Sample of Experiment Research Design

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This experimental study is designed to explore the effectiveness of using games in

teaching pronouns. In other words, it is an attempt uncover whether the use of games has
effects on developing EFL student9s mastery of pronouns or not.

The hypothesis is better tested throughout the implementation of an experimental

methodology. Participants are EFL students at l'Arbi Ben M'hidi University in Oum
Bouaghui. They are divided into two groups: Treatment group and control group. Firstly,
all students in treatment group spent six sessions inpracticing pronouns throughout games.
However, the control group did not receive any treatment. After the treatment, both groups
were post1tested. The hypothesis will be confirmed or rejected by results collected from the
comparison between the mean, histogram9s analysis, descriptions, and interpretations of
both groups.

This chapter describes the research methodology, the procedures, and the tools used
to collect data. Collected data then will be analyzed and discussed. The chapter will finish
then with some suggestions and recommendations for further studies and researches.

Section one: The Experimental study

1. Research Design

In order to clarify the nature of the relationship between the different variables in a
given research study and test the hypothesis effectively, the researcher should choose the
right method.

To achieve the aim of this research study, we have chosen to carry out an
experiment. Experimental research is the best way to establish cause1effect relationships
among dependent and independent variable (Fraenkle, Wotten, & Hyn,2012). Besides, an
experiment usually includes an experimental group and a control group. Accordingly, the
sample is divided into two groups: the treatment group and the control group.

The study discusses the issue of teaching grammar in general, and pronouns in
particular through game activities. Johnson and Marrow (1981) argue that games facilitate
the acquisition of the foreign language rather than its learning since game1activities give
EFL learners the chance to interact and to co1operate with one another. Stevick (1980)
points out that group work or pair work during grammar games<provides learners with the
feeling of loyalty and brings less threatening atmosphere= (p 202). Thus, learners will work
co1operatively, and this in turn will reduce their anxiety and stress during the learning

According to Fraenkle et al. (2012) <the experiment group receives treatment of

some sort & the control group receives no treatment <(p.266). Consequently, in this
current research study, participants in the treatment group are encouraged to practice
pronouns by the use of game1activities. The control group, on the other hand, will receive
non1treatment, i.e., students will be taught and practice pronouns without the use of games.
Actually, the control group is used to prove the research question. Most importantly, the
experimental research enables researchers to go beyond prediction since it determines what
causes the relationships among the variables.

2. Sampling and Target Population

The target population falls on first year EFL students at L9arbi Ben M9hidi
University. We have chosen such population because students are exposed to different
parts of speech at that level; Pronouns is one part of speech that first year EFL students are

exposed to in the second semester. Most importantly, the reason for choosing such level is
the learner9s readiness and motivation to study and to learn foreign languages.

The population in this research experiment is divided into two groups. The whole
population is comprised of 240 students. Only 60 of them are selected randomly and
divided into two groups. Students within each group are different in gender and capacities.

3. Research procedures and Tools

The experiment holds five weeks with one session per week, i.e., five sessions of
treatment. Each session takes one hour and a half. Both groups were tested before and after
the treatment. The present study is designed to investigate whether the use of games has
positive or negative effects on student9s mastery of pronouns. Consequently, our treatment
included several games that enable students to practice pronouns in a good atmosphere
without feeling of bored orstressed.In each session, students are asked to resolve specific

Since this study is conducted through the procedures and the tools used to help
acknowledging the best method to be used to develop the learners9 mastery of pronouns.

The treatment included board games and communicative games. Board games are
board races where students were asked to run to the board to write the correct answer.
Whereas,communicative games are activities in which students were asked to use the
different types of pronouns while using the target language in their communication.


Research Design

Sample Students Pre2test Treatment Post2test

Experimental group 30 P
Control group 30 T

:The pronounsperformance of the experimental group in the pre1test.

:The pronouns performance of the control group in the pre1test.

T: The treatment that was targeted for the experimental group.

: The pronouns performance of the experimental group in the post1test.

: The pronouns performance of the control group in the post1test.

3.1. Description of the Pre2test

In order to determine the level of students,their weaknesses and their strengths in

grammar, in general, and in using pronouns in particular, the pre1test is the best tool to be
used. The pre1test was organized in one session, and it was given to all students in both
groups: The treatment group and control group in a period of half an hour. Participants in
the pre1test were exposed to five activities.

