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Dear Cooperating Teacher,

Thank you for assisting in the preparation of a new generation of Nevada teachers. Our education majors are
required to complete 10 field observation hours in these courses:

EDU 201 Introduction To Elementary Education

EDU 202 Introduction To Secondary Education
EDU 203 Introduction To Special Education

This class is where many of our students actually make the decision whether they will continue further study of
the profession. We appreciate you joining us in providing these students with a wonderful first experience in
the classroom. If at all possible, please utilize the student to assist you in supervised classroom instructional
activities if you deem them ready.

We are hopeful that the information we have enclosed with this letter, which has been approved by the Nevada
College Consortium, will help you with a clear sense of how this field experience works.

When the student has completed his/her required observation hours, please complete and sign the “FIELD
Then, return these two pages to the student who will submit them to his/her professor. For your convenience,
the student has provided you with CSN contact information below. Please contact the CSN instructor if there
are any questions or concerns.

Also, before a final grade for EDU 201, EDU 202, or EDU 203 courses can be assigned, the CSN professor
MUST receive your official email verification that the student successfully completed his/her 10 hours. Please
also “cc” the student on this email as soon as the student has completed the 10 contact hours. The student
WILL NOT receive a final grade in the course until the email is received from you.

CSN Course # & name: >>>

CSN Professor: >>>

CSN Professor’s phone: >>>

CSN Professor’s email: >>>

Student’s name: >>>

Student’s email: >>>

Should you have any concerns or questions about this process, please feel free to contact the instructor
directly, or the CSN Education Department at: (702) 651-4400.

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