Probability Distributions

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Probability Distributions


 Probability distribution
 Uniform distribution
 Binomial distribution
 Hypergeometric distribution
 Geometric distribution
 Poisson distribution
 The mean of a probability distribution
 Standard deviation of a probability distribution
Probability distributions

Statistical Experiments any process by which measurements are obtained.

A quantitative variable, x is a random variable if its value is determined by

the outcome of a random experiment.

By probability distribution, we mean a correspondence that assigns

probabilities to the values of a random variable.

For a discrete random variable, the probability for each outcome x to occur is
denoted by f(x), known as probability distribution if it satisfy
0 f(x) 1
Uniform distribution

A random variable X has a discrete uniform distribution if each of the

n values in its range, say x1, x2, x3,…xn, has equal probability
f (xi)=1/n

For example Roll a die, X= Dot appear on upper face of die

x 1 2 3 4 5 6

f(x) 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6


Toss a coin twice. X=# of heads

x f(x)
Toss a coin ten time. X=# of heads
Pick up 2 cards from a deck of cards. X=# of aces

x f(x) ?

Check whether the correspondence given by

f (x)  , fo r x = 1 , 2 , an d 3
can serve as the probability distribution of some random

Substituting x=1, 2, and 3 into f(x)

4 5 6
They are all between 0 and 1. The sum is   1
15 15 15
So it can serve as the probability distribution of some random variable.

Verify that for the number of heads obtained in four flips of a balanced
coin the probability distribution is given by
f ( x )    , for x= 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , a n d 4

In many applied problems, we are interested in the probability that an event will occur x times out of n.
Roll a die 3 times. X=# of sixes
S=a six, N=not a six
No six: (x=0) NNN  (5/6)(5/6)(5/6)

One six: (x=1)

NNS  (5/6)(5/6)(1/6)
NSN  same
SNN  same
Two sixes: (x=2)
NSS  (5/6)(1/6)(1/6)
SNS  same
SSN  same
Three sixes: (x=3)
SSS (1/6)(1/6)(1/6)
Binomial distribution

x f(x)
0 (5/6)3
1 3 (1/6) (5/6)2
2 3 (1/6)2 (5/6)
3 (1/6)3

x 3 x
3  1   5 
f ( x )       
x  6   6 
Toss a die 5 times. X=# of six. Find P(X=2)
S=six N=not a six 135

SSNNN 1/6*1/6*5/6*5/6*5/6=(1/6)2(5/6)3
SNSNN 1/6*5/6*1/6*5/6*5/6=(1/6)2(5/6)3
SNNSN 1/6*5/6*5/6*1/6*5/6=(1/6)2(5/6)3
SNNNS 10 ways to choose 2 of 5 places for S.
NSSNN etc. 5
__ __ __ __ __
5! 5! 5 * 4 * 3!
NSNSN  2   2 !(5  2 )!  2 ! 3 !  2 * 1 * 3!  1 0
 
2 3
NNSSN 1  5
P ( x  2)  10 *    
NNSNS 6  6 
NNNSS [1-P(S)]5 - # of S
[P(S)]# of S
n independent trials; p probability of a success; x=# of successes

A trial with only two possible outcomes is used so frequently as a building block of a random experiment
that it is called a Bernoulli trial.
A random experiment consists of n Bernoulli trials such that
1) There are a fixed number of trials. This is denoted by n.
2) The n trials are independent and repeated under identical conditions.
3) Each trial results in only two possible outcomes, labeled as “success’’ and “failure’’
4) The probability of a success in each trial, denoted as p, remains constant

The random variable X has a binomial random variable with parameters n and p The probability
function of X is
 n 
  w ays to c h o o s e x p la c e s fo r s , px (1-p)n-x
 x 
 n 
f (x)    p
(1  p ) n  x
 x 
Roll a die 20 times. X=# of 6’s, n=20, p=1/6

x 20 x
 20   1   5 
f (x)    6   6 
 x    
4 16
 20   1   5 
p(x  4)      
 4  6   6 

