Journal3 DQ

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Diana Quillupangui


To prepare for natural disasters in Ecuador, my family and I have established a clear
plan. We understand that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are possible risks, so first
and foremost, we have informed ourselves about how to act in each situation. We have
an emergency kit stocked with essential supplies such as water, non-perishable food, a
flashlight, and a first aid kit. We've agreed upon meeting points in case we get separated.
Also, we keep a list of emergency contacts. Everyone in the house understands the
importance of staying calm and following our plan to ensure our safety and well being
during critical moments.
In the face of the potential danger posed by the Cotopaxi volcano, our family has
developed a comprenhensive emergency plan to ensure our safety. The moment we
hear about emergency plans or alerts concerning Cotopaxi volcano on the news, we
spring into action, revisiting our emergency preparedness strategy to confirm that every
family member knows exactly what to do.
We stay vigilant for instructions from local officials and news, ready to move should an
evacuation be ordered. We communicate our plans to family, so they are aware of where
to find us in case of an emergency. I think that anticipatory preparation and a clear
understanding of the steps to be taken are crucial for maintaining safety in the face of
natural disaster.
Diana Quillupangui

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