Sequence Diagram of College ERP

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Sequence Diagram of college ERP

The Sequence Diagram for the College ERP system involves multiple components
collaborating to manage various aspects, including admissions and enrollment.

Admin Initialization: The sequence begins with the admin logging into the system through
the user interface provided by the College Management System.
Admission Process: The admin initiates the admission process by accessing the admission
module. This triggers interactions with the College Account Server to verify payment and
with the Online Enrollee Database to check applicant details.
Application Validation: The system validates the applicant's information against predefined
criteria stored in the Enrollee Database.
Enrollment Confirmation: Upon successful validation, the admin confirms enrollment,
prompting the College Account Server to update payment status and the Enrollee Database to
mark the applicant as enrolled.
Course Registration: Enrolled students proceed to register for courses using the College
Management System's interface, interacting with the Course Database to check availability
and prerequisites.
Grade Submission: Faculty members input grades through the interface, triggering updates in
the College Account Server for grade-related processes.
Database Updates: Throughout the process, interactions with the Online Enrollee Database
and other databases ensure real-time data synchronization.
Error Handling: Error scenarios, such as payment failure or course unavailability, prompt the
system to display appropriate error messages and guide users through corrective actions.
Feedback Loop: The system may also capture feedback from users, facilitating continuous
Completion: The sequence concludes when all necessary interactions, from admission to
course registration and grade submission, are successfully executed, ensuring efficient
management of college operations through the ERP system.

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