruding nails etc.?
 Any objection?

Verifying the above details, Security official punch these entries in register
against the Vehicle No, Party name, Route number, Driver and helper’s
name. After this, signatures of driver and Supervisor are collected on this
entry and vehicle is ready for the loading of the requested material.

iv. Finished goods stock ledger

Finished goods stock ledger is maintained by marketing staff to keep a track

of finished goods and their storage. Finished goods stock ledger records the
following information:
 Product name
 Party name
 Opening balance
 Receipt
 Stored at
 Sale
 Return
 Transfer
 Free gift
 Closing balance

v. Demand and Supply register:

This is the register current marketing team maintains to record the demand
against particular product by particular party and also the issued material.
This register is maintained date by date. Demand and supply register records
the following information:
 City and party name

 Milk 500 Ml packet (FCR, STD, TND, DTn Milk, Skm Milk)
 Paneer (200g, 1kg)
 SFM bottle (200ml)
 Kheer (200g)
 Lassi (M 200 ml, Salted 250ml, Plain 1ltr)
 Milk Cake (200g, 500g, 1kg)
 Ghee (Poly 1ltr, Mono 1Ltr, Tin 1Ltr)

11.3 Customer retention

Marketing and sales team is responsible for maintaining a good customer
retention rate. To do so it is consistent practice of marketing team to be
being in touch to knows customer feedback. Every feedback received on the
supply is being recorded by marketing team. Following are the records that
are maintained by marketing team.

i. Customer complaints record

If there is any complaint received from customer, Marketing team maintains

a customer complaints record to analyse the defect and plan corrective
action accordingly. Once complaint is received from customer, marketing
team record it in complaint records and further intimate the responsible
team. Quality team is one who will inspect and verify the effectiveness.

Customer complaint record captures the following information:

 Product
 Date of complaint
 Nature of complaint
 Analysis of defects
 Planned corrective action
 Responsibility
 Verification of effectiveness

ii. Product recall format

To measure the defect and effectiveness, Marketing team recall the product
from party and once the product is reached in plant it is being assigned for
inspection to quality team. To record the result the recalled product along
with the nature of complaint, Product recall format is being prepared so that
result can be added in this format after the investigation is done.

Product recall format lines the following information:
 Date of complaint
 Nature of complaint
 Results of investigation
 Batch & quantity recalled
 Mode of disposal

iii. Customer satisfaction evaluation

Marketing team does survey for evaluation of customer satisfaction and to

validate this they share customer satisfaction evaluation forms from time to
time with every party. This form contains questions and party can score from
1 to 5 as answer to that question. Below the form, Name of party, Address,
contact number, Date, email and time are asked to keep a record of
submission by the party name.

11.4 Records Management:

Following are the records maintained at Marketing and sales team side:
 Party Register (See Figure)
 Demand notes (See Figure)
 Demand and supply register (See Figure)
 Invoices (See Figure)
 Vehicle inspection records (See Figure)
 Customer satisfaction Evaluation sheet (See Figure)
 Customer complaints records (See Figure)
 Customer recall records (See Figure)

Flow Diagram of Marketing/Sales Operations:

12 Purchase Department

Purchase Department is responsible for ensuring the timely supply of

goods and materials to all departments at the best possible price. The role
of purchasing department includes e-tendering, supplier identification,
selection and releasing purchase orders.

Purchase Department’s role also includes the basic requirements like buy
products at right price, from right source, at right quantity and quality.

Purchase Department in charge conducts e-tendering to submit
requirements and get quotations from suppliers. Authorised personnel
compare quotations received from suppliers and shortlist lowest ones.

Preferred quotations are sent for approval from authorities and after
getting approval, the concerned person submits the purchase order to
supplier to receive the material. After receiving the required material, it is
being sent to concerned department’s store and then purchase team gets
feedback from respective department.

12.1 Sanction Note

Sanction note is a format to submit the material requisition by other
departments to purchase department. A sanction note includes the
following information as Name of the article, quantity in stock, quantity
required, rate, approximate cost, justification. The Section head who has
submitting this sanction note to Purchase department, sign the sanction
note and gets the approval of CEO too.

Purchase team takes required action on sanction note and decides

whether to purchase the material from previous supplier or new one
through e-tendering. Purchase team is authorized to reorder the material
from previous party within the time span of 6months.

12.2 Suppliers

i. Supplier Detail Form/Register

Supplier detail form/register is the record maintained by purchase
department which includes the information as name of supplier, Address,
Phone number, Products, services and experience of supplier. All the
suppliers who are in business with Milk union are being recorded into this
register for future records. On Supplier detail form, there is provision to
recommend the supplier as approved or rejected. This provision is kept for
purchase department to mark supplier as approved or rejected based on the
experience, market reputation, trial order or sample approval. Sometimes
when the item is being purchased from the supplier but the quality team
rejected the delivery based on quality parameters, the supplier is marked as

Recorded values in this register:

 Name of Supplier:

 Representative Name/Title:
 Address of Supplier
 Phone/Fax No./Website/Email
 Brief explain about: Products, Services, Experience

ii. Approved Suppliers

Approved Suppliers are those who delivered the material as per quality
standard and at best rate. Purchase department maintains record of such
suppliers in approved supplier register for future use. Approved Supplier list
is being prepared against the particular item such as computer parts.
Purchase department maintains the list of approved suppliers for computer
parts so that it is easy to make contact for future quotations or orders.
Recorded values in this register:
 Name of item:
 Name of Supplier
 Address of Supplier
 Phone/Fax No.
 Contact Person

iii. Re-evaluation of suppliers

Re-evaluation of suppliers is being conducted by purchase team. In this
register they record the business behaviour of supplier. Business behaviour
means that they record quantity of orders, deliveries, Quality of Deliveries
and rate each part based on the defined parameters such as quantity of
orders is being rated based on the placed amount and executed amount,
Deliveries are being rated based on the no of deliveries (In time), quality is
being rated based on the tested and rejected lots. So Purchase team
prepares the cumulative rating based on these factors and declare Re-
evaluation result of supplier.

Recorded values in this register:

 Sr. No.
 Name of supplier
 Name of Item
 Quantity of order (No. & Quantity placed, No. & Quantity executed,
 Deliveries (No. of (In time), Rating)
 No of lot (Tested, Rejected, Rating)
 Cumulative rating

 Response to any complaint’s/suggestion
 Re-evaluation result

iv. Rejected Suppliers

A supplier is rejected in two cases either his/her quotations price is too high
from decided range or whose quality of items as decided by department was
not up to the mark. Purchase department maintains a record of such
rejected suppliers in a register.

12.3 Quotation:
Purchase department sends a letter to the approved suppliers with the
instructions to submit a quotation and this letter also includes the date
which is deadline to submit the quotations. This letter also informs the
suppliers about quotation opening date in the presence of CEO. As the
quotations received from the approved suppliers, are being opened with
CEO and the lowest quotation is being shortlisted. Adding to quotation
shortlisting not just lowest quotation is being considered but the market
reputation of Supplier is also considered while finalizing the deal. Milk union
Officials also conduct inspection visit to supplier’s work.

12.4 Purchase Orders

For the suppliers whose quotations have been accepted the purchase
department sends purchase order to approved suppliers. Purchase order
includes the detail lined as delivery schedule, packing instructions, dispatch
instructions, Terms of payment and place of delivery etc.

12.5 Records Management

Following are the records that maintained at Purchase department:
 Purchase Orders (See Figure)
 Supplier details (See Figure)
 Approved Supplier register (See Figure)
 Sanction Notes (See Figure)
 Re-evaluation format Register of suppliers (See Figure)

Flow Diagram of Purchase Department Operations:

13 Account/Finance
Accounts/Financial department is responsible for ensuring the efficient
management of finances. Day to day activities of accounts department
involves processing bills, managing credits, debits related to every
department of Milk Plant. Account department maintain the ledger and books
of each department such as procurement, production, store, quality, Sale etc.
We studied that JIND milk union is equipped with Tally accounting software
to manage the bill books whereas Ambala Milk Union is using software.
Current operations of Accounts departments are explained as following:

13.1 Milk Bills Generation

i. Truck Sheet Punching

Truck sheet punching is the first step to create/process milk bills. The
received Truck sheet at production is being handed over to accounts
department to create the milk bills. In this process, Account’s employee
punch the received quantity and quality of Milk against the society name it
is received from. The software itself calculate the rate of milk based on the
FAT and SNF amount. In this manner, account employee punch all the truck
sheet during the shift time and after punching the all truck sheets, employee
post the milk bills.

ii. Routes
This is the provision given to account team to add/manage the current route
master in the system. Currently, It is the responsibility of accounts team to
manage the routes for societies. Whenever a new society is formed it is
being assigned to the previous route is applicable or accounts team may
create new route to manage the dispatch of milk in a timely manner.

To create the new route, currently account team record following

information only:
 Name of Route
 Route code

iii. Societies:
This is the provision given to account team to add/manage the current
society master in the system. Currently, it is the responsibility of accounts
team to manage the addition of societies into software. Whenever a new
society is formed it is being assigned society code and route.

To create the new society, currently account team record following

information only:
 Name of Society
 Society code

iv. Banks
As the payments are made through banks, it is the responsibility of accounts
team to manage the bank master. Using bank master in the software,
account team add bank details of every new society within the software they
use to process the milk bills.

To add the new bank to the system, account team record following
 Name of bank
 Account number
 IFSC Code
 Registered Society code

v. Processing milk Bills

a) Rate Chart
Rate chart suggests the rate of the punched milk value from the truck sheet
and is uploaded in the software used by accounts team. This rate chart is
amendable by accounts but with the permission of CEO.

b) Credit/Debit management
During processing the milk bills, accounts team also maintain the
credit/debit history of society. In case there is due on society, accounts team
debit that from the milk bill and pending amount is being sent to the
society’s bank

c) Correction Report
Correction report is actually the differentiation report maintained by
accounts department to record about the quality and weighment difference
of the milk received at BMC and milk received in plant. Accounts team
considers this report while preparing the milk bills and sends this report back
to BMC.

13.2 Store Invoices:

Store Invoices are managed against the store ledger. As Milk union is
equipped with 4 types of stores where as Main store possess more than 8
heads. Account department maintains the ledger of each store and store
head. Whenever the material is receipt in store, the invoice for that material
is being submitted to Accounts department. The Account departments pay

the due amount as per the invoice and update the ledger of the party from
which the material is received. Aside from this Accounts department have
provision to Create the Invoice/Credit note/Challan against the party which
has requested the material

13.3 Production Invoices/Challans:

Production Invoices/Challans are related to the Dispatch of Raw Milk or
request for Milk.

13.4 Transport Bills

Transport Bills are maintained against each transporter considering the
penalties credit and debit amounts.

13.5 Sales and Marketing Invoices:

Marketing/Sales Invoices are managed against the Marketing and respective
party’s ledger. Account department maintains the ledger of each Party.
Whenever the products are sent and received back as return, the
invoice/Challan/Credit note is being handled by accounts department.

13.6 Purchase Invoices:

Purchase Invoices are managed against the Purchase and respective
Supplier’s ledger. Account department maintains the ledger of each Supplier
who is under approved list of Purchase. Whenever the material is sent and
received back as return, the invoice/Challan/Credit note is being handled by
accounts department.

13.7 Reports:
 Milk Bills Records (See Figure)
 Store Invoices/Challan Records (See Figure)
 Production Invoices/Challan/Credit note Records (See Figure)
 Purchase invoices//Challan records (See Figure)

Flow Chart of Accounts operations:

14 Management Information System (MIS)

MIS department at Milk Union monitors performance, productivity and
profitability. The Incharge of MIS Department track and Monitor
functional managers of department such as Production, Marketing and
Procurement. The process of Monitoring and tracking involves Daily
progress reports from these functional managers so that MIS
department can plan strategy to achieve the given targets of sale and

Along with monitoring the performance, productive and profitability of

Milk Union, MIS department keeps the management such as CEO official
up to date on current stats.

Discussing the role of MIS, we studied the different types of report being
prepared at MIS department which are meant to be sent to higher
authorities such as Head office.

14.1 DSO Report:

DSO Report conveys the Monthly Production stats of Ghee, SMP and Paneer
which is meant to be shared at the end of each month to District Statistical
Officer. This is the responsibility of MIS department Incharge to send with
in stipulated interval of time via Post/Email.

14.2 Milk Situation Report:

Milk Situation Report conveys the Monthly Percentage of sale price paid to
farmers which is meant to be shared at the end of each month to Head
office. This report enclosed the stats on:
 Total Outrun
 Add: Closing Balance/Stock
 Less: Opening Balance/Stock
 Less: Reconstitute SMP (RCM SMP)
 Less: Reconstitute W. Butter (RCM White Butter)
 Net Outrun(A)
 Purchase from Farmers/Receipt (B)
 % of amount return to farmers

This is the responsibility of MIS department Incharge to send with in

stipulated interval of time via Post/Email.

14.3 Performance Report:

Performance report conveys the overall performance of the entire plant.
This report meant to be sent to the Head office. The data enclosed in this
report is related to production and engineering.

14.4 Transportation Report:

Transportation report conveys the overall Transportation cost of the Month.
This report meant to be sent to the Head office. The data enclosed in this
report is related to Transport vehicle, number of Kms clocked in month, Rate
per Km being paid, Total Amount Paid, No. of Societies assigned to vehicle,
Procured Milk by Vehicle, Transportation cost per Litter of Milk

14.5 Area Wise Report:
This report conveys the area wise stats of Procurement, Ghee Sale, Cattle
Feed, Mineral Mixture, Pourer, MPCS, Seed, Transportation Amount,
Transportation cost etc. This report meant to be send to Head office.

14.6 BRC Report:

This report conveys the Stats of Production, Engineering, Marketing, finance
etc. This report meant to be sent to the Head office. The data enclosed in
this report is related to given target amount and achieved target.

14.7 Plant Dock Report:

This report conveys the overall Procurement done for the Month. This report
meant to be sent to the Head office. The data enclosed in this report is
related to Milk procured on Dock, BMC, MCC.

14.8 IDIS Report:

This report is being submitted to NDDB through internet based dairy system
website. MIS department maintains it quarterly basis and upload the records
of procured milk, Production sale, utilization etc.

14.9 Labour Cost Report:

This report conveys the Labour Cost Borne on per Kg of Milk processing. The
data enclosed in this report is related to Regular Salary per month, Salary
Outsource Per Month, Total Salary per month, Milk processed per month,
cost of labour per kg Milk Processed.

14.10 Milk Received & Dispatched Report:

This report conveys the overall Milk received from other unions and
dispatched to other unions. The data enclosed in this report is related to
quantity, FAT, SNF against the milk union name from which it was requested
or dispatched.

14.11 MIS Progress Report:

This report conveys the overall progress of MIS department. In this report
MIS department conveys the monthly figures of Production, sale and
procurement and also it contain the stats of BRC report.

14.12 P & T Report:
This is known as procurement and Technical input report which records the
details such as General information about Milk Union, Total Staff strength,
Salary-Wages and other benefits, VDCs organisations, Women’s
Participation, Membership, Financial Status of DCS, Audit and Bonus, Sale of
Ghee and butter oil/SMP, Extension and Training, M.C Members trained,
Milk procurement, Milk Pourers, Veterinary health cover etc.

14.13 Plant Data Report:

In this report, MIS department secures the details of Avg. Functional DCS,
Avg. Milk procurement, Avg. Milk Procurement per society, Milk Pourer per
day, Pourers per society, Cattle feed Sale, Mineral Mixture sale, Ghee Sale,
Transportation cost, Transportation Cost per litre, Producers price per litres,
Amount paid to producers, Procurement Cost per Litre, Society Commission,
Details of Production wing, etc.

14.15 RKVY Report:

RKVY report conveys the amount received through schemes to plant.

Flow Diagram of Management Information System Operations:

15 Head Office Operations
Operations of the Head office involves the supervision of Milk
Procurement, Milk Production and overall marketing and sales operations
of Milk Production. Along with the supervision and auditing of Milk Union
records and DCS records, following are the current operations of the Head

15.1 Current Operations:

i. Policies:
Head Office ensures the Policies for Milk Unions and DCS. These Policies
are basically pricing Policies that head office regulates with approval of
authorized parties such as Board of directors.

ii. Funds/Budget:
Head office ensures the funds to run the operations of Federation and also
Plan the budget for Milk Unions for the financial year. Ensuring funds
come with best practices to arrange the funds for administrative setup,
employee allowances and training activities, building (sale, Purchase),
plants, machinery and other ancillary equipment to carry out its business,
Trademark fees etc.

iii. Handle Legalities:

Head office itself address to the legal suits filled or to be filed by
Federation. Along with legal suits/disputes head office handles licensing
authority too

iv. Inspections:
Head Office undertakes periodical inspections of the Milk Unions to verify
the quality standards dairy and allied products.

v. Meetings:
Head Office Attend/schedule prescribed meetings as per the plan of year
to discuss/schedule the issues and define progressive steps.

❏- Part B - To Be Processes

16. DCS-Milk Procurement

Milk procurement at DCS will be more transparent as soon as it will be
equipped with the VITA DMS . Not just registering the Milk producers to DMS
will be improvement but it will result in the terms of productivity and
performance measurements of DCS.

16.2 DCS Access

The Admin of the DMS will generate the Login for DCS and assign valid
username and Password to use Dairy Management System. The employee
at DCS who is using the DMS will not have provision to change the password
or edit any account details.

Flow Diagram:

16.3 Milk Producer Registration
Milk Producer Registration will be advance and secure. The Secretary of the
society will do the registration of milk producer in the DMS system. To do
so, The Secretary will login to the web application with valid Login and
Password which are allocated by MC/Chairman. After the login the Secretory
will be able to add the Milk producer in given following steps:

i. Add New Member:

 The Secretory will click on Add New member button provided on
 Mobile number of Milk producer will be required to initiate the
Registration process.
 System generated OTP will be sent to the milk producer’s phone
number. If the OTP does not come, the Secretary needs to enter the
resent button. In case wrong OTP is filled, system will show warning
to put the correct OTP to pursue registration process.

a) Member Cattle Info
 Now the Secretary will enter the Cattles information milk producer
 In case the Milk producer has cow, he needs to fill it in cow card
and required to provide following information:
- Total number of children
- Total alive children
- Total dead children
- Total alive females
- Female ratio
- Last inspection
- Purchase cost
- Calving date
- Milk quantity (in litres)

 In case the Milk Producer has Buffalo, he/she needs to fill Buffalo
card and required to provide following information:
- Total number of children
- Total alive children
- Total dead children
- Total alive females
- Female ratio
- Last inspection
- Purchase cost
- Calving date
- Milk quantity (in litres)

 In case the Milk Producer has multiple cows and buffaloes, he/she
needs to fill individual card for each cow and Buffalo as this
provision is provided within the System.

b) Personal Info
 Having submitting the Cattle info, Secretary will submit Milk
producer’s information:
- First name
- Last name
- Father name
- Type

- Category
- Society associated with
- Phone
- Email
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Village
- Tehsil
- City
- State
- Pin code
- Full address

 Further Member will be asked to submit the Bank details:

- Bank Name
- Account holder name
- Account No.
- IFSC Code
- PAN Card Number
- Aadhar Number

c) Unique Member ID
 Milk Producer is registered successfully after entering all above
information and gets a member ID. The unique member ID will
be the combination of [MU(code), Soc(code) and Member’s
unique ID]. His data is Stored in DMS’s database which will be
centralized to access the record at District Level Milk Union and
State Level Federation.
 Milk producer can procure the Milk against system-generated
Member ID and all the records such as Quantity of Milk, Quality
of milk will be recorded against this member ID in ERP’s database
Which will be visible to District level Milk Union.

v. Member Records:
 Member records will have the details of registered members.
 Member’s data such as their personal info, cattle info, contact details
and milk records can be accessed here.
 These records can be exported to excel or PDF as per the requirements

Flow Chart:

16.4 Milk Entry
The reception of Milk will be Equipped with DMS Now. Integration of DMS
with DCS’s equipment’s will not just ease the efforts of DCS’s management
but it will improve the reporting such as member records, collected milk
records and account books.

i. Add Milk Entry:

 The process of Milk procurement at Milk reception of DCS will remain
same and DCS’s employee just has to choose the member ID from the
 As the member ID is being selected it will showcase the name of Member
on DMS’s screen and the milk quantity and FAT/SNF records will be saved
against the selected Member ID which will be visible on DMS screen too.
 The data of Quantity and Quality will be fetched from respective
equipment and DCS’s employee will have the provision to add this data
manually too.
 As employee Save the recorded entry of procured Milk, it will be stored
in the DMS’s data base in the following structure:
- Date
- Time
- Member ID
- Name of Member
- Shift
- Milk Type
- Quantity
- FAT and SNF
- Price per litter
- Bill

 The auto generated slip (Provisional Shift summary) from printer will be
handed over to Member and this record will be visible at DMS’s Society’s
employees dashboard for his confirmation that the milk is already
procured against this member. The members who are registered at DCS
and did not come yet to pour milk at DCS will be shown in outstanding
members at the Dashboard of DMS dashboard.

ii. Milk Records:
 Milk records will have the data of provisional shift summaries of all the
 DCS employee can view milk records against member ID, name, type of
MILK, quantity and quality of milk.
 The Milk records can also be exported into excel format.

iii. Integration of VITA ERP with milk receiving machines:

Milk receiving machines such Weighing meter, quality machine will be
integrated with the DMS through provided API access. This integration will
automate the weighment and quality process. Every Data generated through
these type of equipment will be in Synch with DMS Database.

16.5 Local Sale of milk:

DMS will provide the provision to DCS’s Employee to record the local sale of
Milk in DMS system.

i. Add Local Sale:

To Add the local sale, DCS Employee will click on “Add Local Sale” button
provided on Dashboard and will record the inputs as following:
 Shift: It will be auto selected as per the time of System
 Cattle Type: Employee will choose Cattle Type
 Quantity: Employee will input the quantity manually
 Price per litter: Employee will input the price manually
 Total amount: As quantity and price per litter is being added, Total
amount will be shown by DMS for the records of Employees and all the
entries will be stored in Database against the DCS’s ID under local sale
database table.

ii. Local Sale records:

Recorded local sale will be saved into the DCS’s records under local sale. The
DCS employee can view these records based on the requirement. The local
sale records cannot be edited but DCS employee can:
 Export the records into excel
 Can search through the records

Flow to Record local Sale:

16.6 Indents:
The Indent submission through DMS will be quicker and transparent. The
authorised DCS’s employee will have provision to raise the indent from DMS
which will be directly sent to procurement store at Milk Union.

i. Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process which
means the authorised personnel of society will select raise indent and now
he will be given two options:
Either he can upload a scanned copy of indent or He can enter all the
required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Ghee, Paneer, Mixture, Cattle feed)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel submit it.
After the submission the indent request will be shown on Cattle feed store’s
dashboard and it will be shown in requested Indents category (At DCS) until
it is approved by Cattle feed store at Milk union side.

ii. Indent records:

All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent records.
The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no, Required items, Status
etc. The DCS employee can search through the records as per the
requirement or he can export them into excel format. The Indent records
will filter the Indents based on the status (Standing, Rejected, Approved)

a) Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These Indents
will remain standing until Procurement store approve or reject them. DCS
employee will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on the

b) Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by procurement
department. These Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent
records. DCS employee will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

c) Approved Indents

Approved indents will be those who are approved by procurement
department. DCS employee will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

16.7 Grievance:
The DCS Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System. Here
the DCS Secretory can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, DCS Secretory will have the following form fields:
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the DCS Secretory can write down the matter and can submit it.
Upon submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s

Aside from this DCS Secretory can check the previous submitted Issues by
date here.

16.7 Reports:
DMS will be equipped with auto reporting function which means that reports
of Payments, outstanding payment of Member and total milk procured
throughout the month/week/day can be exported from the DMS from
reporting section. There will be no need to maintain separate registers.

i. Farmer Bills:
Under Farmer bills, the DCS employee can view the bills date wise. He can
select the date (From to To), DCS will short the bills records and DCS
employee can see the total payable amount against the member which
calculated based on the quantity and quality of milk procured. There is no
provision to add deductions in Farmer Bills as milk bill will be generated
automatically based on the total milk quantity and Quality of 10 days.

The bill summary can be downloaded as per specific member or all the
members choosing from farmer bills list. Bill Summary will include:

 Farmer Name
 Address
 Phone
 Milk Quantity total
 Average FAT/SNF
 Total Payable amount.

ii. Indent bills

Indent bills will have the records of indent invoices. In this listing, DCS
employee can check the invoices against the Indents he has submitted till

iii. Society bills

Society bills will have the records of Society invoices. In this listing, DCS
employee can check the Bills by:
 Billing Month
 Society Name
 Society Code
 Buffalo Milk
 Cow Milk
 Total Amount

On the society Bills tables, there will be action tab which will allow the DCS
employee to view the entire month summary of the society bill. IN this
summary, the record of milk, total amount of milk, Fat/Snf, Total payment
as well as deductions will be visible.

iv. Milk Report: BMC/MCC/MU

DCS can review the Milk report generated by BMC/MCC/MU. As soon as the
Milk is recorded At BMC/MCC/MU, the entries will be visible under this Milk
report. In this report, DCS employee can view the Quantity and quality of
milk recorded. The quality will be mentioned in both parameters by FAT/SNF
and Good/Curd/Sour

16.8 Improvements Proposed:

 24*7 access of registration system to all members
 Centralized database of all the milk producers to see the reports State
level and District level

 Better transparency on Milk producer’s cattle info which will improve
the periodic analysis of Milk production.
 Permanent Member ID to review the records of Milk collection, bills
payments, assigned cattle feed, mixture and applicable schemes in
near future.
 Monitoring of total milk procured (Cow, Buffalo, Total) and local sale
throughout the shift will be easy.
 DMS Dashboard will showcase which members are pending from
procurement as per shift so DCS employee can confirm accordingly.
 Tracking of Active and Inactive members will be easy with the help of
DMS. Secretary of society can view inactive members and can pay visit
to confirm the reason.
 BMC reporting will be quick and easy, DCS will not have to wait till
next shift.
 Indent Submission will be quick and easy. DCS can track the indent
status (pending/approved) on their dashboard instead of waiting
acknowledgement via truck or route Incharge.
 Society reporting will be automated and adequate. No need to worry
about records management. DMS have the provision to export the
records by year, month, week, member, milk type, payment etc.
 Centralized database for the storage of entire reporting which is
accessible at District and state level.

16.9 Business Rules:

 Registered Milk producers who are from Haryana state will be treated
as members of Society.
 Registered Milk producers who are from other state than Haryana will
be treated as Non-members of society.
 The Unique Member ID will be the combination of [MU(code),
Soc(code) and Member’s unique ID].

Flow of Milk Procurement at DCS:

17 BMC-Milk Procurement
DMS will be accessible at BMC with provided valid access credentials. As the
current duties of BMC employee to receive the milk, test it and further store

it at maintained low temperature until tanker come from Milk Union. The
DMS will be equally helpful in running these operations as following:

17.1 Milk Entry

The process of Milk procurement at BMC will remain same but DMS will
improve the reporting and efficiency of Milk procurement.

i. Add Milk Entry:

 To record the Milk, BMC employee just has to choose the Route number
from the system to Add milk entry.
 As the Route number is being selected it will showcase the name of all
Societies associated with route number on DMS’s screen.
 The list of societies will include their society codes, and data fields to
record the Milk Quantity, Fat, SNF.
 The data of Quantity and Quality will be fetched from respective
equipment and BMC employee will have the provision to add this data
manually too.
 As employee save the recorded entry of received Milk, it will be stored
in the DMS’s data base in the following structure:
- Date
- Time
- Society ID
- Name of Society
- Route Code
- Shift
- Milk Type
- Quantity
- FAT and SNF
- Price per litter
- Bill

The auto generated slip (Provisional Shift summary) will visible at DMS’s
dashboard. The societies who are assigned to Route Code and did not
send the milk at BMC will be shown in outstanding members at the
Dashboard of DMS dashboard.

ii. Milk Records:

 Milk records will have the data of provisional shift summaries of all the

 BMC employee can view milk records against member ID, name, type of
MILK, quantity and quality of milk.
 The Milk records can also be exported into excel format.

iii. Integration of VITA ERP with milk receiving machines:

Milk receiving machines such Weighing meter, quality machine will be
integrated with the DMS through provided API access. This integration will
automate the weighment and quality process

17.2 Dispatch Note:

i. Create Dispatch Note

The Dispatch process of Milk will remain same as it is currently. The tanker
will come to collect the Milk at BMC. As the milk is shifted to tanker, the BMC
employee will prepare a DISPATCH NOTE in DMS inputting the following
 Dispatch Note No.: It will be auto generated within the system.
 Date: Auto selected as per the date of System
 Tanker Seal No: Input field
 Tanker No: Input field
 Name of Driver: Input field
 From: Auto filed based on the login account of BMC
 To: Auto filled based on the association of BMC with Milk Union but BMC
employee can choose the MCC too
 Tanker Arrived at: Input field
 Tanker Dispatched at: Input field
 Commodity: Input fields for quantity, FAT, SNF, Acidity, COB, Temp
 Remarks
 Submit and print.

