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SECJ2203: Software Engineering

Project Proposal

Project Title


Faculty of Computing

Prepared by: <Team name>

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1

1.1 The Goal 1

1.2 The Scope ?

2 Software Process Model ?

2.1 The Goal ?

2.2 The Chosen Software Process Model ?

2.3 Project Duration ?

1. Introduction

Remove the notes in read texts when submitting including these notes.

1.1 The Goal

This subsection should:
i) State the main goal of the proposed system.
ii) Specify the objectives.

The example is as follows:

1.1 The Goal
The Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (English: Institute of Language and Literature), abbreviated DBP, is the Malaysian
government entity in charge of supervising the use of the Malay language and Malay-language literature. DBP produces the
Kamus Dewan, the renowned dictionary of the Malaysian national language for many years. The dictionary is not only
descriptive but also prescriptive since it embodies the accomplishments of DBP's attempts to adapt the Malay language to
technological and scientific issues. The DBP's function in language development and regulation can be compared to that of
analogous government agencies in other nations, such as the Académie Française. It also handles a large number of
publications, primarily workbooks, and novels.

The Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka established their own online dictionary systems which are also responsible for translating
English to Malay words. However, in terms of performance and output quality, the majority of this machine translation
system was underwhelming. The system's ability to examine the structure of the syntax was limited by the complexity of the
specific dictionary-driven rules for syntactic ordering. The inconsistency between the language's syntax and semantics has
resulted in a plethora of confusing Malay terms. As of now, the majority of modern browsers use a Bahasa Indonesia
translation service or a curated Malay language translation provider which results in imprecise results.

In addition, the current existing English-Malay dictionary that is owned by DBP is quite dull and unattractive which becomes
a major setback for users to use it, especially the younger generations. Besides, the online dictionary lacks advanced
features such as audio pronunciation. Hence, the aim of this project is to enhance the existing DBP English-Malay dictionary

The objectives of this project include:

i. To design a more systematic and user-friendly DBP’s existing English-Malay
ii. To enhance the existing system English-Malay dictionary that was owned by DBP.
iii. To encourage more users to choose DBP as their primary translation source.

1.2 The Scope

This subsection should:
i) Identify the technology to be used to develop the system (type of server, database, any relevant software).
ii) Explain what the software product(s) module & functions (recommended in the format of table)

The example is as follows:

The scope of this project is to grab more users that often use dictionaries as their main resource, especially researchers
where this system actually assists people in looking up meanings to gain a better knowledge of the word and a language or
field in general. This system is very useful for users that want to translate English into Malay.

There are several technologies that will be implemented to enhance this existing system English-Malay Dictionaries. To be
precise, each of this technology has its own functionality to help the development of this system. These are the technology
that will be applied in the system:
i. PHP Technology
ii. Cloud Server
iii. Maria DB

Table 1.1 shows the technology and its description to be used to develop this system project.
No. Technology Description
1. PHP Technology
2. Cloud Server
3. Maria DB

2. Software Process Model

This section of the proposal should describe the ideal software process model for this system development. The write-up
must consist of:
i) explanation of the goal of the software process model.
ii) choose the ideal software process model and give justification.
iii) the illustration of chosen software process model that relates to your project and shows every phase
involved in the chosen software process model
iv) describe detailed activities that are relevant to every phase of the software process model (you may use a
Gantt chart or any suitable project management tool). Determine the suitable duration for every phase and
assign the person in charge. Also, propose the appropriate deliverables/products/outputs for every phase.

The example is as follows:

2.1 The Goal
A software process model (also known as software methodology) is a series of interconnected actions that leads to software
production. These efforts could include creating software from the ground up or changing an existing system. The goal of a
software process model is to give direction for directing and coordinating tasks so that the final product and objectives are
met as efficiently as feasible.
There are a variety of process models available to satisfy various requirements. Process the model defines the following:
● A set of tasks that need to be performed
● The input and output from each task
● The preconditions and postconditions for each task
● The sequence and flow of this task

2.2 The Chosen Software Process Model

In the development of enhancing this system, Agile Processes is chosen as the best approach for the software process
model as it illustrated in Figure 2.1 since it is easier to change the process to reflect changes based on the requirement
needs. In the first phase, the requirements are laid down and acceptable quality standards are established. The requirement
gathering has been collected through a survey questionnaire of an open respondent. Agile also can facilitate communication
between stakeholders and developers, encourage creativity and innovation among developers, and improve user
satisfaction with developments in their software products. After the user requirements are collected, systems are ready to
design for the enhancing DBP Intelligent English Malay Dictionary.

Next, in the implementation and unit testing, this phase will require a scratch design of the enhancing DBP Intelligent English
Malay Dictionary to be implemented into a real prototype design to test the functionality of the new features in the enhancing

System testing will be the next phase which involves the whole system being tested to evaluate the system’s compliance
with its specified requirements. The system will fail if it does not meet the user requirements. Despite the advantages that
Agile Processes have, Agile methodology requires minimal planning at the outset, it is easy to become sidetracked when
delivering new, unexpected functionality.

The last phase required in this agile project management is maintenance. The enhancing system that has been tested will
go through a maintenance process to make sure that the system is successfully developed.

2.3 Project duration

The project aims to include all the information and activities that are required to develop the DBP dictionary system. Figure
2.2 shows five major activities Requirement Analysis, Software Design (Phase 1), Software Design (Phase 2),
Implementation & Unit Testing, System Testing, and Maintenance. The assumption of the project is to be completed in about
8 weeks, including working 5 days a week.

In the first week, the project will start with requirement analysis which involves a requirement gathering to conduct an
analysis of the existing system of DBP English Malay Dictionary. The deliverable of this stage is the Systems Requirements
Specifications. Next, the project would be followed with software design for Phase 1 which will take around a week. It
involves the designing of the system interface and architectural design. After a week, software design for Phase 2 will
commence where the design will be evaluated for both the interface and architectural design. For every design stage, we will
update another deliverable which is called Software Design Document. This phase also includes software design and coding
after the evaluation is completed in order to reduce any defect or unnecessary functionality of the system that did not meet
the business requirements.

Subsequently, after the designing phase is finished implementation testing will be done for the system. In this phase, the
scratch design of the enhancing DBP English Malay Dictionary will be implemented into a real prototype design to test the
functionality of the new features in the new system. Unit testing will involve analyzing the smallest testable components or
features of the system, separately and independently for proper functioning. Following, the system testing will begin where
the enhanced DBP Intelligent English Malay Dictionary will be tested as a whole system and evaluate the system's
compliance with its specified requirements. To support the testing stage, System Testing Document will be provided. Lastly,
at the end of this project, the system will undergo maintenance to make sure that the system is successfully developed.

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