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European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 260 (2021) 42–47

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Efficacy of myoinositol in treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus

in Asian Indian women: A pilot randomized clinical trial
Vidushi Kulshrestha, Shrey Balani* , Garima Kachhawa, P. Vanamail, Rajesh Kumari,
J.B. Sharma, Neerja Bhatla
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India


Article history: Objective: To compare efficacy of myoinositol as an adjuvant to dietary modification for treatment of
Received 9 July 2020 gestational diabetes mellitus in Asian Indian women compared to controls.
Received in revised form 3 February 2021 Study Design: Setting: This pilot randomized open label trial was conducted in a single antenatal clinic in
Accepted 17 February 2021
India. Subjects: One hundred women with singleton pregnancy and gestational diabetes diagnosed
between 14–28 weeks’ gestation were included. Overt diabetes, twin pregnancy, pre-existing renal
Keywords: disease, heart disease and other chronic medical disorders were exclusions. Intervention: Participants
Gestational diabetes
were randomized in two groups (1:1 ratio) by opaque envelope method. Individualized nutrition
counseling with dietary modification and routine antenatal care was provided to all. Fifty women
Glycemic control received myoinositol 1000 mg twice daily; 50 controls did not receive myoinositol. Fasting and
postprandial glucose levels were assessed after two weeks. Women not achieving glycemic targets
(fasting glucose <95 and postprandial glucose <120 mg/dL) were given pharmacologic therapy.
Contributory factors in women requiring additional pharmacologic therapy, maternal and fetal outcomes
were noted. Statistical analysis: Between group comparisons reported relative risk and mean difference.
To assess predictive factors for need for pharmacologic therapy, univariate and multivariable logistic
regression analysis were used.
Results: Baseline characteristics were comparable in both groups. Except one woman in the myoinositol
group, all women provided glycaemia data throughout their pregnancy. Glycemic control was achieved in
44/ 49 (89.8 %) women in myoinositol group which was significantly higher than 34/50 (68 %) in the
controls ((relative risk 0.31, 95 % confidence interval 0.13 to 0.80, p = 0.008). Mean duration of myoinositol
treatment was 17.6 weeks (standard deviation 5.3). Additional treatment with metformin/insulin was
needed in all women failing to achieve glycaemic control. The mean (range) dose of insulin was 25.3 units
in myoinositol group compared to 14.27 units in controls (p = 0.058). Secondary outcomes were similar in
two groups except baby weight which was higher in controls (p = 0.018).
Conclusions: Oral supplementation with myoinositol in dose of 1 gm twice-daily, when started soon after
the diagnosis of GDM, is effective in achieving glycemic control and decreasing the need for additional
pharmacological therapy in Asian Indian women.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is glucose intolerance

diagnosed during pregnancy that is not clearly overt diabetes [1].
The International Diabetes Federation estimated globally 15.8 % of
* Corresponding author at: 3082 A, 3rd Floor, Teaching Block, Department of women with live births in 2019 had hyperglycemia in pregnancy;
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, of which 83.6 % were due to GDM [2]. GDM is associated with
New Delhi, 110029, India. increased maternal and perinatal morbidity and also the long-term
E-mail addresses: (V. Kulshrestha), consequences, including type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular (S. Balani),
complications in mothers, and obesity and adult onset diabetes
(G. Kachhawa), (P. Vanamail),
(R. Kumari), (J.B. Sharma), in children born to these mothers [3]. A continuous linear
(N. Bhatla). relationship between maternal hyperglycemia and complications
0301-2115/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V. Kulshrestha, S. Balani, G. Kachhawa et al. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 260 (2021) 42–47

