Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


This chapter discusses the research design, locale of the study, participants of the study,

sampling procedure, validity and reliability of the instrument, data gathering instrument, and the

method for analyzing the data gathered.

Research Design

This study utilized in-depth interviews in order to discover the Difficulties and Coping

Mechanism the lived experiences of verbally bullied students at the Municipality of Cauayan,

Negros Occidental during the School Year 2018-2019.

In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the phenomenological research design was

used. The researcher utilized this design based on its method in obtaining descriptions of the

subjects lived experiences in interview processes. The goal of this study is to analyze the

meaning behind these experiences of each subject. Also, it will help to identify the lived

experiences among various individuals experiencing the same phenomena (Ballad & Bawalan,


Bullying were not new issues that students and school face. In fact, over the years, it had

been viewed as being so commonplace in schools that it had been overlooked as a threat to

students to reduce to a belief that bullying was a developmental stage that youth experience and

give over. Bullying has long been tolerated by many as a rite of passage among children and

adolescent (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine, 2016).


According to the study of Fekkes et al. (2006), showed that victims of verbal bullying are

more likely to develop new psychosomatics and psychosocial problems compared the children who

were not bullied, therefore difficult time to deal with loneliness, anxiety and depression, which can

be related to academic performance with the expected struggles students, might have when facing

such challenges. As this statement, concluded that a student being bullied have a lot of effects to

their psychological and emotional aspect of life.

Locale of the Study

This study will discover the lived experience of five (5) identified verbally bullied students.

It will be conducted in the Municipality of Cauayan, Negros Occidental during the School Year


Today, Cauayan National High School and Guiljungan National High School is the biggest

public secondary High School in the Municipality of Cauayan in terms of students’ population. It

continues to champion with a good moral values in delivering good quality of education for the

new millennium.

Moreover, this institution will be selected for this undertaking knowing that efficiency of

the said study helped the researchers will find out the pressing demands for the solution of the

challenges encountered. There are no studies conducted yet in school which looked in bullying

among student in its effect to their psychological aspect to discover their lived experience.

The next page shows the map of the Cauayan National High School and

GuiljunganNational High School.


Retrieved from:

Figure2. Present the map showing of the locale of the study.


Participants of the study

The participants of the study were the selected five (5) bullied students at Guiljungan

National High school in the Municipality of Cauayan, Cauayan Negros Occidental, Philippines.

The phenomena under exploration provide their understanding on their lived experiences


Participants of the study

Names Sex Age Grade Level

Yrre Female 13 7

Cynth Female 13 7

Dusthin Male 13 8

Life Female 15 9

Athashia Female 16 11

Based on the table 1, there are five (5) participants which considered as bullied students

in school institution. There are four (4) females and one (1) male with ages range from 13 to 16

who are responded to the interview processes. There are two (2) participants that is Grade Seven

(7), there are also one (1) participant that is Grade Eight (8) and there is a one (1) participant that

is Grade (9) and one participant from Grade Eleven (11).


In addition, the participants in this study constructed their own reality from unique

experiences, and in order to protect the respondents the researcher hide their identity and protect

their confidentialities.

Sampling Procedure

The sampling technique was used in the study was the purposive sampling technique.

According to the study of Tongco (2007) purposive sampling technique is a type of non-

probability sampling that is most effective when one needs to study a certain cultural domain

with knowledgeable experts within. In probability sampling, each element in the population has

known nonzero chance of being selected through the use of random selection procedure.

The main goal of purposive sampling is to focus on particular characteristics of a

population that are interest, which will best enable you to answer your research question.

Below are the inclusion criteria to select the best participants of the study:

1. Students who are being bullied in the Municipality of Cauayan, School Year 2018-2019.

2. Students who are verbally bully victims; and

3. Willing to participate at the stated time for an interview

Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher in this study made used of the researchers-made structured in an interview

survey guide questionnaire and a validated by the experts in the field of research.

The researcher instrument with in-depth interviews was conducted in the Guidance

Counselor Office at Guiljungan National High School, Cauayan Negros Occidental at exactly at

1 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon on September 3 to 7, 2018.

The questionnaire was divided into two parts. First part of the questionnaire was used to

solicit answer about the demographic profile of the participants which includes age, sex, and the

grade level of the participants.

The second part will solicit answer on the lived experiences of the participants when it

comes to their lived experiences.

Validity of the Instrument

Key indicators of the quality of measuring instruments are the reliability and validity of

the measure. The process of developing and validating an instrument is in large part focused on

reducing error in the measurement process. According to Kimberlin Cl & Am J Health Syst

Pharmacy, (2008). It is the extent to which an instrument measures what is supposed to measure.

