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Beautiful Mind

Psychology PYQ Test Series 2024

Model answers hints test no.4

Section A

1. What are the consequences of being a member of a disadvantaged group?

Members of disadvantaged groups often face various negative consequences.
When belonging to a disadvantaged group, this can result in internalizing negative
stereotypes and experiencing identity threat.
Psychological consequences may include heightened stress levels, lower self-esteem,
and an increased susceptibility to mental health issues. The constant awareness of
social disparities can contribute to a chronic sense of injustice, impacting overall
Poor self esteem - according to psychologist AK Singh disadvantage group have poor
self esteem and sustained living in condition of poverty produces psychological of
Rath and Sircar - self fulfilling prophecy found that deprived learners internalized the
widely prevalent social attitude and evaluate themselves unfavorably.
There are several undesirable consequences of the disadvantaged condition.

2. Throw light on the negative impact of technology growth in our real life .
There are several negative impacts of technology growth on our real lives:

Social Isolation: Excessive use of technology, especially social media, can lead to social
isolation and a decline in face-to-face interactions.
Digital Addiction: The constant connectivity and instant gratification provided by
technology can contribute to addictive behaviors.
Cyberbullying: The growth of technology has given rise to cyberbullying, which can have
severe psychological consequences.
Reduced Attention Span: Continuous exposure to digital devices and information
overload can lead to a reduced attention span.
Sleep Disruptions: The use of electronic devices before bedtime can disrupt sleep
patterns due to the blue light emitted.
Depersonalization: Overreliance on technology for communication may lead to
depersonalization, where faceless online interactions replace meaningful face-to-face
Self-Esteem Issues: Social media's emphasis on appearance and validation can
contribute to self-esteem issues, especially among younger individuals.
3. Who are juvenile delinquents ? Discuss the steps involved in the rehabilitation
and prevention of juvenile delinquency.
Juvenile delinquents are individuals, typically under the age of 18, who have committed
acts that would be considered crimes if committed by adults. These acts range from
minor offenses to more serious crimes.

Steps in Rehabilitation and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency ( Gerald Caplan’s model

-Primary, secondary and tertiary intervention) :

Early Intervention Programs: Identify and address risk factors in a child's life early on,
such as family issues, school problems, or behavioral concerns.
Family Counseling and Support: Strengthening family bonds through counseling and
support programs is crucial.
Education and Skill Building: Enhance educational opportunities and provide
skill-building programs for at-risk youth.
Community-Based Programs: Implement community-based programs that engage
juveniles in positive activities, such as sports, arts, or community service.
Community Collaboration: Foster collaboration between schools, law enforcement, social
services, and community organizations.
By combining these steps, communities can create a holistic approach to juvenile

4. Discuss why and how news coverage in the media affects us.
News coverage in the media significantly influences individuals and society in several
Shaping Perceptions and Reality:
Why: Media constructs our understanding of the world by selecting, framing, and
presenting information.
How: News coverage influences public perceptions, shaping the way people view
events, issues, and even entire societies.
Agenda Setting:
Why: Media plays a crucial role in setting the agenda, determining which topics are
deemed important or newsworthy.
How: The prominence given to certain issues in the media influences public discourse
and policymakers' priorities.
Cognitive and Emotional Impact:
Why: News triggers cognitive and emotional responses, affecting our thoughts and
How: Emotive storytelling, images, and language used in news coverage can evoke
strong emotional reactions, impacting individuals' attitudes and behaviors. BBC media
research on the impact of media news coverage shows that those who watched the
televised report on Bostan annual marathon bomb blast incident were more affected with
Framing and Interpretation:
Why: The way news is framed impacts how events are interpreted.(Framing Effect).
How: Media framing can highlight certain aspects of an issue while downplaying others,
shaping the narrative and influencing audience interpretation.
Influencing Decision-Making:
Why: Media provides information that can influence decision-making at personal and
societal levels.
How: News coverage can affect individual choices, from consumer decisions to political
voting patterns.