 Flip a fair coin 10 times. X=# of heads

x 10  x 10
 10  1   1   10  1 
f ( x )            
 x  2   2   x  2 
Geometric distribution

Rather than repeat a fixed number of trials, we repeat the experiment

until the first success.
Let the random variable X denote the number of trials until the first
Then X is a geometric random variable with parameter p and probability
function is
x 1
f ( x )  (1  P ) P x  1, 2, 3,...
Hypergeometric distribution

 If we sample with replacement and the trials are all independent, the
binomial distribution applies.

 If we sample without replacement, a different probability distribution

applies. ( )
Hypergeometric distribution

Pick up n balls from a box without replacement. The box contains a

white balls and b black balls

X=# of white balls picked

n picked
a successes X= # of successes

b non-successes
In the box: a successes,
b non-successes
The probability of getting x successes (white balls):
# o f w a y s to p ic k n b a lls w ith x s u c c e s s e s
p( x) 
to ta l # o f w a y s to p ic k n b a lls
# o f w a y s to p ic k x s u c c e s s e s
= (# o f w a y s to c h o o s e x s u c c e s s ie s )*(# o f w a y s to c h o o s e n -x n o n -s u c c e s s e s )
a  b 
=   
 xn  x
A sample of size n objects is selected randomly (without replacement) from the a+b objects .
Let the random variable X denote the number of successes in the sample. Then X is a hypergeometric random
variable and probability function is defined as
 a   b 
 x   n  x 
f ( x )      , x  0 ,1, 2 , ..., a
 a  b 
 n 
 

 52 cards. Pick n=5.

X=# of aces,
then a=4, b=48

 4   48 
   
P ( X  2 )   2  3 
 52 
 
 5 

 A box has 100 batteries.

a=98 good ones
b= 2 bad ones
X=# of good ones

 98   2 
   
P ( X  8 )   8   2 
 100 
 
 10 
Poisson distribution
 This distribution is used to model the number of “rare” events that occur in a time
interval, volume, area, length, etc…
Example: Number of deaths from horse kicks in the Army in different years

Given an interval of real numbers, assume counts occur at random throughout the
If the interval can be partitioned into subintervals of small enough length such that
The number of successes in a fixed subinterval, follows a Poisson process provided the
following conditions are met
1. The probability of two or more successes in any sufficiently small subinterval is 0.
2. The probability of success is the same for any two subintervals of equal length.
3. The number of successes in any subinterval is independent of the number of
successes in any other subinterval provided the subintervals are not overlapping.
Poisson distribution

The random variable X that equals the number of counts in the interval is a Poisson
random variable with parameter λ , and the probability function of X is

 xe
f ( x)  , x = 0 , 1 , 2 , ...

When there is a large number of trials, but a small probability of success, binomial
calculation becomes impractical
Limiting case of Binomial dist

 Radioactive decay
x=# of particles/min 3 2
λ=2 particles per minutes P ( x  3 )  2 e
, x = 0 , 1 , 2 , ...

 Radioactive decay
 X=# of particles/hour
 λ =2 particles/min * 60min/hour=120 particles/hr

1 2 0125 e 120
P ( x  125)  , x = 0 , 1 , 2 , ...
The Poisson Distribution
Emission of -particles
No. - Observed
148 particles
0 57
 In 1910, Ernest Rutherford and Hans Geiger recorded the 1 203
2 383
number of -particles emitted from a polonium source in 3 525
4 532
successive intervals of one-eighth of a minute. 5 408
6 273
The results are reported in a table. 7 139
8 45
Does a Poisson probability function accurately describe
9 27
the number of -particles emitted? 10 10
11 4
 Source: Rutherford, Sir Ernest; Chadwick, James; and Ellis, C.D..
12 0
Radiations from Radioactive Substances. London, Cambridge University Press, 1951, p. 172.
13 1
14 1
Over 14 0
Total 2608
No. - Observe Expected
149 particles d
0 57 54
 Calculation of λ : 1 203 210
2 383 407
3 525 525
4 532 508
λ = No. of particles per interval 5 408 394
= 10097/2608 6 273 254
7 139 140
= 3.87 8 45 68
9 27 29
10 10 11
 Expected values 11 4 4
-3.87(3.87)x 12 0 1
=2608  e 13 1 1
x! 14 1 1
Over 14 0 0
Total 2608 2680
The mean of a probability distribution