(primary cesarean delivery, neonatal hypoglycemia, premature In this pilot study, we hypothesized that for treatment of GDM,
delivery, shoulder dystocia or birth injury, intensive neonatal care, 2 gm/day myoinositol as an adjuvant to dietary modification may
hyperbilirubinemia, and preeclampsia) was demonstrated in improve glycemic control and reduce the need for pharmacological
HAPO trial involving a large ethnically diverse cohort, signifying intervention in Asian Indian women. Secondary objectives were to
importance of achieving normoglycemia while managing GDM [4]. evaluate contributory factors in women requiring additional
Treating GDM reduces both short term and long term adverse pharmacologic therapy and compare maternal and fetal outcomes.
consequences affecting two generations.
Dietary changes with lifestyle modifications achieve normo- Materials and methods
glycemia in over 80 % women with GDM [5]. When pharmacologic
treatment is indicated, insulin is the preferred treatment though This open label randomized clinical trial (RCT) was conducted
oral hypoglycemics, mainly metformin, have been increasingly after obtaining ethical clearance from the institute’s ethics
used due to lower costs, easy administration and greater committee and registering with Clinical Trial Registry of India
acceptability. Long-term impacts of intrauterine exposure are (CTRI2018/05/013937). One hundred pregnant women presenting
uncertain but a concern. at the antenatal outpatient department with GDM diagnosed
Myoinositol, a dietary supplement affecting glucose homeosta- between 14–28 weeks’ period of gestation were recruited between
sis, is emerging as a novel preventive as well as therapeutic option May 2018 to August 2019. For diagnosing GDM, the International
for GDM. Myoinositol is one of the nine inositol isomers found Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups and World
naturally in cereals, legumes, nuts etc. and also synthesized in liver Health Organization-2013 recommendations were followed. GDM
and kidneys [6]. This nutritional supplement acts on the was diagnosed if at least one threshold for plasma glucose
intracellular secondary messengers of insulin pathway. Owing to concentration was exceeded at any time during pregnancy. The
its role in decreasing insulin resistance, myoinositol has been thresholds used were  92, 180, 153 mg/dL for fasting, 1 h and 2 h
therapeutically used in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) [7], respectively, after a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test, using capillary
and metabolic syndrome [8]. This potential to improve insulin blood samples [13,14]. Women with overt diabetes, multiple
sensitivity paved way for its use in GDM. Initial studies focused on gestation, pre-existing renal disease, heart disease or other chronic
GDM prevention; in women having high risk factors for developing medical disorders and fetus with congenital anomalies were
GDM such as PCOS [9], obesity [10] and family history of type-2 DM excluded. Written informed consent was obtained from all
[11]. Subsequently, a pilot case-control study by Lubin et al. participants. The study was conceived as an external pilot study
suggested myoinositol as a safe first-line treatment for GDM that and a feasible random sample size of 100 was chosen.
remained uncontrolled despite lifestyle changes, also reducing the Participants were randomized into two groups in 1:1 ratio
need for insulin therapy [12]. according to computer generated randomization table generated

Fig. 1. CONSORT Flow Diagram.