5. Discuss the characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior.

Entrepreneurs often exhibit a strong drive to create and grow businesses, identifying
opportunities, and navigating challenges with resilience.
Characteristics of Entrepreneurial
As per Atkinson and McClelland research on self enterprising individuals from the world
over, especially Europe, the following characteristics are very common among them.
Achievers are dreamers:
Almost all entrepreneurs aspire for growth and development. They dream and strive to
actualize them .
Risk-taking behavior:: Entrepreneurs exhibit a willingness to take calculated risks,
embracing uncertainty and potential setbacks.
Innovativeness: Entrepreneurs often possess a creative mindset, seeking novel solutions
to problems and continuously exploring opportunities for innovation.
Adaptability: Entrepreneurs must adapt to changing market conditions and unforeseen
challenges, demonstrating flexibility in their strategies.
Vision and Goal Orientation: Successful entrepreneurs have a clear vision and set goals,
driving them to work persistently toward the realization of their objectives.

Section B

1. What role can psychologists play in promoting psychological well being of

defense personnel in the context of prolonged deprivation and stressful
Psychologists can play a crucial role in promoting the psychological well-being of
defense personnel facing prolonged deprivation and stressful conditions. Here are
several key ways psychologists can contribute:
Pre-Deployment Preparation:
Conduct psychological assessments and resilience training before deployment to help
personnel develop coping strategies for anticipated stressors. Indian defence academy
incorporated this strategy.
Crisis Intervention and Support:
Provide immediate psychological support during and after traumatic events. Offer crisis
intervention to help personnel process and cope with the emotional impact of their
Stress Management Programs:
Develop and implement stress management programs to teach effective coping
mechanisms and resilience-building techniques for dealing with prolonged stressful
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:
Teach mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help personnel stay focused, calm, and
manage stress in high-pressure situations.
Family Support Programs:
Provide support programs for the families of defense personnel to address the
challenges they may face during deployments. Strengthening family ties can positively
impact the psychological well-being of the personnel.
Resilience Building:
Implement programs focused on building psychological resilience, emphasizing
adaptability, mental toughness, and positive coping mechanisms to withstand
challenging conditions.
By actively engaging in these roles, psychologists can contribute significantly to
enhancing the psychological well-being of defense personnel facing challenging and
prolonged situations, ultimately supporting their overall mental health and resilience.

2. Discuss the role of cognitive and behavior therapies in improving the performance
of sports persons.
Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies in Sports Performance:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):
Role: CBT helps athletes identify and modify negative thought patterns and beliefs that
may hinder performance. It also focuses on developing mental skills, such as
visualization and self-talk, to enhance confidence and focus.Example: A tennis player
struggling with performance anxiety works with a sports psychologist using CBT. By
identifying irrational beliefs and developing coping strategies, the athlete learns to
reframe negative thoughts, resulting in improved on-court confidence and concentration.
Behavioral Activation:
Role: Behavioral activation aims to increase positive behaviors and habits that contribute
to optimal performance. It involves setting and achieving specific behavioral goals
related to training, competition, and recovery. Example: A long-distance runner
incorporates behavioral activation into training, ensuring consistent adherence to a
well-structured routine. This approach helps in building physical stamina, mental
toughness, and overall performance improvement.
Goal Setting and Performance Planning:
Role: Cognitive techniques like goal setting, visualization, and performance planning
enhance athletes' mental preparation. These strategies help create a positive mindset,
increase motivation, and improve overall performance. Example: A soccer player works
with a sports psychologist to set specific, measurable, and time-bound goals.
Visualization exercises are incorporated to mentally rehearse successful plays,
contributing to enhanced on-field performance.
Some examples
Michael Phelps (Swimming):sought help from a sports psychologist to address mental
health challenges, improve focus, and manage the pressures of competition.
Serena Williams (Tennis): Serena Williams has spoken about working with a sports
psychologist to enhance her mental game. This collaboration has contributed to her
ability to stay focused, manage stress, and maintain a winning mindset on the tennis
Athletes, with the support of sports psychologists, can develop mental skills, manage
stress, and optimize their cognitive processes to achieve peak performance in their
respective sports.

