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Project QA/QC


Rev. No. Rev. Date Description of Revision Revised by Approval

00 21/April/2016 New KIA


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REQUIREMENT DATE: April 21, 2016


1. General ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Scope ..................................................................................................................3
1.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Contractor Responsibilities ................................................................................3
1.4 QA / QC Forms ..................................................................................................3
1.5 Proposal ..............................................................................................................4
1.6 Project Non-Conformance Reporting .................................................................4
2. Engineering ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 QA Procedure .....................................................................................................4
2.2 Client Auditing ....................................................................................................4
2.3 Engineering QA / QC Requirements ..................................................................4
3. Procurement ............................................................................................................5
3.1 Source Quality Control .......................................................................................5
3.2 Prefabrication Meetings ......................................................................................6
3.3 Client Auditing ....................................................................................................6
3.4 Communication ..................................................................................................6
3.5 Procurement QA / QC Requirements .................................................................6
4. Construction ...........................................................................................................12
4.1 Prior to Construction. .........................................................................................12
4.2 Client Participation ..............................................................................................13
4.3 Communication ..................................................................................................13
4.4 Construction QA / QC Requirements .................................................................13
4.5 Vendor Representatives ......................................................................................17
5. Contractor and Subcontractor Quality Personnel Qualification Requirements ......24

I General Inspection Levels 19
II Conceptual QA Organization 23

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1. General
1.1 Scope
This specification covers requirements for quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) for
engineering, procurement, and construction. It is intended to provide guidance to engineering
and construction contractors. Quality requirements for vendors are addressed in equipment
General Specifications.

1.2 Definitions
For the purpose of understanding this standard the following definitions apply.

Quality Assurance (QA). The total program by which conformance to the project
specifications is validated.

Quality Control (QC). The individual activities such as inspecting and testing by which
conformance to the project specifications is validated.

Engineering Non-Conformance.

1. Any document or drawing "issued for client approval" which is not in conformance with
defined requirements.

2. Any document or drawing "issued for design" which is not in conformance with defined

3. Any document or drawing "issued for purchase" which is not in conformance with defined

4. Any document or drawing "issued for construction" which is not in conformance with
defined requirements.

Source Inspection Non-Conformance. Any component of an engineered piece of equipment

which is not fabricated or installed in conformance with defined requirements.
Construction Non-Conformance. Any component of the permanent project facilities which
is not fabricated or installed in conformance with defined requirements.
1.3 Contractor Responsibilities
1. The contractor shall become familiar with the technical aspects of the work and the
requirements described in the Specification Book, and any other documents included in the
inquiry package.
2. The contractor shall include in their proposal activities necessary to ensure that Client
receives quality assurance in accordance with this specification.
1.4 QA / QC Forms
The contractor shall refer to each equipment section within the Project Specifications for
typical QA/QC forms that the contractor will be required to complete. A set of typical Client
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check sheets are available. The contractor is encouraged to propose their company's QA / QC
forms if they contain equivalent or additional information.

1.5 Proposal
1.6.1 The contractor's proposal shall confirm that the contractor has an in-place QA/QC
program that meets the requirements of this specification.

1.6.2 If the contractor's QA / QC program does not meet the requirements of this specification,
the contractor shall identify the required modifications to conform to Client 's requirements.

1.6.3 The contractor shall provide an organization chart that shows permanent positions within
the contractor's organization that have key QA / QC responsibilities (Table II). Additionally,
the contractor shall provide a brief written narrative describing the responsibilities of the
1.6.4 The contractor shall also provide an organization chart and narrative which describes the
QA / QC organization, including individual names, job duties and lines of communications,
proposed for this project.
1.6 Project Non-Conformance Reporting
For each category of non-conformance, Contractor shall publish a monthly summary report
listing all identified non-conformances. For each non-conformance the listing shall indicate
the resolution of same. For each unresolved non-conformance the resolution shall be noted as
2. Engineering
2.1 QA Procedure
Following award of contract the contractor shall prepare on a timely basis a project QA
procedure for the engineering phase of the job. The timing shall be mutually agreed upon by
Client and the contractor. This document shall define specifics regarding how the contractor
will control and verify that the requirements defined in this and equipment general
specifications are achieved. See Table I for Client 's general expectations of the engineering
QA involvement level. Utilization of the contractor's QA manuals, procedures, and other
supporting documents shall be made when preparing these QA procedures. The QA procedure
shall be reviewed by Client prior to formal issue. Upon issue it shall become the basis for
evaluating the contractor's engineering QA/QC activities on the project.
2.2 Client Auditing
Client reserves the right to independently audit and to verify that measures specified in the
Engineering QA procedures are being carried out by the contractor. This in no way relieves
the contractor from performing control and verification steps as specified.
2.3 Engineering QA / QC Requirements
QA/QC requirements for the engineering phase of the job are defined in Sections 2.3.1 through
2.3.3. The specifics of how these requirements are to be achieved and verified shall be defined
in the Engineering QA procedures, to be provided by the contractor.