V. Kulshrestha, S. Balani, G. Kachhawa et al. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 260 (2021) 42–47

by a biostatistician and using sequentially numbered, opaque defined as >90th centile and small as <10th centile of birth weight),
envelopes to allocate participants to the respective groups once Apgar score at 1 and 5 min, neonatal hypoglycemia (plasma
recruited to the study. Obstetric history, including details of glucose<40 mg/dL), hyperbilirubinemia (need for phototherapy in
previous pregnancies, pregnancy outcomes, family history, dietary absence of another cause of jaundice), neonatal intensive care unit
history and personal history was obtained. Body mass index (BMI) (NICU) admission and respiratory distress.
was calculated using the pre-pregnancy weight. Baseline routine
antenatal investigations including fasting and postprandial plasma Statistical analyses
glucose along with glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) were done.
All recruited women were counselled regarding individualized Data-analysis was carried out using SPSS version-24.0 (Armonk,
nutrition plan. They were given routine antenatal care and iron, NY: IBM Corp). Continuous variables were tested for normality
calcium, folic acid, and vitamin D supplementation. Fifty women assumption using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Descriptive statistics
additionally received oral myoinositol 1gm twice daily (myoinosi- such as mean, standard deviation and range values were calculated
tol group) whereas the control group received no myoinositol for normally distributed data and median and interquartile range
treatment. (IQR) were calculated for skewed/non-normal data. Category
Women were required to have their blood glucose assessed variables were presented as frequencies and percentages. Stu-
after 2 weeks of diagnosis, in fasting state and 2 h after breakfast, dent’s t-test was used to compare mean values between groups;
lunch and dinner, the glycemic target being fasting glucose <95 non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test for median comparison and
mg/dL and postprandial glucose <120 mg/dL. They were followed Chi-square test/Fischer’s exact test for categorical data. To assess
up in antenatal clinic every 2 weeks from enrolment to 34 weeks, risk factors for insulin/metformin therapy, univariate and multi-
weekly from 34 weeks and more frequently if clinically required. variable logistic regression analysis were used. Crude and adjusted
Their glucose profile was evaluated and compliance to treatment odds ratio (OR) with 95 % confidence interval (CI) was calculated
was assessed verbally in these visits. Additional pharmacological and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
treatment was initiated in either group if glycemic target was not
achieved after 2 weeks of recruitment or later during the course of Results
pregnancy. Metformin was started if fasting glucose was 95 99
mg/dL and post-prandial glucose was 120 160 mg/dL and insulin A total of 100 women with GDM were randomized into two
was started for higher glucose levels or if metformin failed to groups of 50 each (Fig. 1; Consort flow diagram). One woman in
control hyperglycemia. HbA1c was repeated after 3 months. Fetal myoinositol group miscarried soon after recruitment and was
growth parameters were estimated at 32–34 weeks. Weekly fetal excluded from analysis, otherwise the analysis was by intention to
surveillance with non-stress test and biophysical profile was treat. All baseline characteristics were comparable in both groups
started from 32 weeks or earlier if indicated. (Table 1). High risk factors for developing GDM including obesity,
Primary outcome was glycemic control, defined as achieving PCOS, previous pregnancy with GDM or macrosomia and family
glycemic targets. Secondary outcomes noted were the need for history of diabetes were present in 32/49(65.3 %) and 36/50(72.0 %)
additional pharmacological therapy, the occurrence of preeclamp- women in myoinositol group and controls respectively (p = 0.47).
sia, gestational hypertension, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnan- Significantly more women achieved glycemic control with
cy, preterm delivery, gestation at delivery, mode of delivery, myoinositol, 89.8 %(44/49) compared to 68 %(34/50) in controls
postpartum complications and fetal outcomes including birth- (relative risk of achieving glycemic control 0.31, 95 % confidence
weight, large/appropriate/small for gestational age babies (large interval 0.13 to 0.80, p = 0.008). The remaining five women

Table 1
Baseline characteristics of patients in the two groups.

Parameters Myoinositol given (n = 49)* Myoinositol not given (n = 50)

Age (years) Mean  SD 29.7  4.4 31.3  3.3
Pre-pregnancy weight (kg) Mean  SD 60.9  9.7 61.4  9.6
BMI (Kg/m2) Mean  SD 25.5  4.0 26.3  4.4
BMI Category ** n (%)
Underweight 1(2 %) 1(2 %)
Normal weight 13(26.5 %) 11(22 %)
Overweight 11(22.4 %) 9(18 %)
Obese 24(48.9 %) 29(58 %)
Parity status n (%)
Primigravida 19(38.8 %) 10(20 %)
Multipara 30(61.2 %) 40(80 %)
Mode of conception n (%)
Natural 43(87.8 %) 42(84 %)
Ovulation Induction 3(6.1 %) 6(12 %)
In vitro fertilization 3(6.1 %) 2(4 %)
Fasting plasma glucose (mg/dL) (Mean  SD) 91.4  10.3 92.8  10.6
Postprandial plasma glucose (mg/dL) Mean  SD 123.2  23.1 122.6  27.6
GTT- Fasting value (mg/dL) Mean  SD 95.4  10.4 94.3  9.4
GTT-1 h (mg/dL) Mean  SD 161.4  32.0 166.8  34.7
GTT-2 h (mg/dL) Mean  SD 132.0  32.5 133.6  24.8
Baseline HbA1c (in %) Mean  SD 5.2  0.45 5.2  0.45
Gestation at GDM diagnosis (in weeks) Mean  SD 20.1  5.1 21.9  4.5

<18.5 kg/m2 -Underweight; 18.5–22.9 kg/m2 -Normal weight; 23–24.9 kg/m2 -Overweight, >25 kg/m2 -Obese.
GTT - glucose tolerance test using 75 g oral glucose at the time of diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus.
One patient miscarried after recruitment.
Body Mass Index (BMI) Category as per WHO Asian BMI Cut-offs:

V. Kulshrestha, S. Balani, G. Kachhawa et al. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 260 (2021) 42–47

Table 2
Details of patients requiring additional treatment in the two groups.

