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India's Location

Longitudes & Latitudes of India

• The Indian main land lies between 97 ° 25'

latitudes 8 ° 4'N & 37 °6'N and East
longitudes 68 °7'E & 97 ° 25'E. 68 ° 7'
• India's north-south extent is
3,214 km and the east-west
extent is 2,933 km .

8 ° 4' North
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Islands Groups of india
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• Towards the southeast of the

mainland is Andaman &
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Nicobar Islands, which lie in \ ,/J/7}>~1/5outheost
the Bay of Bengal.
South ~'J / ( ~
• Towards the southwest of the west 't;t,..,,,,.,/l
mainland is Lakshadweep
Islands which lie in the O \~\
Lakshodweep Islands '
Andmon &
Nicobar Islands
(Boy of Bengal)
Arabian Sea. (Arabian Seo) \ )
India's Size

• Total Landmass (Geographical Area) of

India 3 .28 million square km.
15, 200 km .
• India lies in a bout 2 .4 % of the total
geographical area of the world.
• Area wise, India is the 7th largest country
of the world.
• India has a land boundary of about 15, 200 km.
• The total length of the coastline of the
mainland, including Andaman and Nicobar
& Lakshadweep, is 7,516.6 km
ndia: Siz~ .and Location Class 9 full Chapter (Anirt 82 >30'E) • O ~
unlike s ~,ze ,
ston dord M er;"d"ion o f In d"10
• There is time log of two hours between · Arunochal
Gujarat to Arunochol Pradesh. Prod

• Hence, time along the Standard

Meridian of India (82 ° 30'E)
passing through Mirza p 1-!J
(in Utter Pradesh) is toke n
as the standard time for
the whole country.
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Rural Area Poverty line of India Urban Area 0

Not Poor Not Poor

+ ___!____~.t_____ _
816 Rupees 1000 Rupees

Poor •
Table 3.1: Estimates of Poverty in India
Poverty ratio (%) Number of poor (in millions)
Year Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total
1993-94 50.1 31.8 44.3 328.6 74.5 403.7
2004-05 41.8 25.7 37.2 326.3 80.8 407.1
2011- 12 25.7 13.7 21.9 216.5 52.8 269.3
Source: Economic Survey 2013-14, Ministry of Finance. Governmen t of India.

1993-9 4 45% (approx )

2004-0 5 37.2% (approx )
2011-12 22% (approx )
According to World Bank
1990 + 36%
2015 + 10%
causes of poverty in India
• Low level of economic development under the british
colonial rule due to bad policies.
• Unequal distribution of Resources and Land.
• Improper implementati on of government policies
after Independenc e .
• Less job opportunities due to Rapid growth of population.
• Small farmers borrow money form big farmers
and unable to repay the loan.
Anti Poverty Measures

1. Promotion of Economical Growth.

Economical Growth + Employment +
2. Targeted Anti-Poverty Programmes II
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employmen t
Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) - 2005
• Aims to provide 100 days of wage
Employment to every household.
• One-third of jobs have been reserved
for women.

Ministry of Rural Oevelopmenl, Govl. of India

2. Targeted Anti-Poverty Programmes
Prime Minister Rozgar Vojana .
opportunities for educated Pradhan
Mantri Rozgar
unemployed youth in Yojana
rural areas and small towns.
2. Targeted Anti-Poverty Programmes
Swarnjayant i gram swarojgar Vojana - 1999
• Aim to lift people out of poverty
by providing subsidy and
cheap loans.

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