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2.3.1 Design Control. The contractor shall define, document, and convey to Client the
methods of handling the following design controls:

a. Design interfaces between disciplines (inside and outside the Engineering

b. Qualifications of task participants
c. When and how audits are performed to assure the design conforms to requirements
d. Extent of multi-discipline design reviews
e. Method of handling design changes
f. Participation in pre-award, award, and pre-fabrication meetings
2.3.2 Document Control. The contractor shall include in his QA / QC procedure the methods
that shall be used for document control. At a minimum, the procedure shall address the

a. The use and extent of Document Control Indices

b. Receipt, logging, and distribution of vendor / client documents
c. Procedure for updating, incorporating input/revisions
d. Method of turnover of documents to Client (some requirements for this may be covered
in other parts of the specifications book.)
2.3.3 Contractor Audits. Job document output shall be audited by the contractor for signatures
confirming quality control performance by authorized personnel.
Client reserves the right to request technical consultants to review design details. Typical areas
include rotor dynamics, steam turbine designs, piping flexibility and electrical system
2.3.4 Responsibilities Matrix. The contractor shall conduct a meeting during the engineering
phase of the project that will address responsibilities for equipment procurement, technical
support and inspection. This will delineate responsibilities between the "Constructor" and
"Engineer". This is often called the ‘who buys what’ meeting.
Generally, the contractor who purchases the equipment also provides technical support and
inspection services. An exception to this rule may be shop fabricated piping where the
constructor purchases and expedites to assure the construction schedule is not disrupted by an
out of sequence spool fabrication plan. In this case the Engineering contractor provides
technical support and inspection.
3. Procurement
3.1 Source Quality Control
It is Client 's intent that the contractor deal only with vendors (including subvendors) and
manufacturers who have established and demonstrated effective quality control programs.
Vendors shall be selected from Client suggested manufacturers and fabricators list. In some
cases, Client will identify specific vendors. Client does require, however, that the contractor
perform such normal inspection of vendors, subvendors, and manufacturers work as necessary

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to obtain equipment and materials conforming to the project specifications and their
supporting documents (applicable codes, and industry consensus standards) and good
engineering fabrication practices in the petroleum and petrochemical industry. Source Quality
Control is also a valuable input for confirmation of delivery performance.

3.2 Prefabrication Meetings

Once vendors and manufacturers are established, Client and the contractor shall review item-
by-item all engineered equipment and systems and any special commodity items to reach
agreement on the need for vendor/contractor/ Client prefabrication meetings.

3.3 Client Auditing

Client reserves the right to audit the performance of the vendors/manufacturers and the
contractor's inspection effort. This is normally accomplished by visiting the
vendors/manufacturers with the contractor's inspector at pre-selected points during
manufacture. Client shall identify notification points so that Client representatives can be
present at specific stages of fabrication. The notification points are not hold points unless
specifically identified as such. Should Client elect not to attend, the work shall proceed
without interruption. Client reserves the right to make unannounced spot-checks to facilitate
evaluation of the vendor and/or the contractor's inspection effort. All instructions and
directives to vendors shall be through the contractor. Client may wish to hold technical
meetings with key vendors during the design and fabrication of the equipment. This typically
occurs with key machinery suppliers.

Client 's process engineers shall be solicited with regard to their participation in the column
internals QA/QC plan. A key process engineering notification point is after all internals are
installed, but prior to shipment.

3.4 Communication
Direct, informal, timely communication between the contractor's inspectors and Client 's QA
inspectors is mandatory, especially for notification points and in the event of problems. Client
shall be advised expeditiously of all situations where changes or compromises in
specifications are considered or where non-conformances are being encountered.

Copies of all inspection reports shall be transmitted directly to Client 's designated Quality
Assurance (QA) Inspector at the same time the reports are sent to the contractor's Key Office.
Rejection reports shall be telexed from the contractor's inspector to Client 's QA Department at
the same time as telexed to the Contractors Key Office. Reports shall not be edited or re-
typed to "clean them up" as this prevents the reports from being prompt and timely.
3.5 Procurement QA / QC Requirements
3.5.1 Inspection Plan. The contractor is required to perform inspections utilizing inspection
plans with detailed instructions for the source inspector's guidance.

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The contractor's Procurement Inspection function for items designated in this document as
requiring inspection, shall begin with the award of the purchase order and concludes when the
inspector has released the equipment in the vendor's shop.

3.5.2 Inspection Office. The contractor shall designate one office as the key inspection office.
All inspection assignments, inspection instructions, change orders and handling of technical
questions after placement of the purchase order shall be covered from the designated office.

One person in the contractor's key inspection office shall be designated to fill the function
outlined in 3.5.3 and must report to the Contractors Manager of Inspection. This inspection
coordinator shall be known as the ‘project inspector’. Additional staff may be added as
necessary, provided they are under the supervision of the designated project inspector.

For technical problems arising after purchase orders are placed, the Project Inspector should
be responsible for clearing such technical problems with engineering. A clause should be
placed in all purchase orders requiring the vendor to submit all questions of a technical nature
to the Project Inspector in writing via telefax or letter for resolution. The Project Inspector
shall be responsible for obtaining a reply from engineering, documenting the response to the
vendor and making document distribution. The Project Inspector may be on the distribution
list for all purchase order correspondence.

The contractor is to propose an alternate procedure to address the resolution of technical

problems when conformance to the above paragraph disrupts established responsibility
matrices. In any event, the inspector shall be kept appraised of all technical resolutions to the
purchase order.

When technical requests arise from rejections made by the contractor's source inspector, the
source inspector shall issue a non-conformance report along with a copy of a proposed
solution to the requisitioning engineer for evaluation. This should accompany the vendor’s
request for resolution.