Parameters Myoinositol given Myoinositol not given Mean Difference P value

(n = 5) (n = 16) (95 % CI: LL, UL)
Gestational at GDM Diagnosis (in weeks) 3.0
Mean  SD 16.6  3.85 19.6  5.7 (-8.8, 2.7) 0.297
Gestation at start of additional treatment (in weeks) 2.7
Mean  SD 27.2  1.9 29.9  4.37 (-6.9, 1.5) 0.204
Baseline HbA1c (in %) 0.3
Mean  SD 6.0  0.1 5.7  0.3 (-0.05, 0.6) 0.230
Insulin Dose 25.3  13.6 14.3  6.4 11.0 0.058
Mean  SD (-0.01, 20.0)

receiving myoinositol and 16 controls required additional phar- Klippel-Feil syndrome and died on day-12 of life due to respiratory
macological treatment (Table 2). In the myoinositol group, insulin complications.
was started in three and metformin in two women; these five There was no intervention related adverse outcome during the
women had one or more high risk factors. Among the 19 controls, study. Klippel-Feil syndrome being a rare genetic disorder is
nine women were given insulin, five needed metformin and two unlikely to be due to any intervention.
women were started on metformin but further required insulin to To assess risk factors for pharmacological therapy, univariate
achieve normoglycemia. Fewer women receiving myoinositol logistic regression analysis was carried out by considering the
needed insulin compared to controls (6.1 % vs. 22.0 %, p = 0.02). baseline characteristics including age, parity, BMI, family history,
Mean duration of therapy with myoinositol was 17.6 weeks presence of high risk factors, fasting and postprandial plasma
(standard deviation 5.3, range 4.1–26.3 weeks). glucose at first visit, GTT fasting, 1 h and 2 h values, HbA1c and
Among secondary outcomes (Table 3), the maternal outcomes gestation at diagnosis of GDM. Four factors among these, i.e. fasting
were comparable in both groups. HbA1c repeated three months plasma glucose, GTT-1 h value, baseline HbA1c and gestation at
after recruitment was similar to baseline HbA1c in both groups, diagnosis showed a statistically significant association (Table 4). In
(p > 0.05). One woman among controls underwent forceps delivery multivariable logistic regression using these four significant
for fetal bradycardia in second stage of labour. Neonatal outcomes variables, only HbA1c emerged as a significant independent risk
were also similar except birth weight which was higher in controls factor for predicting need for additional treatment. (p < 0.001),
(p = 0.018). Apgar score at 5 min was >7 for all the babies and there (Table 4).
were no instances of birth asphyxia in either group. Four babies
in each group had birthweight >97th centiles, however none Discussion
developed any neonatal complication. Among neonates with
birthweight between 90th-97th centiles, two in control group Approximately 90 % (44/49) women with GDM achieved
had neonatal complications: hyperbilirubinemia occurred in one normoglycemia on taking oral myoinositol with dietary advice,
and another neonate whose mother was adequately controlled on with only 10 % requiring pharmacological treatment. This was
dietary modification, developed neonatal hypoglycaemia six hours significant when compared to controls, who were prescribed only
after birth due to poor feeding efforts. Three babies were small for dietary advice, which is the mainstay of GDM management. The
gestational age and all were in myoinositol group; the mothers of mean duration for which myoinositol was given was approxi-
these babies had chronic hypertension, preeclampsia and placental mately four months. No effect was observed for secondary
insufficiency (absent end-diastolic flow). The latter baby had outcomes, either maternal or perinatal, except baby weight which
respiratory distress, was admitted to NICU, was later diagnosed as was higher in controls.

Table 3
Comparison of secondary outcomes (Maternal and Neonatal) in the two groups.

