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Item Analysis


In this project Biology test for ninth class students was developed that consisted of
thirty items. Table of specification was made to specify no of items from particular
level of cognitive domain. Before administration it was discussed with M.Phil
Education scholars to ensure its effectiveness. Thirty students of ninth class were
taken as sample (n=30).test was administered and given responses were entered in
excel sheet. Coding was done by assigning 0 to wrong and one to correct response.
Total no of correct responses, difficulty level, discrimination index, and
interpretation was done by applying formulas. Results indicated that 14 items are ok
and 16 needs to review. Introduction Item analysis is a process which examines
student responses to individual test items (questions) in order to assess the quality
of those items and of the test as a whole. Item analysis is especially valuable in
improving items which will be used again in later tests, but it can also be used to
eliminate ambiguous or misleading items in a single test administration. In addition,
item analysis is valuable for increasing instructors' skills in test construction, and
identifying specific areas of course content which need greater emphasis or clarity.
The item difficulty is simply the percentage of students who answer an item
correctly. In this case, it is also equal to item mean. The item difficulty index ranges
from 0 to 100; the higher the value, the easier the question. When an alternative is
worth other than a single point, or when there is more than one correct alternative
per question, the item difficulty is the average score on that item divided by the
highest number of points for any one alternative. Item difficulty is relevant for
determining whether students have learned the concept being tested. It also plays
an important role in the ability of an item to discriminate between students who
know the tested material and those who do not. The item will have low
discrimination if it is so difficult that almost everyone gets it wrong or guesses, or so
easy that almost everyone gets it right. To maximize item discrimination, desirable
difficulty levels are slightly higher than midway between chance and perfect scores
for the item. (The chance score for five-option questions, for example, is .20 because
one-fifth of the students responding to the question could be expected to choose
the correct option by guessing.). Item discrimination refers to the ability of an item
to differentiate among students on the basis of how well they know the material
being tested. Various hand calculation procedures have traditionally been used to
compare item responses to total test scores using high and low scoring groups of
students. Computerized analyses provide more accurate assessment of the
discrimination power of items because they take into account responses of all
students rather than just high and low scoring groups.

Chapter wise objectives of the course for the project are:

Chapter 1:
Students will be able to:

 Define branches of biology.

 Describe the relationship of Biology to other sciences.

 Identify the careers in Biology.

Chapter 2:

Students will be able to:

 To develop understanding about Biological methods.

 To differentiate between scientific theories, law and principle.

Chapter 3:

Students will be able to:

 To understand the history classification systems of kingdom.

 To explore the effects of human activities on Biodiversity.

 To discuss the steps for the conservation of Biodiversity.

Chapter 4:

Students will be able to:

 To understand the development of microscopy and the emergence of cell theory.

 To explore the diverse structure within cells and their functions.

 To understand the relationship between cell size, surface area to volume ratio.


 To identify different stages of mitosis.

 To compare phases of mitosis and meiosis.

Chapter no 6:

 To identify characteristics of enzymes.

 To evaluate different factors that affect the rate of enzyme action.

Chapter no 7:

 To explore process of water transport in plants.

 To describe the pressure flow mechanism.

 To describe the functioning of heart.

Chapter no 8:

 To explain main component of human digestive system

 To describe functioning of liver.



30 ninth class students


Biology test of thirty items for ninth class students. Table of specification was made

Content Knowledg Comprehensi Applicatio Analysi Synthesi Evaluatio Tota

/Domain e on n s s n l
Introductio 2 2 0 0 0 0 4

Solving a 2 1 0 0 0 0 3
Biodiversity 1 1 1 0 0 0 3
Cells and 1 1 1 0 0 0 3
Cell Cycle 1 1 1 0 0 0 3
Enzymes 1 2 1 0 0 0 4
Bioenergeti 2 1 1 0 0 0 4
Nutrition 2 2 2 0 0 0 6
Total 12 11 7 0 0 0 30


Student researcher asked permission from principle of institute to enter the classroom to ad
minister the test on ninth class students. Researcher asked the professor to step outside in or
der to prevent coercion of the students. The test was distributed to each student and a conse
nt announcement was informing students of the study to choose whether or not to participa
te. The participants received the test a consisted of 30 MCQs. After students were finished, t
hey returned the test. Once all students were done, the researcher thanked the students and
lecturer for their time.

Results and discussion

Item No. 1 (Review)

Total 28
Difficulty Level 0.933
Discrimination In 0.9
Interpretation Easy

Key answer for Item No. 1 was A. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.933 and discrimination power 0.9. The item needs to review.

Item No. 2 (Review)

Total 21
Difficulty Level 0.7
Discrimination In 0.2
Interpretation Moderate

Key answer for Item No. 2 was b. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.7 and discrimination power 0.2. The item needs to review.
Item No. 3 (Review)
Total 19
Difficulty Level 0.6333
Discrimination In 0.2
Interpretation Moderate

Key answer for Item No. 3 was c. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.6333 and discrimination power 0.2. The item needs to review.

Item No. 4 (Review)

Total 16
Difficulty Level 0.5333
Discrimination In 0.1666

Interpretation easy

Key answer for Item No. 4 was c. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.5333 and discrimination power 0.1666. The item needs to

Item No. 5
Total 12
Difficulty Level 0.4
Discrimination In 0.01
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No. 5 was A. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.4 and discrimination power 0.01. The item is ok .
Item No. 6
Total 10
Difficulty Level 0.33
Discrimination In -12
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No. 6 was C. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.33 and discrimination power -12. The item needs to review .