3. Discuss the Strategies for promoting positive mental health among defense
Promoting positive mental health among defense personnel is crucial for their well-being
and optimal performance. Here are strategies that can be implemented to support
positive mental health in military contexts:
Mental Health Education: Provide comprehensive mental health education to increase
awareness, reduce stigma, and enhance resilience within the military community.
Access to Support Services: Ensure easy access to confidential counseling services,
encouraging personnel to seek help without fear of judgment. Telehealth options can
enhance accessibility.
Stress Management Programs: Implement stress reduction programs, including
mindfulness training, relaxation techniques, and workshops on coping mechanisms, to
help personnel manage stress effectively.
Leadership Training:
Train military leaders to recognize signs of mental health issues and create an
environment where seeking help is encouraged. Leadership support is crucial in
fostering a positive mental health culture.
Peer Support Programs:
Establish peer support networks to enable personnel to share experiences and seek
advice from colleagues who understand the unique challenges of military life.
Regular Mental Health Assessments: Conduct routine mental health assessments to
identify potential issues early on, allowing for timely intervention and support.
Work-Life Balance:
Encourage a healthy work-life balance by implementing policies that promote sufficient
rest, time off, and opportunities for recreational activities.
Community Engagement:
Foster a sense of community and belonging through social activities, events, and
programs that bring defense personnel together, promoting camaraderie and support.
Family Support Programs: Recognize the impact of military service on families and
provide support programs to help families cope with stress, deployment, and transitions
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has implemented several strategies to address mental
health and well-being among its personnel. For example, Unit-based Support:IDF units
often have mental health officers who are responsible for promoting psychological
resilience and providing support to soldiers within their respective units.

4. In the light of research, discuss the ways in which social conflicts can be
In addressing social conflicts, several psychology theories provide insights into effective
resolution strategies:

Social Identity Theory (SIT): SIT given by H. Tajfel suggests that individuals derive part
of their self-concept from group memberships. Applying this theory involves promoting a
shared superordinate identity that transcends conflicting group boundaries, fostering
unity and reducing intergroup bias.
Realistic Conflict Theory (RCT): RCT given by Muzaffar Sherif proposes that
competition over limited resources can lead to intergroup conflicts. To resolve conflicts
rooted in resource competition, interventions should focus on creating win-win scenarios,
emphasizing common interests, and finding equitable solutions.
Contact Hypothesis: Based on this theory, positive interactions between conflicting
groups can reduce prejudice and improve relations. Implementing contact interventions
involves structured, cooperative interactions, emphasizing equal status, common goals,
and institutional support.

Cognitive-Behavioral Theory (CBT): CBT given by Ellis emphasizes changing

maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors. Applied to conflict resolution, it involves
identifying and challenging distorted perceptions, promoting cognitive restructuring, and
teaching adaptive communication and problem-solving skills.

By integrating these psychological theories, conflict resolution efforts can be tailored to

the specific dynamics and root causes of social conflicts, fostering more comprehensive
and enduring solutions.

5. Elaborate the effect of mass media on emotional health and values of youth in a
Effect of Mass Media on Emotional Health:

Body Image Concerns: Mass media, through idealized portrayals of beauty, can
contribute to body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem among youth.
Cyberbullying and Mental Health: The prevalence of social media exposes youth to
cyberbullying, impacting emotional well-being.
Stereotypes and Identity Formation: Mass media often perpetuates stereotypes,
influencing how youth perceive themselves and others.
Fear and Anxiety: Sensationalized or fear-inducing content in news and entertainment
media can contribute to heightened anxiety levels among youth.

Effect of Mass Media on Values:

Cultural Influence: Mass media plays a significant role in shaping cultural norms and
Consumerism and Materialism: Advertisements promoting material possessions can
influence youth values, fostering a culture of consumerism.
Social Comparison: Social media platforms often encourage social comparison,
influencing youth to measure their success and worth based on the achievements and
lifestyles of their peers.
Attitudes Toward Relationships: Media portrayals of relationships can shape youth's
attitudes and expectations.

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