S No. Parameter Myoinositol given Myoinositol not given Risk Ratio/Mean difference P value
(n = 49) (n = 50) (95 % CI: LL, UL)
Maternal Weight gain in pregnancy (In kg) 9.5  1.6 10.1  2.0 0.6 (-1.3, 0.1) 0.860
No. of women with Gestational Hypertension 7(14.2 %) 3(6.0 %) 2.4 (0.6, 8.7) 0.300
No. of women with Pre-eclampsia 3(6.1 %) 1(2.0 %) 3.1 (0.3, 28.4) 0.602
No. of women with Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy 7(14.2 %) 9(18.0 %) 0.8 (0.3, 2.0) 0.610
Cesarean rate, n (%) 26(53.1 %) 31(62.0 %) 0.8 (0.6, 1.2) 0.360
Gestational age at delivery (weeks) 37.7  1.6 37.9  0.9 0.2 (-0.7, 0.3) 0.530
Preterm delivery 7(14.2 %) 3(6.0 %) 2.4 (0.6, 8.7) 0.300
Postpartum Complications
Fever 1(2.0 %) 3(6.0 %) 0.3 (0.03, 3.1) 0.617
Stich line complications 0(0 %) 3(6 %) Not Applicable 0.242
Urinary tract infection 0(0 %) 1(2.0 %) Not Applicable 0.995
Neonatal Baby weight (gm) 2820.3  490.8 3036.9  398.6 216.6 (-394.8, -38.4) 0.018
Large for Gestational Age Babies 8(16.3 %) 13(26.0 %) 0.6 (0.3, 1.4) 0.240
Small for Gestational Age Babies 3(6.1 %) 0(0.0 %) Not Applicable 0.117
Hypoglycemia 0(0.0 %) 1 (2.0 %) Not Applicable 0.995
Respiratory Distress 2(4.1 %) 1(2.0 %) 2.0 (0.2, 21.8) 0.540
Hyperbilirubinemia 4(8.2 %) 5(10.0 %) 0.8 (0.2, 2.9) 0.750
NICU Stay 4(8.16 %) 1(2.0 %) 4.1 (0.5, 35.2) 0.340
Hospital stay (days) 4.6  4.7 4.2  2.8 0.4 (-1.1, 1.9) 0.560

Apgar score at 5 min was >7 for all the babies.

V. Kulshrestha, S. Balani, G. Kachhawa et al. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 260 (2021) 42–47

Table 4
Odds ratio (OR) with 95 % Confidence Level (CI) by Univariate and Multivariate analysis for additional pharmacological therapy.

Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis

Variable Crude OR (95 % CI) p value Adjusted OR (95 % CI) p value

Age 1.13 (0.99 1.28) 0.056
BMI 1.06 (0.95 1.18) 0.280
Parity 1.42 (0.46.33) 0.535
Overweight 1.83 (0.60 5.54) 0.280
Obesity 1.5 (0.58 4.14) 0.380
Baseline Fasting plasma glucose 1.07 (1.02 1.13) 0.007 1.03 (0.96 1.10) 0.290
Baseline Postprandial plasma glucose 1.00 (0.98 1.02) 0.460
GTT (75 gm) - Fasting value 1.04 (0.98 1.10) 0.117
GTT-1 h 1.02 (1.00 1.03) 0.014 1.01 (0.99 1.03) 0.120
GTT-2 h 0.99 (0.97 1.01) 0.580
Family history 0.96 (0.84 1.11) 0.660
High risk factors 1.6 (0.52 4.85) 0.406
Baseline Glycosylated hemoglobin (in %) (HbA1c) 70.8 (10.28 488.50) 0.005 32.56* (4.50 235.43) 0.001
Gestational age at diagnosis 0.88 (0.80 0.98) 0.020* 0.94 (0.83 1.07) 0.4
For every 1 unit increase in HBA1C, OR will be increased 32.56 respectively.