 X=# of 6’s in 3 tosses of a die

x f(x)
0 (5/6)3
1 3 (1/6) (5/6)2
2 3 (1/6)2 (5/6)
3 (1/6)3

Expected long run average of X?


 The average or mean value of x in the long run over repeated

experiments is the weighted average of the possible x values,
weighted by their probabilities of occurrence.

x 3 x
3  1   5 
E(X )  X   x  6   6 
x0 x    
3 2 2 3
5  1  5  1 5 1
 0 *    1*3    2 * 3     3*   1/ 2
6   6  6  6 6  6
In general

X=# showing on a die

m ean:  x  E ( x )   xf ( x )
1 1 1 1 1 1
E ( x )  1    2    3    4    5    6    3 .5
6 6 6 6 6 6
The population is all possible outcomes of the
experiment (tossing
a die).

Population mean=3.5
Box of equal number of
1’s 2’s 3’s
4’s 5’s 6’s

X=# of heads in 2 coin tosses

Box of 0’s, 1’s and 2’s

with twice as many 1’s as 0’s or 2’s.)

X 0 1 2
P(x) 1/4 ½ 1/4

Population Mean=1
For probability distribution

For example,
• 3 white balls, 2 red balls x P(x)
• Pick 2 without replacement 0 P(RR)=2/5*1/4=2/20=0.1
X=# of white balls 1 P(RW or WR)=P(RW U


2 P(WW)=3/5*2/4=6/20=0.3


The mean of a probability distribution

 Binomial distribution
n= # of trials,
p=probability of success on each trial
X=# of successes

n x
E(x)     x   p (1  p ) n  x  n p

 Toss a die n=60 times, X=# of 6’s

known that p=1/6
µ=µX =E(X)=np=(60)(1/6)=10

We expect to get 10 6’s.

Hypergeometric Distribution

a – successes
b – non-successes
pick n balls without replacement
X=# of successes

 a  b   a  b 
E (x)     x  
x n  x   n 
    
  n 
a  b

 50 balls
 20 red
 30 blue
 N=10 chosen without replacement
 X=# of red
E (x)    10 * ( )  1 0 * 0 .4  4
 Since 40% of the balls in our box are red, we expect on average
40% of the chosen balls to be red. 40% of 10=4.
Standard Deviation of a Probability Distribution

 Variance:
σ2 = weighted average of (X-µ)2 by the probability of each
possible x value =  (x- µ)2f(x)
 Standard deviation:

   ( x   )2 f ( x)

 Toss a coin n=2 times. X=# of heads

x (x-µ)2 f(x) (x-m)2f(x)
0 1 ¼ ¼
1 0 ½ 0
2 1 ¼ ¼
½ = σ2
Variance for Binomial distribution

 σ2=np(1-p)
where n is # of trials and p is probability of a success.
 From the previous example, n=2, p=0.5
Variance for Hypergeometric distributions

 Hypergeometric:

2 a b a bn
  n  
a  b a  b a  b 1
 n p (1  p )  fin ite p o p u la tio n c o rre c tio n fa c to r
 σ2=∑x2f(x)–µ2

Example: X binomial n=2, p=0.5

x 0 1 2
f(x) 0.25 0.50 0.25
Get σ2 from one of the 3 methods
1. Definition for variance
2. Formula for binomial distribution
3. Alternative formula

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