3.5.3 Inspection Coordination and Responsibility. The Project Inspector shall have the overall
coordination responsibility for inspection activities. The project inspector's role shall be agreed
upon by Client and the contractor and documented. Responsibilities shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:
a. Issue assignments for source inspection
b. Issue specific inspection instructions, when required, to the assigned source inspector.
c. Indicate the required type of report forms.
d. Coordinate and respond to questions of a technical nature.
e. Monitor inspection reports to determine if inspections are being performed per written
f. Forward all related order correspondence to the assigned source inspector.
g. Receive inspection reports from the source inspector and make distribution as required.

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communications from the engineering office. Equipment shall not be released until all issues
have been resolved.
3.5.4 Inspectors Qualifications. For pressure equipment, civil, electrical, instrument, and
machinery disciplines, and for package units having a combination of disciplines, the
contractor shall describe what type of personnel in his organization shall perform in-progress
inspections and final checkout and performance witnessing and/or testing.
The contractor shall submit with their proposal career profiles detailing the experience,
education, qualifications for all inspectors they intend to use for source inspections. The
inspectors shall have sufficient prior experience and qualifications for examining the
equipment they are assigned. Any previous experience on Client projects should be noted.
General inspectors that have neither the background nor qualifications to witness or inspect
electrical, instrumentation or machinery are not considered acceptable.
All inspectors witnessing or evaluating non-destructive examinations should be certified to
ASNT-TC-1A, Level II for the examinations being conducted.
All inspectors covering assignments for code welded fabrications should be certified by "The
American Welding Society" as a "Certified Welding Inspector."
Those Inspectors not conforming to the preceding qualifications for witnessing NDE and
inspecting welding, shall be evaluated by Client on a case by case basis. The contractor shall
submit, in writing, a request which outlines the specific equipment and testing to be witnessed
with supporting justifications and resumes.

3.5.5 Inspector's Responsibilities. After receiving the assignment from the Project Inspector,
the source inspector shall review the order, conduct a pre-fabrication meeting (when
instructed), perform the inspections outlined, maintain field files in an organized manner and
report the results to the key inspection office and Client.

The following is a more detailed list, but not inclusive, of what Client typically expects from
the contractor's source inspector and shall be tailored to the specific hardware being
a. Pre-Fabrication Meeting. The contractor's source inspector shall conduct a pre-
fabrication meeting with the vendor prior to start of fabrication or the initial inspection visit.
The discussion shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the following items, as
(i) Purchase order requirements with emphasis on any special or specific requirements
of this order (technical and quality)
(ii) Qualification of non-destructive exam
(iii) ASME and other code requirements
(iv) Vendors quality control program
(v) Fabrication schedule
(vi) Critical notification points / hold points
(vii) Subvendor fabrication - establish approval and responsibilities

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(viii) Welding procedure specification (WPS), procedure qualification record (PQR) and
welder performance records (WPR)
(ix) Special welding procedure requirements personnel
(x) Non-Destructive examination requirements / documents
(xi) Heat treating requirements / documents
(xii) Pressure testing (hydrostatic and/or pneumatic)
(xiii) Refractory applications including anchor system
(xiv) Surface preparation for refractory linings and coatings
(xv) Manufacturer's data reports
(xvi) Preservation, packing and shipping, including dry out of heat exchangers and
austenitic piping
(xvii) Extent of contractor inspection and Client involvement
(xviii) Acceptance tests / inspection release
b. Initial Inspection Visit. The source inspector shall perform as a minimum the
following inspection activities, as applicable, prior to start of fabrication:
(i) Review fabrication schedule drawings or plan to ensure required quality control
examinations and other intermediate tests have been included. Assure agreements made in
the prefabrication meeting are appropriately documented on the shop drawings or fabrication
(ii) Confirm vendor's QC plan of major sub vendors
(iii) Verify that welding procedures and procedure qualifications have been approved
(iv) Verify that all welders assigned to the job are currently qualified
(v) Review mill tests reports to verify materials meet specifications
(vi) Review vendor's examination and inspection plans
(vii) Review vendor's procedure for identifying and transferring material markings
(viii) Make a visual examination of major materials, verify vendor's examination of all
materials & verify proper storage facilities (environment & security)
c. Progressive Inspection Visits. The following minimum activities, where applicable,
shall be executed and reported by the source inspector:
(i) Monitor the vendor's positive material identification program and the transfer of
material marking throughout the fabrication
(ii) Initial and random inspection of edge preparation, root gap, and fit up for all vessel
and fabricated machinery components
(iii) Ensure full-penetration welds are provided where specified, especially on non-
pressure retaining components

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(iv) Ensure that preheat and interpass requirements are met