GDM is a state of physiological insulin resistance and can be attributed to the higher baseline HbA1c in these women as
myoinositol acts as insulin-sensitizer [6]. Efficacy of myoinositol shown in multivariate analysis; indicating a higher degree of
in lowering blood glucose is well documented [15]. There is ample glucose intolerance, other factors being comparable. Other studies
literature supporting antenatal myoinositol for primary prevention have also reported a higher HbA1c as an independent predictor for
of GDM with Cochrane reporting 57 % reduction in GDM [16], needing pharmacological therapy [23,25]. Besides, myoinositol as
which is further substantiated in other studies [17–19]. an adjuvant might have treated the milder disease and the cases
The rationale for myoinositol in the treatment of GDM is that it requiring insulin were actually the most deranged metabolically,
improves insulin sensitivity and potentiates endogenous insulin by explaining the higher insulin dose for their control.
affecting insulin-signal pathway [6]. It not only lowers mean Most studies did not find differences in secondary outcomes
glucose levels but also reduces glucose variability [20]. Myoinositol [17,26] other than birth weight which had variable effect [12,18]. In
for treating GDM was first reported in a small RCT where insulin the present study birth weight was significantly lesser in
resistance reduced by 50 % in eight weeks [21]. Later Lubin myoinositol group than controls. A meta-analysis (n = 513)
suggested myoinositol as alternative first-line treatment if GDM reported significant reduction in birth weight, neonatal hypogly-
remains uncontrolled on diet, however his controls were cemia; marginal reduction in respiratory distress syndrome,
retrospective [12]. shoulder dystocia, preterm delivery; and insignificant reduction
Studies that have focussed on myoinositol as treatment rather in macrosomia and polyhydramnios with myoinositol [27].
than prevention, are limited. A Cochrane review [22] on 142 Another recent meta-analysis evaluated maternal health outcomes
women and infants evaluated myoinositol for treating GDM and (OGTT values, weight gain, hypertensive disorders, lipid profile);
included two placebo-controlled studies, both conducted in Italy delivery outcomes (caesarean rates, preterm delivery, shoulder
with an unclear risk of bias: Corrado’s study [21] which looked at dystocia and third degree perineal tear); feto-neonatal health
insulin resistance with myoinositol and Matarelli’s study [15] outcomes (gestational age at birth, birth weight, macrosomia,
which evaluated its preventive role in women with elevated fasting NICU admission, polyhydramnios and fetal biometry) and side
blood glucose. GDM was diagnosed at 12–13 weeks’ gestation in effects with myoinositol given for prevention of GDM and reported
one study and at 26 weeks in the other. The findings suggested that effects only on GTT values and preterm delivery [19]. In present
myoinositol can reduce fasting blood glucose levels, though the study also, secondary neonatal outcomes were similar in the two
need for additional pharmacotherapy was not different between groups, although the study was not necessarily powered to detect
myoinositol and the control groups; in contrast to the present meaningful differences. Neonatal hypoglycaemia occurred in one
study. baby born to a woman in the control group, but that was due to
Lubin in his study on 32 women demonstrated glycemic control feeding issues. Three neonates in myoinositol group were small for
in 75 % women receiving myoinositol with only 25 % women gestational age, which could be explained by coexisting chronic
requiring insulin [12]. The better response seen in our study might hypertension, preeclampsia and placental insufficiency.
be attributed to early start of myoinositol as soon as GDM was There was no intervention related adverse outcome and
diagnosed; unlike Lubin’s study where myoinositol was given only myoinositol was well-tolerated without side effects. None of the
when diet failed to achieve normoglycemia. Reported need for RCTs and meta-analyses has reported any serious adverse event
insulin was 25.3 % vs. 34.2 % in Di Biases’ study and 45 % vs. 50 % in [9,10,15,19,26]. Inositols are defined as generally-recognized-as-
Fraticelli’s study which evaluated D-Chiro inositol, myoinositol and safe by US Food and Drugs Administration and safety of
their combination compared to controls [23,24]. The above myoinositol in peri-conceptional and early gestation is well-
Cochrane review, however, concluded inadequacy of evidence documented [9]. Nausea, diarrhea and flatulence are reported with
for myoinositol as treatment [22] and suggested to further higher doses >12 g [28], and not with the supplementation doses.
investigate and explore myoinositol for optimal dose, frequency There is need for larger studies in different ethnicities and with
and timing of supplementation. different risk factors for GDM to evaluate long-term maternal and
Though significantly fewer women receiving myoinositol fetal safety of inositols [29].
required insulin, the time to start of treatment was earlier than Currently, there are no recommendations regarding dose.
in controls in our study, in contrast to the reported delay in the Variable daily doses ranging from 1200 to 4000 mg alone or in
median time of starting insulin in other studies [23,24]. Also the chimeric-combination have been evaluated starting from 12 to 13
required dose in our study was higher compared to controls. These weeks for prevention of GDM. For treatment, myoinositol has been

V. Kulshrestha, S. Balani, G. Kachhawa et al. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 260 (2021) 42–47

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