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Being Speaker Training Class 2 December 26

January 6-7
8-4 pacific time zone
Being Vision Mastery
You can attend as part of your membership
Being Vision Mastery is being held on January 6 and 7 from 8-4 pacific. The link to use to
register is

You can invite people to attend for $297 on a 2 for 1 special by sharing one of the two links

1st Class

2nd Class

I will work on creating affiliate links in the future to more accurately track any leads that you

Being Facebook Group -

Speaker Training Intensive is being held on February 10-11 from 8-4 am pacific. I will be
teaching the Jim Rohn Speaker Model. This zoom will be recorded if you are unable to attend.
Here is the zoom link

Show Slide Decks

Jim Rohn Speaker Model

Chunk 1
Chunk 2
Chunk 3
Call to Action

You can create your own chunks or use the ones I provide.

Speaking is very much about experiential learning.

Chunk = Content

Being as a distinction

We are always being

We can observe our being
We can shift our being

Insert your story here sharing this idea or use my story or both

Eric Lofholm is the president of our company. He had an experience with his then 17 year old
daughter a few days before her senior year started. 2 days before the start of the school year
Eric texted his daughter to ask when are you coming home tonight. She said she was staying
with her mom that for the night. Her mom was Eric’s ex-wife. Eric didn’t think anything of this.
The next day he texted her the same question. When are you coming home tonight. Again, she
replied, I am staying with mom. Again, Eric thought nothing of this.

The next day, the first day of her senior year, Eric texted his daughter, when are you coming
home tonight. Here response was I live with mom now. Eric was furious. Fortunately, he didn’t
text or speak his anger, hurt, and sadness to his daughter. His mind then went to control and
manipulation. He thought he would pull his financial support for her college coming up in 1
year. Fortunately, he did not action on his want to use force and manipulate. For 2 days he sat
with his anger. He then walked in a Starbucks for his morning coffee. He walked in angry about
the situation. Then he observed who he was being. He noticed he was being angry. He then
thought who do I want to be with my daughter. His answer was to be loving. He then in that
moment shifted his being to be loving. He then texted his daughter and asked if she wanted a
Starbucks. She said yes. Eric and his daughter never discussed that situation. Eric simply
shifted to be loving and they had a great senior year together.

4 things we want you to do

• Buy the book.

• Read the back cover, read the first 2 pages, and read the book about you.
• Join the community -
• Once you have gotten value, invite others to the movement

Be a product of the product

Celebrated Christmas with some of my family for the first time in 5 years because I shifted my

The 3 Ways I Teach to Learn


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