The first activity is aimed to see if learners are aware of the different types of
pronouns and their use or not. Hereby, in separate sentences, students are asked to fill each
gap in each sentence with the correct pronoun. In this activity, we tried to deal with all the
types of pronouns so as to determine the current level of students in using such part of
speech in general.

The second activity is designed to assess the students9 ability in distinguishing

between the different types of pronouns and their uses. This activity consists of three pairs
of sentences. In each pair, the first sentence and the second one are identical; the only
difference is on the use of pronouns. The first sentence includes a subjective personal
pronoun. However, the second sentence includes an objective personal pronoun. All what
students have to do is to select the relevant pronoun from the irrelevant one.

The third and the fourth activities are constructed to test the students9 ability to
distinguish between the right sentences and the wrong ones. They also include pairs of
sentences in which students are expected to choose the possible replies or sentences.
Learners may find more than one possible answer. For instance, in exercise number three,
all the replies are correct. Our aim here is to find out which participants have mastered the
materials and to what extent. Therefore, multiple choice testing is an efficient way to
assess a wide range of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

The last exercise is related to the students9 level of the grammatical encoding in
speech production. In this activity, learners are asked to write five sentences in which they
have to use the pronouns they know. Thus, learners have to select the right language
entries before incorporating them in meaningful sentences.

The pre1test is a quick and easy way to assess students9 current level. It is used also
to inform the instructor about the topics that are needed to cover during the treatment.

3.2. The Treatment Procedure

3.2.1. Experimental Group Instruction

The experiment took five weeks with one session per a week,i.e., the treatment took
five sessions. The experiment started after the exams where EFL students were motivated
to learn something new. During the treatment sessions, learners practiced pronouns,
tackling the eight types of pronouns.

In the first activity, students were asked to choose the appropriate pronouns to
complete the provided sentences. Giving choices to students encourages them to be more
engaged, productive, and to think about the distinct types of pronouns.

In the second activity, we provided learners with sentences, and we asked them to
change the underlined words with pronouns. These activities help students to substitute a
noun or a noun phrase with the right pronoun automatically and without taking a long time
in thinking.

In the third activity, we asked learners to fill in the gaps with the appropriate
pronouns. We tried to guide and limit them with a specific type of pronouns, but
sometimes, we give them the opportunity to think and to guess the right ones.

In all the previous activities, we attempted to apply board games. Most of these
games are races in which participants are divided into two teams. Each team should choose
a delegate to represent the whole group. The delegates of both teams should stand up and
face the board and while the teacher reads the sentence, they have to think at the same
time. When the teacher finishes, she will signal to them to run to the board to write the
correct answer. For example, she may count to three and then students should run.

The last activity is based on communicative games. In one communicative game,

the teacher used several cards. Each card included a name of a person or thing. A delegate
of each group should choose one card, and then the whole group tried to describe that
person or thing using the appropriate pronouns. The other team should find or guess who
that person is or what that thing is. For instance, the delegate may say to the opposite team:
<she is young, her hair is fair, and her mother works at the hospital=. Students of both

groups must communicate or speak to one another using the target language. These
activities encourage EFL learners to use and acquire English unconsciously.

3.2.2. Control Group Instruction

Unlike the experimental group, the control group learners practiced pronouns with
the traditional method, i.e., without the use of games. Therefore, they received non1
treatment in the whole period of study. However, the planned tasks of both the pre1test and
the post1test were also delivered to the control group students in order to compare their
results in the post1test with the results of the experimental one.

3.3. Description of the Post2test

After the treatment period, the subjects in both groups; the treatment group and the
control group, were exposed to the post1test. The time provided for the post1test was
reduced from half an hour to 20 minutes. The post1test comprises the same aimed exercises
as for the pre1test: The first one is aimed to see whether learners are aware of the different
types of pronouns or not; the second one is designed to evaluate the students9 ability in
distinguishing between the different types of pronouns and their uses; the third and the
fourth exercises are constructed to test the students9 knowledge about the right uses of
pronouns; the last activity is related to the students9 level of speech production using
pronouns. Each activity includes an instruction which does not require an explanation
because all students are supposed to be familiar with the different provided instructions.

3.4. Scoring

The same scoring measures were used in both pre and post1test. The global mark is
(20). However, the detailed scoring was between 0 and 1 for each correct answer. One
point or half was given for each answer and no point for wrong ones.


In our study, we have designed a conceptual framework within which the

experiment is conducted. After carrying out the experiment, the results obtained from the
pre1test and the post1test of both groups will be discussed and interpreted in the following


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