Validity is the extent to which the interpretations of the results of the test are warranted,

which depends on the particular use the test is intended to serve. In this study, the interview

guide question validity is used to conduct an interview. Verification and proper analysis were


In this study, careful adherence to validity will be established by choosing the appropriate

qualitative methodology and by having in-depth interview will be carefully documented.

Moreover, during the interview process, the researchers used Audio-video recorder and

note in order to record and take note all the responses of the participants. The participants will be

given a copy of each transcribed interviews in order to validate their responses regarding the

phenomenon under study.

Reliability of Instrument

In qualitative method, the reliability of a research instrument concern the extent to

which the instrument yields the same result on repeated trials. Although, unreliability is always

present to certain extent, there will generally be a good deal of competency and the results of a

quality instrument gathered at different times (Key, 1997).

The term reliability in research refers to the consistency of a research study measuring

test (McLeod, 2013). According to Merriam Webster 2018, is the extent to which an experiment,

test, or measuring procedure yields the same results or repeated trials.

In this study, the researchers engage in multiple methods, such as interview, audio and

video recording which lead to more reliable and diverse construction of realities.

Moreover, during the interview process the researcher use audio-video recorder and

researcher note in order to record and take note all the verb al responses of all the interviewees.

The participants were also given a copy of which a transcribe interviews in order to validate their

viewpoints regarding the phenomenon under studied.

Data Gathering Procedure

The necessary written permission will be made to carry out the conduct of the study.

The School Pricipal and the Chairman of the Thesis Committee of the school will

examine the proposal, and the gathering tool in terms of purpose, method and significance.

After the approval from the committees, the data-gathering tool will be administered to

the five (5) Bullied Students at Municipality of Cauayan, Negros Occidental, during the School

Year 2018-2019.

The researchers will observe if the participants are in mood before engaging in the

process of interview in favorable environment.

During the conduct of an interview, the researchers solicit answers pertaining to the lived

experiences of the participants. Its starts with open-minded questions will be answered the other

areas on the up-side-down lived experiences of the participants.

Data Analysis

The process of data analysis in qualitative research involves making sense of the

collected information by (a) preparing the data analysis, (b) conducting different analysis, (c)

moving deeper into an understanding the phenomenon, (d) representing the data, and (f)

interpreting the findings (Creswell, 2003, cited in Jones et. al, 2008).

Data was analysed using modified version of the phenomenological data analysis method

outlined by Creswell. To further clarify on the steps use, the student researchers consider the

steps used by Marañon (2011) and Ryals (2011) cited in Yogore (2013) in their studies. These

steps are as follows:

1. Conducting the qualitative or in-depth interview. The in-depth interviews were used

to the five (5) participants in order to obtain their lived experiences. In interviewing the

students, researchers considered informal and topical-guided interview using open-ended


2. Practicing Horizontalization or Developing Reflective Insights. Phenomenological

data analysis follows the establish protocol or horizontalization of the data in which

statements relevant to the topic would identified, reorganization of the information into

clusters of meaning and the meeting of these clusters making a general description of the

phenomenon both texturally and structurally. The textual description reviews “what” was

experienced, while the structured description reviews “how” the phenomenon will

experience (Creswell, 1998, as cited by Armstrong, 2009). Statement that will repetitive,

vague or overlapped were incorporated into other statements or eliminated from the list.

The resulting non-repetitive, non-overlapping statements will invariants (Ryals, 2011).

3. Epoch or mind-bracketing /phenomenological reduction. Epoch in Greek Philosophy,

means “suspension of judgements”, a principle originally espoused by no dogmatic

philosophical Sceptics of the ancient the Ancient Greek Academy who, viewing the

problem of knowledge as insoluble, proposed that, when controversy arises, an attitude of

non-involvement should be adopted in order to gain peace of mind for daily living

( This can be done through locating first within the personal

experience or self–story, key phrases and statement that speaks directly to the

phenomenon in question, second, interpreting the meaning of these phrases as possible,

next is, inspecting the meanings for what they reveal about the essential recurring

features of the phenomenon being studies. Lastly is to offer a tentative statement or

definition of the phenomenon in terms of the essential recurring identified (Denzin,


4. Developing Thematic Insights. Themes were developed from these statements.

Statements were placed into clusters around each theme. Themes serve as labels for each

clusters and represents core components of these experience. Themes were compared to

the transcript to determine if they were accurate reflections of the experience. Themes

that were not accurate reflections of the experience were eliminated. This process

contributed to the validity of the remaining statements (Ryals, 20100).

5. Formulating Eidetic Insights. Individuals’ textural and structural description of the

participants’ experiences were combined to form composite textural and structural

narratives that encompass the each experience of the participants. In the composite

description, common and divergent themes, characteristics and processes were included

to provide a clear understanding of the lived experiences of the students who were

classified as bullied students.

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