Once the dispatch note is created it will be shown in production department

at Milk Union and Employee of BMC will have provision to print the dispatch
note if he wants to take the signatures of Driver on it.

ii. Dispatch Note Records:

 Created Dispatch notes will be saved under Dispatch Note Records which
will be in Synch with Procurement Department of Milk plant.

 BMC employee will have provision to export or Print the Dispatch note
based on the requirement
 BMC employee will have provision to Search the Dispatch Note via
Dispatch note number.

17.3 Indent:
The Indent submission through DMS will be quicker and transparent. The
authorised BMC employee will have provision to raise the indent from DMS
which will be directly sent to procurement store at Milk Union.

i. Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process which
means the authorised personnel of society will select raise indent and now
he will be given two options:
Either he can upload a scanned copy of indent or He can enter all the
required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel submit it.
After the submission the indent request will be shown on Cattle feed store’s
dashboard and it will be shown in requested Indents category (At BMC) until
it is approved by Cattle feed store at Milk union side.

ii. Indent records:

All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent records.
The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no, Required items, Status
etc. The BMC employee can search through the records as per the
requirement or he can export them into excel format. The Indent records
will filter the Indents based on the status (Standing, Rejected, Approved)

a) Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These Indents
will remain standing until Procurement store approve or reject them. BMC
employee will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on the

b) Rejected Indents

Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by procurement
department. These Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent
records. BMC employee will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

c) Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by procurement
department. BMC employee will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

17.4 Grievance:
The BMC Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System.
Here the BMC head can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, BMC head will have the following form fields:
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the BMC head can write down the matter and can submit it. Upon
submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s dashboard.

Aside from this BMC head can check the previous submitted Issues by date

17.5 Milk Records:

i. Society Milk Records:

Society Milk Records will have the records of milk recorded at BMC level.
The records will be saved against date.

ii. MCC/MU Milk Records:

BMC can review the Milk report generated by MCC/MU. As soon as the Milk
is recorded at MCC/MU, the entries will be visible under this Milk report. In
this report, BMC employee can view the Quantity and quality of milk

recorded. The quality will be mentioned in both parameters by FAT/SNF and

17.6 Improvements Proposed:

 Monitoring of total milk procured (Cow, Buffalo, Total) throughout the
shift will be easy as DMS will convey this on dashboard
 DMS Dashboard will showcase which Society did not procure the milk
 Tracking of Active and Inactive Societies will be easy with the help of DMS.
Higher authorities can view inactive Societies and can take the action
 BMC reporting will be quick and easy, DCS will not have to wait till next
 Indent Submission will be quick and easy. BMC can track the indent status
(pending/approved) on their dashboard instead of waiting
acknowledgement via truck.
 BMC reporting will be automated and adequate. No need to worry about
records management. DMS have the provision to export the records by
year, month, week, society member, milk type, etc.
 Centralized database for the storage of entire reporting which is
accessible at District and state level.

Flow Diagram of Society’s Milk Entry:

18. MCC-Milk Procurement
MCC’s operations are similar to BMC and MCC is authorised to receive the
milk from Societies as well as BMC so DMS for MCC will have provision to
keep and maintain the milk records of BMC as well as societies. As per duties
of MCC employee to receive the milk, test it and further store it at
maintained low temperature until tanker come from Milk Union. The DMS
will be equally helpful in running these operations as following:

18.1 Milk Entry

The process of Milk procurement at MCC will remain same but DMS will
improve the reporting and efficiency of Milk procurement.

i. Add Milk Entry:

 To record the Milk, MCC employee just has to choose the Route number
from the system to Add milk entry.
 As the Route number is being selected it will showcase the name of all
Societies/BMC associated with route number on DMS’s screen.
 The list of societies/BMC will include their society/BMC codes, and data
fields to record the Milk Quantity, Fat, SNF.
 The data of Quantity and Quality will be fetched from respective
equipment and MCC employee will have the provision to add this data
manually too.
 As employee save the recorded entry of received Milk, it will be stored
in the DMS’s data base in the following structure:
- Date
- Time
- Society ID or BMC ID
- Name of Society or BMC
- Route Code
- Shift
- Milk Type
- Quantity
- FAT and SNF
- Price per litter
- Bill

The auto generated slip (Provisional Shift summary) will visible at DMS’s
dashboard. The societies/BMC who are assigned to route code and did

not send the milk at MCC will be shown in outstanding members at the
Dashboard of DMS dashboard.

ii. Milk Records:

 Milk records will have the data of provisional shift summaries of all the
 MCC employee can view milk records against member ID, name, type
of MILK, quantity and quality of milk.
 The Milk records can also be exported into excel format.

iii. Integration of VITA ERP with milk receiving machines:

Milk receiving machines such Weighing meter, quality machine will be
integrated with the DMS through provided API access. This integration will
automate the weighment and quality process

18.2 Dispatch Note:

i. Create Dispatch Note

The Dispatch process of Milk will remain same as it is currently. The tanker
will come to collect the Milk at MCC. As the milk is shifted to tanker, the MCC
employee will prepare a DISPATCH NOTE in DMS inputting the following
 Dispatch Note No.: It will be auto generated within the system.
 Date: Auto selected as per the date of System
 Tanker Seal No: Input field
 Tanker No: Input field
 Name of Driver: Input field
 From: Auto filed based on the login account of MCC
 To: Auto filled based on the association of MCC with Milk Union
 Tanker Arrived at: Input field
 Tanker Dispatched at: Input field
 Commodity: Input fields for quantity, FAT, SNF, Acidity, COB, Temp
 Remarks
 Submit and print.

Once the dispatch note is created it will be shown in production department

at Milk Union and Employee of MCC will have provision to print the dispatch
note if he wants to take the signatures of Driver on it.

ii. Dispatch Note Records:
 Created Dispatch notes will be saved under Dispatch Note Records which
will be in Synch with Procurement Department of Milk plant.
 MCC employee will have provision to export or Print the Dispatch note
based on the requirement
 MCC employee will have provision to Search the Dispatch Note via
Dispatch note number.

18.3 Indent:
The Indent submission through DMS will be quicker and transparent. The
authorised MCC employee will have provision to raise the indent from DMS
which will be directly sent to procurement store at Milk Union.

i. Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process which
means the authorised personnel of society will select raise indent and now
he will be given two options:
Either he can upload a scanned copy of indent or He can enter all the
required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel submit it.
After the submission the indent request will be shown on Cattle feed store’s
dashboard and it will be shown in requested Indents category (At BMC) until
it is approved by Cattle feed store at Milk union side.

ii. Indent records:

All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent records.
The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no, Required items, Status
etc. The MCC employee can search through the records as per the
requirement or he can export them into excel format. The Indent records
will filter the Indents based on the status (Standing, Rejected, Approved)

a) Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These Indents
will remain standing until Procurement store approve or reject them. MCC

employee will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on the

b) Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by procurement
department. These Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent
records. MCC employee will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

c) Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by procurement
department. MCC employee will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

18.4 Grievance:
The MCC Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System.
Here the MCC head can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, MCC head will have the following form fields:
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the MCC head can write down the matter and can submit it. Upon
submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s dashboard.

Aside from this MCC head can check the previous submitted Issues by date

18.5 Milk Records: DMS

i. Society Milk Records:

Society Milk Records will have the entries of received milk from societies
including date, Society Code, Quantity (FAT/SNF) and (G,S,C) etc.

ii. BMC Milk Records:

BMC Milk Records will have the entries of received milk from BMC
including date, Society Code, Quantity (FAT/SNF) and (G,S,C) etc.

ii. MU Milk Records:
BMC can review the Milk report generated by MCC/MU. As soon as the Milk
is recorded at MCC/MU, the entries will be visible under this Milk report. In
this report, BMC employee can view the Quantity and quality of milk
recorded. The quality will be mentioned in both parameters by FAT/SNF and

18.6 Improvements Proposed:

 Monitoring of total milk procured (Cow, Buffalo, Total) throughout the
shift will be easy as DMS will convey this on dashboard
 DMS Dashboard will showcase which Society/BMC did not procure milk
 Tracking of Active and Inactive Societies will be easy with the help of DMS.
Higher authorities can view inactive Societies and can take the action
 MCC reporting will be quick and easy, BMC/Society will not have to wait
till next shift.
 Indent Submission will be quick and easy. MCC can track the indent status
(pending/approved) on their dashboard instead of waiting
acknowledgement via truck or route Incharge.
 MCC reporting will be automated and adequate. No need to worry about
records management. DMS have the provision to export the records by
year, month, week, society member, milk type, etc.
 Centralized database for the storage of entire reporting which is
accessible at District and state level.

Flow: Milk Collection

Flow: Milk Dispatch

19. Milk Procurement – Plant
Procurement department level will have supervision and managerial rights
on the procurement operations at DCS/BMC/MCC. The goal of DMS is to
increase the visibility of procurement department on these operations and
increase control and efficiency on day to day activities.

19.1 Procurement Dashboard: DMS

Procurement Dashboard will be equipped with Key Indicators and
analytics to update procurement department about the status of
operations on the dashboard.

i. Key Indicators will be:

 Total Milk Collected
 Total Cow Milk Collected
 Total Buffalo milk collected
 Total Transporters under milk union
 Total Societies registered
 Total BMC registered
 Today’s average FAT
 Today’s Average SNF

All these Indicators will indicate the status such as quantity in real time
and it will be updated every hour based on the input/output of

ii. Main Dashboard:

Below the Key Indicators on Main dashboard, Procurement team can
 Milk collection Stats as per BMC, DCS and MCC which can be sort to
see by day, Week and Month.
 Milk Summary from societies along with date wise entries Showing
name/code of society, Morning Milk and Evening Milk.
 Milk Summary from BMC, date wise entries showing name/code of
BMC and procured milk quantity in Morning and evening.
 Route summary showing route number, assigned transporter and
vehicle and timing of route

 Summary of societies due for Training.

These are the main Key actions being kept on the dashboard of
Procurement module and aside from these followings are the provisions
provided to Procurement department through DMS.

19.2 Societies
Under the Societies, the procurement department will have the records of
all registered societies. The records of societies will have the details about
society such as name, address, society code, average Milk ration and aside
from this followings are the features that will be provided:

i. Add Society
With the establishment of DMS, the right to add the Society/Farm will
remain in procurement department. The Procurement department can add
the society in to system by providing:
 Society Name
 Society code (Input or Auto generated)
 Society type (Registered or Proposed)
 Society Shift (Morning, Evening)
 Society Address (Village, District, State, Pin Code)
 Society bank details
 Society’s Secretory name
 Society’s Secretory contact details
 Society Route

Providing the above details, society will be successfully added into the DMS
and will be visible under the Society records as well as Under “Due for
training” records on the dashboard. Each society which is newly added will
be visible under “Due for training” automatically and will remain there for
30 days. DMS will auto alert the societies which are “Due for Training”.

ii. Edit Society

In Order to edit any Society, the procurement department can do it simply
clicking on action tab. Choosing the edit option, the Society detail listing will
open and all the data fields will be eligible for editing.

iii. Society records:
 On Society records, Procurement team can view society by name, by code,
by route etc.
 The average Milk (Cow/Buff) procured by society will be associated to
society records.
 Average Monthly sale of Society will be associated with these records.
 Associated Members to these societies can be accessed through this
 Average Milk procured by Particular member under the society is also
associated with the record of society

19.3 BMC
Under the BMC, the procurement department will have the records of all
registered BMCs. The records of BMCs will have the details about BMC such
as name, address, BMC code, average Milk ration and aside from this
followings are the features that will be provided:

i. Add BMC
The Procurement department can add BMC in to system by providing:
 BMC Name
 BMC code (input or auto generated)
 BMC Address (Village, District, State, Pin code)
 BMC Shift (Morning/Evening)
 BMC Employee name
 BMC Employee contact details
 BMC Route
 Assign Society to BMC

Providing the above details, BMC will be successfully added into the DMS
and will be visible under the BMC records.

ii. Edit BMC

In Order to edit any BMC, the procurement department can do it simply
clicking on action tab. Choosing the edit option, the BMC detail listing will
open and all the data fields will be eligible for editing.

iii. BMC records:
 On BMC records, Procurement team can view BMC by name, by code, by
route etc.
 The average Milk (Cow/Buff) procured from BMC will be associated to
BMC records.
 Associated Societies to BMC can be accessed through this record.
 Average Milk procured by Particular Society under this BMC is also
associated with the record of BMC.

19.4 Transporters
Under the transporters, the procurement department can view the
transporters records, Transporter bills, Transporter Penalties. Aside from
this followings are the action that can be performed by procurement

i. Add Transporter
The Procurement department can add Transporter in to system by
 Transporter Name
 Transporter Address
 Transporter Phone Number
 Transporter email address
 Transporter Bank account details
 Transporter Driving license details
 Transporter Aadhar Card
 Route number

After these details, DMS will ask the vehicle details on next page that is
registered against the transporter’s name. The details that will be submitted
 Vehicle Type (Tanker/Truck/Mini Truck)
 Vehicle Number
 Vehicle Driver name (DMS will have provision to assign the transporter
as driver or add separate Driver details)
 Driver Contact details
 Vehicle Helper name (Optional)
 Vehicle Helper’s contact details (Optional)
 Assigned Route (It will be selected from route master)
 Timings (Shift and timings will be assigned)

 Contract type (Fixed or per kilometres)

Providing the above details, Transporter will be successfully added into

the DMS and will be visible under the Transporters records on
Procurement’s Dashboard.

ii. Edit Transporter

In Order to edit any Transporter, the procurement department can do it
simply clicking on action tab. Choosing the edit option, the transporter detail
listing will open and all the data fields will be eligible for editing.

iii. Transporter records:

 On Transporter records, Procurement team can view Transporter by
name, by ID, by route, Vehicle type, by contract type etc.
 The average Distance (KMs) Covered by transporter.
 Transporter bills (Paid/Outstanding)
 Date of contract, complaints/penalties against the transporter.

iv. Transporter Time Schedule

The Procurement department can manage the Transporter’s time schedule.
The time schedule will be assigned to Transporter during the time of
registration and it can be managed separately under the transporters
Module in procurement department.

a) Process:
 Procurement department will choose the time of arrival at BMC
 Procurement department will choose the time of dispatch from BMC
 Procurement department will choose the time of arrival at Milk Plant
 Procurement department will choose the time of dispatch from Milk

Note: The provision to input the arrival and dispatch time will depend on the
route number. If route number is linked with the Milk chilling centre instead
of BMC, DMS ERP will ask to record the arrival and Dispatch time of milk
chilling centre.

v. Transporter bills
Transporter bills will be recorded under transporter module in VITA Dairy
management system. The bills will be recorded based on the Vehicle route
and Gate In/Out logs.

a) Transporter bills Schedule

 Transporter bills will be ready for advisory under account section
after 15 days.
 The Bills schedule will be hard coded via backend team and it
cannot be changed on own from procurement department from

b) Transporter bills deduction

 Deduction in transporter bills will be based on the security
penalties marked against the transporter.
 DMS will auto deduct the Penalties before sending advisory to pay
the transporter bills.

vi. Transporter Penalties

Under Transporter penalties there will be record of all the penalties.
Currently DMS will have the following penalties:

a) Jute Bag Missing:

This penalty will be recorded by Security officer from DMS’s Gate
Module. The Penalty amount can be decided by Procurement
department. The penalty amount will be auto deducted from the
standing bill of transporter’s billing cycle.

b) Can Lid Missing:

This penalty will be recorded by Security officer from DMS’s Gate
Module. The Penalty amount can be decided by Procurement
department. The penalty amount will be auto deducted from the
standing bill of transporter’s billing cycle.

c) Can Missing:
This penalty will be recorded by Security officer from DMS’s Gate
Module. The Penalty amount can be decided by Procurement
department. The penalty amount will be auto deducted from the
standing bill of transporter’s billing cycle.

d) Sour Milk:
This penalty will be recorded by Quality officer from DMS’s Quality
Module. The Penalty amount can be decided by Procurement
department. The penalty amount will be auto deducted from the
standing bill of transporter’s billing cycle.

e) Late Arrival:
This penalty will be recorded by Security officer from DMS’s Gate
Module. The Penalty amount can be decided by Procurement
department. The penalty amount will be auto deducted from the
standing bill of transporter’s billing cycle.

19.5 Route Master:

i. Add Route
The procurement department can add the Route with the help of Route

To add the route user will input:

 Route Name
 Route Code (It will be auto generated from System but can be
manually chosen too)
 Route timing
 Expected Kms

The above details will be necessary to create the Route within the system
and aside from this, the procurement department will have provision to:

a) Assign Society
In order to assign the Society, the user will have provision to search
the Society by Society name or Society code. This will be quick and
easy if there are limited Society to attach or the other option will be
to access the Society listing record and mark all the Societies, he
want to assign to that route.

b) Assign BMC
In order to assign the BMC, the user will have provision to search the
BMC by BMC name or BMC code. This will be quick and easy if there

are limited BMC to attach or the other option will be to access the
BMC listing record and mark all the BMC’s, he want to assign to that

c) Assign MCC
In order to assign the MCC, the user will have provision to search the
MCC by BMC name or MCC code. This will be quick and easy if there
are limited MCC to attach or the other option will be to access the
MCC listing record and mark all the MCC’s, he want to assign to that

d) Assign Transporter
In order to assign the Transporter, the user will have provision to
search the Transporter by Transporter name or Transporter ID. This
will be quick and easy if there are limited Transporter to attach or
the other option will be to access the Transporter listing record and
mark the transporter, he want to assign to that route.

Choosing the transporter for the route, will ask for the vehicle
number to be chosen as well. As the transporter is chosen, the
vehicle number will be auto filled based on the vehicles registered
under that transporter in DMS database.

These details will be necessary to create the Route and once the
route is create it will be stored in Route listing records.

ii. Routes Management

The procurement department can manage the created Routes. The
department will have provision to edit/delete the created Routes.

a) Edit/Delete Route
In Order to edit or delete any route the procurement department can
do it simply clicking on action tab. In case, the department wants to
edit the route, the route detail listing will open and all the data fields
will be eligible for editing.

In case, the department wants to delete the route, they can simply
select the route from route listing and will tap on Delete button.
Tapping on delete button will ask for reconfirmation and upon
reconfirmation the Route will be successfully deleted.

b) Routes listing
Under Routes Listing, the procurement department can access the
listing of all registered route s and they will have provision to export
the routes, edit the routes, delete the routes, or search for specific
route based on the requirements.

19.6 Rate Master:

i. View Rate Master:

The procurement department will have provision to view the rate chart.
Procurement department cannot edit the rate chart as this authority will be
provided to the Accounts department. The rate chart will be implemented
based on the logics that will be provided by VITA team. The working method
of rate chart will be lookup table and based on FAT/SNF values, DMS will
calculate the rate per litter.

19.7. Indents:
Procurement will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Procurement) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Procurement Officer can search
through the records as per the requirement or he can export them

into excel format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on
the status (Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them. The
Procurement Officer will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by procurement
department. These Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent
records. The Procurement Officer will have provision to export/Print
the Indent report based on the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by procurement
department. The Procurement Officer will have provision to
export/Print the Indent report based on the requirement.

19.8 Grievance:
The Procurement department will be equipped with the online Grievance
System. Here the Procurement head can review the received Grievances
from the Field level such as Societies, BMC, MCC and Milk Producers. The
received issue/complaint through Grievance system will include all the valid
contact details such as Phone number to reach the person.

19.9 Reports:
DMS will compile and present the report for every action under reports.
Based on the actions described above followings are the reports that will be
generated and visible to Procurement department.

i. Sales reports
Sales reports such as sale of cattle feeds, Fodder/seeds, Procurement Levy,
sale of Mineral mixture will be recorded under sales report. The report can
be cumulative and can be bifurcated with the help of filters and sort
functions provided in the DMS. Also there will be provision to Export the
report in PDF of excel format.

ii. Farmer/Owner details report
Farmer/Owner detail report will include the details such as person details,
society associated with, Average milk Procured etc.

iii. Cattle detail and Artificial Insemination reports

Cattle detail report will Include the Cattle type, Its Quantity, Number of child
against cattle type, Number of dead Childs, number of alive Childs, female
ratio, Last inspection, Last Insemination, Purchase cost, calving date,
Average milk capacity. The cattle info can be checked against the Farmer
name and ID.

iv. Daily MPCS Milk comparison report

Daily MPCS milk comparison report will included the milk receipt records
from respective MPCS.

v. DCS Balance details

DCS Balance details will indicate payment records made against the
procured Milk quantity including local sale.

vi. Animal health information

It can be part of Cattle Detail report which will have record of inspections,
calving and record of any decease inspected.

vii. Transporters report

Transporter details such as name, vehicle, contract type, total kilometres
done, total payment of transporter, pay per day of transporter, these details
will be included in this report.

Adding to this following are the reports are meant to be covered:

 Can outward Gate pass Report
 Can account Report
 Route Transporter Report
 PR-1 Report
 Procurement Section Report
 Women Dairy Report
 EO Progress Report
 RMP and BS of DCS report
 DCS ledge wise sales recovery report.
 Fat/SNF

19.10 Improvements Proposed:
 Complete digitalisation for Procurement operations.
 Improved control and tracking on best and worst performing societies.
 Complete transparency on the sale of cattle feed against societies and
milk Procured.
 Tracking and management of Transporters Bills and their Security
penalties will be easy with DMS.

19.11 Business Rules:

 Code of societies/BMC/transporters will be unique and system
 Time schedule of societies/BMC will be assigned during addition of
 Vehicle’s Kilometres will be recorded based on the average run distance
of vehicle per day and monthly kilometres will be recorded against the
gate outs and gate in of the vehicle.

20. Gate Department Operations

Gate Department is maintaining and managing more than 10 registers a day
and all these registers related to vehicle entries, Material entries, Loading,
weighment, return of material, Attendance registers are now being clubbed
in DMS. DMS security module will allow the Security officers to manage all
these registers at one place and with help of few input buttons and
reporting/alerts that comes with in DMS will bring the ease in management

of Gate operations with the help of Analytics and Indicators kept on
Dashboard of DMS’s security module.

20.1 Inward: DMS

Discussing the type of registers maintained by Security Officer, most of them
are clubbed and categorized in DMS through Inward feature provided on the
dashboard’s side navigation. Inward feature will allow Security officer to
record any type of Inward such as Milk Tanker/Truck, Store material,
Products or replacements. The Security officer can make the entry of such
Inward from single click which will ask respective inputs based on the Inward
type chosen.

i. Milk Tanker Inward:

Milk Tanker Inward will have the record listing of Total Milk entries are being
done today.

a) Record Inward:
On this page, Security officer will have provision to Record Inward
entry in order to record the inward for the tanker received at gate.

To do so, Security officer will put the Route code or Dispatch note
number first, from which the Vehicle number, driver name, quantity
of Milk, Fat/SNF of milk will be auto picked based on the records of
Dispatch note which is saved in database at BMC/MCC. Fields to
Input Dispatch code and Route code will be kept in Tanker Inward
entry form so that Security officer can opt the right one based on the
destination, tanker is coming from. If tanker is coming from other
plant, then dispatch code will be filled and if the tanker is coming
from BMS/MCC to which Milk Plant has allocated the routes, so route
code will be filled.

Further, the security officer just have to choose the department

(truck headed to) and record Time in, as all these details are
complete, Security Officer will click Save button and gate pass will be
generated and entry will be saved in database as following:
 Date
 Route Code
 Dispatch code (if chosen)
 Vehicle Number
 Driver name
 Contact number of Driver
 Quantity of Milk
 FAT and SNF
 Gate Pass no
 Status of Seal
 Time in
 Time Out
 Remarks (If any)

b) Milk Tanker Records:

As tanker-In, the records will be shown in Tanker Inward listing at
the top and the entry of Milk Tanker will pop up on the Quality
Department because this is what Security officer choose from Gate
Pass. The entry of every Inward will remain on TOP until the tanker
is gate in and once tanker is at Gate for Gate in carrying the milk from
BMC/MCC, the Security officer will pick the record from the top of
listing and will record the time in and entry will be closed and shown
in Tanker Inward listing based on the time. The entry records will
have the serial number based on the time of entry at gate.

ii. Milk Truck Inward:
Milk Truck Inward will be exactly same as the flow of Milk Tanker Inward.
Milk Truck Inward will have the provision to record the number of cans
carried by Milk Truck. Flow to record the entry will be same, Security officer
will go to Inwards option and will select Milk Truck.

a) Record Inward:
On Milk Truck Inward listing, there will be “Record Inward” button
in order to record the inward for the truck received at gate.

To do so, Security officer will put the route code first, from which the
Vehicle number, driver name, number of cans will be auto picked
based on the records of Dispatch note which is saved in database at
BMC/MCC. In case the truck is directly coming from the Societies
which are directly associated with Milk Union, the security official
will have to manually input the number of cans. The security officer
will choose the department (truck headed to) and record Time in, as
all these details are complete, Security Officer will click the Save
button and gate pass will be generated and entry will be saved in
database as following:
 Date
 Route Code
 Vehicle Number
 Driver name
 Contact number of Driver
 Number of Cans
 Number of Lids
 Gate Pass no
 Time in
 Time Out (It will be empty until tanker Gate out)
 Remarks (If any)

b) Milk Truck Records:

As Truck in, the records will be shown in Milk Truck Inward listing at
the top and the entry of Milk Tanker will pop up on the Quality
Department because this is what Security officer choose from Gate
Pass. The entry of every Inward will remain on TOP until the tanker
is gate out and once tanker is at Gate for Gate out, the Security
officer will pick the record from the top of listing and will record the

time out and, the Security officer will record the time out and entry
will be closed and shown in Tanker Inward listing based on the time.
The entry records will have the serial number based on the time of
entry at gate.

iii. Material Inward:

Material Inward will have the record listing of Material such as store material
or plant material entries are being done today.

a) Record Inward:
On Material Inward listing, there will be “Record Material Inward”
button in order to record the inward for the Material received at gate.

To do so, Security officer will put the Party Name, Invoice No, Type of
material quantity and will choose the department (Material headed
to) and record Time in, as all these details are complete, Security
Officer will click Save button and gate pass will be generated and entry
will be saved in database as following:
 Date
 Party Name
 Invoice No.
 Type of Material
 Quantity of Material
 Units
 Vehicle Number
 Driver name
 Contact number of Driver
 Gate Pass no
 Time in
 Time Out
 Remarks (If any)

b) Material Inward Records:

As Vehicle carrying the material is in, the records will be shown in
Material Inward listing at the top and the entry of Material Vehicle
will pop up on the Store or quality Department because this is what
Security officer choose from Gate Pass. The entry of every Inward will
remain on TOP until the vehicle is gate out and once vehicle is at Gate
for Gate out, the Security officer will pick the record from the top of

listing and will record the time out and, the Security officer will record
the time out and entry will be closed and shown in Material Inward
listing based on the time. The entry records will have the serial
number based on the time of entry at gate.

iv. Products Inward:

Product Inward will have the record listing of Products such as Milk, Paneer,
Ghee etc. are being done today.

a) Record Inward
On Product Inward listing, there will be “Record Product Inward”
button in order to record the inward for the Products received at

To do so, Security officer will put the Party Name, Invoice No, Type
of Products, quantity and will choose the department (Product
headed to) and record Time in, as all these details are complete,
Security Officer will click Save button and gate pass will be generated
and entry will be saved in database as following:
 Date
 Party Name
 Invoice No.
 Type of Products
 Quantity of Products
 Units
 Vehicle Number
 Driver name
 Contact number of Driver
 Gate Pass no
 Time in
 Time Out (
 Remarks (If any)

b) Products Inward Records:

As Vehicle carrying the Products is in, the records will be shown in
Products Inward listing at the top and the entry of Material Vehicle
will pop up on the Store or quality Department because this is what
Security officer choose from Gate Pass. The entry of every Inward will
remain on TOP until the vehicle is gate out and once vehicle is at Gate

for Gate out, the Security officer will pick the record from the top of
listing and will record the time out and, the Security officer will
record the time out and entry will be closed and shown in Material
Inward listing based on the time. The entry records will have the
serial number based on the time of entry at gate.

v. Replacements:
Replacements will have the record listing of Replacements such as Milk
Products or the material that are being recorded today.

a) Record Replacement
On Replacement listing, there will be “Record Replacement” button
in order to record the inward for the Replacement received at gate.

To do so, Security officer will put the Party Name, Invoice No, Reason
of replacement, Type of material quantity and will choose the
department (Material headed to) and record Time in, as all these
details are complete, Security Officer will click Save button and gate
pass will be generated and entry will be saved in database as
 Date
 Party Name
 Invoice No.
 Type of Material
 Quantity of Material
 Units
 Reason of replacement
 Vehicle Number
 Driver name
 Contact number of Driver
 Gate Pass no
 Time in
 Time Out (It will be empty until tanker Gate out)
 Remarks (If any)

b) Replacement Records:
As Vehicle carrying the material is in, the records will be shown in
Replacements listing at the top and the entry of Material Vehicle will
pop up on the Marketing or quality Department because this is what

Security officer choose from Gate Pass. The entry of every Inward will
remain on TOP until the Vehicle is gate out and once Vehicle is at
Gate for Gate out, the Security officer will pick the record from the
top of listing and will record the time out and, the Security officer will
record the time out and entry will be closed and shown in
Replacement listing based on the time. The entry records will have
the serial number based on the time of entry at gate.

