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Jira - How

Project Planning and Tracking: I use JIRA to create and manage project plans,
including defining tasks, assigning responsibilities, setting priorities, and
estimating effort. I leverage epics, user stories, and tasks to break down project
work into manageable units and track progress.

jira boards help the team prioritize tasks, track sprint progress, and identify
bottlenecks. I facilitate sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives
within JIRA to ensure seamless project execution.

Issue Tracking and Resolution: JIRA serves as a centralized platform for tracking
and resolving project issues, bugs, and change requests. I encourage team members
to log issues promptly, assign them to the appropriate individuals, and monitor
their resolution status. JIRA's robust issue tracking capabilities enable real-time
collaboration and problem-solving.

Resource Allocation and Capacity Planning: I use JIRA to allocate resources

efficiently by assigning tasks based on team members' availability and skill sets.
JIRA's workload and capacity planning features help me balance workloads across the
team and identify resource constraints proactively.

Collaboration and Communication: JIRA fosters collaboration and communication among

team members by providing a shared workspace for project-related discussions,
updates, and documentation. I encourage team members to use JIRA comments,
@mentions, and attachments to communicate effectively and keep stakeholders

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