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+€'4tgEfl(xt)4lE^l AE
Lease Agreement
1. +5&el g,r.l(Description of Property)

+B d?l^l ^lq+ d+a d?lqE 1843 +BoItrIE 108-105
Buyoung APT 108-105 Cheonandae-ro 1843 Seonghwan-eup Seobuk-gu Cheonan-si Chungnam

'J ^lllg ^,ll :l_

E "J,+ s{ qEl€ ( 000)/
w 1, 560, g
"JdalRlg€(w 130,000)
annual rental fee/
(W1,560,000) per year / (W 130,000)per month
monthlv rental fee
2. 41c':47J
xll1a. 9l +541q ql:d .Jtll?1$ .J^l!l 8"J:BlE6lql olrllet rJol 4le+6J.
Article 1 Contract of the property reached through mutual agreement between the lessor and lessee of the
property are as follows below.

5-5119 .J^t.:.q gq "J^l.Je "Jql.Jql4l EEe_l H++ s,ol Ellg 2sgql 13qlg3 xlBEr. 94
Article 2 the lessee or tenant shall make 130,000 won monthly payment without a deposit for the lease of the
apartment on the 25th of every month.
g^il B^lgqq}f, bE ESq-tr. xltiol^il= 6Iq, 4la+6l^l g4ss
"JEqE 6ll^1.= + s+. tq
^il36 ^l+"JBg
(E+4]^+ : 469-01- 115775 B^l€:q+f,)
Article 3th the method of payment for the monthly rent will be based on automatic transfer into Namseoul
ity NongHyup (NH) bank account; this shall not be terminated before the termination of the contract.
yup bank account: 469-01-1L5775 Namseoul University)
9l +EtI EEE 20238 3g 1ge
Ie 4 the leased property shall be started on March lst, 2023.
g^ll 7l6Jg oJxloJql4l "J^}.JE g^"l€-ql-*i oJ+TlrJoE :"J
le 5 the lease period shall correspond to the lessee or tenant's employment period at Namseoul
7Iq E= E^g + glsL] +5,t}E E*zl"Jdql .J^].Jel SBqE gA] ++7ls
^[68 "J^l-.Je.Jq]?lE +.J "=tql
!#e, "I+ ^l H^J-6UoI C-.
r firticle 6 The lessee or tenant may make changes or renovations with the lessor's permission but must
) zfestore it to its original condition before the termination of contract or pay for the damages.
xllTa 41ot,r.1ql q= g^ll7l-"JE?] sE]Hl, 7lr.tsl, cs+tsl :'€. .J^I"Jol +BEI.
Article 7 during the lease period by contract, the lesse or tenant shall pay the fees for maintenance,
utilities, gas and phone.
oJ^IoJe 4lE"Jrl z7\e+crl^l 6ll^lq+E EH6IqoI ElrI.
^1186 ^1l4lE "l
Article B The lessee shall notify whether the contract is renewed or terminated 2 months before the contract

9.1 4lE6eg q€61 6tr +"Jql €i6171 9l6}q E 4lE^l= Ald6tr '+ 1€:4 _H-s6Jri.
Each party shall keep a copy of this contract in order to make certain and make evident the terms and
conditions of this contract.
2023. 02. 27.

+^. +B d?]^l dsa ql:+E el

l.-{ il** ',---.r.
"Jq9.l ^iE^IF+Hq ,\lG B^lgqqln € a { IHgJH)-'=''
Lessor Business dpI oo I il;r::*''
041-580-2049 Namseoul Universit'
Phone Name L=-iiiii,,
President YOON, SE
x/\ 5.H tt^l ^l++ €:*a d?lqE 1Ba3 pgo1tr1E 108-105
Address Buyour€ APT 108-105 Cheonandae-ro 1843 Seonghwan-eup Seobuk-gu Cheonan-si Chungnam
Lessee LI 9I l tri
CF+ oo ("J)
Date of birth 1981.o9.tu Phone ,p-46e6-ot89 Name (signature)

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