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Description of the identified Community and Technology based problem

So, the community that was being identified as reference for the innovated project is a rural type of
community. Irrigation is a very vital in farming, which is lack in some areas because of lack of financial
aspects. The area has a large portion of agricultural purposes like rice farm. Most of the machines for
irrigation nowadays doesn’t have technologies that is eco- friendly, reliable, and two-way powered.
Nowadays, the agricultural sector has a tight competition like rice, corn and other agricultural
production. That is why the farmers really do need a machine for a progressive process, ensuring a
convenient and efficient farming experience.

IV. Statement of the proposed solution of the Identified Problems

That is why we came up to the idea to our project which is a two-way powered machine that has
renewable which is the sunlight and non – renewable like fuel for flexible use. The machine has the kit of
having new technology and have a light when it’s dark if ever the farmer decides for night irrigation. A
new and revolutionize irrigation machine.

V. Brief Description of each identified specific market opportunities

So one of the identified specific market target is the commercial sector or the local farmers since they
are one of the reasons of innovating this product.

VI. Brief statement of the proposed innovation of the project/product

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