Flow of Inward Gate Operations:

20.2 Outward: DMS
Outward’s flow in DMS is almost similar and can be accessed from the
sidebar of Security Module’s Dashboard. Outward feature will allow Security
officer to record any type of Outward such as Milk Tanker, Store material,
Products or replacements. The Security officer can make the entry of such
Outward from single click which will ask respective inputs based on the
Inward type chosen.

i. Milk Tanker Outward:

Milk Tanker Outward will have the record listing of Total Milk entries which
is issued by Plant to other plant of other Dairy.

a) Record Outward:
To Record Outward Entry Security officer will input the Dispatch
Note Number which is generated by Production Department.
Dispatch note number is kept for Milk tanker outwards which is
meant to be sent to other plants as there is no Route number
assigned. Inputting the Dispatch note, will get the following details
in input form:
 Party Name (Where Milk Headed to),
 Type of Milk (Raw, Pasteurized, Standardized),
 Quantity of Milk,
 FAT/SNF of Milk
 Temperature of Milk
 Vehicle Number
 Seal Number
 Driver Name
 Driver Contact number

Aside from this, Security officer will input the timeout time and gate
pass number will be generated. As all these details are complete,
Security Officer will click Save button and gate pass will be generated
and entry will be saved in database

As tanker-out, the records will be shown in Tanker Outward listing

at the top. The entry of every Outward will remain on TOP until the
tanker is gate In and once tanker is at Gate for Gate In, the Security
officer will pick the record from the top of listing and will record the

time In and entry will be closed and shown in Tanker Outward listing
based on the time. The entry records will have the serial number
based on the time of entry at gate.

b) Scenario 2 for Tanker Outward:

Scenario 2 will address the case of vehicle which is sent by other
plant itself to collect the milk. In that case the flow will be, security
officer will input the dispatch note number which will fetch the
following details:
 Party Name (Where Milk Headed to),
 Type of Milk Requested (Raw, Pasteurized, Standardized),
 Quantity of Milk Requested
 FAT/SNF of Milk Requested
 Vehicle Number
 Seal Number
 Driver Name
 Driver Contact number

The security officer will Initiate the Outward by recording “Time In”
of the vehicle and assign the vehicle for weighment. At weighment
the weight of empty vehicle will be recorded against the gate pass
number and vehicle will be send towards the productions. At
production department, milk will be issued against the same
dispatch note number which is raised by other plants production
head. As the records updated, the vehicle will be sent for weighment
against and net weight of vehicle will be recorded against the same
dispatch note number. When vehicle reach at Gate, the time out of
the vehicle is being recorded against the created gate pass number
and entry will be closed and saved in tanker outwards.

ii. Material Outward:

Material Inward will have the record listing of Material such as store material
or plant material entries which is sent out from plant to society or other

a) Record Outward:
To Record Material Outward, Security officer will click on “Record
Material Outward” button and it will open a Popup which will ask for
the Gate pass number or vehicle Number first. Inputting the any one

of them will fetch the following information from store’s Outward
Gate pass records:
 Party name (It is headed to)
 Number of goods (Details as per item name, code and Unit)
 Vehicle Number
 Driver Name
 Driver Contact number
 Time out
 Expected time of return

As all these details are complete, Security Officer will click Save
button and gate pass will be updated with Out time and entry will be
saved in database.

b) Material Outward Records:

As Vehicle carrying the material is out, the records will be shown in
Material Outward listing at the top. The entry of every Outward will
remain on TOP until the vehicle is “Gate In” after delivering the
material and once vehicle is at Gate for Gate In, the Security officer
will pick the record from the top of listing and will record the time In
and entry will be closed and shown in Material Outward listing based
on the time. The entry records will have the serial number based on
the time of entry at gate.

iii. Products Outward:

Products Outward will have the record listing of Products such as Ghee,
Paneer, Lassi, chaach, Milk Pouches etc. which is sent out from plant to
Distributors or other plant.

a) Record Outward
To Record Products Outward, Security officer will click on “Record
Product Outward” button and it will open a Popup which will ask for
the following information:
 Party name (It came from)
 Vehicle Number
 Driver Name
 Driver Contact number
 Time in

As all these details are complete, Security Officer will “Assign the
vehicle for Inspection by assigning it to appointed Security official”
and click Save button and gate pass number will be generated and
Vehicle will be In.

b) Inspection Process:
Vehicle came to collect delivery of products are meant to be inspected
first. As vehicle number is marked for inspection, the assigned Security
official will receive the notification that vehicle number “HRXXDXXXX”
is need to be inspected. The security official will inspect and update
the records by parameters of inspection in DMS through his device.
Based on the status of approved or rejected vehicles during the
inspection, the vehicle number will pop up in marketing department
for Invoice creation. If the vehicle is rejected, No Invoice can be
created against the vehicle number and process will halt there. If
vehicle is approved in the inspection, the status of Vehicle will come
as approved in Marketing department and they can further create the
invoice against the vehicle number.

All these entries such as Invoice Number, Number of items, Items

code, Batch, Unit, Pack quantity will be updated against the Gate pass
number which is generated during the time in. As Vehicle carrying the
products will reach at gate for Gate out, the Security officer will pick
the record from the top of listing and will record the time out and
entry will be closed and shown in Product Outward listing based on
the time. The entry records will have the serial number based on the
time of entry at gate.

iv. Replacements Outward:

Anything which is at plant and meant to be replaced or sent for the
replacement, that will be recorded in Replacements outward.

a) Record Outward
To Record Replacement Outward, Security officer will click on
“Record Replacement” button and it will open a Popup which will
ask for the Gate pass number or vehicle Number first. Inputting the
any one of them will fetch the following information from Store’s
Outward Gate pass records:
 Party name (It is headed to)

 Invoice No.
 Number of goods (Details as per item name, code and Unit)
 Vehicle Number
 Driver Name
 Driver Contact number
 Time out
 Expected time of return

As all these details are complete, Security Officer will click Save
button and gate pass will be updated with Out time and entry will be
saved in database.

b) Replacement Outward Records:

As Vehicle carrying the material is out, the records will be shown in
Replacement Outward listing at the top. The entry of every Outward
will remain on TOP until the vehicle is “Gate In” after replacement
and once vehicle is at Gate for Gate-In, the Security officer will pick
the record from the top of listing and will record the time In and entry
will be closed and shown in Replacement Outward listing based on
the time. The entry records will have the serial number based on the
time of entry at gate.

The entry of every Inward will remain on TOP until the Vehicle is gate
out and once Vehicle is at Gate for Gate out, the Security officer will
pick the record from the top of listing and will record the time out
and, the Security officer will record the time out and entry will be
closed and shown in Replacement listing based on the time. The
entry records will have the serial number based on the time of entry
at gate.

Flow of Plant Gate Operations:

20.3 Visitors Management
The records of Visitors will be managed through the DMS.

i. Add Visitors
In DMS Security officer will input the followings:
 Name of Visitor
 Address of Visitor
 No. of Person
 Vehicle No.
 Contact Person
 Purpose of Visit
 Time In

Submitting the above information, DMS will capture the image of Visitor
with the help of installed camera. Completing the process the record will be
successfully saved in Database.

ii. Visitor Records:

The record of entry will be recorded in Database against the date of visit.
The Security will have provision to export the Visitor records by Date, week
and month and they can sort the records of visitors through contact person

Flow of Gate Visitor:

20.4 Security Penalties:
Security Penalties will be record of negligence during the transportation of
Milk and Milk products.

i. Record Security Penalty:
Security team will have provision to record the security Penalties against the
Inwards recorded.

To record the penalty, Security official will choose:

 Transporter Name
 Vehicle Number
 Driver name
 Will Choose Penalty type from the dropdown.
 Will input the number of time warning offered
 Will submit

The submitted penalty will be recorded against transporter’s ID in database

and procurement department will have notification about the same.

ii. Security Penalties Records:

The recorded Security Penalties will be saved under Security Penalties
Records. All the penalties in this listing can be seen Against Date, Transporter
name, Driver name, Penalty type, Warnings offered etc

The security officer will have provision to export this report into Excel format
and he will provision to print it.

Flow of Security Penalties:

20.5 Employee Indiscipline:
DMS will have provision to record Indiscipline against Employee at Milk
Plant. Employee Indiscipline will cover all the staff working at Milk Union.

i. Record Indiscipline:
To record the Indiscipline, Security Individual can choose:
 Employee name,
 Designation of Employee,

 Department of Employee
 Nature of complaint.

a) Choose Nature of Complaint:

To record the nature of complaint, Security individual will have input
box to write down the complaint and will have provision to attach
any file/image related to the complaint.

b) Choose Recipient:
Employees Indiscipline can be send to his section head or directly to
CEO as per the circumstances and security individual will have right
to choose the recipient to submit the complaint. Also, the record of
all previous submitted complaints related to employee Indiscipline
can be access under Employee Indiscipline records listing and can be
sort/filter by name of Employee, Designation and department.

Flow record the Employee Indiscipline:

iv. Employee Indiscipline Records:
The recorded Employee Indiscipline will be saved under Employee
Indiscipline Records. All the records in this listing can be seen Against Date,
Employee name, Designation, department etc

The security officer will have provision to export this report into Excel format
and he will provision to print it.

20.6 Attendance: DMS

Attendance will be automated with the help of Installed Biometric devices.
The Time in and Time Out of employees will be recorded from Biometric
device and DMS will be helpful in better track of Attendance by employees,
tour slips, outgoing slips etc.

i. In and Out Employee entries:
As this will be totally managed through the Biometric device entries. The
security team can check the time records of employees here as per the shift,
date, week and month. Also the team will have provision to export the
records with the help of DMS and it will help the team to track incomplete
entries (Without Time In or Time Out) with the help of auto highlight
algorithm so that team can take the action accordingly.

The incomplete entries will be kept aside and highlighted at the top of report
so that the security team can make the respective records after verification
from the section head or particular employee.

The records can be made to incomplete entries in DMS:

 Mark Day off
 Record Tour slip
 Record CL/CH
 Record Out going Duty Slip

Rest it will populate the records of total present employees, absent

employees, On Tour, On outgoing Duty and on CL/CH to security team as a

ii. Manual Attendance entries:

The provision to record the Attendance Manually is provided in Gate
module. The Security officer can record the attendance as following:
 Choose Employee ID
 Record In Time
 Record Out time

a) Choose Employee ID
The Employee ID can be selected from the dropdown. This record will
be fetched from employee master. Once the Employee ID is selected,
the designation and department of employee will be auto filled.

b) Record In time:
Record In time, will be auto recorded when user will tap on it. There
will be no need to put the time manually.

c) Record Out time:
To record the time out, user will select the Attendance entry of
today. In Attendance entry of current date all the records will be
available and each record will have “Record Out time” button to
provide the convenience to the user to record the time out.

Clicking on the “Record Out time” it will open the pop up showing
the employee name, ID and Out time recorded in POP and there will
be confirm button. Clicking on the confirm button will save the

d) Attendance Records:
Attendance Records, will be saved in Attendance sheet. In
Attendance sheet the records will be saved against the [Date],
[Employee ID] [Status], [Time in], [Time Out] [Recorded via
(Biometric, Manually)]

Flow diagram of marking Attendance:

20.7. Indents:
Gate will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Gate) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Security Officer can search through
the records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them. The
Security Officer will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by Store. These
Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records. The
Security Officer will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by Store. The
Security Officer will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

20.8 Grievance:
The Gate Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System.
Here the Assigned Security Officer can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, Security Officer will have the following form fields:
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the Security Officer can write down the matter and can submit it.
Upon submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s

Aside from this Security Officer can check the previous submitted Issues by
date here.

20.9 Improvements Proposed:

 DMS will reduce the work load of maintaining the Registers for each
 Time in and Time out entries will be more accurate and no scope of
predicting the time if entry is missed.
 Better security surveillance on vehicles Inside based on Open Gate
Inward entries.
 Deep Insights with DMS analytics and reporting.
 DMS will increase the transparency and accountability as the records
will be stored at centralized database and all stakeholders will be in

20.10 Business Rules:

 Each gate pass inward/outward should be unique.
 Time and date must be generated while creating the gate pass
 The Gate pass entries without timeout or time in should not be closed
and remain on the dashboard.
 Computer’s date and time should not affect the applications’ date and
 There will be no provision for Gate member to edit any Record.
 Route Master should be linked with Gate module.

21. Weighment Operations

Weighment Operations are already semi-automated as the equipment that
measures the weight and prepare the report is installed at Weighing Bridge.
The manual part of Weighment operations is maintaining the entries of
vehicles carrying raw milk, milk products or material in the register. All these
details are maintained manually for now by the officer assigned at Weighing
Bridge but DMS will eliminate these registers totally and entries of
Weighment will be recorded in DMS directly through the equipment.

21.1 Weighment: Empty Vehicle
Create Weighment button on Dashboard of DMS will allow Weighing officer
to record the weighment of truck/tanker or any other vehicle which is
requested for weighment and reached at Dock.

i. Create Weighment:
As the vehicle is at weighment bridge, the weighing officer will Click “Create
Weighment” button which will ask the following information to create the
 Vehicle Number
 Time of Weighment
 Type of weighment (Tare Weight, Gross Weight, Net Weight)

On Submission of these details, the entry will be saved in records.

ii. Standing Weighment Records

Once the record is created of Empty vehicle, it will remain on Dashboard of
Weighing officer until Net weight means weight of product is recorded
against the entry. The record will be maintained against the vehicle number
and this entry will remain active till 24 hours and after that it will give alert
to Weighing officer if this record is still pending!

21.2 Weighment Inward:

Every Vehicle coming outside of Plant carrying Milk or Material Will Pop up
on Weighment’s Dashboard itself. As Vehicle enters the gate, the details
such as Vehicle number, Route number, Quantity of Milk Carrying, Quality
of milk carrying, etc. which are recorded during gate pass generation process
will be show on Weighment’s Dashboard under On Dock section.

The weighing officer will have to just perform 2 actions “Qualify” or

“Confirm” against the entry showing on dashboard.

i. Qualify Weighment:
Weighing officer will click Qualify, if the weight of tanker is less or more than
the actual quantity shown on Gate Pass. To Qualify the weight, weighing
officer must input the Weight in KGS on POP up along with remarks. On the
click of Save button the entry will be automatically removed from the “On
Dock” Section at Dashboard and will save in Inward entry against the gate
pass number.

ii. Confirm Weighment:
If the weight is same to recorded weight of tanker and there is no disparity,
the weighing officer will click on Confirm button. On the click of confirm
button the entry will be automatically removed from the “On Dock” Section
at Dashboard and will save in Inward entry against the gate pass number.

21.3 Weighment Outward: DMS

To record the weighment for any material such as milk, products which are
going outside from the plant in the quantity of KG to Distributors, Other
plant or any society, will be recorded in Weighment Outward. Firstly, the
weight of empty vehicle will be recorded which is going to carry the

To record/create the weighment of empty vehicle, weighing officer will click

on the “Create weighment” button which will ask the following information
to create the entry:
 Vehicle Number
 Time of Weighment
 Type of weighment (Tare, Gross weight, Net Weight)

On Submission of these details, the entry will be saved in records against the
vehicle number and it will remain on Dashboard of Weighing officer until Net
weight means weight of product/material is recorded against the entry. The
Entry of empty weighment at dashboard will remain active till 24 hours and
after that it will give alert to Weighing officer if this record is still pending!

Once the Vehicle carrying the product will reach at dock, weighing officer
can pick the entry as per the vehicle number and can record the Gross/net
weight against the entry which is created at weighing officer under the
vehicle number. Further Once the Gate pass number is assigned to Vehicle
number Carrying the material outside the plant, the weight records will be
mapped with Gate Pass as records.

21.4 Weighment Others: DMS

Weighment Others is provision provided in DMS to weigh any other material
which is not going out or incoming from any association. In case the
weighment is required within the plant, weighing officer will record the

weighment entries under this feature. To record the weighment, weighing
officer will click on “Create Weighment” which will ask for:
 Material Name
 Department

The entry of weight will be recorded against it as per the described flow.

21.5. Indents:
Weighment will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Weighment) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Procurement Officer can search
through the records as per the requirement or he can export them
into excel format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on
the status (Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them. The
Weighment Officer will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents

Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by Store. These
Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records. The
Weighment Officer will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by Store. The
Weighment Officer will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

21.6 Grievance:
The Weighment Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance
System. Here the Assigned Weighing Officer can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, weighing Officer will have the following form
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the Weighing Officer can write down the matter and can submit it.
Upon submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s

Aside from this Weighing Officer can check the previous submitted Issues by
date here.

21.7 Improvement Proposed:

 No need to maintain the separate registers to maintain Milk, products
and material weighment records.
 Better surveillance on weighment entries throughout the day.
 Provision to export/find records by weeks, months and year.
 Provision to export/find records by Milk, Products and Material.

21.8 Business Rules:
 The Open entries for weighment will remain standing on Dashboard
for atleast 12 hours. After 12 hours, reminder will be sent for user.
 The recorded weight against the Vehicle number should be mapped
with Gate pass number created at security gate
 The Algorithm to calculate Net weight will work automatically
deducting tare weight from Gross weight.

Flow of Weighment Department Operations:

22. Quality Operations
In DMS we have divided Quality operations based on its involvements in all
along the line from the procurement of milk through the processing to the
final delivery of end product. For effective diagnosis of lack of quality or

conformity to specified standards in raw material, processes, machines and
end products, DMS will enable quality team to be more efficient with the
help of automate alerts/notification and analytics. Entire Quality team will
be equipped with DMS in order to run their operations in respective
departments and role based access will be provided to every entity whereas:
a) Quality Manager will be provided with all reporting and editing rights to
reporting on his/her DMS Dashboard
b) Lab Testers will be provided with ability to perform all assigned Milk and
Milk Product tests.
c) Quality Inspectors will be provided with ability to prepare test plans and
record the status of Scheduled inspections day to day related to Store,
Production and plant related Inspections.

This is how DMS will cover all roles of quality department starts from
planning, reporting and data entry. Further we will discuss the
implementation of DMS task by task as following:

22.1 Milk & Milk Products Testing:

This dashboard will be provided to conduct all the tests related to Raw milk,
Processed milk and Milk products. Raw Milk Testing is already semi-
automated at Milk Unions. Certain Software is being used to record sample
Number, quality and quantity of Milk which maintains the records to prepare
Milk Bills but DMS will replace this software and will provide the provision
to Staff of quality to record quality test results directly at “Milk and Milk
Products Testing module”. The Access to MMPT module will be provided to
Milk Testers assigned at Quality Lab. The Dashboard of MMPT will keep them
updated about the available Milk at dock, Milk in Storage tanks, Milk in

i. Dashboard Controls

a) Key Indicators:
Key Indicators on the Dashboard will be:
 Total Number of received Milk
 Average Fat and SNF
 Requests (It will notify the request for test generated by inspection

b) On Dock:
As the Vehicle (Tanker/Truck Gate in, the entry will POP UP at Milk &
Milk Products Dashboard under “On Dock”. The notification will also
Pop UP to acknowledge the QA that Tanker/truck received at Dock
and it is ready to collect the sampling. Aside from collecting samples
and recording test results process, the QA of MMPT will see the total
number of milk arrived at Milk Union and average FAT and SNF of
collected milk which will be further mapped with dashboard of

ii. Truck/Tanker Samples:

a). Assign Sample number

The QA will be provided with the ability to assign the sample
numbers to available at entries on Dashboard under “On dock” tab.
Following are the details which will be visible to QA in Entry at Dock:
 Sr. No
 Route No.
 Vehicle No.
 Driver Name
 Quantity
 Assign Sample number

In case the entry is for Truck carrying the cans then, number of cans
will be added in entry view. As soon as the sample number is
assigned to entry, the entry will be shifted from “On Dock” Tab to
“Samples Ready for test”.

b). Samples Ready for Test:

The second employee assigned at recording the test results will have
provision to input the FAT/SNF/Acidity/AL/COB/CLR etc against the
sample number assigned.

He will not be able to input the FAT/SNF/Acidity/AL/COB/CLR etc

results until sample number is assigned from authorized QA.
Following are the details which are visible in entries at “Samples
Ready for Test”
 Sample Number

 Route number
 Vehicle No.
 Driver Name
 Quantity
 Record test

In Case the sample number is assigned to Truck entry then Society

Name, Code will be added in entry of “Samples Ready For Test”. As
soon as the test results are recorded against the sample, the entry
will be shifted from “Samples Ready for Test” Tab to “Milk Receipt

c). Milk Receipt Report:

The Milk which is tested, it will be saved in Milk Receipt Report. This
format of this report will be:
 Date
 Route number
 Sample Number
 Quantity
 Quality (FAT/SNF) (G,S,C)
 Test Result

The QA department will have provision to export or print these

report as per the requirement.

Once the test input is being recorded in DMS, the employee at this
dashboard will not be able to change the record.

Flow Diagram of Milk Testing:

v. Milk Tank Samples:
Aside from incoming/Outgoing Raw Milk testing, this department will have
provision to record the tests conducted on stored Raw Milk in Silo or
containers. To do that separate feature will be provided on the side bar of
Milk and Milk Products Testing Dashboard named as “Milk Tank Records”.
In Milk Tank records the QA can see the listing of previous recorded tests
against the tank name by time and date and there will be provision to record
the new test.

a). Assign Sample number:

To assign sample number, QA will input:
 Tank/container name
 Sample number
 Quantity of milk

As soon as the sample number is assigned to entry, the entry will be

shifted to “Samples Ready for test”.

b). Samples Ready for Test:

The second employee assigned at recording the test results will have
provision to input the FAT/SNF/Acidity/AL/COB/CLR etc against the
sample number assigned.

He will not be able to input the FAT/SNF/Acidity/AL/COB/CLR etc

results until sample number is assigned from authorized QA.
Following are the details which are visible in entries at “Samples
Ready for Test”
 Sample Number
 Tank/Container number
 Quantity
 Record test

soon as the test results are recorded against the sample, the entry
will be shifted from “Samples Ready for Test” Tab to “Milk Tank

c). Milk Tank Report:

The Milk in Milk tanks which is tested, it will be saved in Milk Receipt
Report. This format of this report will be:

 Date
 Tank/Container Number
 Sample Number
 Quantity
 Quality (FAT/SNF) (G,S,C)
 Test Result

The QA department will have provision to export or print these

report as per the requirement.

vi. In Process products testing:

As per the quality standards the inspection/testing of In-Processing products
is necessary. The products such as SFM and other are meant to be tested at
Lab and the process to do that will be as following:

a). Assign Sample number:

To assign sample number, QA will access the In-Process Products
listing which will be in following format:
 Sr. No
 Equipment ID
 Equipment Name
 Item in Production
 Start time of Production
 Action

Under the action tab, there will be button to assign the sample
number. As soon as the sample number is assigned to entry, the
entry will be shifted to “Samples Ready for test” which will be under
In-Process Products section.

NOTE: The sample number can be assigned from Test Plans &
Inspections team.

b). Samples Ready for Test:

The second employee assigned at recording the test results will have
provision to input the FAT/SNF/Acidity/AL/COB/CLR etc against the
sample number assigned.

He will not be able to input the FAT/SNF/Acidity/AL/COB/CLR etc
results until sample number is assigned from authorized QA.
Following are the details which are visible in entries at “Samples
Ready for Test”
 Sr. No
 Sample number
 Equipment ID
 Equipment Name
 Item in Production
 Start time of Production
 Action

Under the action tab, there will be button to “Record the Test”. As
soon as the test results are recorded against the sample, the entry
will be shifted from “Samples Ready for Test” Tab to “Milk Tank

c). In-Process Products Testing Report:

The products in In-Process which are tested, will be saved in In-
Process Products Testing Report. This format of this report will be:
 Date
 Sample number
 Equipment ID
 Equipment Name
 Item in Production
 Start time of Production
 Result records

The QA department will have provision to export or print these

report as per the requirement.

22.2 Test Plans & Inspections: DMS

This Module of DMS will manage the operations related to Production
Inspections, Store material Inspections and Plant Related Inspections.

At the dashboard of TPI, the records of planned test will be displayed

Categories wise and key indicators of the dashboard will showcase requests
which are due for inspection:

 Products In-Process
 Incoming Material
 Finished Products
 Return Goods

i. Products In-Process:
It can be seen the number of products that are In-process with the help of
this Key Indicator. The QA can access the listing of products in-Process by
simply clicking on it.

a) In- Process Products listing:

In-Process Products will have the details of Products which are
currently In-Process. The products such as Ghee, Paneer, Butter are
meant to be tested during In-processing based on the Test plan
prepared for inspection by Quality head. Not just these products, the
products are meant to be in this listing based on the production
eligibility of the plant which means, it could have the listing of
Chaach, Lassi too.

In-Process Products listing format will consist:

 Sr. No.
 Equipment ID
 Item in Production
 Start Time of Production
 Action

b) Assign Sample number:

The QA team at Test plan & inspections, can assign the Sample
numbers to the Products which are In-Processing by simply clicking
on Assign Sample Number button or the QA Team at Milk & Milk
Products testing will also have provision to do so. As soon as the
Sample number is assigned the listing will be moved to “Samples
Ready for Test” which will be visible to “Milk and Milk Products
Testing team.

c) Record Test:
The team working in Milk & Milk Products will get the notification
once the sample number is assigned. Receiving the notification, the
team will be able to record the test inputs.

To Record the test, the team just have to click “Record Test” from
“Samples Ready for Test” under “In-Process Products” at Milk &
Milk Products Testing Dashboard.

d) Alerts:
The DMS will send alert to withdraw the sample at due time. The
alert Frequency will be 10 minutes before the due time, On due time
and after 10 mins of due time.

ii. Incoming Material:

It will showcase the requests received from store to Inspect the material.

a) Request listing format:

The request entry will have the details:
 Name of Party
 Purchase Order No.
 Gate Pass No.
 Bill No.
 Item code (For all the items which are enclosed in entry)
 Item names (For all the items enclosed in entry)
 Quantity received.

Against each item enclosed in inspection entry, QA will have

provision to approve and reject based on the quality parameters. The
Testing of material will be done manually as per the inspection
Parameters. After the inspection, the Inspection incharge will have
provision to Approve or Reject the material.

b) Approve Material:
If the material Qualify all the parameters. Inspection officer will
approve the received Material Quantity. The Process of approval will
be simple as he just have to click on the approve button and have to
submit the quantity again to ensure right quantity which is approved.

c) Rejected Material:
If the material did not Qualify all the parameters. Inspection officer
will reject the received Material Quantity. The Process of rejection
will include the quantity and rejection memo to be updated. The

inspecting officer will choose the item quantity which failed the
inspection parameter and inspecting officer will add the rejection
memo along with that.

d) Inspected Material Records

After proper inspection of the Material, inspecting officer input the
approved items as approve and rejected as rejected. All the records
will be saved under “Inspected Material report” along with approved
and rejected material records by date and time.

iii. Finished Products:

Finished Products which are ready at Production department will be
uploaded by production department into DMS. As soon as that record is
updated, TPI team will receive notification under finished products.

a) Finished Products Listing;

The Finished Products Listing will have :
 Product name
 Product Code
 Product Quantity
 Lot number and
 Batch number.
 Action

Each entry of finished Products will have Approve and Reject

Button to record the status of quality at TPI Dashboard. Until
finished products are approved by Inspection team, DMS will not
update them in Stores Inventory.

b) Approve Products:
If the Products Qualify all the parameters. Inspection officer will
approve the tested Products Quantity. The Process of approval will
Be simple as he just have to click on the approve button and have to
submit the quantity again to ensure right quantity which is approved.

c) Rejected Material:
If any Product did not Qualify all the parameters. Inspection officer
will reject the Product. The Process of rejection will include the
quantity and rejection memo to be updated. The inspecting officer

will choose the item quantity which failed the inspection parameter
and inspecting officer will add the rejection memo along with that.

d) Inspected Finished Product Records

After proper inspection of the Finished Products, Inspection officer
input the approved items as approve and rejected as rejected. All the
records will be saved under “Inspected Finished Product Report”
along with approved and rejected material records by date and time.
Based on this report, the production Store inventory will be updated.

iv. Other Planned Tests/Inspections:

Further below the Key Indicators, QA team can see the Planned Inspections
on the dashboard Such as:
 Planned SFM analysis
 Planned Temperature analysis
 Planned Internal Calibration
 Planned Pest Control Schedule
 Planned Cleaning Record

These all planned test overview will be visible on the Dashboard of Test Plan
& Inspections. The Incharge of this dashboard will make sure that the
assigned tests should be conducted on time without any delay. There is no
provision provided to record the test inputs once the allocated time to
system is over and alert will be sent to QA manager/head about this missing

a). Planned SFM analysis

Planned SFM analysis Listing will Showcase the records of “In-Process
SFM”. The Listing Format will be Same as explained in “Products In-
Process” Section above and the flow to assign the sample will remain

The DMS will notify the QA that test is due to withdraw Sample. This
notification will sent automatically based on the time set in DMS
during planning. As soon as sample is being withdrawn, it will be
shown in “Sample ready for test” under SFM analysis request. The
assigned QA on conducting test will perform the test on provided
sample and the inputs will be recorded against the sample number
which can be further accessed in SFM analysis detailed report.

b). Planned Temperature analysis
Temperature of Cold Store, Chilled water and Chilled Milk is meant
to be checked every hour. Under Temperature Analysis section,
there will be listing of currently active productions.

