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What is Organizational Culture? assumptions and attitudes from the

● Is the informal set of values older to the newer employees.
and norms that controls the
way people and groups in Culture – point show new
an organization interact employees can “fit” into the culture
with each other and with of the organization.
people outside the Socialization – tries to make fit or
organization such as comfortable for the employee and
customers and suppliers the company, it also provide the
(George and Jones 1997) proper behavior observed inside the
● Behaviors of employee can organization
be influenced by the
organization through the Socialization Stages
development of values and ● Anticipatory Socialization
norms, ● Accommodation
● Through aspects that can be ● Role Management
perceived such as wearing
of uniforms and shared Anticipatory Socialization
saying like “We value They want to know what
quality; shared behavior working for the
like smiling and greetings organization is like (to
customers and shared know if they fit into a new
feelings such as being culture).
proud of the company”
● It affects all kinds of goals People want to know
the organization wishes to whether they are suited to
achieve and how the the job in the organization.
organization will pursue As a new employee the
them individual prepares for
entering the organization.
Getting information about
What is Socialization? new organization and new
Is the process by which an job.
organization bring new employees
in the culture. In this situation, Why should managers study
culture is transmittal of values, organizational behavior?
Will make managers JUSTICE PERSPECTIVE – Males
understand how believe that moral principles must
organization is structured; be anchored on reciprocal rights
How they should manage; and that rules and regulations must
govern in any moral problem in an
Understand what
organization actually
They can witness the
organizations grow and
approach them in terms of
compassion.In response to need,
women would prefer attention than
It meant to improve our
rule and regulations
understanding of organization and
how to operate to survive. Also it
prepares employees and managers
what to expect once employed in the
1. Dignity of human life- the lives of
organization. Managers can cope
people are to be respected
with and manage organization
2. Autonomy- all persons are
intrinsically valuable and have the
right to self-determination
3. Honesty- the truth should be told
Ethics involves Moral Issues
to those who have a right to know it.
and choices. It reflects the
4. Loyalty- Promises, contracts, and
right versus wrong, good
commitments should be honored
versus bad.
5. Fairness- people should be
Is a branch of philosophy
treated justly
hat deals with morality of
6. Humaneness- our actions ought to
human decisions and
accomplish good and we should
actions, and business ethics
avoid doing evil
deals with them in a
7. The common good- actions
business settings.
should accomplish the greatest good
for the greatest number of people
Do moral principles vary by gender?
Carol Gilligan a well- known
Improving the Organization’s Ethical
psychologists identified one
underlying cause of these gender
Following actions for improving on
differences the Job ethics:
1.Behave ethically yourself– 2.Joe is a manager, and as such he
Managers are potent role models has the power to hire or fire his
whose habits and actual behavior subordinates. His sight to fire his
send signals about the importance subordinates is due to his position
of ethical conduct. as a manager.
ty testing is more important to avoid
problemslater Termination and Layoffs
3.Develop a Meaningful code of Termination is different from
Ethics layoffs.
•They distributed to every Termination – an employee who is
employee fired for stealing or fighting on the
•They are firmly supported job is not laid off but terminated for
by top management cause
•They refer to specific Attrition – is choosing not to fill
practices and ethical dilemmas vacant positions.
likely to Layoffs – Managers may choose to
be encountered by the lay-off employees because of so
target employees many reasons such as bankruptcy,
•They are evenly enforced financial crisis where companies
with rewards and compliance and cannot sustain operation, or natural
strict penalties for calamities such as tsunami and
noncompliance earthquake are done to improve an
already good
Rights, Duties, and
Layoffs(reductions) Developing Cultural Awareness and
There is general agreement that Sensitivity
humans have a right to live, and that The starting point for better dealing
they have this right not because of with people from different cultures
their citizenship in one country or is to first understand your own
another, or because of their culture. But often, we are usually
membership in religion, or because unaware of our own culture until
of their occupation or position in life welcome into contact with a very
(Buckle, 1991). different one.
1.Citizen who are atleast 18 years
old have the right to vote. Parochialism
Assuming that the ways of your interest, competitors, privacy of
culture are the only ways of doing information, gift giving, and
things. receiving political contributions to
Example: business.
For them to think that anyone who
eats their business luncheon with a Members have guidelines
spoon rather than a fork lacks they need to determine
proper table what is ethical and to act
Ethnocentrism Cover all ethical and
Assuming that the ways of your unethical conduct within an
culture are the best ways of doing organization in one code
things Managers may view this as
Example: tools that must be
Traveling English speaking business evaluated and refined
people to insist that all of their periodically so that they
business contacts speak English will be comprehensive and
usable guidelines for
A Code of Ethics making ethical business
decisions efficiently and
Is a formal statement that acts as a effectively
guide for the ethics of how people
Should have seminars and
within a particular organization
orientation and promote
should act and make decisions. Code
training to promote ethics
of ethics commonly addresses issues
in the workplace
such as issues such as conflict of

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