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GLC2O - Activity 10 - Final Task Rubric

Categories Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

(80-100%) (70-79%) (60-69%) (50-59%)

Knowledge and It is clear in my It is clear in my It is clear in my It is clear in my

Understanding: interview that I interview that I interview that I interview that I
have a have an accurate have some have limited
Demonstrates an sophisticated understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of understanding what I will need to what I will need to what I will need to
the skills, of what I will be successful in be successful in be successful in
strategies and need to be school, life and school, life and school, life and
habits that can successful in work. work. work.
contribute to school, life and
success in school, work.
life and work.


Knowledge and It is clear in my It is clear in my It is clear in my It is clear in my

Understanding: interview that I interview that I interview that I interview that I
have an in- have an accurate have some have limited
Demonstrates an depth understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of understanding how developing the development the development
trends related to of how my transferable of my transferable of my transferable
work and of the developing my skills will play an skills. I show skills. I show a
importance of transferable integral part in some limited
transferable skills. skills will play an participating understanding of understanding of
integral part in successfully in an how the world of how the world of
B1 participating evolving world of work is evolving. I work is evolving,
successfully in work. need to make a and how
an evolving stronger link transferable skills
world of work. between will be important.
transferable skills
and the evolving

Thinking: It is clear in my It is clear in my It is clear in my It is clear in my

interview that I interview that I interview that I interview that I
Explores their have reflected can identify my can identify my can identify some
interests, values, on and revised interests, values, interests, values, of my interests,
skills and strengths my interests, skills and skills and values, skills and
in their personal values, skills strengths; and I strengths. With strengths. I can
profile, and and strengths; can articulate some degree of list some factors
examines factors and I have given what factors that reflection, I have that are
that influence their a lot of thought are influencing articulated some influencing my
decisions about to the factors my decisions factors that are decisions about
their future. that are about my future. influencing my my future.
influencing my decisions about
B2 decisions about my future.
my future.

Thinking: My plan for my My plan for my My plan for my My plan for my

post-secondary post-secondary post-secondary post-secondary
Identifies post- options is well- options is options is clear. I options is clear. I
secondary options researched and researched and have shown what need to map out
of interest and mapped out, clear, both during I need to take in what I need to do
outlines next steps both during the the remainder of high school to in high school
in high school to remainder of high school, and prepare for my and beyond to
prepare for those high school, and beyond. plan. reach my goals.
options. beyond.


Communication: I express myself I express myself I mostly express I am having some

clearly and clearly in my myself clearly in difficulty
Communicates a appropriately in interview. For the my interview. It is expressing myself
plan for their first my interview. It most part, it is somewhat clear clearly in my
year after high is abundantly clear that I have that I have interview. My
school, including clear that I have planned and planned and planning and
their personal planned and organized my organized my organization
online profile, and organized my ideas about my ideas about my about my ideas
how they will ideas about my first year after first year after about my first
communicate this first year after high school. It is high school. I year after high
plan to prospective high school. It also clear I have have responded school needs
employers and is also clear I responded to to some of the some further
mentors. have responded feedback from my feedback from my refinement I have
to feedback teacher about my teacher about my responded in a
C1 from my teacher plan, my personal plan, my personal limited way to the
about my plan, online profile online profile feedback from my
my personal and/or my brand. and/or my brand. teacher about my
online profile plan, my personal
and/or my online profile
brand, and have and/or my brand.
made significant
based on that

Application: It is clear in my It is clear in my It is somewhat It is at times

interview that I interview that I clear in my unclear in my
Applies decision- have been have been interview that I interview that I
making strategies applying applying what I have been have been
to help set goals, everything I have been applying what I applying what I
reflecting on and have been learning about have been have been
documenting their learning about making decisions learning about learning about
goal-setting making and setting my making decisions making decisions
process. decisions and goals for my and setting my and setting my
setting my goals future. It is clear goals for my goals for my
A2 for my future. It that I am future. It is future. It is not
is abundantly reflecting on my somewhat clear clear that I am
clear that I am goal-setting that I am reflecting on my
reflecting on my process, and reflecting on my goal-setting
goal-setting responding to goal-setting process, and
process, and feedback from my process, and responding to
responding to teacher. responding to feedback from my
feedback from feedback from my teacher.
my teacher. teacher.

Application: I show in my I show in my I show in my I show in my

interview how interview how interview some of interview what I
Applies what they much I have much I have what I have have learned
have learned about learned about learned about learned about about financial
financial financial financial financial management in a
management to management, management, management, limited way,
create a providing a providing some providing some providing few or
reasonably variety of examples of my examples of my no examples of
accurate budget examples of my learning. My learning. My my learning. My
for their first year learning. My budget is mostly budget still needs budget still needs
after high school. budget is mostly accurate and some work to be some work to be
accurate and reasonable for my reasonable for my reasonable for my
C2 reasonable for first year after first year after first year after
my first year high school. It is high school. I high school. I
after high clear I have have responded need to respond
school, and it is responded to my somewhat to my to my teacher's
clear I have teacher's teacher's feedback while
responded to feedback in its feedback while developing my
my teacher's development. developing my budget.
feedback in its budget.

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