(v) Ensure that welding materials are being properly controlled and stored
(vi) Perform "in process" inspection of major weld seams, nozzle and attachment welds,
tube to tubesheet welds, overlay welding and any weld repairs
(vii) Perform random check of back-gouging on pressure retaining welds
(viii) Inspect critical/major materials from sub- vendors, or audit sub vendor's shopwork
(ix) Check nozzles/manways for size, thickness, rating, projection and location
(x) Check dimensions, NDE and workmanship of internals and components
(xi) Ensure special requirements of Client specification are being met for equipment in
wet H2S service
(xii) Check tubehole dimensions prior to bundle assembly
(xiii) Check gaskets and bolting against specifications
(xiv) Witness air cooler embedded fin pull-out tests
(xv) Check locations and attachment welds for support clips, lugs, brackets and saddles
(xvi) Verify that all temporary attachments have been properly removed and inspected
(xvii) Make final visual inspection for quality of work and for damage
(xviii) Make complete dimensional inspection
(xix) Verify final post weld heat treatment meets specifications
(xx) Verify removable bundle fit, orientation and marking
(xxi) Witness all hydrostatic, pneumatic and inert gas testing
(xxiii)Witness shop assembled air cooler run-in
(xxiv) Specifications or data sheets for Electrical and Instrumentation
(xxv) Perform Analyzer QA/QC
(xxvi) Witness Electrical / Instrument / Machinery function and Operational checks.
Machinery performance tests require data sheets for reference at the test time
d. Non-destructive Examination (NDE). The source inspector shall perform as a
minimum the following NDE activities during progressive inspections as applicable for the
equipment being examined:
(i) Radiographic Testing (RT)
a. Vendor's radiography procedures and qualifications are in accordance with ASME V
b. Review radiographs progressively throughout fabrication
c. Evaluate for acceptable film quality and weld quality. Ensure that all indications
remaining in equipment are within appropriate acceptance standards.
(ii) Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
a. Vendor's procedures and inspector qualifications are in accordance with ASME V
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b. Ensure certified results and that all indications witnessed fall within appropriate
acceptance standards
(iii) Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT)
a. Vendor's procedures and inspector qualifications are in accordance with ASME V.
Witness the initial MPT examination. The extent of additional witnessing shall be a
minimum of 10% as well as all examinations after repair.
b. Witness 100% of MPT examination
c. Ensure certified results and that indications witnessed and not removed are within
appropriate acceptance standards.
(iv) Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT)
Same as for MPT
(v) Hardness Testing - Production Welds
a. Review procedure and witness initial tests.
b. Recheck 5% of hardness values during progressive inspections. This may be done by
"reading" the impression made by the vendor.
c. Review all hardness readings for acceptance per specifications and ensure
d. certified results.
e. Refractory Linings
(i) Conduct kick off meeting with installer.
(ii) All inspections of refractory installations shall be made by qualified inspectors,
experienced in refractory QC.
(iii) Surface preparation prior to anchor installation shall be spot checked
(iv) The refractory anchoring system shall be inspected 100% prior to refractory
installation, per the referenced specification
(v) Nelson stud systems are to be torque tested and witnessed on a 10% basis
(vi) The initial installation of each refractory lining type by each installer shall be
(vii) Initial tests conducted by the refractory supplier shall be witnessed 100% and
subsequent tests witnessed on a 10% basis
(viii) Manage testing program of samples from field installation
(ix) Witness nozzleman's qualification test
(x) Assure installer's procedures have been approved
(xi) Review test results
(xii) Perform final inspection of refractory prior to heat cure
(xiii) Assure heat cure procedures have been approved, witness field curing and inspect
cured refractory for acceptance.

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(i) Assure PMI procedures have been approved and witness vendor's alloy verifications.
(ii) Perform PMI as instructed by Contractor's inspection office or through a third party
NDE agency
(iii) Ensure accuracy of the transfer of material markings
f. Shipping
(i) Ensure that all shipping requirements related to cleaning, dry out, surface
preparation, painting, protective covers, preservation, purges and packing have been
completed. Of key importance is the removal of water from heat exchangers which must
comply with section 7 of the General Specifications.
(ii) Ensure instrumentation storage facilities meet Client and manufacturer’s
‘environmental’ requirements. Most instrumentation, even though installed outdoors, cannot
be stored outdoors.
(iii) Ensure that pressure equipment is appropriately code stamped and all
"manufacturer's certified data reports" are complete and properly signed.
(iv) Ensure required documentation for acceptance and records are complete.
3.5.6 Inspection Reports. Inspection reports for interim inspection visits shall be consecutively
numbered and clearly detail non-conformances and exceptions found / corrected at that time.
Final check lists shall indicate all items inspected during interim inspections.

Pre-fabrication and initial inspection reports shall be noted as such.

When inspections are covered on consecutive days, the same report may be utilized to cover
up to (5) days inspection.

Inspection rejection reports shall be by telex or telefax to the key office and Client when the
vendors proposed resolution deviates from order specifications, or would require repair.
Final inspection reports shall be the checkoff type of all major equipment and bulk piping
components. The checkoff indicates the inspections were performed and would therefore be
covered on an interim inspection report.
Inspection release certificate shall be issued by the source inspector only after all the
requirements of the purchase order have been met and final inspection completed. The source
inspector may issue conditional release for minor items to be completed. This should be
checked in the field. The vendor shall be given the inspection release certificate as
authorization to present final billing to the contractor and a copy of same shall be attached to
the packing list to serve as notification to the jobsite of inspection approval.
3.5.7 Levels of Inspection. The contractor shall provide, as a minimum, the general level of
equipment inspection outlined in Table I.

4. Construction
4.1 Prior to Construction
Prior to start of construction, the contractors conceptual Construction Quality Assurance
Program must be approved by Client. All issues in section 4.4 shall be covered in this plan.

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Client and the contractor shall agree on: the number and timing of contractor QC personnel,
what must be done prior to bid acceptance of equipment, inspection procedures, and forms to
be used; establish how contractor's QC people and Client 's QA group are to relate to each
other; establish frequency and nature of regular QC/QA meetings between the contractor and
Client and including any major subcontractors and senior site construction management from
the contractor and Client organizations (these meetings can be a part of the regular contractor/
Client progress review meetings if mutually agreed to); and confirm agreements reached at
the end of the proposal stage.

4.2 Client Participation

Client shall have a Quality Assurance organization to audit the contractor's QC effort.
However, Client reserves the right to go beyond auditing if, in Client 's judgment, such
action is appropriate. the basic inspection and quality control remains the responsibility of the

Client auditing may include spot checks of materials in the field to assure that inadvertent
substitutions have not been made in the fabrication ships or in field ordered materials.