Item No. 7
Total 19
Difficulty Level 0.6333
Discrimination In 18.6333
Interpretation difficult

Key answer for Item No. 7 was A. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.6333 and discrimination power 018.6333. The item is ok.
Item No. 8
Total 22
Difficulty Level 0.7333
Discrimination In 0.3667
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No. 8 was B. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.7333 and discrimination power 0.3667. The item is ok.

Item No. 9
Total 8
Difficulty Level 0.26
Discrimination In -0.1
Interpretation difficult
Key answer for Item No. 69 was B. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.26 and discrimination power -0.1. The item needs to review .

Item No. 10
Total 26
Difficulty Level 0.8667
Discrimination In 0.5667
Interpretation easy

Key answer for Item No. 10 was B. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.8667 and discrimination power 05667. The item needs to
review .

Item No. 11
Total 16
Difficulty Level 0.5333
Discrimination In 0.1667
Interpretation difficulty

Key answer for Item No. 11 was C. Total correct responses were 30. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.5333 and discrimination power 0.1667. The itemis ok.
Item No. 12
Total 19
Difficulty Level 63.33
Discrimination In 8
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No. 12 was B. Total correct responses were 19. The difficulty
level of the item was 63.33 and discrimination power 8. The item is ok.
Item No. 13
Total 22
Difficulty Level 0.7333
Discrimination In 0.3667
Interpretation difficulty

Key answer for Item No. 13 was B. Total correct responses were 22. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.7333 and discrimination power 0.3667. The item is ok.
Item No. 14

Total 17
Difficulty Level 0.56
Discrimination In 6
Interpretation difficult

Key answer for Item No. 14 was B. Total correct responses were 17. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.56 and discrimination power 6. The item is ok.

Item No. 15

Total 15
Difficulty Level 0.35
Discrimination In 0.08
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No. 15 was A. Total correct responses were 15. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.35 and discrimination power 0.08. The item needs to review

Item No. 16
Total 20
Difficulty Level 0.46
Discrimination In -0.47
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No.1 6 was D. Total correct responses were 20. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.46 and discrimination power -0.47 . The item IS ok.
Item No. 17

Total 10
Difficulty Level 33.33
Discrimination In -o.033
Interpretation easy

Key answer for Item No. 17 was B. Total correct responses were 10. The difficulty
level of the item was 33.33 and discrimination power -O.033. The item needs to

Item No. 18

Total 18
Difficulty Level 0.6
Discrimination In 0.2333
Interpretation difficult

Key answer for Item No. 18 was B. Total correct responses were 18. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.6 and discrimination power 0.2333. The item needs to review

Item No. 19

Total 13
Difficulty Level 0.4333
Discrimination In 1.6333
Interpretation difficult
Key answer for Item No. 19 was C. Total correct responses were 13. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.4333 and discrimination power 1.6333. The item needs to

Item No. 20
Total 5
Difficulty Level 0.1667
Discrimination In -0.2
Interpretation difficulty

Key answer for Item No. 20 was C. Total correct responses were 5. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.1667 and discrimination power -0.2 . The item needs to
Item No. 21
Total 10
Difficulty Level 0.333
Discrimination In 0.04
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No. 21 was B. Total correct responses were 10. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.333 and discrimination power 0.04. The item is ok.

Item No. 22
Total 13
Difficulty Level 0.43
Discrimination In 0.10
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No. 22 was C. Total correct responses were 13. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.43 and discrimination power 0.10. The item is ok.
Item No. 23
Total 19
Difficulty Level 0.56
Discrimination In 0.367
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No. 23 was A. Total correct responses were 19. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.56 and discrimination power 0.367. The item is ok.
Item No. 24
Total 6
Difficulty Level 0.2
Discrimination In 0.167
Interpretation difficult

Key answer for Item No. 24 was B. Total correct responses were 6. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.2 and discrimination power 0.167. The item is ok.

Item No. 25
Total 28
Difficulty Level 0.9333
Discrimination In 0.0089655
Interpretation easy

Key answer for Item No. 28 was A. Total correct responses were 28. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.9333 and discrimination power 0.008. The item needs to

Item No. 26
Total 24
Difficulty Level 0.8
Discrimination In 0.366
Interpretation easy

Key answer for Item No. 26 was C. Total correct responses were 24. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.8 and discrimination power 0.366. The item needs to review

Item No. 27
Total 20
Difficulty Level 0.8
Discrimination In 36.6
Interpretation easy

Key answer for Item No. 27 was C. Total correct responses were 20. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.8 and discrimination power 36.6. The item is ok.
Item No. 28
Total 22
Difficulty Level 0.47
Discrimination In -0.46
Interpretation moderate

Key answer for Item No. 28 was A. Total correct responses were 22. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.47 and discrimination power -0.46. The item is ok.

Item No. 29
Total 9
Difficulty Level 0.3
Discrimination In 0.864
Interpretation difficult
Key answer for Item No. 29 was A. Total correct responses were 9. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.3 and discrimination power 0.864. The item needs to review

Item No. 30
Total 8
Difficulty Level 0.26
Discrimination In -1.0
Interpretation difficult

Key answer for Item No. 30 was B. Total correct responses were 8. The difficulty
level of the item was 0.26 and discrimination power -1.0. The item needs to review


Item analysis is very effective activity for teachers as well as for students to construct
standard and effective tests. In this activity from 30 items 14 are ok, 16 need review.


Office of Educational Assessment. University of Washington. Retrieved June 20, 2011, from <>

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