Temperature Analysis listing will include:

 Date
 Cold Store Temperature
 Chilled Water Temperature
 Chilled Milk Temperature
 Last recorded
 Status
 Action

The Status section in listing will auto populate if the temperature

check is due for record. System will notify on due time and QA will
have provision to record the Temperature against the Cold’s ID, or
Chilled water equipment’s ID.

c). Planned Internal Calibration:

It will showcase the entry of equipment which is due for Calibration
as per the set date in the system.

The Listing format will be:

 Sr. NO.
 Name of Equipment
 Date of Calibration
 Identification Mark
 Principle Measurement
 Remarks
 Status
 Action

The QA will attend the Calibration check and will input the
identification Mark and Principal measurements against the
Equipment by tapping on the record button visible under Action tab
in this listing. The updated data will be recorded into Database.

Database will have provision to set the next due date for calibration
based on the date of Calibration is being conducted on. The
algorithm of DMS will set the date as per the defined interval of time.

d). Planned Pest Control Schedule:

It will showcase the due Pest Control schedule which is schedule by
QA manager/head to notify Quality inspector.

Based on the due Section/area and specified pesticide and dosage,

Quality officer make sure to record it in Inspection report against:
 Contract No. (It will be Input field)
 Period (Will be auto filled as per the Period decided for
 Pests (Will be auto filled as per the contract number)
 Date (Will fetch from system)
 Area (Will be input field)

e). Planned Cleaning records:

Daily Cleaning records are meant to be checked and DMS will auto
notify once in every shift whether the equipment are clean or not.
The DMS will maintain these records against shift and date. In case
the first shift forget to update the cleaning records, the alert will be
sent to Quality manager/head.

Cleaning records listing format:

 Sr. No
 Cleaning equipment
 Detergent used
 Strength used
 Clean/Unclean
 Phenolphthalein test
 Remarks

In each shift assigned QA official will mark the entries clean or

unclean against the equipment along with assigned type of
detergent and strength to it. The previous saved records will be
accessible by QA.

Flow of Test Plans & Inspections Dashboard:

22.3 Quality Main: DMS
Quality Main dashboard in DMS is meant to be the Dashboard of Quality
Section Head/Manager with the provision to manage and Monitor the
overall reporting of Quality department starts from Milk Testing (Raw Milk
testing, Adulterant, MBRT) results to Production inspection reports of
equipment, In-processing products inspection reports, Finished Product
reports and last at Store’s Inspection and Plant’s inspection reports.

The Dashboard of Quality head will be Equipped with following Key

 Temperature
 Cleaning
 Adulterant

These Indicators will be updated every half-hour based on the records and
colour of these Indicators will Indicate the Head if the tests are pending. The
Indicator will become Yellow, if previous one test is missing. The Indicator
will become Red, if the test is missing from more than one time which means
if there are no records since last 4-8 hours it will become Red. The Indicator
will remain Green, If all the tests are recorded properly and on Time.

i. Tracking Milk & Milk Products Tests:

The Quality head will track all the scheduled tests from the dashboard.
Activities of Milk & Milk Product team can be tracked here.

a) Tracking Raw Milk Tests:

Raw Milk On Dock:

The Quality Head can review the records of Raw Milk On Dock.
These records will be informative only and will acknowledge the QA
which Tanker/Truck is On dock. The QA head can review the details
related to tanker in this records enclosed as:
 Route Code
 Name of Driver
 Vehicle No.
 Vehicle Type
 Quantity

Along with these records, there will be status tab which will
acknowledge the QA Head whether the sample number is assigned
or it is due for sample.

This data will be informative and QA head will have status on

current Raw Milk Receipt tests.

Milk Receipt Test Records:

The QA Head can view the records of Milk Receipt Tests that are
conducted already. The entries will move to Milk Receipt test
records once the sample number is assigned and the test inputs are
recorded. This report will not be visible on the dashboard but it will
be available under reports.

b) Tracking Milk Tanks Tests:

The Quality Head can review the records of Milk tanks On

Dashboard. These records will be informative only and will
acknowledge the QA which Container/Silo ID is due for test. The QA
head can review the details related to milk tanks in this records
enclosed as:
 Tank/Container ID
 Tank/Container Type [Raw Milk, Pasteurized Milk]
 Quantity

Along with these records, there will be status tab which will
acknowledge the QA Head whether the sample number is assigned
or it is due for sample.

This data will be informative and QA head will have status on

current Milk Tanks tests.

Milk Tank Test Records:

The QA Head can view the records of Milk Tank Tests that are
conducted already. The entries will move to Milk Tank test records
once the sample number is assigned and the test inputs are

recorded. This report will not be visible on the dashboard but it will
be available under reports.

c) Tracking IN-Process Products Tests:

The Quality Head can review the records of In-Process Products On

Dashboard. These records will be informative only and will
acknowledge the QA which In-Process Product is due for test. The
QA head can review the details related to In-Processing products
 Equipment ID
 Equipment Name
 Item in Production
 Start time of Production

Along with these records, there will be status tab which will
acknowledge the QA Head whether the sample number is assigned
or it is due for sample.

This data will be informative and QA head will have status on

current In-Process Products tests.

In- Process Products Test Records:

The QA Head can view the records of In-Process Products Tests that
are conducted already. The entries will move to In-Process Products
test records once the sample number is assigned and the test inputs
are recorded. This report will not be visible on the dashboard but it
will be available under reports.

ii. Tracking Test Plans & Inspections Tests:

The Quality head will track all the Scheduled tests/Inspections for Test
Plans/Inspections team on dashboard. Activities of Test Plans & Inspections
team can be tracked.

a) Tracking Incoming Material Tests:

Material On Dock:

The Quality Head can review the records of Incoming Material On
Dock. These records will be informative only and will acknowledge
the QA which type of material is On dock. The QA head can review
the details related to Material test in this records enclosed as:
 Name of Party
 Purchase Order No.
 Gate Pass No.
 Bill No.
 Item code (For all the items which are enclosed in entry)
 Item names (For all the items enclosed in entry)
 Quantity received.

Along with these records, there will be status tab which will
acknowledge the QA Head whether the Inspection is due or
material is approved or Rejected.

This data will be informative and QA head will have status on

current Inoming Material tests.

Incoming Material Test Records:

The QA Head can view the records of Incoming Material Tests that
are conducted already. The entries will move to Material test
records once the Inspection is done and the test inputs are
recorded. This report will not be visible on the dashboard but it will
be available under reports.

b) Tracking Finished Products Tests:

The Quality Head can review the records of Finished Products On

Dashboard. These records will be informative only and will
acknowledge the QA which batch of Finished Products is due for
test. The QA head can review the details related to Finished
Products in this records enclosed as:
 Product name
 Product Code
 Product Quantity
 Lot number and
 Batch number.

Along with these records, there will be status tab which will
acknowledge the QA Head whether the Inspection is due or
Products are approved or Rejected. To review the approved and
rejected Products, the QA head will have report against the listing
and clicking on that, it will redirect the QA head to Approved and
Rejected Finished products.

This data will be informative and QA head will have status on

current Finished Products tests.

Finished Products Records:

The QA Head can view the records of Finished Products Tests that
are conducted already. The entries will move to Finished Products
test records once the Inspection is done and the test inputs are
recorded. This report will not be visible on the dashboard but it will
be available under reports.

c) Tracking Internal Calibration Tests:

The Quality Head can review the records of Internal Calibrations of

equipment On Dashboard. These records will be informative only
and will acknowledge the QA which Equipment is due for test. The
QA head can review the details related to Internal Calibration as:
 Name of Equipment
 Date of Calibration
 Identification Mark
 Principle Measurement
 Remarks

Along with these records, there will be status tab which will
acknowledge the QA Head whether the Inspection is due or done.

This data will be informative and QA head will have status on

current equipment which are due for Inspection.

Internal Calibration Test Records:

The QA Head can view the records of Internal Calibration Tests that
are conducted already. The entries will move to Internal Calibration

test records once the inspection is done and the test inputs are
recorded. This report will not be visible on the dashboard but it will
be available under reports.

d) Tracking Pest Control Tests:

The Quality Head can review the records of Pest Control Inspection
On Dashboard. These records will be informative only and will
acknowledge the QA record of Conducted Pest Control or when it is
due for next attempt. The QA head can review the details related
to Pest Control Tests as:
 Contract No.
 Period
 Pests
 Date
 Area

Along with these records, there will be status tab which will
acknowledge the QA Head whether the Inspection is due or done.

This data will be informative and QA head will have status on when
it is due for next inspection.

Pest Control Test Records:

The QA Head can view the records of Pest Controls Tests that are
conducted already. The entries will move to Pest Control test
records once the inspection is done and the test inputs are
recorded. This report will not be visible on the dashboard but it will
be available under reports.

e) Tracking Cleaning Records Tests:

The Quality Head can review the records of Cleaning Records On

Dashboard. These records will be informative only and will
acknowledge the QA record of equipment which are due for
cleaning. The QA head can review the details related to cleaning
records as:
 Cleaning equipment
 Detergent used

 Strength used
 Clean/Unclean
 Phenolphthalein test
 Remarks

The status tab which will acknowledge the QA Head whether the
Cleaning is due or done.

This data will be informative and QA head will have status on when
cleaning is done and what detergent is being used.

Pest Control Test Records:

The QA Head can view the records of cleanings that are conducted
already. The entries will move to Cleaning records once the
Cleaning is done and the test inputs are recorded. This report will
not be visible on the dashboard but it will be available under

iii. Plan/Schedule:
The Quality Head will have provision to plan the test schedules for In-
Processing Products and Finished Products as well as Pest Control schedule.

a) Plan In-Processing Products Testing:

DMS will provide provision to Schedule test plans for In-processing

To Schedule the test, Quality head will allocate:

 Characteristics
To allocate the characteristics, there will be input fields to
record the Characteristic. The characteristics will be applicable
as per the product type. The Limit will be decided after the
confirmation from Quality team of the department. Based on
the chosen Characteristics the product schedule will be
planned to send alerts to testing team.

 Sampling
(Can decide the limit of Sampling, its quantity as per the chosen

b) Plan Finished Products Testing:
DMS will provide provision to Schedule test plans for Finished

To Schedule the test, Quality head will allocate:

 Characteristics
To allocate the characteristics, there will be input fields to
record the Characteristic. The characteristics will be applicable
as per the product type. The Limit will be decided after the
confirmation from Quality team of the department. Based on
the chosen Characteristics the product schedule will be
planned to send alerts to testing team.

 Sampling
(Can decide the limit of Sampling, its quantity as per the chosen

In similar manner, Quality Head can schedule the test plans for each
product which will be in Synch with TPI Dashboard.

c) Plan Pest Control Testing:

DMS will provide provision to Schedule test plans for Pest Control

To Schedule the test, Quality head will allocate:

 Choose Pests
It will be selectable from Pests Masters. The QA head will
choose the type of Pest.

 Section
The section will be area of the plant that will be submitted from
input text field.

 Pesticide
The Pesticide can be filled with the help of Input field.

 Dosage
The Dosage will be submitted with the help of Input Field.

 Application Method
The application Method will be chosen based on the Pesticide

 Frequency
Frequency will be picked based on the Pest Chosen and it can
be chosen Manually.

Every planned schedule will be in Sync with Test Plans &

Inspections Dashboard.

iv. Manage:
Quality head can monitor the overall reporting of Production, Plant and
Store. All the test reports will be available at Quality head’s dashboard and
will have provision to edit the mistaken records.

Aside from management of reports, Quality head can allocate the pending
tests to Quality inspectors or Lab assistants based on the nature of test and
can track the report status on his/her Dashboard.

v. Indents:
QA Head will have provision to raise the Indent.

a). Raise indent:

The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Quality) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,

Required items, Status etc. The QA head can search through the
records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them. QA
head will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on
the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by Store. These
Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records. QA head
will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on the

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by Store. Quality
Head will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on
the requirement.

22.4 Grievance:
The Quality Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System.
Here the Assigned Weighing Officer can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, Quality Officer will have the following form fields:
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the Quality Officer can write down the matter and can submit it.
Upon submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s

Aside from this Quality Officer can check the previous submitted Issues by
date here.

Flow of Quality Main Dashboard Operations:

22.5 Improvements Proposed

 Dependency has been eliminated which was followed in manual process.
Means no need to wait for instruction as DMS will send alerts for task as
it is ready.

 Improved Control and visibility on the execution of operations and
processes with the help of DMS.
 Improved Measurement ability with the help of DMS to measure all sorts
of Metrics.
 Save time as the tasks will be more prompts.

22.6 Business Rules

 The sample numbers will be unique and will not be repeated. DMS will
alert if the same sample number is being tried to assign twice.
 Test results in the DMS will be entered through input fields. Provision to
auto pick the results from equipment will depend on the capability of
 Time and Date of performed test will be recorded as per the system’s
 The unattended assigned will give alert after every 4 hours.
 No test can be assigned to same to 2 different users at same time.
 If user failed to record the inputs as per specified time of inspection,
he/she will not be able to enter the value.
 No inputs can be delayed by more than 8 hour’s interval.

23. Production Department Operations:

DMS will have different Dashboards for Production department’s
operations. For effective management of day to day tasks the role based
access will be provided to every entity whereas:
 Production Manager: Will be provided with complete reporting and
management rights on his Dashboard.
 Production Store head: Will be provided with the ability to manage,
issue and receipt the finished products.
 Production Incharge: Will be provided with the ability to execute the
assigned operations such as Milk processing, pasteurization,
standardization, update production log books, etc.

23.1 Production Head Operations:

i. Dashboard Controls:
On the Dashboard of Production head, he will have key indicators at the top
of dashboard to keep him updated about the stats.

a) Key Indicators:

 Total Milk Available

As this will showcase the quantity of milk received in the indicator
but when Production head will click on the Indicator, it will take you
the records of Milk receipt in the shift. He will have provision to
export the report data and can sort the data to view the specific

 Demands notes Available

It will show case the quantity of available demand notes submitted
by marketing team or parties. When Production head will click on
the demand note, it will take him to listing page where these
demand notes will be shown in listing as per the time of receiving.
Each listing will have details such as:
 Sr. No.
 Demand note no.
 Requested by (Marketing or Party name)
 Requested items (No of items)
 Requested Quantity.
 Requested pack
 Action (Approve or Reject)

Production Head will have the viewing authority to Demand notes

as Store head is authorized to accept and reject. Herein with the
help of DMS, production head will be kept updated about the
available quantity of product after the issue of each demand note
and DMS itself pop up the actions such as assign next batch for
production for the similar product.

 Total Ghee Available

This indicator will show case the available quantity of Ghee in KGs.
When Production head will click on the indicator, he will be
redirected to new page where he will have two more indicators at
the top showing the available quantity of Loose Ghee and available
quantity of packed ghee.

Below these indicators, he can see the records of In-process ghee
lot and can see the manufacturing log book maintained by
production incharge.

 Total Butter Available

This indicator will show case the available quantity of Butter in Kgs.
When Production head will click on the indicator, he will be
redirected to new page where he will have two more indicators at
the top showing the available quantity of Loose Butter and available
quantity of packed Butter.

Below these indicators, he can see the records of In-process Butter

lot and can see the manufacturing log book maintained by
production incharge.

The key indicators will keep updated after every 30 minutes based
on the records updated in DMS database.

Below Key indicators, the Production head can check the details on:

b) Milk Available for Production:

On Milk which is available for production. These details will be shown
 Tank/Container No.
 Quantity
 Ready for
[Here in, DMS will suggest for which production this milk can
be utilized based on the available quantity, FAT and SNF]
 Action
[This will allow Production head to assign the available
quantity for production]

The production head will have provision to assign the available
quantity for the production directly from the dashboard. To do so,
he will choose Equipment ID and Employee ID to assign for the

As soon as he click the save button assigning the employee and
equipment, this entry will shifted to In-Process Production tab at
Production head’s Dashboard and it will be visible at Production
Incharge’s Dashboard under “Assigned for manufacturing”.

c) In- Process Production:

This Section will have the records of all the milk entries assigned for
processing/standardization. This records will showcase the
[Equipment], [Employee], [Time of Allotment], [Type of Production]
as records and Production head can access the records of testing if
he wish to by clicking on [View Records] against each entry in In-
Process Production.

ii. Raw Milk Requests

DMS will keep the Production head updated about the Milk Utilization in
production and based on the available Demand notes, DMS will
highlight/alert production head to about the quantity of Milk which is short
to meet those demand notes.

a) Raise Milk Request:

To arrange the Raw Milk in the Situation of shortage of Milk,
Production head will have provision to submit the Raw milk request
to other milk Union from the Production Dashboard.

Upon submitting the request, DMS will suggest/showcase the name

of 2 milk Union along with spare milk quantity. The Spare Milk
quantity can be calculated based on the available demand notes at
every milk union and based on the demand, it will auto calculate the
required Milk quantity that will be utilized. Rest, if the milk is in
excess then it will be saved and shown as spare milk.

Request form fields:

 Milk Union: [Choosing the name of Milk union]
 Type of Milk: [Raw], Pasteurized], [Chilled]
 Quantity: [KGS,LTRS]

Providing these details, request will be submitted. The receiving
party [Milk union] can accept or reject based on their own will and
status will be notified to the production head.

b) Accepted Request:
If the milk Union to whom the request was raised, accepts the
request, the production head will be notified and he will have
provision to arrange the Transportation to collect the milk.
Transportation can be arranged by Sender Party or Receiver Party
and both cases the flow will be same.

Create Dispatch Note:

To create the Dispatch note, DMS will auto pick the [Request No],
[Milk Union Name], [Requested Quantity], [Requested Quality],[Type
of Milk ] from milk request form and following will be chosen further
to complete the dispatch note.
 Choose Transporter
 Vehicle Number
 Driver Name
 Driver Contact details
 Expected Distance [Kms]

Upon submission of these details, Dispatch note will be created and

will be saved against the Raw Milk Request listing at Production IN
charge Dashboard and at Production Head dashboard. As soon as
the vehicle is Gate out from the Gate the records will be updated
against the dispatch note and Milk union which has requested the
milk, can see the Gate out entry of vehicle at their own dashboard.

c) Raw Milk Requests:

The records of all the Raw Milk requests, [Raised] & [Received] will be
saved under Raw Milk requests. The detail of each request will show
case the [Date] on which request raised, [Milk Union Name] to which
request raised, [Type of Milk], [Quantity] and [Vehicle Details]

Production head will have provision to Assign the [Received Raw Milk
Request] to production Incharge and for that he just have to click on
[Assign] Button.

iii. Indents:
Production Head will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Production) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Production head can search through
the records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them.
Production head will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by Store. These
Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records.
Production head will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by Store.
Production Head will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

iv. Assign Packing:

a) Assign Milk for Packing

On Processed milk Records page, there will be availability of Milk in
KGs. Milk records page will have two more indicators at the top
showing the available quantity of Processed Milk and available
quantity of packed Milk.

Below these indicators, Production head can see the records of [In-
process Milk Records] and can see the [manufacturing log book]
maintained by production incharge.

The production head can pass the instruction to pack the processed
Milk to production incharge to do so, production head will:
 Choose Quantity
 Choose Equipment ID
 Choose Lot number
 Assign (Will pick the employee id)

Upon submission, this record will be visible at production Incharge’s

dashboard to supervise the task and the same record will be
updated at Production head’s dashboard.

b) Assign Ghee for Packing

On Ghee Records page, there will be availability of Ghee in KGs.
Ghee records page will have two more indicators at the top showing
the available quantity of Loose Ghee and available quantity of
packed ghee.

Below these indicators, Production head can see the records of [In-
process ghee lot] and can see the [manufacturing log book]
maintained by production incharge.

The production head can pass the instruction to pack the Loose
ghee to production incharge to do so, production head will:
 Choose Quantity
 Choose Lot number
 Assign (Will pick the employee id)

Upon submission, this record will be visible at production Incharge’s
dashboard to supervise the task and the same record will be
updated at Production head’s dashboard.

c) Assign Butter for Packing

On Butter Records Page, the available quantity of Butter will be
visible in Kgs. Further on this page, we will have two more indicators
at the top showing the available quantity of Loose Butter and
available quantity of packed Butter.

Below these indicators, he can see the records of [In-process Butter

lot] and can see the [manufacturing log book] maintained by
production incharge. The production head can pass the instruction
to pack the Loose Butter to production incharge to do so,
production head will:
 Choose Quantity
 Choose Lot number
 Assign (Will pick the employee id)

Upon submission, this record will be visible at production Incharge’s

dashboard to supervise the task.

v. Instructions:

a) Check instructions
This will help production head to start or close shift efficiently. Once
the new shift will be started the production head will find the
instructions here left by the production head of previous shift so
that he can carry the tasks with plan and priority.

a) Record instructions
As the shift is near over the production head can record the
instructions for next shift here. To record the instruction, the
production head will click on record instructions from side menu
and pop up window will appear to write down the instruction. As
soon as the instructions are saved, it will be available at dashboard
under instructions badge. The Production head can also check them
from the side navigation under [Instruction Records]

23.2 Production Incharge Operations
Production Incharge will supervise the tasks assigned by Production head.
DMS will help him to track the assigned tasks.

i. Dashboard Controls:
On the Dashboard of production Incharge, he will have key indicators at the
top of dashboard to keep him updated about the stats.

a) Key Indicators

 Available Raw Milk in Silo/Container

This Indicator will showcase the available quantity of raw milk in
storage tank which can be assigned to pasteurize/Standardization.
Tapping this indicator, Production In charge will be redirected to its
details page where he can check the entries of from where the milk
is received like tanker number etc.

 Available Cream
This Indicator will showcase the available quantity of Cream in
storage tank which can be assigned to pasteurize or can be used in
Standardization of Milk process. Tapping this indicator, Production
Incharge will be redirected to its details page where he can check the
entries/records of when, what quantity of Milk is utilized to make
cream. These records will be saved there against the date and time
it happened.

 Requests for Manufacturing and Packing

This Indicator will showcase the available quantity of Requests
received from Production Head for Manufacturing and packing.
Tapping this indicator, Production Incharge will be redirected to its
details page where he can check the request details. At this detail
page, there will two tabs ( Requests for Manufacturing and requests
for packing) which further filter these entries as per the nature of

 Requests for Milk Transfer

This Indicator will showcase the available quantity of Requests
received from Production Head for Transferring the milk. Tapping on
this Indicator will take the Production Incharge to next page where
he can check the details of request such as:

 Request No.
 Requested Milk Type
 Requested Milk Quality
 Requested Milk Quantity
 Requested by (Milk Union name)
 Action (Create Dispatch Note or reject)

Dashboard Controls:

b). Manufacturing Logs

As the request is accepted for manufacturing, the time of acceptance
will be recorded in the system and the details will be showcased on
Dashboard under “Under Manufacturing”. The data will be visible
based on the type of manufacturing against the equipment id and
employee id. The data format will include:
 Type of Manufacturing [Paneer, Ghee, SFM, Lassi, Butter and
it will be tittle]
 Equipment ID assigned at
 Time of Allotment
 Allotted Batch number
 Name of Employee handing manufacturing
 Number of times sample withdrawn
 Logs of Manufacturing [It will have view button to show the
 Manufactured Quantity

This will be same entry format for all entries but yes only logs,
Manufacturing type, equipment and employee will be different. The
Production Incharge can toggle through all Manufacturing logs by
clicking on the respective tittles.

c) Milk Under Pasteurization/Standardization:

Under this the records of Milk Under Pasteurization of
Standardization will be shown for tracking. The data will be visible
based on the type of processing against the equipment id and
employee id it is assigned. The data format will include:
 Type of processing [Pasteurization/Standardization]
 Equipment ID assigned at
 Time of Allotment

 Allotted Batch number [If any]
 Name of Employee handing Processing
 Number of times sample withdrawn [If any
 Logs of Processing [It will have view button to show the logs]

d) Prepack Machine Logs:

Under this, the records of Milk Under Pasteurization or
Standardization will be shown for tracking. The data will be visible
based on the type of processing against the equipment id and
employee id it is assigned. The data format will include:
 Type of Packing (Ghee, Milk etc)
 Equipment ID assigned at
 Time of Allotment
 Allotted Batch number (If any)
 Name of Employee handing Processing
 Number of times sample withdrawn (If any)
 Logs of Processing (It will have view button to show the logs)

e) Finished Products
At Finished products, Production Incharge can view the quantity of
products updated as per the shift type. Under Finished Products,
Production quantity of Products will be visible against the shift time
or batch number. The Production Incharge will also have provision to
update the Quantity of Finished products in the DMS so that Quality
team will receive notification to conduct inspection and based on the
inspection, approved products will be updated in Store’s inventory.
Format for the information will be:
 Sr. No
 Batch No.
 Product name
 Product unit/pack
 Produced Quantity
 Approved Quantity
 Rejected Quantity
 Action (View report)

e) Cleaning records of Equipment:

Under the cleaning records of equipment, production Incharge can
check the status of clean/unclean against the equipment ID/name.

The production of Incharge will have the provision to mark the
equipment/container unclean if it is not being cleaned yet. The
status(Clean/Unclean) will be mapped with Equipment ID and In case
the status is marked unclean the Production Head will not be able to
assign it for manufacturing.

ii. Assign Milk/Cream For Processing:

Production incharge will have provision to assign the Milk for Processing and
to do so he will click on “Assign” Button and will choose:
 Quantity of Milk
 Equipment ID
 Employee ID

As soon as it is assigned, the record will move to “Milk Under

Pasteurization/Standardization” Tab on Dashboard and the quantity of raw
milk will be updated.

a) Milk Under Pasteurization/Standardization

The Milk which is assigned for processing will be shown under this
tab. All the records under this tab will be shown as [Sr. No],
[Equipment ID], [Employee ID], [Quantity of Milk], [Time of
Allocation and [Reports]. Reports will show case the temperature
and quality records recorded against it.

iii. Assign Manufacturing & packing:

Based on the requests received from the production head. The Production
Incharge will have the provision to assign them for [Manufacturing] or
[Packing] based on the requirements.

a) Request format:
Clicking on the request details, product Incharge can view the
following details:
 Request No.
 Milk Quantity
 Equipment ID (Where it needs to be assigned)
 Employee name (Who will handle the manufacturing)
 Action (Confirm or change employee)

Along with the request format, Production Incharge will have 2
options to perform as per the DMS.
1. Confirm button
2. Change the employee [if he has too]
In case Production Incharge change the employee then he must
assign the other employee to complete this process. As he save the
employee name and start confirming the request, the employee
name will be updated at Production Head side too.

b) Flow to confirm the manufacturing request:

While confirming the request, Product Incharge will give Batch
number to this and all the manufacturing logs will be recorded
against this.