4.3 Communication
Direct, informal communications between the contractor's field inspectors and Client 's
auditing inspectors is mandatory. Each discipline should conduct weekly informal progress
meetings. Further, Client shall be advised when problems related to design or fabrication are
uncovered which may require changes to specifications.

Contractor's in-progress inspection reports, follow-up/punch out sheets, records of

radiographic inspections, etc., shall be available to Client 's auditing inspectors during the
course of the work.
At the end of the work, inspection reports, check-off sheets, radiographs, master copy of loop
diagrams, Electrical test data sheets, etc., shall be turned over to Client in an organized, agreed
upon format. Contractor shall verify that all of the required documentation of the
equipment has been received and placed in the equipment files. The contractor is responsible
for obtaining any outstanding documentation from the suppliers. For "early turn over" items,
this documentation shall be given to Client at the time of the individual item turn over.
4.4 Construction QA / QC Requirements
It is Client 's intent that the contractor (and any subcontractors employed) provide sufficient
qualified inspectors to see that the facilities are installed in accord with the plans and
specifications and that the level of quality called for therein is obtained. After contract award
the contractor shall submit within 90 days a detailed Field Quality Assurance Program for
Client 's approval. This program must meet the conceptual QA/QC program previously
approved by Client and be tailored to ensure compatibility with engineering design and be in
conformance with the applicable codes, specifications, standards, drawings, support
documents, governmental regulations, Instrument QA/QC specification, and this document. It
must also be consistent with good construction practices in the petroleum and petrochemical

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For the appropriate field construction period, the contractor shall provide a fulltime, dedicated
Quality Assurance organization. See Table II for a conceptual description of the field QA

As a minimum, the contractor's Construction Quality Assurance Program shall include the

4.4.1 Quality Control Program. A description of the program to be implemented, its use,
control and revision. Identification of hold and inspection points.

4.4.2 Organization, Authority, and Responsibility. Delineate the contractor's Quality Control
organization, responsibility and authority for performance of QC functions by discipline.

4.4.3 Levels of Inspection. See Table I for a summary of the anticipated general field
inspection levels which define the extent of inspector involvement in each phase of the work.

4.4.4 Inspector Qualifications. The contractor's Construction Quality Assurance Organization

shall consist of people with qualifications similar to the requirements previously outlined in
Procurement Section 3.5.4. The field QA organization shall be a full time organization, with
no other construction related duties, unless approved by Client. This organization may be
sub-contracted. Manpower staffing levels will, of course, be dictated by contractor's schedule.
Qualifications and experience shall be the highest priority for filling QA positions. As with
engineering and procurement, Client shall review and approve Construction QA staffing.
Table II is a conceptual organization chart for typical Client projects.

4.4.5 Document Control. Describes the system to ensure that the latest issues of drawings,
specifications, standards, and supporting documents are being used for fabrication and
installation and that field changes are incorporated into final ‘as built’ drawings.
4.4.6 Receiving Control. Describes the policy relating to the control of purchased items
received at the jobsite and provides for initial identification, qualification, and review of
supporting documents such as material certifications. Assure spare parts are properly labeled
by the vendor with description and Client Folio number.
4.4.7 Receiving Inspection. Establishes the method of notification and inspection to be
performed on received items to verify the condition and conformance to the appropriate
acceptance standards referenced or contained in the purchased documents.
4.4.8 Vendor Nonconformance. Provides for documentation and disposition of non-
conformances resulting from vendor errors and shipping damage to material, fabrications, and
equipment received at the jobsite. It also provides for interface with the design engineer when
the nonconformance does not comply with the engineering design.
4.4.9 Storage & Maintenance of Materials and Equipment. Describes the controls and
inspection performed to assure that the handling, storage, and preservation of materials and
equipment are performed to prevent damage or harmful deterioration to the materials and
equipment received at the jobsite. (Field preservation of equipment shall be covered in other
parts of the specifications book.)

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4.4.10 Inspection, Examination, and Testing of On-Site Fabrication and Installation.

Establishes the responsibility for performance and recording of examinations, tests, and
inspections required by the engineering design.

It should address timing of Client notification points and establish lead times for hydro
package submitted to Client.

Included also is inspection of work in progress to see that it conforms to drawings,

specifications, and field definition agreed to, and is being installed in accord with good
practice and workmanship. Such inspections are typified by, but not limited to, the following:

a. Soil testing
b. Pile driving record data
c. Structural and concrete
d. Performing dimensional check and material verification of field fabricated pressure
equipment and of any piping, vessel, electrical, machinery and instrument installation.
e. Instrument QA/QC.
f. Internally checking pressure equipment for:
(i) Cleanliness
(ii) Proper internals on trayed columns; this involves opening the vessel manways and
removal of internal tray manways.
(iii) Proper draining of water from Heat Exchangers.
g. Witness testing and installation of items such as:
(i) Slump testing of concrete (foundations and fireproofing)
(ii) Qualification tests of refractory/fireproofing nozzlemen
(iii) Welder testing and qualifications and maintenance of records thereof
(iv) Weld examination and maintenance of records thereof
(v) Demonstration of proper piping cold spring
(vi) Monitoring selected field postweld heat treating
(vii) Hydrotests, hydro-pneumatic tests, pneumatic tests, leak and service tests
Supply Client with hydropackages prior to testing.
No painting on weld joints prior to hydrotest except for inorganic zinc type primers.
h. Electrical inspection and testing per Client equipment.
i. Which include witnessing of Hipot testing, megger testing, A.C. power factor testing,
X-ray of splices and terminations and ductor testing.
j. Instrument calibration and model/nameplate data verification
k. Instrument installation checkout
l. Instrument loop check
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m. Machinery grouting techniques.

n. Lube set cleaning and commissioning.
o. Proper installation of lubrication system.
p. Mechanical and electrical equipment bearing flushing and filling
q. Mechanical equipment alignment checks and rotation verification
r. Witness verification that piping loads on machinery equipment meet specifications
s. Pump installation checkout
t. Special Purpose Machinery Installation Checklist
u. Equipment run-ins/water runs and commissioning (if included in contractor's scope)
v. Coating and lining tests
w. Surface preparation, paint application and thickness verification.
x. Application of proprietary fireproofing.
h. Final checking of installed facilities, completing checkout forms, and signing on
behalf of the contractor documents attesting to completion of the work as called for in the
contract documents. Final checking or "punch-out" forms shall be developed by the
contractor at the appropriate time.
i. Monitoring or inspecting the work of Subcontractors (as above and preceding
page). This requires pre-award and pre-field start meetings for major subcontracts with
contractor/subcontractor/ Client participation to establish quality (QC/QA) requirements and
how they shall be met. Typical areas/disciplines may include, but not limited to, the
(i) Foundations and piling
(ii) Field fabricated vessel
(iii) Tanks
(iv) Piping
(v) Electrical
(vi) Machinery
(vii) Instrumentation
(viii) Refractory
(ix) Insulation
(x) Painting
(xi) Buildings
(xii) Fireproofing

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j. Perform final check of installed facilities with operating and maintenance

representatives to verify completeness and accuracy in accord with P&Ws / Engineering
Flow Diagrams and other specification documents and any field deviations agreed to.
k. ‘Source’ inspect/monitor any field awarded shop fabrication orders, in accordance
with Section 3.0 of this document.
l. See that proper protective procedures are employed and maintained for early
installed equipment and equipment stored in offsite staging areas.
4.4.11 Non-conformances of On-Site Fabrication and Installation. Provides for control of on-
site fabrication and installation items which do not conform to the engineering design or for
which the engineering design is incorrect. It also provides for documentation and interface
with the design engineer and Client.

4.4.12 Calibration of Test Equipment. Requires calibration of tools, gages, instruments, and
other measuring and testing devices which inherent in their design, may be or may become
inaccurate such that the safety or the performance of the installation would be jeopardized.

4.4.13 QA Personnel Qualification and Certification. Outlines the qualifications required of

QA / QC personnel.

4.4.14 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Records. Outlines the system of which all quality
assurance records are maintained for ready reference. It also provides for the accumulation
evaluation, retention, and distribution of QA/QC records.

4.4.15 Monthly Reporting. Provides for a narrative reporting for each area of activity
highlighting QA/QC activities and specifically listing all major nonconformities which may
significantly impact cost or schedule.

4.4.16 Immediate Reporting. Provides for reporting of major nonconformities which may
significantly impact cost or schedule and recommended possible corrective action.
4.4.17 Interface and Jurisdictional Authorities. Provides for the participation of jurisdictional
authorities which require testing, witnessing, and inspection.
4.4.18 Audits. Establishes requirements for audits to verify implementation of the QA program
on a regular basis.
4.4.19 Mechanical Completion Acceptance. Provides for Client and contractor to perform
final acceptance inspection of the work on completion of each contract. It also sets forth
required notifications and provides for corrective action and re-inspection.
4.4.20 Relationship. Indicates that the QA organization shall not be used for other purposes
which would subordinate or compromise QA responsibilities (e.g. progress reporting or cost
control).QA organization shall not report to contractor functional construction organization.

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General Inspection Levels


1 Not Applicable
2 Not Applicable
3 Piping
Piping Bulks 1 0 0
Valves 1 1 1
Prefabricated Piping 1 3 0
Field Fabricated Piping 0 0 3
4 Storage Tanks
Prefabricated Tanks 2 2 0
Field Fabricated Tanks 1 0 3
5 Insulation
Bulks 0 0 2
6 Winterizing
7 Heat Exchangers
Shell-and-Tube 2 3 1
Air Coolers 2 3 1
Vessel/Tank Heaters 1 3 1
8 Pressure Vessels and Spheres
Field Fabricated Equipment 2 3 3
Pressure Vessels 2 3 2
Reactors 2 3 2
Columns 2 3 2
Cyclones 2 3 3
9 Fired Heaters 2 3 1
10 Machinery Drivers
See Section15
11 Process Machinery
Pumps 1 1 1
Pumps, special
(BFW, slurry, multistage) 2 2 2
Compressors 2 3 3
Mixers 1 1 1
Blowers 1 1 1
I.D. & F.D. Fans
(critical to oper.) 2 2 1
Lubrication Systems 2 3 3
Special Purpose Turbines 2 3 3
General Purpose Turbines 1 1 1
12 Pressure Relief Systems
Relief Valves 1 1 1
13 Buildings, Structural Steel
and Fencing
Bulks 1 0 0