Input fields that will be visible after clicking the confirm button will
be based on the type of request such as:
 Milk & Cream Pasteurizer Logs
 SFM logs
 Ghee Manufacturing logs
 Paneer Manufacturing Logs
 Butter Manufacturing Logs

These records will be saved there against the date and time it
happened and records will be shown “Under Manufacturing” tab at
dashboard whereas it will be shown in “In-Processing at Production
head’s dashboard.

c) Flow to confirm the Packing request:

While confirming the request, Product Incharge will give Batch
number to this and all the Packing logs will be recorded against this.
Input fields that will be visible after clicking the confirm button will
be based on the type of request such as:
 Ghee Packing
 Butter Packing
 Paneer Packing
 Milk Pouch Packing etc

These records will be saved there against the date and time it
happened and all these records will be accessible at Production Head

iv. Assigned Requests for Milk transfer:

Production head, will have provision to assign the Milk transfer request to
Production Incharge as he does that, the request will be visible at Production
Incharge’s dashboard in format:
 Request No.
 Requested Milk Type
 Requested Milk Quality
 Requested Milk Quantity
 Requested by (Milk Union name)
 Action (Create Dispatch Note or reject)

a) Create Dispatch Note:

To address this request, production Incharge will click on “Create
Dispatch Note”. Upon clicking “Create Dispatch Note” Production in
charge will be following inputs:
 Request No. (It will be auto filled as this is the Request No.
against which dispatch note will be created.)
 Issued Milk Type (Auto filled as per the request no.)
 Issued Quality (Input fields)
 Issued Quantity (Input fields)
 Issued to (Name of Milk Union will be auto filled)
 Vehicle Number
 Driver Name
 Driver Contact name

Upon submission of these details, Dispatch note will be created and

will be saved against the Raw Milk Request listing at Production IN
charge Dashboard and at Production Head dashboard. As soon as
the vehicle is Gate out from the Gate the records will be updated
against the dispatch note and Milk union which has requested the
milk, can see the Gate out entry of vehicle at their own dashboard.

b) Raw Milk Transfer requests records:
The records of all the Raw Milk requests, [Raised] & [Received] will
be saved under Raw Milk requests. The detail of each request will
show case the [Date] on which request raised, [Milk Union Name] to
which request raised, [Type of Milk], [Quantity] and [Vehicle Details]

v. Report machine maintenance:

Production Incharge, will have provision to report the
repair/maintenance/fault he is facing on the floor.

a) Report Machine:
To report the issue the production incharge will provide the following
 Machine name
 Machine ID
 Fault Details
 Employee name [The person who want him to assign on this task
to check from Eng department.

a) Standing Requests:
As soon as the request is submitted for repair, it will be visible under
Standing requests until the Eng. Department respond to the request.
The production incharge can check these records to track the
progress and he can download the records too.

b) Under-Process Requests:
As soon as the request is accepted from the Eng. department, it will
appear in Under-process requests table.

c) Resolved Requests:
As soon as the request is resolved from the Eng. department, it will
appear in resolved requests table. The production incharge can
check remarks left by Eng department about the nature of fault

23.3 Production Store Operations: DMS
The Dashboard of Production Store in DMS will keep track of Opening
balance, Issued quantity and Balance of Milk and Milk products as main

i. Dashboard Controls:
On the Dashboard of Production Store, there will be key indicators at the top
of dashboard to keep Store Manager updated about the stats.

a) Key Indicators:
The Key Indicators in Production Store will be:

 Demand notes
It will show case the quantity of available demand notes submitted
by marketing team or parties. When Production Store head will click
on the demand note, it will take him to listing page where these
demand notes will be shown in listing as per the time of receiving.
Each listing will have details such as:
 Sr. No.
 Demand note no.
 Requested by (Marketing or Party name)
 Requested items (No of items)
 Requested Quantity.
 Requested pack
 Action (Approve or Reject)

On the click of Approve button, the production head will be

redirected to the details of Demand note where he can see the
Issue button visible against each item name. On the click of issue
button, it will ask production Store head to confirm the quantity
and on confirmation, the issued quantity will be recorded. As soon
as he done with all entries of demand note, he will issue and
submit the demand note, which will further move to issued
demand notes listing of his dashboard and it will notify the
Marketing team about issued quantity to further address the
billing part.

Herein with the help of DMS, production Store head will be kept
updated about the available quantity of product after the issue of

each demand note and DMS itself pop up the actions such as
assign next batch for production for the similar product.

 Replacements
This Key Indicator will show case the quantity of received
replacements. On the click of this indicator, Store head will be
redirected to detail page where he can check the details of
replacement. On detail page the replacements will be shown in
listing and format of details will be:
 Sr. No.
 Demand note Number
 Party name (if any)
 No of items (sent for replacement)
 Action (View, Re-Issue)

The Store head will view the items and will Re-Issue all against the
same demand note number sent for replacement.

 Requests
This Key Indicator will show case the number of requests received
from Production Head. Clicking on the Indicator will take the Store
head to listing page where he can check the request nature. The
format of Request listing will involve the following information:
 Request No.
 Requested Product Type
 Requested Milk Quantity
 Requested by (Milk Union name)
 Action (Create Dispatch Note or reject)

To address this request, production Store head will click on

“Create Dispatch Note”.

Flow to create Dispatch Note:

Upon clicking “Create Dispatch Note” Production store head will
input following inputs:
 Request No. (It will be auto filled as this is the Request No.
against which dispatch note will be created.)
 Issued Product Type (Auto filled as per the request no.)
 Issued Quantity (Input fields)
 Issued to (Name of Milk Union will be auto filled)

 Vehicle Number
 Driver Name
 Driver Contact name

Upon submission of these details, Dispatch note will be created

and will be saved against the Product Request listing at Production
Store Dashboard and at Production Head dashboard. As soon as
the vehicle is Gate out from the Gate the records will be updated
against the dispatch note and Milk union which has requested the
product, can see the Gate out entry of vehicle at their own

 DE capping
This Key Indicator will showcase the entries of Products that are
being decapped. Tapping on this indicator, store head can access
the list of products that are being decapped. The format of this
listing will be:
 Sr. No.
 Product name
 Unit/pack
 Quantity decapped
 Date decapped on

This is the flow defined for Key Indicators. Aside from this, store
head can check the following records on the dashboard below key

Dashboard Controls:

b) Material on Dock:
Material on dock will keep the store head addressed about the arrival
of requested Material. The entry format under Material on Dock will
contain the following information:
 Sr. No.
 Packing Material Type (Bottle, Boxes, Cups, Film, Lids, Liners,
Tapes, Tin etc)
 Pack Unit
 Quantity
 Received from (Party Name)

 Received on (Date)
 Invoice No.
 Action (View, Assign for Inspection)

To address the available Material entry on dock, Store head will have
provision to [View] or [Assign for Inspection].

[View] Option will showcase the details such as Summary of received

material items, Code, Unit etc

[Assign for Inspection] Option will allow the store head to assign the
material to QA inspection team for testing. To do that, the store head
just have to select the Inspection officer Name and ID. The request
will be visible at the Test Plans & Inspections dashboard.

[Inventory Update] as soon as the quality department gives

approval, the quantity of receipt packing material will be updated in
Store inventory against the Date, Bill No, Party Name etc.

c) Products/Packing Material Running low:

Below the Material on Dock entries, Store head will have the view of
Products/Packing Material which are running low or about the reach
the low defined limit.

Format will be:

[Sr. No] [Product/Item Name] [Product/item Code] [Unit] [Available

For material, Store head will have provision to reorder the purchase
material directly from the store’s dashboard if the previous purchase
was within 6 months else the store head will request the Production
head to submit indent to Purchase department.

ii. Milk Products:

Under the Milk Products, Store Manager can view the availability of Milk
Products. The Milk Products will be shown in the following format:

[Product Name][Product Code][Product Unit][Available Qty][Action]

[Action] will have [Receipt][Issued] Records stored and those can be

accessed by tapping on respective buttons.

Key Indicators:
On Milk Products Page, there will be Key Indictors provided to see which
product is near to minimum limit and that product will be shown in [Yellow
Box] whereas below limit products will be shown in [Red Box].

a) Finished Products:
The Provision to upload the Finished Products into DMS database will
be provided in Production Store.

 Upload Finished Products:

The Finished products Records can be uploaded simply by
 Batch Number
 Lot Number
 Product Name
 Product ID
 Product Unit
 Quantity

This is how all the product will be uploaded and the products
will be recorded on [Finished Products Records] against the
batch and lot number.

As soon as the Products are uploaded to Finished Products

report, Testing team will receive notification on dashboard to
test the finished products uploaded against the [Batch
number] and [Lot Number]

 Approved Finished Products:

Under approved Finished Products, Listing of approved
Products will be shown.

 Rejected Finished Products:

Under Rejected Finished Products, Listing of Rejected Products
will be shown.

b) Receipt Products:
As per the process, all finished products will be automatically
Uploaded to the Product store against the Product name, Product ID
and Unit. This entry will be updated against the [date], [Batch
Number], [Lot number].

c) Issued Products:
The Records of Issued Products will be maintained Demand note
Number and the quantity of product will be updated against the
batch number. The demand note will include the records of Party
name, vehicle number etc.

d) Wastage:
The Wastage of Milk Products can be recorded Manually. To do so,
the store manager will chose the Product name, unit and Quantity.

iii. Packing Material:

Aside from Milk and Milk Product’s receipt, Issued and Balance stock
records, Store head of production can monitor stats related to Packing
material on dashboard. The records of Packing material will be maintained
under Packing Material Tab on the side bar menu and the records will be
maintained by :
 Receipt Packing Material
 Consumed Packing Material
 Wastage

a) Receipt Packing Material:

Records of receipt packing material will visible under this tab. The
format of entries will be recorded as:
 Sr. No.
 Packing Material Type (Bottle, Boxes, Cups, Film, Lids, Liners,
Tapes, Tin etc)
 Pack Unit
 Quantity
 Received from (Party Name)
 Received on (Date)

 Invoice No.
 Inspection Status (Approved/Rejected items)
 Action (View, Reorder)

As soon as the quality department gives approval, the quantity of

receipt packing material will be updated in store inventory.

b) Consumed Packing Material:

Consumed Packing Material will have the records of Material
consumed against the products. The consumed packing material will
be recorded against the batch number, against the product and its
Pack unit.

The Records of Finished products will be equal to Consumed Packing

material. The algorithm of DMS will automatically update the
inventory of consumed Packing material based on the quantity of
Finished Products. The store head will have provision to edit these
records in case of any change in records.

c) Wastage:
Wastage of packing material will be recorded manually as input form
against the Packing Material Type, its pack unit and quantity. This
report will be received by Store head from labour assigned on
packing manually and can update it into the DMS for records.

23.4 Grievance:
The Production Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance
System. Here the production official can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, production Official will have the following form
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the production official can write down the matter and can submit it.
Upon submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s

Aside from this Production Official can check the previous submitted Issues
by date here.

23.5 Improvements Proposed:

 Well-kept traceability of records. DMS will provide instant report on tank
positions, demand notes, and IN-Production reporting and tracking with
the help of mapping Ground production activities with the management
and supervision roles.
 Improved Control on activities as DMS will increase the visibility on In-
process activities and logs of production.
 Time saving and higher efficiency

24.6 Business Rules:

 Alert will be triggered once the Packing material reached to Minimum
Limit and it will seek confirmation of DMS user to raise the request to
purchase department.

24. Marketing and Sales Department:

The goal of DMS in marketing and sales is to bring better transparency in
Sales stats as per route and better traceability of Demands notes and
payments. Considering this goals, the DMS module for marketing is
equipped with Online Customer registration, Online Indent generation to
convey demand and Processing Sales Bills.

i. Dashboard Controls:
On the Dashboard of Marketing, there will be key indicators at the top of
dashboard to keep Marketing team updated about the stats.

a) Key Indicators
The Dashboard of Marketing and Sales department will Indicate the
followings in Key Indicator:

 Customers Registration Request
This Indicator will showcase the requests received to approve
the Customer. As customers can register themselves into DMS
so Marketing team will have provision to approve/reject the
customer request for registration.

 Total Sale done for the day

This Indicator will showcase the Total Sale record of the day.
The sales Stats will be mapped with the Invoices generated at
marketing team.

 Outstanding demand notes

This Indicator will showcase the Outstanding Demand notes at
Production Side.

 Returns
This Indicator will Showcase the Return filled by customer.

Dashboard Controls:

b) Sales through route Graph

Sales through route Graph will showcase the stats of sales done with
specific customer. This graph will showcase the overall sale amount
as per the customer name and this graph will showcase on month
stats and it can be filtered to see past 3 months records of sales as
per customer.

c) Issued Demand note records

Under Issued Demand notes, the marketing team can check the
records of demand notes which are issued by production

These demand notes will have the details such as:

[Demand Note No.]
[Party Name]
[Requested items] [Requested Quantity]
[Issued items] [Issued Quantity]
[Action= [View][Create Invoice]]

d) Returns received
Returns will have the records of Product returns requested by
customers. The format of Returns will be as following:
[Invoice No] [Party Name]
[Product Returned] [Quantity][Reason]
[Action= [Assign for inspection][View]]

24.1 Customer registration:

The Customers will have provision to register into DMS. To do so, customers
will provide all applicable information such as:
 Name
 Party Nature
 Party Address (Bill to and Ship to)
 Phone Number
 Email Address
 PAN Card
 GSTIN Number
 Bill Category
 Party Deposit
 Tax Category
 Bank Details
 Group
 Rate list

Once all these details are saved, the marketing team will receive the request
of approval of Customer which will be shown in Customer registration
request key Indicator.

a) Customer Registration Request:

The received request will be shown in format:
[Customer Name] [Customer Nature] [Address] [Contact]

b) Approve Customer:
There will be 2 working days’ time period to address the received
request. The Marketing team can approve the request by verifying
the customer’s background. To approve the customer, marketing

department just have to click on the [Approve] Button and it will
approve the account request for customer.

As soon as the request is approved, the customer will receive the

notification via email. The record will be visible in Party detail listing.

Deposit Amount:
To start sending demand note through DMS, customer must deposit
the security amount. As soon as this transaction is being conducted
through DMS, the party is eligible to submit their demand to
Marketing team and marketing team will be eligible to start
processing bill against the party name.

c) Reject Customer:
In case the Customer did not pass the background check which will
be manually done from Marketing team, they can reject the account
request. If the account is rejected, the customer cannot register with
the same email address as it will be auto black list by DMS.

d) Crate ledger of customer:

Upon registration successfully, the customer can request for Crate
ledger from their dashboard, to do so, when they will click on [Create
Order Button], it will ask them to [Get Crate Account first]. As
customer will click on this, it will showcase the type of crates
available and customer can input the quantity that he require. The
information icon will be available next to each crate type name so
that customer can check the capacity of respective crates.

Upon submitting the quantity, the customer will be redirected to

security payment page. Upon the success of security payment, the
crate account will be activated and visible upon customer dashboard.

The marketing team will also have viewing right to customer crate
account. The opening and closing balance of Crates will be managed
through the Demand notes as well as Invoices.

24.2 Product Masters:
To Generate the bills against the demand raised by Customer, Product
master will play important role in that.

a) Add Product:
Marketing team will have provision to “Add New product”, “Assign
New Tax Category”, “Assign New Rate Category” etc.

To Add the product, the marketing team will input:

[Product Name], [Product ID], [Product Unit], [Product Pack Size].

Providing these details, the DMS will ask to assign:

 New Tax Category
 Assign New Rate Category

b) Product Records:
Product records will showcase the data of all products along with
available quantity.

Product records will be visible as:

 Batch Number
 Product Name
 Product ID
 Product Unit
 Quantity

For records the product master will be in synch with Production and
accounts department too. In case there is addition of Product at
Production department, it will be auto publish in Marketing’s
Product master.

24.3 Demand notes:

a) Manual Provision
In DMS, Marketing team will be provided with the ability to raise
demand note from their Dashboard. To raise the demand, note, they
must choose:
 Department
 Party Name
 Requested Items by party
 Unit and pack size
 Quantity

While creating the demand note through DMS, the marketing team
will have provision to add as much as requested items in the demand
note before submitting it to the production department.

b) Standing Demand Notes:

The submitted demand notes will be shown in listing of “Standing
demand notes” until these are issued by Production. As soon as
Production department release the products against the demand
note, it will be shown on the dashboard under “Issued demand

c) Reset Demand notes:

The provision for resetting the demand note is kept in DMS and
frequency of resetting the Invoice will be once only. In case party
increase the Ordered items quantity, Marketing team can Reset the
demand note. To do so, the team will click on “Reset Demand Note”
button on side navigation under demand notes and it will ask the
demand note number to reset.
 As soon as Marketing individual will fill the demand note
number in the input field it will fetch the results of order items
 There will be edit button provided against each item quantity
through which Marketing Individual Can Increase/decrease the
 Increased/decreased quantity will be updated in the demand
note at production side.

d) Issued Demand notes:
The issued demand note records will have those entries which are
approved by Production. The format of Issued Demand note entry
will have the following information:
 Demand note Number
 Department
 Shift
 Number of items issued
 Number of Quantity issued
 Status (Issued, partial issued)
 Action (View, Create Invoice)

Create Invoice:
Going with Create Invoice option under action tab, it will take the
Marketing Individual to choose party page. At this page, Marketing
official can choose the party from dropdown and address
(billing/ship to) will be auto filled based on the party chosen. There
will be no need to confirm the rate category, tax category again
during the billing as it will be mapped with Party name already in
party master.

Gate Pass:
After creating the invoice against the items, DMS will ask Marketing
member to choose the vehicle number to create the Outward Gate
pass. The Marketing member will input Vehicle number which is
mapped with Gate entry and it will pick the driver name and his
contact number itself.

24.4 Demand Notes: Automatic

As customers will granted access to the DMS and they will be able to
create/submit the demand note on their Own. So marketing team will have
provision to:

a) Forward Demand Note:

The deceived demand from customer will be shown on marketing
dashboard and marketing team will have provision too forward it

To Do so, Marketing team will click on “Assign” Button. On click a

popup will appear and it will have the following fields:

[Demand Quantity], It will be kept editable if marketing team have
to change the quantity.

b) Issued Demand notes:

The issued demand note records will have those entries which are
approved by Production. The format of Issued Demand note entry
will have the following information:
 Demand note Number
 Party Name
 Shift
 Number of items issued
 Number of Quantity issued
 Status (Issued, partial issued)
 Action (View, Create Invoice)

Create Invoice:
Going with Create Invoice option under action tab, it will take the
Marketing Individual to choose party page. At this page, Marketing
official can choose the party from dropdown and address
(billing/ship to) will be auto filled based on the party chosen. There
will be no need to confirm the rate category, tax category again
during the billing as it will be mapped with Party name already in
party master.

Gate Pass:
After creating the invoice against the items, DMS will ask Marketing
member to choose the vehicle number to create the Outward Gate
pass. The Marketing member will input Vehicle number which is
mapped with Gate entry and it will pick the driver name and his
contact number itself.

24.5 Record Return:

a) Manual Record Return:

In case of complaint received from Customer, Marketing team will
have provision to Recall the dispatched products.

 To Recall the Product, Marketing team will Click on “Record
Return” button in side navigation under returns.
 The form will open and it will ask for the Invoice No. to create
credit bill against it.
 As the Invoice no is filled, it will fetch the list of items billed
against the invoice number and Party details
 In list of items, marketing team will update the quantity as
Conveyed by distributor to recall and will create credit bill
against it.
 The credit bill’s entry will be saved under credit bills and
Marketing team will create the Gate Pass against it.

Once the Gate pass is created, the print out of credit note and Gate
Pass will be handed over too Driver. During Gate Out, Driver will
announce the Gate pass number which Gate Keeper will input into
the System and saving these records in the system, vehicle will be

b) Automatic:
The customers who are registered on the DMS will have provision to
record the return against the order number. As soon as they
recorded the return from there side, it will appear in the Returns
section and Marketing team will have provision to [View] or [Assign
for Inspection]

[Assign for Inspection] will remain disabled until the Products

reached at Milk plant and Invoice No. is entered in during Gate pass

24.6 Processing bills:

DMS for marketing will be equipped with Invoicing and marketing individuals
will be eligible to create Tax invoice, Challans, Credit bills and Cash Route

a) Tax Invoices:
 Tax Invoices can be created directly from Invoicing tab in side
 To create the Tax Invoice, DMS will show case the listing of
issued demand notes to create Tax invoice against.

 Chosen demand note will be automatically fill the Party name,
items, their quantity and DMS will compile the rate category,
bill category and tax category to create the final Tax invoice.
 Creating the Invoice, DMS will ask the user to choose the
vehicle number in order to create the Gate Pass.
 Created Tax invoices will be saved in Tax invoices listing and
the collection of Tax Invoices will update the “Sales of today”
Indicator on the Dashboard.

b) Challans:
 Challans can be created directly from Invoicing tab in side
 To Create the Challan, DMS will showcase the listing of issued
demand notes.
 Chosen demand note will be automatically fill the party name,
items, quantity and DMS will compile the rate category, bill
category and tax category to create the challan
 Created Challan will be saved in the Challans and the total
amount of created challans will not be added in sales amount.

c) Credit bills:
 Credit bills be created against the invoices and can be created
directly from Invoicing tab in side navigation.
 To Create Credit bill, DMS will show case the listing of Tax
 Chosen tax invoice entry will allow marketing individual to edit
the items’ quantity.
 Payment will be recalculated against the chosen quantity and
will records will be saved under Credit bills.

d) Cash Route Bills:

 Cash route bills will be record of cash payments recorded
against the invoices
 Cash route bills can be accessed from side navigation under
invoicing function
 To create the Cash route bill, Invoices listing will be show and
Marketing Individual choose the Invoice against which he
wants to record the cash bill.

 Choosing the invoice, it will ask the amount for Cash route bill
and Cash route bill be generated and saved under Cash route

24.7 Indents:
Marketing team will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Marketing) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Production head can search through
the records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them.
Marketing team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by Store. These
Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records. Marketing
team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on
the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by Store.
Marketing team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

24.7 Grievance:
The Marketing Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance
System. Here the Marketing official can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, marketing Official will have the following form
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the marketing official can write down the matter and can submit it.
Upon submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s

Aside from this marketing Official can check the previous submitted Issues
by date here.

24.8 Improvements Proposed:

 Digitalization of all marketing operations
 Deep Insights on Sales states party wise with DMS analytics and
 Improved Control and visibility on demand notes and party payments.
 Better tracking on the performance of distributors with the help of
DMS’s complaints, returns, and payment records.
 Change request in demand notes is totally eliminated with the help of
DMS as distributors will submit the demand on their own.
 Save time and human errors.

24.9 Business Rules:
 If Production has accepted the demand note, it cannot be reset than. In
that case, Marketing team will have to raise the new demand note
against party.
 In case the vehicle is not yet gate in the outward gate pass cannot be
generated at marketing team. In case the Inspection of vehicle is still
pending, the gate pass cannot be generated at marketing side.

Flow of Marketing Operations :

25. Store Department
Current there are 4 stores under Milk Unions and DMS will be separate
management for each store. Each store’s dashboard will provide the
information on total Inwards, Outwards and opening balance of items and 3
stores out of 4 will receive the Indents (Request to issue the material)

25.1 Main store Operations: DMS
Main store department caters to all Plant requirements and have 8 heads
under it as we discussed in “As is process”.

Studying the registers maintained, indent records, invoices, gate passes and
all these registers are maintained as per the store heads. DMS will be
equipped with all Store Inward/Outwards, invoicing features to ease the
efforts of store heads.

i. Dashboard controls:
On the Dashboard of Main Store, there will be key indicators at the top of
dashboard to keep Store Manager updated about the stats.

a) Key Indicators
Dashboard controls on will involve the key Indicators to keep the
Store head updated about:

 Plant Indents:
The indicator will showcase the quantity of Indents received
from the plant departments. If Store head will click on the
indicator it will take time to the Indents listing where he can
check the details about the received indents

 Stock Transfer Requests:

This Indicator will showcase the request received for stock
transfer within Plant or Outside Plant. Clicking on the request
will showcase the requested quantity and the name of

 Submitted Indents
Submitted Indents enclosed the details of submitted material
request to Purchase department.

 Replacements
This Key Indicator will show case the quantity of received
replacements. On the click of this indicator, Store head will be

redirected to detail page where he can check the details of

b) On Dock Material:
On Dock material will have the intimation of material is available at
dock to attend. The Store head can review the details of On-Dock
material in the format:
 Sr. No
 Party Name
 Material Type
 Quantity of material
 Invoice No or PO No.
 Time in

Against these details, Store head will have option to: “View Details”,
“Assign for inspection” or “approve”. With the help of view details,
Store head can see the more details about the received material such
as Item names, Item codes, Item Unit, and Item pack size received in.

If Store head will click suspect any issue, he will have provision to
Assign the material for inspection. To do so, Store head will choose
department, Lab assistant and employee id. Upon the submission of
these details, entry will appear at Inspection team’s dashboard to
attend. Meanwhile, at store side the entry will be shifted from “On-
dock” to “Under Inspection” tab.

If store head chooses Approve button against On dock entry, he will

choose the store head against he wants to receipt the material and
material entry will be saved under the Inward/Store head/Material

c) Under Inspection:
Here will the entries that are moved from On-dock as they are Under
Inspection. The Inspection team which is assigned to it will have
provision at their dashboard to approve or reject the material once
it is tested as per the inspection parameters. If the material is
approved, the status of inspection will be shown as Approved at
Store side and he can further add this material to stock against the

party name and date. As soon as he records the material quantity,
the stock value will be updated in the inventory.

ii. Plant Indents

Plant Indents will have the listing of all indents where Store manager can
check the details about the received indents as:
 Sr. No
 Indent No.
 Department raised from
 Requested Quantity
 Requested Unit or pack Size

a) Issue Indent:
Against each entry, store head will have provision to issue the
requested quantity to respective department. To attend the indent,
he will click on the “Issue” button which will ask the quantity to be
issued from store head. This will be Input field and It will be totally in
the control of store head like what quantity he wants to issue against
the indent.

Issued Indent Records:

Once the quantity is issued it will be recorded in database against the
Indent No. and records will be shown in Issued quantity against the
item name as well department in report.

b) Reject Indent:
Provision to Reject the Indent from Store manager will be provided.
To reject the Indent, the store manager must provide the reason
behind rejection. The requisite party can check the Status in Indents

iii. Stock Transfer requests

This page will have the records of requests received for stock transfer within
Plant or Outside Plant. Within Plant requests can be like Cattle feed store
raised request to production to move Ghee.

a) Request format:
The format of received the request will be:

[Department][Requested item][Item Unit] [Requested Quantity]

b) Accept request:
To Accept the transfer request, Store head will issue the requested
quantity. Based on the value of item, the store head will Create a
deliver challan for the items which will indicate the number of items.

As soon as the challan is created the records will be updated in

Database and items inventory will be updated against issue records.

Outside Plant request:

AS the process of creating the challan is completed, Store head will
create the outward gate pass at his dashboard mapping the challan
to it. In Gate pass creation, store head will choose the Vehicle
Number through which the goods or material will be delivered. The
Gate pass record will be updated in issued quantity against the party
name it is being issued too. The security official at gate can verify the
Gate pass, by gate pass number and as he input the gate pass number
in his system, he can check the items names which are loaded into
the vehicle. All the reports entries in stock requests will be recorded
against the Issued quantity and party Name.
c) Reject Stock Request:
The store manager will have the provision to reject the Stock transfer
request too. To reject the Indent, the store manager must provide
the reason behind rejection. The requisite party can check the Status
in Indents Lilting.

iv. Indents
Store Manager will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel
submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Store) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Production head can search through
the records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until department approve or reject
them. Store Manager will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by department.
These Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records.
Store Manager will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by department.
Store Manager will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

v. Replacements
Replacements detail page will have the records of received replacements.
On replacements, Store manager can check the details of received
replacement request. On detail page the replacements will be shown in
listing and format of details will be:
 Sr. No.
 Invoice/Bill/Challan No./Indent No.
 Item Name

 Party name (if any)
 No of items ( for replacement)
 Action (View, Re-Issue)

The Store head will view the items and will Re-Issue all against the same
demand note number sent for replacement.

a) Assign for inspection:

As the replacement request received, Store manager first assigned it
for inspection. Inspection can be made based on the nature of

b) Re-Issue
The Store manager will have provision to Re-Issue the item against
the replacement request no. The store manager will click on Re-Issue
button and will update the item, item quantity and the new record
will be updated in Inventory against the replacement request

c) Record Replacement request:

The Store manager will have provision to Raise the Replacement
Request too. To raise the replacement request, the store manager
 Go to receipt request
 Can search the receipt record by inputting the invoice number

Submitting the invoice number in Replacement form, it will fetch

the Receipt entry of the Item and Store manager will have provision
to update the record in product inventory with new date.

vi. Inventory
Inventory of all items will be show case the records by:
[Item Name] [Item Code] [Item Unit] [Available Quantity] Action]

[Action] will have [Receipt][Issued] Records stored and those can be

accessed by tapping on respective buttons.

Key Indicators:
On Inventory Page, there will be Key Indictors provided to see which product
is near to minimum limit and that product will be shown in [Yellow Box]
whereas below limit products will be shown in [Red Box].

a) Receipt Items:
As per the process, all receipt items will be automatically Uploaded
to the Inventory against the Item name, Item ID and Unit. This entry
will be updated against the [date], [Supplier Name], [Quantity].

b) Issued Items:
The Records of Issued Items will be maintained against Indent
Number, Challan Number, Transfer request number, Replacement
number and the quantity of Item will be updated Issued items.

c) Dead items:
The Dead items can be recorded Manually. To do so, the store
manager will chose the Item name, unit and Quantity and status.

vi. Invoicing
DMS for Store will be equipped with Invoicing and store individuals will be
eligible to create Tax invoice, Challans, Credit bills and Cash Route bills.

a) Tax Invoices:
 Tax Invoices can be created directly from Invoicing tab in side
 To create the Tax Invoice, DMS will show case the listing of
available transfer request, indent number, demand note
number, Replacement request number to create Tax invoice
 Chosen Request number will be automatically fill the Party
name, items, their quantity and DMS will compile the rate
category, bill category and tax category to create the final Tax
 Creating the Invoice, DMS will ask the user to choose the
vehicle number in order to create the Gate Pass.