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Structural Steel 2 1 3
Fencing 0 0 1
14 Concrete Foundation
Paving and Roads
Bulks 0 0 1
Pile Driving 1 0 4
Foundations, General 0 0 4
Foundations, Compressors 2 0 4
Paving and Grading 0 0 2
15 Electrical
Motors (NEMA Frame) 1 1 1
(Induction - 25 HP & Larger) 2 2 2
Motors (Synchronous) 2 2 2
Bulks (Lightning,
Grounding, Cable Tray) 0 0 0
MV Switchgear 2 2 2
Transformers 2 2 2
Power Cables 1 1 2
NEMA E2 Starter Lineups 2 2 2
LVSwitchgear 2 2 2
480V MCC 1 1 1
A.C. UPS 1 2 2
D.C. Power Systems 1 2 2
Transfer Switches 1 1 1
Generators 2 2 2
AFDs 2 2 2
16 Instrumentation
Bulks 0 0 0
Tagged Instruments 1 0 0
Weight Cell 2 1 1
Package Systems 2 2 1
Analyzer Systems 2 2 1
TDC 1 2 1
Control Panels 1 2 1
Engineered Systems 2 2 1
PLC Systems 2 2 1
Special Control Valves 2 2 1
Slide Valves 2 2 1
Loop Cheek 4
17 Fire Protection, Plant and
Personnel Safety 1 0 1
Fireproofing-gunned and
proprietary systems 1 1 2
19 Coatings
Bulks 0 1 3

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21 Cooling Water Systems

Cooling Towers 2 2 2
22 Fireproofing and Refractory
Bulks 0 0 2
Shop Installed Refractory 2 3 0
Field Installed Refractory 2 1 4
30 Jets and Spray Nozzles
Ejectors 0 1 0
31 Miscellaneous Equipment
Auxiliary Equipment 1 2 0
Strainers/Filters 1 1 0
Materials Handling 1 0 0
Hoists 1 1 0
Silencers 1 1 0
32 Package Units
Package Units 2 2 2
Ejector Systems 2 1 2
Refrigeration Units 2 1 2

Definitions of Levels Of Inspection

Prepare Specification, Let Field Requisition Materials
No source inspection
Field Construction
Inspect upon jobsite arrival, inspect at end of field construction.
In addition to preparing specification, participate in vendor selection, review fabrication
drawings and calculations, make bid tabulation, requisition materials, obtain certified final
Final inspection only; prior to shipment and issue Inspection Release Certificate.
Field Construction
In addition to 0, purchase, if not purchased by engineering, perform minimum field tests or
witness major milestones.

In addition to 1 above, conduct pre-selection meeting(s), review test procedures, make
inspection visits

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Includes as a minimum, pre-fabrication meeting, one or more in process surveillance
inspection visits as necessary, witness of major tests, review required documentation, and
issue Inspection Release Certificate.

Field Construction
Same as Level 1, with more frequent milestones and increased level of final testing function

In addition to 2 above, make regular inspection visits to Shop.

Same as level 2, except regular inspection visits will be more frequent based on progress
milestones as well as witness/hold points that are outlined in the pre-fabrication meeting.

Field Construction
In addition to level 2, continuous testing/monitoring of some critical activities, e.g. continuous
monitoring of field welding or refractory installation.

Provide support for Shop and Field. Make inspection visits to both Shop and Field.

Resident Inspector continuously monitoring the work.

Field Construction
Continuous monitoring of work in progress.

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Conceptual QA Organization

Field Organization

Prime Contractor

Design Engineering Field Construction Field Construction

Quality Control

Construction Organization

QA Manager

General Inspector General Inspector General Inspector General Inspector

() () () ()

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REQUIREMENT DATE: April 21, 2016

5. Contractor and Subcontractor Quality Personnel Qualification

At a minimum, personnel employed by contractor or its subcontractors or suppliers to perform
the WORK shall have 10 years of relevant industrial experience, including 6 years experience
in a given inspection specialty, four of which have been in oil and gas or petrochemical
industries; shall be a High School graduate, or equivalent; shall be fully conversant with
applicable Industry Standards and Specifications; and shall perform a variety of complex
inspection functions with minimal supervision . Client shall be the final authority for the
determination of equivalency for all qualifications, certifications, or experience.

Additional requirements shall apply for specific disciplines as follows:

1. Welding / Mechanical Inspector: Inspector shall be certified as an American Welding

Society CWI, CSWIP Certified Welding Inspector, or Client approved equivalent. Inspector
shall have a demonstrated background and thorough knowledge of codes such as ANSI B
31.3, 31.4 and 31.8, ASME Section V and IX, API 620 and 650, AWS D1.1, required for the
execution of the WORK. Where Nondestructive Testing (NDT) forms part of the WORK, and
Inspector is required to review, audit or ensure NDT programs and results, he shall have been
previously qualified and certified to a minimum ASNT Level II in the relevant method(s).
When performing, reviewing, ensuring or auditing Nondestructive Testing in VT, MT, PT, RT
or UT, he shall be certified in the specific method(s). When performing, reviewing, ensuring
or auditing Radiographic Testing Film Interpretation (RTFI), Inspector shall be certified in

2. Plant and Equipment Inspector: Inspector shall demonstrate working knowledge of codes
such as ASME Sec I, V, VIII and IX. He shall be able to perform all types of equipment
inspection such as inspections that require the use of calipers, micrometers, infrared camera,
boroscope, pit gauges etc. to ensure continued safe operation; tests and inspections on
equipment that has been repaired or modified to assure that the equipment meets the
manufacturers and ASME Code requirements; inspections for the installation of hot tap, weld
plus ends, repair sleeves, or any welding that is required on equipment while in service; and
inspections on vessels and equipment heat treatments.
3. Heat Treatment Inspector: Inspector shall have five years direct work experience as a heat
treatment technician (preferably with some supervisory experience) working directly for an
industry recognized heat treatment contractor(s). Inspector shall have direct knowledge of all
aspects of heat treatment with the types of equipment that will be used on the construction
project such as electrical resistance heating elements, induction coils, or gas fired heaters.
Related experience in any of these areas qualifies Inspector to also inspect all types of shop or
site erected heat-treating furnaces for batch heat treatment of parts and vessels that are
internally fired to stress relieve them. Inspector shall also be thoroughly familiar with the
heat-treating requirements of ASME B31.3 and ASME Section VIII Division 1.
4. Civil Inspector: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of recognized
building codes such as the Uniform Building Code (UBC) or equivalent standards.

5. Coating Inspector: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge and proven
ability of all phases and types of critical coating applications and methods and recognized
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industry standards and Inspector shall be qualified to NACE Level II Critical Coatings
Certification, CSWIP Level I, or equivalent.

6. Plumbing Inspector: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of codes such as

the Uniform Plumbing or equivalent standards.

7. HVAC Inspector: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of codes

such as the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA)
codes and/or equivalent standards.

8. Crane Inspector: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of codes such
as ANSI-A17.1 and 17.2, ANSI-B30.1 through B30.16, or equivalent standards.

9. Electrical Inspector: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of the

National Electric Code/NFPA 70, or equivalent standards. He shall also have working
knowledge of electrical installations including materials, methods, specifications, and
hazardous location identification for oil and gas or petrochemical industries.

10. Communication Inspector: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of

telecommunications, and be familiar with North American or International
Telecommunications Standards; Building Industry Consulting Services International -
Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (BICSI-TDMM); National Electrical
Codes; and National Electrical Safety Codes, or their equivalents.

11. Instrumentation Inspector: Inspector shall satisfy the requirements of a fully qualified
Instrument Technician/ Engineer meeting the requirements laid out by the Instrument Society
of America or the Institute of Measurement and Control. He shall also have applicable
working knowledge of instrument and electrical installations including materials, methods,
specifications, and hazardous location identification for oil and gas or petrochemical industries
in accordance with the National Electric Code, NEC/NFPA 70, or equivalent standards.

12. Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Personnel: All contractor and subcontractor personnel
located in Saudi Arabia responsible for performing NDT operations, or interpreting,
reviewing, ensuring or auditing NDT operations shall meet Client requirement. All contractor
and subcontractor NDT and personnel shall hold current certification where outlined below
attesting to their NDT qualifications.

12.1. Nondestructive Testing NDT Level III personnel: such personnel shall have been tested
and certified by ASNT (or equivalent nationally recognized program as approved by Client in
the required NDT method(s) specified by the Contract and shall be required to fulfill the full
scope of a practicing Level III including, but not limited to: method application, interpretation
of results, interpretation of codes and standards, preparation of procedures, and training of
Level I and Level II personnel.

12.2. Radiographic Examination Personnel: such personnel shall be qualified to perform X and
Gamma Ray radiographic examinations.

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12.3. Radiograph Film Interpretation Technician: Such personnel shall be certified by

recognized certified agency in Radiographic Testing Film Interpretation (RTFI) when
performing, reviewing, ensuring or auditing RTFI.

12.4. Ultrasonic Examination Technician: Such personnel shall be qualified to perform

longitudinal and shear wave ultrasonic examination of welds utilizing A-Scan ultrasonic flaw
detection equipment.

12.5. Liquid Penetrant Examination Technician: Such personnel shall be qualified to perform
visible and fluorescent liquid penetrant examination.

12.6. Magnetic Particle Examination Technician: Such personnel shall be qualified to perform
wet and dry visible and wet fluorescent magnetic particle examination.

13. Quality Assurance Manager: Shall have demonstrated knowledge and training in the ISO-
9000 Series international standards, or equivalent; a university degree or equivalent with a
minimum of 10 years of direct experience in Quality Assurance system activities in the oil, gas
and petrochemical industries.

14. Quality Control Manager: Shall have demonstrated knowledge and training in the use of
measuring and test equipment routinely used in conducting inspections. He shall have a
university degree or equivalent and seven years inspection experience or a high school
diploma with ten years inspection experience directly relating to supervision of construction
activities in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries.

15. Procurement Quality Control Supervisor: Shall have demonstrated knowledge and training
in the use of measuring and test equipment routinely used in conducting inspections at
manufacturing and fabrication sites. He shall have a university degree or equivalent and seven
years inspection experience or a high school diploma with ten years inspection experience
directly relating to supervision of vendor inspection activities in the oil, gas and petrochemical

16. Vendor Inspector: Shall have 10 years Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
inspection experience in manufacturing plants, including 4 years of this inspection experience
in the specific commodity and processes to be inspected. He must understand national codes
and fabrication methods; and shall be qualified to perform specialized inspection and testing of
petrochemical processing materials, plant surveys as required to verify supplier compliance
with purchase order and Client Engineering Standards. Where NDT forms part of the WORK,
and Inspector is required to review, audit or ensure NDT programs and results, he shall
have been previously qualified and certified to a minimum ASNT Level II in the relevant
method(s). When performing, reviewing, ensuring or auditing Nondestructive Testing in VT,
MT, PT, RT or UT, he shall be certified to a minimum ASNT Level II in the relevant
method(s). When performing, reviewing, ensuring or auditing Radiographic Testing Film
Interpretation (RTFI), Inspector shall be certified in RTFI.
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