 Created Tax invoices will be saved in Tax invoices listing and
the collection of Tax Invoices will update the “Sales of today”
Indicator on the Dashboard.

b) Challans:
 Challans can be created directly from Invoicing tab in side
 To Create the Challan, DMS will showcase the listing of
available transfer requests, Indent number, transfer request
 Chosen Request number will be automatically fill the Party
name, items, their quantity and DMS will compile the rate
category, bill category and tax category to create the final Tax
 Created Challan will be saved in the Challans and the total
amount of created challans will not be added in sales amount.

c) Credit bills:
 Credit bills be created against the invoices and can be created
directly from Invoicing tab in side navigation.
 To Create Credit bill, DMS will show case the listing of Tax
 Chosen tax invoice entry will allow Store individual to edit the
items’ quantity.
 Payment will be recalculated against the chosen quantity and
will records will be saved under Credit bills.

d) Cash Route Bills:

 Cash route bills will be record of cash payments recorded
against the invoices
 Cash route bills can be accessed from side navigation under
invoicing function
 To create the Cash route bill, Invoices listing will be show and
Marketing Individual choose the Invoice against which he
wants to record the cash bill.
 Choosing the invoice, it will ask the amount for Cash route bill
and Cash route bill be generated and saved under Cash route

25.2 Cattle Feed Store Operations: DMS
Cattle feed store caters to all Societies and BMC’s requirements. Studying
the registered maintained, indent records, invoices, gate passes and all
these registered are maintained under Cattle feed store head/Incharge.
DMS provide the provision to Store Inward/Outwards using invoicing
features to ease the efforts of store heads.

i. Dashboard controls:
On the Dashboard of Main Store, there will be key indicators at the top of
dashboard to keep Store Manager updated about the stats.

a) Key Indicators:
Dashboard controls on will involve the key Indicators to keep the
Store head updated about:

 Society/BMC Indents received:

The indicator will showcase the quantity of Indents received from
the Society. If Store head will click on the indicator it will take time
to the Incoming Indents listing where he can check the details
about the received indents

 Stock Transfer Requests

This Indicator will showcase the request received for stock
transfer. Clicking on the request will showcase the requested
quantity and the name of requisite within the plant or outside the

 Submitted Indents
Submitted Indents enclosed the details of submitted material
request to Purchase department. Under this key indicator, store
head can review the status of submitted indents to the Purchase
department and will have provision to submit the new one based
on the requirements.

 Replacements
This Key Indicator will show case the quantity of received
replacements. On the click of this indicator, Store head will be
redirected to detail page where he can check the details of

b) On Dock Material:
On Dock material will have the intimation of material is available at
dock to attend. The Store head can review the details of On-Dock
material in the format:
 Sr. No
 Party Name
 Material Type
 Quantity of material
 Invoice No or PO No.
 Time in

Against these details, Store head will have option to: “View Details”,
“Assign for inspection” or “approve”. With the help of view details,
Store head can see the more details about the received material such
as Item names, Item codes, Item Unit, and Item pack size received in.

If Store head will click suspect any issue, he will have provision to
Assign the material for inspection. To do so, Store head will choose
department, Lab assistant and employee id. Upon the submission of
these details, entry will appear at Inspection team’s dashboard to
attend. Meanwhile, at store side the entry will be shifted from “On-
dock” to “Under Inspection” tab.

If store head chooses Approve button against On dock entry, he will

choose the store head against he wants to receipt the material and
material entry will be saved under the Inward/Store head/Material

c) Under Inspection:
Here will the entries that are moved from On-dock as they are Under
Inspection. The Inspection team which is assigned to it will have
provision at their dashboard to approve or reject the material once
it is tested as per the inspection parameters. If the material is

approved, the status of inspection will be shown as Approved at
Store side and he can further add this material to stock against the
party name and date. As soon as he records the material quantity,
the stock value will be updated in the inventory.

ii. Society/BMC Indents

Society/BMC Indents will have the listing of all indents where Store manager
can check the details about the received indents as:
 Sr. No
 Indent No.
 Society/BMC raised from
 Requested Quantity
 Requested Unit or pack Size

a) Issue Indent:
Against each entry, store head will have provision to issue the
requested quantity to respective department. To attend the indent,
he will click on the “Issue” button which will ask the quantity to be
issued from store head. This will be Input field and It will be totally in
the control of store head like what quantity he wants to issue against
the indent.

Issued Indent Records:

Once the quantity is issued it will be recorded in database against the
Indent No. and records will be shown in Issued quantity against the
item name as well department in report.

b) Reject Indent:
Provision to Reject the Indent from Store manager will be provided.
To reject the Indent, the store manager must provide the reason
behind rejection. The requisite party can check the Status in Indents

iii. Stock Transfer requests

This page will have the records of requests received for stock transfer within
Plant or Outside Plant. Within Plant requests can be like Cattle feed store
raised request to production to move Ghee.

a) Request format:
The format of received the request will be:
[Department][Requested item][Item Unit] [Requested Quantity]

b) Accept request:
To Accept the transfer request, Store head will issue the requested
quantity. Based on the value of item, the store head will Create a
deliver challan for the items which will indicate the number of items.

As soon as the challan is created the records will be updated in

Database and items inventory will be updated against issue records.

Outside Plant request:

AS the process of creating the challan is completed, Store head will
create the outward gate pass at his dashboard mapping the challan
to it. In Gate pass creation, store head will choose the Vehicle
Number through which the goods or material will be delivered. The
Gate pass record will be updated in issued quantity against the party
name it is being issued too. The security official at gate can verify the
Gate pass, by gate pass number and as he input the gate pass number
in his system, he can check the items names which are loaded into
the vehicle. All the reports entries in stock requests will be recorded
against the Issued quantity and party Name.

c) Reject Stock Request:

The store manager will have the provision to reject the Stock transfer
request too. To reject the Indent, the store manager must provide
the reason behind rejection. The requisite party can check the Status
in Indents Lilting.

iv. Indents
Store Manager will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Store) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Production head can search through
the records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until department approve or reject
them. Store Manager will have provision to export/Print the Indent
report based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by department.
These Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records.
Store Manager will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by department.
Store Manager will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

v. Replacements
Replacements detail page will have the records of received replacements.
On replacements, Store manager can check the details of received
replacement request. On detail page the replacements will be shown in
listing and format of details will be:
 Sr. No.
 Invoice/Bill/Challan No./Indent No.
 Item Name
 Party name (if any)
 No of items ( for replacement)
 Action (View, Re-Issue)

The Store head will view the items and will Re-Issue all against the same
demand note number sent for replacement.

a) Assign for inspection:

As the replacement request received, Store manager first assigned it
for inspection. Inspection can be made based on the nature of

b) Re-Issue
The Store manager will have provision to Re-Issue the item against
the replacement request no. The store manager will click on Re-Issue
button and will update the item, item quantity and the new record
will be updated in Inventory against the replacement request

c) Record Replacement request:

The Store manager will have provision to Raise the Replacement
Request too. To raise the replacement request, the store manager
 Go to receipt request
 Can search the receipt record by inputting the invoice number

Submitting the invoice number in Replacement form, it will fetch

the Receipt entry of the Item and Store manager will have provision
to update the record in product inventory with new date.

vi. Inventory
Inventory of all items will be show case the records by:
[Item Name] [Item Code] [Item Unit] [Available Quantity] Action]

[Action] will have [Receipt][Issued] Records stored and those can be

accessed by tapping on respective buttons.

Key Indicators:
On Inventory Page, there will be Key Indictors provided to see which product
is near to minimum limit and that product will be shown in [Yellow Box]
whereas below limit products will be shown in [Red Box].

a) Receipt Items:
As per the process, all receipt items will be automatically Uploaded
to the Inventory against the Item name, Item ID and Unit. This entry
will be updated against the [date], [Supplier Name], [Quantity].

b) Issued Items:
The Records of Issued Items will be maintained against Indent
Number, Challan Number, Transfer request number, Replacement
number and the quantity of Item will be updated Issued items.

c) Dead items:
The Dead items can be recorded Manually. To do so, the store
manager will chose the Item name, unit and Quantity and status.

vi. Invoicing
DMS for Store will be equipped with Invoicing and store individuals will be
eligible to create Tax invoice, Challans, Credit bills and Cash Route bills.

a) Tax Invoices:
 Tax Invoices can be created directly from Invoicing tab in side
 To create the Tax Invoice, DMS will show case the listing of
available transfer request, indent number, demand note
number, Replacement request number to create Tax invoice

 Chosen Request number will be automatically fill the Party
name, items, their quantity and DMS will compile the rate
category, bill category and tax category to create the final Tax
 Creating the Invoice, DMS will ask the user to choose the
vehicle number in order to create the Gate Pass.
 Created Tax invoices will be saved in Tax invoices listing and
the collection of Tax Invoices will update the “Sales of today”
Indicator on the Dashboard.

b) Challans:
 Challans can be created directly from Invoicing tab in side
 To Create the Challan, DMS will showcase the listing of
available transfer requests, Indent number, transfer request
 Chosen Request number will be automatically fill the Party
name, items, their quantity and DMS will compile the rate
category, bill category and tax category to create the final Tax
 Created Challan will be saved in the Challans and the total
amount of created challans will not be added in sales amount.

c) Credit bills:
 Credit bills be created against the invoices and can be created
directly from Invoicing tab in side navigation.
 To Create Credit bill, DMS will show case the listing of Tax
 Chosen tax invoice entry will allow Store individual to edit the
items’ quantity.
 Payment will be recalculated against the chosen quantity and
will records will be saved under Credit bills.

d) Cash Route Bills:

 Cash route bills will be record of cash payments recorded
against the invoices
 Cash route bills can be accessed from side navigation under
invoicing function

 To create the Cash route bill, Invoices listing will be show and
Marketing Individual choose the Invoice against which he
wants to record the cash bill.
 Choosing the invoice, it will ask the amount for Cash route bill
and Cash route bill be generated and saved under Cash route

25.3 Production Store Operations: DMS

The Dashboard of Production Store in DMS will keep track of Opening
balance, Issued quantity and Balance of Milk and Milk products as main

i. Dashboard Controls:
On the Dashboard of Production Store, there will be key indicators at the top
of dashboard to keep Store Manager updated about the stats.

a) Key Indicators:
The Key Indicators in Production Store will be:

 Demand notes
It will show case the quantity of available demand notes submitted
by marketing team or parties. When Production Store head will click
on the demand note, it will take him to listing page where these
demand notes will be shown in listing as per the time of receiving.
Each listing will have details such as:
 Sr. No.
 Demand note no.
 Requested by (Marketing or Party name)
 Requested items (No of items)
 Requested Quantity.
 Requested pack
 Action (Approve or Reject)

On the click of Approve button, the production head will be

redirected to the details of Demand note where he can see the
Issue button visible against each item name. On the click of issue

button, it will ask production Store head to confirm the quantity
and on confirmation, the issued quantity will be recorded. As soon
as he done with all entries of demand note, he will issue and
submit the demand note, which will further move to issued
demand notes listing of his dashboard and it will notify the
Marketing team about issued quantity to further address the
billing part.

Herein with the help of DMS, production Store head will be kept
updated about the available quantity of product after the issue of
each demand note and DMS itself pop up the actions such as
assign next batch for production for the similar product.

 Replacements
This Key Indicator will show case the quantity of received
replacements. On the click of this indicator, Store head will be
redirected to detail page where he can check the details of
replacement. On detail page the replacements will be shown in
listing and format of details will be:
 Sr. No.
 Demand note Number
 Party name (if any)
 No of items (sent for replacement)
 Action (View, Re-Issue)

The Store head will view the items and will Re-Issue all against the
same demand note number sent for replacement.

 Requests
This Key Indicator will show case the number of requests received
from Production Head. Clicking on the Indicator will take the Store
head to listing page where he can check the request nature. The
format of Request listing will involve the following information:
 Request No.
 Requested Product Type
 Requested Milk Quantity
 Requested by (Milk Union name)
 Action (Create Dispatch Note or reject)

To address this request, production Store head will click on
“Create Dispatch Note”.

Flow to create Dispatch Note:

Upon clicking “Create Dispatch Note” Production store head will
input following inputs:
 Request No. (It will be auto filled as this is the Request No.
against which dispatch note will be created.)
 Issued Product Type (Auto filled as per the request no.)
 Issued Quantity (Input fields)
 Issued to (Name of Milk Union will be auto filled)
 Vehicle Number
 Driver Name
 Driver Contact name

Upon submission of these details, Demand note will be created

and will be saved against the Product Request listing at Production
Store Dashboard and at Production Head dashboard. As soon as
the vehicle is Gate out from the Gate the records will be updated
against the dispatch note and Milk union which has requested the
product, can see the Gate out entry of vehicle at their own

 DE capping
This Key Indicator will showcase the entries of Products that are
being decapped. Tapping on this indicator, store head can access
the list of products that are being decapped. The format of this
listing will be:
 Sr. No.
 Product name
 Unit/pack
 Quantity decapped
 Date decapped on

This is the flow defined for Key Indicators. Aside from this, store
head can check the following records on the dashboard below key

Dashboard Controls:

b) Material on Dock:
Material on dock will keep the store head addressed about the arrival
of requested Material. The entry format under Material on Dock will
contain the following information:
 Sr. No.
 Packing Material Type (Bottle, Boxes, Cups, Film, Lids, Liners,
Tapes, Tin etc)
 Pack Unit
 Quantity
 Received from (Party Name)
 Received on (Date)
 Invoice No.
 Action (View, Assign for Inspection)

To address the available Material entry on dock, Store head will have
provision to [View] or [Assign for Inspection].

[View] Option will showcase the details such as Summary of received

material items, Code, Unit etc

[Assign for Inspection] Option will allow the store head to assign the
material to QA inspection team for testing. To do that, the store head
just have to select the Inspection officer Name and ID. The request
will be visible at the Test Plans & Inspections dashboard.

[Inventory Update] as soon as the quality department gives

approval, the quantity of receipt packing material will be updated in
Store inventory against the Date, Bill No, Party Name etc.

c) Products/Packing Material Running low:

Below the Material on Dock entries, Store head will have the view of
Products/Packing Material which are running low or about the reach
the low defined limit.

Format will be:

[Sr. No] [Product/Item Name] [Product/item Code] [Unit] [Available

For material, Store head will have provision to reorder the purchase
material directly from the store’s dashboard if the previous purchase
was within 6 months else the store head will request the Production
head to submit indent to Purchase department.

ii. Milk Products:

Under the Milk Products, Store Manager can view the availability of Milk
Products. The Milk Products will be shown in the following format:

[Product Name][Product Code][Product Unit][Available Qty][Action]

[Action] will have [Receipt][Issued] Records stored and those can be

accessed by tapping on respective buttons.

Key Indicators:
On Milk Products Page, there will be Key Indictors provided to see which
product is near to minimum limit and that product will be shown in [Yellow
Box] whereas below limit products will be shown in [Red Box].

a) Finished Products:
The Provision to upload the Finished Products into DMS database will
be provided in Production Store.

 Upload Finished Products:

The Finished products Records can be uploaded simply by
 Batch Number
 Lot Number
 Product Name
 Product ID
 Product Unit
 Quantity

This is how all the product will be uploaded and the products
will be recorded on [Finished Products Records] against the
batch and lot number.

As soon as the Products are uploaded to Finished Products
report, Testing team will receive notification on dashboard to
test the finished products uploaded against the [Batch
number] and [Lot Number]

 Approved Finished Products:

Under approved Finished Products, Listing of approved
Products will be shown.

 Rejected Finished Products:

Under Rejected Finished Products, Listing of Rejected Products
will be shown.

b) Receipt Products:
As per the process, all finished products will be automatically
Uploaded to the Product store against the Product name, Product ID
and Unit. This entry will be updated against the [date], [Batch
Number], [Lot number].

c) Issued Products:
The Records of Issued Products will be maintained Demand note
Number and the quantity of product will be updated against the
batch number. The demand note will include the records of Party
name, vehicle number etc.

d) Wastage:
The Wastage of Milk Products can be recorded Manually. To do so,
the store manager will chose the Product name, unit and Quantity.

iii. Packing Material:

Aside from Milk and Milk Product’s receipt, Issued and Balance stock
records, Store head of production can monitor stats related to Packing
material on dashboard. The records of Packing material will be maintained
under Packing Material Tab on the side bar menu and the records will be
maintained by :
 Receipt Packing Material
 Consumed Packing Material

 Wastage

a) Receipt Packing Material:

Records of receipt packing material will visible under this tab. The
format of entries will be recorded as:
 Sr. No.
 Packing Material Type (Bottle, Boxes, Cups, Film, Lids, Liners,
Tapes, Tin etc)
 Pack Unit
 Quantity
 Received from (Party Name)
 Received on (Date)
 Invoice No.
 Inspection Status (Approved/Rejected items)
 Action (View, Reorder)

As soon as the quality department gives approval, the quantity of

receipt packing material will be updated in store inventory.

b) Consumed Packing Material:

Consumed Packing Material will have the records of Material
consumed against the products. The consumed packing material will
be recorded against the batch number, against the product and its
Pack unit.

The Records of Finished products will be equal to Consumed Packing

material. The algorithm of DMS will automatically update the
inventory of consumed Packing material based on the quantity of
Finished Products. The store head will have provision to edit these
records in case of any change in records.

c) Wastage:
Wastage of packing material will be recorded manually as input form
against the Packing Material Type, its pack unit and quantity. This
report will be received by Store head from labour assigned on
packing manually and can update it into the DMS for records.

25.4 Scrap Material: DMS
As DMS will digitalize the overall operations of Store department so the DMS
dashboard of each store will be equipped with the Scrap material’s
management module.

Under Scrap material, the respective store head will have provision to:
 Review Available Scrap Material
 Sold Scrap material
 Add Purchase
 View Purchasers List

i. Mark Material as Scrap:

The store head of respective store will have provision to mark the material
from Store’s inventory as Scrap if the shelf life is passed or he can “Add Scrap
material” manually too if the material is not available in the inventory of

ii. Add Scrap Material

To add the scrap Material, Store head will have to provide the details about
the scrap material such as:
 Name of Item
 Code of Item
 Quantity
 Scrap Type (Shelf life passed, Faulty, Broken)
 Department from (Store, Production, Engineering etc.)
 Value

As the Material is added it will be stored in available scrap material listing

against the date it is recorded on.

Dashboard Controls on Scrap material:

iii. Available Scrap Material Listing:

It will Indicate the available quantity of scrap material against the date it is
created on. The value submitted while adding the scrap material will
showcase the idea of current worth of scrap material in Rupees.

iv. Sold Scrap Material:
It will Indicate the records of Scrap material that is being sold against the
date it is sold on. The value of sold material will be indicated against the
quantity of material and the name of Purchaser. Aside from this the records
will be shown here as:
 Sr. No.
 Name of item
 Code of item
 Quantity
 Scrap type
 Department from
 Sold Amount
 Purchaser Name
 Purchaser Contact
 Action (View)

v. Add Purchaser:
Managing records of Scrap sale and available Scrap material store heads will
have provision to Add purchaser. To Add Purchaser, the following
information will be provided:
 Purchaser name
 Purchaser Address
 Purchase Contact details

vi. Purchaser List:

Purchaser List will include the records of all added Purchasers along with
their name, contact details and Addresses. Aside from the list the Store head
can view the previous contracts/sales held with that Purchaser. Whenever
the new sale is being done, it will be recorded against the Purchaser’s name.

25.6 Grievance:
The Store Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System.
Here the Store official can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, Store Official will have the following form fields:
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number

 Note

In Note the Store official can write down the matter and can submit it. Upon
submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s dashboard.

Aside from this Store Official can check the previous submitted Issues by
date here.

25.6 Improvements proposed

 Well-kept traceability of records. DMS will provide instant report on
Receipt Materials, Issued materials, Returns.
 Improved Control on activities as DMS will increase the visibility on stock
utilization as per the department and complainants as per the
 Auto Stock requests will reduce the efforts of keeping check on stock
 No need to maintain stock registers and daily receipt registers as DMS
will record the entries in respective reports itself.
 Time saving and higher efficiency

25.7 Business Rule

 Alert will be triggered once the material reached to Minimum Limit and
it will seek confirmation of Store user to raise request to purchase

26. Purchase Department

During requirement gathering, the major pain area of Purchase department
was keeping the record of suppliers and quotations. They have to maintain
the large files to keep supplier details and those were not easy to carry and
make findings in the list.

i. Dashboard Controls:
DMS will have the provision for Purchase department to add suppliers
online, receive Sanction notes and request quotations through the system.
The Dashboard controls for Purchase department will be as following:

a) Key Indicators:
 Requests received from Plant
This Indicator will show the request received. Clicking on this
indicatory, purchase department will be redirected to its detail
page where Purchase person can check the request details such

 Sr. No.
 Request No.
 Department Name
 Number of Items requested
 Quantity Requested
 Unit/Pack

Against each request, Purchase department will have button on

dashboard to view the request details or “Ask for Quotation”
directly. If Employee of Purchase will click on “Ask for
Quotation”, It will take him to the Listing of registered vendors.
Purchase Individual can choose the relevant supplier from the
list and can send quotation request directly. DMS will make it
easy for search the relevant suppliers based on the keywords of
sanction note/requests. Yes, the material/item requested will
be searched with keywords of supplier’s products and services
including previous orders.

 Total Suppliers
This Indicator will show the total number of Registered
Suppliers. The Individual at Purchase department can view the
suppliers here and will have the provision to “Add Supplier”

 Quotations:
This Indicator will show the quotations received. The Purchase
department can scroll through the received quotations against
the requests/sanction notes received from the plant. These
quotations will show the details:
 Party Name
 Item Name
 Item Unit/pack
 Rate per item quoted
 Total Rate quoted as per requested quantity

Purchase department will have provision to “Reject”
“Negotiate” or “Prepare P.O” against each quotation. If user
will click on “Send P.O” the quotation will be moved from
“Quotations” to “Sent Purchase orders”.

In case “Negotiate” is being selected, the purchase department

will have provision to request discount amount against the
quoted price. Doing that, request will be sent to supplier and
the quotation will be shifted to “In Negotiation tab”

These controls will be provided at the top of dashboard as key Indicators

and following this, on main dashboard, Purchase department will have
reports on:

b) Status of Purchase orders

It will include the records of those quotations to whom purchase
orders are assigned. These records will contain the quotation
number, supplier name, quoted amount status of Purchase order
which can be accepted rejected.

c) Supplier’s request for approval

The Suppliers who self-registered themselves on the DMS’s supplier
portal will be visible here along with their company/work details. The
purchase department must approve/reject them based on their

d) Material Receipt records

It will showcase the records of receipt Material against the Purchase
order. As soon as the entry will be recorded in Store against the
Purchase order number, these records including the
quantity/approved/rejected items will be shown in Purchase
department too.

26.1 Suppliers Registration:

Supplier Registration, will be done through the DMS. DMS will provide the
provision to Suppliers to register themselves or it can be done through
Purchase department.

a) Manual Registration:
The registration done at Purchase department side will be Manual
process. At Supplier’s page, there will be button “Add supplier” to
add the supplier manually. The registration form, will ask the
following details to make the records successfully.
 Name of Supplier:
 Representative Name/Title:
 Address of Supplier
 Phone/Fax No./Website/Email
 Brief explain about: Products, Services, Experience

All these records will remain in the DMS database and listing will be
visible in supplier’s list with Supplier name.

b) Self-registration:
Self-registration will allow the Supplier to register himself. In this
registration, Supplier will personally submit the details about his
business, address and other contact details. As soon as the details are
submitted, the record will be shown on dashboard “Supplier’s
request for approval”. This is how purchase department will receive
acknowledgement about the supplier’s request and along with each
entry in this listing there will 2 buttons “Approve” and “Reject” the

Before approve and reject, purchase department will personally

verify the credentials of Supplier and on the basis of analysis, they
can opt for Approval or Rejection.

Approved suppliers will be able to login and access their dashboard

whereas rejected supplier’s account will be deactivated immediately.

26.2 Quotations:
Quotations will be easy and quick with the help of DMS. Providing DMS
dashboard to suppliers will make it direct connect between purchase
and Suppliers.

The quotations received from suppliers can be accessed at Purchase’s
dashboard and requests received at Purchase department from plant
can be directly assign to relevant suppliers more quickly than ever.

a) Request for quotation:

Request for quotation can be done through based on the records
previous orders from supplier or DMS will be equipped with e-
tendering. As per the norms that supplier can attend the re-order
with in 6months of tenure so DMS, itself calculate weather Supplier
is eligible to send quotation or not.

While asking for quotations, Purchase department choose the

sanction note and will go to supplier’s list. DMS will shortlist the
supplier’s list based on the request type and based on the records of
previous purchases.

In case there are no preferred results found on the supplier’s list,

Purchase department can submit the requirements for e-tendering

26.3 E-tendering:
DMS will provide provision to submit the requirements of plant for
Tendering on the DMS. In DMS tendering the Purchase department will
publish the requirements and based on the category of tender, the
purchase department will specify the suppliers from registered
supplier’s list. The suppliers will receive notification on published tender
and they will have provision to submit quotation on the same. Once the
quotation is submitted, it will be shown in “Quotations” Key Indicator at
Purchase dashboard.

26.4 Supplier Dashboard:

The approved Suppliers can log in to the Supplier Dashboard provided by
DMS. On the Dashboard of supplier, there will be key Indicators to notify
him about:
 Received Quotations request (Direct)
 Received request to submit quotation on tender
 Received request for Negotiation
 Received Purchase Order.

Below the key Indicators, supplier can access the reports on sent
material against the purchase order, payment records etc. Aside from
this there will be no provision to edit profile details and the main
features will be quotations, quotations requests, Purchase orders and
the working flow will be as following:

a) Direct Quotation requests:

Will Indicate the received quotation request indicating the following
details on quotation listing page:
 Sr. No.
 Request No.
 Article requested
 Required Quantity
 Action (View, Submit quotation)

On received quotation request, Supplier will have provision to check

the details of request such as details of articles (Name wise and
quantity wise) and he can submit the quotation. To submit the
quotation, supplier will click on “Submit quotation” which will enable
him to submit “Rate per item” against each requested article. The
submitted quotation will be shown in submitted records and it will
be shown in received quotation section on Purchase department.

b) Tenders available:
This will indicate requests received to submit the quotation/bid on
active tender. The listing of tender will showcase the details of
tender and Supplier will have provision to “Reject” or “Submit
quotation” against the tender.

Rejecting the tender will for sure remove the entry from “Requests
for tender available” and it will show in rejected tenders. “Submitting
quotation” will allow the supplier to submit the quotation.

c) Flow to submit the quotation:

To submit the quotation, supplier will view the details and review the
items and terms mentioned in tender. Further the supplier will have
provision to submit the price per item against each requested item
and along with that supplier can attach his company portfolio.
Submitting the quotation, save the record in submitted tenders

report/listing and purchase department will have notification about
the same.

d) Requests received for negotiation:

This will indicate the requests received for negotiation. The received
request will showcase the following info in a list:
 Sr. No.
 Request no. (The number against which the quotation was
 Discount requested (Will indicate the amount)
 Action (Accept, Reject)

If Supplier accepts the discount amount, the quotation will be

resubmitted considering the discount amount. The supplier will re-
edit the price per item and will submit again.

e) Received Purchase Orders:

It will indicate the Purchase orders received against the quotation
supplier has submitted. Purchase order will indicate:
 Delivery Schedule
 Packing instruction
 Dispatch instruction
 Terms of payment and place of delivery

Against each Purchase order, supplier will have provision to accept

it. After the acceptance, the supplier can create the Invoice against
the purchase order can prepare the material dispatch note following
the instruction. The created invoice and dispatch note are visible to
Purchase department. Along with dispatch note, it is clearly indicated
the expected date of receiving the items.

26.5 Payments:
The record of Payments will remain with Purchase department. All the
materials’ which receipt through assigned Purchase order will have
proper record in purchase department reports for future tracking. Aside
from this, the provision to record Cash Purchase will be provided in
Payments section at DMS.

Considering the cases of direct purchase in the market, those records can
be recorded into DMS through Manual Entry. To make the record of
Purchase, the Purchase department will pick the entry from Store data
base of receipt material including its bill No. Picking the details, the
Purchase team will assign party name, and against it will make an entry
of cash purchase which will be saved and visible in Accounts department

26.6 Grievance:
The Purchase Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System.
Here the purchase official can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, marketing Official will have the following form
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the purchase official can write down the matter and can submit it.
Upon submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s

Aside from this purchase Official can check the previous submitted Issues by
date here.

26.7 Indents:
Purchase team will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel
submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At purchase) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Purchase head can search through
the records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them.
Purchase team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by Store. These
Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records. Purchase
team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on
the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by Store.
Marketing team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

26.8 Improvements Proposed:

 Complete Digitalization of Purchase Department Operations
 Real time Sync between Suppliers and Purchase department.
 Speedy response in arranging quotations and purchase orders.
 Better track of Supplier’s performance with DMS including the track of
 Improved control and vision on Purchase department operations.

26.9 Business Rules:
 Supplier’s Orders will be tracked and DMS will auto disable the repeat
order feature on previous purchases that are older than 6 months.

27. Distributor Portal Operations

Distributor Portal will digitalize the operations of Distributors connected
with VITA. DMS’s Distributor Portal will grant access to all Distributors and it
will enable them to send their demand directly through Portal instead of
manually calling. Having Distributor portal will automate the complete
demand note process and marketing team will just supervise it.

Operations of Distributor Portal:

27.1 Distributor Registration:

Distributors will have provision to register themselves on the DMS. As we
discussed in Marketing Module that Marketing individuals can add the
parties so the same input fields will be created in Registration form of
Distributor registration page. Distributor will provide following information
during Registration:
 Phone Number (To generate OTP)
 Party Name
 Party Nature (Government, Institutional, Dealer, Branch)
 Address Bill to Address ship to)
 Pan Number
 Aadhar Number
 Milk Union Associated with

Upon submission of details, the Marketing team will receive the Notification
of Party/Distributor on their Dashboard and Distributor will get message that
the profile is created successfully and it is currently under review for 24

This is the time Period that is considered fair for Marketing team, to cross
check the Distributor details and approve the account. Upon the verification
of account, Distributor will get notification to maintain the deposit against
account to start submitting orders. Making Payment of Deposit Money is

mandatory as No distributor can submit order without Deposit Money

Approved Account from Marketing team will be eligible to access the

Distributor’s Dashboard.

27.2 Distributor Orders:

On Distributor Dashboard, Distributor can check the records of Past orders
and can create “New Order” as per the requirement.

a) Create order:
Create Order will take distributor to Create Order form where he can
choose the product, its Unit, Pack Size and quantity. On this form,
Distributor will have provision to choose as much as Products as per
requirements to create Order. Upon Submission the Order will
reflect in Marketing Team as Demand note against the Party Name.
Marketing team will have further provision to submit/forward the
demand note in Production team.

b) Past Orders:
In Past order listing, each order will be listed against the Date and
order number and Distributor will have the provision to View order
and repeat Order.

c) View Order Details

Clicking on View Order details will take distributor to detail page
where he can see the details of product, Unit, Pack size, price,
quantity, Amount ordered.

d) Repeat Order
Repeat Order will enable the distributor to repeat the entire order as
it was placed earlier. There will be provision to edit the quantity of
item in repeat order but he cannot add new product. In case there is
requirement to add the new order product, the distributor must
create new order in that case.

e) File Return
The Distributor can file the return against the order number. To file
the return, distributor just have to choose the order listing and there
will be provision to file return.

To complete the return, distributor will choose the products and its
quantity. As he submit the request will pop up on marketing

27.3 Distributor Payments:

Distributor Payments will showcase the records of Paid Invoices and
standing invoices. The DMS will have provision to pay for order online
through net banking, credit card or he can choose COD option. Aside from
this, the standing Invoices will be reminded to Distributor through Push

More than 2 Unpaid Invoices, won’t allow Distributor to submit 3rd order
through the DMS’s Distributor Module.

27.4 Distributor Reports:

Following are the reports that will be maintained at Distributor’s
 Orders Report (Dispatched, Standing)
 Payments report (Paid, Unpaid)

27.5 Improvements Proposed:

 Complete Digitalization of Distributor’s Operations.
 Full transparency on Standing payments, dispatched material.
 Better control on Demand and supply with DMS alerts.
 Deep Insights on Distributor’s Performance.

27.6 Business Rules:

 24 hours will be authorized time to approve the Distributor’s account.
 No orders can be submitted if 2 Invoices are standing against

Flow diagram of Distributor operations:

28. Accounts Department
DMS’s accounting Module will digitalize the overall operations. As it is
confirmed during the requirement gathering the few Milk Unions are using
Tally Software for accounting and few not. As per the requirements, DMS
will be equipped with Full fledge accounting module which will be fast and
have provision of simple data entry, comprehensive and detailed financial
reports, consolidated data, and automated record keeping. It will also
improve accuracy while increasing efficiency by eliminating repetitive and
manual tasks.

28.1 Accounts Dashboard:

The dashboard of accounts department will be equipped with
Stats/Indicators of:

 Sales (Outstanding Sales invoices)

Accounts head can view the summary of outstanding sales invoice
against the date of invoice, amount of invoice and Party name.

 Purchase (Outstanding Purchase Invoices)

Accounts head can view the summary of Outstanding Purchase
Invoices against the date of invoice, amount of invoice and Supplier

 Profit & Loss

Accounts head can view the Profit & Loss statement under this section
against the Period (Year) showing Income records and expenses

 Cash Flow
Accounts head can view the Cash flow statement under this section
against the Period (year) showing Money In and Money Out.

 Bank accounts Balance

Accounts head can view the Bank accounts balances under this
section against the “Current account balance”, “Saving account
balance”, “Bank account total” and Cash such as Petty or Imprest.

These Stats/Indicators will include the latest records in order to keep the
Accounts head updated on the current ongoing.

Accounts & Finance module in DMS will digitize the accounting module and
provide all the users with a centralized system to cater to all their accounting
needs. As analyzed in the requirement gathering phase, few plants are using
the Jaguar software for billing purposes, where the users create manual
vouchers that are fed into Tally. As the current system is not centralized,
multiple ledgers are currently in use by different plants for a single
operation. This issue will be addressed in the ERP.
Accounts & Finance module thus implemented in DMS, intends to cover the
limitations presented by the current system.

Accounts module will comprise of various features that can be summarised

as below:

1) Masters: The system will have the provision to add masters into the
system. There will be several masters that can be added into the system

a) Parties: The users will be able to create, update, and delete parties
into the system. The information required to add a party into the
system will be
i) Party name
ii) Address
iii) Email ID
iv) Contact number
v) GST number, etc.

These parties will be recalled easily from the database while creating
sales orders, purchase order, returns, etc. and all the transactions
made against the respective party will be stored in appropriate
general ledgers.

b) Ledgers: The system will provide a provision to the users to add

ledgers into the system. The ledgers available in the system will be:
i) Expense ledgers
(1) Income ledger
ii) Capital Ledgers
iii) Asset ledgers
iv) Liability ledgers

Users will be able to add a new ledger by entering the name and type
of ledger being created.

c) Employees: The system will enable users to create an employee

master into the system. They will have the provision to update or
delete an employee record from the system. Each employee will be
assigned a unique employee code which will aid the system to track
attendance, complaints, and payrolls of the employees. The following
information will be required to enter an employee into the system:
i) Employee name
ii) Address
iii) Contact number
iv) Email ID
v) Designation
vi) Plant name

The system will maintain records of the movement of employees

within plants (if applicable) through the reports provided into the

2) Vouchers: The system will have the provision to support all the basic
accounting vouchers. The users will be able to create the vouchers
manually from the system by entering the relevant information. The
system will also automatically post the journal entries within the
associated ledgers for accounting calculations. The type of vouchers
supported by the system will be as follows:

a) Purchase Voucher
b) Payment Voucher
c) Receipt Voucher
d) Contra Voucher
e) Credit Note
f) Debit Note
g) Inventory Vouchers
i) Material In Voucher
ii) Material Out Voucher
iii) Delivery Note
iv) Receipt Note

h) Order Vouchers
i) Purchase Order
ii) Sales Order

The users will be able to print cash receipts (Customer Challan, Adhoc,
Route Cash Challan) and cash deposit slips.

3) Trial Balance: The system will enable the users to create trial balance
notifying the closing balance of various ledgers within the system at a
moment in time. Through trial balance, the users will be able to identify
any errors made while recording transactions and rectify them.
The users will be able to compile this sheet and submit it to the HO for
reporting purposes.

4) Financial Statements: The system will create the financial statements for
the plant at a moment. The financial statements that will be supported
via the system will be:
a) Balance Sheet
b) Income statement
c) Cash Flow statement
d) Profit & Loss statement

5) Tax Invoice: The system will provide a provision to configure taxes that
will apply to the sales made through the system. The system will comply
with the Indian Tax regulations with support for GST and TDS. While
generating an invoice, the taxes will be auto-calculated -as per the taxes
configured- and add the respective amount to the invoices generated.
Accordingly, these entries will be updated in the GST books like GST R1,

6) Accounting Books & Registers: The system will support several

accounting books and registers for the ease of users. The transactions
made through the system will be compiled under appropriate accounting
book, for viewing and printing purposes. The users will also be able to
view records based on a specific period. The books and registers available
in ERP will be:
a) Cash Book/Bank Book
b) Sales Register/Purchase Register

c) Expense Register
d) Journal Register
e) Debit Note/Credit Note Register
f) Fixed Asset Register

7) Monthly Overhead Reports: The system will prepare a list of monthly

overhead reports for each plant, where they will be able to view the
monthly business. A few of these monthly overhead reports will include:
a) Quantity Sales
b) Quantity Purchase
c) Opening Stock
d) Closing Stock
e) Head-wise expenditure, etc.

28.2 Accounts Sales:

a) Sales Invoices:
Accounts sales section will have the records of all Invoices of sales
department as well as the party ledger. Accounts head can review the Paid
invoices, outstanding invoices here in respective listings. The format of
listing will include:
 Date
 Invoice No.
 Party Name
 Items,
 Amount
 Status (Paid/Outstanding)

b) Add Invoice:
Accounts head will have provision to add the Invoice manually too. Although
all the invoices will be created in Marketing and sales department and
accounts will have supervision on those. But the provision to add Invoice is
also kept in Account’s head dashboard. To add the invoice manually, he must
provide party name, items description, Price per unit and quantity. Based on
the quantity the total amount will be automatically calculated and Invoices
will be added and shifted automatically in Outstanding invoice against party

c) Add Payment:
Same as provision is kept for adding invoice, the Accounts head can record
the payment too against the invoice number. To do so, he will visit the
outstanding invoices listing and against each listing of outstanding invoices
there will be provision to “Add Payment”.

Tapping on “Add Payment” will ask the account head to choose Payment
type such as:
 Credit card Payment
 Bank Transfer
 Cash Payment

Choosing the type, he will input the received amount and will click on save.
Saving the payment record will move the invoice listing to Paid invoices and
records of Payments will be updated on dashboard in respective categories.

d) Add Credit Note:

Same as provision is kept of adding the payments, the provision to “Add
Credit Note” is kept in accounts head dashboard as well. To add the “Credit
Note” manually, he must choose the invoice number to allocate with. Based
on the Invoice the total amount will be automatically calculated and Credit
Note will be added. Based on the credit note amount, the refund entry will
be automatically generated against the credit note number and results will
appear in Sales invoices as well as customer ledger.

Aside from the about abilities the accounts head will have provision to:
 Check Demand notes received from the party including status of
standing and issued demand notes.
 Can check the party’s deposit amount against the date of deposit in Party
 Account head can sort the invoices of sales department by: Outstanding,
Paid and all.
 Account head can print, import, export the invoice records.
 Can filter the Invoice records by Party ID, name, Invoice number, Date
and Status (Paid/Outstanding)

28.3 Accounts Purchase:
a) Purchase Invoices:
Accounts Purchase section will have the records of all Invoices of Purchase
department as well as the Supplier ledger. Accounts head can review the
Paid invoices, outstanding invoices here in respective listings. The format of
listing will include:
 Date
 Invoice No.
 Supplier Name
 Items,
 Amount
 Status (Paid/Outstanding)

b) Add Invoice:
Accounts head will have provision to add the Invoice manually too. Although
all the invoices will be created in Purchase department and accounts will
have supervision on those. But the provision to add Invoice is also kept in
Account’s head dashboard. To add the invoice manually, he must provide
Supplier name, items description, Price per unit and quantity or he can
convert the Purchase order into Invoice. Based on the quantity the total
amount will be automatically calculated and Invoices will be added and
shifted automatically in Outstanding invoice against Supplier name.

c) Add Payment:
Same as provision is kept for adding invoice, the Accounts head can record
the payment too against the invoice number. To do so, he will visit the
outstanding invoices listing and against each listing of outstanding invoices
there will be provision to “Add Payment”.

Tapping on “Add Payment” will ask the account head to choose Payment
type such as:
 Credit card Payment
 Bank Transfer
 Cash Payment

Choosing the type, he will input the received amount and will click on save.
Saving the payment record will move the invoice listing to Paid invoices and
records of Payments will be updated on dashboard in respective categories.

d) Add Credit Note:

Same as provision is kept of adding the payments, the provision to “Add
Credit Note” is kept in accounts head dashboard as well. To add the “Credit
Note” manually, he must choose the invoice number to allocate with. Based
on the Invoice the total amount will be automatically calculated and Credit
Note will be added. Based on the credit note amount, the refund entry will
be automatically generated against the credit note number and results will
appear in Sales invoices as well as Supplier ledger.

Aside from the about abilities the accounts head will have provision to:
 Can check the Supplier Ledger including previous orders, Outstanding
balance, credit balance.
 Account head can sort the invoices of Purchase department by:
Outstanding, Paid and all.
 Account head can print, import, export the invoice records.
 Can filter the Invoice records by Supplier ID, name, Invoice number, Date
and Status (Paid/Outstanding)

28.4 Accounts Store:

a) Store Invoices:
Accounts Store section will have the records of all Invoices of Store
department as well as the Store head ledgers. Accounts head can review the
Paid invoices, outstanding invoices here in respective listings. The format of
listing will include:
 Date
 Invoice No.
 Supplier Name
 Items,
 Amount
 Status (Paid/Outstanding)

b) Add Invoice:
Accounts head will have provision to add the Invoice manually too. Although
all the invoices will be created in Store department and accounts will have
supervision on those. But the provision to add Invoice is also kept in
Account’s head dashboard. To add the invoice manually, he must provide
Supplier name, items description, Price per unit and quantity. Based on the
quantity the total amount will be automatically calculated and Invoices will

be added and shifted automatically in Outstanding invoice against Supplier

c) Add Payment:
Same as provision is kept for adding invoice, the Accounts head can record
the payment too against the invoice number. To do so, he will visit the
outstanding invoices listing and against each listing of outstanding invoices
there will be provision to “Add Payment”.

Tapping on “Add Payment” will ask the account head to choose Payment
type such as:
 Credit card Payment
 Bank Transfer
 Cash Payment

Choosing the type, he will input the received amount and will click on save.
Saving the payment record will move the invoice listing to Paid invoices and
records of Payments will be updated on dashboard in respective categories.

d) Add Credit Note:

Same as provision is kept of adding the payments, the provision to “Add
Credit Note” is kept in accounts head dashboard as well. To add the “Credit
Note” manually, he must choose the invoice number to allocate with. Based
on the Invoice the total amount will be automatically calculated and Credit
Note will be added. Based on the credit note amount, the refund entry will
be automatically generated against the credit note number and results will
appear in Sales invoices as well as Supplier ledger.

Aside from the about abilities the accounts head will have provision to:
 Can check the Supplier Ledger including previous orders, Outstanding
balance, credit balance.
 Account head can sort the invoices of Store department by: Outstanding,
Paid and all.
 Account head can print, import, export the invoice records.
 Can filter the Invoice records by Supplier ID, name, Invoice number, Date
and Status (Paid/Outstanding)

28.5 Accounts Bank:
On account bank Dashboard, Accounts head will have provision to
Import/Add banks associated with Milk Union. Apart from this, Bank section
will have overview of “Received Money” and “Spend Money” transactions
against the current bank account balance.

a) Add Bank:
Add Bank option will allow the Account to add bank details such as name,
IFSC code, branch, Pin code.

b) Transactions:
It will keep the records of Received and spend Money. Each transaction will
be recorded against the Invoice No, Date, done by, Description, Amount
(Received, Spent, Balance) and action.

Aside from the records, Accounts head will provision to manually Record the
“Received Money” or “Spend Money” Entry on this page.

c) Reconcile Bank
Accounts head can reconcile the bank under bank section. Reconciliation can
be done automatically or can be done manually. Conducting the
Reconciliation will automatically prepare the difference report by
Subtracting the opening balance from spent money + Subtracting the Total
received from Closing balance.

Accounts head will have provision to Export the transactions reports and
reconciliation reports. Also he can filter the data of Reports by ID, Date, Min
amount, Max amount etc.

28.6 Accounts Bills:

Under Bills sections, accounts head can view all standing and paid bills. The
records of bills that will be maintained here are:
 Milk Bills
 Pay Bills
 Transporter Bills

a) Milk Bills:
Milk bills are not required to punch any more as DMS will maintain the
records of received milk from Societies against the society name, its quantity

and quality on day to day basis in Milk Bills Ledger. This data will be recorded
at Plant level which means the Milk bills will be generated based on the
quantity/quality received at Milk Union. Milk Bills sections will show the
accounts department total procured milk today and it’s bill amount. Aside
from this, here will be other Indicator which will show case the amount
which is ready to process the bill.

The accounts head can check records of both indicators and on click, the
records of procured milk can be seen against the Society name/ID and shift.
The milk entries under Milk bills section will display the following
 Sr. No.
 Date
 Society Name/ID
 Shift
 Procured Milk
 Due Amount as per the quantity.
 Action (View/Generate bill)

If accounts head will click on the view button he/she can review the details
as per members who poured the milk in that particular shift. Apart from the
member’s milk details, Accounts head can view the amount of milk which is
sold locally.

Generate Bill will process the bill and this process can be processed after
every 10 days.

Further, here are the actions that can be performed in Milk bills by accounts
 Can view the society total milk procured by week/Month/year.
 Can view the Paid bills and standing bills.
 Can view the approved and standing Indents against the society along
with date of Indent.
 Can generate/process the bills considering the due amount against
the society.

b) Pay bills:
Pay bills will cover the new Pay as per the number of employees. Under this
section, accounts head can view the records of:

 Employee’s Net pay (Means total pay due of all employees)
 Payment Date
 No. of Employees

This is what shown on the top section of Pay bills and against this record
there will be quick call to actions “View & Pay”

Aside from this, on this dashboard of Pay bills accounts head can view the
summary of deductions and summary of Pay roll cost.

Deduction Summary:
 TDS Deduction

Pay Roll Cost Summary:

 Net Pay
 Taxes

Apart from these dashboard controls, there will be provision to track

Attendance of the employees and Employees Roaster.

Attendance Records:
Attendance Records will show case the absence and presence of Employee
as per the days of Month. The Accounts head can view the attendance
records via Employee name, designation, full days and half days. Along with
attendance records there will be records of “Outgoing duty”, “Tour Slips”,
“Casual Leaves”.

Employee Roaster:
Employee Roaster will include the details of registered employees. Along
with their designation, Salary details, Attendance, Tax details, Bank details

Apart from Employee records, account’s head will have provision to “Add
Employee” in the employee Roaster.

To add employee, accounts department will provide the following details:

 Name of the employee
 Employee ID

 Designation of Employee
 Role
 Department
 Salary of Employee
 Tax information
 Bank Account and IFSC code.

Upon submission, the records of employee will be saved in Database and will
be visible in the Employee Roaster.

c) Transporter bills:
Transporter bills have the records of outstanding Transporter bill. It will have
the features same as Pay bills and the net payable bills against due date will
be shown on the top of Transporter Bills section.

Accounts head can view the top sections records as:

 Transporter’s Net pay (Means total pay due of all Transporters)
 Payment Date
 No. of Transporters.

This is what shown on the top section of Transporter bills and against this
record there will be quick call to actions “View & Pay”

Aside from this, on this dashboard of Transporter bills accounts head can
view the summary of deductions.

Deduction Summary:
 Transport Penalties

Apart from these dashboard controls, there will be provision to track Vehicle
records and Transporter Roaster.

Vehicle Records:
Vehicle Records will show case vehicle records via Vehicle number, full Km’s
done. Along with Vehicle records there will be records of “Penalties
recorded against the vehicle” from security team.

Transporter Roaster:

Transporter Roaster will include the details of registered and hired
transporters. Along with their vehicle, Driver details, Contact details and
bank account details.

28.7 Account Indents:

Accounts Manager will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items (Stationary)
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Accounts) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Production head can search through
the records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until Procurement store approve or
reject them. Accounts Manager will have provision to export/Print
the Indent report based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by procurement
department. These Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent
records. Accounts Manager will have provision to export/Print the
Indent report based on the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by procurement
department. Accounts Manager will have provision to export/Print
the Indent report based on the requirement.

28.8 Grievance:
The Accounts Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System.
Here the Account official can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, marketing Official will have the following form
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the account official can write down the matter and can submit it.
Upon submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s

Aside from this account Official can check the previous submitted Issues by
date here.

28.9 Indents:
Accounts team will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on

Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At purchase) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Account head can search through the
records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them.
Account team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report
based on the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by Store. These
Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records. Account
team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on
the requirement.

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by Store. Account
team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on
the requirement.

28.10 Improvements Proposed:

 Complete digitalization of accounts department.
 Speed up processing time by eliminating the manual calculations.
 Improved accuracy.
 Automated record keeping.

29. Management Information System (MIS)

Using DMS, it is easy for MIS department to reconcile the performance
reports as per the department. MIS department will have access to the

reporting of every department on his dashboard and there will be no
requirement of managing the reports in excel and asking for the reports via

Following are the reports which can be access by MIS department:

 Staff Strength (section wise)
 Total Salary Paid (Section Wise)
 Milk receipt from Chilling Centre/BMC’s (Daily/Monthly)
 Milk receipt from other plants (Daily/Monthly)
 Milk dispatch to other plants (Daily/Monthly)
 Milk & Milk Products production(Daily/Monthly)
 Milk Payment report Route Wise, Quality wise (Cow, Buffalo/QTY,
 TOTAL Milk Payment
 Total MPCS supplying milk
 Total Milk pourers
 Total Regd. Members
 Total Artificial Insemination Information
 Daily milk & milk Products sale (Type wise, station wise, dealer wise)
 Total Sale of cattle feed
 Total Sale of ghee by mpcs
 Daily receipt dispatch, issue to production, sale closing, opening stock
of SMP, WButter)
 Daily consumption of SMP, WBUTTER in production
 Total payment to milk transporters (route wise)

29.1 Indents:
MIS team will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items
 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel
submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At purchase) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The MIS head can search through the
records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them. MIS
team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on
the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by Store. These
Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records. MIS team
will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on the

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by Store. MIS team
will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on the

29.2 Grievance:
The MIS Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System. Here
the MIS official can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, MIS Official will have the following form fields:
 Date
 Employee Name
 Employee ID

 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the MIS official can write down the matter and can submit it. Upon
submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s dashboard.

Aside from this MIS Official can check the previous submitted Issues by date

29.3 Improvements Proposed:

 Auto reporting system no need to prepare reports in excel.
 Auto recording keeping and flexibility to sort/filter the reports data.
 Easy to export, print, download features

29.3 Business Rules:

 There will be no provision to edit the records of reports.
 Reports will be generated on the new data.

30 Engineering Department:

i. Dashboard Controls:
On the Dashboard of Engineering head, he will have key indicators at the top
of dashboard to keep him updated about the stats.

a) Key Indicators:

 Machine Maintenance Requests

As this will showcase the quantity of received requests for machine
require maintenance or repair. The Engineering head will click on
the Indicator, it will take you the records of requests received from
production department. He will have provision to Accept the
request to notify the production department that received request
is under consideration.

The format of request will be:

 Sr. No

 Machine ID
 Machine Name
 Fault Description
 Assigned Employee
 Status [Standing, In progress]
 Action [Accept]

As soon as the request is accepted it will move to In-progress table

in DMS and Engineering head will have provision to record the
status of repair once the request is resolved. To Share the status,
the engineering head will click on the resolve button and and it will
show him the following form to record the status of the
 Machine Name
 Machine ID
 Assigned Employee
 Fault Description
 Start Time of repair
 Finish Time of repair
 Total Time Taken
 Nature of task
 Work Done [Description]
 Attended by
 Remarks

 Calibration Records
It will show case the records of calibration. When Eng. head will
click on the Key Indicator, it will take him to listing page where
under schedule Calibrations will be shown in listing. Each listing will
have details such as:
 Sr. No.
 Name of Equipment
 Make
 Location
 Frequency
 Date of calibration
 Due Date
 Status [Due for records]
 Action [Provision to record the logs]

Eng. Head will have the authority to record the logs of scheduled
calibrations to do so, he will click on the record button provided in
the above listing and it will open up the form which will ask for:
 Identification Marks
 Principal Measurements
 Remarks/Signatures

The provided details will be saved in the report.

 Generator Records
It will show case the records of Generator Log book. When Eng.
head will click on the Key Indicator, it will take him to listing page
where Generator logs will be shown in listing. Each listing will have
details such as:
 Sr. No
 Date
 Generator ID
 Timing [Start, Stop, Running Hours]
 Oil Pressure
 Temperature
 Meter Reading [Ampere, Volts, Units]
 KW Load
 HSD Used
 Signatures/remarks

Along with these logs, there will be button provided on the log book
page as well as main dashboard to log the generator records.

The key indicators will keep updated after every 30 minutes based
on the records updated in DMS database.

Below Key indicators, the Eng head can check the details on:

b) Machinery Under Maintenance:

This table will itself suggest the machines which are due for
Maintenance based on the schedule prepared for repair. The details
will be shown as:
 Sr. No

 Date
 Machine
 Status[Due for Records, Done]
 Action
[Assign, View]

The Eng. head will have provision to assign the machine for
maintenance from the dashboard. To do so, he will choose Machine
ID and Employee ID to assign for the Maintenance.

As soon as he click the save button assigning the employee and

machine, this entry will be shifted to under-Maintenance tab where
the assigned employee can submit the logs once it is completed. The
log book format will be:
 Machine Name
 Machine ID
 Assigned Employee
 Fault Description
 Start Time of repair
 Finish Time of repair
 Total Time Taken
 Nature of task
 Work Done [Description]
 Attended by
 Remarks

c) Due for checking:

This Section will have the records of all machines that are due for
general check-ups. This records will showcase:
 Sr. No
 Machine Name
 Status
 Action [Record] [Assign]

As soon as the machine is assigned in production department for

department, it will be visible under this tab for general check-up. It
can be programmed as well, if all the machines should be ready for

general check before the production start or after the production

The Eng. head will have provision to assign the machine for check up
from the dashboard. To do so, he will choose Machine ID and
Employee ID to assign.

As soon as he click the save button assigning the employee and

machine, this entry will be shifted to ready for checkup tab where
the assigned employee can submit the logs once it is completed. The
log book format will be:
 Date
 Machine Name
 Oil
 Grease
 V-Belt
 Gearing
 Leakage [Water, Steam, Air]
 Remarks and Sign

The recorded logs will be saved in Machine check-up report against the date.

ii. Calibration Schedule

From here the engineering Head can schedule the calibration for machines.

a) Schedule calibration:
Clicking on this button, the form will appear which will ask the Eng.
Head the following details:
 Name of Equipment
 Make
 Location of Equipment
 Frequency of calibration
 Date of Calibration
 Due Date for calibration

Upon submitting the details, DMS will schedule this calibration itself
and it will appear on dashboard before the due date.

Request form fields:
 Milk Union: [Choosing the name of Milk union]
 Type of Milk: [Raw], Pasteurized], [Chilled]
 Quantity: [KGS,LTRS]

Providing these details, request will be submitted. The receiving

party [Milk union] can accept or reject based on their own will and
status will be notified to the production head.

b) Calibration Records:
This will showcase the records of all calibrations which are done till
date. This report will have the records date wise and the format will
 Sr. No
 Date
 Name of Equipment
 Make
 Location of Equipment
 Frequency
 Date of Calibration
 Identification Marks
 Principal Measurements
 Remarks/Signatures

iii. Fuel Consumption:

Eng Head will have provision to record the fuel consumption here.

a) Record Fuel Consumption:

To Record the Fuel consumption the engineering head will choose
the Product such as rise husk, Fire wood, Steam coal, generator and
will input the quantity which is consumed for day as well as he will
input the running time.

b) Reports and records:

In Reports, it can be checked how much quantity is being consumed
for specific product [ Rise husk, Fire wood, Steam Coal]. Aside from

this, the opening balance, closing balance and consumption records
can be checked.

The opening balance and closing balance will be programmed in way

that new record of opening balance will be created itself as system
create new date. The closing balance of previous day will be opening
balance and consumption records will itself, decrease the opening

iv. Tube well Records:

Eng. Head will have provision to record the Tube well records here.

a) Record Tube well logs:

To Record the Tube well the engineering head will choose:
 Operator Name
 Shift
 Tube Well ID
 10 HP Motor [Start time, Stop Time, Total Running hours,
Ampere, Volts]
 HP Motor [Start time, Stop Time, Total Running hours,
Ampere, Volts]
 20 HP Motor [Start time, Stop Time, Total Running hours,
Ampere, Volts]
 25 HP Motor [Start time, Stop Time, Total Running hours,
Ampere, Volts]
 Water Meter Reading [Opening Reading, Closing Reading,
Consumption, Remarks]

b) Reports and records:

In Reports, the records of motors respectively checked against the
date, Time, Shift and Operator Name.

v. Machinery and Equipment:

Eng. Head will have provision to record the Machinery and Equipment
records here.

a) Record Machinery and Equipment:
To Record the Machinery the engineering head will choose:
 Machinery Name
 Machinery ID/Code
 Name of Supplier
 Cost Amount
 Warranty Period
 Grant Details [If any]
 Location of Machinery
 Set Due Maintenance/Service Date
 Last Service Date
 Remarks

b) Reports and records:

In Reports, the records of machinery can be checked. These records
can be exported into excel, format if required and search will be
provided for convenience to search for specific machinery and
relevant records.

v. Refrigerator Records:
Eng. Head will have provision to record the Refrigerator records here.

a) Record Refrigerator logs:

To Record the refrigerator logs, the engineering head will choose:
 Shift
 Time
 Name of Operator
 Name of Helper
 Compressor 1 [Start time, Stop Time, Total Running hours, Oil
Changed, Oil Removed]
 Compressor 2 [Start time, Stop Time, Total Running hours, Oil
Changed, Oil Removed]
 Compressor 3 [Start time, Stop Time, Total Running hours, Oil
Changed, Oil Removed]
 Compressor 4 [Start time, Stop Time, Total Running hours, Oil
Changed, Oil Removed]

b) Reports and records:
In Reports, the records of refrigerator respectively checked against
the date, Time, Shift, Operator Name and Helper Name.

vi. Boiler Log records:

Eng. Head will have provision to record the Boiler records here.

a) Record Boiler logs:

To Record the Boiler logs, the engineering head will choose:
 Name of Boiler Attendant
 Name of Boiler Helper
 Timing[ Start Time, Stop Time, Fuel Gas Temperature, Steam
Gas temperature, blow down]
 Water Feed Pump [Number 1, Number 2, Hardness Remarks]
 Running Hours of Boiler [HA220, HA 349, HA208]

b) Reports and records:

In Reports, boiler logs can be checked by:
 Date
 Time
 Shift
 Boiler No.
 Boiler Operator Name
 Boiler Helper Name
 Logs of Timing
 Logs of Water Feed Pump
 Logs of Running hours

vii Indents:
Eng. team will have provision to raise the Indent.

a) Raise indent:
The process to raise the indent is kept identical to current process
which means the authorised personnel will select raise indent and
now he will enter all the required information lined as follows:
 Requested items

 Unit
 Quantity Required

After entering all above information, the authorised personnel

submit it. After the submission the Indent request will be shown on
Respective Store’s dashboard and it will be shown in requested
Indents category (At Eng. department) until it is approved by Store.

b) Indent records:
All the Indents that are raised till date will be saved under Indent
records. The Indent records will saved under Date, Indent no,
Required items, Status etc. The Eng. head can search through the
records as per the requirement or he can export them into excel
format. The Indent records will filter the Indents based on the status
(Standing, Rejected, Approved)

 Standing Indents
Standing indents will be those who are standing for approval. These
Indents will remain standing until store approve or reject them. Eng.
team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on
the requirement.

 Rejected Indents
Rejected indents will be those who are Rejected by Store. These
Indents will remain in rejected category of Indent records. Eng. team
will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on the

 Approved Indents
Approved indents will be those who are approved by Store. Eng.
team will have provision to export/Print the Indent report based on
the requirement.

Viii. Grievance:
The Eng. Dashboard will be equipped with the online Grievance System.
Here the Eng. official can submit the Grievance.

To Submit the Grievance, Eng. Official will have the following form fields:
 Date

 Employee Name
 Employee ID
 Phone Number
 Note

In Note the Eng. official can write down the matter and can submit it. Upon
submission, the Grievance will be sent to the Department head’s dashboard.

Aside from this Eng. Official can check the previous submitted Issues by date

31. Head Office Operations

Head Office will have the supervision rights through DMS. Head office can
review the reports of milk union even can access to the reporting of every
department on his dashboard.

Following are the reports which can be access by Head office department:
 Staff Strength (section wise)
 Total Salary Paid (Section Wise)
 Milk receipt from Chilling Centre/BMC’s (Daily/Monthly)
 Milk receipt from other plants (Daily/Monthly)
 Milk dispatch to other plants (Daily/Monthly)
 Milk & Milk Products production(Daily/Monthly)
 Milk Payment Report Route Wise, Quality wise (Cow, Buffalo/QTY, FAT,
 TOTAL Milk Payment
 Total MPCS supplying milk
 Total Milk pourers
 Total Regd. Members
 Total Artificial Insemination Information
 Daily milk & milk Products sale (Type wise, station wise, dealer wise)
 Total Sale of cattle feed
 Total Sale of ghee by mpcs
 Daily receipt dispatch, issue to production, sale closing, opening stock of
SMP, WButter)
 Daily consumption of SMP, WBUTTER in production
 Total payment to milk transporters (route wise)

31.1Improvements Proposed:
 Auto reporting system no need to prepare reports in excel.
 Auto recording keeping and flexibility to sort/filter the reports data.
 Easy to export, print, download features

31.2 Business Rules:

 There will be no provision to edit the records of reports.
 Reports will be generated on the new data.

32 User Roles
I. The system provides the facility of Role-based access control for
regulating the access to computer or network resources based on the
roles of individual users within the corporation.

II. Access is the ability of an individual user to perform a specific task, such
as view, create, approve, reject, delete or modify a file/request.

III. A user can have multiple roles.

IV. Roles are defined according to job competency, authority, and

responsibility within the corporation.

V. A role can have many permissions and permission can be assigned to

many roles.

VI. A user can map with many locations with the tracking of duration for a
particular role.

33. References
34. Audio Trail

35. Data Masters and Annexures

Plant Master: Screen Attributes

S. Field Name Description Validations

1 Plant Id Unique for each region. Required
Auto Incremented,
Numeric / Predefined
2 Plant Name To be entered by Required
3 Plant Code To be entered by Required
administrator. Existing /
New codes
4 State Select from the list Required
5 City Select from the list Required
6 Address To be entered by Required
7 Pin Code To be entered by Required
8 Phone No. To be entered by Required
9 Fax No. To be entered by Required
10 E-mail id To be entered by Required
11 Bank Account To be entered by Required
No. application
12 Bank Name To be entered by Required

13 IFSC Code To be entered by Required
14 TIN No. To be entered by Required
15 FSSAI License To be entered by Required
No application
16 Construction To be entered by Optional / Have to
Date application confirm
17 Gross Area (Sq. To be entered by Required
ft) application
18 Registration No. To be entered by Required
19 Registration To be entered by Required
Date application
20 Distance from To be entered by Required
Head Office application
21 Capacity To be entered by Required
22 Type of Plant Select from the list Required
(Owned or Hired)

BMC Master: Screen Attributes

S. Field Name Description Validations

1 BMC Id Unique for each region. Required
Auto Incremented,
Numeric Or Existing

2 BMC Name To be entered by Required
3 BMC Code To be entered by Required
Existing/New codes of
4 Supervisor To be select from list Required
5 Assigned Select from the list Required
6 Shift Select from the list Required
7 State Select from the list Required
8 City Select from the list Required
9 Address To be entered by Required
10 Pin Code To be entered by Required
11 Phone No. To be entered by Required
12 Fax No. To be entered by Required
13 E-mail id To be entered by Required
14 BMC Bank To be entered by Required
Account No. application
15 Bank Name To be entered by Required
16 IFSC Code To be entered by Required

17 TIN No. To be entered by Required
18 Construction To be entered by Required
Date(optional) application
19 Gross Area (Sq. To be entered by Required
ft) application
20 Registration No. To be entered by Required
21 Registration To be entered by Required
Date application
22 Distance from To be entered by Required
plant application
23 Capacity To be entered by Required
24 Rate Chart To be entered by Required
25 Funding under Grant Name Required
25 Upload To be entered by Optional
Agreements application
26 Chilling Cost To be entered by Required

Society Master: Screen Attributes

S. Field Name Description Validations

1 Society Id Unique for each region, Required
Auto Incremented,
numeric. To be entered

2 Society Name To be entered by Required
3 Society Code To be entered by Required
administrator. Pre-
defined or New
4 Society To be entered by Required
Secretary application
5 Assigned Route To be select from list. Required
Code Existing/New codes of
6 Total Members To be entered by Required
7 State Select from the list Required
8 City Select from the list Required
9 Address To be entered by Required
10 Pin Code To be entered by Required
11 Phone No. To be entered by Required
12 Fax No. To be entered by Required
13 E-mail id To be entered by Required
14 Society Bank To be entered by Required
Account No. application
15 Bank Name To be entered by Required

16 IFSC Code To be entered by Required
17 TIN No. To be entered by Required
18 Construction To be entered by Required
Date(optional) application
19 Gross Area (Sq. To be entered by Required
ft) (optional) application
20 Secretary type Choose from list Regd/ Required
Proposed if Regd. then
20a Registration No. To be entered by Required
21b Registration To be entered by Required
Date application
22 Distance from To be entered by Required
Plant application
23 Capacity To be entered by Required
24 Rate Chart To be entered by Required
25 Upload To be entered by Optional
Agreements application

23 no not required

Farm Master: Screen Attributes

S. Field Name Description Validations


1 Farm Id Unique for each region, Required
Auto Incremented,
numeric. To be entered
2 Farm Name To be entered by Required
3 Farm Code To be entered by Required
administrator. Pre-
defined or New
4 Assigned Route To be select from list. Required
Code Existing/New codes of
5 State Select from the list Required
6 City Select from the list Required
7 Address To be entered by Required
8 Pin Code To be entered by Required
9 Phone No. To be entered by Required
10 Fax No. To be entered by Required
11 E-mail id To be entered by Required
12 Farm Bank To be entered by Required
Account No. application
13 Bank Name To be entered by Required
14 IFSC Code To be entered by Required

15 Construction To be entered by Required
Date(optional) application
16 Distance from To be entered by Required
Plant application
17 Rate Chart To be entered by Required

Member Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Member First To be entered by Required
Name, Last Name application
2 Member Code/Id To be entered by Required
administrator Or Auto
generated OR Existing
3 Registration Date To be entered by Required
4 Society Associated Choose from the list Required
5 Member Phone To be entered by Required
Number application
6 Membership Type Choose from list Required
(Member / Non-Member
7 Father’s Name To be entered by Required
8 No. of Cattles To be entered by Required
9 Member Sex To be select from the list Required

10 Member Date of Select from Calendar Required
11 Member Category Select from list Required
12 Member District Select from list Required
13 Member City Select from list Required
14 Member Tehsil Select from list Required
15 Member Village To be entered by Required
16 Bank Name Choose from the list Required
17 Account Holder To be entered by Required
Name application
18 Account Number To be entered by Required
19 IFSC Code To be entered by Required
20 PAN Number To be entered by Required
21 Aadhaar Number To be entered by Required

Cattle Master: Screen Attributes

1 Cattel Type To be entered by Required

2 No. of Cattle To be entered by Optional
Children application
3 Total alive children To be entered by Optional
4 Total dead children To be entered by Optional

5 Total alive females To be entered by Optional
6 Total female ratio To be entered by Optional
7 Last inspection To be entered by Optional
8 Calving date To be entered by Optional
9 Purchase cost To be entered by Optional
10 Milk/liter To be entered by Optional

Bank Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Bank Name To be entered by Required
2 Branch Name To be entered by Required
3 Branch Code To be entered by Required
4 State Select from list Required/Pre-defined
5 City Select from list Required
6 District Select from the list Required
7 Full Address To be entered by Required

8 Phone Number To be entered by Required

Weighbridge Master: Screen Attributes

S. Field Name Description Validations

1 Plant Name Select from the list Required
2 Weighbridge Name To be entered by Required
3 Weighbridge Code To be entered by Required/Pre-
application defined
4 Weighbridge Type Select from the list Required. Have to
(Own / Hired) confirm
5 If Hired Party Name Required
6 Weighbridge Capacity To be entered by Required
7 Computerized/Manual To be entered by Required

Employee Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Employee ID To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Employee Auto generated Required

3 Employee First Name + Last Name Required
4 Employee To be entered by Required
Designation application administrator
5 Department Select from the list Required
6 Employee Select from list Required
7 Employment Auto generated Required
Start Date
8 Deployed at Plant/BMC/HO Name Required
9 Shift Type To be select from list Required
10 Contact To be entered by Required
Number application administrator

Transporter Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Plant Name Select from the list Required
2 Contract start Select from the calendar Required
3 Contract End Select from the calendar Required
4 Contractor To be entered by Required
Name application administrator
5 Contractor To be entered by Required
Address application administrator
6 Contractor To be entered by Required
Phone No application administrator
7 Contract State To be entered by Required
application administrator
8 Contractor City To be entered by Required
application administrator
9 Contractor To be entered by Required
Email id application administrator
10 Tariff Type To be entered by Required
application administrator
11 Approved To be entered by Required W.E.F.
Rate/KM application administrator

12 Approved To be entered by Required W.E.F.
Rate/Trip application administrator
13 No. of Vehicles To be entered by Required
application administrator
14 Route Code To be entered by Required
Assigned application administrator
15 Time Schedule To be entered by Required
Morning application administrator
15 Time Schedule To be entered by Required
Evening application administrator

Asset Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Asset Category To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Asset To be entered by Required
Subcategory application administrator
3 Asset Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
4 Asset First Name + Last Name Required
5 Asset Code To be entered by Required
application administrator
6 Department Select from the list Required
7 Make/Modal To be entered by Required
No application administrator
8 Manufacturer To be entered by Required
application administrator
9 Opening To be entered by
Balance application administrator

Milk Rate List Master: Screen Attributes

Milk Rate list wef 21.12.2019 For Buffalo milk Rs 679.00
Payable to milk producers

Fat % ↓
8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.00

5.1 32.23 32.73 33.23 33.73 34.03 34.33 34.63 34.93 35.23

5.2 32.91 33.41 33.91 34.41 34.71 35.01 35.31 35.61 35.91
5.3 33.59 34.09 34.59 35.09 35.39 35.69 35.99 36.29 36.59
5.4 34.27 34.77 35.27 35.77 36.07 36.37 36.67 36.97 37.27
5.5 34.95 35.45 35.95 36.45 36.75 37.05 37.35 37.65 37.95
5.6 35.62 36.12 36.62 37.12 37.42 37.72 38.02 38.32 38.62
5.7 36.30 36.80 37.30 37.80 38.10 38.40 38.70 39.00 39.30
5.8 36.98 37.48 37.98 38.48 38.78 39.08 39.38 39.68 39.98
5.9 37.66 38.16 38.66 39.16 39.46 39.76 40.06 40.36 40.66
6.0 38.34 38.84 39.34 39.84 40.14 40.44 40.74 41.04 41.34
6.1 39.02 39.52 40.02 40.52 40.82 41.12 41.42 41.72 42.02
6.2 39.70 40.20 40.70 41.20 41.50 41.80 42.10 42.40 42.70
6.3 40.38 40.88 41.38 41.88 42.18 42.48 42.78 43.08 43.38
6.4 41.06 41.56 42.06 42.56 42.86 43.16 43.46 43.76 44.06
6.5 41.74 42.24 42.74 43.24 43.54 43.84 44.14 44.44 44.74
6.6 42.41 42.91 43.41 43.91 44.21 44.51 44.81 45.11 45.41
6.7 43.09 43.59 44.09 44.59 44.89 45.19 45.49 45.79 46.09
6.8 43.77 44.27 44.77 45.27 45.57 45.87 46.17 46.47 46.77
6.9 44.45 44.95 45.45 45.95 46.25 46.55 46.85 47.15 47.45
7.0 45.13 45.63 46.13 46.63 46.93 47.23 47.53 47.83 48.13
7.1 45.81 46.31 46.81 47.31 47.61 47.91 48.21 48.51 48.81
7.2 46.49 46.99 47.49 47.99 48.29 48.59 48.89 49.19 49.49
7.3 47.17 47.67 48.17 48.67 48.97 49.27 49.57 49.87 50.17
7.4 47.85 48.35 48.85 49.35 49.65 49.95 50.25 50.55 50.85
7.5 48.53 49.03 49.53 50.03 50.33 50.63 50.93 51.23 51.53
7.6 49.20 49.70 50.20 50.70 51.00 51.30 51.60 51.90 52.20
7.7 49.88 50.38 50.88 51.38 51.68 51.98 52.28 52.58 52.88
7.8 50.56 51.06 51.56 52.06 52.36 52.66 52.96 53.26 53.56
7.9 51.24 51.74 52.24 52.74 53.04 53.34 53.64 53.94 54.24
8.0 51.92 52.42 52.92 53.42 53.72 54.02 54.32 54.62 54.92
8.1 52.60 53.10 53.60 54.10 54.40 54.70 55.00 55.30 55.60
8.2 53.28 53.78 54.28 54.78 55.08 55.38 55.68 55.98 56.28
8.3 53.96 54.46 54.96 55.46 55.76 56.06 56.36 56.66 56.96
8.4 54.64 55.14 55.64 56.14 56.44 56.74 57.04 57.34 57.64
8.5 55.32 55.82 56.32 56.82 57.12 57.42 57.72 58.02 58.32
8.6 55.99 56.49 56.99 57.49 57.79 58.09 58.39 58.69 58.99
8.7 56.67 57.17 57.67 58.17 58.47 58.77 59.07 59.37 59.67
8.8 57.35 57.85 58.35 58.85 59.15 59.45 59.75 60.05 60.35
8.9 58.03 58.53 59.03 59.53 59.83 60.13 60.43 60.73 61.03
The Ambala District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd., Ambala
Milk Rate list wef 21.12.2019 payable to milk producers
Fat kg Rate:337.48 SNF kg Rate: 224.98 for Cow milk 2 Axis

Fat ↓
8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8
3.2 28.46 28.68 28.91 29.47 29.70 29.92 30.49 30.71 30.94
3.3 28.80 29.02 29.25 29.81 30.04 30.26 30.83 31.05 31.28
3.4 29.13 29.36 29.58 30.15 30.37 30.60 31.16 31.39 31.61
3.5 29.47 29.70 29.92 30.49 30.71 30.94 31.50 31.73 31.95
3.6 29.81 30.03 30.26 30.82 31.05 31.27 31.84 32.06 32.29
3.7 30.15 30.37 30.60 31.16 31.39 31.61 32.18 32.40 32.63
3.8 30.48 30.71 30.93 31.50 31.72 31.95 32.51 32.74 32.96
3.9 30.82 31.05 31.27 31.84 32.06 32.29 32.85 33.08 33.30
4.0 31.16 31.38 31.61 32.17 32.40 32.62 33.19 33.41 33.64
4.1 31.50 31.72 31.95 32.51 32.74 32.96 33.53 33.75 33.98
4.2 31.83 32.06 32.28 32.85 33.07 33.30 33.86 34.09 34.31
4.3 32.17 32.40 32.62 33.19 33.41 33.64 34.20 34.43 34.65
4.4 32.51 32.73 32.96 33.52 33.75 33.97 34.54 34.76 34.99
4.5 32.85 33.07 33.30 33.86 34.09 34.31 34.88 35.10 35.33
4.6 33.18 33.41 33.63 34.20 34.42 34.65 35.21 35.44 35.66
4.7 33.52 33.75 33.97 34.54 34.76 34.99 35.55 35.78 36.00
4.8 33.86 34.08 34.31 34.87 35.10 35.32 35.89 36.11 36.34
4.9 34.20 34.42 34.65 35.21 35.44 35.66 36.23 36.45 36.68
5.0 34.53 34.76 34.98 35.55 35.77 36.00 36.56 36.79 37.01

Milk Products Price Structure Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Select Area Choose from the list Required
2 Effective From Choose from calendar Required
3 Shift To be choose from list Required
4 Particular - To be choose from list Required
5 Pack Type Select from the list Required
6 Quantity Select from the list Required

7 Ex-depot Price To be entered by Required
application administrator
8 GST To be entered by Required
application administrator
9 Ex-depot To be entered by Required
Dealer Price application administrator
10 Freight for To be entered by Required
Supply application administrator
11 For Dealers To be entered by Required
Price application administrator

Liquid Milk Dealer Price Structure Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Select Area Choose from the list Required
2 Effective From Choose from calendar Required
3 Product Type To be choose from list Required
4 Particular Area To be choose from list Required
5 Ex-plant To be entered by Required
application administrator

Unit Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Quantity To be entered by Required
(Length, Area, application administrator
Volume, Mass,
2 Symbol To be entered by Required
application administrator
3 Prefix To be entered by Required
application administrator
4 Relationship to To be entered by Required
Other Units application administrator

Vehicle Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Vehicle Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Vehicle Model To be entered by Required
application administrator
3 Vehicle Make To be entered by Required
Year application administrator
4 Current To be entered by Optional
Odometer application administrator
5 Fuel Type To be entered by Required
application administrator
6 Vehicle To be entered by Required
Registration No application administrator
7 Registration Choose from calendar Required
Expiry Date
8 Vehicle To be entered by Required
Insurance application administrator
9 Vehicle Plate To be entered by Required
Number application administrator
10 Plate Type Choose from the list Required
11 Assigned To be entered by Required
Driver application administrator
12 Assigned Route To be entered by Required
application administrator

Driver Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Driver Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Driver Phone To be entered by Required
Number application administrator
3 Driver Email ID To be entered by Required
application administrator

4 State Select from the list Required
5 City Select from the list Required
6 Address To be entered by Required
application administrator
7 Pin Code To be entered by Required
application administrator
8 Vehicle Select from the drop-down Required
9 Route Assigned Select from the dropdown Required
10 Transporter Select from the list Required
11 License To be entered by Required
Registration application administrator
12 License Expiry To be entered by Required
Date application administrator
13 Health To be entered by Required
Insurance No. application administrator

Route Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Area / Route To be entered by Required
Name application administrator
2 Route Code To be entered by Required
application administrator
OR autogenerated from
system OR Pre-defined
3 Assigned Choose from list Required
4 Assigned BMC Choose from list Required
5 Assigned Choose from list Required

Product Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations
1 Product Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Product To be entered by Required
Category application administrator
3 Product Sub- To be entered by Required
category application administrator
4 SKU Select from the list Required
5 Barcode Select from the list Required. Have to
6 Pack Size To be entered by Required
application administrator

Material Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Material Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Material To be entered by Required
Category application administrator
3 Material Sub- To be entered by Required
category application administrator
4 SKU To be entered by Required. Have to
application administrator confirm
5 Barcode To be entered by Required
application administrator
6 Unit Select from the list Required

Department Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Plant Name Select from the list Required
2 Department To be entered by Required
Name application administrator

3 Total Members System will automatically Required
grab from Emp. Master

Quality Test Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Test Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Test Id Auto generated / New / Required
Existing code
3 Test Parameters To be entered by Required
application administrator
4 Tester/Lab Name To be select from the list Required
5 Test To be choose from Required
Schedule/Duration calendar or entered by
application administrator
6 Test Location To be choose from the Required
7 Test Material To be choose from list Required

Inspection Master: Screen Attributes

S. Field Name Description Validations

1 Inspection Name To be entered by Required
2 Inspection Id Required
3 Department To be choose from Required
the list
4 Applicable for To be entered by Required
5 Inspector Name Choose from list Required
6 Schedule/Duration/Frequency Choose from Required
calendar / Manually

Recipe Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Recipe Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Recipe Type To be entered by Required
application administrator
3 Parameters-
4 Cleanliness of To be entered by Required
Vat application administrator
5 Starting Time To be entered by Required
application administrator
6 Quantity of Milk To be entered by Required
application administrator
7 FAT % To be entered by Required
application administrator
8 SNF% To be entered by Required
application administrator
9 Acidity To be entered by Required
application administrator
10 Temp after To be entered by Required
heating (85oC) application administrator
11 Quantity of To be entered by Required
Coagulant+B528 application administrator
12 Temp of To be entered by Required
Coagulation application administrator
13 Pressure in Press To be entered by Required
application administrator
14 Time of Pressing To be entered by Required
application administrator
15 Dipping in To be entered by Required
Pasteurized application administrator
chilled water
16 Total Quantity To be entered by Required
after Pack application administrator
17 Parameter-Ghee

18 Shift Choose from list Required
19 Lot Number To be entered by Required
application administrator
20 Ghee Ready Time To be entered by Required
application administrator
21 Filteration Time To be entered by Required
application administrator
22 Filter Change To be entered by Required
application administrator
23 Ghee got To be entered by Required
transferred to application administrator
24 Milk Quantity To be entered by Required
application administrator
25 Sugar Quantity To be entered by Required
application administrator
26 Flavor To be entered by Required
application administrator
(type & quantity)
27 Filter used Required
28 Required To be entered by Required
Pressure & Temp application administrator
29 Holding (15- To be entered by Required
17min) application administrator
30 Unloading of To be entered by Required
Sterlizer application administrator
31 Time To be entered by Required
application administrator
32 Temperature – To be entered by Required
Heating Sec application administrator
33 Temperature – To be entered by Required
Chilled Milk application administrator
34 Time To be entered by Required
application administrator

35 Temperature – To be entered by Required
Heating Sec application administrator
36 Temperature – To be entered by Required
Chilled Milk application administrator
37 Parameter-
Separator Used
38 Time To be entered by Required
application administrator
39 Quantity To be entered by Required
application administrator
40 Parameter- To be entered by Required
Steam application administrator
41 Steam From and To Required
42 Power To be entered by Required
application administrator
(From and To)
43 Chilled Water To be entered by Required
application administrator
(From and To)
44 Compressed Air To be entered by Required
application administrator
(From and To)
45 Mechanical To be entered by Required
application administrator
(From and To)

Conversion Norms Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations



This is identical to the above table or there will be different data?

Shift Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Shift Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Shift Id To be entered by Required
application administrator |
Auto generated
3 Shift Type To be entered by Required
application administrator
4 Shift Time To be entered by Required
application administrator
5 Department To be entered by Required
application administrator

Store Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Store Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Store Id To be entered by Required
application administrator |
Auto generated
3 Store Type To be entered by Required
application administrator
4 Store Manager To be entered by Required
application administrator
5 Store Inventory To be entered by Required
application administrator
6 Store Items To be entered by Required
application administrator
7 Store Capacity To be entered by Required
application administrator

8 Store Heads To be entered by Required
application administrator

Party Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Party Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Party Id To be entered by Required
application administrator
3 Party Type To be entered by Required
application administrator
4 Address bill to To be entered by Required
application administrator
5 Address ship to To be entered by Required
application administrator
6 Party Sub To be entered by Required
Agent application administrator
7 Party Route Select from the list Required
8 Bill Category To be entered by Required
application administrator
9 Tax Category To be entered by Required
application administrator
10 Phone Number To be entered by Required
application administrator
11 City Choose from the list Required
12 District Choose from the list Required
13 State Choose from the list Required
14 GST Number To be entered by Required
application administrator
15 PAN Number To be entered by Required
application administrator
16 Group To be entered by Required
application administrator
17 Rate List Choose from the rate Required
18 Customer To be entered by Required
Deposit application administrator

Item code Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Item Name To be entered by Required
application administrator
2 Item Code To be entered by Required
application administrator |
System Generated

Scrap Sale Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Purchaser To be entered by Required
Name application administrator
2 Purchaser Id To be entered by Required
application administrator |
System Generated
3 Approved Rate To be entered by Required
application administrator
4 Duration Select from calendar Required
5 Scrap Type To be entered by Required
application administrator

Supervisors Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Supervisor To be entered by Required
Name application administrator
2 Supervisor Id To be entered by Required
application administrator |
System Generated
3 Assigned Route Select from the list Required

Storage Tanks Master: Screen Attributes

S. No. Field Name Description Validations

1 Tank Name/No To be entered by Required
2 Capacity To be entered by Required
3 Location To be entered by Required
4 Chamber/Lot/Batch To be entered by Required

Adayagi Register


Registered Members Blank Register

Member Passbook

Proceeding Book

Society Passbook

Milk Receipt Account Register

Dispatch Note

Evening Society Summary – BMC

Vehicle Movement Register

Incoming Material Register

Outgoing Material Register

Replacement Register

Vehicle Inspection Register

Product Outward Register

Visitor Gate Pass

Tour Slip

Outgoing Duty Slip

Application Form for CL and CH

Employee Card

Attendance Register for 3 Shifts- Contractual

Employee In and Out Register

Permanent Employee Attendance Register

Product Outward

Gate Pass for Empty Cans

Product Damage Note- CEO

Security Attendance Register:

Key In out Register:

Weighment Annexures

Tanker Receipt Record

Material Weighment Register

Weighment Slip

Cans Account Register

Transporter Register

Milk Receipt Account Register


Daily cleaning:

Daily Adulterant Checking:

Incoming Milk testing:

Pasteurized pouch Milk Testing:

Daily General testing:

Pest Control Schedule Card:

Pest Control Inspection Card:

Daily SFM Analysis report:

Daily Raw Milk Testing Report:

Daily Temperature Report:

Product Analysis Report:

MBRT Report:

Keeping Quality Report:

Bacteriological Analysis of Milk and Milk Products:

Water Testing report:

Packing Material Testing Report:

Incoming Material Testing Records:

Internal Calibration Record:

Format for rejection Memo:

Test Schedule for In-Process Products:

Test Schedule Plant for Finished Products:


Paneer Manufacturing Log Book

Chhach Manufacturing Log Book

Shift Performa of Sweetened Flavoured Skimmed Milk Powder

Milk and Milk Products Manufacturing and Issuing Performa

Milk Receipt Account Register

Milk Reception

Staff Positions:

Shift Performa

Shift Performa – Packing Material (Butter and Ghee)

Prepack Machine Logbook:

Products Log book:

Electronic Weighing Register:



Store Invoice

Quality Inspection Note

Store Invoice

Store tools

Cattle Feed Store Indent

Cattle feed store invoices

Records of cattle feed store indents:

Daily Goods Stock Register:

Stock Register:


a. Party Register

b. Demand notes

c. Demand and supply register

d. Invoices

e. Vehicle inspection records

f. Customer satisfaction Evaluation sheet

g. Customer complaints records

h. Customer recall records



Milk Bills:

Deductions Statement:

10 Days Milk summary:

Accounts Number:

Route Summary:


a) Purchase Orders

a) Supplier details

b) Approved Supplier register:

d) Sanction Notes

e) Re-evaluation format Register of suppliers


Comparative Statement:

Target Report:

Members passbook reports:

Departments Reports:



Milk Bills


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